" Two in a House/ 한집에살게된크로와엘로 (O.S.) Elo, look, 엘로, (CON T) my latest invention! 발명품한번볼래? Wow. It s the most wonderful invention I have ever seen! 우와. 내가본것중제일멋진발명품이야. Just wait and see-. 자 ~ 보라구. Mm, mmm. Hmm~. 음음, 흠 ~. / Woo, woo/wow. 우, 우 / 우와. Now all I do is push this button and this fly catcher will do the rest. 이제이버튼을누르기만하면돼. 나머지는이 파리잡이 가알아서처리할꺼야. 1
Huh? 어? It's working! 작동한다! / Huh? 어? / <Huh? Oh, Oooooh!> 어? 어, 어어어어어! / <Whoaaaa> < 우어어어어 > / Waaaaaaah!!! 으아아 ~~~ / <Umph. Huh?> < 욱. 어?> Gosh, the swatter got the ceiling, not the fly. 오이런 파리가아니라지붕을잡았네 Oh, I'm sorry about your ceiling, Elo. But Cro knows where you can stay until we get it fixed. 오, 천정을저렇게만들어미안해, 엘로. 하지만크로는저천정이고쳐질때까지네가어디서지내야할지알고있어. 2
Hmm? Hmmm. 흠? 흠 Thanks again for letting me stay with you, Cro. 너네집에서지낼수있게해줘서고마워, 크로. We'll have a roof over your head in no time. Next to giving gifts, roof-building is what this gift giving dragon does best. 당장에지붕을지어야지. 지붕공사는디보가선물주는일다음으로잘하는일이거든. BUNNY/ ANNIE We ll help too! 우리도돕기로했어! Thanks everybody! 고마워모두들! Please, Elo, come in! 자, 어서들어오라고친구! Welcome. You can put your things anywhere. 환영해. 네가원하는곳에네물건을두면돼. <Hmm> < 음 > Oh. Except there. I just cleaned. 아. 거기만빼고. 방금청소했거든. 3
<Grunts> < 끄응 > Oh, no, not there either. 참, 거기도안되겠네 <Hmmm> < 움 > Over there? No. There? No, can t. Yes, No. Maybe here. 저 ~ 기? 아냐, 거기? 안되지. 그래, 아냐. 여기가좋겠다. <Sigh> < 한숨 > <effort sounds> 끙끙 Oh. There really isn t any good place. Why don t you just put it here, Elo! 마땅한곳이없네 그냥, 여기다놔엘로! Huh? 어? Whew! I still have a few more things back at my place. 휴 ~~ 집에서가져와야할게몇개더있어. 4
Oh, no, no. I'll get them for you, while you make yourself at home. 오, 아냐, 아냐. 내가대신가져다줄게. 넌그동안편히자리나잡아. <Oh, oh, ooh> < 어어어어 > <effort sounds> (falling) Oh! Ugh! Ohhh. 끙끙 ( 넘어지며 ) 어! 우! 우어어어 Elo, what happened? 엘로, 이게대체무슨일이니? Hey, Cro, I hope you don't mind but I made myself a little snack. 크로, 내가간식을좀만들어먹었는데, 괜찮겠지? Uh. No, that's okay. 에, 그래, 괜찮아 <Chuckle> Wanna bite? < 웃음 > 한입먹을래? Uh, er. Um. No thank you. Let me get you a napkin. 에, 에. 고맙지만사양하겠어. 냅킨을가져다줄게. 5
What for? <Munching> 뭐하러? < 꾸역꾸역먹는소리 > <Eating effort> < 먹는소리 > Oh, oh. Elo-. 어, 어. 엘로 - No. I shouldn t say anything. It's my fault that Elo's roof is gone. 참자. 나때문에엘로집지붕이날아갔잖아! What? 응? Er. Nothing. Maybe we should just get some sleep.<huh, ooh> 아냐, 아무것도. 우리그만자는게어떨까?< 어, 엉 > <Munching> Good idea. < 우적우적 > 좋은생각이야. <SNORING SOUNDS!> < 코를곤다!> Elo... Elo... Elo... 엘로 엘로 엘로 6
Hmm.hm. Cupcakes and milk. 응, 응.. 음냐 컵케잌이랑밀크 <Oooooh.> < 우우우 > (talking in his sleep)hmm.hmm.truffles. ( 잠꼬대 ) 응, 응.. 음냐 트러플 <Oooooh.> < 우우우 > (O.S) <SNORING SOUNDS!> <Uh, uh.> < 어, 어 > Good morning Cro! You re already up! 안녕크로! 벌써일어나있었네! I did not sleep a wink. 난한숨도못잤어 I m hungry. Let s have breakfast, huh? Is there anything to eat? 배고파, 아침먹자. 뭐먹을거없을까? <yawn> Yes, er. There should be something in the fridge. < 하품 > 아, 응. 냉장고에뭔가있을거야. 7
(CONT`D) Whooooooa! Ooh! 으아아아 ~ 욱! Ohhhhhhhhh~~~~! Elooo~! 으으으 ~~ 엘로오오오 ~! <Hammering effort> < 망치질하는호흡 > BUNNY Ah~ 아 ~ ANNIE Huh? 어? Well, how do you think Elo and Cro are getting along? 그런데, 엘로와크로는잘지내고있을까? ANNIE/BUNNY Hmm 흠 There are certain rules that you must obey if you are to stay at my home. 네가우리집에서살려면따라야할룰이몇가지있어. Huh? 어? Um, Okay! 아 알았어! 8
You must be sure to close the door 문을꼭닫기! Okay, okay.<munching> 알았어, 알았어.< 우적우적 > Huh? 어? <Uh, uhhhhh.> < 어, 어어어어 > Garbage goes into the garbage bin! Hmm! 쓰레기는쓰레기통에버릴것! 흠! Okay. 알았어. Another rule! Do not touch anything without asking! 하나더추가! 아무거나만지지말것! Uh, okay. whew~. 에, 알았어. 휴 ~ Whoa, whoaaa~ 어, 어어어 ~ 9
Oh, ooh! 어, 우! Eloooo~! Do not touch anything! 엘로오오 ~~! 아무것도만지지마! Ohhhh Okay~! 우으으으 알았다고 ~! <pant> Man, oh man.~~ <sigh> There are too many rules at Cro's house. ( 숨몰아쉬며 ) 아, 정말 ~~ 크로네는지켜야할게너무많아 Living with Elo is very difficult. My house is messy, and, I got no sleep last night! 엘로와같이사는건힘들어. 집도더러워졌고, 어젯밤엔한숨도못잤어! / I wish living with Cro/Elo was fun! 엘로와 / 크로와함께사는게즐거워졌으면좋겠어! <Laughter> <Ooh!> < 웃음 > < 우!> / Wow/Huh? 우와 / 어? 10
Well, if you have a wish, say the magic words! Huh? Huh? 소원이있으면주문을말해봐! 응? / Huh? Hmm! Diding, Boding, DiboDiboDing! 어? 흥! 디딩, 보딩, 디보디보딩! Huh? Uh, uh. 어? 어, 어 / I wish living with Cro/Elo was fun! 엘로와 / 크로와함께사는게즐거워졌으면좋겠어! / Thanks, Dibo!/Oh, thank you. Dibo! 고마워디보!/ 고마워, 디보! Hmm. huh? 흠 어? Those are my old shoes. Huh? 저건내헌신발인데. 어? And that is my old bow tie. I think the gifts got mixed up, Dibo. 저건내낡은나비넥타이고. 선물이바뀐것같은데디보? 11
Nope, you got the right gifts. Put on Elo's shoes, Cro, and see how they feel. And Elo, put Cro's tie on and see what that s like. 아냐그게맞아. 크로, 엘로의신발을신고어떤기분인지, 그리고엘로는크로의넥타이를매고어떤기분인지느껴보는거야. / Huh? 어? Okay. Um. 알았어. 음. Huh? Uh. But I don't feel any different. Except I do feel hungry. 어? 어. 그렇지만특별히다른느낌은없어. 배가좀고파지는거빼고. Hmm. I don't feel any different either. Huh? Ugh. There is garbage on the ground. 음, 나도별로달라진건없는거같은데? 어? 저기쓰레기가있네. This is going to be fun. <laughter> 재미있을거야! < 웃음 > <Effort grunts> Huh? Whoaa! Huh? < 끙끙 > 어? 우와아! 어? 12
What happened in here? Oh, ugh. 여기무슨일이벌어진거야? 우, 어. I got hungry all of a sudden. Hey, Elo, wanna bite? 갑자기배가고파져서말이야. 엘로, 한입먹을래? Oh. You're spilling food everywhere. 너지금음식을여기저기에흘리고있어. Yeah, so? Hmm 맞아, 그래서? 흠 You re making a mess! Hmm! 지저분해지잖아! 흠! <Munching> < 우적우적 > <Oh, Huh.> < 우, 어 > / Whoa! Whoaaaa! 우왓! 우와아아아! Oh! Ah! Ah! 와! 아! 아! 13
Cro!!! You're making a mess!!! 크로!!! 너어지르고있잖아!!! Okaaaaayyyy~. Hmm, hmm, hmm! 알았어어어어어 ~. 흠, 흠, 흠! <Pant> My goodness, Elo is cranky. Huh? ( 숨찬듯 ) 맙소사, 엘로는까다롭네. 어? (FLASHBACK) <No, no, no! Do not touch anything!> < 안돼, 안돼, 안돼! 아무것도만지지마!> (to himself) Maybe I was too cranky? ( 혼잣말로 ) 내가좀너무까다로웠나? Cro is so messy! Huh? Hmm. 크로는너무지저분해! 어? 흠. <Munching> < 우적우적 > (embarrassed) Oh! Maybe I was messy, too. ( 민망한듯 ) 아!! 나도좀너무지저분했나. <Panting> < 헉헉 > 14
/ (Opening door) Ah. Ow~~~! ( 문열고 ) 아. 아야 ~~ / I m sorry Elo/Cro! 미안해엘로 / 크로! / <Laughter> 풋 하하하하 I think I know how you feel. 나이제네마음을알것같아 Same here, Cro. 나도야크로. Hmm. I guess I was too harsh on you. 흠. 내가좀심했지? No, no, I was too messy. 아냐, 내가너무지저분했지. No, it was my fault. 아냐내탓이었어. Huh? No, it was my fault. 어? 아냐, 내탓이었어 15
Hmm? Hmm! It was me! 음? 흠! 나라구! No, me! 나야! / <Ohhhhh><loud laughter> < 우으으으으 > 으 하하하하 There you go, Elo! Your roof is complete! 자, 엘로! 너의집지붕이완성됐어! CHILDREN <Hurray> <Laughter> < 이야 > < 웃음 > BUNNY Yay! 이야! BUNNY/ ANNIE It looks great! 너무멋지다! / The house looks good as new!! 새집같아!! Hey, I know. 있지, 16
BUNNY/ ANNIE Hmm? 응? Even though your roof is okay, let's live at my house for a while. 너희집지붕은멀쩡하지만 이번엔우리집에서같이사는게어때? Hmm. Brilliant, great idea, Elo. 흠, 정말로멋진생각이야엘로! / <Humming> < 허밍 > BUNNY Uh, Dibo? 에, 디보? ANNIE What happened to Cro and Elo? 크로와엘로가어떻게된거야? Cro knows what its like to be Elo and Elo better understands Cro. 크로는엘로가되는느낌이어떤지알게됐고엘로는크로를더이해하게됐지 (OS) Oh, Elo, do be careful. 오, 엘로, 조심해. 17
Huh? 어? (OS) Huh? Oh, sorry. 어? 아, 미안. Er. 에 (OS) Do not put it there. Lift your foot, Elo. You really need to clean this place. 거기그걸놓지마. 발올려, 엘로. 너청소좀해야겠어. (OS) Oh, stop it, Cro! This is my house~! 아, 그만해, 크로! 이건내집이란말이야 ~! (CON T) Umm.. Uh, <Laughter> 에, 어, < 웃음 > THE END 18