기본 _ITS 운영기반 교통모형 개선 연구­도로용량 증대효과 사례를 중심으로(문영준 외).hwp

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요약 1. 연구의개요 가. 연구의필요성및목적

나. 연구의범위및방법

2. 도로용량에영향을주는 ITS 기술동향 가. 국내 ITS 구축현황및기술동향 나. 국외 ITS 기술동향

다. 군집주행및자율주행기술개발동향

3. 기존교통모형의한계점및개선방안 가. 기존도로용량분석의한계점

나. 도로용량증대를위한 ITS 기반교통모형개선방안 병목지속시간


4. ITS 운영기반도로운영용량증대에따른교통모형정립 가. 연속류및단속류도로체계의용량개념 4) 나. ITS 기반도로운영에따른도로용량산정개선방안제시

또는 또는 다. ITS 운영에따른도로용량증대효과분석

ς ς

< 그림 1> 단속류모의실험교차로기하구조및교통조건 < 그림 2> 도로단면도

라. 용량산정을위한모형적용방안

5. 결론및정책제언 가. 결론 나. 정책제언

제 1 장서론 1. 연구의필요성

2. 연구의목적

1. 연구의범위

2. 연구의방법

1. 선행연구검토 2. 본연구의차별성

제 2 장도로용량에영향을주는 ITS 기술동향 1. 현황 가. 국토교통부교통정보통합시스템

나. 국토교통부국도교통관리시스템

다. 지방자치단체

라. 한국도로공사

2. 소결론

1. 현황 가. 유럽

나. 미국

2. 소결론

1. 군집주행 가. 개요및배경

나. 국외기술동향및전망

다. 국외차량이용사례

2. 자율주행 가. 개요및배경

나. 국내기술동향및전망

다. 국외기술동향및전망

3. 충돌방지기술 가. 개요및국내기술동향및전망

나. 국외기술동향및전망

4. 소결론

제 3 장기존교통모형의한계점및개선방안

1. 연속류도로 ( 고속도로본선 ) 가. 가변속도제한 (VSL) 운영에따른용량증가


나. LCS 운영에따른용량변화

다. 군집및자율주행으로차두간격 (Headway) 감소에따른용량증가

2. 단속류도로 ( 신호교차로 ) 가. 자율군집주행에따른출발손실시간감소

나. 자율군집주행에따른포화차두시간감소 여기서 최소정지시거 차량속도 타이어 노면마찰계수 경사 오르막 내리막 운전자반응시간 지각 반응시간 초

다. 보행자감응기반보행신호운영에따른용량증대 전체녹색시간

제 4 장 ITS 운영기반도로운영용량증대에 따른교통모형정립 1. 연속류 가. 연속류의정의 나. 연속류도로의용량

다. 연속류의속도와밀도, 교통량의관계

2. 단속류 가. 단속류의정의 나. 단속류도로의용량

1. 도로용량산정방법의개선

2. 연속류 ( 고속도로기본구간 ) 의용량산정방안개선 3. 단속류 ( 신호교차로 ) 의용량산정방안개선

또는 또는

1. 효과분석개요 가. 효과분석배경 나. 연속류모의실험환경구축

ς ς

i f i f max min min

다. 단속류모의실험환경구축

2. 연속류모의실험결과 가. 모의실험투입교통량설정개요

교통류율 ( ( 대 // 시 / 차로 ) 교통류율 ( 대 / 시 / 차로 )

나. 모의실험수행

교통류율 ( 대 / 시 / 차로 )

교통류율 ( 대 / 시 / 차로 )

교통류율 ( 대 / 시 / 차로 )

교통류율 ( 대 / 시 / 차로 )

교통류율 ( 대 / 시 / 차로 )

교통류율 ( 대 / 시 / 차로 )

교통류율 ( 대 / 시 / 차로 )

교통류율 ( 대 / 시 / 차로 )

교통류율 ( 대 / 시 / 차로 )

교통류율 ( 대 / 시 / 차로 )

3. 단속류모의실험결과


제 5 장결론및정책제언

1. 국내외군집및자율주행을포함하는 ITS 기술개발동향

2. 기존교통모형의한계점분석및개선방안

3. 사례연구를통한 ITS 전략운영의효과평가

4. ITS 전략운영을반영하기위한도로용량산정모형적용방안

1. 첨단지능형교통체계기술의개발 2. ITS 운영에따른용량증대효과분석

3. 도로용량산정방안재검토

참고문헌 [ 국내문헌 ]

[ 국외문헌 ]

[ 웹사이트 ]

Abstract Youngjun MOON et al. The Korean Government seldom expands SOC Investment for road construction according to both the Low-Carbon Green Growth Policy implemented by the previous administration and Creative Economy for National Happiness Policy by the current administration. This limitation on new road construction brings not only traffic jams and congestion by increased numbers of vehicle to cities, but also safety and environmental issues by the emission of greenhouse gas. Taking these realities created by the government policy changes, there is a claim to maximize the transport efficiency of the current road system. During the last 20 years, intelligent transportation systems (ITS) were established in major metropolises. It is also expected to have interactions between intellectualized and safety-improved vehicles and road infrastructure in a later stage. Like this, factors and conditions are changing in road transport operation that will lead to increased

road efficiency and finally road capacity. ITS based on linkage between roads and vehicles has evolved gradually and will develop system optimization that enables strategies for user optimization and traffic demand control through real-time information, managing total traffic volume, and controlling traffic networks. Furthermore, cooperative adaptive cruise control (CACC) will be commercialized in the near future by the evolution of domestic and overseas research, resulting in greatly impacting road capacity. However current traffic models, such as the road volume calculation model, hardly reflect volume changes occurring under operation of ITS technology. Accordingly, research is needed on a new model that can reflect an increase of road capacity based on ITS operation. For this, this research proposes one model that focuses on traffic volume analysis and reflects changes during operation of ITS technology. This research analyzed the development trend of advanced ITS technologies that have influence on road volume and its models and reviewed ITS technologies such as CACC. In order to reflect the effects of volume increase of such ITS technologies, the research analyzed limitations in the methods of capacity analysis proposed by the current road capacity manual and suggested improvements. In particular, this research recommends a volume calculation model for consecutive-flow highway sections and short-flow signal intersections. It also conducted a simulation materializing advanced ITS technologies to identify the influential effects that advanced ITS technologies have on road capacity. Based on the simulation results, this report finalized a volume calculation model that can reflect ITS operational effects and suggests its applications. This research reflected advanced ITS technologies into the road

volume calculation model, which can be operated by updated paradigms based on the link between roads and vehicles. It has significance in terms of a viewpoint that it procures from the current limitation to analyze road capacity around road and traffic conditions and then reflects ITS technology influences on road capacity. Taking government policies and present road infrastructure, road expansion is reaching a breaking-point requiring government promoted next generational ITS technology development. This research is just an initiation for the solution and is limited by the usage of simulation results that materializes certain forms of geometry and assumptions. In the future, it should be credited by applying various ITS technologies and geometries, and obtaining data from real sites through calibration and validation of the model. This research attempts to contribute to future research where it identifies the effects of high-tech ITS technology on the road system and suggests solutions based on said effects.

저자약력 문영준 이재준 박병규 강경원 임민희 연구총서 2013 07 ITS 운영기반교통모형개선연구 - 도로용량증대효과사례를중심으로 - Research for Traffic Model Revision Affected by ITS Operation: Case Study on Road Capacity Improvement ISBN 978 89 5503 588 9 93530 인쇄 발행 발행인 발행처한국교통연구원 www.koti.re.kr 인쇄처 가격