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선진금융기관들은자산규모뿐만아니라라이프스테이지, 투자성향등다양한세분화기준을적용하여차별화된서비스를제공 선진금융기관들은보편적으로활용되는자산규모기준적용에있어서도시장변화를반영, 최근부상하고있는 mass affluent, emerging mass affluent층을구분하여고객군별로특화된자산관리전략을강화하는추세 Merrill Lynch는 mass affluent층을공략하기위해별도의자산관리브랜드를출시한가운데자기통제적이면서자문수요도있는특성을감안하여차별화된서비스를개발 HSBC, Wells Fargo 등은수익기여도가높은부유층고객을사업가, 전문직종사자, 기업임원, 방송인등으로재분류하여특화서비스를추가적으로제공함으로써경쟁력을강화 RBC는전체고객군을라이프스테이지별로세분화한뒤고객데이터분석을통해수익성, 비용효율성등의측면에서우위를가진세부고객군을도출하여공략 ABN Amro는투자자문서비스를개발하는데있어가장중요한투자성향별로고객을구분하여차별화된자문서비스를개발 국내금융기관은제한된수준에서고객을분류 관리하는가운데경쟁력제고를위해다양한관점의고객분석및이를토대로한체계적인사업모델개발이시급 국내금융기관들은부유층고객을자산규모나직업으로세분화하는수준에머물러있으며, 전체고객의특성 니즈분석을기반으로한체계적인접근은미흡한실정 자산관리시장경쟁이심화되고있는가운데국내금융기관들도경쟁력있는상품 서비스개발을위해서는세분화된고객군별분석이필수적이며, 유의미한고객특성도출을위해자산규모외에각사의특성과역량에맞는복수의기준을적용하는것이바람직 은행의경우금융활동을시작하는주요금융기관이자예 대출, 카드, 펀드등다양한상품을취급하고있으므로라이프스테이지에기반한접근이가능할것이며, 증권사는투자자성향에따른분류를검토해볼필요 이러한고객세분화를기반으로상품 서비스, 마케팅, 채널및조직등타겟고객군별비즈니스모델을체계적으로개발해나가야할것이며, 이를위해고객데이터관리및관련인프라정비도뒷받침되어야함 H a n a I n s t I t u t e o f F I n a n c e 2

Customer segmentation is to divide a customer base into groups of individuals who share certain characteristics or needs, and is an essential process to design differentiated asset management strategies. The process has become more essential than ever, as customer needs are increasingly diversified. Segmented needs analysis enables financial institutions to design differentiated strategies for target customer groups as a way to effectively expand customer base and create new business opportunities. For asset management services, customers are segmented by asset size, life stage, risk appetite, and others, among which asset size is most commonly used as an indicator of a customer's investment capacity and profit contribution. Table Major Criteria for Customer Segmentation Criteria Details Examples Asset Size Asset size decides purchasing power (investment capacity) and profit contribution. Outcome-oriented approach, with limitations in customer profiling itself mass : USD 100,000 or over mass affluent : USD 100,000 to 1 million HNW : USD 1 to 20 million U-HNW : USD 20 million or over Life Stage Risk Appetite (HNW) Occupation Customers have different purposes of asset management and investment patterns in different life stages. Effective in understanding a customer's potential needs, preference and behavior patterns Different portfolio strategies are offered according to risk appetite of customers. Effective in customer profiling, but may involve rather subjective opinions Occupation factors into life styles and financial needs (mainly targeting HNWI). Asset accumulation : 20 to 30s Asset growth : 40 to 50s Asset preservation : 60s and over Low : principal-protected, investment in non-risky assets Medium : certain return target, assuming some risk High : high return, investment in risky assets Businessmen, professionals (lawyers, medical doctors etc.), executives, celebrities, and sports starts 3 하나금융경영연구소

Leading financial institutions segment their customers by life stage, risk appetite, and other criteria, as well as asset size, to deliver them with differentiated services. They tend to design more sophisticated asset management strategies tailored to each customer group, taking into account ongoing market changes in segmenting customers by the common criteria of asset size (i.e. mass affluent and emerging mass affluent). Merrill Lynch launched a separate asset management brand and developed differentiated services targeting the mass affluent with self-control and needs for asset management advisory services. HSBC and Wells Fargo sub-segmented HNWI with high profit contribution into businessmen, professionals, executives, and celebrities as a way to enhance their competitiveness with additional customized services. Segmenting all customers by life stage, RBC divided customer groups again based on customer data analysis to identify those who offer higher profitability and cost efficiency. ABN Amro segmented customers by risk appetite, the most critical criteria in designing investment advisory services, in order to provide differentiated services. Local financial institutions are required to analyze customers from more diverse perspectives and develop systematic business models accordingly, rather than sticking to current narrow-scoped customer segmentation and management approach. They have failed to go further than simply segmenting HNWI by asset size or occupation, and to approach customer segmentation in a systematic manner based on profiling and needs analysis of all customers. With competition in the asset management market intensified, it is a must for local financial institutions to conduct segmented customer analysis to offer competitive products and services, and it is recommended to apply multiple criteria, not just asset size, depending on each institution's conditions and capabilities, in order to come up with meaningful customer profiling. Banks may take a life stage-based approach, given that they are the main window H a n a I n s t I t u t e o f F I n a n c e 4

for customers to start financial transactions and deliver a variety of services including deposits/loans, cards, and funds, while stock brokerage companies may consider risk appetite-based segmentation. They should develop business models in a systematic manner(products/services, marketing, sales channel/organizations etc.) for each target customer group, to which end they need to manage customer data and secure infrastructure needed. 5 하나금융경영연구소

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