KISEP Reviews 37 4 1998 J Korean Neuropsychiatr Assoc Vol 37, No 4 공황장애의인지행동치료 최영희 * 이정흠 ** Cognitive-behavioral Therapy for Panic Disorder Young Hee Choi, M.D.,* Jung Heum Lee, M.A.** 중심단어 국문초록 서 Department of Psychiatry, Seoul Paik Hospital, Inje University, Seoul Department of Clinical Psychology, Seoul Paik Hospital, Inje University, Seoul Corresponding author 론 603
공황과임소공포증의개념화 604
Fig. 1. A model of the etiology of panic disorder. 원전 Barlow DH1997Cognitive-behavioral therapy for panic disordercurrent status. J Clin Psychiatry 58suppl 232-37 공황과임소공포증의평가 1. 감별진단의문제들 (differential diagnostic issues) 605
2. 의학적상태및동반이환율 (medical conditions and comorbidity) 3. 자기-관찰 (self-monitoring) 4. 자기-보고 (self-report) 5. 과제 (homework) 606
행동적 / 인지적치료구성요소들 1. 인지재구조화 (cognitive restructuring) 607
2. 호흡재훈련 (breathing retraining) 609
3. 이완 (relaxation) 610
Ö Ö 4. 자극감응노출 (interoceptive exposure) 611
5. 실제상황노출 (in vivo exposure) 612
공황장애치료결과비교연구 613
Table 1. Controlled trials offull cognitive therapy for panic disorderintention-to-treat analysis* Percentagenumber of patients panic-free Study Treatments Posttreatment Follow-up Beck et al.1992 CT 9416/17 7713/17 a ST 25 4/16 b Clark et al.1994 CT 8618/21 43 9/21 c AR 4810/21 43 9/21 c IMIP 5211/21 4810/21 c WL 7 1/16 Öst and Westling 7414/19 8917/19 CT 1995 d AR 5811/19 7414/19 c Arntz and van den 7814/18 7814/18 CT Hout1996 AR 47 9/19 47 9/19 WL 28 5/18 Margraf and Schneider1991 Combined CT 9120/22 e 7814/18 Pure 7316/22 e cognitive Pure EXP 5211/21 e WL 5 1/20 Total across all studies for CT 8582/97 8060/75 * Clark DM1996Panic DisorderFrom theory to therapyinfrontiers of Cognitive Therapy The state of the art and beyond. Ed by Sakovskis PM, New York, Guilford Press Note. Intention-to-treat analysis includes dropouts as well as completers. Droputs are coded as still panicking. CTcognitive therapystsupportive therapyarapplied relaxationimipimipramineexpinteroceptive and situational exposurewlwaiting list. a One-year follow-up b At 8 weeks, which is the end of supportive therapy. At this time 71% of CT patients were panic free. c Percentage of patients who were panic free at follow-up and who received no additional treatment during the follow-up period. d The figures for CT are conservative because they include the therapists four training cases. e Four-week follow-up. 치료결과에영향을주는요인들 1. 진단적요인 (diagnostic factor) 2. 대인관계적요인 (interpersonal factor) 614
3. 치료자요인 (therapist factor) 4. 환자요인 (client factor) 5. 병행하는약물치료요인 (concurrent pharmacological treatment factor) 6. 집단치료요인 (group psychotherapeutic factors) 615
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ABSTRACT J Korean Neuropsychiatr Assoc Vol 37, No 4, July, 1998 Cognitive-behavioral Therapy for Panic Disorder Young Hee Choi, M.D., Jung Heum Lee, M.A. Department of Psychiatry, Seoul Paik Hospital, Inje University, Seoul The therapeutic effect of cognitive-behavioral therapycbt for panic disorder and agoraphobia PD/PDA has been supported by evidences from the several studies. We the have experienced good results of CBT for more than 50 patients with PD/PDA for last two years. In spite of the powerful therapeutic effect, CBT has not been utilized well by psychiatrists in this country. We described the cognitive conceptualization of panic and agoraphobia, frequently used assessments and homeworks in CBT for PD/PDA, and detailed concepts and methods of the each component of CBT based on our experience. Also, we discussed the comparative studies of the therapeutic results and factors that could influence the effect of CBT for PD/PDA. KEY WORDSPanic disorder Cognitive-behavioral therapy. 619