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연구참여자모집공고 목적 응급실도착전사망한환자가족의응급실경험과의료진에대한 요구도를알아보기위한연구입니다. 참여대상 ü 한글을이해하고설문지를작성할수있는수준의만20세이상 70세이하인사람 ü 사망원인이사고, 자살, 원인을알수없는사망인환자의가족 ü 자발적으로참여하고싶은사람누구나 책임자및문의처 연세대학교일반대학원간호대학 연구담당자 : 임지혜 Email :jee****@naver.com 연구참여자에게는소정의사례품을지급합니다. - 63 -
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Abstract Family experiences and unmet needs with DOA(Death on arrival) in emergency department Lim, Jee Hye Department of Nursing The Graduate School Yonsei University The purpose of this study was to enhance understanding on DOA (Death on arrival) patients family and help them by identifying their experiences and demand on medical professionals and applying the result to emergency department works. This study is a research study performed on 60 people who experienced their family member s death on arrival. As research instrument, a survey questionnaire was made through the selection of questions based on previous studies and its contents validity was verified by 12 experts. It measured physical, mental and social experiences, information demand, emotional demand and participation demand of DOA patients family. Materials were collected from August 5 to December 7 in 2013 and general characteristics, experiences, demand on medical professionals of DOA patients family and experiences and demand of DOA patients family according to general characteristics were analyzed using PASW SPSS 18.0. General characteristics were calculated through average and real number and demand of DOA patients family on medical professionals were calculated through average and standard deviation. Experiences and demand of DOA patients family according to general characteristics were analyzed using t test, ANOVA, and Scheffe post verification and the followings are the results of the study. - 65 -
1. As general characteristics of DOA patients family, sex, age, marital status, religions, relationship with the late patient, stay in emergency department, how they came to know the death of the patient, cause of death, probability of estimation of death, and preparedness for the death of the patient were investigated. Marital status was classified as single, married and widowed, and the relationship with the patient was classified as spouse, parents or children, siblings, and farther than siblings. The way they came to know the death of the patient was classified as direct notice because they came with the patient, indirect notice through medical professionals and indirect notice through family or relatives. Cause of death was classified as an accident and a disease. Natural death and chronic diseases were excluded from the study. Disease in this study means diagnosis by a doctor after the death of the patient. 2. Overall emergency department experience of DOA patients family was 2.70 out of 4. As it was near to 3 (Agree), it can be interpreted that DOA patients family have mental, physical and social experiences to some extent. Average score of each item was 2.89 for mental experience, 2.63 for physical experience and 2.61 for social experience out of 4. DOA patients family experienced mental experience most and social experience least. 3. Demand of DOA patients family on medical professionals was 3.09 out of 4. As it is between Agree and Agree Very Much, it can be interpreted that they generally have demands such as information, participation and emotional demands. Average score of each item was 3.33 for information demand, 3.05 for participation demand and 2.80 for emotional demand out of 4. DOA patients family had the highest demand on information and the lowest demand on emotional supports. - 66 -
4. In experiences of DOA patients family according to their general characteristics, there was significant difference according to marital status (F=7.206), relationship with the late patient (F=3.797), cause of death (t= 2.375), whether to expect the death (F=7.527) (p<.05), while there was no significant difference in sex, age, religion, stay in emergency department, how to know the death of the patient, preparedness for the death of the patient, and elapsed time from the death of the patient. 5. In the demand of DOA patients family according to their general characteristics, there was significant difference according to sex (t= 2.091), marital status (F=5.270), and relationship with the late patient (F=3.299) (p<.05), while there was no significant difference in age, religion, stay in emergency department, how to know the death of the patient, cause of death, whether to expect the death of the patient, preparedness for the death of the patient, and elapsed time from the death of the patient. From the study results, it was found that DOA patients family experienced mental experience most and had the highest demand on information to medical professionals. Additionally, in experiences of DOA patients family according to their general characteristics, there was significant difference according to marital status, relationship with the late patient, and cause of death, and in the demand on medical professionals there was significant difference according to sex, marital status and relationship with the patient. Thus, this study will help us to understand experiences of DOA patients family and their demands on medical professionals and it shows that it is necessary to develop educational programs and nursing interventions to help them further. Keywords: DOA, family, experience, demand, emergency department, unexpected death. - 67 -