Seok Joo Kim, et al. Hepatocellular Carcinoma with Severe Hypoglycemia : Involvement of Insulin- like Growth Fa ctor I & II a nd Insulin- like Growth

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5 4 1999 ; 332 337 1 : (IGF) (IGFBP), Abstract Hepatocellular Carcinoma with Severe Hypoglycemia : Involvement of Insulin-like Growth Factor I, II and Insulin-like Growth Factor Binding Proteins Seok Joo Kim, M.D., Bo Yeong Yun, M.D. and Ha Chin Choi, M.D. Department of Internal Medicine, Paik Hospital, College of Medicine, Inje University, Pusan We report a case of hepatocellular carcinoma presented with severe hypoglycemia. Computerized tomography and ultrasonography revealed a massive bilateral tumor with portal vein thrombosis. T he levels of IGF- II (113 ng/ml) and IGFBP- 3 (815 ng/ml) measured in the plasma, were lower than normal range. T here was strong immunoreactivity of IGF- I and IGF- II in immunohistochemical stain of tumor cells. (Korean J Hepatol 1999;5:332 337) Key Words : Hepatocellular carcinoma, Hypoglycemia, IGF, IGFBP :, 633-165 (islet cell tumor),1 (non- islet cell tumor).2-4 (paraneoplastic sydrome), 10-30%.5, 6,.7 (IGF),9-12 (IGFBPs).2, 13, 14

Seok Joo Kim, et al. Hepatocellular Carcinoma with Severe Hypoglycemia : Involvement of Insulin- like Growth Fa ctor I & II a nd Insulin- like Growth Factor Binding Proteins 333 IGF- I, IGF- II IGF- I, IGF- II IGFBP 1. 39.,, semicoma 42 mg/dl. 1 B, B. 68 kg, 162 cm 110/80 mmhg, 80 /, 20 /, 36.5.,,. 10 cm 4 cm.. 5,060/mm3, 9.8 g/dl, 209,000/ mm3, 7.5 g/dl, 4.2 g/dl, 1.1 mg/dl, AST 280 IU/L(10-33 IU/L), ALT 104 IU/L(4-40 IU/L). Alkaline phosphatase 1730 IU/L(< 120 IU/L), 21 (11-13 ). HBsAg (+), anti- HBs (- ), HBeAg (- ), anti- HBe (+), anti- HCV (- ), HCV- RNA (- ) HBV DNA 77 ng/ml. - fetoprotein 35,000 ng/ml(0-15 ng/ ml). immunoreactive insulin (IRI) 5.8 U/mL(0-30 U/mL), C- peptide 1.3 ng/ml(0.8-4.0 ng/mll). epinephrine 13.0 pg/ml(< 120 pg/ml), norepinephrine 83.0 pg/ml(< 400 pg/ml), Glucagon 38.3 pg/ml(40-130 pg/ml), Cortisol 15.0 g/dl(2-28 g/dl). IGF- I 83.4 ng/ml (178-344), IGF- II 113 ng/ml(288-736 ng/ml), IGFBP- 3 815 ng/ml(2,500-6,500 ng/ml). : IGF- I Immunoradiometric assay (IRMA) : IGF- I DSL- 5600 ACT IVE IGF- I Coated- T ube IRMA kit (Diagnostic Systems Laboratories, Corporate Headquarters, T exas, USA). 2-8 24-20 Figure 1. Ill- defined huge faint patch enhancement in left lobe on early phased CT scan. Figure 2. Well- defined wash- out patterned enhancement in left lobe on delay phased CT scan.

334 5 4 1999, hemolyzed lipemic specimen. IGF- II Immunoradiometric assay (IRMA) : IGF- II DSL- 9100 ACT IVE IGF- II Coated- tube IRMA kit (Diagnostic systmes Laboratories, Corporate Headquarters,T exas, USA). IGF- I. IGFBP- 3 Immunoradiometric assay (IRMA) : 3 Coated- T ube IRMA kit (Diagnostic Systems IGFBP- 3 DSL- 6600 ACTIVE IGFBP- Fig ure 3. T umor cells resemble hepatocytes. T here are prominent sinusoidal pattern, trabecular pattern of growth and nuclear atypicality(h&e, X 200). Laboratories, Corporate Headquarters, T exas, USA). 2-8 48-20 8, 100. (Figure 1, 2). Edmonson Grade II (Figure 3). mouse monoclonal IgG1 IGF- I, II (Figure 4, 5). : IGF 4 m 3- aminoprophyltriethoxy- saline (Sigma, USA). 100% 30%(v/v) 9:1 10 peroxidase T ris buffered saline (10 mm T ris, 150 mm NaCl, ph 7.2, T BS ) 3. 1% zinc sulfate (Sigma, USA) 10 mm Fig ure 4. Strong immunoreactivity of IGF- I in most tumor cells, disclosing cytoplasmic expression( 200). Fig ure 5. Strong immunoreactivity of IGF- II in most tumor cells, disclosing cytoplasmic expression( 200).

2. 1 : (IGF) (IGFBP) 335 Citrate (ph 6.0) microw ave 5 3. 0.5%(v/v) normal goat serum (Dako, USA) T BS 30.. IGF anti- Human IGF- I (1:100, mouse monoclonal, IgG1, upstate biotechnology, USA) anti- Human IGF- II (1:50, mouse monoclonal IgGl, upstate biotechnology, USA). ABC (Avidin- Biotin- Peroxidase complex) Mayer Hematoxyline. 24 13 mg/dl., growth hormone, octreotide adriamycin. 19 - fetoprotein 41,985 ng/ml, 2.8 g/dl, 19.3 mg/dl AST, ALT 533, 79 IU/L. epidural catheter opioid. 60,. 1), 2). 1), 2).5, 10 Insulin- like growth factors (IGFs, IGF- I and IGF- II) proinsulin relaxin 7.5 kda single- chain polypeptide. IGF- I IGF- II.8 Insulin, IGF- I, IGF- II, big IGF- II (pro- IGF- II).9-12 IGF- II IGF- II, IGF- II mrna IGF- II.15, 16 IGFs 75% IGF, IGFBP- 3 acid- labile - subunit ternary complex, 50 kda. IGF- II 150 kda ternary complex, 50 kda. IGF- II IGFBP- 3. IGF- II - subunit IGF- II IGFBP- 3 - subunit. IGFBP- 3 264 2 protease activity. IGFBP complex. IGF- II bioactivity.2, 14, 17 IGF IGFBP IGFBP IGF.18, 19 IGFBP IGF (bioavailability) IGF- II IGFBP. Phillip non- islet cell tumor 52 IGF

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