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1 J East Asian Soc Dietary Life 25(1): (2015) , 2, 3 Study on Body Awareness, and Health Status according to Body Mass Index of College Women in Seoul Area Kyung-Ok Shin 1, Kyung-Soon Choi 1, Kyoung-Sik Han 2 and Min-Seok Choi 3 1 Dept. of Food and Nutrition, Sahmyook University, Seoul , Korea 2 Dept. of Animal Resources, Sahmyook University, Seoul , Korea 3 Dept. of Management Information System, Sahmyook University, Seoul , Korea ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to investigate body recognition, eating patterns, and health status of female college students in Seoul according to body mass index. In this study, we classified subjects as underweight, normal weight, and obese according to BMI. The mean age of subjects was 20.69±1.72 years. Average height, weight or BMI of subjects were ±5.39 cm, 52.17±6.53 kg and 20.01±2.35 kg/m 2, respectively. Body satisfaction rate was 11.5% for Yes, whereas body dissatisfaction rate was 88.5% (p<). Body dissatisfaction rates for the overweight, body dissatisfaction and underweight groups were 54.7%, 37.5% and 3.1%, respectively. The most common reason for controlling weight was 52.8% for to look pretty, whereas stress at 45.5% was the most common in the obese group. Exercise + diet therapy was used by 48.7%, followed by hungry (23.9%), exercise (17.3%) and intermittent diet (6.1%). Regular exercise 35.3%, A good rest & sleep 32.4% and Regular meals & taking nutrition 26.6% were significantly important (p<). Overeating was lower among obese subjects, whereas consumption of fried foods and high-fat meats was higher (p<). These results suggest the need for proper nutrition education for college students. Key words : BMI, body awareness, weight-control, eating habit, healthy eating index Corresponding author : Kyung-Ok Shin, Tel: , Fax: , skorose@syu.ac.kr,., (Pak & Son 2002; Nam et al 2014)., (Nam et al 2014). (Cho IK 2003; Lim & Rha 2007; Kim KY 2008; Kim et al 2009; Nam et al 2014),,. (Kim SH 1995; Choi et al 2008; Choi et al 2010; Choi et al 2012). (Lee et al 1997; Cheong et al 2002; Kim et al 2004; Yoon HS 2006; Choi et al 2008; Choi et al 2012),,,. (Sung MH 2005; Nam et al 2014).,,,,
2 50 (Chyun et al 2000; Lee & Chang 2007; Choi et al 2008; Choi et al 2010; Choi et al 2012; Nam et al 2014). Nam et al(2014)., (Nam et al 2014).,,,,,,. 1. S , 217. (Body mass index : BMI) 52, 154, 11,,,,,. 2. (Yoon GA 2004, Shin & Choi 2014) BMI 25.0 kg/m 2,,. 2),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,. 3),,,,,,. 4).,,,,,. 5),,,,,,. 1) (Samhwa Company, Korea) (Tanita corporation, Japan), [Body Mass Index: BMI, (kg)/ (m 2 )]. (World Health Organization 2000; Anuurad et al 2003; Shin & Choi 2014) (BMI < 18.5 kg/m 2 ), (18.5 kg/m 2 BMI < 24.9 kg/m 2 ), (BMI 25.0 kg/m 2 ). BMI 25 kg/m 2 6) 10 (Kim et al 2003). (, ) 1,,,,,,, (1 ) (1 ), 2, (,, ) 2,
3 25(1): (2015) 51,,,,, (, ) 2 (.). 3. SPSS version 18.0(SPSS Inc, Chicago, 11., U.S.A.). one-way Anova, (p<) Duncan.,, p< χ 2 -test. 1. Table ,, cm, kg kg/m ( 160 cm, 56.3 kg)(the Korean Nutrition Society 2010), 1.49 cm, 4.13 kg., kg, kg kg (p<) kg/m 2, kg/m kg/m 2. (Yu & Lee 2004), cm, 46.2 kg, 17.6 kg/m 2, Hong et al(2011) cm, 54.0 kg, 20.3 kg/m 2. Kim & Kim (2005) cm, 51.8 kg, Cheong et al(2007) cm, Shin & Chung(2010) cm, kg. Choi et al (2012) , cm, 51.8 kg 19.2 kg/m 2, , cm, 51.3 kg 19.6 kg/m 2,. Nam et al(2014) 21.0,, cm, 47.0 kg 17.9 kg/m 2. (2012), ( (kg/m 2 ) 25 ) %,. 2., Table 2 Table %, 1) Table 1. Anthropometric characteristics of subjects Variables Mean±S.D. Body mass index Underweight Normal weight Obese Significance Age (years) 20.69±1.72 1) 20.85± ± ±2.02 2) Height (cm) ± ± ± ±10.33 Weight (kg) 52.17± ±4.01 a ±4.61 b 66.36±7.61 c 3) BMI 4) (kg/m 2 ) 20.01± ±1.22 a 20.42±1.34 b 26.44±1.23 c Mean±S.D. 2) : statistically no significant difference at p< by ANOVA-test. 3) a c values with different alphabet were significant different among groups at p< by Duncan's multiple range test. 4) BMI : body mass index.
4 52 Table 2. Body awareness and satisfaction ( I ) Body satisfaction Reason of dissatisfaction body The most satisfying parts of the body part Worry about weight-control An instrument to control weight The advice for weight-control The desired degree of weight loss Intent surgery and prescription drugs Worry about food during weight loss Yes 15(28.8) 1) 10( 6.5) - 25(11.5) No 37(71.2) 144(93.5) 11(100) 192(88.5) Overweight 7(18.9) 88(61.1) 10(90.9) 105(48.4) Underweight 6(16.2) - - 6( 2.8) Body dissatisfaction 21(56.8) 51(35.4) - 72(33.1) Others 18( 8.1) 15( 3.5) 1( 9.1) 34(15.7) Face 11(21.2) 26(16.9) 4(36.4) 41(18.9) Head 4( 7.7) 15( 9.7) - 19( 8.8) Shoulder 3( 5.8) 20(13.0) 2(18.2) 25(11.5) Breast 1( 1.9) 13( 8.4) 1( 9.9) 15( 6.9) Belly 4( 7.7) 10( 6.5) - 14( 6.5) Hip 8(15.4) 12( 7.8) 1( 9.9) 21( 9.7) Leg - 3( 1.9) - 3( 1.4) Hight 12(23.1) 22(14.3) - 34(15.9) Weight 2( 3.8) 31(20.1) 3(27.3) 36(16.6) Appearance 7(13.5) 2( 1.3) - 9( 4.1) Yes 39(75.0) 147(95.5) 11(100) 197(90.8) No 13(25.0) 7( 4.5) - 20( 9.2) Looks pretty 24(61.5) 77(52.4) 3(27.3) 104(52.8) Healthy 2( 5.1) 16(10.9) 2(18.2) 20(10.2) Treatment of disease Advice - 2( 1.4) 1( 9.1) 3( 1.5) Stress 13(33.3) 51(34.7) 5(45.5) 69(35.0) Others - 1( 0.7) - 1( 0.5) For yourself 36(92.3) 127(86.4) 8(72.7) 171(86.8) Parents 2( 5.1) 12( 8.2) 2(18.2) 16( 8.1) Friends - 7( 4.8) 1( 9.1) 8( 4.1) Others 1( 2.6) 1( 0.7) - 2( 1.0) 1 2 kg 17(43.6) 9( 6.1) - 26(13.2) 3 5 kg 15(38.5) 74(50.3) 1( 9.1) 90(45.7) 6 8 kg 3( 7.7) 36(24.5) 1( 9.1) 40(20.3) 9 kg 4(10.3) 28(19.0) 9(81.8) 41(20.8) Yes 5(12.8) 43(29.3) 4(36.4) 52(26.4) No 34(87.2) 104(70.7) 7(63.6) 145(73.6) Carbohydrate foods 7(17.9) 49(33.4) 3(27.3) 58(29.4) Fast food 22(56.4) 77(52.4) 7(63.6) 1( 0.5) 2) 3)
5 25(1): (2015) 53 Table 2. Continued Worry about food during weight loss Method of weight-control Sugar foods 7(17.9) 13( 8.8) - 106(53.8) Alcohol 2( 5.1) 7( 4.8) 1( 9.1) 20(10.2) Others 1( 2.6) 1( 0.7) - 12( 6.1) The hungry 13(33.3) 32(21.8) 2(18.2) 47(23.9) One food diet - 1( 0.7) - 1( 0.5) Protein diet - 4( 2.7) - 4( 2.0) Diet supplements and injections 1( 2.6) 2( 1.4) - 3( 1.5) Exercise 10(25.6) 22(15.0) 2(18.2) 34(17.3) Exercise + diet therapy 14(35.9) 75(51.0) 7(63.6) 96(48.7) Intermittent diet 1( 2.6) 11( 7.5) - 12( 6.1) 1) 2) 3) N(%) : number of subjects, the relative % of subjects. Significant at p< by χ 2 -test. : statistically no significant difference at p< by χ 2 -test. 88.5%. 71.2%, 93.5%, 100% (p<). 56.8%, 61.1% 90.9% (p<). (Lee & Park 2003) 15.6% 37.5%, Rhee JH(2007),,.,, (Hong et al 2011). Hong et al(2011) 90.1%, BMI, 64.9%, 26%, (p<0.0001). Lee & Lee (1996) 17.2%, 2.1%, 61.0%, 31.5%. (Cho & Kang 2004), 74.3%,. Ju et al(2013),. Table 3. Body awareness and satisfaction ( II ) < 1 weeks 13(33.3) 1) 17(11.6) - 30(15.2) Try period of weight-control 1 weeks 1 month 13(33.3) 50(34.0) 3(27.3) 66(33.5) 1 3 month 6(15.4) 55(37.4) 7(63.6) 68(34.5) 3 6 month 2( 5.1) 20(13.6) 1( 9.1) 23(11.7) 1 years 5(12.8) 5( 3.4) - 10( 5.1) 2)
6 54 Table 3. Continued Self-confidence 28(71.8) 94(63.9) 8(72.7) 130(66.0) Emerging changes in the weight-control Maintaining weight The reason for the failure of weight loss Side effects of weight loss Learn about weight loss Cost for weight-control (10 4 won) Disease appears after weight loss Study - 1( 0.7) - 1( 0.5) Healthy 1( 2.6) 26(17.7) 1( 9.1) 28(14.2) Complete disease remission Never 10(25.6) 26(17.7) 2(18.2) 38(19.3) Yes 20(51.3) 47(32.0) 2(18.2) 69(35.0) No 19(48.7) 100(68.0) 9(81.8) 128(65.0) Lack of willingness 15(78.9) 73(73.0) 6(66.7) 94(73.4) The wrong way 2(10.5) 7( 7.0) - 9( 7.0) Study - 8( 8.0) 2(22.2) 10( 7.8) Disturbance of the surrounding environment and friends - 9( 9.0) 1(11.1) 10( 7.8) Others 2(10.5) 3( 3.0) - 5( 3.9) Yo-yo syndrome 5(26.3) 30(30.0) 4(44.4) 39(30.5) Increased appetite 3(15.8) 19(19.0) - 22(17.2) Anemia 6(31.6) 13(13.0) - 19(14.8) Stress - 8( 8.0) 1(11.2) 9( 7.0) Others 5(26.3) 30(30.0) 4(44.4) 39(30.5) Internet 27(69.2) 109(74.1) 8(72.7) 144(73.1) Hospital consultation 2( 5.1) 4( 2.7) 1( 9.1) 7( 3.6) Book and magazine 1( 2.6) 8( 5.4) - 9( 4.6) Friends and family 6(15.4) 17(11.6) 2(18.2) 25(12.7) Others 3( 7.7) 9( 6.1) - 12( 6.1) (66.7) 82(55.8) 3(27.3) 111(56.3) (12.8) 45(30.6) 5(45.5) 55(27.9) ( 7.7) 11( 7.5) 3(27.3) 17( 8.6) 30 5(12.8) 9( 6.1) - 14( 7.1) Anemia 11(28.2) 29(19.7) 1( 9.1) 41(20.8) Irregular menstruation 3( 7.7) 22(15.0) 1( 9.1) 26(13.2) Osteoporosis 1( 2.6) 1( 0.7) - 2( 1.0) Breakdown of body 14(35.9) 42(28.6) 1( 9.1) 57(28.9) Anorexia - 3( 2.0) 1( 9.1) 4( 2.0) Others 10(25.8) 50(34.0) 7(63.6) 67(34.0) 3) 1) 2) 3) N(%) : number of subjects, the relative % of subjects. Significant at p< by χ 2 -test. : statistically no significant difference at p< by χ 2 -test.
7 25(1): (2015) 55, (23.1%), (21.2%), (15.4%), (13.5%), (20.1%), (16.9%), (14.3%), (13.0%),, (36.4%), (27.3%), (18.2%) (p< ). 52.8%, 35.0% 10.2%, 45.5%. 86.8%, 8.1% 4.1%. Hong et al(2011) 8.0%, 92.0%. (Lee et al 2005; Ahn & Park 2009; Cho & Choi 2010), 85.7%, 91.9% 92.8%. 1 2 kg 43.6%, 3 5 kg 50.3%, 9 kg 81.8% (p<). 26.4%, 73.6%. 53.8%. (48.7%), 23.9%, 17.3%, 6.1%. Yu et al(2003), Ghaderi & Scott(2001) Hong et al(2011). Choi et al(2010), 32.0%, 71.7%, 39.8%, 17.4%, 16.9%, 2.0%. Hong et al(2011) 73%, 95.8% 32.8%. (Nunez et al 1998, Kim & Lee 2006, Strong et al 2008),,,, % 33.3%, %, % (p<)., 66.0%, 14.2%. 51.3%, 32.0% 18.2% (p<)., 73.4%, 7.8% 7.8%. 31.6%, 26.3% 15.8%, 30.0%, 19.0% 13.0%, 44.4%, 11.2%. 73.1%, 12.7%, 4.6%. Cho & Choi(2010),,,. TV (Cho & Choi 2010). Choi et al(2012) % 60.3% ( ), TV %, %, %, 7.1% 30 (p<). 35.9%, 28.2%, 7.7.%, 28.6%, 19.7%, 15.0%, 9.1%,
8 56 9.1%, 9.1%, 9.1%.,. 3. Table Choi et al(2010) Table 4. Health related habits of drinking Alcohol drinking Frequency of weekly drinking Begin drinking habit Motive for drinking Daily amount of alcohol drinking(soju) Reason of drinking Kind of alcohol Yes 50(96.2)1) 135(87.7) 9(81.8) 194(89.4) No 2( 3.8) 19(12.3) 2(18.2) 23(10.6) Everyday 1( 2.0) 7( 5.2) - 8( 4.1) 1 time/w 6(12.0) 26(19.3) 2(22.2) 34(17.5) 2 3 times/w 4( 8.0) 14(10.4) 1(11.1) 19( 9.8) 2 3 times/month 39(78.0) 88(65.2) 6(66.6) 133(68.6) Elementary school - 3( 2.2) - 3( 1.5) Middle school 5(10.0) 17(12.6) - 22(11.3) High school 15(30.0) 22(16.3) 4(44.4) 41(21.1) University 30(60.0) 93(68.9) 5(55.6) 128(66.1) Curiosity 13(26.0) 32(23.7) 4(44.4) 49(25.3) Stress 1( 2.0) 7( 5.2) - 8( 4.1) Admonition 2( 4.0) 14(10.4) 1(11.1) 17( 8.8) For show 1( 2.0) 1( 0.7) - 2( 1.0) From necessity 33(66.0) 81(60.0) 4(44.4) 118(60.8) 1/2 14(28.0) 39(28.9) 1(11.1) 54(27.8) 1/2 1 32(64.0) 75(55.5) 7(77.7) 114(58.8) 1 2 3( 6.0) 21(15.6) 1(11.1) 25(12.8) 3 1( 2.0) - - 1( 0.5) Habitually 2( 4.0) 13( 9.6) 1(11.1) 16( 8.2) Mental stability 3( 6.0) 6( 4.4) - 9( 4.6) Social relations 39(78.0) 92(68.1) 8(88.9) 139(71.6) Weight control Others 6(12.0) 24(17.8) - 30(15.5) Soju 20(40.0) 59(43.7) 4(44.4) 83(42.8) Beer 24(48.0) 73(54.1) 5(55.6) 102(52.6) Makgeolli 5(10.0) 3( 2.2) - 8( 4.1) Liquor 1( 2.0) - - 1( 0.5) Traditional liquor ) 1) 2) N(%) : number of subjects, the relative % of subjects. : statistically no significant difference at p< by χ 2 -test.
9 25(1): (2015) %, 1.8%,. 68.6% 2 3, %. 66.1%, 21.1%, 11.3%. 60.8%, 26.0% 23.7%, 11.1%. ( 4 5 ) 58.8%, ( 2 ) 27.8%, ( 6 8 ) 12.8%. 71.6%, 8.2%, 4.6%. 52.6%, 42.8%, 4.1%.. (2012), 1 (365 ) 7 ( 5 ), 5 ( 3 ) %, %, % %. (Kromhout D 1983; Williamson et al 1987; Lee & Kim 1991),. (Shin et al 2009; Choi et al 2010),,. (Dallongeville et al 1998; Kim et al 2006; Shin & Choi 2014),. 4. Table %, 50.0% 54.6%. 49.0%, 36.6% 54.4% (p<). Choi et al(2008),. Choi et al(2012) (35.2%), (32.4%), % 6 8, %, 8 7.8%. 30.8%, 39.0% 18.2%. 44.9% 1 2, %. (2008 ), 20 29, %, %. Choi et al(2010) 12.3%, (61.2%). Choi et al (2012) 30 38%. 5. Table 6., %, %, %. 69.1%. 17.5%, 33.2%. Choi et al(2010) %, %. (Lee & Lee 1996)
10 58 Table 5. Health related habits of subjects Interest in health A key to health Daily the sleeping hours Exercise Frequency of exercise per week Duration of daily exercise Very often 33(63.5) 1) 77(50.0) 6(54.6) 116(53.5) Sometimes 18(34.6) 68(44.2) 5(45.5) 91(41.9) Almost never 1( 1.9) 9( 5.8) - 10( 4.6) A good rest & sleep 25(49.0) 41(28.3) 1( 9.1) 67(32.4) Regular exercise 14(27.5) 53(36.6) 6(54.5) 73(35.3) Regular meals & taking nutrition 12(23.5) 40(27.6) 3(27.3) 55(26.6) Prohibition of smoking & drinking - 1( 0.7) - 1( 0.5) Supplement intake Obesity measurement - 10( 6.9) 1( 9.1) 11( 5.3) > 4 hours 2( 3.8) 5( 3.2) 1( 9.1) 8( 3.7) 4 6 hours 13(25.0) 49(31.8) 5(45.5) 67(30.9) 6 8 hours 32(61.5) 88(57.1) 5(45.5) 125(57.6) > 8 hours 5( 9.6) 12( 7.8) - 17( 7.8) Yes 16(30.8) 60(39.0) 2(18.2) 78(35.9) No 36(69.2) 64(61.0) 9(81.8) 139(64.1) 1 2 times/w 8(50.0) 26(43.3) 1(50.0) 35(44.9) 3 times/w 6(37.5) 15(25.0) - 21(26.9) 4 5 times/w 1( 6.3) 16(26.7) 1(50.0) 18(23.1) Every day 1( 6.3) 3( 5.0) - 4( 5.1) 30 minutes 3(18.8) 11(18.3) 1(50.0) 15(19.2) 30 minutes 1 hour 9(56.2) 22(36.7) 1(50.0) 32(41.0) 1 hour hour 30 minutes 4(25.0) 20(33.3) - 24(30.8) 1 hour 30 minutes 2 hour - 7(11.7) - 7( 9.0) 2) 3) 1) 2) 3) N(%) : number of subjects, the relative % of subjects. : statistically no significant difference at p< by χ 2 -test. Significant at p< by χ 2 -test.,,,. 32.7%, 26.0% 36.4% %, 36.4%. (Kim SH 1995, Ahn et al 2007, Choi et al 2010) 20.8%, 50 56%. 36.5%, 17.5% 27.3% (p<), 16.6%., 42.3%, 41.6% 45.5% (p<). 62.2%, 43.3%
11 25(1): (2015) 59 Table 6. Eating habits of subjects < 20 33(63.5) 102(66.2) 6(54.5) 141(65.0) Food expenses ( 10 4 won) Type of food expenses consumption Time of meal Eat breakfast Overeating Eating out Snacking Unbalanced meals (32.7) 48(31.2) 4(45.5) 70(32.3) ( 3.8) 1( 0.6) - 3( 1.4) 100-3( 1.9) - 3( 1.4) A homelike meal 8(15.4) 29(18.8) 2(18.2) 39(18.0) Eating out 38(73.1) 106(68.8) 6(54.5) 150(69.1) Meal delivery 2( 3.8) 3( 1.9) - 5( 2.3) Snack 4( 7.7) 16(10.4) 3(27.3) 23(10.6) Regularly 8(15.4) 29(18.8) 1( 9.1) 38(17.5) Sometimes 29(55.8) 73(47.4) 5(45.5) 107(49.3) Irregularly 15(28.8) 52(33.8) 5(45.5) 72(33.2) Every day 17(32.7) 33(21.4) 1( 9.1) 51(23.5) 5 6 times/w 3( 5.8) 19(12.3) 1( 9.1) 23(10.6) 3 4 times/w 9(17.3) 29(18.8) 1( 9.1) 39(18.0) 1 2 times/w 11(21.2) 40(26.0) 4(36.4) 55(25.3) Not at all 12(23.1) 33(21.4) 4(36.4) 49(22.6) Almost never 19(36.5) 27(17.5) 3(27.3) 49(22.6) Sometimes 26(50.0) 100(64.9) 6(54.5) 132(60.8) Often 7(13.5) 27(17.5) 2(18.2) 36(16.6) Korean food 11(21.2) 64(41.6) 3(27.3) 78(35.9) Western food 22(42.3) 42(27.3) 3(27.3) 67(30.9) Chinese food 18(34.6) 48(31.2) 5(45.5) 71(32.7) Fast food Others 1( 1.9) - - 1( 0.5) Almost never 8(15.4) 14( 9.1) 1( 9.1) 23(10.6) 1 time 30(57.7) 98(63.6) 7(63.6) 135(62.2) 2 times 10(19.2) 23(14.9) 2(18.2) 35(16.1) > 3 times 4( 7.7) 19(12.3) 1( 9.1) 24(11.1) Almost never 11(21.2) 21(13.6) - 32(14.7) Sometimes 16(30.8) 71(46.1) 4(36.4) 91(41.9) Often 25(48.1) 62(40.3) 7(63.6) 94(43.3) 2) 3) 1) 2) 3) N(%) : number of subjects, the relative % of subjects. : statistically no significant difference at p< by χ 2 -test. Significant at p< by χ 2 -test.. Choi et al(2012) , ,,
12 ,. 6. Table %, 44.7%. Table 7. Mini dietary assessment in college women Milk & its products, daily Meat, fish, egg, soybean etc, every meal Kimchi, vegetables, every meal Fruits & other juices, daily Fried foods, more than 2 times per week High fat meat, more than 2 times per week Add more salt or soy source at meals 3 meals a day, regularly Ice cream, cake, cookies, carbonated drinks as snack, more than 2 times per week Variety of food (balanced diet) Very often 10(19.2) 1) 33(21.4) - 43(19.8) Sometimes 17(32.7) 57(37.0) 3(27.3) 77(35.5) Seldom 25(48.1) 64(41.6) 8(72.7) 97(44.7) Very often 21(40.4) 53(34.4) 2(18.2) 76(35.0) Sometimes 28(53.8) 82(53.2) 5(45.5) 115(53.0) Seldom 3( 5.8) 19(12.3) 4(36.4) 26(12.0) Very often 23(44.2) 63(40.9) 4(36.4) 90(41.5) Sometimes 22(42.3) 65(42.2) 5(45.5) 92(42.4) Seldom 7(13.5) 26(16.9) 2(18.2) 35(16.1) Very often 18(34.6) 45(29.2) 4(36.4) 67(30.9) Sometimes 24(46.2) 58(37.7) 2(18.2) 84(38.7) Seldom 10(19.2) 51(33.1) 5(45.5) 66(30.4) Very often 19(36.5) 67(43.5) 6(54.5) 92(42.4) Sometimes 30(57.7) 69(44.8) 1( 9.1) 100(46.1) Seldom 3( 5.8) 18(11.7) 4(36.4) 25(11.5) Very often 15(28.8) 38(24.7) 3(27.3) 56(25.8) Sometimes 24(46.2) 65(42.2) 3(27.3) 92(42.4) Seldom 13(25.0) 51(33.1) 5(45.5) 69(31.8) Very often 9(17.3) 20(13.0) - 29(13.4) Sometimes 24(46.2) 49(31.8) 3(27.3) 76(35.0) Seldom 19(36.5) 85(55.2) 8(72.7) 112(51.6) Very often 7(13.5) 28(18.2) 2(18.2) 37(17.1) Sometimes 22(42.3) 49(31.8) 1( 9.1) 72(33.2) Seldom 23(44.2) 77(50.0) 8(72.7) 108(49.8) Very often 20(38.5) 67(43.5) 3(27.3) 90(41.5) Sometimes 14(26.9) 59(38.3) 3(27.3) 76(35.0) Seldom 18(34.6) 28(18.2) 5(45.5) 51(23.5) Very often 27(51.9) 59(38.3) 6(54.5) 92(42.4) Sometimes 18(34.6) 76(49.4) 3(27.3) 97(44.7) Seldom 7(13.5) 19(12.3) 2(18.2) 28(12.9) 2) 3) 1) 2) 3) N(%) : number of subjects, the relative % of subjects. : statistically no significant difference at p< by χ 2 -test. Significant at p< by χ 2 -test.
13 25(1): (2015) %, (1 ) (1 ) 69.6%. (,, ) %, 17.1%, (.) 87.1%. 40.4%, 34.4% 18.2% (p<) %, 43.5% 54.5%, (p<). 17.3% 13.0%, 72.7% (p<).,,, (, ) %, 43.5% 27.3%, 45.5% (p<). Choi et al(2012) ,,,, 2008,,. Shin & Choi (2014) (41.3%) ( 9.1%, 27.9%), (37.0%), (43.5%) (54.3%).,, ,, cm, kg kg/m %, 56.8%, 61.1%, 90.9% (p<). 52.8%, 35.0% 10.2%, 45.5%. 9 kg 81.8%, 3 5 kg 45.7% (p<). 3. (48.7%), 23.9%, 17.3%, 6.1%. 31.6%, 26.3% 15.8%, 44.4%, 11.2% %, 50.0% 54.6%. 49.0%, 36.6% 54.4% (p<) %, 36.4% %, 34.4% 18.2% (p<). 2 (p<).,,.,,,.,
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Volume 12, Number 1, 6~16, Factors influencing consultation time and waiting time of ambulatory patients in a tertiary teaching hospital Jee-In Hwang College of Nursing Science, Kyung Hee University :
제14권 1호 통권 제23호 www.kagp.or.kr 발행인 : 정인과 / 편집인 : 이동우 / 발행처 : 정인과 (152-703) 서울특별시 구로구 구로동 80번지 고려대학교 구로병원 정신과 / TEL : 02-818-6608 / FAX : 02-852-1937 발행일 : 2008년 4월 30일 / 제 작 : (주)엠엘커뮤니케이션 140-846 서울특별시
주요개념 : 컴퓨터음란물 접촉자, 성지식, 성태도 남자중학생의 컴퓨터음란물 접촉자와 비접촉자간의 성지식과 태도의 차이 김 영 혜* 이 화 자** 정 향 미*** 1. 연구의 필요성 한국은 I. 서 론 1960 년대 이후부터 시작된 돌진적 산업화 ( 한 상진, 1996) 로 인하여 경제적 부흥을 이루어 집집마다 TV 수상기를 가질 수 있게 되었고 최근에는 PC보급율
현재도 피운다. (a) Half pack a day (b) half to one pack a day 반 갑 미만 반 갑 ~ 한 갑 (c) one to two packs a day (d) more than 2 packs a day 한 갑 ~ 두 갑 두 갑 이상 5. Ho
Name: Preliminary Medical Examination (Female) 문진표(여성) 1. Have you ever suffered from or been treated for below diseases for more than 3 months? 과거에 다음과 같은 질병으로 3개월 이상 앓았거나 진단(치료)을 받은 적이 있습니까? 1 diabetes
농업생명과학연구 49(4) pp.31-37 Journal of Agriculture & Life Science 49(4) pp.31-37 Print ISSN 1598-5504 Online ISSN 2383-8272 http://dx.doi.org/10.14397/jals.2015.49.4.31 국가산림자원조사 자료를 적용한 충남지역 사유림경영율 추정 서연옥
Analysis of objective and error source of ski technical championship Jin Su Seok 1, Seoung ki Kang 1 *, Jae Hyung Lee 1, & Won Il Son 2 1 yong in Univ
Analysis of objective and error source of ski technical championship Jin Su Seok 1, Seoung ki Kang 1 *, Jae Hyung Lee 1, & Won Il Son 2 1 yong in University & 2 Kang Won University [Purpose] [Methods]
A 617
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저작자표시 - 비영리 - 변경금지 2.0 대한민국 이용자는아래의조건을따르는경우에한하여자유롭게 이저작물을복제, 배포, 전송, 전시, 공연및방송할수있습니다. 다음과같은조건을따라야합니다 : 저작자표시. 귀하는원저작자를표시하여야합니다. 비영리. 귀하는이저작물을영리목적으로이용할수없습니다. 변경금지. 귀하는이저작물을개작, 변형또는가공할수없습니다. 귀하는, 이저작물의재이용이나배포의경우,
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저작자표시 - 비영리 - 변경금지 2.0 대한민국 이용자는아래의조건을따르는경우에한하여자유롭게 이저작물을복제, 배포, 전송, 전시, 공연및방송할수있습니다. 다음과같은조건을따라야합니다 : 저작자표시. 귀하는원저작자를표시하여야합니다. 비영리. 귀하는이저작물을영리목적으로이용할수없습니다. 변경금지. 귀하는이저작물을개작, 변형또는가공할수없습니다. 귀하는, 이저작물의재이용이나배포의경우,
현대패션의 로맨틱 이미지에 관한 연구
한지닥섬유제품의인체생리반응및쾌적성평가 임순 Evaluation of Thermal Physiological Responses and Comfort in Dox Fabric Soon Im Professor, Dept. of Fashion Industry, Incheon National University This study performed the evaluation
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Study on the Improvement of Management System through Analysis of golf semi- market: Focus on Physical Education Facility Act Ji-Myung Jung 1, Ju-Ho Park 2 *, & Youngdae Lee 3 1 Korea Institute of Sport
미래지향 고령친화 주거디자인을 위한 예비노인층의 라이프스타일 특성 Characteristics of Lifestyle of the Pre-Elderly for Future Elderly-friendly Housing Design 류 혜 지 청운대학교 인테리어디자인학과 교수 Ryu hye-ji Dept. of Interior Design, Chungwoon University
들어가면서 본 식생활가이드 는 여러분께서 받으신 식생활 평가지의 내용을 쉽게 이해하실 수 있도록 구성되었습니다. 식생활 평가지는 식품섭취조사에서 응답하신 내용을 기반으로 분석하여 체중평가, 에너지 섭취평가, 식품 섭취 평가, 영양소 섭취 평가 등의 내용을 포함하고 있습
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REDESIGN YOUR BODY doterra - Healthy Life Guide Book 본 책자의 내용은 교육용 자료이며 일반적인 건강정보로 특정 제품과 직접적인 관련이 없습니다. 무단 복제, 임의변경 및 배포를 금지합니다 1. 나에게 가장 적정한 몸무게는 무엇일까요? 체중 측정을 통한 적정 체중의 판정방법 비만 지수 = 현재 체중 표준 체중 100
The e-business Studies Volume 17, Number 4, August, 30, 2016:319~332 Received: 2016/07/28, Accepted: 2016/08/28 Revised: 2016/08/27, Published: 2016/08/30 [ABSTRACT] This paper examined what determina
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141(26) 20056 1930 19 () ( ( ) () () () ) 2) 1932 ()()3) 2 1) 1897519( ) ( ) () () () 4) ( ) 5) 6) 15-20 7) 191216 2) ( ) () 42 () 193111 12 1933 4 3)
141(26) 20056 Korean J Med Hist 14131 Jun 2005 ISSN 1225505X ( 1897-1982) * ** 1 ( 1897-1982) ( ) 1) 3 1 ( ) 1930 1930 1930 * () ** 1) ( 2000 p 13-15) 1 141(26) 20056 1930 19 () ( ( ) () () () ) 2) 1932
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230 한국교육학연구 제20권 제3호 I. 서 론 청소년의 언어가 거칠어지고 있다. 개ㅅㄲ, ㅆㅂ놈(년), 미친ㅆㄲ, 닥쳐, 엠창, 뒤져 등과 같은 말은 주위에서 쉽게 들을 수 있다. 말과 글이 점차 된소리나 거센소리로 바뀌고, 외 국어 남용과 사이버 문화의 익명성 등
청소년의 개인, 가정, 학교변인에 따른 비교육적 언어 사용의 차이 229 한국교육학연구 제20권 제3호 The Korea Educational Review 2014. 10. Vol.20. No.3. pp.229-251. 1) 청소년의 개인, 가정, 학교변인에 따른 비교육적 언어 사용의 차이* 강기수 조규판(동아대학교) [요 약] 본 연구의 목적은 청소년의 개인변인인