강남이을지대학교식품영양학과 1. /. 3, 2005 486 2008 610 ( 2007)..,,,,. (Chen MF 2007). 20~24 12.1%, 14.1% 25~29 18.1% 14.5% 20 (Korean Ministry Health and Welfare 2006). 20 (Kim 2009; Lyu ES 1993).,,,. (Joo & Park 1998; Won HR 1998; Kim & Kim 2004),,, (Cho & Kim 1997; Jung 2005; Kim 1998; Lee & Chung 2001). (Kim 637
2007)...,,,,,,. 2. 2.1 조사대상및시기 230 2008 11 1 11 30 Inbody 520(, ). 230. (BMI) 22.9, BMI 23. 2.2 체성분검사 (Inbody 520),,,, BMI,,. (, DS-102) 0.1cm. 1.. 638
2.3 설문조사 (Jung MS 2005; Lee HJ 2005).,,,,,,,,,, 25. 9 1,.,,,,,,,. 2.4 통계분석 SPSS(Statistical package for the social science) 11.0/PC program,,. paired t-test, Chi-square test. 3. 3.1 체지방률에따른대상자의특성 BMI 22.9, 23. BMI 20.2 1.5, 25.0 1.7 (p<0.001), 177 77.0%(177/230), 23%(53/230). ( 1, : 52.2 6.7 vs. : 65.6 6.2 p<0.001). (p<0.001) (p<0.001), (p<0.001), (WHR). 29.1% 23~25%, Jun (1998) 28.0%. 639
0.85 ( 2002), WHR 0.87. 1 The body compositions in normal and obese females Variables Total N (n=230) Normal (n=177) Obese (n=53) p* Age (year) 21.9 3.6 1) 21.7 3.3 22.4 4.8 0.185 Weight (kg) 55.3 8.6 52.2 6.7 65.6 6.2 0.000* Height (cm) 162.0 8.6 161.9 9.1 162.3 7.1 0.782 Fat mass (kg) 16.4 4.5 14.7 3.1 22.2 3.8 0.000* Muscle mass (kg) 33.1 8.4 32.2 7.8 37.3 9.5 0.000* Body mass index (BMI) 21.3 2.5 20.2 1.5 25.0 1.7 0.000* Fat mass (%) 29.1 5.6 27.7 4.7 34.1 5.8 0.000* WHR (Waist-Hip Ratio) 0.84 0.39 0.84 0.45 0.87 0.05 0.600* 1) Mean SD. * p value by paired t-test. BMI(Body mass index)=[body weight(kg)/height(m) 2 ]: normal; BMI 18.5~22.9, overweight/obese; BMI 23 or higher. 2 The patterns of exercise in normal and obese females(%) Excercise frequency / week Exercise fitness level Exercise hour / 1 times Exercise preference 3 days 114(50.5) 2) 54.0 38.5 1~2 day 50(22.1) 24.1 15.4 1 day 62(27.4) 21.8 46.2 Total n 226(100) 174(100) 52(100) hard 67(36.8) 42.8 18.2 proper 94(51.6) 50.0 56.8 weak 21(11.5) 7.2 25.0 20 min. 110(48.6) 54.0 30.8 20~30 min. 47(20.8) 20.7 21.2 30~60 min. 41(18.2) 18.4 17.3 60 min. 28(12.4) 6.9 30.8 Total n 226(100) 174(100) 52(100) like 28(15.3) 17.4 9.1 so-so 81(44.5) 48.6 31.8 dislike 73(40.2) 34.1 59.1 0.006* (-12.472) 0.002* (-14.966) 0.000* (-22.982) 0.030* (-8.914) 640
2 Aerobic exercise hour/1times 1) P value by 2 -test( 2 value) 2) Number of subjects(%). 20min. 84(46.3) 52.9 25.0 20~30 min. 53(29.1) 26.1 38.6 30~60 min. 30(16.4) 15.2 20.5 60 min. 15(8.2) 5.8 15.9 0.019* (-13.536) 3.2 비만정도에따른활동량비교, 50.5% 3 52.3%, 38.5% (p<0.001, 2). (p<0.001). 12.4% 1 6.9% 30.8% (p<0.001). Jung (2005) 65%. 1. 3, 1. 3 Eating and dietary habits in normal and obese females Frequency of skipping meals Regularity of meals almost never 51(22.6) 2) 25.6 11.3 sometimes 111(48.3) 46.7 50.9 very often 67(29.1) 26.1 37.7 Total n 230(100) 180(100) 53(100) regular 71(39.0) 39.9 36.4 sometimes irregular 92(50.5) 49.3 54.5 irregular 19(10.4) 10.9 9.1 0.017* (-10.234) 0.823 641
3 Frequency of unbalanced diet Eating breakfast Eating dinner with proper amount Dont eat snacks after dinner Don t watch TV while eating Don t eat instant foods Don t eat until full Times to finish one meal 1) P value by 2 -test ( 2 value) 2) Number of subjects (%) almost always 4(2.1) 2.2 2.2 always 24(13.2) 14.6 8.9 so-so 48(26.4) 26.3 26.7 almost never 36(19.8) 21.2 15.6 never 70(38.5) 35.8 46.7 Total n 182(100) 137(100) 45(100) always 49(26.9) 25.4 31.8 never 54(29.7) 34.1 15.9 sometimes 79(43.4) 40.6 52.3 always 66(30.3) 31.3 26.9 never 110(50.5) 50.0 51.9 sometimes 42(19.2) 18.7 21.2 Total n 218(100) 166(100) 52(100) always 71(39.0) 42.0 29.5 never 70(38.5) 37.0 43.2 sometimes 41(22.5) 21.0 27.3 always 95(52.2) 53.6 47.7 never 47(25.8) 24.6 29.5 sometimes 40(22.0) 21.7 22.7 always 111(61.0) 60.9 61.4 never 55(30.2) 29.0 34.1 sometimes 16(8.8) 10.1 4.5 always 64(35.1) 35.5 34.1 never 86(47.3) 44.2 56.8 sometimes 32(17.6) 20.3 9.1 10 min. 70(30.5) 30.5 30.2 20 min. 122(53.0) 51.4 58.5 30 min 38(16.5) 18.1 11.3 Total n 230(100) 177(100) 53(100) 0.584 0.044* (-8.112) 0.275 0.114 0.273 0.201 0.08 0.673 642
( 3). 22.6% 11.3%, 25.6% (p<0.05). 26.9% 25.4%, 31.8% (p<0.05). 56.6% 46.8%.. (47.3%) 26.9% (Jung 2005; Lee & Chung 2001; Kim 2000).,.. 4 Preference and frequency of eating in subjects ice creams 26(14.4) 2) 14.5 13.6 fruits/fruit juices 74(40.7) 42.0 36.4 cookies 43(23.6) 23.2 25.0 Kinds of snacks preferred noodles 17(9.3) 8.0 13.6 0.394 candy or chocolate 11(6.0) 5.1 9.1 ect. 11(6.0) 7.2 2.3 Chinese restaurant 13(7.1) 8.0 4.5 Korean restaurant 77(42.3) 44.2 36.4 Japanese restaurant 33(18.1) 15.9 25.0 Kinds of restaurant preferred family restaurant 46(25.4) 26.8 20.5 0.269 foreign restaurant 6(3.3) 2.9 4.5 fusion restaurant 7(3.8) 2.2 9.1 643
4 Kinds of cooking methods preferred Kinds of foods disliked Kinds of foods preferred Preference of fried food Frequency of snacking Frequency of eating out stirred fried 94(40.9) 41.2 39.6 fried food 29(12.6) 13.6 9.4 baked food 65(28.3) 25.4 37.7 mixed with oils 28(12.2) 12.4 11.3 fresh food 14(6.0) 7.3 1.9 Total n 230(100) 177(100) 53(100) meats 54(29.6) 25.4 43.2 vegetables 44(24.2) 25.4 20.5 fruits 8(4.4) 5.1 2.3 fish 59(32.4) 33.3 29.5 grains and cereals 17(9.4) 10.9 4.5 meats 94(40.9) 41.8 37.7 vegetables 19(8.3) 7.3 11.3 fruits 50(21.7) 20.3 26.4 fish 26(11.3) 13.0 5.7 grains and cereals 41(17.8) 17.5 18.9 Total n 230(100) 177(100) 53(100) yes 100(54.9) 55.8 52.3 no 58(31.9) 31.2 34.1 so-so 24(13.2) 13.0 13.6 almost never 29(16.0) 21.5 11.5 1~2 times/day 122(67.0) 60.3 72.0 3~4 times/day 3(1.6) 1.2 2.0 5~6 tiems/day 22(12.2) 12.3 11.4 6 times /day 6(3.2) 4.7 2.8 1 time/wk. 60(32.9) 30.7 40.0 2~3 times/wk. 73(40.3) 43.8 28.9 4~5 times/wk. 48(26.3) 25.5 28.9 6 times /wk. 1(0.5) 0.0 2.2 Total n 182(100) 137(100) 45(100) 0.325 0.29 0.316 0.949 0.014 (12.822) 0.404 644
4 Frequency of drinking alcohols 1) P value by 2 -test ( 2 value). 2) Number of subjects (%). never 40(21.9) 21.8 22.9 1time/mo. 49(26.9) 29.5 26.1 2-3 times/mo. 59(32.4) 34.1 31.9 1 time/wk. 22(12.1) 9.1 13.0 2-3 times/wk 12(6.6) 4.5 7.2 0.958 / ( 4). 67.0% 1~2, 60.3%, 72% ( ²=12.822, p.05). 2~3 1,,,.,.,. 24.2%,. /,, (Korean Ministry Health and Welfare 2006).,. /. / ( ) ( & 1999).. 645
5 The degree of interest about nutrition in subjects Read nutrition label of food Consider calorie-content of foods Select food preferred, rather than nutrition Have a balanced diet Change cookies to fruits as snack Change soda to fruit juice as beverage Preference of health related functional foods 1) P value by 2 -test ( 2 value). 2) Number of subjects (%). agree 80(36.7) 2) 39.3 28.0 disagree 19(8.7) 7.7 12.0 neutral 119(54.6) 53.0 60.0 Total n 218(100) 163(100) 55(100) Yes 28(15.4) 15.2 15.9 No 154(84.6) 84.8 84.1 agree 156(85.7) 85.5 86.4 disagree 8(4.4) 4.3 4.5 neutral 18(9.9) 10.1 9.1 agree 29(15.9) 20.3 2.3 neutral 101(55.5) 56.5 52.3 disagree 52(28.6) 23.2 45.5 agree 42(23.1) 23.2 22.7 disagree 42(23.1) 26.1 13.6 neutral 98(53.8) 50.7 63.6 agree 36(19.7) 21.0 15.9 disagree 30(16.5) 16.7 15.9 neutral 116(63.8) 62.3 68.2 Yes 37(20.3) 21.0 18.2 No 51(28.0) 29.0 25.0 so-so 94(51.6) 50.0 56.8 0.016* (-10.388) 0.364 0.334 0.002* (-12.695) 0.27 0.468 0.733 39.3%, 28.0% (p<0.05, 5). 20.3%, 0.3% (p<0.05). (84.6%) 85.7%, 20% 646
. 73.1% Myung (2007) (1999) 80%,. 80%. 6 The perceptions of weight and dieting related behaviors in subjects Thinking about myself, I am Comparing with my friend, I am Satisfied with my body weight Interests abouts dieting Reasons for dieting Experience about dieting thin 34(14.8) 2) 17.5 5.7 standard 116(50.4) 58.2 24.5 fat 80(34.8) 24.3 69.8 Total n 230(100) 177(100) 53(100) thin 32(17.5) 21.0 6.8 standard 96(52.7) 60.1 29.5 fat 54(29.7) 18.8 63.6 yes 34(18.7) 21.7 9.1 so-so 70(38.5) 43.5 22.7 no 78(42.8) 34.8 68.2 yes 46(20.0) 20.9 17.0 so-so 142(61.7) 57.1 77.3 no 42(18.3) 22.0 5.7 Total n 230(100) 177(100) 53(100) mess media 86(47.3) 50.0 38.6 friend 43(23.6) 24.6 20.5 family 18(9.9) 8.0 15.9 boy friend 19(10.4) 8.7 15.9 school colleague 16(8.8) 8.7 9.1 yes 182(79.2) 76.8 86.8 no 48(20.8) 23.2 13.2 Total n 230(100) 100.0 100.0 0.000 (-40.55) 0.000* (-35.342) 0.001* (-15.709) 0.013* (-14.386) 0.307 0.348 647
6 Frequency of dieting Periods of dieting/ one time 1) P value by 2 -test ( 2 value). 2) Number of subjects (%). less than 5 times 147(80.8) 81.9 77.3 5~10 times 26(14.3) 13.0 18.2 11~20 times 7(3.8) 4.3 2.3 more than 50 times 2(1.1) 0.7 2.3 less than 2 days 65(35.8) 39.9 22.7 1 week 35(19.2) 21.0 13.6 2 weeks 21(11.5) 13.8 4.5 more than 3 weeks 61(33.5) 25.4 59.1 0.467 0.002* (-19.458) 34.8%, 24.3% 24.5% (p<0.05, 6). 62% 42%. 34.8%, 86.2% 77.0%. ( ) 47%. 9 59.1%, 23.1% (p<0.05).. 1/3, (Kim 2005; Lee 2001; Lim & Rha 2007; Park & Kim 2005). 1/3 ( ).,, (French 1995),. 648
7 Perceptions of purchasing diet/low-calorie food in subjects Experienced to buy low calorie/diet food Frequency of purchasing diet food Read nutrition label of dieting food Nutrients especially interested to read Taste-preference as dieting food 1) P value by 2 -test( 2 value). 2) Number of subjects(%). yes 126(69.3) 2) 65.2 81.8 no 56(30.7) 34.8 18.2 1 time/wk. 31(17.0) 18.1 13.6 2~3 times /wk. 117(64.3) 66.7 56.8 4~5 times/wk 32(17.6) 14.5 27.3 more than 6 times / wk. 2(1.1) 0.7 2.3 Yes 147(80.8) 78.3 88.6 No 35(19.2) 21.7 11.4 calorie 148(61.8) 62.1 69.8 dietary fiber 35(14.5) 14.7 17.0 sugar 45(18.7) 18.1 20.8 cholesterol 53(23.7) 23.7 26.4 fat 117(48.5) 49.7 50.9 sodium 16(6.6) 5.6 11.3 sweet 51 (20.7) 21.5 22.6 salty 43(14.6) 20.9 11.3 sour 13(4.1) 5.6 3.8 savory 54(16.6) 21.5 28.3 spicey 20(2.5) 8.5 9.4 0.200 0.193 0.263 ( 7). 69.3%, 2~3 64.3%.,,,. (28.3%) (22.6%), (11.6%) (21.5%), (21.5%), (20.9%). 80.8%, 649
(81.8%). Cha & Kim (2008).,.,. 8 Number of purchasing low-calorie foods by types Variables Criteria Total n Normal Obese p-value 1 ) Cookie/chips Diet-bar Noodles Beverages 1) P value by 2 -test( 2 value). 2) Number of subjects(%). 1-2 types 158(86.8) 2) 87.7 84.1 3 types 24 (13.2) 12.3 15.9 1-2 types 110 (60.4) 60.1 61.4 3 types 72 (39.6) 39.9 38.6 1-2 types 108 (59.3) 62.3 50.0 3 types 74 (40.7) 37.7 50.0 1-2 types 28 (15.4) 18.8 4.5 3 types 154 (84.6) 81.2 95.5 0.376 0.886 0.147 0.022*(5.237) ( ),,, 9. (807 ) (239 ), (222 ), (198 ) ( 1). 3 13.2%, 39.6% 40.7%, 84.6%. 95.5% 3, 81.1% (p<0.05).,. 650
.. -typec(, ) -type B( ), -type C( ) ( 2). -type A( ) 55.3%, -type 32.3% ( 3). -type B( )., type B(45.6%) -type B(23.2%) ( 4). ( )(65.1%) B(66.0%) ( 5),,.. B, A.., ( 1999). 807 198 222 239 Snacks Bars Noodles Beverages 1 Frequency of types of diet foods purchased in subjects (multiple response) 651
Normal Obese 35.5 39.6 24.9 26.4 16.4 20.8 7.3 9.4 18(5.7) 57(23.7) 40(16.6) 83(34.4) starch -type potato -typea potato -typeb potato -typec 2 Types of snacks purchased in subjects Normal Obese 57.6 60.4 35.4 32.1 4 3.8 79(32.8) 9(3.7) 134(55.6) high protein -type low calorie -typea low calorie -typeb 3 Types of candy-bar purchased in subjects Normal Obese 46.3 50.9 24.3 26.4 27.1 28.3 28.3 4.5 56(23.2) 110(45.6) 61(25.3) 12(5.0) thin noolde-type thick noodletype Ramen- typea Ramen-typeB 4 Types of noodles purchased in subjects 652
80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 69.5 71.7 68.4 64.2 60.4 57.6 54.8 56.6 39.5 41.5 29.9 24.5 16.9 15.1 16.4 9.4 66(27.4) 130(53.9) 90(37.3) 157(65.1) 159(66.0) 39(16.2) 132(54.8) 34(14.1) bean tea milk A milk B cereal tea herb tea green tea slim A slim B 5 Types of beverages purchased in subjects 9 The correlation coefficients among purchasing diet food, BMI and dieting behavior Variables 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1. Purchasing diet food* 1.195**.202**.122 -. 2. I think I am fat.195** 1.605**.459**.271** -.185*.260**.380**.438** 3. I am unsatisfied with my weight.202**.605** 1.478**.204** -.148*.215**.306**.338** 4. Interests about dieting.122.459**.478** 1.288** -.258**.213**.357**.215** 5. Motives for dieting -.086.271**.204**.288** 1 -. 6. Dieting-experience.011 -.185* -.148* -.258** -.036 1 -.312** -.521** -.246** 7. Frequency of dieting.140.260**.215**.213**.065 -.312** 1.370**.075 8. Periods of dieting/ one time.122.380**.306**.357**.047 -.521**.370** 1.319** 9. BMI.127.438**.338**.215**.095 -.246**.075.319** 1 * p< 0.05. ** p< 0.01. (p<0.01), (p<0.01) ( 9). BMI (p<0.01), (p<0.01), (p<0.01). 30%, 80%. /. 653
, (Han & Ha 2009).. 4.. BMI 22.9 (77.0%, 177/230), 23 (23%, 53/230).. 1. BMI 20.2 1.5, 25.0 1.7(p<0.001), (p<0.001), (p<0.001), (WHR). 50.5%, 52.3%, 38.5% (p<0.001, 2). 12.4% 1 6.9% 30.8% (p<0.001). 2. 22.6%.,,. 39.3%, 28.0% (p<0.05). (84.6%) 85.7%. 3. 24.3% 24.5% (p<0.05). 77.0%. 4. 69.3%, 2~3 64.3%, (28.3%), (21.5%). (807 ) (239 ), (222 ), (198 ). 654
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