CONTENTS Part1> 빅마마가들려주는대수능 Top Solution! 01 강 Secret Story Ⅰ> All about 2014 수능영어 06 Part2> 만점으로가는똑똑한공부법 Solution! 02 강 Secret Story Ⅱ> 똑똑한어휘 (Vocabu

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PART 01 문장의구성요소와문형의이해 G R A M M A R 단어가모여이루어진것을문장 (sentence) 이라고한다. 의미전달을위해반드시필요한주요성분과문장의주요성분을좀더꾸며주는수식어구가함께어우러져 문장을구성하게된다. 01. 문장의구성요소문장의주요성분 : 주어, 술어

Unit 2. Spring Is Here Spring Is Here Spring is (here / in). The snow is melting. Spring is here. The (flowers / bees) are blooming. Spring is here. T

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[ 영어영문학 ] 제 55 권 4 호 (2010) ( ) ( ) ( ) 1) Kyuchul Yoon, Ji-Yeon Oh & Sang-Cheol Ahn. Teaching English prosody through English poems with clon

1-2 영어 천재 ( 이 ) 강의명시간교재코드날짜선생님확인 7 단원 Yuri's New Hobby 6 다운로드 적중예상문제 8 단원 Be a Good Internet User 8 다운로드 단원 Enjoy korean Culture! 7 다운

Journal of Educational Innovation Research 2017, Vol. 27, No. 2, pp DOI: : Researc



CD The new academic year is starting soon and I need to set new goals. You finally realized that you ve been slacking off too much, huh? I m a senior

서론 34 2

2007 학년도 하반기 졸업작품 아무도 모른다 (Nobody Knows) 얄리, 보마빼 (AIi, Bomaye) 외계인간 ( 外 界 人 間 ) 한국예술종합학교 연극원 극작과 예술전문사 안 재 승

Being friends with the face in the mirror

Vol.257 C O N T E N T S M O N T H L Y P U B L I C F I N A N C E F O R U M




아니라 일본 지리지, 수로지 5, 지도 6 등을 함께 검토해야 하지만 여기서는 근대기 일본이 편찬한 조선 지리지와 부속지도만으로 연구대상을 한정하 기로 한다. Ⅱ. 1876~1905년 울릉도 독도 서술의 추이 1. 울릉도 독도 호칭의 혼란과 지도상의 불일치 일본이 조선






Get your target right with TARGET TEPS 600+ 링구아포럼연구소지음 주인영 정회진 LISTENING








유난히고요하던밤하늘을바라보다가유성처럼떨어지는별을봤지떨어지는별을보고가슴속의소원을빌면영화처럼현실이된다는얘기 너무나원했던것은그누구도내맘을모를거야 덩크슛한번할수있다면 내평생단한번만이라도 얼마나짜릿한그기분을느낄까 주문을외워보자 한번더될때까지!!! 오래전학창시절에좋아했던이승환의 덩크슛 이란노래를며칠전우연히 TV에서다시들을수있었습니다. 예전엔미처몰랐었는데덩크슛한번하고픈키작은소년의간절한마음이고스란히전해지는느낌... 혹시... 지금여러분가슴속에는어떤꿈이, 어떤간절한바람이잠자고있나요? 내평생, 단한번만이라도느끼고싶은짜릿한순간이 바로수능영어 1 등급, 아니수능영어만점의기분이라면 이제제대로길을찾으신겁니다! 딱, 30시간의투자로제대로된영어공부의맥을짚고수능영어목표고지를향한 전. 진. 을지금부터시작하는겁니다!!! 아자아자파이팅!!! - 1 -

CONTENTS Part1> 빅마마가들려주는대수능 Top Solution! 01 강 Secret Story Ⅰ> All about 2014 수능영어 06 Part2> 만점으로가는똑똑한공부법 Solution! 02 강 Secret Story Ⅱ> 똑똑한어휘 (Vocabulary) 공부법 18 03 강 Secret Story Ⅲ> 똑똑한어법 (Grammar) 공부법 24 04 강 Secret Story Ⅳ> 똑똑한독해 (Reading) 공부법 29 05 강 Secret Story Ⅴ> 똑똑한듣기 (Listening) 공부법 36 Part3> 영어의틀을만드는빅마마표문법 Solution! 06 강 Grammar Story 1> 문장이야기 42 07 강 Grammar Story 2> 주어, 목적어, 보어이야기 46 08 강 Grammar Story 3> 동사이야기 50 09 강 Grammar Story 4> 준동사이야기 56 10 강 Grammar Story 5> 관계사이야기 60 11 강 Grammar Story 6> 수식구조이야기 64 12 강 Grammar Story 7> 확장된문장이야기 68 13 강 Grammar Story 8> 가정법이야기 72 14 강 Grammar Story 9> 형용사 / 부사, 비교이야기 76 15 강 Grammar Story 10> 끊어읽기이야기 80-2 -

Part4> 알기쉬운, 반드시알아야하는구문 Solution! 16 강 ~26 강 86~147 Bonus> 빅마마의독해 Solution! 148~149 Part5> 귀가활짝열리는듣기 Solution! 27 강 Listening Story 1> 응답하라 2014 151 28 강 Listening Story 2> 대화의핵심 vs. 세부사항 157 29 강 Listening Story 3> 담화의주제 목적 / 일치 불일치 161 30 강 Listening Story 4> 계산 / 1 담화 2 문항 166 학습한날짜를기록해보세요! 딱 30 시간투자로확실한영어의틀을잡을수있습니다 ^^ Bonus> 책속의책 - 독해유형별전략 170 Bonus> 기출문제해석참고 177-3 -

세잎클로버의꽃말은 행복 입니다. 소중한행복은정작놓치고 행운만을원하고있지는않은지... 행운 을쫒기보다는 행복 한수험생활속에 우리의꿈도영글어가는 한해를만들어봅시다 ^^ - 4 -

Part1> 빅마마가들려주는 대수능 Top Solution!

01 강 Secret Story Ⅰ> All about 2014 수능영어 가. 출제경향의특징 1. EBS 연계교재 6 권에서고르게연계되어 70%(35 문항 ) 가출제 2. 신유형없이 6 월과 9 월모의평가에나온유형들이그대로출제 3. 변별력확보를위한고난도문항이빈칸추론유형으로출제 고교영어듣기 (1) 수능특강 영독 (1) 영독 (2) 수능완성 고득점 6월모평 15 12 6 2 9월모평 13 3 4 1 6 8 11월대수능 7 3 5 3 14 3 나. 파트별세부출제경향 1) 듣기및말하기작년수능, 그리고 6월과 9월모의평가와비교하여새로운유형의문항은없었으며, 소재면에서화분구입하기 (1번), 사진인화비용지불하기 (5번), 세탁부탁하기 (7번), 보건실에서의대화 (8번) 등일상생활과밀접한관련이있는상황을이용한문항들이출제되었다. 2) 어법및어휘어법문항은최근의출제경향에맞춰전반적으로문장구조를정확히이해해야풀수있는문항들이출제되었다. 출제된주요어법사항들로는과거분사와문장의본동사, 복합관계사, 분사의능동과수동, 동명사주어의수일치, 관계대명사와관계부사, 주격보어의품사등이다. 어휘문항은밑줄친부분중문맥상쓰임이적절하지않은어휘를고르는유형과문맥에맞는어휘를고르는유형으로출제되었다. 문맥상쓰임이적절하지않은어휘를고르는 30번문항과문맥에적절한어휘를고르는 31번문항은둘다 EBS 교재와연계되어제시되었으므로, 평소어휘학습을충실히하고글의흐름을놓치지않고꼼꼼히읽었다면큰어려움없이답을고를수있었을것이다. 3) 읽기및쓰기거의대부분의문항은작년수능및 6월과 9월모의평가의유형을따랐다. 빈칸추론문항은두군데빈칸에적절한표현을추론하는유형을포함하여총여섯문항이출제되었으며, 필자의주장을묻는문항대신, 쓰기유형인문장의적절한위치를묻는문항이두문항출제되었다. - 6 -

가. 개편방향과취지 1) 수험생의과도한수능시험준비부담완화 - 수험생이본인의진로등에따라필요이상으로시험준비를하지않도록개선 - 국어, 수학, 영어의경우수준별시험을도입, 탐구영역의경우선택과목수축소 2) 학교교육만으로수능시험을준비할수있도록출제 - 2009 개정교육과정에따라학교에서가르치는내용과수능시험에서출제하는내용을일치시켜학교교육내실화추진 - 범교과적출제로인해학교수업만으로는시험준비가어렵다는한계를개선하기위해교과중심의수능시험출제를강화 3) 2009 개정교육과정취지반영 - 고등학교에서 2009 개정교육과정의취지를살려학교교육과정을편성및운영할수있도록수능시험개편추진 - 국 영 수교과의수준별편성에따라수준별시험도입하고탐구영역필수이수단위를고려하여탐구영역의선택과목축소 나. 핵심변경포인트 1) 수준별시험 - 선택을강조하는 2009 개정교육과정취지에따라기존수리영역 ( 수학 ) 과같이영어에도두가지수준, 즉 A형과 B형시험을제공 - 수험생의수준과진로에따라영어A 영어B 중택1 ( 단, 국어와수학을동시에 B, B로선택할수없음 ) - B형은현행수능 ( 이미발표된 2012학년도수능 ) 수준을유지하되, A형은현행수능보다출제범위를줄이고쉽게출제 A형 : 영어, 영어Ⅰ ( 국가영어능력평가의 3급시험수준과유사하게출제 ) B형 : 영어Ⅱ, 영어독해와작문, 심화영어회화 ( 국가영어능력평가의 2급시험수준과유사하게출제 ) 교육과정의과목에기초하되, 다양한소재의지문과자료를활용하여출제 - 7 -

2) 문항수 / 시험시간 / 배점 / 문항유형 기존수능 2014 수능 문항수 50 문항 45 문항 시험시간 배점 문항유형 70 분 70 분 100 점만점 ( 배점 : 1 점 3 문항, 2 점 44 문항, 3 점 3 문항 ) 듣기 17 문항, 읽기 33 문항 100 점만점 ( 배점 : 2 점 35 문항, 3 점 10 문항 ) 듣기 22 문항, 읽기 23 문항 다. 2014 수능예비시행분석 1) 듣기영역의강화와읽기영역의축소전체문항수가 50문항에서 45문항으로줄어들었으며, 듣기영역의문항수는 17문항에서 22문항으로늘어나전체의약 50% 를차지하였고, 반면읽기문항수는총 33문항에서 10문항이줄어들어 50% 를차지하였다. 2) A, B형간난이도차이실용적성격의소재를상대적으로많이출제한 A형과기초학술적인성격의소재를많이출제한 B형간에는수준의차이가확연했다. A형은 B형보다현저히쉽게출제되었으며, B형은지난해수능에비해약간어렵게출제되었지만, 예년의평균수능난이도와비교해보면, 오히려쉽게출제되었다고볼수있다. 3) 문항배점및배열의차이 - 기존수능에서는 1점과 3점문항이각각 3개, 2점문항이 44개였으나, 2014 예비시행에서는 1점배점이없어지고, 2점배점이 35문항, 3점배점은 10문항이되었다. - 듣기에서 1담화 2문항의경우, 기존수능및 NEAT와는달리두번들려준다. - 듣기영역의신유형 : 짧은대화의마지막말에즉각적인응답을해야하는 1~3번유형, 하나의담화를 2번듣고두개의문항을푸는 21~22번유형, 다양한형태의특정정보를파악해야하는사실적이해를묻는유형 - 시험지 ( 검사지 ) 의문항배열순서를기존의방식과다르게구성하였다는것이다. 기존수능에서는쉬운문제와어려운문제를교대로배열했지만, 2014 수능에서는 A형과 B형모두교육과정의수준과문항의난이도및수험생의문항풀이의인지적과정을고려하여, 전체적인대의파악과관련된문항 ( 주장 / 목적 / 요지 / 제목 / 주제 ), 사실적인정보파악문항 ( 내용일치 / 불일치 ), 기본적인읽기능력에관한문항, 추론적이해문항 ( 빈칸추론 ), 쓰기능력과관련된문항 ( 무관한문장찾기, 글의순서, 주어진문장넣기, 문단요약 ), 통합적이해관련문항 ( 장문독해 ) 의순서로배열하였다. - 8 -

라. A 형 vs. B 형비교분석 1) 영어 A형 듣기영역 : 실용영어소재로 100% 출제총 10개의 3점문항중 4문항이듣기영역에서출제신유형문제 40% 출제 읽기영역 : 난이도에따른문항배열 ( 쉬운유형 어려운유형 ) 실용영어지문 50%, 기초학술지문 50% 출제빈칸완성 3문항, 어법 / 어휘각 1문항출제 - A형은듣기영역은거의 100% 가실용적인소재로, 읽기영역은실용적소재가 50%, 기초학술적소재가 50% 출제되었다. - A형에서는실용적소재에대한사실적인이해를묻는문항이많이출제되었다. 듣기능력측정의경우대화 / 담화에서특정정보 ( 주장, 할일, 부탁한일, 문제점, 이유, 사용가능한장소등 ) 를찾아내는문제유형이세분화되어신유형으로등장하였고, 안내문과도표의내용일치여부를묻는문항이 4문항출제되었다. 말하기능력을측정하는문제유형이총 5문항출제되었는데, A-B-A 다음에응답을하는문항이신유형으로 1~3번에배치되었다. - 읽기영역에서는추론적이해를측정하는빈칸추론문항은 3문항으로축소되었고, 어법과어휘문항도각각 1문항씩으로줄어들었다. 그외장문독해와기본적유형에는큰변화가없었다. 2) 영어 B형 듣기영역 : 실용영어소재로 70~80% 출제 3점문항 3개, 담화일치파악 2문제출제신유형문제 35% 출제 읽기영역 : 난이도에따른문항배열 ( 쉬운유형 어려운유형 ) 실용영어지문 20~30%, 기초학술지문 70~80% 출제 3점문항 7개 (3개는빈칸완성 ) - 읽기영역 : 실용적성격의소재가약 30%, 기초학술적인소재가약 70% - 듣기영역 : A형의경우와마찬가지로대화 / 담화에서특정정보 ( 의견, 할일, 부탁한일, 이유, 언급되지않은것등 ) 를찾아내는문제유형이세분화되어신유형으로등장하였고, 내용일치문항이 A형과다르게 2문항이출제되었다. 말하기능력을측정하는유형은 A형과마찬가지로총 5문항이출제되었는데, A-B-A 다음에응답을하는문항이신유형으로 1~3번에배치되었다. - 읽기능력을측정하는유형은 A형에서빈칸추론문항이 3문항출제된것과는대조적으로, B형에서는현행수능과같이 6문항이출제된점이가장큰특징이다. 그중 2문항이단어추론, 3문항이어구추론, 1문항이문장추론이었다. 어법과어휘문항은 A형과 B형둘다 1문항씩으로줄어들었다. 쓰기능력을측정하는문항에서는요약문을완성하는문항이출제되었다. 종합적이해능력을측정하는장문독해는 A형과똑같이 2세트총 5문항으로기존과변함이없었고, 문제유형 ( 글의제목 / 빈칸추론 / 글의순서 / 지칭대상파악 / 내용불일치 ) 도달라지지않았다. - 9 -

수능완성 ( 실전편 ) 3회 36쪽 16번 Q. 대화를듣고, 여자의마지막말에대한남자의응답으로가장적절한것을고르시오. Man: 1 I hope these books are in the library. 2 Don t you remember? I failed the subject. 3 Yes. I m wondering if I should drop the class. 4 He found the right person. I m a statistics wizard. 5 Well, I heard different books will be used next semester. 2012 대수능 7번 Q. 대화를듣고, 여자가남자에게부탁한일로가장적절한것을고르시오. 1 가족사진찍어주기 2 과학숙제도와주기 3 수업자료복사해주기 4 생일선물골라주기 5 도서관에책반납해주기 ----------------------------------- ----------------------------------- SCRIPT> W: Steve! What are those books for? M: I ve borrowed books for the statistics class. I need them for this semester. W: But you can t keep them forever. M: Right. So, I m going to get them photocopied. W: All those books? That would cost too much. M: No. I only need some parts of these books, so I ll get the parts photocopied. W: I see. That s much more convenient than bringing those heavy books. M: Exactly. I ll bind the parts and make my own statistics textbook. W: Great! Uh, speaking of statistics, I m going to take it next semester. M: Really? Then, I ll help you with your studying. W: Thanks. Oh, would you make one more copy of the book for me? I d like to study it in advance. M: SCRIPT> [Cell phone rings.] M: Hello, Rebecca. What s up? W: Hi, James. Did you get the books for the science class? M: Yeah. I borrowed them from one of my friends. What about you? W: I borrowed them from the city library and photocopied some parts that I really needed for class. M: That s a good idea! If you bind the parts, it would be handy to carry, too. W: Right. Well, James, would you do me a favor? M: Sure. What is it? W: The books are due today, but I have to meet my sister right after school to buy a birthday present for my dad. M: You mean you want me to return them to the library? W: Exactly. I d really appreciate it. M: No problem. Just bring them to me later. - 10 -

수능완성 ( 실전편 ) 4 회 53 쪽 25 번 2012 대수능 34 번 Q. 빈칸에들어갈말로가장적절한것을고르시오. Q. 다음글의주제로가장적절한것을고르시오. Living things naturally return to a state of balance. When we are disturbed by forces acting on us, our inner machinery kicks in and returns us to a balanced state of equilibrium, just like a seesaw. Homeostasis is the word we use to describe the ability of an organism to maintain internal equilibrium by adjusting its physiological processes. Most of the systems in animal and human physiology are controlled by homeostasis. We don t like to be off balance. We tend to keep things in a stable condition. This system operates at all levels. Our blood stays the right temperature. Except for extraordinary exceptions, when people find ways to intervene using methods more powerful than our tendency to equilibrium, our habits, behaviors, thoughts and our quality of life. *equilibrium 평형상태 1 may be seriously damaged 2 depend on the environment 3 stay pretty much the same 4 can be governed by the mind 5 are adjusted to the new reality Living things naturally return to a state of balance. When we are disturbed by forces acting on us, our inner machinery kicks in and returns us to a balanced state of equilibrium. Homeostasis is the word we use to describe the ability of an organism to maintain internal equilibrium by adjusting its physiological processes. Most of the systems in animal and human physiology are controlled by homeostasis. We don t like to be off balance. We tend to keep things in a stable condition. This system operates at all levels. Our blood stays the same temperature. Except for extraordinary exceptions, when people find ways to intervene using methods more powerful than our tendency to equilibrium, our habits, behaviors, thoughts, and our quality of life stay pretty much the same too. 1 physical balance needed for mental equilibrium 2 inner mechanisms to enhance the quality of life 3 general tendency of organisms to keep equilibrium 4 major differences in animal and human physiology 5 biological processes resulting from habitual behaviors - 11 -

가. 대수능관련용어개념정리 나. 한눈에보는평가일정과학습 PLAN 시기주요평가일정 EBS 연계교재학습상황 1 월 2 월 3 월학력평가 4 월학력평가 5 월중간고사 6월 7 월기말고사학력평가 8 월 9월 중간고사 10 월학력평가 11 월 기말고사 - 12 -

다. EBS 연계교재 교재명특징학습시기 고교영어듣기 (1) 수능특강 인터넷수능 수능완성 EBS N 제 라. 시기별 단계별학습법 단계별시기별비고 단어 어법 구문 문제유형별정리 실전연습 - 13 -

참고자료 > 2012 년 6 월시행모의평가외국어 EBS 교재연계표 문항번호 EBS 교재연계내용 교재명 쪽수 EBS문항번호 ( 문제유형 ) 6월모평문제 1 고교영어듣기 I 10 1강 1번 ( 그림 ) 그림 3 영어독해연습 1 33 4 강 Exercise 10( 어법 ) 주제 4 고교영어듣기 I 88 13~14 강 7 번 ( 부탁한일 ) 할일 5 고교영어듣기 I 26 3 강 2 번 ( 계산 ) 계산 6 고교영어듣기 I 18 2 강 1 번 ( 주제 ) 목적 7 고교영어듣기 I 82 11~12 강 9 번 ( 관계 ) 부탁한일 8 고교영어듣기 I 182 37~38 강 9 번 ( 관계 ) 장소 9 고교영어듣기 I 110 21~22 강 2 번 ( 심경 ) 관계 10 고교영어듣기 I 150 29 강 4 번 ( 마지막말응답 ) 할일 11 고교영어듣기 I 95 15~16 강 11 번 ( 시각자료 ) 도표 12 고교영어듣기 I 117 23~24 강 6 번 ( 목적 ) 내용일치 13 고교영어듣기 I 120 23~24 강 13 번 ( 상황그림 ) 상황그림 14 고교영어듣기 I 74 9~10 강 2 번 ( 심경 ) 응답 15 고교영어듣기 I 99 17~18 강 4 번 ( 위해할일 ) 응답 16 고교영어듣기 I 58 7 강 2 번 ( 할일 ) 응답 17 고교영어듣기 I 112 21~22 강 7 번 ( 부탁한일 ) 상황에맞는말 19 수능특강유형편 81 9 강 11 번 ( 내용일치 ) 지시대명사 20 영어독해연습 1 98 13 강고난도문항 ( 내용일치 ) 네모어법 21 영어독해연습 2 51 6 강 Type 6( 빈칸완성 ) 밑줄어법 22 수능특강유형편 119 14 강 8 번 ( 문장삽입 ) 요지 25 영어독해연습 1 82 11 강 Exercise 3( 문단요약 ) 빈칸 29 수능특강테스트편 216 32 강 9 번 ( 빈칸완성 ) ( 두개 ) 빈칸 31 영어독해연습 1 15 2 강 Exercise 4( 지칭추론 ) 네모어휘 32 영어독해연습 2 120 15 강 Type 3( 문단요약 ) 밑줄어휘 35 수능특강테스트편 222 33 강 21 번 ( 도표 ) 도표 36 영어독해연습 1 131 19 강 4 번 ( 문법성판단 ) 일치 38 수능특강유형편 155 18 강 7~8 번 ( 장문독해 ) 심경변화 40 수능특강주제 / 소재편 192 26 강 2 번 ( 주제추론 ) 제목 41 수능특강주제 / 소재편 205 29 강 4 번 ( 문법성판단 ) 무관한문장 42 영어독해연습 1 65 8 강 Exercise 6( 어휘추론 ) 무관한문장 43 수능특강유형편 17 1 강 11 번 ( 어휘추론 ) 순서 44 수능특강유형편 34 3 강 5 번 ( 주제추론 ) 문장넣기 45 수능특강주제 / 소재편 192 26 강 1 번 ( 연결어추론 ) 요약 49 수능특강테스트편 226 34 강 29~31 번 ( 장문독해 ) 장문제목 50 수능특강테스트편 226 34 강 29~31 번 ( 장문독해 ) 장문빈칸 - 14 -

참고자료 > 2012 년 9 월시행모의평가외국어 EBS 교재연계표 문항번호 EBS 교재연계내용 교재명쪽수 EBS 문제 ( 문제유형 ) 9 월모평문제 1 고교영어듣기 I 162 31~32 강 1 회 1 번 ( 그림 ) 그림 2 고교영어듣기 I 194 41~42강 6회 9번 ( 관계 ) 심정 3 수능완성 ( 실전편 ) 49 4회 3번 ( 주제 ) 주제 4 고교영어듣기 I 94 15~16 강 4회 7번 ( 부탁한일 ) 여자가할일 5 고교영어듣기 I 193 41~42강 6회 5번 ( 계산 ) 계산 6 고교영어듣기 I 89 13~14강 3회 12번 ( 불일치 ) 목적 7 고교영어듣기 I 202 43~44 강 7회 14번 ( 이어질말 ) 부탁한일 9 고교영어듣기 I 138 27강 4번 ( 목적 ) 관계 10 고교영어듣기 I 120 23~24 강 8회 15번 ( 이어질말 ) 여자가할일 11 고교영어듣기 I 189 39~40강 5회 11번 ( 도표 ) 도표파악 12 수능완성 ( 실전편 ) 34 3회 6번 ( 목적 ) 불일치 13 고교영어듣기 I 196 41~42강 6회 13번 ( 상황 ) 상황에맞는그림 14 수능완성 ( 실전편 ) 34 3회 7번 ( 부탁 ) 응답할말 15 고교영어듣기 I 118 23~24강 8회 8번 ( 장소 ) 응답할말 16 고교영어듣기 I 76 9~10강 7번 ( 부탁한일 ) 응답할말 17 고교영어듣기 I 121 23~24 강 8회 17 번 ( 상황에맞는말 ) 상황에맞는말 19 영어독해연습 1 60 8강 1번 ( 어휘추론 ) 지칭대상 20 고득점 330제 32 67번 ( 글의목적 ) 네모어법 21 수능완성 ( 유형편 ) 49 4번 ( 어휘박스형 ) 밑줄어법 22 고득점 330제 23 48번 ( 어휘박스형 ) 요지 24 수능완성 ( 유형편 ) 32 7강 2번 ( 빈칸추론 ) 빈칸 28 영어독해연습 1 57 7강 4번 ( 요지 ) 빈칸 29 영어독해연습 2 67 6번 ( 어법 ) 빈칸 ( 두개 ) 30 수능완성 ( 실전편 ) 54 4회 26번 ( 빈칸추론 ) 연결어 31 고득점 330제 6 7번 ( 빈칸추론 ) 밑줄어휘 32 고득점 330제 36 79번 ( 빈칸추론 ) 네모어휘 33 고득점 330제 35 76번 ( 빈칸추론 ) 주제 34 영어독해연습 1 122 17강 Exercise 3( 장문독해 ) 주제 38 수능특강 129 16강 Exercise 2( 도표 ) 도표 39 고득점 330제 62 140번 ( 빈칸추론 ) 제목 40 고득점 330제 122 280번 ( 어휘밑줄형 ) 제목 41 수능특강 71 8강 3번 ( 연결어 ) 무관한문장 43 영어독해연습 1 43 5강 Exercise 8번 ( 빈칸 ) 순서 44 고득점 330제 97 222번 ( 제목 ) 문장넣기 45 수능특강 237 36강 Exercise16번 ( 연결사 ) 요약 - 15 -

참고자료 > 2013 대수능외국어 EBS 교재연계표 문항번호 EBS 교재연계내용 교재명쪽수 / 문항번호 EBS 문제평가원문제 1 수능완성 ( 실전편 ) 4 / 1 회 1 번 ( 그림설명 ) 그림고르기 2 고교영어듣기 I 91 / 13~14강 16번 ( 적절한응답 ) 심정파악 3 수능완성 ( 유형편 ) 13 / 2강 6번 ( 지칭대상파악 ) 주제파악 4 고교영어듣기 I 164 / 31~32강 7번 ( 부탁한일 ) 할일 5 수능완성 ( 실전편 ) 49 / 4회 5번 ( 숫자정보파악 ) 계산 6 수능완성 ( 실전편 ) 65 / 5회 12번 ( 내용일치 불일치 ) 목적파악 7 수능완성 ( 실전편 ) 34 / 3회 4번 ( 할일 ) 부탁한일 8 수능완성 ( 실전편 ) 35 / 3회 9번 ( 관계 ) 장소파악 9 고교영어듣기 I 22 / 2강 2번 ( 할일 ) 관계파악 10 고교영어듣기 I 126 / 25강 4번 ( 담화의주제 ) 할일 11 수능완성 ( 실전편 ) 20 / 2회 11번 ( 도표 ) 도표 12 수능완성 ( 실전편 ) 65 / 5회 11번 ( 도표 ) 불일치파악 13 고교영어듣기 I 172 / 33~34강 13번 ( 상황에맞는대화 ) 상황에맞는대화 14 수능완성 ( 실전편 ) 79 / 6회 4번 ( 할일 ) 마지막말에응답 15 고교영어듣기 I 81 / 11~12강 4번 ( 할일 ) 마지막말에응답 16 수능완성 ( 실전편 ) 49 / 4회 2번 ( 심정 ) 마지막말에응답 17 고교영어듣기 I 172 / 33~34강 14번 ( 적절한응답 ) 상황에맞는말 19 수능특강 125 / 15강 exercise 7 ( 글의순서 ) 지칭추론 20 고득점 330제 47 / 104번 ( 관계없는문장 ) 네모어법 21 고득점 330제 70 / 157번 ( 제목 ) 밑줄어법 23 수능특강 204 / 29강 2번 ( 어휘 ( 박스형 )) 빈칸완성 28 수능완성 ( 실전편 ) 91 / 6회 45번 ( 요약 ) 빈칸두개 30 수능완성 ( 실전편 ) 12 / 1회 35번 ( 주제추론 ) 밑줄어휘 31 영어독해연습 1 132~133 / 19강 Final Test 8번 ( 빈칸추론 ) 네모어휘 32 고득점 330제 11 / 019번 ( 도표파악 ) 도표파악 34 영어독해연습 2 79 / 10강 type 2 ( 관계없는문장 ) 불일치파악 35 수능특강 142 / 17강 exercise 1~3 ( 순서, 제목, 빈칸 ) 요지파악 36 수능완성 ( 유형편 ) 40 / 9강 2번 ( 빈칸추론 ) 요지파악 37 수능완성 ( 실전편 ) 70 / 5회 31번 ( 접속사 ) 주제파악 38 영어독해연습 1 136 / 19강 Final Test 16번 ( 어휘 ( 박스형 )) 주제파악 39 영어독해연습 2 78 / 10강 type 1 ( 어법 ) 제목 40 영어독해연습 1 110 / 15강고난도문항 ( 글의순서 ) 제목 41 영어독해연습 2 43 / 5강 type 6 ( 빈칸추론 ) 무관한문장 42 영어독해연습 1 46 / 5강고난도문항 ( 빈칸추론 ) 글의순서 43 영어독해연습 1 106 / 15강 exercise 1 ( 글의순서 ) 주어진문장넣기 - 16 -

Part2> 만점으로가는 똑똑한공부법 Solution!

02 강 Secret Story Ⅱ> 똑똑한어휘 (Vocabulary) 공부법 Q. 어휘공부의목적이뭘까??? present Not less than one hundred people were present. Our present lease on the house expires next month. Motion pictures present such spectacular scenes. My grandma always gives me a present on my birthday. a. 출석한 a. 현재의 v. 나타내다 n. 선물 Q. 문맥에맞게밑줄친단어의의미를파악해보시오. I watered the flowers. Her eyes watered from the smoke. He left Gimpo for London yesterday. He left the window open. Q. 빈칸에공통으로들어간단어를쓰시오. a of conversation 대화의주제 a compulsory 필수과목 a British 영국국민 a formal[real] 형식 [ 진 ] 주어 a for the experiment 실험을위한피실험자 cf. Flights are subject to delay because of the fog. The Roman Empire subjected most of Europe to its rule. - 18 -

기출로보는어휘학습의방향 v 네모어휘 > (A), (B), (C) 의각네모안에서문맥에맞는낱말로가장적절한것은? 2012 대수능 Q.33> Like fragments from old songs, clothes can (A) evoke / erase both cherished and painful memories. A(n) (B) impractical / brand-new white scarf might be pulled out of a donation bag at the last minute because of the promise of elegance it once held for its owner. And a ripped T-shirt might be (C) rescued / forgotten from the dust rag bin long after the name of the rock band once written across it has faded. 2012 년 6 월모평 Q.31> One (A) addiction / adaptation by many arctic plants to the short growing season is wintergreen, or semi-evergreen, leaves. They finally (B) wither / prosper after the new leaves have taken over. There are many common arctic plants with wintergreen leaves. Wintergreen leaves are not (C) limited / accustomed to the Arctic; many plants of the northern forests have them, too. - 19 -

2012년 9월모평 Q.32> One of the most commonly cited reasons for keeping a pet animal is for the companionship it can provide. The general term companionship usually translates into partaking in shared activities, such as walking the dog, playing with the cat. However, such behavioral interactions between humans and pet animals are usually asymmetrically organized. Humans tend to interact with their pets when they feel like it, rather than (A) consistently / occasionally responding to the animal s demands for attention. In addition, it is often observed that once interaction between humans and pets has arisen, the termination of such interactional sequences invariably (B) originates / separates from the human. This suggests that activities like walking the dog and playing with the cat only arise when time can be spared from the human owner s other commitments. Therefore, if one views activity as a global concept involving instigation, performance, and termination labeling certain forms of human-pet interaction as shared activities may be (C) appealing / misleading. * instigation: (~ 하도록 ) 부추김 v 밑줄어휘 > Q. 다음글의밑줄친부분중, 문맥상낱말의쓰임이적절하지않은것은? 2012 대수능 Q.32> Until the 1920 s, there were only three competitive swimming strokes freestyle, backstroke, and breaststroke and each had specific rules that described how it was to be performed. The rules of breaststroke 1 stated that both arms must be pulled together underwater and then recovered simultaneously back to the start of the pulling position to begin the next stroke. Most people interpreted this arm recovery to mean an 2 underwater recovery. In the 1920 s, however, someone 3 challenged the rules and reinterpreted this arm recovery to be an out-of-the-water recovery. Since this new breaststroke was about 15% 4 slower, people using the conventional version couldn t effectively compete. Something had to be done to solve the problem. Finally, this new stroke now known as the butterfly won 5 recognition as the fourth swimming stroke, and became an Olympic event in 1956. - 20 -

2012년 9월모평 Q.31> Over the course of the past forty years, no country on earth has cut its alcohol consumption more than France. While consumption of beer and spirits has stayed basically steady in France, the per capita consumption of alcohol from wine 1 fell from 20 liters in 1962 to about 8 in 2001. One reason for the dwindling wine consumption is the 2 acceleration of the French meal. In 1978, the average French meal lasted 82 minutes. 3 Plenty of time for half a bottle, if not a whole bottle. Today, the average French meal has been slashed down to 38 minutes. Wine is a 4 victim of the disappearance of the leisurely meal. It is not the target of the change, but the decline in wine consumption is a 5 cause of the emergence of the faster, more modern, on-the-go lifestyle. * spirits: 독한술 고득점 330 제 Q.7 빈칸추론 > Over the course of the past forty years, no country on earth has cut its alcohol consumption more than France. While consumption of beer and spirits has stayed basically steady in France, the per capita consumption of alcohol from wine fell from 20 liters in 1962 to about 8 in 2001. One reason for the dwindling wine consumption is the of the French meal. In 1978, the average French meal lasted 82 minutes. Plenty of time for a half bottle, if not a bottle. Today, the average French meal has been slashed down to 38 minutes. Wine is a victim of the disappearance of the leisurely meal. It is not the target of the change, but the decline in wine consumption is a by-product of the emergence of the faster, more modern, on-the-go lifestyle. ➀ variety ➁ expensiveness ➂ acceleration ➃ refinement ➄ complexity - 21 -

2012년 6월모평 Q.32> Organic food production is growing by leaps and bounds. Many consumers are willing to pay premium prices for organic foods, convinced that they are helping the earth and eating healthier. Some experts say, however, that organic farming has some 1 drawbacks. One of the most frequent criticisms is that the crop yields of organic farms are much 2 lower than those of traditional farms. That s because organic fields suffer more from weeds and insects than 3 conventional fields. Another argument often offered by experts is that organic farming can supply food for niche markets of 4 wealthy consumers but cannot feed billions of hungry people around the globe. Only the careful use of chemical inputs, not the costly organic methods, can help 5 reduce food production significantly in the countries facing hunger. * niche market: 틈새시장 기출문제로살펴본 어휘학습방향은은? 기본적인어휘학습의토대위에서 문맥을통해어휘의의미를유추하는능력을배양하자! 기본적인어휘학습을충실히할필요가있다. 충분한어휘학습이선행되지않고서는 문맥을통해어휘의의미를유추하는것이어렵다. 단문이나장문을읽을때 모르는어휘가많지않을때에는사전을찾기보다는 문맥속에서그의미를유추해보도록한다. 그과정을거쳐서글을다읽은후에는 그의미를사전에서확인하여 정확한의미를파악하는것이 중요하다. - 22 -

효과적인어휘학습 10계명 1. 문장속, 지문속에서의미를익히자! 매일매일일정양의지문독해는필수! 2. 자신만의단어장을만들자! 그날그날읽고공부한지문혹은예문에서나온핵심단어, 표현정리 3. 비슷한말, 반대말, 파생어등은함께정리하자! 보다효과적으로기억할수있는장점 ^^ 4. 교재및수업의단어자료를충분히활용하자! 교재나강의에서는빈출어휘, 혼동되는어휘등의자료를다수제공하지. 따로모아두거나정리하면일일이찾아서정리하는수고를덜수있다는사실! 5. 자투리시간을활용해암기하자! 따로단어암기시간을내기에는수험생의하루가너무짧다! 등하교시, 점심시간, 쉬는시간등자투리시간에자주자주단어장에눈도장을찍자! 6. 눈으로, 귀로, 입으로, 손으로익히자! 단지눈으로보고뜻만파악한다면기억하기도쉽지않고듣기평가에서도낭패를볼수가 있지. 최대한많은감각을총동원하면기억력을높일수있다! 7. 자신의능력에맞는매일의단어학습분량을정해두자! 하루에정리한단어가너무많아쉽게포기하게된다고? 그럴땐, 자신의능력에맞게하루에자신이암기할수있는단어의개수를정해놓고도 전하는것도좋아. 너무암기할단어가많다면우선명사, 동사부터암기하는것도효과적! 8. 주중과주말의단어학습을다양하게해보자! 주중에는새로운단어학습, 주말에는복습! 9. 단어공부는언제까지마쳐야하냐구??? 영어공부를하는한, 단어공부는언제나지속되어야한다. 주욱 ~~~ 10. 머리가나빠자꾸까먹는다구??? 절대머리가나빠서는아니야! ( 난여러분보다더많이까먹곤했지만지금이렇게영 어교사도하고있는걸 ^^) 다만, 한번만더보고한번만더노력하자! 머리의좋고나쁨 이아니라조금더분발하고자하는의지는반드시승리를이끈다!!! 선배들처럼 ^^ - 23 -

03 강 Secret Story Ⅲ> 똑똑한어법 (Grammar) 공부법 Q. 어법공부의목적이뭘까??? Q. 단어만알면해석은문제없다구??? 다음의기출문장에도전해보시길!!! 2012 대수능 Q.35> All of us use the cultural knowledge we acquire as members of our own society to organize our perception and behavior. 2012 대수능 Q.42> Giving people the latitude and flexibility to use their judgment and apply their talents rapidly accelerates progress. 2011 대수능 Q.42> Richard Dawkins and John Krebs argued that although in some circumstances it might be appropriate to describe animal signals as transferring information, in many other, perhaps most, cases there would be such a conflict of interest between signaller and receiver that it is more accurate to describe the signaller as attempting to manipulate the receiver rather than just inform it. - 24 -

기출로보는어법학습의방향 Q. 2012 년평가원어법문제엔어떤어법항목을묻는문제가나왔을까??? ~; the extrinsic reward that matters most to them are the recognition of their peers. There is a deep cavern on the island, containing the bones and arms of the Indians, who, it is supposed, was / were buried there. We ve done everything we can contain / to contain costs without compromising quality. In 1762, this island was taken by the English, who / where restored it the following year to the French by the Peace of Paris, and since that time it has been in the possession of the latter. To oversimplify, basic ideas bubble out of universities and laboratories in which a group of researchers work together: ~. That appears to us as simultaneous is actually a kind of follow your neighbor behavior moving faster than the eye can see. Academia believes in open architecture, meaning that the knowledge that research produces should be made public to encourage innovation. - 25 -

The part which looks to the north is lower than it / that which looks to the south. We know that the journalism program at our college was a source of many / much of these firsts for you. You ll get a great feeling known / knowing you re helping support the formation of future leaders in the profession. Because individuals can see, or sense, the wave coming toward them, they are ready to react more quickly than they would without such advance notice. Traditionally, intellectual property has played little role in promoting basic science. 기출문제로살펴본 어법학습방향은은? 문장구조에대한기본적인지식을바탕으로 문단의전체의미를고려하여문법성을판단하는능력을기르자! 글의전체맥락속에서속 어법의적절성여부를판단하는능력을기르도록한다. 학교수업시간에교과서를통해서배우는 기본적인문법항목을충실히학습을할필요가있다. - 26 -

v 2012 대수능 Q.20> (A), (B), (C) 의각네모안에서어법에맞는표현으로가장적절한것은? On January 10, 1992, a ship (A) traveled / traveling through rough seas lost 12 cargo containers, one of which held 28,800 floating bath toys. Brightly colored ducks, frogs, and turtles were set adrift in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. After seven months, the first toys made landfall on beaches near Sitka, Alaska, 3,540 kilometers from (B) what / where they were lost. Other toys floated north and west along the Alaskan coast and across the Bering Sea. Some toy animals stayed at sea (C) even / very longer. They floated completely along the North Pacific currents, ending up back in Sitka. 수능완성실전편 90쪽 Q.42 제목찾기 > On January 10th, 1992, a ship traveling through rough seas lost twelve cargo containers, one of which held 28,800 floating bath toys. Brightly colored ducks, frogs, and turtles were set adrift in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. Researchers promptly recognized the scientific potential of the accident and asked beachcombers around the Pacific to tell them when and where these toys washed up. After seven months, the first toys made landfall on beaches near Sitka, Alaska, 2,200 miles (3,540 kilometers) from where they were lost. Other toys floated north and west along the Alaskan coast and across the Bering Sea. They floated completely along the North Pacific currents. A researcher, Jim Ingraham, has created an accurate computer simulation of regional currents using data from these toys. 1 Ocean Currents Affecting Ship Routes 2 Tracing Drifting Toys for Studying Currents 3 Computer Simulation, a Powerful Research Tool 4 Ship Accidents That Could Have Been Prevented 5 Marine Waste: A Threat to the Coastal Ecosystem - 27 -

효과적인어법학습 10계명 1. 어법문제풀이를위한공부가아닌영어의기초공사로서의어법!!! 수능에서출제되는두개의어법문제, 우리의목표는단지그것이아니야! 제대로된읽기, 쓰 기, 말하기, 듣기를위한가장효과적인학습의첫단계로서어법에대한필요성을인식할것! 2. 본격적인수능준비전, 영문법의기본은짚고넘어가자! 하지만무엇을얼만큼공부해야하지? 걱정금물! 수특개념강의 Part 3> 영어의틀을만드는 빅마마표문법 Secret! 딱 10시간 (6~15강) 만투자하면수험생으로서영문법기본기를중무장! 3. 제대로된의미전달과파악, 그한가운데에어법이있다! 진정한어법은단순한문장분석이아니라정확한의미의전달과파악에서빛을발하는법! 항상글의흐름, 문장이전하고자하는의미속에서정확한어법의역할을찾는습관이중요해! 4. 매일의영어학습에언제나녹아있는어법학습! 한지문을읽어도그안에서우리가배워야하고배울수있는어법은늘존재하지. 별도의어 법공부보다는매일매일읽는지문속에서한두개씩어법을정리해보는것도방법 ^^ 5. 나만의어법노트를만들어보자! 여기저기흩어져있는어법사항과예문들을하나의노트에꾸준히정리해봐! 보고또보고의 과정에서어느새나도어법정복자 ^^ 6. 교재의구문설명과해설을절대놓치지말라! 교재의해설지는아주좋은어법공부의자료야. 아는길도물어가는지혜! 안다고그냥건너뛰 지말고필자들의정성담긴어법, 구문설명에서탄탄한나만의실력을쌓자구! 7. 수업중샘의설명은바로시험문제와일맥상통한다는사실! 수업중한지문에서한가지씩어법설명을듣고, 또쌤이시험문제로도응용해서제시한다고 가정해봐. 수능까지쌓이면수능어법문제는쉬운죽먹기가되겠지??? 앞으로우리가함께할 빅마마의영어수업이딱그럴거야 ^^ 8. 주요어법항목은반복해서출제된다! 왜? 중요하니까! 따라서자주출제되는어법항목에대해자신이없는경우에는하루이틀시 간을잡아제대로개념정리할것! 9. 길게멀리보고공부한다! 어법역시절대하루아침에이루어지지않아. 겨울방학동안공부하고당장 3 월모의평가에서 어법문제틀렸다고절대우울해하지말것!!! 우리의목표는대 수 능이닷!!! 10. 아는것을적용하는데에도충분한연습의시간이필요하다! 정확한개념을정리해도다양한문맥에서적용하는데는또한연습의과정이필요해. 그과정만즐 거운맘으로이겨내면여러분도진정한어법의, 영어의고수가된다! - 28 -

04 강 Secret Story Ⅳ> 똑똑한독해 (Reading) 공부법 Q. 독해공부에대한여러분의생각은? 1, 2 학년내내 1, 2 등급이었으니 3 학년이되어서도영어는괜찮다! [T / F] 다다익선, 질보다는양! 영어문제를많이푼다! [T / F] 일주일에모의고사한회정도는풀어야한다! [T / F] 예습도중요하지만수업, 강의에집중해선생님의설명을잘듣는다! [T / F] 맞은문제는대충봐도좋으나, 틀린문제는꼼꼼히집중분석한다! [T / F] 영어는시간과의싸움! 반드시시간을재고문제를푼다! [T / F] 문제풀이전에단어는미리공부하고정리해둔다! [T / F] 지문의처음이나끝을보고답을짐작한다! [T / F] 빈칸, 빈칸, 빈칸! 난그것만정복하면문제없다! [T / F] 하루 50 분인터넷강의한강이면적절한학습양이다! [T / F] 앗, 전교 1 등학생이푸는교재에눈길이간다! [T / F] EBS 연계교재만으로는수능만점은힘들수있다! [T / F] 독해는해석! 손으로한문장씩해석을써내려가며이해하자! [T / F] 평가원기출문제는반드시모조리다풀어야한다! [T / F] - 29 -

독해공부! 이렇게합시다!!! 수능특강교재 > Q. 다음글의빈칸 (A), (B) 에들어갈말로 가장적절한것은? All art is creation, regardless of how closely the imitation resembles the original. Even the most rigorous attempt to create an absolute likeness is ultimately selective. Doing a portrait, (A), the artist may ask the subject to look serious, not smile selecting a certain aspect of the person. We know Mona Lisa Giaconda, the subject of the most famous portrait in the world, through her mysterious smile; but we will never know what the entire person was like. The treasure of art, (B), is that its reality lives forever. The final product is really an addition to reality, not simply a way of totally reproducing it. The artist always contributes something new, something that never was put together in precisely that way before. Leonardo s Mona Lisa is not Mona Lisa. The latter has long since gone to her reward; the former will never die. (A) 1 in contrast 2 in contrast 3 for example 4 for example 5 in other words (B) therefore however hence however therefore - 30 -

빅마마의수능특강강의에서는 > 주제 : 미술은 ( 단순한복제가아니라선별적성격을띤실재에 무엇인가를더하는 ) 창조적모방이다! 빈칸 : (L-6) an addition to reality 지문에서표현하고있는미술의성격이 가장잘나타난부분이니까. ^^ 주어진문장넣기 The treasure of art, however, is that its reality lives forever. All art is creation, regardless of how closely the imitation resembles the original. Even the most rigorous attempt to create an absolute likeness is ultimately selective. (➀) Doing a portrait, for example, the artist may ask the subject to look serious, not smile selecting a certain aspect of the person. (➁) We know Mona Lisa Giaconda, the subject of the most famous portrait in the world, through her mysterious smile; but we will never know what the entire person was like. (➂) The final product is really an addition to reality, not simply a way of totally reproducing it. (➃) The artist always contributes something new, something that never was put together in precisely that way before. (➄) Leonardo s Mona Lisa is not Mona Lisa. The latter has long since gone to her reward; the former will never die. - 31 -

2012 년 6 월모평 q.45> 다음글의내용을한문장으로요약하고자한다. 빈칸 (A) 와 (B) 에들어갈말로가장적절한것은? All art is creation, regardless of how closely the imitation approximates the original. Even the most rigorous attempt to create an absolute likeness is ultimately selective. Doing a portrait, for example, the artist may ask the subject to look serious, not smile selecting a certain aspect of the person. We know Mona Lisa Giaconda, the subject of the most famous portrait in the world, through her mysterious smile; but we will never know what the entire person was like. The treasure of art, however, is that its reality lives forever. The final product is really an addition to reality, not simply a way of totally reproducing it. The artist always contributes something new, something that never was put together in precisely that way before. Leonardo s Mona Lisa is not Mona Lisa. The latter has long since gone to her reward; the former will never die. Every work of art, no matter how precisely it (A) the original, is not a mere reproduction, but a unique creation that exists on its own and never (B). (A) (B) 1 reveals compromises 2 imitates perishes 3 illustrates returns 4 recalls stands alone 5 verifies goes unnoticed - 32 -

< 독해는종합이다! Back to the Basic!> 학생들은흔히학습계획을세울때자신의능력을넘어선무리한욕심, 무리한계획을 세워낭패감을경험하기십상입니다. 무리한학습은곧역효과로돌아오지요! 질적인향 상을우선시하는것이더현명합니다!!! 예를들면하나의지문, 하나의문제를풀더라도그안에서다각도로접근하며최대한의 효과를추구는것이바로정답! 고 3 수험생이되었을때는특히어법, 어휘, 구문그리고지 문독해에이르기까지총체적인접근과연습이절대적입니다.^^ 하나의지문과그에해당하는문제를앞에두고있다고생각해봅시다. 우선은수능시험 문제풀듯이주제면주제, 제목이면제목주어진문제를풀어야겠지요? 그리고채점을한후 반드시그다음의후속과정이절대적으로중요! 그문제를맞았으면왜맞았는지, 틀렸으면왜틀렸는지에대한분석이반드시필요합니다. 혹시내가건너뛴부분이있거나, 찍어서맞은경우도있었다면분석의과정은절대적이지요! 그지문에대해처음부터끝까지 천천히정독을하세요. 이경우교재의친절한설명이나해설을꼼꼼히살펴보는것도좋은 방법입니다. 그러면혹시몰랐던구문, 놓쳤던어법들을실제지문속에서만나고익히며응 용할수있는기회를얻게됩니다. 특히어법의경우실제지문속에서배운어법사항들을 응용하고또복습도할수있게되어실질적인적용력이더욱향상된다는사실! 따라서하나의지문을통한종합적인접근과이해가실력향상에절대적인과 정이므로한지문한지문이학습에내실을기하도록합시다!!! 그러다보니당연히복습시간이많이걸리지요. Don't worry!!! 바로그때가 여러분의실력이무럭무럭자라는시간! 이것도반복하다보면뒤로갈수록가속이붙습니 다! 대충대충교재문제만풀고실제시험장에갔더니 어라어디서본문젠데.. 내용은... 몰라... 라는어리석은선배들의낭패감을되풀이하지맙시다! 하나를풀어도제대로! 중요 한건, 그과정에서어법, 어휘, 독해력등의여러분의실력이탄탄해진다는 것! 그래서연계되지않은 30% 에대해서도충분히도전해서승리할수있는실. 력. 이탄 탄해진다는것! 그게바로핵심입니다!!! - 33 -

효과적인독해문제정복법 1. 실전처럼문제를푼다. & 3. 대략의어휘를점검하고모르는부분, 이해가안되는부분등을표시한다. 2. 채점을한다. 4. 강의나수업을통해서선생님이설명하는방향과주요포인트들을확인하고 내가몰랐던부분들에대한확실한이해를얻는다. 5. 드디어복습!!! 이게바로학습의하이라이트!!! 내가몰랐던부분을강의를통해혹은교재를통해알게되었으니 정말제대로잘알고있나확인하자! 그러기위해서천천히정독하자! 안되는부분? 헷갈리는부분? 보고또보아완전히해결하자! 대개의경우강의들었다고, 교재를보았다고바로잘되지않는다. 반복하자완전히이해가될때까지교재를또보고강의의그부분을또보는한이있더라도반드시혼자정복해서극복해야한다. Q. 완벽한복습의기준은??? 사전, 해설지, 강의등의도움을더이상받지않고오로지홀로그지문을대해 혼자의힘으로 90% 이상내용이해가다될때, 그때가바로지문이내것이된순간! 그렇게어느정도자신이생기면주요어휘중심으로다시한번훑어보자. 어휘관련응용문제준비에도움이된다. 그런다음주요어법, 구문중심으로살펴보자. 교재해설지의설명도중요하고또강의중강조한것도아주중요하다. 어법관련응용문제준비에아주도움이된다. 내용의흐름을다시짚어보며주제가뭘까, 요지가뭘까, 핵심어는뭘까분석하자. 주제 / 요지 / 빈칸 / 글의순서등등독해대부분의변형문제준비에핵심이된다! 연계교재의지문 MP3파일을활용하라! EBS연계교재의지문은원어민이직접읽어듣기파일로제공합니다. 독해후들으면서정리하면내용정리 + 듣기연습의일석이조!!! - 34 -

평가원이말하는올바른독해학습 Tip!!! 읽기 : 단문이나장문을읽고세부사항을파악하는능력과전체적인대의를추론하는 능력을배양하자! 제시된지문을읽고그내용을정확하고신속하게이해하도록한다. 주어진지문에나타난정보를바탕으로하여추론할수있는내용이무엇인지알아보고다양한각도에서지문을분석한다. ( 예 : 주제는무엇인가?, 등장인물은누구인가?, 필자의심정은어떠한가?, 행동의이유는무엇인가?, 글의소재는무엇인가?, 글의전개방식은어떠한가?, 모르는어휘중에서문맥을통해서추론할수있는어휘는어느정도인가? 등 ) 글의전체흐름을파악하기위해서는각문장과문장사이의연결매개체로서사용되는대명사에주목할필요가있다. 각문장에서등장하는대명사 ( 혹은지칭어구 ) 가가리키는대상을분명히파악하면글의흐름을파악하는데큰도움이된다. 글의분위기를파악하기위해서는분위기나심경을나타내는어휘를익히고, 글을읽으면서주인공이나사건및배경에대한묘사를살펴보도록한다. 또한지문에제시된특정단어만으로성급하게추론하지않도록주의해야한다. 지문의일부가생략된부분을완성하는문항의경우 ( 빈칸완성유형 ) 글을정독하고, 파악한주제나요지와관련하여그내용을추론하도록한다. 문장과문장의논리적인흐름을정확히파악하기위해서는주요한접속사나연결어구에대한지식이있으면도움이된다. 주제, 요지, 제목등글의대의를추론하는문항의경우문단의첫문장을읽으면서추측하되끝까지정독을하면서처음부터추측했던내용이맞는지확인하는연습이필요하다. 긴글을빨리읽고전체적인대의와세부적인내용을파악하는훈련이필요하다. 또한공통적인요소를지닌단락을비교 분석해서종합적으로이해하는훈련이필요하다. 지문에서다루는소재는과학, 음악, 문학, 실용문, 시사문제등다양한분야에분포되어있다. 따라서평소에다양한소재의글을읽고이해하는연습이필요하다. 쓰기 : 문장과문장의논리적흐름을파악하는능력, 문단내용을문장으로요약하는능 력을배양하자! 문단의내용이논리적으로전개가되고있는지파악하는연습이필요하다. 특히글의흐름이단절되거나전환되는부분에주의하도록한다. 읽기와마찬가지로주요한접속사와연결어구, 지시어, 대명사등에대한학습을통해서글의흐름을이해하고논리적으로구성하는데에도움을받을수있다. 시간의흐름, 내용의일관성, 글의전개방식에따라불필요한정보나문장을삭제하는연습과필요한정보와문장을추가하는연습이필요하다. 문단의주제나요지등대의를파악하여영어로표현하는연습이필요하다. - 35 -

05 강 Secret Story Ⅴ> 똑똑한듣기 (Listening) 공부법 2014 대수능영어에서가장큰변화중하나는듣기의확대!!! 45 문제중 22 개의듣기문제, 점수로는약 50 점, 절반에해당하는비중이다. 만점을목표로기초부터차분히꾸준히도전하자! step 1 ( 겨울방학중학습목표 ) F 간단한듣기개념특강으로듣기의기본을정리하자! 간단한발음구분, 연음, 그리고출제의경향 ( 특히 2014의경우신유형에대한이해 ), 빈출표현등미리듣기의윤곽을머릿속에그리며본격적인연습의발판을만들어놓는것이좋다! step 2 ( 여름방학전학습목표 ) F 듣기연계교재로실전의대화를가지고구체적인듣기연습을시작하자! 각단어의 발음도중요하지만문장단위의연음, 의미파악, 그리고마지막으로전체대화의흐름을통한대화의상황및목적파악에주목하자. 하루에 2~30분씩의듣기연습은필수이다. 많이할필요도없다. 딱그정도면충분하다. 단, 적어도일주일에 4번내외의꾸준한훈련이중요하다! step 3 ( 여름방학이후학습목표 ) F 충분한유형별분석및연습을통해다진실력을 22문제의듣기평가실전문제를가지고종합적인연습을하자. 실전듣기모의고사가아주유용할것이다. 듣기평가에대한집중력향상은물론취약한유형에대한점검과보완, 그리고듣기만점을향한마무리담금질!!! 바로여러분도듣기만점의주인공이될수있다, 아니반드시되어야한다!!! < 빅마마가전하는듣기문제정복법!> F 듣기학습의큰흐름에는누구나동의할것이다. 하지만그구체적인방법에있어서는각자자신의학습법을되돌아볼필요가있다. 대개의경우한두번듣고문제만풀고넘어간다. 그렇게해서는절대실력향상은없다. 듣기공부의핵심은여러번반복해서듣는것이다. 학생들은많은양의학습이실력향상에최고라고생각하지만중요한기본기는적은내용을충분히내것으로소화하는과정에서쌓인다. 하나의대화내용을완전히암기해자유롭게말할수있을정도로반복해듣고따라읽고말하는것이최고다. 이를위해서는단순반복보다는다양한방법으로듣자. 다음의단계를참고해서자유롭게자기만의듣기연습과정을만드는것도도움이될것이다. - 36 -

고교영어듣기 (1) 13~14 강 88 쪽 7 번 2012 년 6 월모평 4 번 Q. 대화를듣고, 남자가여자에게부탁한일로 가장적절한것을고르시오. Q. 대화를듣고, 여자가할일로가장적절한 것을고르시오. 1 기부금상자만들기 3 점심준비하기 5 기타연주하기 2 행사장소빌리기 4 노래선곡하기 1 보건실청소하기 2 약사러가기 3 담임선생님에게전화하기 4 피자배달하기 5 병원에데려다주기 ----------------------------------- SCRIPT> W: Hi, Kevin. Where are you off to? M: Hey, Jina. I'm going to the cafeteria to prepare for our student council event. W: What kind of event is it? M: We're raising funds and we're going to donate them to charity. W: That's really great. I hope a lot of people will come. M: Yeah, me, too. We're trying to think of something to draw their attention, like having special programs they can watch during the event. W: So, what are the special programs? M: Well, so far we are thinking of play a musical instrument. Hey, didn't you play the guitar at our talent show? W: Yeah, I did. M: The even will be held outside the cafeteria during lunch next Monday. Could you come to our event and play a few songs? W: I'd love to, but I can't bring my guitar with me to school next Monday. My younger brother has guitar lessons on Mondays. M: That's okay. We can borrow a guitar from our music teacher. W: All right. I'll see you then. ----------------------------------- SCRIPT> [Cell phone rings.] W: Hello, David? It s me, Lisa. M: Hi! It s been a while. W: Yes, it has. I ve been busy preparing for our student council bazaar next Monday. M: I saw the poster. You re raising funds for charity, right? W: Yes, we are. I hope a lot of students come. [Pause] Hey, David. Didn t you play the guitar at our school talent show last year? M: Yeah, I did. W: Do you think you could come to our bazaar and play a song again? M: Well, I m kind of busy these days. Besides, my brother borrows my guitar for his lessons on Mondays. W: Oh, you don t need to worry. I can borrow one from our teacher. Please? M: Fine. I ll do it. W: Thanks! The bazaar will be held in front of the school cafeteria. M: Okay. I ll see you then. - 37 -

2014 대수능예비시행공통문항 (A 형 7 번, B 형 6 번 ) Q. 다음을듣고, 여자가하는말의주제로가장적절한것을고르시오. 1 눈병을예방하는방법 2 양파로만든요리의종류 3 눈물을구성하고있는성분 4 양파를썰때눈물이나는이유 5 양파섭취가건강에미치는영향 W: Have you ever while? Today, you ll learn about the reason why we. When a fresh onion is, a called propanethiol-s is into the air. When this gas the eye, it with water in the eye to a weak acid. This acid the eye and causes to flood the eye in an attempt to wash it away. These tears make it look like the person the onion is. - 38 -

효과적인듣기문제정복법 1. 파일을듣고문제를푼다. 2. 채점을한다. 3. 다시한번전문을들어본다. 4. 이번에는문장을단위로끊어서끝까지들어보자. 이때잘안들리는부분은여러번반복해서들어야한다. 5. 주요정보같은것은간단히메모도해본다. 이때굳이영어로다쓸필요는없다. ( 전문을받아쓰기??? 고 3 에게는무리일수도!) 대충나만알아볼정도로핵심어만적 어보자. ( 한글영어발음으로받아써도상관없다 ) 6. 주요문장은따라서발음을해보는것도좋다. 발음할수있는만큼들을수있기때문이다. 7. 이제거의들어서이해가어느정도되었으면스크립트를보고들어보자. 안개속에있 던부분들이이제는명확하게들어올것이다. 스크립트는가급적마지막단계에보자. 시각이작동하기전에청각을많이쓰는훈련이듣기평가연습에는아주중요하다. 8. 듣기스크립트도한번정도정독이필요하다. 주요단어, 표현들도정리하고또내용 정리도필요하니까! ( 특히담화문의경우!!!) 수능에서는다른문제로변형되어나 온다. 그러니원래내용에충실한이해가필수다! 9. 듣기를위해서도단어암기필수이다!!! 조그만단어장에옮겨적어틈틈히암기하자. 제대로발음해야한다그러지않으면나중에들어서알수가없다!!! - 하루 2~30 분반복의슬기! - 연계교재 ( 고교영어듣기 (1), 인터넷수능 ( 듣기 ), 수능완성中듣기 ) 듣. 기. 는. 꼭! 만. 점. 을. 목. 표. 로. 하. 자!!! - 39 -

평가원이말하는올바른듣기학습 Tip!!! 듣기 : 대화나서술문을듣고전체적인내용을이해 추론하고, 세부내용을파악하는능력을배양하자! 듣기자료를처음들을때에는전체적인흐름을파악하는데집중하고, 반복훈련과정을통해처음에는듣지못했던세부적인내용을파악하도록한다. 주제, 주장, 화자의심정, 목적, 대화가일어나는장소, 시간등을추측하는연습을한다. 듣기지문에서묘사하고있는사람, 사물, 사건등을정확하게파악하고기억하도록하며, 기억력에한계가있으므로중요한세부사항은필기를하면서듣도록한다. 간단한계산을요하는문항의경우제시된숫자를기억하는지묻거나, 혹은숫자를기록한후계산하는과정을거쳐야할때가있다. 듣기훈련중잘들리지않은부분이많이있을때에는받아쓰기를하면서듣지못한단어나구, 혹은문장을듣거나유추해보도록한다. 반복청취가중요하며듣기훈련의마지막단계에가서는반드시대본 (script) 을확인해보도록한다. 대화나담화가일어나는상황을미리예측해보고사용될수있는표현들을미리회상해보도록한다. 교육과정에나오는다양한의사소통기능 (communicative function) 에대해학습한다. 또한다양한의사소통상황에사용되는전형적인표현과어휘들을익혀둔다. 말하기 : 대화나서술문을듣고화자가할말을실제의사소통상황에서추론, 표현하는능력을배양하자! 듣기영역과마찬가지로화자사이의관계, 주제, 대화가일어나는장소, 시간, 화자의심정등과같은전체적인흐름을파악하는연습이필요하다. 교육과정이나교과서의단원의목표에서제시하고있는의사소통기능의중요한표현들을익혀야한다. ( 예 : 친교활동, 일상의정보교환, 동의나반대, 확신등의지적태도표현, 감정표현, 사과나변명과같은도덕적태도표현, 설득과권고, 길안내, 물건사기, 음식주문하기, 전화받기등과같은문제해결에필요한대화의주요표현 ) 다양한대화문을접하여마지막부분을생략한다음에표현하는연습을한다. 다양한상황을가정해보고스스로대화를구성해보는연습을한다. - 40 -

Part3> 영어의틀을만드는 빅마마표 문법 Solution!

06 강 Grammar Story 1 > 문장이야기 이제학습법의무장은끝났다!!! 제대로된영어의기본의확립! 문장을이루는구성요소에대한이해부터 GO GO ~~ 문장 : 주어부 + 술어부 술어부의핵 (head; 핵심요소 ) 은 이고 동사의성질에따라목적어나보어등을취할수있다. 이때술어부의핵인동사는 시제, 수 ( 단수 / 복수 ), 인칭에대한정보를표시하고있다. 1 S + + (M) 2 S + + C (S=C) 3 S + + O 4 S + + IO + DO 5 S + + O + OC (O=OC) He runs fast. I'm nervous. She runs a restaurant. He gave me a present. He made me a teacher. 준동사 - (,, ) 등 - 는완전한문장의동사로쓰일수없다! Q. 주절의주어부와술어부사이를사선 (/) 으로표시해보세요. What is essential is invisible to the eye. Taking a few minutes each day to keep a diary is good for you. Only the person who has faith in himself is able to be faithful to others. - 42 -

2011 대수능 Q.20> Q. 밑줄친부분이옳을까, 틀릴까??? But persons who are daring in taking a wholehearted stand for truth often achieving results that surpass their expectations. Verb ( 동사 ) Subject ( 주어 ) : 명사, 대명사, 명사구 (to부정사구, 동명사구 ), 명사절 (that절, 간접의문사절, whether절 ), 관계대명사 what절 Object ( 목적어 ) : 명사, 대명사, 명사구 (to부정사구, 동명사구 ), 명사절 (that절, 간접의문사절, if/whether절 ), 관계대명사 what절 Complement ( 보어 ) : 종류 - 주격보어 / 목적격보어역할 - 명사, 대명사, 명사구 ( 절 ), 형용사 ( 구 ) Yoon is my English teacher. She looks smart. What she says makes me happy. She makes me a perfect student. 2010 년 9 월모평 Q.20> Q. 괄호안에서옳은표현은? It soon became [evident / evidently] that their knowledge was limited and of no practical value. Modifier ( 수식어구 ) : 형용사역할, 부사역할 명사 : 역할 동사 : 서술어 형용사 : 보어, 수식어역할 부사 : 수식어 를꾸미거나서술 수식 - 43 -

phrase( 구 ) : 둘이상의단어들이모여서하나의품사역할을것의관계는없음 < 기능 > 명사구 주어, 목적어, 보어기능형용사구 명사수식 부사구 동사, 형용사, 부사, 문장전체수식 clause( 절 ) : 단어가모여서문장의일부구성의관계를가짐 - 등위절 cf. She is a teacher and (she) is proud of it. - 주절 + 종속절 ( 명사절, 형용사절, 부사절 ) cf. I heard that it was true. ( 명사절 ) This is the book which you gave me. ( 형용사절 ) She came when he was not at home. ( 부사절 ) 1) 명사 명사구 명사절 I like English. Studying English is not difficult. Students think that studying english is difficult. 2) 형용사 형용사구 형용사절 The cute girl is my sister. The girl in a yellow dress is my sister. The girl who is next to Tom is my sister. 3) 부사 부사구 부사절 He studied English hard. I like him because of his honesty. I like him because he is honest. - 44 -

지금까지훑어본대로영어가딱그만큼만제시가된다면야만사오케이!!! 하지만말이란것이, 더구나글이란것이단순한기본구조로만끝나는것이아니지요? 뭔가수식어구가붙고추가개념이붙고이해를돕기위해나열을하고... 하 ~ 그러다보니등장하게되는길고복잡한문장!!! 그래서탄탄한기본기로본류를빠르고정확하게꿰뚫어보는능력과연습이필요하답니다. 다음의예에서직접느껴보아요^^ A survey highlighted the differences. Men tended to be purpose-oriented. Meanwhile, women generally were against a shopping plan. A survey published in this month's Journal of Consumer Research, which in part asked both males and females questions about how they shopped in a shopping mall, highlighted the differences in how men and women get what they want. Men tended to be purpose-oriented in their answers to shopping questions, proving likely to choose the most direct route possible to attaining their goal. Meanwhile, women, most of whom were possibility-driven shoppers, the kind that like to browse, generally were against a shopping plan, preferring to see what's out there. - 45 -

07 강 Grammar Story 2 > 주어, 목적어, 보어이야기 혹, 겨우요만큼달려놓고아 ~ 역시나는문법은안돼!!! 라고살짝뒤로물러나려는분!!! 혼납니다!!! ㅋㅋㅋ시작이반이라고했어요. 빅마마의개념특강컨셉은별도의예복습없이교재를가지고선생님이시키는대로만, 그저시키는대로만 30시간의약속을지킨다면나도수능영어만점자가될수있다는사실, 명심또명심하십시오!!! 수많은선배들의경험담, 그저부러운남의이야기가아닙니다. 딱그들만큼여러분도미리땀흘리고노력한다면더큰결실을누릴수있다고저는확신합니다! 그럼준비되었나요??? 이제또한번중요한주어, 목적어, 보어이야기를시작하려고합니다. 지난시간의이야기에조금더살을붙인거니절대어렵지않아요 ~~~ ^^ 명사, 대명사 수식어구로길어진경우유의! 명사구 : 명사절 : 가주어 : to부정사 ( 구 ) 나, that절 ( 혹은 whether절, 간접의문문등 ) 이주어로쓰일경우 1) 명사 + 수식어구 (1) N + 구수식 The best way to achieve this position is to create a relationship of dependence. Sometimes, someone saying you can't do something is good for you. The number of children taught by their parents [is / are] gradually increasing. (2) N + 절수식 People who watch a lot of news on television [overestimate / to overestimate] the threats to their well-being. (2012 대수능 Q.43) - 46 -

2) 명사구 (to 부정사 ( 구 ), 동명사 ( 구 )) (1) to 부정사 ( 구 ) To live without mirrors is to live without image to her. It is nice to have what you want when you want it. (2010 대수능 Q.24) (2) 동명사 ( 구 ) Knowing how to use photography effectively is more important than ever. (2012 대수능 Q.18) Adapting novels is one of the most respectable of movie projects, ~. But filming plays did not encourage the evolution of what truly was distinctive about a movie: ~. (2013 대수능 Q.21) 3) 명사절 (that 절, what 절, whether 절, 간접의문사절 ) Whether we will finish on time depends primarily on the weather. What you do in the 15 to 30 minutes after eating your evening meal sends powerful signals your metabolism. (2012 대수능 Q.25) 미리보는수능어법 > Q. What you do in the 15 to 30 minutes after eating your evening meal [send / sends / to send] powerful signals your metabolism. 4) It에관해명심할것! It was a beautiful Friday afternoon. It is true that the pen is mightier than the sword. It is through language that we become cultured and thus fully human. 5) 도치 There is a serious problem with this view. Only by shouting was he able to make himself heard. In the middle of the room [stand / stands] four large tables. Rarely is a computer more sensitive and accurate than a human in managing the same geographical or environmental factors. (2010 대수능 Q.22) - 47 -

명사, 대명사 수식어구로길어진경우유의! 명사구 : to부정사 ( 구 ), 동명사 ( 구 ) 명사절 : that절, 관계대명사 what절, if/whether절, 간접의문사절 가목적어 1) to 부정사구 I decided to apply to the local college to pursue further study. 2) 동명사구 However, they have hardly ever seen new works recently because many producers have avoided making a new play. 3) 명사절 She believed that human nature is pretty much the same the whole world over. (2012 대수능 Q.35) Eventually, they may say what you want to hear. 4) 가목적어 it Our research makes it evident that it is often the highly superior and imaginative child who invents these creatures. She found it difficult to get everything ready in time. cf. think / believe / find / consider / make + + 형용사 / 명사 + to V / that 절 5) 재귀목적어 Farmers developed a fierce martial art to defend themselves against the predator. (2011 년 6 월 Q.33) - 48 -

주어나목적어를보충해서설명하는역할 보어, 보어 명사, 대명사, 형용사 동사에따라주의할목적격보어유의! 1) 주격보어 주어의상태나성질을설명 Euphemisms can become dangerous. As a source of plot, character, and dialogue, the novel seemed more suitable. The truth is that everyone has a story. 2) 목적격보어 목적어의상태나성질을설명 It made him the most respected man of the Italian art world. Our research makes it [evident / evidently] that it is often the highly superior and imaginative child who invents these creatures. * Suddenly, I heard the lifeguard scream, Get out of the water! I saw something approaching me in the water. I didn't hear a word [say / said] against the mayor. Unlike a stream, a glacier cannot be seen move. I love her because she makes me [feel / to feel] good. When did you have your hair dyed? Dreams would enable us to foretell the future. Retailers encouraged shoppers [have / to have] their purchases gift-wrapped. Keeping a diet log and an exercise log can help you [monitor / to monitor] your behavior. - 49 -

08 강 Grammar Story 3 > 동사이야기 문장의를찾아라! : 완전한문장의동사에는시제 ( 현재 / 과거 ), 수 ( 단수 / 복수 ) 그리고인칭에관한정보가표시되는데, 시제와일치가표시된동사를정형동사 (finite or main verb) 라한다. 준동사 (to 부정사, 동명사, 분사등 ) 는정형동사가아니므로완전한문장의동사로쓰일수없다. - 동사도를이룬다! - 단어의에유의하라! The girl shocked at the news cried. The news shocked her. Her eyes watered from the smoke. Place names have always been changing. He went to pick up his son from school. Q. 문장의핵심동사를찾아볼까요??? 1. One of the exercises we were given was to make a list of the ten events of our lives. 2. The average life of a street tree surrounded by concrete and asphalt [is / are] seven to fifteen years. (2009 년 6 월 Q.21) 3. Giving people the latitude and flexibility to use their judgment and apply their talents rapidly [accelerate / accelerates / to accelerate] progress. (2012 대수능 Q.42) - 50 -

과거 현재 미래 기본시제 I lived in Korea. I live in Korea. I will live in Korea. 진행형 I was living in Korea. I am living in Korea. I will be living in Korea. 완료형 I had lived in Korea. I have lived in Korea. I will have lived in Korea. 완료진행형 I had been living in Korea. I have been living in Korea. I will have been living in Korea. 형태 : 의미 : 원칙적으로는일시적, 제한적으로진행중인동작, 상태, 습관등표현 진행형불가동사 : 진행형은진행중인동작을나타내므로지속적인상태 (resemble, appear), 인식 (know, remember), 의지가배제된지각 (see, hear), 그리 고소유 (have, belong) 를나타내는동사는진행형으로쓸수가없다. 이전부터행해온것을추가해서표현 형태 : 의미 : 과거에일어난일과현재와의관련성 - 결과 : ~ 해서 ( 그결과 ) 지금 인상태다 - 완료 : ( 최근, 지금, 막 ) ~ 해버렸다 - 경험 : ~ 한적이있다 - 계속 : ( 계속해서 ) ~ 해왔다 (since, for와자주사용 ) She has had lunch. She has gone out. I have never met her. I have been ill since last week. 과거시제 : 과거에발생한일이현재와관련없이과거에국한됨 현재완료 : 과거에발생한일이와관련이있음 cf. In the summer of 2001, he visited Asan, Korea, to participate in a house-building project. Since Newton's time, we have learned that light waves are characterized by different frequencies of vibration. - 51 -

과거완료 : 과거이전에시작된일이과거어느시점까지영향을미칠경우 결과, 완료, 경험, 계속 cf. I had finished my homework when she came. 대과거 : 과거보다이전에있었던일 cf. She finished the college degree she had begun. (1) 주절의시제와상관없이불변의진리, 일반적사실, 현재까지계속되는습관 / 상태 cf. Galileo believed that the earth [moved / moves] around the sun. (2) 역사적사실 cf. I was taught that the French Revolution broke out in 1789. (3) 동사의현제시제와현재진행형이미래를나타내는부사 ( 구 ) 와함께쓰이면예정된계획이나일정, 약속등을나타낼수있다. ( 특히왕래발착, 시작 / 종료동사의경우 : 예 ) go, come, leave, arrive, begin, finish 등 ) cf. The train leaves at six tomorrow evening. (4) 시간과조건을나타내는부사절은미래의미를로나타낸다. cf. When he [will come / comes], tell him I ll be back at nine. I don't know when he will come. (5) 주절에요구, 명령, 제안, 주장등의뜻을나타내는표현 (insist, order, require, suggest, recommend 등 ) 이나오면사실이아닌의견을담은종속절은으로표현하다. cf. The doctor insisted that she [kept / keep] her bed. The witness insisted that the accident [take / had taken] place at the crosswalk. - 52 -

Q. 괄호안에서옳은표현을고르거나, 밑줄친부분이옳은표현인지알아봅시다! 1. NEET is a term that first [appeared / has appeared] in Britain in the late 1990s. ( 해석 : NEET 는 1990 년대후반영국에서처음등장한용어이다. / 확실한과거의시점이나타나니까정답은 appeared) 2. Preparing broccoli is extremely easy, so all you have to do is boil it in water just until it [is / will be] tender, three to five minutes. ( 해석 : 브로콜리준비는아주쉽다. 당신이할일은그것이부드러워질때까지물에넣고끓이기만하면된다. / ~ 까지 라는시간의부사절에있으니미래대신현재^^) 개념 : 주어가동작의영향을받거나당함동작의영향을받는대상에관심 해석 : cf. 능동태 : 주어가동작하는주체, ( 주어가 ) ~ 하다 형태 : 수동태의필요성 : 어떤행위를누가했는지모를경우안다고해도중요하지않은경우 는 NO!!! 예 ) (dis)appear, occur, seem, happen, remain, arrive, rise, result, consist of 타동사중에서도 는 NO!!! 예 ) possess, cost, have, resemble 등 Q. 밑줄친부분이과연옳은표현일까요??? 틀렸다면당연히고쳐주세요. The story is consisted of five chapter. It was occurred to me that there was no difference between them. - 53 -

조동사 ( 조동사 + 동사원형 ) 가있는수동태 조동사 + be p.p. 진행형 (be ~ing) 의수동태 be being p.p. 완료형 (have p.p.) 수동태 have been p.p. to부정사 (to V) 의수동태 to be p.p. 동명사 (~ing) 의수동태 being p.p. 1 타동사뒤에목적어 ( 명사, 대명사 ) 가있는가? a 있다 대부분 [ 능동 / 수동 ] ( 단, 수여동사 (give 등 ) 는수동일때도목적어가올수있음 ) They built the factory. He was given a book. / He gave a book. b 없다 [ 능동 / 수동 ] 2 주어와동사의의미상의관계 a 주어 + 동사의의미 주어 동사한다 [ 능동 / 수동 ] I did the homework. b 주어 + 동사의의미 주어가동사되다 / 당하다 주어 동사한다 [ 능동 / 수동 ] The homework was done. 3 동사뒤에 by + 명사가있으면대부분 [ 능동 / 수동 ] The book was written by him. Q. 괄호안에서어법상적절한것은? 1. If the coin [tosses / is tossed] and the outcome [conceals / is concealed], people will [offer / be offered] lower amounts when asked for bets. (2012 대수능 Q.26) 2. I would certainly get used to [ teaching / being taught] these girls. 3. She lifted a car off the ground when there was an accident and it had to [move / be moved]. 4. Advertising dollars have simply been [followed / following] the migration trail across to these new technologies. (2013 대수능 Q.20) - 54 -

수능을잘보겠다는맘으로윤연주선생님의 EBS 강의를들어지금은 11학번대딩이된제자조 * 은입니다. 현재수험생들보다먼저수능을본학생으로서, 공부하는방법에대해서는조금더알거라생각하기에계획에대해서도움을되지않을까생각하고글을씁니다. 첫째, 큰틀을세우는겁니다.! 3-6월, 7-8월, 9월이후. 이렇게나누는것도괜찮은방법인것같아요. 3-6월에는과목에대한개념정리를, 7-8월에는부족한개념정리와연습, 9-10월에는마지막으로모의고사스타일로실전연습. 3-6월에되도록이면개념을완벽하게마무리하는게좋더라구요. 둘째, 큰틀을작게세분화합시다! 3-6월에개념정리를하기로했다면, EBS 연계교재에서개념정리에해당하는책들을풀되, 그기간동안어떻게풀건지를세분화하세요. 한달동안해야하는목표를세웠다면일주일동안얼만큼해야하는지, 하루에는얼만큼해야하는지가나올거예요. 혹계획보다일찍끝났으면다시복습! 이런식으로 1년을잘계획세워보세요^^ 셋째, 계획을세울때너무빡빡하게세우지마세요! 그러다가하루만에지쳐서다음날공부안하고넘기는날이생겨요. 그렇다고너무느슨하게세웠다가또게임하고드라마보고... 자신이할수있는만큼만세우세요. 제발.!!! 그리고, 일요일은특히나빠듯한계획을세우지마세요. 정말열심히공부했는데, 계획대로못했던공부들, 했지만부족하다고느끼는부분들. 그걸일요일에하니저는참효과만점이더라구요. 글을짧게쓰려고하다보니많이빠진부분이있네요. 부족한부분은윤연주샘이채워주시리라믿으며, 작게라도도움이되었길바랍니다. 후배여러분, 아자아자화이팅! 2011.02.11 수능특강게시판에서 - 55 -

09 강 Grammar Story 4> 준동사이야기 - 개념 : 동사가약간의변형을통해명사나형용사, 부사처럼쓰이게하는것 - 종류 : 본래의동사적인성격은그대로지님 - 형태 : - 역할 : 명사 ( 주어, 목적어, 보어 ), 형용사, 부사 ( 목적, 원인, 정도, 결과등 ) 역할 1> In Korean society, to lose a house to live in means to lose a job. 2> It was far from the subway station, so we decided to take a taxi. 3> He used a bicycle to increase efficiency for his second windmill. 4> I'm very glad to take care of them for you. - 형태 : - 역할 : 명사 ( 주어, 목적어, 보어 ) 역할 - 특징 : 성질 목적어, 보어, 부사 ( 구 ) 와같은수식어취함성질 주어, 보어, 동사와전치사의목적어역할 1> Just cutting long quotations from the book will bore your readers. 2> Philosophy is, simply put, a way of thinking. 3> His job is making and repairing wooden things. 4> We enjoyed listening to classical music. - 56 -

to 부정사와동명사의의미상의차이 to 부정사는 일시적 ( 구체적 ) 미래 의의미를 동명사는 지속적 ( 일반적 ) 과거 의의미를나타낸다. cf. To meet the president was an exciting experience. ( 구체적인행위 ) Meeting a president is an exciting experience. ( 일반적인경향 ) 목적어로쓰이는 to 부정사와동명사 1) to 부정사 ( 일시적ㆍ미래의미 ) 를목적어로취하는동사 hope, want, expect, wish, decide, afford, choose, promise, refuse 등 2) 동명사 ( 반복적ㆍ과거의미 ) 를목적어로취하는동사 stop, finish, mind, avoid, escape, deny, consider 등 cf. Everyone who heard the story wanted [to congratulate / congratulating] this man, but he shied away from the media and avoided [filming / being filmed]. 3) to부정사와동명사를모두목적어로취하는동사 like, hate, begin, start 등 : 어떤형태의목적어가와도의미가비슷함 regret, remember, forget 등 : 뒤에오는목적어의형태에따라의미가달라짐 cf. I remember seeing Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman. She remembered to buy a newspaper. If you ever do fall into quicksand, remember [to stay / staying] calm, and don t move until you ve stopped sinking. - 57 -

- 형태 : V-ing ( 현재분사 ) 의의미 V-ed ( 과거분사 ) 의의미 - 역할 : 형용사역할 ( 명사수식, 주격 / 목적격보어, 감정표현분사 ) 부사적역할 ( 분사구문 ) 진행형 (be v-ing), 완료형 (have + p.p.), 수동형 (be p.p.) 을만듬 알아두면유용한분사의형태구분법 1) 명사를수식하는경우 : 수식하는명사와의관계가능동이면 로, 수동이면 로쓰인다. the name of an animal beginning with B some pictures [painted / painting] by his mother He got [annoyed / annoying] with me about my carelessness. 2) 목적격보어로사용된경우 : 목적어와의관계가능동이면 로, 수동이면 로쓰인다. I find myself laughing at things that I used to take far too seriously. I found the window [broken / breaking]. Examine your thoughts, and you will find them [to occupy / occupied] with the past or the future. 3) 분사구문 : 주절의주어와의관계가능동이면 로, 수동이면 로쓰인다. [Spending / Spent] an enormous amount of computing time, a robot might finally recognize the object as a table. [Taken / Taking] to the garage, my car was repaired within an hour. - 58 -

1) 뒤에목적어, 보어, 부사 ( 구 ) 와같은수식어가질수있다. Q. There is also the possibility of damage your stuff, some of it valuable. (2009 대수능 Q.22) 2) 시제를나타낼수있다. cf. He is proud of having won the prize last year. He seems to have been rich. Having finished lunch, we went shopping. 3) 수동태를만들수있다. cf. She hates disturbing others. She hates being disturbed. She likes to invite people home. She likes to be invited. 4) 의미상의주어를갖는다. cf. My mother doesn't like my[me] going to such a dangerous place. It was a mistake for him not to follow his mom's advice. cf. 준동사의부정 : 준동사바로 에 not 을넣음 - 59 -

10 강 Grammar Story 5> 관계사이야기 길고복잡해지는영어문장을논하면서이관계사를빼서는말할수가없지! 중학생무렵부터귀에못이박히게들어온관. 계. 사! 그빈도수와는무관하게여전히오리무중인 그관. 계. 사!!! 오늘부로확실하게개념의종지부를찍어봅시다!!! - 개념 : 같은말의반복을피하고자두문장의공통된부분을하나로연결 앞에있는명사 ( 선행사 ) 를수식하는 절 - 종류 : ( 접속사 + 대명사역할 ) ( 접속사 + 부사역할 ) 1) 개념 명사를꾸며주는형용사절을이끌면서 + 역할 : 관계대명사의꾸밈을받는명사 2) 종류와격 선행사 주격 소유격 목적격 person who / that whose (who / whom / that) non-person which / that whose / of which (which / that) 선행사포함 what what There was a girl who grew flowers in New Jersey. She held a small child in her arms whose face I couldn t see. Almost every day I play a game with myself [who / that] I call time machine. Q. By six months a child [who / whom] regularly sleeps in her parents' room is likely to become dependent on this arrangement. (2010 대수능 Q.21) - 60 -

3) 관계대명사 that 소유격을제외한거의모든관계대명사대신가능 that이주로쓰이는경우 - 선행사가사람 + 사물 / 동물 - 선행사가 all, everything, something, anything인경우 - 선행사에 the + 최상급 / 서수, the only/very 등이포함된경우 4) 관계대명사 what 에대해알아야할네가지! ➀ 앞에선행사! 선행사 + 관계대명사의결합 ➁ 해석 ➂ 뒤에주어나목적어가없다! What she enjoys most is what she has been doing for a living all along. ➃ 관계대명사 what이들어간숙어표현 - what I used to be 예전의나 - what we call (=what is called) 소위, 이른바 - what's worse/better 더나쁜 / 좋은것 Q. There is a shop close to your home that sells just [which / what] you want. 5) 관계대명사의생략 관계대명사의 격생략 I have found the keys (that) you lost. 선행사 + ( ) + 형용사 / 분사 특히남은분사의경우선행사와의관계잘따져서분사형태파악하기!!! Bring me the papers (which are) filed in the cabinet. The girl (who is) wearing glasses is my sister. - 61 -

1) 개념 절을이끌어앞에있는선행사수식 + 역할 전치사 + 관계대명사로도바꿔쓸수있다 2) 종류 선행사장소 (the place) 시간 (the time) 이유 (the reason) 방법 (the way) 관계부사 where when why how I know a beautiful barn where the corners are not at right angles. We live in a time when people are obsessed with their appearance. The room was cold, but that wasn t why he was trembling. The way How she spoke to us was persuasive. the way와 how는함께쓰지않음 관계대명사 vs. 관계부사 This is the house which I built. This is the house which I was born in. = This is the house I was born. = This is the house I was born. 관계대명사 vs. 관계부사꼭구분하기!!! 형용사절에서빠진부분은??? 예 ) 주어, 목적어등의명사가없으면 시간, 이유, 장소, 방법등의부사 ( 구 ) 가없으면 Q. The fact is directly related to the question of [what / why] we study philosophy. (07년 6월 Q.21) Q. Movies were first seen as an exceptionally potent kind of illusionist theatre, the rectangle of the screen corresponding to the proscenium of a stage, which appear actors. (2013대수능 Q.21) - 62 -

I had a son who became a teacher. I had a son, who became a teacher. She had three pen pals, none of [whom / them] knew about the others. 한정적용법 관계사앞에콤마가 선행사를수식하여범위한정 계속적용법 관계사앞에콤마가 선행사가누구 / 무엇인지알고그에추가적 / 부수적인정보제공 접속사 + 대명사 or 부사로바꿔쓸수있다 은계속적용법불가 Q. As she lived in a small house, [where / which / that] she could not practice without disturbing the rest of the family, she usually practiced her high notes outside. (08 년 3 월 Q.23) This is the job in which I am interested. A hammer is a tool [which / with which] you hit nails. This is the plane [which / on which] is very crowded with passengers. 형태 : 용법 : 부정 양보 (= No matter + 관계사 ) Whoever comes will be welcomed. Whatever happens, we will meet here tonight. Whichever way you look at it, this program has been a failure. However much work you have, you will always relax during one full evening. Q. [Whatever / Whether] you wear torn jeans or like to recite poetry, by doing so you make a statement of belonging to a group of people. (09 년 9 월 Q.21) - 63 -

11 강 Grammar Story 6> 수식구조이야기 문장의구조파악을위해서문장성분에대한이해는기본! 하지만수식어에의해꾸밈을받아문장이길어지는경우란수험생에게는정말대략난감의순간ㅠㅠ수식구조를좀더체계화시켜연습하면영어를보는눈이번쩍뜨인다는사실^^ I have a great book. I have a book perfect for me. I have a book everyone wants to read. N + 형용사구 / 형용사구 + N The truck full of fire extinguishers put out the fire in the market. The most obvious salient feature of moral agents [is / are] a capacity for rational thought. N + 전치사구 All the villagers at the banquet began to fling tofu into each other's laps. N + to V 구 Joan mentioned that she was looking for volunteers to work in a fair she was organizing. - 64 -

N + 현재분사 (-ing) 구 Researchers studied two mobile phone companies trying to solve a technological problem. Consider the following implication [involved / involving] the role of social bonds and affection among group members. N + 과거분사 (-ed) 구 The DNA extracted from these bits of whale skin not only identifies the individuals in the group, but also reveals their relationships to each other. The percentages of male children diagnosed with asthma were higher than those of female children for all the periods. N + 관계사절 They weren t able to recall the names of students who were seated close to them. The combinations in which we consume foods and drinks can have tremendous influence on their benefit or harm. I would like to live in a country where it never snows. N + 동격절 What disturbs me is the idea that good behavior must be reinforced with incentives. The fact [that / which] the earth rotates is apparent to everybody. - 65 -

to부정사구의부사적인용법 If our situation changes, we will call you to resume delivery. Children must be taught to perform good deeds for their own sake. This cake is good to eat. He grew up to be a scientist. I reached the station only to discover that my train had already left. I was surprised to find a serpent in my garden. You will be surprised to see him doing such a thing. 기왕나온김에빅마마식 to 부정사용법정리들어갑니다.^^ 동사는그자체로서술어로만쓰이지만 동사앞에 to 를붙이면명사, 형용사, 부사의역할을다할수있다! 1. 명사적용법 역할 : 주어, 목적어, 보어, ( 의문사 + to 부정사 ) 해석 : ~ 하는것, ~ 하기 2. 형용사적용법 역할 : 명사, 대명사를뒤에서수식 해석 : ~ 할, ~ 하는 3. 부사적용법 역할 : 동사, 형용사, 부사, 문장전체수식 해석 : - 목적 : ~ 하기위해서 - 결과 : 해서 ( 그결과 ) ~ 되다, 하였으나결국 ~ 하고말았다 - 감정의원인 : 해서 - 판단의근거 / 이유 : 하는것을보면, 하다니 - 조건 : ( 만약 ) 한다면 - 66 -

분사구문 한번제대로정리하면두고두고써먹을수있는 hot item < 분사구문 >!!! 개념강의에서제대로이해하고수특시리즈에서열심히연습, 또연습합시다 ^^ 분사구문이도대체뭐야? 접속사 +S+V 의부사절 분사가이끄는부사구로간결하게나타낸구문 분사구문, 어떻게만드는거지? 접속사 +S+V 에서 1. 생략 ( 간혹생략않기도 ) 2. 부사절과주절의주어가동일하면주어생략 주어가다르면생략않고남겨둠 3. 남은동사 로변환 (being은보통생략 ) 4. 분사구문의부정 : 분사앞에 not을붙임 분사구문의여러가지의미 때 : ~ 할때, ~ 하는동안 연속상황 : ~ 하고나서바로 조건 : 만약 ~ 라면 동시동작 : ~ 하면서동시에 원인 이유 : ~ 이므로 양보 : ~ 일지라도 Q. 괄호안에서어법상적절한것은? They turn and loosen the soil, [left / leaving] it in the best condition for farming. [Raised / Raising] in a rich family, he doesn't know how to spend money efficiently. [Making / Having made] that mistake once, I shall not make it again. Being such a fine day, we decided to have a picnic by the river. 절이부사역할을하는경우 We learned Latin and Greek when we were young. Though he tried very hard, he failed the course. - 67 -

12 강 Grammar Story 7 > 확장된문장이야기 문장이길어지고복잡해진다? 크게두가지를생각할수있지. 수식에의해길어지는것, 문장을이루고있는요소들이접속사에의해연결되는것! 전자는 11강에서정리했으니후자의이야기보따리는이제 12강에서풀어보자구^^ 그렇다면당연히접속사란뭔지, 무엇과무엇을연결하고있는지, 그리고접속사가이끄는부분이문장에서어떤역할을하는지등을알아야문장에대한이해도또렷해지겠지??? 준비됐나요??? 네네선생님 ^^ 접속사 : 단어와단어, 구와구, 절과절을연결해주는말 접속사가어디와어디를연결하는가에대한이해와전체문장속에서접속사가이끄는구또는절의역할파악이매우중요해! 게다가한접속사가다르게해석되는경우도많으니까그때그때예문들을눈여겨보자^^ 등위접속사 : 문법적특성이대등한단어, 구, 절을연결 예 ) We were cold and hungry. To profess and to practice are very different things. They left and we remained. 종속접속사 : 문장의일부분으로속하는절을이끈다 종속절과주절을연결시켜주는접속사 because, when, if, as, that, so that, since, until 등예 ) I believe that you ll get on in the world. We learned Latin and Greek when we were young. - 68 -

상관접속사 : 떨어져있는한쌍의어구가접속사역할 not only A but also B (= B as well as A) both A and B not A but B either A B A 아니면 B neither A B A 도 B도아닌 A와 B는문법적으로같은형태가와는것이원칙!!! The DNA extracted from these bits of whale skin not only identifies the individuals in the group, but also [reveals / revealed] their relationships to each other. (2012 대수능 Q.44) that / whether (if) 간접의문문의의문사 : ( 의문사 + S + V) Whether you like it or not doesn't matter. I don't know who he is. The truth is that everyone has a story. - 69 -

To be or not to be, that is the question. I m grateful to that high school girl. The source that showed the biggest increase was nuclear. The fact is that he said so. The kids have been so demanding that you are completely worn out. No one can deny the fact that you yourself did it. It s you that I want to speak to, not Paul. It is natural that they should respect each other. 때 : when, while, as, until, by the time, after/before, since, as soon as 때를나타내는접속사대용어구 every time S + V next time S + V the moment / minute / instant S + V cf. He ran out of the house the moment his mother appeared. Now that you're growing up you must learn to stand on your own two feet. 원인 이유 결과 : because, as, since, now (that) so + 형 / 부 + that ~ = such + a/an + ( 형 ) + 명 that ~ cf. It was such a good film that I saw it twice. ( 너무좋은영화여서두번봤다 ) = so good a film ( 어순유의!!!) 양보 : (al)though, even if/even though 양태 : as if/ as though 조건 : if, as long as, in case - 70 -

등위접속사 (and, but, or) 나상관접속사로연결되는어구 문법적으로동등한형태취하기 Elimination of all but small patches of habitat is especially damaging because it not only eliminates many local species but also [threaten / threatens] those species that depend on vast acreage for their survival. But a human is much more capable of operating those instruments correctly and to place them in appropriate and useful positions. 접속사 vs. 전치사 전치사 ( 구 )(despite, because of, during) 는목적어로를취하지만, 접속사 (although, because, when / while) 는을유도한다. [Despite / Although] efficiency also lowers prices, it does come at a cost. [During / While] the 1997 Kyoto negotiations, Brazil made a suggestion that has since become known as the Brazilian Proposal. He came up as I was speaking. As the door was open, I walked in. Do as I do. Much as I like you, I will not marry you. As one grows older, one becomes more silent. - 71 -

13 강 Grammar Story 8 > 가정법이야기 학창시절, 나를그렇게도괴롭혔던가정법! 하지만막상원리를알고나니가정법처럼쉬운어법도없더라구요. 공감이안간다구요? 딱한시간만투자해보세요!!! 여러분도분명가정법의달인이될수있습니다!!! 실제로일어나지않았거나앞으로도일어날가능성이희박한일에대한자신의의견, 소망의표현 가정법과거란? 1) 현재사실의반대로가정, 상상 2) 현재나미래에실현가능성이희박한일가정, 상상, 소망 형태 : If + S + V 과거형 (were) ~, S + 조동사과거 + V 원형 ~ ( 구어체에서는 was 도가능 ) 해석 : ~ 라면 일텐데 ( 과거형동사지만현재처럼해석 ) If you heard someone say your name, even if you were being pushed around in a big noisy crowd, you would pay attention and listen. If you were a butterfly, would you be attracted to a more colorful flower or a less colorful one? - 72 -

가정법과거완료란? 1) 과거사실의반대 2) 과거에이루지못한일가정 형태 : If + S + had p.p. ~, S + 조동사과거 + have p.p. ~ 해석 : ~ 했다면 했을텐데 ( 과거처럼해석 ) If he hadn't helped me, I couldn't have passed the test. If you had turned a light toward Mars that day, it would have reached Mars in 186 seconds. 주절의시제 종속절의시제 형태 : If + S + had p.p. ~, S + 조동사과거 + V 원형 ~ 해석 : ( 과거에 ) ~ 했다면, ( 지금 ) 일텐데 If it had not rained last night, it would be so hot today. Can you imagine what the world would be like if Leonardo da Vinci had become a farmer or Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart a banker? - 73 -

If it were not for ~, S + 조동사과거 + V 원형 ( 현재 ) ~ 이없다면, 일텐데 If it had not been for ~, S + 조동사과거 + have p.p. ( 과거에 ) ~ 이없었더라면, ~ 했었을텐데 if 생략 V +S 어순 If it were not for water, no living things could survive. = = = If it had not been for your help, I could not have succeeded. = = = 조동사과거 + have p.p. would have p.p. could have p.p. should have p.p. might have p.p. ~ 했을텐데 ~ 할수도있었는데 ~ 했어야했는데 ~ 했을지도모른다 We would have had a lovely holiday if it hadn't rained. 비가오지않았더라면멋진휴일이되었을텐데. He could have done it if he had wanted to. 그가하려고만했으면할수있었을텐데 If I had known you were here, I should have come at once. 당신이여기에있다는것을알았더라면당장왔을텐데 cf. I should have finished the book by Friday. 내가금요일까지는그책을다읽을수있을것이다. 때로는추측을나타내기도^^ World history might have been changed if they had won the war. 만약그들이그전쟁에서이겼다면세계의역사가바뀌었을지도모른다 - 74 -

I wish + 가정법과거 ( 해석 : ) 현재이루기힘들거나, 실현불가능한소망 I wish + 가정법과거완료 ( 해석 : ) 과거의일에대한유감이나아쉬움 I wish I were rich. I wish my team had done better in the dance competition. as if + 가정법과거 ( 해석 : ) 현재사실의반대 as if + 가정법과거완료 ( 해석 : ) 과거사실의반대 She talks as if she were a teacher. ( 그녀는마치선생님인것처럼말한다. 진짜는선생님아닌데...) cf. as if + 직설법 : 사실일지아닌지불확실한경우 She talks as if she is a teacher. ( 그녀는마치선생님인것처럼말한다. 근데선생님인지아닌지잘모르겠음...) He did not turn and he strode on as if he had heard nothing. - 75 -

14 강 Grammar Story 9 > 형용사 / 부사, 비교이야기 역할 : 1. 수식 ( 한정적용법 ) : 수식 2. 서술 ( 서술적용법 ) : 보어역할 ( 주어나목적어서술 ) 대개의경우두가지용법으로다쓰이지만 몇몇형용사들은한정적용법또는서술적용법으로만쓰인다 ^^ 주의해야할형용사 1. main, live, elder 등 cf. The house is right on a main road. 2. afraid, alive, alike, aware, asleep, ashamed, alone 등 cf. A giraffe is asleep below the tree. 3. 한정적용법과서술적용법에따라뜻이달라지는형용사 cf. The late Mr.Kim was a lawyer. I was late for the appointment. the + 형용사 ( 분사 ) The unemployed [want / wants] their job back. The true and the beautiful = truth and beauty - 76 -

역할 : 수식 종류 : 때, 장소, 방법, 빈도, 정도를나타내는부사 형태 : 형용사 + -ly 주의 seldom, rarely, barely, scarcely, hardly early, long, fast, far, half, well, much, little, very lovely, friendly, likely, costly hard ad. 열심히 Work hard! hardly ad. 거의 ~ 않다 That is hardly true. late ad. 늦게 He arrived late for the train lately ad. 최근에 I haven t seen him lately. high ad. 높이 Aim high and you will strike high. highly ad. 매우 I esteem your advice highly. near ad. 가까이 Christmas is drawing near. nearly ad. 거의 I nearly fainted in the heat. 형용사와부사의구별!!! : 동사의보어역할은, 동사수식은! The apple appeared perfect, but it was rotten inside. The effects appear slowly and last from 10-18 hours. - 77 -

실전연습 > 1. It s not just to amaze our friends with our own profound thinking, or confuse them with [unexpected / unexpectedly] questions, ~. 2. Although life is different from nonlife, it is not completely different. 3. It soon became evident that their knowledge was limited and of no practical value. 4. They saw each other almost every day, talked constantly about their revolutionary new style, and painted as [similar / similarly] as possible. 5. Sometimes the variation is as [subtle / subtly] as a pause. 6. David Perrett studies what makes faces attractively. 7. I m the youngest child and thus less [aggressively / aggressive] than my older brothers. 8. Fire comes in many forms [alike / like] candle flame, charcoal fire, and torch light. - 78 -

1) 원급을이용한중요표현 Today is as cold as yesterday. Speak as slowly as you can. This cell phone is not as[so] expensive as yours. = This cell phone is less expensive than yours. This house is three times as big as that one. = This house is three times bigger than that one. He is not so much as a scholar as an artist. = He is an artist rather than a scholar. 2) 비교급을이용한중요표현 In quicksand, the more you struggle, the deeper you ll sink. The prices of gasoline are going higher and higher. A whale is no more a fish than a horse is. Cf. Some toy animals stayed at sea [even / very] longer. The percentages of male children diagnosed with asthma were higher than those of female children. 3) 최상급을이용한중요표현 He is the smartest five-year-old child I've ever met. 4) 원급 비교급을이용한최상급의의미 Mt. Everest is the highest mountain in the world. = No (other) mountain in the world is as as Mt. Everest. = No (other) mountain in the world is than Mt. Everest. = Mt. Everest is higher than any other mountain in the world. - 79 -

15 강 Grammar Story 10 > 끊어읽기이야기 All day and all night there is dancing in the street. As night fell, she could just perceive outside a huge tree swinging its branches. Everywhere in the world, the issue of how to manage urban growth poses the highest stakes, complex policy decisions, and strongly heated conflicts in the public area. 그럼당연히동사앞에서끊게되겠지? 그래서문장의주동사가무엇인지를찾는것이매우중요해!!! Flying over rural Kansas in an airplane one fall evening was a delightful experience for passenger Walt Morris. One of the main principles I follow when I draw outside is not to select a subject that is too difficult or odd. The specific combinations of foods in a cuisine and the ways they are prepared constitute a deep reservoir of accumulated wisdom about diet and health and place. Its mission is to move the nation and the world towards social, racial, and economic justice. You may think that moving a short distance is so easy that you can do it in no time with little effort. Many people believe that they will be free of their anger if they express it, and that their tears will release their pain. - 80 -

The context in which a food is eaten can be nearly as important as the food itself. The heat releases an aroma that attracts certain insects, which fly into the flower to feed on nectar and pollen. As a result, they can learn the names of flowers and understand the tools and processes involved in growing vegetables. One grandmother hires her grandchildren to help with gardening chores. Plan your budget in advance to give yourself time to research the costs fully. Very often, when a society adopts a new food without the food culture surrounding it, as happened when corn first came to Europe, Africa, and Asia, people get sick. One Saturday during the summer, I asked my father if he would go down to the schoolyard and play basketball with me. It rewards insects with a stable environment that enhances their ability to eat, mate, and prepare for flight. - 81 -

실전연습 > Even those of us who claim not to be materialistic can t help but form attachments to certain clothes. Like fragments from old songs, clothes can evoke both cherished and painful memories. A worn-thin dress may hang in the back of a closet even though it hasn t been worn in years because the faint scent of pine that lingers on it is all that remains of someone s sixteenth summer. An impractical white scarf might be pulled out of a donation bag at the last minute because of the promise of elegance it once held for its owner. And a ripped T-shirt might be rescued from the dust rag bin long after the name of the rock band once written across it has faded. Clothes document personal history for us the same way that fossils chart time for archaeologists. (2012 대수능 Q.33) [ 해석 ] 우리중에서물질중심적이지않다고주장하는사람들조차도특정한옷에대한애착을형성하지않을수없게된다. 옛날노래에나오는구절처럼옷은소중한추억과가슴아픈기억을모두생각나게할수있다. 닳아서얇아진드레스는여러해동안입지않았더라도벽장뒤편에걸려있을수있는데, 그이유는그옷에남아있는옅은소나무향이바로어떤사람의열여섯살여름의모든잔존물이기때문이다. 실용성이떨어지는흰색스카프는그것의소유자에게한때우아함에대한기대였기때문에기증품자루에들어가는마지막순간에빼내어질수있다. 그리고찢어진티셔츠는한때그위에쓰여진록밴드이름이희미해진지오래된후에도걸레통에서꺼내어질수있다. 화석이고고학자들에게시간을나타내는것과같은방식으로옷은우리에게개인의이력을보여준다. [Words and Phrases] materialistic 유물주의적인 attachment 애착, 집착 promise 기대, 약속 document ~ 로증명하다, ( 상세히 ) 보도하다 chart ( 도표로 ) 나타내다 - 82 -

Part4> 알기쉬운, 반드시알아야하는 구문 Solution!

Part4> 알기쉬운, 반드시알아야하는구문 Secret! 목차 01 수일치 ( 주어 + 동사 ) 27 N ( S + V ) 수식구조 02 부분을나타내는어구와수일치 28 A is no more B than C is D 03 a number of vs. the number of 29 조건절에서 if의생략과도치 04 재귀대명사 30 시제일치의예외 05 관계대명사 what 31 It takes + 사람 + 시간 + to V 06 whatever 32 동사 keep 07 what vs. whatever 33 used 관련표현정리 08 make + 목적어 + 목적보어 34 it ~ that 강조 vs. 진주어 가주어 09 명사 + 과거분사 / 현재분사 35 So + v + S 10 cannot ~ too 36 간접의문문의어순 11 전치사 + 관계대명사 37 be + (to) V 12 형용사 vs. 부사 38 if any vs. if ever 13 집합명사 family 39 even if vs. as if 14 대동사 40 요구 제안 주장동사 + that절시제 15 알아두면유용한전치사 to 41 동사 get 정리! 16 ( 소유격 ) 관계대명사 whose 42 전치사 + ~ing 표현모음 17 one / another / the other 43 분사의주요역할 18 the + 비교급 ~, the + 비교급 44 to 부정사의수동태 19 so ~ that 에관한모든것 45 It ~ for to V 구문 20 with + 추상명사 46 지각동사 + 목적어 + 목적보어 21 that 정복 47 if의쓰임 22 명령문 + and / or 48 능 수동해석시유의사항! 23 V + 목적어 + to V( 목적보어 ) 49 배수사 + as + 원급 + as 24 present A with B 50 가목적어 it의핵심포인트 25 접속사 as 51 should have p.p. 26 유의해야할목적어형태 (to부정사 / 동명사 ) 52 형용사보어를취하는동사 - 84 -

53 which 정리 80 분사구문유의사항 54 전치사의목적어로쓰이는동명사 81 forget/remember/regret + to V/~ing 55 관계대명사 that 82 감정표현분사 56 접속사 vs. 전치사 83 사역동사 + 목적어 + 목적보어 57 result in vs. result from 84 stop + to V / ~ing 58 생략절 85 목적어강조 59 with + 목적어 + 목적보어 86 원급비교 60 도치 87 상관접속사 61 spend + 시간 / 돈 + ~ing 88 관계부사 where 의유의사항 62 비교구문유의사항 89 비교급의용법 63 to 부정사의부사적용법 90 not ~ until 64 be known 시리즈정리 91 원급 비교급을이용한최상급의미 65 분사구문의시제 ( 완료형분사구문 ) 92 최상급형용사앞에정관사를붙이지않는경우 66 as if + 가정법 93 대명사 vs. 관계대명사 67 과거완료진행형 94 접속사 while 68 유의해야할형용사 95 요주의접속사 69 ask if/whether ~ 96 where 정리 70 타동사 + 부사표현의유의사항 97 자주쓰이는동명사구문 71 현재완료수동태 98 복합관계부사 72 동격정리 99 how vs. however 73 목적어를 ~ 을 / 를 로해석하지않는완전타동사 ( 자동사로착각하기쉬운타동사 ) 100 병렬구조총정리! 74 삽입절 101 no matter how 75 that vs. those 102 cannot but + 동사원형 76 lie vs. lay 103 자주등장하는전치사구모음 77 (a) little vs. (a) few 104 타동사 + 목적어 + 전치사 78 be + to V 용법 105 '~ 할것같다 /~ 하기쉽다 의표현들 79 비교급수식부사 106 유의해야할관사의위치 - 85 -

1. 수일치 ( 주어 + 동사 ) The fruits of this application [is / are] < 기출문제연습 > seen today in many Roman remains. To live without mirrors [is / are] impossible. Building new gold courses [is / are] the fastest kind of land development in the world. There are some people who [believe / believes] that no one should be trusted. Q. ~ the extrinsic reward that matters most to them are the recognition of their peers. (2012년 9월 ) Q. There is a deep cavern on the island, containing the bones and arms of the Indians, who, it is supposed, [was / were] buried there. (2012년 6월 ) Q. Who we believe we are [is / are] a result of the choices we make about who we want to be like, ~. (2009년 9월 ) 수일치에관해내가꼭초반에정리하고넘어가고픈게있어요. 뭐냐, 당근여러분이무지많이헷갈려하고, 그래서시험에많이나오는것! 지금부터초집중!!! 일반동사에 -(e)s 붙이는거알죠? 근데어떤경우에그런지아는사람??? 반드시주어가 3인칭단수일때만 -(e)s 붙인다는거, 명심하세요!!! 그럼 1인칭은뭐냐, 나! 2인칭은너! 그리고 3인칭은나, 너말고모두에해당하는것! 예를들어쌤이자주드는예문시리즈 ~ I like it. ( 주어가일인칭단수 ) You like it. ( 주어가이인칭단수 ) He/She likes it. ( 주어가 3인칭단수, 그래서 likes가되었다는사실!) 근데많은친구들이다음의실수를해요!!! They likes it.????? 맞어???? 틀려!!!!! They like it. 이라고해야옳은문장! 왜??? 주어가 3인칭복수지요? 그때는동사에 -(e)s 붙이지않는다는사실!!! 그럼하나만연습^^ Human societies [affect / affects] each other's development. 인간사회들은 주어. 몇인칭??? 나, 너아니니까 3인칭. 단수? 복수? 복수!!! 그럼일반동사뒤에 -(e)s 안붙인다!!! 그래서정답은?? affect!!! 다시한번복창! 명사는복수일때명사뒤에 s붙이지요???? (a student, two students처럼 ) 하지만, 동사의경우반드시주어가 3인칭단수일때만일반동사에 -(e)s 붙인다!!! - 86 -

* 연습으로실력다지기! 최근의어법문제는세세한문법사항에대한점검보다는영어의기본틀에대한이해, 문장의구조에대한이해가우선! 그래서주어, 동사수일치에대한문제를필수더라구요 ^^ 평상시독해를하면서무지하게연습하고있지만여기서또한번복습으로튼튼영어! A drop in prices [is / are] predicted. 긴주어부의핵심명사는바로 drop 이니정답은 ^^ Things not paid for, they also say, [is / are] never fully appreciated. they also say를삽입절이고이문장의주어부는 Things not paid for 이면서핵심명사는 Things 이니동사는! 해석하면 그들이또한말하기를지불되지않은물건들은충분히평가되지않는다^^ 즉, 돈안낸물건에대해서사람들이높이평가하지않는다^^ What is still true [is / are] a writer's comment. What 절은주로 취급 ^^ 하지만간혹 be 동사뒤의보어가복수이면복수형동사를사용하기도합니다.^^ Each boy and each girl [is / are] studying hard. 명사앞에 every, each, no 가있으면주로단수취급을하지요 ^^ and 로연결되어도역시 취급 ^^ It is victims who [is / are] responsible for guaranteeing their own safety. 주격관계대명사가이끄는절에서는누구에게수를일치시킬까? 바로선행사지용. 그래서 victims 에맞추어서정답은 ^^ - 87 -

02. 부분을나타내는어구와수일치 most, some, rest, half, all, 분수, + of + N + V percentage 부분을나타내는표현은 에동사일치시키기 ^^ Most of the buildings in this town [is / are] unattractive. Most of my salary [go / goes] on the rent. cf. Every child [has / have] the right to be educated. <every, each + 명사 > 주어는항상 [ 단수형 / 복수형 ] 동사와일치한다! 03. a number of vs. the number of a number of + 복수명사 + ( ) 동사 many 의의미, 따라서주어부의핵심단어는복수명사니까당연히동사도동사! the number of + 복수명사 + ( ) 동사 긴주어부에서핵심단어는? number!!! 복수명사의수 라는의미라서 주어의핵심명사는 number 이고이는단수니까당연히동사도동사! A number of problems [has / have] arisen. The number of traffic accidents [has / have] dramatically decreased. cf. She comments on the number of fireflies that [is / are] out that evening. 근데요건조금생각이필요한부분! 주격관계대명사 that의선행사는??? 해석을해보세요^^ 그날저녁에밖에있는것은날파리의수가아니라바로날파리! 따라서선행사는 fireflies 이고따라서정답은 입니다.^^ 무조건 the number of 라고성급히덤비지말고반드시문맥을살필것! - 88 -

04. 재귀대명사 다음의딱세가지만명심하세요^^ 1) 용법 ( 주어 = 목적어 ) Ed's father fell ill, so Ed had to support himself. 2) 용법 The king himself took part in the battle. 여기에서는주어강조! 이때재귀대명사는생략해도상관없음! 하지만, 첫번째재귀적용법으로쓰일때는절대생략하면안됨!!! 3) 표현 ( 숙어처럼암기하자구!) He finished his duty by himself. ( 혼자서 ) 모아서정리하고암기해두면편리한재귀대명사의관용적표현모음 ^^ by oneself 혼자서 (=alone) help yourself to ~ 을마음대로먹다 between ourselves 우리끼리이야긴데 for oneself 혼자힘으로 (without help) in itself 그자체가, 본래 beside oneself 제정신을잃고, 흥분하여 of oneself 저절로, 제스스로 in spite of oneself 자기도모르게 요정도면대략충분할듯 05. 관계대명사 what 관계대명사 what의세가지특징, 학습한것기억나지요??? 기억나야합니다!!! ㅠㅠ그럼에도불구하고아리송한친구들, 아래에서폭풍복습!! 1. 앞에가별도로없다! 2. 대개으로해석된다! 3. 뒤에주어나목적어등이없는절이온다! What he likes for breakfast is cornflakes. I could understand what he wanted to do. [What / That] many users may not realize is [what / that] the company owns every photo. (08년 3월 ) ( 해석 : 많은사용자들이깨닫지못할수도있는것은회사가모든사진을소유한다는것이다. ) - 89 -

06. whatever whatever 만나오면공연히위축된다구??? 다음의네가지용법정도만정리해두면절대걱정무 ( 無 )!!! I'll do whatever you tell me to do. whatever 절이목적어 ( 명사절 ) 역할!!! = anything that 해석하면네가내게하라고말한것은무엇이든지할거야! 따라서이때 whatever는무엇이든지정도의의미^^ 만약이때 whatever 대신에 what을쓴다면??? 네가내게하라고말한것이되고 whatever를쓰면네가내가하라고말한것은뭐든지의의미! 차이가느껴지나요??? whatever를쓰면좀더범위가넓어지게되지용^^ Whatever you may say, I'll not go. Whatever 절이부사절역할 = No matter what 으로쓸수있음!!! 이때 Whatever 대신에 what을쓸수있을까??? 절대 NO!!! what절은오로지명사절!!! 그래서주어나목적어등의위치에갈수있지만 whatever 절은명사절을끌기도하고 ( 첫번째예문처럼 ), 두번째예문처럼부사절을끌기도하고! 이예문에서는양보의부사절을끌고있기때문에 what은절대불가랍니다.^^ 왜이렇게힘주어설명하냐구??? ㅋㅋㅋ시험에도잘나오니까^^ Whatever decision he makes, I will support it. No matter what으로써도좋습니다. 근데여기에서 Whatever의역할은? 뒤에있는명사 decision 수식! 그래서이름하여요녀석은복합관계형용사랍니다. ^^ Whatever did you say to her? 의문사 what 강조!!! ( 도대체너그녀에게뭘말했니????) 그냥 what 을쓰면뭘말했니? 가되지만 Whatever 를쓰면 " 도대체뭘 " 의의미 ^^ Q. We can read the news of the day, or the latest on business, entertainment or [however / whatever] news on the websites of the New York Times, the Guardian or almost any other major newspaper in the world. (2013 대수능 Q.20) - 90 -

07. what vs. whatever 따로따로공부하면다알것같은데하나로묶어놓으면또헷갈리는현실ㅠㅠ 그럴때는반복복습이짱입니다욧 ^^ You have our support, [what / whatever] you decide. ~ you could put [however / whatever] you liked after that. (08 년 6 월 ) [Whatever / Whether] you wear torn jeans or like to recite poetry, by doing so you make a statement of belonging to a group of people. (09 년 9 월 ) 다시한번정리하는핵심^^ 1. what절은! 2. whatever절은! 3. however절은! 4. whether절은! 08. make + 목적어 + 목적보어 동사 make 의목적보어자리에는의외로다양한형태가올수있다는사실!!! 자, 그럼총집합시켜볼까??? He made me a teacher. He made me happy. ( 부사는절대 NO!!!, 시험에엄청잘나온다!!!) He made me go. 목적보어자리에동사가올경우 cf. I was made to go. 앗, 근데수동태가되면동사원형이아니라는사실!!! They made the border fixed. 목적어와의관계를따져수동이면!!! - 91 -

09. 명사 + 과거분사 / 현재분사. 분사의제일큰역할은명사수식! 그럼명사수식때현재분사를쓸까??? 과거분사를쓸까??? 고민해결!!! 자 ~ 알들어보세요^^ 분사가수식하고자하는명사와분사와의관계를따져봅시다. 그래서명사가분사를하는능동의관계면현재분사를, 명사가분사를당하는수동의관계면과거분사를!!! 알겠죠??? 꼭기억해서적용하세요^^ They teach moral lessons [considered / considering] important in a society ~. (09 년 10 월 ) 해석 : 그들은사회에서중요하다고여겨지는도덕적교훈들을가르친다. The court clerk shows a movie [outlined / outlining] what is going to happen. (08 년 7 월 ) 해석 : 법원의서기는어떤일이진행되는지를설명하는동영상을보여준다. A ship [traveled / traveling] through rough seas lost 12 cargo containers. (12 대수능 ) 해석 : 거친바다를항해하던배한척이 12 개의화물컨테이너를잃었다. There is a better chance of getting the water and nutrients [needing / needed] to survive. (09 년 6 월 ) Being born was something [done / doing] to me, ~. (08 년 6 월 ) 10. cannot ~ too 해석 : 요런건마치숙어처럼알아둡시다! 모르면완전안드로메다엉뚱해석에다가시간만까먹으니까!!! We cannot be too careful of cars. We cannot be too careful in the choice of books. cf. She can't be tired. 유사표현에주의!!! 해석 : ~ 일리가없다^^ ( 그녀가피곤할리가없다 ) - 92 -

11. 전치사 + 관계대명사. 쉽게생각해요! 관계대명사만있으면뒤에명사 ( 주어나목적어 ) 가빠진절이온다! 전치사 + 관계대명사가있으면뒤에 전치사 + 명사 ( 선행사에해당하는명사 ) 가빠진절이온다는사실! This is the house [which / in which] I built. This is the house [which / in which] I was born. He gave me a book, from which I obtained valuable information. The loudness with which each baby screams [is / are] proportional to how hungry he is. To oversimplify, basic ideas bubble out of universities and laboratories [which / in which] a group of researchers work together: (12 년 9 월 21 번 ) Kamkwamba built his first windmill, [where / which] generated enough power to run a light in his room. (08 년 10 월 ) People of all cultures tell stories [which / in which] they express their values, hopes, and concerns. 12. 형용사 vs. 부사 형용사 : 부사 : 특히주격, 목적격보어의경우부사는절대불가!!! 명심또명심! 왜??? ㅋㅋㅋ시험에단골손님! [unexpected / unexpectedly] questions It is not completely different. [T / F] He studies what makes faces attractively. [T / F] Sometimes the variation is as [subtle / subtly] as a pause. - 93 -

13. 집합명사 family 문맥에따라단수, 복수취급가능하답니다.^^ ( 따라서수일치유의!) Family를하나의집합체, 즉단순집합명사로보면취급! Family를개개구성원에중점을둔, 즉군집명사로보면취급! committee( 위원회, 위원 ), class( 학급, 학급의아이들 ) 등이같은부류지용^^ 그럼아래의예문의연습해봅시당! The family was welcomed by everyone. 가족을하나의집합체로본경우! There are two families in this house. 두가족이란의미^^ Long time no see, how are your family? 요긴가족구성원에초점을둔셈! 해석 : 오랜만이야. 너희가족들은 ( 가족구성원들 ) 어떻게지내니??? police, people, cattle 등은항상단수형이지만복수취급하는집합명사니까함께알아두도록 ^^ The police [is / are] blocking the street. 14. 대동사 주로어법문제에서 be 동사와 do 동사를한데묶어물어보면대개의경우대동사를묻는질문! ( ㅠㅠ물론 100% 는아니랍니다. ^^.) 대동사란??? 는뜻! 앞에나온동사가 be 동사면 일반동사면 로 로대신 ^^ 따라서대동사의경우 be vs. do (does/did) 의구별이관건! You are under the false impression that you do not have as many items to pack as you really [are / do]. (09년대수능 ) These experts are still with us, and as a result so [does / is] the phrase. (10년 9월 ) - 94 -

15. 알아두면유용한전치사 to I strongly objected to [be / being] charged a fee for that. 요건암기합니다.^^ 피가되고살이되는숙어표현들!!! 독해때도요긴하고더불어어법에도짱자주나오니까필수암기! look forward to ~ing ~ 하는것을기대하다 be used/accustomed to ~ing ~ 하는데익숙해져있다 be opposed to ~ing ~ 하는데반대하다 object to ~ing ~ 하는것을반대하다. contribute to ~ing ~ 하는것에기여하다 when it comes to ~ing ~ 에관해서말하자면 with a view to ~ing ~ 할의도를가지고 devote oneself to ~ing ~ 하는데몰두하다 = be devoted to ~ing 추신 : 전치사 to 뒤에동사가오게되면동명사가온다는의미이고, 명사도올수있다는사실! I'm looking forward to [see / seeing] you soon. I'm looking forward to next weekend. 16. ( 소유격 ) 관계대명사 whose 형태 : 선행사 + whose + 명사 ( 소유격이니까뒤에명사가와야지 ^^) 해석 : ( 선행사 ) 의명사는 ( 해석에서파악할수있답니다.^^) I hate people [who / whose] think little of foreigners. 해석 : 앗, 관계대명사뒤에바로동사가왔다? 그럼여기는가필요! He's a man [who / whose] opinion I respect. 누구의견을존중한다구?? 바로그의의견이되니까정답은 ^^ It's the house whose door is painted red. 해석 : - 95 -

17. one / another / the other 요것도늘애매했지요? 확실히정리합니당! 두개의물건이있는경우 : 하나는, 나머지하나는세개의물건이있는경우 : 처음것, 다른것, 나머지하나네개의물건이있는경우 : one, another, another, the other 다섯개의물건이있는경우 : one, another, another, another, the other! 이제감이옵니까??? 최종남은그것은바로이라는사실! 많은물건중몇개는 some, 나머지모두는 많은물건중에몇개는 some, 대략나머지는 Among two skirts, one has buttons and doesn't. There must be way of solving the problem; that's can't be the only way. 여러가지방법들중에한가지 Teasing is one thing; threats of violence are quite. 별개의, 다른 의의미 While some enjoy exercise, others don't. This seat is free; are taken. this seat 빼고나머지의자몽땅의의미! 18. the + 비교급 ~, the + 비교급 너무많이등장해서오히려이제는식상할지경 ^^ 그렇다고자만은금물입니다. ^^ 돌다리도두드려건너기! the 비교급 ( S + V), the 비교급 ( S + V) 해석 : ~ 하면할수록 점점 하다 1. 해석할줄알것! 2. the + 비교급으로형태바꾸어쓸줄알것! ( 어법문제로도많이출제가된답니다.^^) The faster we try to master it, the slower it comes to you. The more melanin particles, the darker the skin, and the low the risk of sunburn and all forms of skin cancer. 옳을까? 틀릴까? - 96 -

19. so ~ that 에관한모든것 중학교때부터띄엄띄엄찔끔찔끔어설프게공부한것, 요참에딱정리합니다.^^ ㅋㅋㅋ I was so tired that I fell asleep quickly. 너무 ~ 해서 하다 His father died suddenly, so that he left school. so that 앞에콤마가있다? 그럼대개의경우 그래서 ( 결과 ) 로해석하면오케이 ^^ Clear off the table so that we can eat. so that 앞에콤마없지요? 대개의경우 ~ 하기위해서 / ~ 하도록 ( 목적 ) 의의미랍니다. cf. Cars parked half on the narrow sidewalks so that you had to step in the road. 헉, 그러나인생이그러하듯, 늘원칙대로만진행되지않는영어... 요건잘해석해보세요. ~ 하기위해서로하면완전이상함! 그래서문맥에맞게해석하면, 차들은좁은인도에반정도 ( 걸쳐서 ) 주차되어있다. 그래서당신은도로로발걸음을옮겨야했다. ㅠㅠ여기에서는 so that이콤마가앞에없지만결과의의미로해석됩니다! 따라서항상문맥에따라적절히해석하고활용하는센스^^ 20. with + 추상명사 은근자주등장하는표현 ~~~^^ 알아두면피가되고살이되지요^^ with + 추상명사 = of + 추상명사 = He climbed the mountain with ease. (=easily) Such information is of no value. (=valueless) 그외알아두면좋은전치사 + 추상명사 = 부사 예 ) on purpose ( ), by accident ( ), in haste ( ) - 97 -

21. that 정복 내가언제고꼭한번요녀석은정복하고싶었어! 별것도아닌녀석이자꾸성가시게구니까! 동감하십니까? ^^ 그럼 that 사냥출발! What's that? Who's that boy? 처음 :, 둘째 : I believe that you ll succeed. : 뒤에완전절을끌고있단다, 그리고목적절역할 I heard the fact that he died. 의 that ( 이또한접속사 ) It is the fact that I heard. : 뒤에목적어빠진절을끌면서 the fact 수식 ) * 보너스한가지 > 관계부사로쓰이는 that 도있답니다.^^ 간단히정리하면 when, why, where의대용으로서, 또 the way how는현대영어에서는거의쓰이지않으므로이에대신하여 the way that처럼관계부사의대용어로서쓰인답니다. 이때 that은보통생략되는경우가많지요^^ 아래의예문으로가볍게정리^^ the last time (that) I saw her That s the reason (that) I came to see you. Things like that are apt to occur anywhere (that) people gather. That is the way (that) he took me in. 22. 명령문 + and 의미 : 명령문 + or 의미 : Hurry up, [and / or] you will miss the train. Hurry, [and / or] you will be in time. 간단한거지만결국, 문맥속에서의파악이관건이라는것! 여러번나오는표현이니까다시한번꼼꼼점검 ^^ - 98 -

23. V + 목적어 + to V( 목적보어 ) ask, order, enable, allow, cause, persuade, request 등등 allow A to do advise A to do urge A to do force A to do persuade A to do encourage A to do ask A to do enable A to do ~ 하도록허용하다 ~ 하도록충고하다 ~ 하라고촉구하다 ~ 하도록강요하다 ~ 하도록설득하다 ~ 하도록격려하다 ~ 하도록부탁하다 ~ 할수있게만들어주다 목적보어자리에동사가오게되면꼭 to 부정사를취하는까칠한동사무리들! 번거롭지만위의동사정도는익해두셔야합니다. ^^ cf. help + 목적어 (to) V : help 는목적보어로동사원형, to 부정사모두가능 ^^ 한마디로깍두기ㅋㅋㅋ The pressure from your foot would cause the sand [act / to act] more like a liquid. (08 년 4 월 ) 24. present A with B 해석 : (provide, supply 도같은구조^) (= present B for/to A } 앗, A, B 순서가바뀌면서중간에전치사도바뀌었네요. 해석에유의할것^^ ) 가끔전치사 for/to냐아니면 with냐물어보기도^^ 아래처럼 ~~~ They presented a watch to / for him. = They presented him a watch. - 99 -

25. 접속사 as 다양한의미로사용되는접속사 as! 한번정도는그의미들을예문으로정리해둡시다 ^^ He came up as I was speaking. As the door was open, I walked in. Do as I do. Much as I like you, I will not marry you. As one grows older, one becomes more silent. * 보너스한가지 > 양보의부사절은보통 (al)though 로시작하지요. 그러나보어로사용된형용사를주어의앞에두고, 접속사로 as를사용하여변화있는표현을할수있답니다. ^^ ( 어순에유의해서해석하기!!!^^) Although he was strong, he couldn't lift it. = Strong as he was, he couldn't lift it. 시간 (~ 때 ), 이유 (~ 니까 ), 양태 (~ 처럼, 대로 ), 양보 ( 비록 ~ 지만 ), 비례 (~ 할수록 ) 순으로예문입니다.^^ 같은영어과고교교사인남편왈! 그래서시 이 양 양 비라고앞글자만따서기억해도좋다네요^^ 완전잔머리대왕! ㅋㅋㅋ 26. 유의해야할목적어형태 (to 부정사 or 동명사 ) 몇몇동사들은목적어자리에동사가올때특정형태만고집하는까칠한녀석들이있음 ^^ enjoy, finish, mind, avoid, deny 등 + expect, hope, decide, want, refuse 등 + ~ he refused to receive praise. (10 년 4 월 ) [T / F] 요즘들어자주어법에등장하지는않지만 밑줄어법의경우밑줄을다섯개나쳐야하니까가끔묻는수도있으니까 이렇게알아두면보험드는셈 ^^ - 100 -

27. N ( S + V ) 수식구조 알아두고적용하면독해가엄 ~ 청쉬워진다는사실! 그리고때로는어법문제풀이에도유용하구요^^ 명사뒤에오는주어 + 동사는앞에있는명사를수식한다는사실! 이때 N는 V의목적어^^ ( 예를들어 the letter I wrote 의경우 I wrote the letter에서나온거니까^^) 아래의예문에서 N ( S + V ) 를묶어보면??? The woman they interviewed yesterday has been given the job. Pass me the newspaper you've read. The road he was driving on was dangerous. 거봐요, 독해가훨씬쉬워지겠지요???? 요것도꾸준히연습해야합니당! 28. A is no more B than C is D 영어공부할때제일김팍세는경우중하나, 단어는아다는데막상조합하면뭔가하나도모름ㅠㅠ다들공감하지요?? 그럴때는아마도뭔가특별한구문이들어가있거나숙어인경우가대부분^^ 바로그대표적인경우가위의표현이랍니다.^^ 해석 : 이건아래의말과고래비유가완전유명한예문! 요런건간단한예문으로익혀두면더효과적이랍니다 ^^ A whale is no more a fish than a horse is (a fish). You're no more capable of speaking Chinese than I am. ( 당신이나나나중국어를못하기는마찬가지다.) cf. He stayed there no more than two days. * 유사표현유의!!! - 101 -

29. 조건절에서 if 의생략과도치 조건절에 should, were, had + p.p. 등이쓰인경우, if를생략하고 should, were, had를주어와도치하여표현할수있지용^^ 우린 if가있어야해석이쉬운데, ㅋ ~ 가끔불친절하게도 if생략되고도치까지!!! 어쩝니까! 영어의고수가되고싶은아쉬운우리가배우고적용해야지!!! ( 수능외국어만점의길! 결코만만하지는않지만절대! 불가능은아니라는사실^^) ( )( )( )( )( )( ), I would travel abroad. (= If I were as rich as he) ( )( )( )( )( ), I might never have developed the novel. (= If I had not met Tom) 2011년선배들당황시킨문제한가지^^ 2011년 6월모의평가 43번글의순서정하기문제! 글의순서파악에제일우선요소는주어진문장에대한이해, 그래서차분히주어진네모안의글을읽고 (A) 로넘어간순간, 헉! 이건뭐지??? (A) That in itself would not have been so bad had it not been for the mice. Mice were attracted by the food and they shredded all the curtains, screens, and cushions. Had we let the friend borrow the camper, she would have discovered the boxes before the mice did. 하지만이제조건절의 if 생략과도치를배웠으니까이해가될법도!!! That in itself would not have been so bad had it not been for the mice. 여기에서는조건절이문장뒤로갔구나. 게다가??? 그렇지바로 if가생략된구문!!! 그래서원래대로한번써보면 If it had not been for the mice, that in itself would not have been so bad. Had we let the friend borrow the camper, she would have discovered the boxes before the mice did. 이문장역시 if의생략구문! 제대로복원해보자구!!! If we had let the friend borrow the camper, ~. 이래서제대로된영어공부를위해서는단순히단어만이문제가아닙니다. 기본적인구문, 어법에대한이해는필수랍니다. ^^ 그래야정확한의미를파악할수있고또훈련이되면지문을빨리이해하는데도큰도움이되지요^^ 하지만절대한번의학습으로내것이되지않습니다. 앞으로수특시리즈를이어가면서보고또보고하자구요. 잊지마세요! 여러분의실력은수능날까지튼튼하게차곡차곡쌓여간다는사실^^ 아자아자!!! - 102 -

30. 시제일치의예외 때 조건의에서미래대신을사용한다는사실을명심하세요!!! I will wait here till he comes back. 맞는표현^^ [will come ] If it rains tomorrow, we'll stay at home. 맞는표현 ^^ [will rain ] 단, 때 조건의명사절에서는미래는미래형으로!!! I don't know when he will come. 맞는표현 ^^ I don't know if he will come. 맞는표현 ^^ 두문장에서 when, if 절이 역할을하고있답니다. ^^ Unless you make greener choices, these will still be in landfills when your child [celebrates / will celebrate] his or her 90th birthday. All you have to do is boil it in water just until it [is / will be] tender. (09 년 3 월 ) 보너스한가지!> 근데조건을나타내는부사절이라도주어의의지를나타낼경우 will을쓰기도^^ 예 ) If you will join us, we will be happy. 하지만대개의경우시간과조건의부사절에서는미래대신현재시제를쓰니까보너스는그저보너스로참고만하고오늘의핵심은!!! 시간과조건의부사절에서는미래대신현재시제 31. It takes + 사람 + 시간 + to V ( 사람 ) 이 V 하는데시간이 ~ 걸리다. 딱알아두면독해때유용하지요 ^^ 바로다음의예문에서연습 ^^ It took him two hours to finish his homework. = It took two hours him to finish his homework. - 103 -

32. 동사 keep 동사 keep 을정리하고싶어사전을들여다봐도너무정신없다구요? 그럼요기를들여다볼것!!! ㅋㅋㅋ The fire kept burning all night. keep ~ing : Keep the light burning. Keep me informed about the situation. keep + 목적어 + 목적보어 분사가올경우목적어와목적보어와의관계를따져능동이면, 수동이면넣기! ( 두번째예문의경우내가정보를받는거라 informed) The church bells keep me from sleeping. keep + 목적어 + from ~ing : keep 대신 inhibit, ban, stop, prevent, prohibit, discourage도같은의미와같은구조로쓰임^^ cf. She kept her promise [to visit / from visiting] them. 해석 : 그녀는그들을방문하겠다는약속을지켰다. 따라서이때는위의구문이아니라 to V가앞에있는 the promise를수식하고있습니다. ^^ 정답은! 교훈하나, 무턱대고기계적으로답을찾지말고반드시해석을해볼것! 33. used 관련표현정리 used 관련해서도정리가필요하지요. 왜??? 헷갈리니까^^ used to V : be used to V : be used (=accustomed) to V-ing : 이때 to는전치사! We used to see him from week to week. A microphone is used to magnify small sounds. He is used to getting up early. - 104 -

34. it ~ that 강조구문 vs. 진주어 가주어구문 꽤많이헷갈릴수있는구문! 이럴때필요한게바로빅마마의명쾌구분법! 자 ~~~ 지금부터시작 ^^ 강조구문의경우 : it ~ that 사이의표현과 that 이하의표현을합치면하나의문장이완성!!! 진주어가주어 (it) 구문의경우 : that이하가하나의완전절이면서 it ~ that 사이의표현이 that이하의내용에대해설명^^ (it ~ that 사이표현과 that이해표현합치면?? 문장이상함! ㅋㅋㅋ ) It is true that the pen is mightier than the sword. 이때는 It는 It is in America that he has lived for ten years. He has lived for ten years in America. 지요??? 그러니 in America It s you that[or who] are to blame. You are to blame. 에서강조!!! 35. So + v + S 해석 : 유의사항 : 1. 어순유의!!! 동사뒤에주어가있다! 에실수않도록!!! 2. 이때 V는앞에서언급한내용이일반동사이면 be동사이면로받기! A: He speaks French. B: So I. (= I speak French, too speak French 를나타내야하니까!) I was tired and so the others. ( 주어가 the others 니까수일치유의!) cf A: Tom likes pop very much. B: So he does. (So + S +V의어순 해석 : ) 해석 : 주어는정말그렇다. ( 앞서말한사람의내용에동의^^) 이때도앞서말한내용이 likes pop very much니까 does를썼네^^ - 105 -

36. 간접의문문의어순 심심찮게등장하는어법 item! 설마아직도헷갈리고있는그대??? ㅋㅋㅋ수능전에새롭게정리할수있으니그대는복받은, 수능대박의기회가충분한행운아^^ * 직접의문문어순 직접의문문의다른문장속으로들어가면간접의문문이되어어순이변화하지용! 예 ) Who is he? Do you know? I've forgotten what is your name. [T / F] Your choice of restaurant depends on [what do you like to eat / what you like to eat]. When do you think we can find out the answer? 주절이 do you think/believe/suppose/guess 일경우에는간접의문문의의문사는문장앞에둔다!!! 37. be + (to) V be 동사뒤에동사가오면보어로서당연히 to V( 명사적용법 ) 가와야할것같지만때로는동사원형이오기도하더라구요. 이게왠변고??? 다음의세가지경우를보세요^^ All one has to do The only thing I want to do + is[was] + (to) V The best thing I can do 주어부의공통점은??? 한결같이끝이로끝난다는사실! 수식을받아길어진주어부가로끝나게되고뒤에동사가오면 보어자리에가가능합니다. ^^ 밑줄어법에간혹등장하니이해필수!!! All we need to do is (to) make sure we do not lose them. All you have to do is boil it in water just until it is tender. (09 년 3 월 ) - 106 -

38. if any vs. if ever 문장중간에껴서우리를난처하게만드는경우가종종있지요. 단한번의정리로해결가능합니다. ^^ if any : ( 있다없다로접근 ) 명사에대한강조설명 if ever : ( 한다안한다로접근 ) 동사에대한강조설명 There is little, if any, hope of his recovery. 그의회복에대한희망은설사 ( 희망이 ) 있다하더라도거의없다. He seldom, if ever, goes to church. 그는설사 ( 교회에간다하더라도 ) 거의교회에가지않는다. She seldom, if [any / ever], goes to the movies by herself. 그녀는 ( 설사간다하더라도 ) 혼자서는거의영화보러가지않는다. 간다안간다의문제니까 쓰기 ^^ 39. even if(= even though) vs. as if(=as though) 의미 : 비슷하게생겼다고헷갈리기있기? 없기??? 절. 대. 없. 기!!!!^^ He talks as if he knew everything. We understand each other, even if we don't always agree. - 107 -

40. 요구 제안 주장동사다음의 that절시제 demand, suggest, recommend, insist 등 that 이하가 ~ 해야한다라는의미일때는 that + S + (should) + V원형 that 이하가사실에대해이야기할때는 that이하를시제에맞게씁니다^^ ( 처음에는 should + 동사원형관련문제가자주출제되더니요즘에는두가지다골고루출제^^ 그러니확실하게의미에바탕을두어판단할것!!!) He insisted that we [be / were] more honest with each other. 해석해보세용! ~ 해야한다고의의미니까! He insisted that he [see / had seen] a UFO last night. 지난밤에본사실을주장하고있으니까이때는시제에맞게쓰기! 주장은과거시제니까어젯밤에본것은 가당연 ^^ He insisted that returning the money was the right and only thing he could do. (10 년 4 월 ) 그는주장했다 / 돈을돌려주는것이그가할수있는옳은유일한일이라고 그러니 ~ 해야한다는의미는없지요??? 가맞는표현 ^^ 보너스한가지더!!! 여러분은요구, 주장, 제안, 필요, 명령등의의향을나타내는동사에계속되는 that절에서만 (should) + 동사원형을생각하셨나요? 오 ~~~NO!!! 좀더엄밀히말하면요구, 주장, 제안, 필요, 명령등의의향을나타내는동사, 형용사, 명사에계속되는 that절에서 (should) + 동사원형! 다음의예문을보세용^^ It's our wish that it (should) be kept secret. It was essential that this man's other associates (should) be identified. <that 절중에의향의 should 를수반하는말 > 동사 : demand, insist, suggest, recommend, order, decide, propose 등 명사 : decision, suggestion, wish, order 등 형용사 : necessary, essential, important 등 - 108 -

41. 동사 get 정리! 너무너무중요한단어! 요단어로는논문도한편나온다는사실 ^^ 그중에서도꼭필요한몇가지만지금정리합니다. ^^ The picture got damaged when we were moving. I can't get him [go / to go] to bed. him 이가는거! Dressing oddly gets you [to laugh / laughed] at. you 가비웃음을당하게되는거! get + 과거분사 : ( 수동의의미가됩니다.^^) get + 목적어 + 목적보어 : 목적어와목적보어가능동의관계일때목적보어로동사가오면쓰기 ( 앗, 사역동사나지각동사의경우동사원형이오는데 요녀석은특이하군!!! 그래서어법시험에단골!!!^^) 목적어와목적보어가수동의관계일때목적보어로동사가오면 쓰기 42. 전치사 + ~ing 표현모음 숙어처럼정리하고활용하면해석할때아주유용하지요. 근데한가지, 늘공식처럼딱들어맞는건아니라는사실. 언어는문맥에따라다양한의미로쓰일수있으니항상그문맥의중요성을잃지말것. 어디까지나대략요렇게쓰이는경우가많다는거지 100% 그렇다는건아님^^ ( 급소심빅마마ㅠㅠ ) on ~ing in ~ing by ~ing without ~ing < 해석해봅시다^^ > On arriving home I discovered they had gone. In attempting to save the child from drowning, she nearly lost her own life. He left without saying goodbye. - 109 -

43. 분사의주요역할 분사의가장큰쓰임은크게두가지로정리합시다! 1. 명사수식 : 명사수식혹은주격, 목적격보어로쓰임. 이때수식을받는혹은설명의대상이되는명사와분사와의관계를판단할것. 명사가분사를직접하는경우면당하는경우면! 아래의두예문으로연습할것! Who were those people [waiting / waited] outside? 기다리고있는사람들 A lot of people [invited / inviting] to the party were present. 초대받은사람들! 2. 분사구문 : 완전한주절의앞이나뒤에서분사로시작하는구가주절을수식하는경우 이때도역시현재분사를쓰느냐과거분사를쓰느냐의기로... 어떻게하라고했지? 분사앞에별도의명사가없으면주절의주어가분사의의미상의주어! 그래서그주어가직접하는거면당하는경우면! 역시아래의두예문으로연습할것! [Open / Opening] the drawer, he took out a pencil. Open 의의미상의주어는 he 이고그가서랍을연거니까! [Compared / Comparing] with other organs in the body, the brain has complexity. 의미상의주어는 the brain 이고다른장기들과비교되는거니까! 분사의쓰임은딱이것이핵심! 분사는늘두개중하나를고르는것이힘들지요??? 의미상의주어, 혹은설명의대상을얼른파악해능 수동파악하는것이핵심! 그리고그연습은바로위의네예문이아주좋아용^^ - 110 -

여러분, 영어독해를함에있어분사구문은절대피할수가없지용! 피할수없다면??? 즐겨야지요! 반드시정복해야지요!! 그래서분사구문에대해서는다음의설명을좀더추가합니다. ^^ ㅋㅋㅋ자상한빅마마^^ 분사구문 : 분사 ( 현재분사, 과거분사 ) 로시작하는구가주절 (S+V) 의의미를수식해주는것! 예를들어, Arriving in Seoul, I contacted him. ( 서울에도착해, 그에게연락했다 ) I contacted him은하나의완전한절 ( 주절 ) 이지요? 근데그앞에현재분사로시작하는 Arriving in Seoul는무슨역할???? 주절에대한부연설명의분사구문! 해석하면서울에도착해서. 누가??? 바로주절의주어 I 가!!! 쉽지요??? 문맥에맞게해석만잘하시면만사오케이^^ 주로분사구문해석은 ~ 할때, ~ 했기때문에, ~ 하면서등이대세 연습해볼까요??? Feeling tired, he lay down on the bed. ( 피곤해서, 그는침대에누웠다. -> 문맥상 Feeling tired가 ~ 했기때문에구나보이지요?) 누가피곤해??? 분사 feeling의의미상주어는바로주절의주어 he^^ One more time! 하나더연습! She sat at the window sewing. 주절은 She ~ window까지. 왜? 그녀는창가에앉아있었다까지가완전한문장의구조! 그럼 sewing는? 분사구문! 앗, 분사구문이주절뒤에도가요? 당근이쥐! 주절앞, 뒤, 심지어는중간에도종횡무진! 그럼해석!: 그녀는창가에앉아있었다 / 바느질을하면서 ( 동시동작을나타내는구나 ) 분사를모르고는영어를논할수없는법! 개념강의곳곳에서설명이반복해이어지니까 끝까지힘내서완!. 전!. 정!. 복!. - 111 -

44. to 부정사의수동태 to V 는 ~ 하는것이고 to 는당하는것 ^^ 영어공부의절정은바로예문으로원리익히기 ^^ 앞으로독해지문에도종종나올거니까우리의주특기, 무. 한. 반. 복! I hope to be offered a job. 나에게직업이제공되기를바라는거니까 ^^ ~ he allows himself to [pull / be pulled] into the factory s mechanical belly. 그는자신이공장의기계속으로빨려들어가게되는것을허용한다라는의미니까 정답은 ^^ Ten people are called to sit in the jury box to [question / be questioned] by the lawyers in the case. 이문장으로다시한번복습해볼까??? to sit 의주체는? 바로 Ten people! 그들이앉는거니까, 하지만그들이질문을받는거니까 한문장안에서비교가되지요? 되어야합니다! 45. It ~ for to V 구문 해석 : 이때 It 는가주어, to V 이하는진주어, 그리고 for + 명사는 to V 의의미상의주어 ^^ It was not enough for them just to work out problems from a book. It is hard for street trees to survive with only foot-square holes in the pavement. to 부정사의의미상의주어는 to V 앞에있는 cf. It was honest of you to tell me the truth. 사람의성질이나감정을나타내는형용사가사람의행위를칭찬, 비난하는구문에보어로쓰일때이런형용사다음에 to부정사의의미상의주어는그럼그런대표적인형용사는??? : good, kind, nice, polite, foolish, silly, stupid, rude, cruel 등등 ^^ - 112 -

46. 지각동사 + 목적어 + 목적보어 지각동사 + 목적어 + 목적보어 ( 동사원형, ~ing, p.p.) 등 헐, 왜이렇게목적보어의종류가많은거야!!! 근, 다다른의미겠지??? ㅠㅠ어떻게다구분하냐구? 그럴땐주저없이외치세요! 빅마마, 도와주세용^^ 빰빠밤, 빠바바빠밤, 빠바바빠밤, 빠바바바 ~~~ ( 슈퍼맨메인 OST^^) 목적어와목적보어사이의관계가능동이면 을 능동이면서진행의의미를강조하면 를 수동이면를!!! 알겠지요??? I heard her [play / to play] the violin at midnight. 그녀가연주하는거니까 ^^ cf. I heard her playing the violin at midnight. 그녀가연주중임을강조 ^^ Anyone seeing a small child playing near the water's edge will worry ~. I didn't hear a word [say / said] against the mayor. 한마디가말하는것이아니라말되어지는것 ( ㅋㅋㅋ우리말로직역하니까좀어색하긴하지만^^) The detective saw him walk out of the waiting room. He was seen [walk / to walk] out of the waiting room. 47. if 의쓰임 접속사 if 의세가지쓰임^^ 아래처럼정리해두자구요^^ 1. 2. 3. If I knew his address, I would give it to you. Even if the car's old, it still runs well. He couldn't tell if she was laughing or crying. - 113 -

48. 능 수동해석시유의사항! 해석할때꼭요주의가필요한부분이랍니다.^^ 조심필 ( 必 )!!! Don t argue. Just do as you are told. tell : 말하다, : 듣다 He was given work more suited to his abilities. give : 주다, : 받다 cf. Scholarship is given solely on the basis of financial need. 헉, 이경우엔 ( 주어가 ) 라는의미 ^^ 수동의형태로주로쓰이는동사 숙어처럼암기하면편리하지용 ^^ be located/situated ( 주어는 ) ~ 에위치하다 be seated ( 주어가 ) ~ 에앉다 be referred to as be accustomed to ~ing be concerned/worried about ( 주어가 ) ~ 라일컬어지다 ( 주어가 ) ~ 에익숙해지다 ( 주어가 ) ~ 에대해걱정하다 49. 배수사 + as + 원급 + as 해석 : = 배수사 + 비교급 + than I work twice hard him. = I work twice harder him. 영어를효과적으로공부하는한가지방법! 간단한구문은간단한예문으로익힌다! 마치수학공식처럼구문을외우려고하지말고가장간단한예문으로익히면기억도오래가고또사용하기도쉽고^^ 위의비교구문도딱위의두문장이면해결된다는사실^^ - 114 -

50. 가목적어 it 의핵심포인트 몇몇동사들은 to부정사나 that절 ( 혹은의문사가이끄는절및 if/whether 절 ) 의목적어를뒤로보내고대신그자리에가짜목적어 it를두더라구요. 그런까칠한동사들은뉴규??? 바로 M. B. C. F. T. ( 아일랜드까지는아니고여기까지ㅋㅋㅋ ) 동사 + 가목적어 it + 목적보어 + 진목적어 (tov, that 절 ) ake, elieve, onsider, ind, hink I thought it necessary [tell / to tell] the truth. I find [it / that] amazing that you can't swim. 목적어로 to V나 that 절이올경우가목적어 it를주로사용하는동사 5총사 : 요녀석들은 tov, that절의목적어가오면뒤로보내고 대신그자리에가짜목적어 를쓴답니다. ^^ 영어에서가목적어형태는 it 하나밖에없다는사실도명심 ^^ 51. should have p.p. 해석 : ( 과거의행위, 상태에대한비난, 후회 ) 요건많이들어보셨지요??? 그럼예문으로간단히점검 ^^ If I had known you were here, I should have come at once. I shouldn t have missed such a golden opportunity. cf. I should have finished the book by Friday. ( 내가금요일까지는그책을다읽을수있을것이다.) 때로는과거의일에대한 을나타내기도 ^^ ( 당연히 ~ 했을것이다, 아마 ~ 했음에틀림없다 ) 요건몰랐지용??? 그래서문맥이중요하다는사실 ^^ - 115 -

52. 형용사보어를취하는동사 몇몇동사들은우리말로해석하면꼭뒤에부사가올것같지만 실제로는형용사보어를취한답니다.^^ 바로다음의동사들이그래요 ^^ : be, keep, remain, stay 등 (~ 이다 ) : become, come, get, grow 등 (~ 이되다 ) : appear, look, seem 등 (~ 으로보이다 ) : feel, smell, sound, taste 등 It soon became [evident / evidently] that their knowledge was limited and of no value. (10년 9월 ) This sounds [obvious / obviously]. (11년 6월 ) The apple appeared [perfect / perfectly], but it was rotten inside. 이때는 appear는 ( 주어가 ) 라는의미로뒤에형용사보어가필요한불완전자동사!!! cf. It appeared [recent / recently] in the publication, Conservation Biology. 이때는 appear는 ( 주어가 ) 의미로쓰여서뒤에보어가필요없는완전자동사!!! 따라서이때는동사수식의부사가필요!!! 53. which 정리 입안의가시같은요녀석, 오늘확실히정리한다! Which of these do you want? Books which sell well are not necessarily good. Which way shall we go? - 116 -

54. 전치사의목적어로쓰이는동명사 동명사란뭐지??? 동사면서명사의성질도가지고있는녀석! 다음의문장을보면서동명사의성질을익혀봅시다^^ I am looking forward to hear from her. 전치사 to 뒤의동사는? 당근동명사형태로! 으로수정할것! He was afraid of see by the police. 앗, 동명사도수동태로쓰일수있다는사실! 어떻게? being p.p. 따라서정답은 ^^ He complained of having been underpaid. 와우, 요건시제까지나타내고있군! 동명사가 having p.p. 가되면주절의시제보다한시제이전, 한시제빠른것에대한언급^^ 근데 having been p.p. 가왔네??? 그럼시제도나타내고수동이란것도나타내는셈^^ ( 과소평가되어진것에불평을하고있었다라는셈이니까^^) the pleasure of [consumption / consuming] an expensive cake 동명사 vs. 명사의아주중요한개념정리를요하는어법사항! 동명사의성질 : 동사적성질도가지고명사적성질도가지고! 동사적성질의대표적인특징! 뒤에 를가질수있답니다 ^^ 따라서위의예문의경우전치사뒤에명사, 동명사다와도되지만 뒤에목적어 (an expensive cake) 가있네??? 그럼여기에서필요한것은바로그이름도찬란한! There is the possibility of damage your stuff, ~.(09수능 ) damage는동사로도쓰이고명사로도쓰이고! 일단전치사 of 뒤에왔으니명사역할! 근데뒤에보니까 your stuff 가와있고해석하면너의물건을손상시키다라는의미구나. 그럼 of 뒤라서명사가와야하지만뒤에목적어도취할수있는동사의성질을가진녀석이필요! 그래서등장하는것이!!! 그래서으로바꾸어야옳은표현^^ - 117 -

55. 관계대명사 that 말도많고탈 {???} 아니어법문제에서도맹활약을하는 that^^ 관계대명사로쓰일때도참많은활약을하는군요^^ 그래서이번시간에는관계대명사로쓰이는 that의특징들만모아모아정리 ~~~ 관계대명사 that 은주로어떤경우에쓸까??? the driver and the car that fell into the river 선행사가사람, 사물, 동물의혼합일경우 This is the very book that I have been looking for. 선행사에선행사의의미를강하게한정하는수식어구가붙어있는경우 (the + 최상급, the + 서수, the only, the very 등 ) He lost his way, which delayed him very much. 관계대명사 that은콤마와함께쓰이는용법으로는쓰이지않음!!! That is the house that the poet was born in. 관계대명사 that은와함께쓰이지않음!!! 즉, 전치사 + 관계대명사 that 은불가! 여기서잠깐! 가끔이런표현은보게될거예요. Men differ from monkeys in that they can speak. ( 인간은말할수있다는점에서원숭이와다르다.) 이때는 that이관계대명사가아니라접속사이구요, in that 은덩어리로 라고해석하면됩니당 ^^ ( 가끔어법에나오기도 ^^) BONUS 정보 > 접속사 that vs. 관계대명사 that * 접속사 that : 뒤에이온다! * 동격의 that : 뒤에이오므로접속사이다하지만동격이라는건같은말이라는뜻이고그래서 N + 동격의 that이나오면 N의내용과 that이하내용이같다는뜻^^ 예를들면 the news that I passed the exam ( 내가시험에통과했다는소식 ) 뉴스와내가시험에통과했다는것은결국같은의미그래서이때 that은동격으로 the news = I passed the exam that이하를보면완전한절이왔지요? 그래서이때 that은접속사 that으로동격^^ - 118 -

that 대신 which는여기서쓸수없음! which는관계대명사로쓰이지접속사로쓰이진않으니까^^ * 관계대명사 that : 뒤에주어나목적어가빠진불완전한절이오고앞에수식받는선행사가온다! the book that he was reading ( 그가읽고있던책 ) 이때 that은관계대명사, 왜? 뒤에목적어가생략되었고앞에있는 the book 수식중이때 that 대신관계대명사 which 써도좋음 쌤이강조해설명하는이유는??? 종종접속사 that과관계대명사 that을구분하는어법문제가출제되니까!!! 자료에서든수업에서든빅마마쌤이설명한다? 그럼그건시험과직결되는것이니꼭명심, 또명심^^ 알겠죠??? ^^ 56. 접속사 vs. 전치사 자주등장하는접속사 vs. 전치사여기다모여라 ^^ although while because despite during because of in case (that) in case of 뒤에이올것! 뒤에가올것!!! He went to Spain [although / despite] his mother had told him to rest. [Although / Despite] international pressure, progress has slowed in the peace talks. cf. I fell asleep while reading. 허걱!, 접속사 while 뒤인데절이아니라딸랑 reading만왔다구??? 근데어법상틀리지않다구??? 이건어떤변고??? ㅋㅋㅋ접속사뒤에서는때로는주절의주어가같고 be 동사가오게되면가생략되기도한답니다. ^^ 그래서위문장에서는주어 + be 동사가생략된것으로볼수있구요아니면분사구문에서접속사를생략하지않고놔둔경우로도이해가능^^ - 119 -

57. result in vs. result from 동사 result 뒤에오는 in 이냐, from 이냐에따라완전의미가달라진답니다. ^^ 원인 + result in + 결과 + result from + Picasso and Braque had a very strong cooperation, which resulted in the birth of cubism. (07 년 7 월 ) Picasso 와 Braque 의협력이입체파라는결과를낳았으니까 ^^ His failure in the exam resulted [in / from] laziness. 시험에서그의실패는누구탓? 게으름탓! 그래서뒤에원인이오니까답은 ^^ 혹시여러분의성적부진탓도게으름탓??? 그럼정말빅마마에게혼. 구. 멍. 납니다!!! 58. 생략절 시간, 조건, 양보등의부사절에서부사절의주어가주절의주어와같을경우가생략된다는중요한사실! She usually doesn't speak until (she is) spoken to. While (you are) speaking to a large public, imagine you are talking to just one person. If (they are) misused, pesticides can be harmful to the environment. 특히주어 + be 동사생략되고분사가남은경우, 주절의주어와관계를따져현재분사가옳은지과거분사가옳은지찾는어법문제도많이나오니까주의!!! ( 위에서밑줄친 spoken, misused, speaking 등에유의!^^) - 120 -

59. with + 목적어 + 목적보어 해석에도중요하고어법문제로도중요하고! 초집중!!! 1. 해석을할줄알아야한다! ( 목적어 ) 가 ( 목적보어 ) 한상태로 ~ 2. 목적보어의다양한형태를알아야한다!!!. You should not speak with your mouth full. 형용사 ( 이때부사는안됨!!! 왜? 목적어 your mouth 에대한설명이니까 ^^) He waved to me with a big smile on his face. 전치사구 She approached the desk with her heart beating wildly. 현재분사 ( 목적어와의관계를따져서넣을것!) She was listening to the music with her eyes closed. 과거분사 ( 눈이감겨진상태로혹은눈을감은상태로 ) With the new rule taken effect in five months, concerns over non English speaking players in the league are arising. (08 년 10 월 ) 과연밑줄친표현은맞을까, 틀릴까??? 해석 : 다섯달후에새로운규칙이시행됨에따라, 프리미어리그의비영어권출신선수들에대한염려가일고있다. 'with + 목적어 + 목적보어 ' 의구문이딱보이지요??? 그럼목적어와목적보어의관계를따져보시라! 새로운규칙이효력을가지다라고해서뒤에목적어를가지잖아요. 그럼능동이지! 근데왠 taken??? 따라서정답은 으로수정하기 ^^ - 121 -

60. 도치 도치가뭐지??? 아는사람??? 도치 : 문장의일부가주어앞으로나옴으로인해서 주어 + 동사의어순이아니라 의어순이되는것 ^^ 이런도치에는여러가지이유가있지요. 도치가일어나는경우를다음의몇가지로정리해둡시다.^^ 1) 부정어가문장앞으로나왔을때 I little dreamed that he was here. Little that he was here. 부정의부사를문장앞에두어강조할때부정을나타내는어구가문장앞에오면도치가일어납니다^^ ( 위예문의경우 little은거의 ~ 않다라는의미의부사^^ 따라서 Little이앞에나온경우 dreamed 대신 did가대신앞으로나오고 dreamed는원형 dream이되었지용^^ 일반동사의경우 do, did, does가대신앞으로나온답니다.^^) 위예문을직접스스로가도치해써보면더학습효과짱이랍니다^^ Never [we have seen / have we seen] such a wonderful sight. Not until this morning [he knew / did he know] the fact. 2) 부사 Only 가끌고있는어구가문장앞으로나왔을때 Only for the love of his family he does such hard work. [T / F] 라고고쳐야정답 ^^ 3) 장소 / 방향의부사 ( 구 ) 가문장앞으로나왔을때 In the middle of the room [stand / stands] four large tables. 주어는바로 four large tables 니까복수형동사가와야지! 헐, 아직도복수형동사가 stands 라고믿고있는친구들!!! 다시복습!!! At the bottom of the garden a pine grove was. [T / F] - 122 -

4) 보어가문장앞으로나왔을때 Blessed [is / are] the poor in spirit. 이문장의주어는바로 the poor이고 the + 형용사 = 복수보통명사^^(~ 인사람들이라는의미^^) 따라서정답은! 도치관련마지막보너스정리! ( 친절한빅마마 ^^) 1. 부정어가문장앞에나오면도치 2. 장소 / 방향의부사 ( 구 ) 가문장앞으로나오면도치 3. 보어가문장앞으로나오면도치 4. 부사 only로시작되는어구가문장앞으로나오면도치!!! 61. spend + 시간 / 돈 + ~ing 해석 : 다음의예문을로연습해보세요 ^^ They would have discussions about what they planned to paint, and then spend all day painting at each other s workplace. (07 년 7 월 ) [T / F] You will spend all your time studying to deal with these pressures. [T / F] spend 나왔다고무조건 ~ing 를연결시키는건금물! 항상의미파악도중요하지요 ^^ 다음의예문을복습해봅시다. ^^ Light-skinned people of European descent / spend / a good part of their lives / outdoors / wearing scanty clothes. 해석 : 밝은피부색의유럽계후손들이 / 보낸다 / 생활의상당부분을 / 바깥에서 / 옷을별로걸치지않은채이때 wearing은 spend + 시간 / 돈 + ~ing와상관없는분사구문이랍니다. ^^ 이문장에서는 ~ing 대신에그부분에 outdoors가들어갔어용!!!^^ - 123 -

62. 비교구문유의사항 비교구문에서비교되는두대상은같은형태를취한다는사실을익혀두세요 ^^ You will be able to feel appreciation for giving something rather than receiving. Sometimes, accepting help is harder than offering it. I much prefer playing in the open air to [read / reading] indoors. 실내에서책읽는것과나가서노는것을비교하고있으니 당연히정답은 ^^ 왜냐구?? 앞에서 playing 을쓰고있으니까 ^^ 63. to 부정사의부사적용법 더이상의 to 부정사부사적용법정리는없다! 딱아래의 7문장으로총정리합니다. ^^ 뿌듯한빅마마ㅋㅋㅋ그중에서도특히두번째, 세번째문장의경우가독해할때중요하다는사실!!! Anesthesia was first used to relieve pain during surgery. 목적 ( ~ 하기위해 ) He grew up to be a teacher. 결과 ( 해서 ~ 되다 ) He worked hard only to fail. 결과 ( 하였으나결국 ~ 하고말았다 ) I'm pleased to meet you again. 감정의이유 (~ 해서 ) He must be mad to say like that. 판단의근거 (~ 하는것을보면, ~ 하다니 ) I'd be glad to join the club. 조건 (~ 한다면 ) He is very difficult to teach. 형용사수식 (~ 하기에, ~ 하는데 ) 64. be known 시리즈정리 알아두면독해가편해진답니다^^ He is known everybody. 그는모두에게알려져있다 A man is known the company he keeps. 속담 친구를보면그사람을알수있다. The fox is known its cleverness and cunning. 여우는영리함과교활함으로유명하다. It is known the most dangerous part of the city. 그것은그도시에서가장위험한지역으로알려져있다. - 124 -

65. 분사구문의시제 ( 완료형분사구문 ). 로시작하는완료형분사구문이필요한이유? 주절의술어동사보다앞선동작을나타낼필요가있을때를위해서 ^^ Eating his dinner, he rushed out of the house. 접시를들고나온다는 ( 저녁을먹으면서나온다는 ) 느낌^^ Having eaten his dinner, he rushed out of the house. 요건저녁을먹고나서나간다는느낌^^ Having failed twice, he didn't want to try again. 그는 ( 전에 ) 두번실패하고난뒤에, 다시해보려고하지않았다. 실패한것과도전하고자하는것사이에시간적인거리가있음이드러나지요^^ 66. as if + 가정법 as if + 가정법과거 as if + 가정법과거완료 (had p.p.) She acts as if she were a celebrity. ( 실제로는그렇지않으면서마치 ~ 인것처럼 ) She acted as if she were a celebrity. She acts as if she had been a celebrity. ( 실제로는그렇지않았으면서마치 ~ 였던것처럼 ) She acted as if she had been a celebrity. 가정법 가정법 시제가쓰였으면주절의시제와같다는의미 시제가쓰였다면주절의시제보다앞선시제라는의미 ^^ cf. The man behaves as if he is a politician. 실제로정치인인지아닌지모를경우에는요렇게쓰기도한답니다 ^^ - 125 -

67. 과거완료진행형 형태 : 대과거에서과거까지의기간동안동작이계속되었음을강조하는표현 ^^ He sent me a book that he had bought in Seoul. 그는서울에서산책을내게보냈다. ( 서울에서책을산것이이전동작이니까대과거로쓰고보낸것은과거시제로 ^^) I had been studying English for six years when I took the exam. 내가시험을보았을때는 6 년째영어공부를해오고있는중이었다.^^ ( 시험을보던그시점은이미 6 년전부터영어공부를해오고있는시점 ^) 혹시나하는노파심에서... 대과거란??? 과거에일어난두가지일의순서를나타내서위해서 먼저일어난일은 had p.p. 형태로나타냄! 68. 유의해야할형용사 lovely, friendly, likely, costly, deadly 이오총사는 -ly 로끝나지만 로쓰인답니다 ^^ 물론이중몇몇은부사로도쓰이지만중요한건! 주로형용사로쓰인다는사실! Once approached, the Koreans are as friendly as any people. [T / F] ( 일단사귀고나면한국사람은세계의어느국민못지않게우호적이다. ) They have since become more friendly. [T / F] It is highly likely that a year from now you are not going to care. [T / F] 매우, 아주 ( 지금부터 1년후에는당신이 ( 그것에 ) 신경을쓰지않을가능성은아주높다.) - 126 -

69. ask if/whether ~ 의미 : ask 뒤에 if 나 whether 절이온다는사실!!!^^ He said to me, "Is your student in?" He asked me. : 의문사가없는직접의문문을간접의문문으로만들면이때 if/whether 이필요 ^^ She said to him, "Where are you going?" She asked him. : 의문사가있는직접의문문을간접의문문으로만들때는당연히의문사 + 주어 + 동사 2010년 9월모의평가에서이런어법문제가있었지요^^ After going to see the accommodations, he came up to the purser desk and inquired [if / that] he could leave his valuables in the ship safe. ( 해석 : 숙박시설을살펴본후에, 그는선박의사무장의자리로와서자신의귀중품들을배의금고에보관해둘수있겠느냐고물었다. ) inquire v. 문의하다 ~ 인지아닌지질문하는거니까답은????!!! 이제학습을했으니충분히풀수있겠지요??? ^^ 여러분을믿습니다!!!^^ 70. 타동사 + 부사표현의유의사항 타동사 + 부사의표현의경우목적어의위치가중요하지요 ^^ 목적어가명사면상관없지만 목적어가 ( ) 이면꼭타동사와부사의사이에위치해야합니다. ^^ We turned on the light. We turned the light on. We turned it on. cf. We turned on it. [T / F] [Write down it / Write it down]. - 127 -

71. 현재완료수동태 현재완료형태 :. 현재완료수동태형태 :. 형태와의미에유의하세요 ^^ The skillful mechanic has [replaced / been replaced] by a teenager ~. 실력있는정비공이대체되어지는거니까 ^^ Everyone who has [summoned / been summoned] to appear at jury duty must arrive by nine o clock in the morning. 소환되어지는사람들이니까 ^^ Child-rearing advice from experts has [encouraged / been encouraged] the nighttime separation of baby from parent. 요건수동태에서한번공부한기출예문^^ 뒤에목적어 (the nighttime separation of baby from parent) 가오니까당근능동태!!! 72. 동격정리 동격? 같다는뜻이지! 누구와누가같다는뜻이지??? 다음의예문을참고하세요 ^^ Mr. Kim, the teacher, happened to be there. Mr. Kim 과 the teacher이같다는뜻^^ Have you heard the news that the border has been closed? the news의내용은 the border has been closed랍니다.^^ 따라서이때 that 은 ^^ cf. The news that you brought was a shock to him. 여기서주의! 위문장의 that은???! 왜??? that 절에서목적어가없잖아요^^ 동격의 that 은접속사로서완전한절을이끄니까비교해둘것! She noticed the fact of her loving him. the fact 는 her loving him 의내용과같으니까이때 of 를 라고하지요 ^^ - 128 -

73. 목적어를 ~ 을 / 를 로해석하지않는완전타동사 ( 자동사로착각하기쉬운타동사 ) Notice!!! 아래의동사들은뒤에전치사를동반하지않고바로목적어가옵니다!!! ( 절대뒤에전치사넣기않기 ^^) reach Seoul (= arrive at Seoul, get to Seoul) approach Seoul (= get close to Seoul) enter the classroom (= go into the classroom, cf. enter into 시작하다 ) attend the meeting discuss the matter (= participate in the meeting) (= talk (about/over) the matter) 다음의표로한번더정리합니다. ^^ * 자동사로착각하기쉬운타동사 ( 전치사없이쓰는동사 ) accompany 동행하다 attend 참석하다 await 기다리다 enter 들어가다 marry 결혼하다 reach 도달하다 approach 접근하다 address 말을걸다 discuss 논의하다 greet 인사하다 mention 언급하다 resemble 닮다 Students should be able to approach teachers for advice. 학생들은조언을얻기위해교사들에게다가갈수있어야한다. I discussed my problem with my parents. 나는부모님과내문제를의논했다. cf. 아래표현은아예숙어처럼익혀두세요^^ enter into business 일을시작하다 attend on patients 환자들을돌보다 attend to the matter 그문제를처리하다 - 129 -

74. 삽입절 문장중간에끼어들어간삽입절, 언제나멘붕이라구요? 다음의연습으로좀더자신감있는태도를가지자구요 ^^ 자주삽입되는주절 : I am sure, I believe/think/hear, it seems (to me) Mr. Kim, it seems, is over fifty. He has a book which I think is very useful to her. This is a moment that I'm sure he'll never forget. I saw a news interview with an acquaintance [who / whom] I was certain was going to lie about a few sensitive issues, ~. (11년 9월 ) 여기에서는 I was certain ( 내가확신하기에 ) 가삽입절! 그럼바로뒤에 was가오지요? 따라서이때필요한것은바로주격관계대명사 ^^ 아 ~ 삽입절만아니었으면금방알수있었을텐데요녀석때문에여러분의선배들이많이낚였다는사실^^ 우리는철저한준비로절대같은우를범하지맙시다!^^ 해석 : 나는최근에몇가지특별히민감한화제거리에대해거짓말을할거라고내가확신한, 아는사람과의뉴스인터뷰를봤다. 75. that vs. those 앞에서언급된명사의반복을피하고자단수명사는 that 으로 복수명사는 those 로받지용 ^^ The quality of our products is better than [that / those] of theirs. the quality 대신^^ His feelings were [that / those] of a little boy. feelings 대신^^ The ankle-high grass is greener than [that / those] on the other side of the fence. grass 대신 ^^ - 130 -

76. lie vs. lay 딱한번, 제대로된정리면충분합니다. ^^ Go Go ~~~ 자동사 : 눕다, 놓여있다 자동사 : 거짓말하다 타동사 : 눕히다, 놓다, ( 알을 ) 낳다 현재 lie lie lay 과거 lay laid 과거분사 lain laid 현재분사 lying lying laying All goods [lay / lied] on the floor. 자동사 ( 놓여있다 ) 의과거형모든물건들이바닥에놓여있었다. It s hard to distinguish whether he is [lying / laying] or not. 자동사 ( 거짓말하다 ) 의현재분사형그가거짓말을하고있는지아닌지는구별하기어렵다. These boxes should be laid down carefully. 타동사 ( 놓다 ) 의과거분사형이상자들은조심스럽게내려놓아야한다. 77. (a) little vs. (a) few (a) few + 있는명사 : a few ( 약간의 ), few ( 거의없는 ) (a) little + 없는명사 : a little ( 약간의 ), little ( 거의없는 ) 절대만만하게보지마세요! 수능에나왔습니다^^!!! ~ moving a short distance is so easy that you can do it in no time with little effort. (09년대수능 ) [T / F] The first shops sold just [ a few / a little] products such as meat and bread. (08년 9월 ) [T / F] - 131 -

78. be + to V 용법 To see is to believe. 에서처럼 to V가 be 동사뒤에서명사적인용법으로쓰이기도하지만때로는 be to V에서 be to가마치조동사와같은역할을해서다음과같이해석이될때도많아요. 그럼지금부터예문으로 Go Go ~~~ 특히예정의의미를나타내는경우가독해에자주등장하니주목^^ His daughter is to be married this Sunday. = is going to be ( 예정 : ~ 할예정이다 be going to) Every driver is to observe the traffic rules. = must observe ( 의무 : ~ 해야한다 should, ought to) Nobody was to be seen in the street. = could be ( 가능 : ~ 할수있다 can) He was to be killed in the battle. = was destined to be ( 운명 : ~ 할운명이다, be destined to) If you are to succeed in business, you must be able to compete. = intend to succeed ( 의도 : ~ 하려고하다 intend to) 79. 비교급수식부사 비굑급수식의부사??? 다음의 5총사를기억하시라^^ : 그럼 very는??? 당근원급수식!!! very beautiful처럼^^ Some toy animals stayed at sea [even / very] longer. (12 대수능 ) One s memories grow much sharper even after a long passage of time. (08 대수능 ) [T / F] - 132 -

80. 분사구문유의사항 이즈음에서분사구문다시한번정리 ^^ ( 너무지겹도록하나??? 그래도또합시다! 왜? 중요하니까 ^^) 분사구문이도대체뭐야? 접속사 +S+V 의부사절 분사가이끄는부사구로간결하게나타낸구문 분사구문, 어떻게만드는거지? 접속사 +S+V에서 1. 접속사생략 ( 간혹생략않기도 ) 2. 부사절과주절의주어가동일하면주어생략 주어가다르면생략않고남겨둠 3. 남은동사 현재분사로변환 (being은보통생략 ) 4. 분사구문의부정 : 분사앞에 not을붙임 분사구문의여러가지의미 때 : ~ 할때, ~ 하는동안 연속상황 : ~ 하고나서바로 조건 : 만약 ~ 라면 동시동작 : ~ 하면서동시에 원인 이유 : ~ 이므로 양보 : ~ 일지라도 자 ~ 여기까지이해가되었는가? 그럼분사구문만들때바로 2 번을보시라. 부사절과주절의주어가다르면부사절의주어를생략하지않고둔다고했지용? 그게바로오늘의핵심포인트!!! 이제예문을보고이해합니다. ^^ The weather being fine, we had a clear view of the area. = As the weather was fine, we had a cler view of the area. All these things considered, it might be better to ask for the services of a moving company. (09 대수능 ) 여기에서도주절의주어 ( 가주어 it, 진주어 to ~ 이하 ) 와부사절의주어 All these things가다르므로부사절의주어를생략하지않았고과거분사 considered가남아서 All these things가고려되어진다는수동의의미를나타내고있습니다. ^^ - 133 -

81. forget/remember/regret + to V / ~ing forget/remember to V : ( forget/remember ~ing : ( ) 잊다 / 기억하다 ) 잊다 / 기억하다 regret to V : ~ 하게되어서유감이다 regret ~ing : ~ 을후회하다 / 뉘우치다 need to V : ~ 할필요가있다. need ~ing :. (=need to be 과거분사 ) I remember meeting her once. 과거에만난것을기억한다^^ It s easy to forget to take the time to say Thank You, ~. (09년 3월 ) ~ 하는것을잊기쉽다 Some of her high notes tended to sound like a gate which someone had forgotten [oiling / to oil]. (08년 3월 ) 일부고음에서기름칠을하지않은문과같은소리가나는경향이있다. ( 기름칠을해야하는것을잊어버린의의미랍니다.^^) 82. 감정표현분사 감정표현과관련된분사형태는형용사화되어사용되는경향이있지요^^ ~ 하게만드는 ( 능동 ) : ~ 을받는 ( 수동 ) : I know how [annoying / annoyed] this has been for you. 이것이얼마나당신을성가시게만들었는지나는안다. 라는의미니까 ~ 를성가시게만드는의의미를가진분사가필요하지^^ He got very [annoying / annoyed] with me about my carelessness. 그가나로인해짜증이나게된거니까^^ I felt quite [depressing / depressed] at the thought of the hard work. (07년 9월 ) 힘든일에대한생각으로내가우울해진거니까 ^^ - 134 -

83. 사역동사 + 목적어 + 목적보어 목적보어자리에동사가오게될경우 목적어와목적보어와의관계가능동이면 을! 수동이면 를쓴다!!! So many presents and so much money all at once made her eyes shone. (10 년 3 월 ) 그녀의눈이빛나도록만드는거니까그녀의눈이빛나다즉, 능동의관계이므로정답은!!! 의외로많은선배들이틀린문제! 꼼꼼점검하세요 ^^ Movie stars prefer to have this side of their face photographed. (07 년 7 월 ) [T / F] 이때 have 가사역동사, 그들얼굴의측면이사진찍히도록하다니까 목적어인그들얼굴의측면이사진찍히다, 수동이죠??? 사역동사관련해서요게빠지면섭섭하지용 ^^ The man with a gun made Edward lie on the floor. Edward was made [lie / to lie] on the floor by the man with a gun. 84. stop + to V / ~ing 뭐니뭐니해도예문으로공부하는것이최고! stop to talk ( 이야기를하기위해멈추다 ) 따라서 stop + to V : stop talking ( 말하는것을멈추다 ) stop + ~ing : Stop [to worry / worrying] about their marriage. It's not your problem. 그들결혼에대해걱정하는것은그만! 이라는의미^^ Although he was late, he stopped [to buy / buying] a sandwich. 비록늦었지만그는샌드위치를사기위해멈추었다! - 135 -

85. 목적어강조 목적어는강조되어문두에나오더라도가일어나지않는다. 단, 부정어를포함해문장앞으로나오게되면??? 부정어가앞으로나온셈이니까이때는도치!!! 다음의예문을잘비교해보세요^^ The trip to Hawaii, I will never forget. 원래는 I will never forget the trip to Hawaii. 목적어는앞으로나가도주어동사가도치되지않지요 ^^ That I can t say. 원래는 Not a word did I say. 원래는 I didn't say a word. 인데목적어가부정을나타내는 Not이랑함께앞으로나가는바람에주어동사가도치되었네요^^ 86. 원급비교 비교관련표현은특히도표에서아주중요하지요 ^^ 차분히정리해봅시다 ^^ This ruler is as good as that one. She isn t so(as) young as she looks. The homework took only half as long as I had expected. He is not so much a teacher as a scholar. not so much A as B : 그는교사라기보다는학자이다. - 136 -

87. 상관접속사 셋트로다니는접속사는묶어서공부할필요가있겠지요? 다음의상관접속사시리즈는필수!!! A or B A nor B A and B not only A but also B A B 둘중하나 A B 둘다아닌 A B 둘다 A뿐만아니라 B도역시 = B A Bicycle riding is not only healthy but also exciting. The law of conservation of mass states that mass can be neither created destroyed. 상관접속사의경우 A와 B에들어가는표현이문법적으로같은형태일것^^ Neither I nor you wrong. Either you or I wrong. 일치의경우동사에가까운명사에일치하면된답니다. ^^ 첫문장의경우 you에맞추고, 두번의문장의경우 I에맞추고^^ 88. 관계부사 where 의유의사항 구체적인장소나때는아니더라도 point( 점 ), case( 경우 ), circumstance( 사정 ), situation( 상황 ), 따위처럼상황, 입장, 사정, 사례등넓은의미에서장소로생각되는말이선행사로올때에도를사용한답니다. ^^ I would like to live in a country where it never snows. That's the point where you're mistaken. There are many cases where the rule does not apply. - 137 -

89. 비교급의용법 비교급을활용한표현에는뭐가있을까? 지금부터둘러볼까요??? Learning is much more important than grades. 비교급 + than He is two years senior to me. 라틴어에서유래한비교급의표현에서는비교대상앞에 than이아니라를씁니다. 그런표현들을모아보면??? inferior to ~ 보다열등한 superior to ~ 보다우수한 prior to ~ 보다앞선 posterior to ~ 보다뒤의 senior to ~ 보다나이가위인 junior to ~ 보다나이가아래인 major to ~ 보다더중요한 minor to ~ 보다더사소한 prefer A to B B보다 A를선호하다 The less he eats, the thinner he gets. We climbed higher and higher and we grew more and more afraid. 비교급 and 비교급 : 90. not ~ until 의미 : ( 직역 ) ( 의역 ) 요녀석은삼단변화에익숙해야합니다. 다음의예문은필수숙지!!! I didn't learn Han-geul until I came to Korea. = I came to Korea Han-geul. = It was I came to Korea that Han-geul. - 138 -

91. 원급 비교급을이용한최상급의미 심혈을기울여제공하고있는빅마마표예문들! 아래의문장은다양한표현들을쓰고있지만결국같은의미를나타내고있습니다. 자세히보세요^^ 첫문장은최상급을쓰고있고두번째는원급, 나머지세문장은비교급을쓰고있습니다. 하지만의미는결국모두다최상급을나타내고있다는사실!!! 이런다양한표현에익숙해져야합니다! 아래의예문으로꼭꼭꼭익혀두기!!! ^^ He is the comedian in Korea. = No comedian in Korea is funny him. = No comedian in Korea is than him. = He is funnier than comedian in Korea. = He is funnier than all the (other) in Korea. 결국의미는동일 : 그는한국최고의코미디언이다! 92. 최상급형용사앞에정관사를붙이지않는경우 맞아, 대부분최상급은 the + -est 인데가끔은 the 가붙지않더라, 왜일까요? 다음의경우를기억하세요 ^^ This is her greatest novel. - 최상급앞에 < 소유격 > 이있을때 the 생략. 생각해봐요. her the greatest??? 이상하잖아!!! The lake is deepest at this point. - 동일인, 동일물의어떤성질, 상태를나타내는최상급형용사가보어로쓰인경우 하나의호수를대상으로이곳이제일깊다고하는거니까동일물비교 cf. This is the deepest lake in this district. ( 요건왜 the deepest? 그렇지! 이지역내의많은호수들중에서이호수가제일로깊은거니까동일물비교가아니라다른호수와의비고^^) He was happiest when he was a child. - 보어로쓰인형용사가최상급으로올경우 the가생략되기도^^ - 139 -

93. 대명사 vs. 관계대명사 정말중요한개념정리의순간! 대명사는단순히명사대신하지만관계대명사는 ( ) 의역할을하지요. 따라서다음의문장에서어떤역할을하는것이필요한지잘생각해봅시다. In those times, her work astonished whites, many of whom refused to believe an African-American was capable of writing such elevated poetry. 이때 many of whom 은 and many of them(whites, 백인들 ) 의역할을합니다. many of 이하를주절에연결해주는접속사역할도필요하니까.^^ 만약 whom 대신에 them을쓰면문장하나에주어 + 동사 (her work astonished ~), 주어 + 동사 (many of them refused ~) 두개의절이접속사없이들어가게되는셈이니까문법적으로틀리답니다. ^^ 같은맥락에서아래문제도해결해보세요^^ ~, a ship traveling through rough seas lost 12 cargo containers, one of [which / them] held 28,800 floating bath toys. 94. 접속사 while 접속사 while 의맹활약! 다음의세문장으로정리합니다. ^^ I fell asleep while (I was) reading. 책을읽다가나는잠이들었다. 의미 : While Tom's very good at science, his brother is absolutely hopeless. 톰은과학을아주잘하는데반하여그의형 [ 남동생 ] 은완전형편없다. 의미 : While I am willing to help, I do not have much time available. 내가기꺼이도와주고싶긴하지만낼수있는시간이많지않다. 의미 : 세번째문장의경우익숙하지않은친구들이많을듯^^ 참고해두세요^^ - 140 -

95. 요주의접속사 아래녀석들도일종의접속사라는사실!!! 미리알아두면독해가쉽겠지??? Now that she has apologized, I am content. 이제그녀가사과를했으니나는만족한다. Men differ from monkeys in that they can speak. 인간은말할수있다는점에서원숭이와다르다. I'll give you my card, in case you have any further inquiries. 당신이질문이더있을경우를대비해서내명함을주겠다. 보너스자료쏩니다. ^^ 아래의접속사역할을하는표현들을모아모아정리해두면독해가쉽고재밌어진답니다. ^^ as soon as = the moment as long as in case (that) on condition that even if(=though) now that on the ground that in that ~ 하자마자 ~ 하는동안 /~ 하는한 ~ 인경우에는 ~ 라는조건으로 ~ 일지라도 ~ 이니까 ~ 라는이유로 ~ 라는점에서 96. where 정리 Where do you live? ( 어디에 ) This is the town where I was born. ( 앞에있는 the town 수식 ) The book is where you left it. 로서때로는선행사없이쓰기도^^ Where there is a will, there is a way. ~ 하는곳에서 ( 마치처럼^^) 효과적인영어학습의지름길! 아는길도물어가는겸손한학습 ^^ 요렇게간단한예문을통해쓰임을정리하고이해하면아주좋지용 ^^ - 141 -

97. 자주쓰이는동명사구문 숙어처럼암기합시다.^^ 공부에는꼼수가통하지않더라구요. 진솔하고우직하게노력하고또노력하기^^ 더불어아래의 ~ing 표현들은어법문제에도자주나오니까형태에도주목! There is no living in this world without illness. (~ 할수없다 ) It is no use trying to catch him. (~ 해도소용없다 ) I can't help falling in love with you. (~ 하지않을수없다 ) All knowledge is worth having. (~ 할가치가있다 ) It never rains without pouring. (~ 할때마다 하다 ) be worth ~ing feel like ~ing far from ~ing have difficulty/trouble/a hard time (in) ~ing ~ 할가치가있다 ~ 하고싶은생각이들다 ~ 가아닌, ~ 하기는커녕 ~ 하는데어려움을겪다 98. 복합관계부사 형태 : (whenever, wherever, however) 별도의없음! whenever you meet him = no matter when / every time ~ however hard it is = no matter how hard ~ wherever I go = no matter where / everywhere ~ 역할 : 을이끈다! Sit wherever you like. Wherever you go, I will follow you. Come whenever you like. Don't hesitate to call me whenever you feel like it. - 142 -

99. how vs. however 이것만기억하세요 ^^ how 가이끄는절은 이고 however 가이끄는절은입니다. Children will watch anything, [how / however] ordinary it may be. 앗, 여기에서필요한것은바로부사절! 따라서정답은 ^^ You will never know [how / however] fine a song that is. 여기에서필요한것은동사 know 의목적어역할을하는 ^^ 따라서정답은 ^^ 100. 병렬구조총정리! 두개이상의단어와구, 절이접속사에의해연결되거나비교구문에의해비교될때, 문법적으로동일한형태와기능을가지는것을병렬구조라고하지요^^ 문법성판단문제에서가장자주출제되는유형중하나! 1) 과같은등위접속사는동일한성격의어구를연결해준다! He didn't allow his son to play computer or [to watch / playing] TV. In 2007 many of our core members retired, moved from the area, and in several cases, [found / to find] new jobs. Her parents asked her who I went with and what I did. 2) either A of B, neither A nor B, not only A but also B와같은는동일한어구를연결해준다. Not only did he fail to report the accident, but also [deny / denied] that he had been driving the car. 3) 에의한병렬구조에유의한다. I much prefer playing in the open air to [read / reading] indoors. - 143 -

101. no matter how 해석 : 형태 : no matter how = 이때 그러나 의 however 와구별할것! 어떻게??? 문맥에따라판단해야ㅠㅠ 유의사항 : 1. 해석할줄알아야! 2. no matter how뒤에형용사, 부사올경우구분할수있어야! 왜? 시험에종종나오니까! 형용사 vs. 부사는단골아이템! 어떻게??? 치밀한빅마마ㅋㅋㅋ아래의절묘한예문을참고하라! No matter how you do it, the result will be the same. No matter how stupid he is, he wouldn't do that. 여기에서형용사 stupid가온이유는? is의보어역할을하니까^^ No matter how hard I try, I still can t do it. 여기에서부사 hard가온이유는? 동사 try를수식하니까^^ 요거확실히구분해야함!!! 내친김에 however 총정리!!! She has the window open, however cold it is outside. 그녀는바깥날씨가아무리추워도창문을열어둔다. However you look at it, it's going to cost a lot. 아무리살펴봐도그것은비용이많이들것이다. However did you manage that? 도대체어떻게해서그것을해낼수있었습니까? ( 의문사 의강조형 ^^) - 144 -

102. cannot but + 동사원형 의미 : = cannot help ~ing have no choice but to + 동사원형 can do nothing but + 동사원형 cannot do anything but + 동사원형 같은의미, 다양한표현! 아 ~~~ 괴롭다 ~~ 왜이리뒤에오는동사들의형태가다양한것이야!!! 특히밑줄친부분들의형태를시험에서많이물어보니까꼭알아둡시다!!! She couldn't but [feel / to feel] that there were still many things for her to learn from her mother. I couldn't help [to be / being] astonished when I saw how much the suburbs of Seoul had changed. 103. 자주등장하는전치사구모음 미리미리준비하는그대는 ~~~ 챔피언 ^^ because of, due to, owing to, on account of, thanks to ~ 때문에 in spite of, despite according to in case of in addition to = besides = as well as regardless of = irrespective of with regard to = regarding = in regard to in terms of as for ~ 에도불구하고 ~ 에따르면 ~ 의경우에 ~ 뿐아니라, ~ 외에도 ~ 와는상관없이 ~ 에관해서 ~ 의관점에서 ~ 에관해서말하자면 not to mention = let alone = to say nothing of ~ 는말할것도없고 - 145 -

104. 타동사 + 목적어 + 전치사 숙어처럼익혀두면독해가정확하고빨라집니다.^^ 틈틈이자신의것으로익혀둡시다!!!^^ deprive / rob A of B (A에게서 B를빼앗다 ) remind A of B (A에게 B를떠올리게하다 ) inform A of B (A에게 B를알려주다 ) accuse A of B (B라는이유로 A를고발하다 ) provide/supply A for B (B에게 A를제공하다 ) = provide / supply B with A praise A for B (B에대해 A를칭찬하다 ) blame / criticize / scold A for B (B에대해 A를꾸짖다 ) take / mistake A for B (A를 B로착각하다 ) replace A with B (B로 A를대신하다 ) prevent / keep / stop / ban A from B (A가 B하는것을막다 ) tel l /distinguish A from B (A와 B를구분하다 ) 105. ~ 할것같다, ~ 하기쉽다 의표현들 독해에자주나오더라구요. 요렇게묶어공부하면효과적이겠지요?^^ * be likely to do = be apt to do = be liable to do = be prone to do = tend to do = have a tendency to do Women tend to live longer than men. 여성이남성보다더오래사는경향이있다. It is apt to rain heavily this weekend. 이번주말에폭우가쏟아질것같습니다. - 146 -

106. 유의해야할관사의위치 관사 + 부사 + 형용사 + 명사예 ) a very famous singer 요것이일반적인어순이지요. 그런데다음의경우에서는약간어순이바뀌더라구요^^ 꼭숙지해둘것! 왜? 가끔어법에서물어보니까^^ half + a(n) + 형용사 + 명사 such / half / many / quite / what ( 요녀석들도 half 와같은배를탑니다 ^^) too + 형용사 + a(n) + 명사 so / as / too / how ( 요녀석들도 too 와같은배를탑니다 ^^) (strict, a, such, law) is not easily enforceable. Your staying is (great, joy, so, a) to me. - 147 -

Bonus> 빅마마의독해 Secret!!! 주제를알면독해의반이해결된다! 제목파악 주제를간결하게 압축 빈칸완성 글의핵심사항을 빈칸전후에서추론 요지 / 주장 주제에대한 필자의핵심의견 주제파악 무엇에관한 글인가? 요약문완성 글의주제 / 요지를 한문장으로요약 목적파악 실용문이전하는 주제파악 - 148 -

Bonus> 빅마마의독해 Secret!!! 나머지독해의절반, 유형별전략으로정복한다! 지시대명사 글의주인공을파악하라! 초반 ➀, ➁ 번의대상파악이중요하다! 무관한문장 찾기 초반에서글의주제를파악하라! 주어진문장 넣기 주어진문장에서단서 ( 연결어, 관사, 지시어, 대명사 ) 등을찾아라! 지문속에서논리의단절, 비약을찾아라! 글의순서 (A), (B), (C) 초반에서논리의단서 ( 연결어, 관사, 지시어, 대명사 ) 등을찾아라! 심경 분위기 파악 주인공에게일어난사건을파악하라! 묘사하는표현들의공통점을파악하라! 도표분석 수치비교에필수인비교, 증감관련된표현을숙지하라! 일치 불일치 파악 선택지의핵심어휘에대한정보를지문에서찾아진위를파악하라! 어법 문장의기본구조를파악하라! 주요빈출어법항목이자주출제되고있다! 어휘 반의어, 유사철자어등에철저히대비하자! 장문 지문의길어졌을뿐문제의유형은단문일때와동일하다! 단문독해의전략을적용하여목적에맞는독해를하자! - 149 -

Part5> 귀가활짝열리는 듣기 Solution!

27 강 Listening Story 1 > 응답하라 2014 앗, 가슴설레는드라마제목이라구요? 어허 ~ 집중!!! 지금은 2014 대수능부터강화되어진듣기, 그중에서도 응답하라 에관한문제유형을집중탐구하고자합니다. ^^ 응답하는문제는크게두가지, 대화의마지막에이어질응답, 담화가설명하는상황에적절한말을고르는문제가출제되었는데 2014 듣기의경우짧은대화에대한응답문제가시험의초반에 3문제가출제되고있어짧은대화의호흡에대한순발력있는연습과준비가필수랍니다. ^^ 특히항상시험에서는기선제압이라는것이중요하기때문에특히처음에등장하는유형에대해서는만반의준비를기해둡시다!!! 1. 짧은대화응답 * 2014 대수능예비시행 B형 1번 Q. 남자의마지막말에대한여자의응답으로가장적절한것을고르시오. 1 It was done yesterday. 2 I ll receive it by email. 3 I bought it at the post office. 4 I don t know where to find it. 5 I ll finish it by tomorrow morning. [Script] M: Lisa, did you finish the report I asked for? W: Not yet. I m still working on it. M: Okay, when do you expect to complete it? W: - 151 -

* 2014 대수능예비시행 B형 2번 Q. 여자의마지막말에대한남자의응답으로가장적절한것을고르시오. 1 It took about an hour. 2 Only 10 dollars for adults. 3 About two blocks from here. 4 It s hard to become a tour guide. 5 I stopped by the City Hall yesterday. [Script] W: You said you wanted to see the city. Why don t we go on a city tour? M: Great idea! If we take a tour bus, we can visit many places. W: For sure. Do you know where we can catch it? M: * 2014 대수능예비시행 B형 3번 Q. 남자의마지막말에대한여자의응답으로가장적절한것을고르시오. 1 Sure, I got a piano on Friday. 2 No, the jazz concert is Saturday. 3 No, music always makes me happy. 4 Yes, she s my favorite movie actress. 5 Yes, I read five books on different musicians. [Script] M: Sally, what are you doing? W: I m writing an article about jazz, my favorite music genre. M: You did a lot of research on it, didn t you? W: Study Point! : 짧은대화응답 다양한의문문에대한대비! 간접의문문포함의문문, 부가의문문, 수사의문문, 평서문형태의질의등 - 152 -

2. 대화에응답 * 2012 대수능 `15번 Q. 대화를듣고, 여자의마지막말에대한남자의응답으로가장적절한것을고르시오. Man: 1 I agree with you. Practice makes perfect. 2 You re right. I ll go see a doctor right away. 3 But it s the only way you can keep playing the piano. 4 Congratulations! You won first place in the competition! 5 I m delighted you re fully recovered from your illness. [Script] M: Have a seat, Sophia. W: Thanks, Dr. Smith. Did the X-ray result come out? M: Yes. The muscles of your right wrist are a bit swollen, but the bone is okay. W: Thank goodness! But it s so painful when I move my wrist. M: I think it s because you use it too much. If you rest it for several days and take some medicine, it ll get better. W: For several days? But I have to practice every day for the piano competition next week. M: I know, Sophia. But it can get worse if you don t give it some rest. W: Oh, no! I can t stop practicing. The competition is very important for my future career. M: - 153 -

< EBS 연계의고리를찾아라!> * 수능완성실전편 4 쪽 2 번 Q. 대화를듣고, 여자의심정으로가장적절한것을고르시오. 1 bored 2 worried 3 relieved 4 curious 5 jealous [Script] M: Have a seat, Miss Brian. W: Thanks. Did the x-ray result come out? M: Yes. It seems the muscles of your right wrist are a bit swollen, but the bone is okay. W: Is it? But it s quite painful to move my wrist. M: I think it s because you use it too much. If you rest it for several days and take some medicine, it ll get better. W: For several days? But I have to practice every day for the piano concert next month. M: I know, but the symptom can worsen if you don t follow my advice. W: Oh, my! The concert is very important for my future career. M: I understand, but if you want to keep playing the piano, you should follow my advice. Study Point! : 마지막말에응답하기 Step One : 대화의전반에서를파악하자! 세세하게다듣거나이해하지못해도좋다 적어도무슨화제거리를가지고이야기를하느냐만파악해도충분하다 Step Two : 뭐니뭐니해도을잘들어야응답을할수있다. 남녀가번갈아등장하는대화에서마지막말을하는사람이누구인지를 작정하고기다려야한다. 넋놓고대화에끌려가다가는정신을일깨우는딩동소리에그저깜놀만ㅠㅠ 대화의전반적인와그에연관을두고있는주인공의! 그로부터마지막말에대한응답은충분히유추될수있다! - 154 -

3. 담화에응답 * 2014 대수능예비시행공통문항 Q. 다음상황설명을듣고, Susan이 Chris에게할말로가장적절한것을고르시오. Susan: Chris, 1 I want you to study with me. 2 I d better go to the school library. 3 I should have prepared my report earlier. 4 I ll tell you about our homework tomorrow. 5 I found your report on top of the copy machine. [Script] W: Susan and Chris are friends who attend the same high school. One evening at the public library, Susan ran into Chris. He looked upset. Susan asked Chris what was wrong. He told her that he lost his report that was due the next day. Susan told him not to worry so much and that he d find it. Then she went to make some copies. When she got to the copy room, she found his report there. Susan thought she should let Chris know right away, so she went outside to call him. He answered the phone. In this situation, what would Susan most likely say to Chris? Study Point! : 담화에응답 1. 담화문중에서는비교적쉬운편! 2. 단, 상황에대한연속적인설명에서을놓치면상황파악이절대안됨! 연관된내용의연속고리를놓치지마라! 3. 선택지표현 주로의필수적인회화표현들이많다! 4. 말의주체와객체를구분하자! 오답인선택지도문장단위로유용한표현들은꼭따로정리해두자. 선택지에는주어진상황에서하고자하는말뿐아니라 상대방으로부터듣게되는말도있어혼선이일어남! - 155 -

* 2012 대수능 17 번 Q. 다음상황설명을듣고, Jessica 가선생님에게할말로가장적절한것을고르시오. Jessica: 1 I think Tom needs some medical help. 2 I m sorry, but I have to go to the hospital. 3 May I go to the bathroom, please? 4 My condition couldn t be better. 5 What s going to be on the exam tomorrow? [Script] M: Jessica is in an English class with her friend Tom sitting next to her. Suddenly, she notices that Tom doesn t look well, and asks him if there s something wrong with him. He replies he has a stomachache; but he says he can stand the pain until the end of the class. But Jessica thinks his condition is very serious because he looks awfully pale and is sweating all over. So, Jessica wants to let her teacher know of Tom s condition. In this situation, what would Jessica most likely say to her teacher? Jessica: < EBS 연계의고리를찾아라!> * 수능완성실전편 35쪽 14번 Q. 대화를듣고, 여자의마지막말에대한남자의응답으로가장적절한것을고르시오. Man: 1 No. I m afraid you ll be punished for it. 2 I m sorry, but we really have to go now. 3 Hurry. I don t want to be late for the study hall. 4 Thanks. We ll be back as soon as we re done. 5 I agree. It s a shame that they didn t choose you. [Script] W: Stewart, do you have something to talk to your friend sitting next to you? M: I m sorry, Ms. Evans. W: This is a study hall, so you re supposed to sit in your seat and study. M: Yes, but actually, we need to be excused. W: What s the occasion? M: Aaron and I are having our pictures taken for the yearbook right now. W: All students already had their pictures taken yesterday. M: Right, but we participated in the speech contest yesterday, so we couldn t get the chance. W: But I think you can do that after the study hall. M: The photographer said he ll be leaving by four, so we have to go now. W: Well, if you say so. You two can leave now. M: - 156 -

28 강 Listening Story 2 > 대화의핵심 vs. 세부사항 대화의내용파악도다양한각도에서질문할수있지요. 전반적인대화의주제, 흐름을파악하는것 ( 주제, 주장, 의견 ) 을물을수도있고대화의내용중구체적인세부사항 (( 부탁 ) 한일 / 할일, 이유파악 ) 에대해물을수도있고... 각각의경우를다음에서준비해봅시다. ^^ 1. 대화의핵심파악 * 2014 대수능예비시행공통문항 Q. 두사람이하는말의주제로가장적절한것을고르시오. 1 타문화이해의중요성 2 인도전통문화의우수성 3 고객만족도를향상시키는방법 4 친밀도에따른악수방법의차이 5 왼손을쓰는사람들에대한편견 [Script] W: Hey, Brody! What s up? Why the long face? M: I think I just lost an important customer. It may have cost the company thousands of dollars. W: Oh, no! What happened? M: When greeting him, my right hand was wet. So I offered him my left hand instead and he refused it. W: What a coincidence! I had the same experience when I was in India last year. Is he from India? M: Yes, he is. Why do you ask that? W: Well, I learned then that Indians consider the left hand dirty so they never shake with that hand. M: I should have studied more about customs in his country. W: Yeah, I think it s a good idea to know about cultural differences to avoid situations like this. M: Well, now we know. - 157 -

* 2014 대수능예비시행 B형 5번 Q. 대화를듣고, 여자의의견으로가장적절한것을고르시오. 1 여권만기일을확인해야한다. 2 보안검색절차를따라야한다. 3 항공권은미리예약하는것이좋다. 4 공항에여유있게일찍도착해야한다. 5 세관신고물품을확인할필요가있다. [Script] M: Emily, it s my first time flying. What time should we meet at the airport tomorrow? W: Well, our flight leaves at 9, so around 6. M: So early? Do we need to be at the airport for three hours? W: Sure. It ll take a long time to get boarding passes and pass through security. M: Does it really take that long? W: Yeah. And since you re planning on checking in your bags, you need enough time for that as well. M: Ah, I understand. I also want to get a digital camera in duty-free. W: Cool, then, you ll want to leave time for that. M: Alright then... See you early at 6 tomorrow! Study Point! : 대화의핵심 ( 주제,, 의견,, 주장 ) 파악 1. 에대한대화인가? 2. 를먼저훑어보는습관! 3. 의견이나주장의경우발문에주목! - 158 -

2. 대화의세부사항파악 * 2012 대수능 10번 Q. 대화를듣고, 남자가여자를위해할일로가장적절한것을고르시오. 1 연설문검토하기 2 연설문출력하기 3 포스터게시하기 4 포스터만들기 5 보고서작성하기 [Script] M: Hi, Amy. The student council elections are right around the corner. Are you ready for your speech? W: Not yet. I ve only finished writing the speech. I stayed up late last night. M: No wonder you look so tired. W: Yeah, but I still have a few things to do. I need to memorize the speech, make the posters, and put them up around the school. M: Hmm... I think I can help you with the posters. W: Thanks, but Kate is supposed to help me with the posters. M: Good. Is there anything else you want me to do? W: Actually, the speech I wrote needs to be reviewed. Would you review it for me? M: No problem. Do you have it with you now? W: No. I have to print it out. Is it okay to give it to you after school? M: Sure. See you then. < EBS 연계의고리를찾아라!> * 수능완성실전편 49 쪽 2 번 1 bored 2 proud 3 worried 4 sympathetic 5 apologetic [Script] M: Jennifer, are you ready for your speech tomorrow for student council president? W: Oh, Dad. I m not ready yet. I ve just finished writing the speech. M: You stayed up late last night working on it, didn t you? W: Yes, but I need to memorize the speech now. M: I see. I m really proud that you are running for student council president. W: Do you really think so? But... I m not sure if I can be a good speaker in front of a large audience. M: Don t say that. Just do it. I m sure you can make it. W: What if I can t think of anything to say when I m on the stage? My friends might laugh at me. M: If so, just take a deep breath and take it easy. Then, you can think of what to say. W: I don t think it ll work. You know I ve never been in front of many people. M: Jennifer, remember! Even though you may fail, you will always be my precious daughter. - 159 -

* 2014 대수능예비시행공통문항 Q. 대화를듣고, 남자가늦게귀가하는이유를고르시오. 1 빙판길때문에 2 시험공부때문에 3 과제물재작성때문에 4 컴퓨터실청소때문에 5 저녁식사약속때문에 [Script] [Cell phone rings.] M: Hey, what s up, mom? W: Paul, when are you coming home? M: I haven t even left the computer lab. W: You re later than usual. Is there anything wrong? M: Yeah, I need to hand in an assignment by tomorrow but the computer froze. All the work I have done is gone. W: Oh, my goodness. You must be upset. M: Don t worry. I have everything about the assignment in my memory. It ll just take a little more time to retype it. W: That s my boy. Dinner is almost ready. Are you going to eat at home? M: Go ahead and eat first. It ll take two more hours or so. W: Okay. I hope it all works out well. Study Point! : 대화의핵심 vs. 세부사항 1. 에대한대화인가? 2. 를먼저훑어보는습관! 3. 언급되는의공통점은? 4. 에따른듣기전략의융통성! - 160 -

29 강 Listening Story 3 > 담화의주제 목적 / 일치 불일치 두사람이나누는대화 vs. 한사람이일방적으로정보를쏟아놓는담화!!! 아무래도혼자서말하는담화의경우내용도무겁고난이도도조금높은듯... 그런데 2014 대수능에서는담화의문제가늘어난듯... 어떡하지??? ㅋㅋㅋ어쩌긴!!! 지금부터제대로된출제의경향과학습법을알고꾸준히 Practice & practice!!! 1. 담화문제 목적, 주제파악 * 2014 대수능예비시행공통문항 Q. 대화를듣고, 남자가하는말의목적으로가장적절한것을고르시오. 1 자전거통근을권장하려고 2 교통체증상황을안내하려고 3 환경단체지원을호소하려고 4 시장선거출마를선언하려고 5 자동차함께타기를제안하려고 [Script] M: Hello, citizens of Waho. I m Edward Kingston, your mayor. Every morning, you get stuck in a traffic jam when commuting to work by car. Aren t you sick of driving? When you arrive at work, you re so exhausted. You don t have to start your day with such an unpleasant experience. Do you know why? Because we have bikes! Commuting by bicycle enables you to get to work in time. It keeps you fit and it s also eco-friendly. From tomorrow morning, why don t you ride your bike? That way, you can save time AND save our planet. Thank you for listening. - 161 -

* 2012 대수능 3 번 Q. 다음을듣고, 남자가하는말의주제로가장적절한것을고르시오. 1 환자간호요령 2 퇴원시유의사항 3 응급상황대처방법 4 정기건강검진의중요성 5 병원서비스개선계획 [Script] M: I m happy to say that you re healthy and ready to go. Now, I have a few things to tell you that you have to keep in mind on the day of. First, it would be a good idea to have your home ready. Second, if you want to send some of your belongings home beforehand, you can ask us and we ll help you out. If you have placed valuables under our care, please let one of the nurses know, so you can get them back before you the hospital. Lastly, if you want assistance for any other after discharge, you should discuss it with the nurse first. If you have any other questions, feel free to ask us. Congratulations again on your healthy! < EBS 연계의고리를찾아라!> * 고교영어듣기 (1) 49 쪽 6 번 Q. 다음을듣고, 여자가하는말의목적으로가장적절한것을고르시오. 1 원활한퇴원을위한유의사항을알려주려고 2 병원서비스에대한불만사항을해명하려고 3 퇴원후응급상황대처법에대해설명하려고 4 간호사들의업무부담을줄여줄것을건의하려고 5 입원시귀중품을병원측에맡길것을권유하려고 [Script] W: May I have your attention for a second? You must be happy to be going home healthy. However, the day of discharge might be confusing unless you keep a few things in mind that are easily overlooked. For example, you need to get your transportation home ready. And if you want to send some of your belongings home beforehand, you can ask us and we ll help you out. If you have entrusted us with valuables, please notify your nurse so you may get them back before your discharge. Lastly, if you want assistance for other medical needs after discharge, you should discuss it with your nurse first. Congratulations on leaving our hospital healthy! - 162 -

2. 일치 불일치파악 대화 / 담화 / 도표 * 2014 대수능예비시행 B형 13번 Q. 대화를듣고, 댐에관해두사람이언급하지않은것을고르시오. 1 저수량 2 준공시기 3 관광수익 4 환경문제 5 전력생산량 [Script] W: Hi. I m Nicole from WEO Newspaper. M: Nice to meet you. I ll be your guide for today. W: Thank you. What an amazing place! I ve never seen a huge wall like this. M: It s the largest dam in the world, containing billions of tons of water. W: Wow, how much electricity does this facility generate, anyway? M: Once we open the floodgates, it generates 84 billion kilowatts per year. W: That s incredible. I heard the income from tourism is large as well. M: That s right. Tourism provides enormous economic benefits for the local community. W: One more thing, I also heard there re environmental problems with water storage. M: As you can see in the upper region of the dam, water pollution is present. W: I see. Thank you for answering my questions. M: My pleasure. * 2012 대수능 12번 Q. 다음을듣고, Chicago Student Exchange Program 에관한내용과일치하지않는것을고르시오. 1 참가학생들은 6개월동안 Chicago에머무르게된다. 2 수업시간은오전 9시부터오후 4시까지이다. 3 학교에서교통편은제공하지만, 점심은제공하지않는다. 4 주말에학생들은다양한야외활동을즐길수있다. 5 학생선발은면접을통해이루어진다. [Script] W: Hello, students! Our university is offering the Chicago Student Exchange Program. The students who join this program will be staying in Chicago for from March 1 to August 31. Students have classes from a.m. to p.m. Lunch meals and transportation to and from school are by the school. On weekends, students can enjoy a variety of activities. The participants are selected through an. For more information, please visit our website. We hope many of you will apply for this program. Thank you. - 163 -

* 2012 대수능 11 번 Q. 다음표를보면서대화를듣고, 두사람이선택할정수기모델을고르시오. [Script] M: Honey, what are you doing? W: I m looking at water coolers on the web. I think we need to rent one. M: Right. Did you find any model you like? W: No, not yet. I m still looking for one. M: Hmm... Do we need? W: I think so. We use a lot of ice in the summer. M: How about hot water? W: I think because you enjoy drinking hot tea. M: Right. How do you like this model? It has a. W: Well, but we have to consider our budget. I don t want to pay a month. M: You re right. Then we have only one choice. W: Okay. Let s go with that model. < EBS 연계의고리를찾아라!> * 수능완성실전편 50쪽 11번 Q. 다음표를보면서대화를듣고, 두사람이선택한정수기를고르시오. Model Ice maker Water Dispenser Hot water Wine chiller Rental fee per month 1 Dew $50 2 Crystal $45 3 Fountain $45 4 Ocean $35 5 Waterfall $35 water dispenser 정수기, 급수기 chiller 냉장장치 rental fee 임대료, 대여비용 ice maker 얼음제조기 budget 예산, 생활비 exceed 초과하다, 넘다 - 164 -