THE JOURNAL OF KOREAN INSTITUTE OF ELECTROMAGNETIC ENGINEERING AND SCIENCE. 2017 Nov.; 28(11), 837 842. ISSN 1226-3133 (Print) ISSN 2288-226X (Online) 8PSK-TCM Design and Performance Evaluation of 8PSK-TCM System Using Turbo Equalizer for Satellite Communication 안창영 유상범 이상규 유흥균 Changyoung An Sang-Burm Ryu* Sang-Gyu Lee* Heung-Gyoon Ryu 요약 CCSDS(Consultative Committe for Space Data Systems) X (X-Band) 4D(Dimension)-8PSK(Phase Shift Keying)-TCM(Trellis Coded Modulation) 8PSK-TCM,. AWGN, Proakis B, Proakis C, 8PSK 8PSK-TCM BER., 8PSK 8PSK-TCM BER, 8PSK-TCM ISI BER. 8PSK-TCM 5 Proakis B 10-3 BER 5.9 db SNR, Proakis C 10-2 BER 9.1 db SNR. Abstract In this paper, as a basic study for combination of turbo equalizer and 4D-8PSK-TCM(4 Dimensional 8 Phase Shift Keying Trellis Coded Modulation) system, which is recommended for X-band band satellite communication in CCSDS, a system combining 8PSK- TCM system and turbo equalizer has designed and performance evaluation of the system has performed. BER performance of 8PSK and 8PSK-TCM systems has evaluated and analyzed in AWGN, Proakis B and Proakis C channels in detail. As results of simulation, BER performance of 8PSK-TCM system is better than 8PSK system in AWGN environment. Furthermore, it can be confirmed that the system combining the 8PSK-TCM system with the turbo equalizer can further improve the BER performance through iterative equalization in the ISI channel environment. The 8PSK-TCM system combined with the turbo equalizer requires SNR of 5.9 db for BER performance of 10-3 with 5 iterative equalization in Proakis B and SNR of 9.1 db for BER of 10-2 with 5 iterative equalization in Proakis C. Key words: TCM, 8PSK-TCM, Turbo Equalizer, Satellite Communication, ISI Channel 2017. (Department of Electronics Engineering, Chungbuk National University) * (Payload Electronics Team, Korea Aerospace Research Institute) Manuscript received July, 14, 2017 ; Revised October, 20, 2017 ; Accepted October, 25, 2017. (ID No. 20170714-066) Corresponding Author: Heung-Gyoon Ryu (e-mail: c Copyright The Korean Institute of Electromagnetic Engineering and Science. All Rights Reserved. 837
THE JOURNAL OF KOREAN INSTITUTE OF ELECTROMAGNETIC ENGINEERING AND SCIENCE. vol. 28, no. 11, Nov. 2017.. 서론 [1]. 25 30 cm. 800 1,200 Mbps. (Consultative Committe for Space Data Systems: CCSDS) X 4-D(Dimension) 8PSK(Phase Shift Keying) TCM(Trellis Coded Modulation) [2]. CCSDS 4D-8PSK-TCM [3] [5]. TCM. TCM [6]. TCM PSK QAM(Quadrature Amplitude Modulation) (trellis). 8PSK 8PSK-TCM. ISI(Inter-Symbol Interference),.,, ISI. ISI ZF(Zero Forcing), MMSE(Minimum Mean Square Error), ML(Maximum Likelihood),, [7],[8]. ISI. ISI [9]. CCSDS X 4D-8PSK-TCM, 8PSK-TCM,., 8PSK-TCM 8PSK-TCM, MAP(Maximum A Posteriori) TCM. 8PSK-TCM AWGN, Proakis B, Proakis C. 2-1 8PSK-TCM. 시스템모델 1 8PSK-TCM. 8PSK- TCM, 2 b0, b1., b1 1/2 (convolution coding) c0, c1., b0 c0, c1 8PSK [6]. Viterbi TCM 8PSK-TCM [6]. 2 8PSK-TCM. 2 1/2 8PSK- TCM. 그림 1. 8PSK-TCM Fig. 1. Block diagram of 8PSK-TCM system. 838
8PSK-TCM 그림 2. 8PSK-TCM Fig. 2. Convolution coder for 8PSK-TCM modulation. 2-2 Turbo Equalization 3.,. (interleaving). 8PSK., MAP(Maximum A Posteriori Probability) 1 [8]. Log LLR(Log Likelihood Ratio). (deinterleaving), LLR [8]. LLR, MAP 그림 4. 8PSK-TCM Fig. 4. Block diagram of 8PSK-TCM system using turbo equalizer.., [8]. 2-3 터보등화기를사용하는 8PSK-TCM 4 8PSK-TCM. 8PSK- TCM., MAP. MAP LLR., Viterbi TCM., TCM TCM. MAP. TCM.. 시뮬레이션결과및분석 그림 3. Fig. 3. Block diagram of turbo equalizer system. 8PSK, 8PSK-TCM, 8PSK-TCM,. 1. 8PSK TCM 1/2. TCM Viterbi. 839
THE JOURNAL OF KOREAN INSTITUTE OF ELECTROMAGNETIC ENGINEERING AND SCIENCE. vol. 28, no. 11, Nov. 2017. 표 1. Table 1. Simulation parameters. Parameter Modulation Value 8PSK, 8PSK-TCM Code rate of convolution coder for TCM 1/2 TCM decoding Inner equalizer for turbo equalization Interleaver for 8PSK-TCM Viterbi algorithm MAP equalizer Symbol interleaver # of symbol per tx block 1,024 Channel AWGN, Proakis B channel, Proakis C channel Iteration for turbo equalization 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 MAP. TCM (burst error). 1,024, AWGN (Additive White Gaussian Noise), Proakis B, Proakis C. ISI 8PSK MAP, 8PSK- TCM MAP. 5 8PSK 8PSK-TCM BER. 8PSK-TCM TCM 1/2 2/3. AWGN 8PSK-TCM BER. 8PSK SNR 5.5 db 10-4 BER, 8PSK-TCM SNR 10 db 10-4 BER. 10-4 BER 8PSK-TCM 4 db SNR. 6 Proakis B 8PSK-TCM BER. QPSK Proakis B MAP 10-2 BER 7 db SNR. 8PSK-TCM MAP, 10-2 BER 7.7 db SNR., 8PSK-TCM BER. Proakis B, 그림 5. 8PSK 8PSK-TCM BER Fig. 5. BER performance of 8PSK and 8PSK-TCM system. 그림 6. Proakia B 8PSK- TCM BER Fig. 6. BER performance of 8PSK-TCM system using turbo equalizer in Proakis B channel. 840
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