영재 식별 및 프로그램 옵션 로스앤젤레스 통합교육구 상급 러닝 옵션 영재/재능 프로그램 GATE/SAS 학부모 컨퍼런스 2017뇬 4월 22일
? (ALO) Arzie Galvez, Director arzie.galvez@lausd.net / (GATE) Susanna Furfari, (LD NE) susanna.furfari@lausd.net Dr. Robert Grubb, (LD NW) rgrubb@lausd.net Dr. Lucy Hunt, (LD C) lhunt@lausd.net Kevin Kilpatrick, (LD S) kevin.kilpatrick@lausd.net Dr. Nicole Niederdeppe, (LD E) nnn8729@lausd.net Erin Yoshida- Ehrmann, (LD W) emy2142@lausd.net Wynne Wong- Cheng,, wynne.wong@lausd.net Michelle Papazyan,, (TIP) mpapazya@lausd.net Anne Fleming, Designated GATE anne.fleming@lausd.net : (213) 241-6500 (213) 241-8975 333 S. Beaudry Avenue, 25 th Floor Los Angeles, CA 90017 h_p://achieve.lausd.net/gate
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: 수재 (highly gifed) 99.9%.. 99.5% - 99.8%.
1.,,, GATE. 2. GATE., /,. MiSiS. 3.,.,.
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2 2. OLSAT- 8 (Ohs- Lennon, 8 ), -, -. OLSAT.. 2 ; 5., NPR 95%.
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GATE (SAS) / AP ( )
클러스터 모델 GATE 프로그램이 있는 해당 학교에서, 식별된 영재 학생들은 반드시 클러스 터로(무작위 또는 반편성에 의해 분리되지 않음) 배정되어야 한다. 방침에 의거하면, 초등교 클러스터는 반드시 학급당 5-8 영재 학생 그리고 중고교 의 경우 학급당 15-25 명의 영재 학생들이 있어야 한다. 모델 1: 팀- 수업 클러스터: 두 명 이상의 교사들이 함께 팀을 구성하여 핵심 학과목에서 융통성있게 그룹 수업을 진행한다 모델 2: 풀 데이: 식별된 영재 학생, 추천된/검증된 학생들, 의뢰를 위해 선별 과정에 있는 학생들로 클러스터 한다 (예: 중고교에서 하너스/AP ) 모델 3: 영재 학급: 모든 학생이 영재로 식별된 경우 (예: 수재 매그닛) 모델 4: 대안 프로그램 모델: GATE 부서로부터 승인을 받아야 함 모든 학교는 영재 프로그램을 가지고 있어야 한다!
(SAS) (SAS) / (GATE) SAS.,,, K 12,,,, /. SAS / /, GATE. SAS GATE ; GATE, SAS LAUSD. SAS / SAS 5 ( 2016 )
SAS SAS : A. LAUSD GATE,,, B. SBAC ELA/ 85% ( SAS ) C. 2 :,,
SAS 2015-2016 SAS ( SAS ) h_p://achieve.lausd.net/gate GATE 프로그램옵션 SAS 을찾아보고 SAS 학생퍼밋신청서및기준 을알아본다 : SAS. SAS ( ).
SAS SAS : 2017 3 1 : 2017 3 30 : 2017 4 21 : 2017 4 28 : SAS, SAS ( )
SAS,, SAS SAS (SAS ) ( ) SAS ; /, /., (213) 241-0399
LAUSD K- 12. /. 11 3., (213) 241-4177 h_p://echoices.lausd.net.
/ / (G/HA) G/HA,,. (echoices.lausd.net ) (HG) 2 ( 2, 1 1 ) HG (99.9%) (99.5-99.8%).
예술 학교 예술 학교는 LAUSD의 숨겨준 보석과 같다. 컨서버토리는 1981년부 터 LAUSD 학생들에게 서비스를 제공해오고 있다. 시각 및 공연 예술 클래스 3-12 학년의 추천된 학생들에게 오픈된다 3-12 (예술 영재로 식별 된 학생들에게 우선권이 주어진다) CSULA에서 24 주의 토요일 LAUSD 예술 교사 및 전문가가 지도한다 무료! 신청은 2017년 여름에 예정되어 있으며 2017년 가을 부터 프로 그램이 시작된다. h_ps://apply.lausd.net 를 통해 온라인 신청이 가능하며; 해당 학교의 GATE 코오디네이터에게 연락하여 자세한 정보를 받도록 한다 (해당 학교는 반드시 신청서와 교장의 서명이 포함된 이머젼 시 카드를 첨부해야만 한다.
아너스 및 AP 과목 아너스 상급 학과목/속성 학과정은 중고교에서 제공될 수 있다 학과정은 해당 학교의 교사에 의해 설계된다. AP 과목 고등학교에 제공될 수 있다 중고교, 칼리지 그리고 칼리지 보드의 공조 노력 대학-수준의 학과정 알림: 이런 클래스들은 도전적인, 난이도 높은 학업이어야 하며- 그냥 더 많은 학과제 여서는 안된다 상급 학습 옵션부에 (213) 241-6444로 연락하거나 h<p://achieve.lausd.net/alo 를 통해 AP, IB, 또는 AVID에 대한 더 많은 정보를 알아보십시오.
( :,,,,.) ( :,, ). ( ) ( ) ;! ( )
, :?,, - / 학자와같이생각하라!,.
: / : 3. 3.. 3 4. : Mrs. Jones. ( ) ( )., Mrs. Jones.. Mrs. Jones.
? / ; ;.,,,,, TV ; /. ;, Mounmord, S. 부모는무엇을할수있는가? 캘리포니아영재학부모안내서로부터채택됨.
ound objects (,,,,, ), / (,, ) - / / ( Forbes.com 150+ Screen- Free Ac/vi/es for Kids: Asia Citro FunAtHomeWithKids.com A Parent s Guide to GiBed Children : Dr. James T. Webb Last Child in the Woods: -, : Richard Louv Maker Dad:, 22 - DIY, : Mark Frauenfelde GATE www.2enewsle_er.com www.cagifed.org www.hoagiesgifed.org www.nagc.org www.sengifed.org
GATE! achieve.lausd.net/gate Parents Resources,, Parent Newsle_ers school of a endance (e.g., mul ple years of test scores, report Los Angeles Unified School District Volume 3, Issue 4 OFFICE OF CURRICULUM, INSTRUCTION, AND SCHOOL SUPPORT April 2013 333 S. Beaudry Ave. 25th Floor Parent Newsletter Los Angeles CA, 90017 (213) 241-6500 Dr. Lucy Hunt, District Specialist LAUSD CORE BELIEFS: 1. Start with students, 2. Families are our partners, 3. Success is in the classroom, Erin Yoshida-Ehrmann, District 4. Diversity is our strength, 5. Effective teaching, leadership, and accountability are the keys to our success. Specialist Catherine Estrada, District Specialist Wynne Wong-Cheng, Application Information: Psychological Services Specialist Yolanda Muñoz, Secretary Schools for Advanced Studies (SAS) The Schools for Advanced Studies card grades, teacher recommenda- Me t (SAS) Program o ers an intensive on, audi on, etc.). SAS schools Dr. B i Kingor academic ar culated program in may request a por olio or interview Calling Al which both innova ve and tradi- of young children only (grades K/1). GATE/SAS Parents! Gi ed/talented Programs is pleased to onal courses are taught. The course content is modified to The applica on period for the 2013- Would you like to learn more announce Dr. Ber e match the students' achievement 2014 school year is April 2 to April about LAUSD GATE Programs? Kingore as the keynote level or capacity for learning. The 30, 2013. Students may apply to Are your looking for strategies speaker at the Fourth SAS program is o ered to stu- more than one SAS school. No fica- and resources to support the Annual GATE/SAS Parent Conference. During dents living within LAUSD boundaries who are verified by the May 10, 2013. emo onal needs of your gi ed her keynote address, on of acceptance should be sent by academic, ar s c and/or social- school of a endance as mee ng and talented child? Then come she will discuss Understanding and one of the following criteria: For a list of SAS schools and to to the Fourth Annual GATE/SAS Nurturing Your Gi ed Child. She will download the applica on, please go Parent Conference on Saturday, also present a special session tled April 20 Students currently on the to www.lausd.net/gate and click on th at Virgil Middle School Di eren a on 101: Nurturing Con nuous Learning. from 8:30 am 12:30 pm. There magnet wai ng list for gi ed/high ability or highly ma on or ques ons about the quali- Program Op ons. For more infor- will be a variety of speakers and workshops* covering topics such gi ed magnet centers. fying criteria, please call Gi ed/ as understanding the gi ed brain, Dr. Kingore is an interna onal consultant who has worked with students, Students iden fied as gi - Talented Programs at (213) 241- incorpora ng the arts into instruc on, using technology as a teachers, and parents for over 30 ed/talented in the Intellec- tual, High Achievement, or tool for learning, suppor ng the years. She has received many honors 6500. Specific Academic categories. Gifted Children's gi ed child, choosing appropriate social-emo onal needs of the including the 2011 Texas Associa on for the Gi ed and Talented (TAGT) Students who have na onal books for advanced readers, President's Award and the Outstanding percen le scores of 85% or Bill of Rights preparing your Middle/High above on standardized Alumnus Award from the University of School child for college and many achievement tests in both North Texas where she earned her others! total Reading and total Ph.D. She is a past President of TAGT Math. This event is free to LAUSD GATE/ and was also recognized as the first You have a right... Students who have scaled SAS parents and families. No Texas Gi ed Educator of the Year. Her scores on the CST (450 ELA prior registra on is necessary. award-winning educa onal materials to know about your gi edness. and 455 Math, or 455 or Onsite registra on and refreshments will be from 7:30-8:30 am. around the world. Dr. Kingore and her have helped nurture young minds to learn something new above for grades 8 and everyday. above in Math content subjects). area without apologies. inspira on and learning! three gi ed sons whose needs and to be passionate about your talent Come and join us for a day of husband, Richard, are the parents of Students who demonstrate to have an iden ty beyond your talents fuel her dedica on to gi ed mastery of all four of the talent area. (*Some workshops will have educa on. Come see her at the conference and/or visit her on the web at cri cal thinking and problem-solving skills in their to feel good about your transla on services in Spanish) accomplishments. www.ber ekingore.com! to make mistakes. primary language. to seek guidance in the development of your SAS schools should not deviate talent. from District policy by crea ng to have mul ple peer groups and a their own SAS applica ons, crite- variety of friends. ria and/or melines. According- to choose which of your talent ly, a school cannot request addi- areas you wish to pursue. onal informa on of the student, parent, or student s current Gifted/Talented Programs not to be gi ed at everything. Del Siegle, 2007-2009 NAGC President Stay Connected to Gifted/Talented Programs! SAS Applica on Period: 4/2 4/30 DATES TO REMEMBER www.lausd.net/gate www.facebook.com LAUSDGATE twitter.com/lausdgate Performing Arts: 04/24 Applica on Deadline for Gi ed Iden fica on in Visual and No fica on Deadline for Acceptance into SAS: 5/10 Audi ons and Demonstra ons for Gi ed Iden fica on in Visual and Performing Arts at Cal State LA (by invita on only): 05/18 Memorial Day (No School): 5/27 Last Day for Tradi onal schools: 6/7 Last Day for Mul Track Schools (Tracks A,B,C): 6/28
LAUSD / h<p://achieve.lausd.net/gate twi<er.com/lausdgate www.facebook.com/ LAUSDGATE