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英語敎育學科 Department of English Education 學科敎育目的 대학원영어교육학과의교육목적은다음과같다. 1. 영어교육에대한이론과실제적연구를통하여초 중 고등학교현장과영어교육관련전문분야에서의학문적발전을도모한다. 2. 산 학 관의협력및연계연구를통하여영어교육및연구에필요한교육자료와방법, 저서를연구하고개발한다. 3. 영어교육에대한학문적 실제적연구와교육을수행해낼수있는유능한연구자및교수요원을양성한다. 4. 학교와영어교육전문분야에서의영어교육발전을통하여국가및사회의발전에기여한다. 學科傳攻分野 영어교육학전공 (English Education) 學科內規 1. 각강좌개설은격년제를원칙으로한다. 2. 본학과학생은학위청구논문제출에앞서석사과정에서는최소한 24학점이상을, 박사과정에서는 36학점 ( 석사과정학점제외 ) 이상을, 석박사통합과정에서는 54학점이상을이수하여야한다. 3. 본학과에서는석사과정, 박사과정, 석박사통합과정을공동으로운영한다. 따라서학생들은석사과정또는박사과정이수에필요한학점을석사과정과박사과정개설과목중에서선택하여이수할수있다. 4. 석사과정학생은졸업에필요한 24학점중에서 18학점이상을, 박사과정학생은졸업에필요한 36학점중에서 27학점 ( 석사과정에서이수한과목은제외 ) 이상을, 석박사통합과정학생은 48학점이상을본학과전공분야에서개설하는과목으로이수하여야한다. 5. 타학과에서석사과정은 6학점, 박사과정은 9학점이내로이수하여전공학점으로인정받고자할경우에는지도교수의승인을받아야한다. 6. 석사과정, 박사과정및석박사통합과정모두졸업하기이전에분야별로논문계획서를공개발표하며, 졸업논문은논문계획서발표및통과후에작성한다. 논문계획서발표시기는특별히규정하지않는다. 7. 본과학생은학위청구논문심사신청서제출이전에일정한영어시험점수의성적표를지도교수를통해학과에제출해야한다. 토플 ibt는 95 이상, IELTS는 6.5 이상 (Academic), TEPS는세분야의일정점수 (TEPS 800 이상, TWP 2급이상, TOP 2급이

상 ) 를통과하는점수로인정한다. 시험성적의유효기간은논문제출학기기준으로해서시험일로부터 5년으로한다. 단, 2008년이전의입학자에게는유효기간을두지않는다. 외국인의경우학과에서따로정한사항에따른다. 8. 국내유명타대학 TESOL 프로그램에서이수한학점을이체할경우, 주임교수 ( 관리위원 ) 의동의하에지도교수가판단하여지도교수지정과목으로인정할수있다. 위의학점을정규과목으로인정하는것은학과에서정한사항에따른다. 9. 본학과를원활하게운영하기위해서 1인의주임교수를두며, 임기는 2년으로한다. 10. 세부전공분야별로관리위원을 ( 전체 3인까지 ) 두며관리위원의임기는 2년으로하며, 주임교수는관리위원을겸한다. 11. 임시지도교수제 : 신입생에게는첫학기에관리위원 ( 영어학습및교수이론, 응용영어학, 영미문학교육세분야중 1인 ) 이임시지도교수로배당되고, 학생이원하는분야의지도교수를두번째학기초에결정하도록한다. 學科指導敎授指定科目 1. 석사과정, 박사과정및석박사통합과정에입학한신입생은지도교수와면담하여지도교수가지정하는과목을수강해야한다. 지도교수의판단에따라지정과목수를 5과목이내에서정하며지정과목면제또한지도교수의판단에따른다. 2. 기타지도교수지정과목과관련한사항은대학원시행세칙에따른다. 3. 이내규는 2010년 3월입학자부터적용한다. 綜合試驗 1. 영어교육학과는영어학습및교수이론, 응용영어학, 영미문학교육세개의세부전공분야로구성되며종합시험의시험과목은각세부전공분야에서개설한석사과정또는박사과정의과목중에서정한다. 단, 세미나과목은종합시험대상과목에서제외한다. 2. 종합시험으로석사과정은 3과목, 박사과정및석박사통합과정은 4과목으로정한다. 석사과정 : 자신의세부전공분야에서두과목, 다른세부전공분야에서한과목을선택한다. 박사과정 : 자신의세부전공각분야에서세과목을선택하고, 타세부전공분야에서한과목을선택한다. 3. 영어교육전공종합시험방법 1) In-class 필기시험또는구술시험을응시할수있다. 2) 필기시험응시시응시과목은한학기에두과목을초과할수없다. 3) 학과 ( 주임교수 / 관리위원 ) 에서학생들의시험성적관리를한다. 4) 연구재단등재후보지이상의학술지에자신의주세부전공과관련된논문을단독게재할경우 (1연구재단급 : 석사과정 1편, 박사과정 2편, 2SCI 급 : 석 박사과정 1편 ) 지필시험대신구술시험을치른다. 박사과정생의경우 1편의연구재단급논문을단독게재하였을경우구술시험과타세부전공분야에서한과목지필시험을치른다. 박사과정생이 SCI 급논문 1편을단독으로게재하였을경우에박사학위청구논문제출자격으로요구되는논문

( 연구재단등재후보지이상의논문 1 편 ) 도면제받는다. 5) 이규정은 2013년봄학기부터적용하고 ((1) 항, (2) 항, (5) 항 ), 이규정이이전에입학한학생들에게문제가있다고판단되는경우에는이전규정과새규정중학생들이선택하도록한다. 부칙 1. 이내규는 2003학년도입학자부터적용한다. [ 英語敎育學科開設科目및敎授要目 ] 專攻科目 ENE 751 영미아동문학교육 (Teaching British & American Children's Literature) [3] 다양한장르의영미권아동문학을읽고이해하면서영어습득과영미문화에대한이해를심화시키는과목이다. ENE 752 영미청소년문학교육 (Teaching British & American Young Adult Literature) [3] 다양한장르의영미권청소년문학을읽고이해하면서영어습득과영미문화에대한이해를심화시키는과목이다. ENE 753 다문화주의와영어교육 (Teaching Multiculturalism through Multicultural Literature) [3] 이과목은다문화주의관점의영어교육을다문화주의청소년문학을통해구현하기위한방법론과이론에중점을두며, 실제다양한문화와인종과관련한 EFL용의다문화청소년문학을읽고이해하는데에관심을두고있다. 다문화주의와제2언어교육의관련성에대한이론을통해, 다문화청소년문학을영어교육에서활용하는방법을이해하고연구하여다문화주의관점을실제영어교실현장에서다양하게응용하는방안을찾아보는것이궁극적인목적이다. ENE 754 연극을통한영어교육 (Learning English through British & American Children's Drama) [3] 대표적인영미권아동드라마를선독하여강독과실연을겸한영미아동극교육방법을습득하는과목이다. ENE 756 영미문학교육이론의이해 (Studies in Teaching English through Literature) [3] 영미문학을영어교육자료로서활용하기위한이론과방법론을연구하는과목으로, EFL 환경에서의영어교육에적합한영미문학작품을선정하는방법, 영미문학의영어교육적이점에관한이론, 영미문학을실제교실현장에서활용하는구체적이고다양한방법론을연구하고응용하는데중점을두고있다. ENE 757 영화와영미학습자문학교육론 (Teaching English through Films and English Language Learner's Literature) [3] 영화화된영미문학작품과제2언어교육을위해쉽게쓰인영미문학작품을통해영어교육하는방법을연구한다. ENE 759 영미문화와영어교육 (Culture-Bound Language Learning in EFL) [3] 영미권문화와연계된문식성이론과실제에관하여고찰하고연구한다. ENE 760 영어음성및음운론 (English Phonetics and Phonology) [3] 영어소리의발성원리와관련된조음기관의특성, 영어의자음, 모음, 음절, 음운현상, 강세, 박자, 억양등을학습하며한국인영어학습자의영어발음및청해문제도공부한다. ENE 761 현대영어의구조 (Structure of Modern English) [3]

영어의구조적이해를위하여현대영어의구 (phrase), 문장, 구문등을현대통사이론에근거하여분석하고연구한다. ENE 762 영문법응용연구 (Topics in English Grammar for EFL Learners) [3] 영문법의습득과교육, 그리고여러응용분야에서의주요주제와이론을심층적으로연구한다. ENE 763 영문법교육론 (Pedagogical English Grammar) [3] 최근이론에입각한현대영어의기술문법을자세히공부하면서각문법항목과관련된 EFL 학습자의습득과정, 학습및교수방법등을연구한다. ENE 765 제2언어연구의언어학적기초 (Linguistic Foundations of Second Language Studies) [3] 이과목은영어학의기본개념인음운, 통사, 의미, 화용론의주요개념을제2언어습득과연계하여연구한다. 특별히 EFL 학습자들의영어청해, 발화, 문법, 의미, 화용등과관련된습득상의문제점을살펴본후이런문제점을교정하기위한효과적인교수방법을연구한다. ENE 766 영어발음및청해교육론 (Teaching English Pronunciation and Listening Skills) [3] 영어의음운습득과관련된모국어전이, 보편문법, 유표성원리등을연구한다. 또한영어학습자들이보이는발음및청해상의오류유형을분석하고효과적인발음및청해교육방법을연구한다. ENE 767 영어어휘습득과지도 (Acquisition and Teaching of English Vocabulary) [3] 영어단어의구조와형성과정을공부하고제2언어영어학습자들을위한효과적인어휘습득과교육에대한연구를한다. ENE 768 영어의미와영어교육 (English Linguistics and Meaning in EFL Education) [3] EFL환경에서학생들이영어어휘와문장을좀더올바르게 ( 의미 ) 해석하고이해할수있도록, 영어의미의다양한측면에대한지식이 EFL 영어학습자교육에효율적으로적용될수있는방법을연구한다. ENE 769 영어담화분석 (Discourse Analysis) [3] 영어의대화와담화, 그리고텍스트를분석연구한다. ENE 772 영어작문교육론 (Second Language Writing) [3] 외국어로서영어글쓰기의이론을연구분석한다. ENE 773 제2언어습득론 (Second Language Acquisition) [3] 외국어로서의영어습득및학습의제이론을연구분석한다. ENE 774 영어교육의사소통중심통합접근법 (CLT-Based Holistic Approach to TEFL) [3] 코퍼스에근거한언어기능과언어요소의접목을분석함으로써영어교육의통합적접근법이론과실제를개괄하고, 동시에의사소통중심교수법패러다임에근거한언어기능과언어요소 ( 구문, 어휘, 발음, 함의, 문화등포함 ) 통합을통한영어의사소통능력함양을목적으로한다. ENE 775 영어독해교육론 (Second Language Reading Comprehension) [3] 중등학교영어교육에있어서효율적인독해능력신장을지도할수있는이론을연구한다. ENE 776 영어교수학습이론 (Second Language Learning & Teaching) [3] 영어교수학습이론에관련된응용언어학, 사회언어학, 심리학, 교육학및언어학의이론적배경을연구한다. ENE 777 영어청해및회화교육론 (Teaching Second Language Conversation & Listening Comprehension) [3] 중등학교영어교육에있어서청해및회화능력을지도하는데필요한이론을연구한다. ENE 778 영어멀티미디어교육론 (Multimedia-based English Education) [3] 본과목은다양한멀티미디어기반교육이론에관련한컴퓨터보조언어학습자료와학습활동을체계적으로살펴본다. 또한, 웹기반영어교육과 e-learning의체제하에서최첨단컴퓨터기술과코퍼스기반기술활용방법을모색한다.

ENE 779 영어평가론 (Language Assessment) [3] 본과목은외국어능력평가에관한이론과실제를다룬다. 이를위해서타당도검증, 수행평가, 문항반응이론에근거한컴퓨터개별평가, 음성인식기와코퍼스언어학등의최첨단기술을활용한수행평가등, 언어평가분야의최근쟁점을심도있게다룬다. ENE 780 영어교육양적연구방법론 (Second Language Quantitative Research) [3] 본과목은영어교육을위한신뢰도및타당도를포함한측정의기본개념을포함한양적연구방법을살펴본다. 더나아가서, 본과목은실험연구방법, 양적자료분석기법, 통계결과의해석, 연구논문작성방법등을다룬다. ENE 781 영어교육정책론 (English Education Policy) [3] 본과목은교육과정, 평가, 교사교육, 교수법, 온라인및오프라인교재개발및분석등의전반적인영어교육정책분야의주요쟁점을다룬다. ENE 790 창의성자료와활동을통한영어교육 (Teaching English Through Creative Activities and Materials) [3] 이과목은청소년기의학습자들의정서적특징을고려한정의적관점의영어교육을창의성활동과창의적자료를활용하여구현하기위한이론과방법론을익히는데중점을두고있다. EFL 환경에맞는다양한수준과장르의문학자료를활용하기위한창의적인교육활동, 교육방법, 평가, 관련이론을숙지하여창의성과상상력을교육적인도구로활용하는새로운관점의영어교육을모색하는데이과목의궁극적목적이있다. ENE 791 영미그림책읽기와문식성교육 (Teaching English Through Picture Books in EFL)[3] 영미그림책을영어교육자료로서활용하는데관련한이론과방법을연구하고응용하는데중점을둔과목이다. EFL 환경에맞는다양한수준과장르의영미그림책을선정하는방법과기준을익히고, 그림과언어등그림책이갖는다양한특징을활용한통합적관점의영어교육과관련한이론과이에따른다양한방법을연구하고응용하는과목이다. ENE 793 실험음성학 (Experimental Phonetics) [3] 이과목은소리의음향음성학적특성과인지적특성을공부함과동시에소리분석프로그램을이용해소리에대한분석을한다. 또한실험을디자인하는방법, 실험결과에대한분석, 평가등을공부하고소리분석프로그램의사용방법등을공부한다. 나아가이과목에서는음운표상, 음향변형, 청각인지처리, 신경표상및단어인지와같은실험음성학및심리언어학의상호관련분야에대해공부한다. ENE 794 화용론과현대언어이론 (Pragmatics and Modern Linguistic Theories) [3] 실제상황적맥락에서의다양한문장구조와의미를화용론과근접언어이론과의관계를통하여새롭게연구한다. ENE 796 크리티컬페다고지와제2언어교육 (Critical Pedagogy and Second Language Teaching) [3] 비판적교육학이론의여러가지방법론을습득하고구체적으로영어교육에활용할수있는방안을연구한다. ENE 798 영어의미화용론과영어교육 (Applied English Semantics and Pragmatics) [3] 최근의영어의미와화용분야에서의원리와개념을공부하고제2언어습득과교육분야에의응용을연구한다. ENE 799 초등영어자료와문식성교육 (Elementary English Teaching Materials and Literacy Education) [3] 초등학생들이흥미로워하는읽기자료를읽고문식성을개발하기위해이자료를어떻게사용할지연구한다. ENE 836 대학영어독해교육론 (Teaching Reading Comprehension in College) [3] 대학생들이흥미로워하는읽기자료를읽고, 독해력을증진시키기위해이자료를어떻게사용할지연구한다.

ENE 861 영미드라마읽기교육 (Seminar: Teaching British & American Drama) [3] 교육적함의를가진영미권희곡작품들의리딩을통해교육철학과윤리를탐색한다. ENE 862 영어교육세미나 I (Seminar in English Language Education I) [3] 영어교육의최근의중요한논쟁과경향들을심도있게연구분석한다. ENE 863 영어의미론응용연구 (Seminar in English Semantics for EFL) [3] 영어의미론의심화과정으로, 영어어휘와문장의의미구조및그전달과정에관한이론을좀더심도있게연구하고, 이를영어교육에활용할수있는방법론을제공할수있도록한다. ENE 864 문법이론과제2 언어습득 (Linguistic Theories and Second Language Acquisition) [3] 현대문법이론을공부하고이문법이론과제2 언어습득과의관계를연구한다. 언어이론을제2 언어습득에적용하거나또는제2언어습득이언어이론에어떤영향을주는지를심층적으로탐구한다. ENE 865 영어교육질적연구방법론 (Second Language Qualitative Research) [3] 영어교육의제문제를연구하기위한질적연구방법론을고찰한다. ENE 866 응용영어학세미나 (Seminar in Applied English Linguistics) [3] 영어습득과교육에관련된영어학의제분야에서선택한주요주제를심층적으로연구한다. ENE 867 영어화용론응용연구 (Seminar in Second Language Pragmatics) [3] 영어의미- 화용분야의심화과정으로, 언어내적의미와언어외적맥락의상호관계에관한제반이론들을좀더심층적으로연구하여, 외국어로서의영어를교수, 학습하는데그이론적배경을제공할수있도록한다. ENE 869 영어교육세미나 II (Seminar in English Language Education II) [3] 영어교육의최근의중요한논쟁과경향들을심도있게연구분석한다. ENE 871 영어교육특수과제 II (Special Topics in English Language Education II) [3] 영어교육의특정분야의주제를선택하여다양한이론과논쟁을고찰하고연구한다. ENE 872 영어교육특수과제 I (Special Topics in English Language Education I) [3] 영어교육의특정분야의주제를선택하여다양한이론과논쟁을고찰하고연구한다. ENE 873 영어학특강 (Topics in English Linguistics) [3] 영어학에서의주요한주제를선별하여심층연구한다. ENE 876 영미스토리비판적읽기 (Reading British and American Stories critically) [3] 크리티컬페다고지관점에서스토리를비판적으로읽는방법을배운다. 특히비판적분석과논리적추론을활용해학생들이비판적으로생각하고읽는능력을개발하는데중점을둔다. ENE 880 영어교육응용연구 (Seminar in SLA research) [3] 영어교육및제2언어습득분야의연구와그동향을심도있게고찰및분석하고, 최근의논쟁과경향을반영하는연구를수행할수있는연구능력을배양한다. ENE 881 현대영문법세미나 (Seminar in Grammatical Theories and Modern English) [3] 최근의문법이론을연구하여현대영어의문법을기술하고분석하여, 영어의구조와언어습득과정을설명하고자한다. ENE 882 음운및어휘습득세미나 (Seminar in the Acquisition of Phonology and Vocabulary) [3] 이과목은제2언어학습자의음운및어휘습득을연구한다. 즉, 제2언어학습자의음운및어휘습득에서중요한요인과제2언어학습자의음운및어휘습득이모국어음운및어휘습득과어떻게다른지를연구한다. 구체적으로청해와발음사이의상관관계, 모국어와제2언어음운및어휘습득의요인, 모국어와제2언어학습자의음운 / 어휘표상등에대해연구한다.

ENE 884 L2 영문법특강 (Seminar in L2 English Grammar) [3] 학습자영문법의속성과양상을탐구하고그습득과교육에대한이론을심층연구한다. ENE 885 영미문학특강 (Special Topics in English Literature) [3] 특정한토픽혹은주제를중심으로영미문학작품을선별해서읽고토론하는수업으로장르와시대를초월한문학교육에초점을두고있다. 개설되는시기에따라지정토픽 / 주제가변동될수있다. ENE 886 음운및어휘습득응용연구 (Topics in Phonological and vocabulary Acquisition) [3] 모국어와제2언어음운및어휘습득을살펴보고최근의음운 어휘습득이론과음운 어휘습득과의관계를연구한다. 또한음운습득기술과어휘습득과의관련성을탐구한다. ENE 887 영미소설특강 (Special Topics in British & American Fiction) [3] 다양한주제의영미소설작품을선별해서자세히읽으면서영미소설을읽고분석하는방법을배운다. 특히영어교육에영미소설을어떻게활용할수있는지알아본다. ENE 888 영미희곡의명작들 (Reading Masterpieces in English Drama) [3] 영미권희곡의명작들을읽고토론하는수업으로서영미문학에대한지식과이해를높이는것을목표로한다.

Academic Goals DEPARTMENT OF ENGLISH EDUCATION The Department aims to : 1. Promote the development and role of English education in primary, secondary, and higher education in terms of theories, practice, issues, and research. 2. Study and develop innovative teaching materials and methods in affiliation with government education-research institutes. 3. Educate competent researchers and faculties who are able to fulfill the academics and practical research necessary for enhancing the quality of English education. 4. Contribute to national and social development by leading the overall development of English education. Degree Requirements 1. Each course is offered biennially. 2. Graduate students are required to complete 24 or more credits of course work in the M.A. program, 36 or more credits of course work in the Ph.D. program, and 54 or more credits in the M.A. and Ph.D. coordination program prior to submitting the thesis or the dissertation for the degree. 3. Since the curriculum for the M.A., Ph.D., and M.A. and Ph.D. coordination programs overlap, students may select courses required for the degree among the courses open for either the M.A. or the Ph.D. program. 4. Students in the M.A. program are required to take at least 18 credits of the 24 credits necessary for the degree from the courses of their own major, while the students in the Ph.D. program must take at least 27 credits of the 36 credits (excluding credits taken during the M.A. program), and those in the M.A. and Ph.D. coordination program, at least 48 credits from the courses of their own major. 5. Students may take courses for graduate credit in other departments or universities within 6 credits for the M.A. program or within 9 credits for the Ph.D. program, but must get permission in advance from their advisor. 6. All programs require students to give a public presentation of a thesis or dissertation prospectus prior to their graduation. Students whose prospectus are approved are eligible to write their thesis or dissertation for the degree. The timetable for the prospectus is not prescribed in the regulations, and therefore, it is subject to the student s discretion.

7. Prior to the submission of a dissertation for the Master's or Doctoral degree programs, candidates should fulfil the language requirement by submitting an official transcript of the TOEFL ibt scoring above 95 to the supervisor of the committee. Or an equivalent score from other tests is specified in the bylaws of English Education as follows: IELTS 6.5 or above in Academics; TEPS includes all the three areas: TEPS 800, TWP Level 2, TOP Level 2. These scores are valid for 5 years after the test date, but this rule is not applied to the students who were admitted into the Department before the year of 2008. International students should also fulfil the language requirement as specified in the bylaws of English Education. 8. If students want to transfer credits they have earned from a TESOL program at an accredited university, they may be eligible to receive prerequisite course transfer credits. To be considered for transfer credit, they must provide supporting materials to their advisory faculty, which include an official transcript, course syllabi, and catalog descriptions for each class. Their advisory faculty may grant some credit for study at other universities, and the director of the Department coordinates the transfer credit process. But no credit can be transferred for regular courses. 9. One director and three supervisors of the committee (including the director) are appointed for two years and are responsible for the cooperative administration of the Department. The director is appointed by the Dean of the College of Education and is to hold office for 2 years. 10. Temporary Advisory Faculty: New students are assigned to a temporary advisor for their first semester, and will be required to select their own advisor in their area of interest at the beginning of the second semester. The temporary advisor will be the supervising faculty member from one of the three specializations: English teaching and learning theory, applied English linguistics, and British & American literature education. Advisor's Designated Courses 1. Students in the M.A., Ph.D. and the M.A./Ph.D. integrated program with a degree from areas other than English Education or its affiliated areas are assigned the advisor's designated courses. Their advisor decides the number of the designated courses that students should take. But the number should not exceed 5 courses. The advisor also decides whether students are exempted from the requirements of taking the designated courses. 2. Other rules regarding the designated courses are specified in the bylaws of Graduate School. 3. This rule is applied to all the students who are admitted into the program

beginning on March 2010. Comprehensive Examination 1. The English Education department consists of three specialized areas of English teaching and learning theory, applied English linguistics, and British & American literature education. Students should take and pass either a written or oral Comprehensive Examination. Students should submit the application to the Director of the Department for permission to sit for the written exam. Students are expected to designate the courses from the M.A. and Ph.D. programs in their own department. 2. To sit for the written Comprehensive Examination, students in the M.A. program are required to designate 3 courses, and the students in the Ph.D. and M.A. and Ph.D. coordination programs should designate 4 courses. As indicated above, there are three specialty areas in the Department. For the M.A. program, two courses taken for the test should be from the student's area of specialization as designated by the student. One course taken for the test should be from other areas. For the Ph.D. program, three courses taken for the test should be from the student's area of specialization as designated by the student and one course from other areas. But no seminar course is eligible for the Comprehensive Examination. 3. (1) M.A. students with 1 article, Ph.D. students with 2 articles published in their area of specializaion as the sole author by an academic association/institute indexed by the National Research Foundation will take an oral exam instead of the comprehensive exam. Ph.D. students with 1 article published will take the comprehensive exam in one subject outside of their specialization in addition to the oral exam. (2) M.A. or Ph.D students who have an article published as the sole author by an academic association/institute that is indexed by A&HCI, SSCI, or SCI, will take an oral exam instead of the comprehensive exam. Ph.D. students who meet the prior requirement will also be exempt from the article required for graduation. 4. Students are not allowed to take more than two courses for the exam at each written Comprehensive Examination. Students who do not pass the Comprehensive Exam on the first attempt may sit for the exam again during the subsequent semester. 5. These rules are effective from Spring 2013 and applied to all students. Those who are admitted into the program prior to Spring 2013 are allowed to choose either the rules as applied to them when they were admitted or the ones currently designated.

Addendum Since 2003, these bylaws have applied retrospectively to all the students enrolled in the graduate programs (M.A., Ph.D., and M.A. and Ph.D.) in the Department. Courses and Syllabuses Major Courses ENE 751 Teaching British & American Children's Literature [3] ENE 752 Teaching British & American Young Adult Literature [3] ENE 753 Teaching Multiculturalism through Multicultural Literature [3] ENE 754 Learning English through British and American Children's Drama [3] ENE 756 Studies in Teaching English through English Literature [3] ENE 757 Teaching English through Films and English Language Learner's Literature [3] ENE 759 Culture-Bound Language Learning in EFL [3]

ENE 760 English Phonetics and Phonology [3] ENE 761 Structure of Modern English [3] ENE 762 Topics in English Grammar for EFL Learners [3] ENE 763 Pedagogical English Grammar [3] ENE 765 Linguistic Foundations of Second Language Studies [3] ENE 766 Teaching English Pronunciation and Listening Skills [3] ENE 767 Acquisition and Teaching of English Vocabulary [3] ENE 768 English Linguistics and Meaning in EFL Education [3] ENE 769 Discourse Analysis [3] ENE 772 Second Language Writing [3]

ENE 773 Second Language Acquisition [3] ENE 774 CLT-Based Holistic Approach to TEFL [3] ENE 775 Second Language Reading Comprehension [3] ENE 776 Second Language Learning & Teaching [3] ENE 777 Teaching Second Language Conversation & Listening Comprehension [3] ENE 778 Multimedia-based English Education [3] ENE 779 Language Assessment [3] ENE 780 Second Language Quantitative Research [3] ENE 781 English Education Policy [3]

ENE 790 Teaching English Through Creative Activities and Materials [3] ENE 791 Teaching English Through Picture Books in EFL [3] ENE 793 Experimental Phonetics [3] ENE 794 Pragmatics and Modern Linguistic Theories [3] This course explores the relationship between semantic, syntactic and pragmatic theories for a variety of English constructions, explaining how and why grammar and pragmatics combine together in natural contexts. ENE 796 Critical Pedagogy and Second Language Teaching [3] ENE 798 Applied English Semantics and Pragmatics [3] ENE 799 Elementary English Teaching Materials and Literacy Education [3] ENE 836 Teaching Reading Comprehension in College [3] ENE 861 Seminar: Teaching British and American Drama [3]

ENE 862 Seminar in English Language Education I [3] ENE 863 Seminar in English Semantics for EFL [3] ENE 864 Linguistic Theories and Second Language Acquisition [3] ENE 865 Second Language Qualitative Research [3] ENE 866 Seminar in Applied English Linguistics [3] ENE 867 Seminar in Second Language Pragmatics [3] ENE 869 Seminar in English Language Education II [3] ENE 871 Special Topics in English Language Education II [3] ENE 872 Special Topics in English Language Education I [3] ENE 873 Topics in English Linguistics [3] This seminar examines selected recent and current issues in English linguistics. ENE 876 Reading British and American Stories Critically [3]

ENE 880 Seminar in SLA research [3] ENE 881 Seminar in Grammatical Theories and Modern English [3] ENE 882 Seminar in the Acquisition of Phonology and Vocabulary [3] ENE 884 Seminar in L2 English Grammar [3] This seminar is designed to explore the nature and aspects of L2 English grammar and to examine its acquisition and teaching theories. ENE 885 Special Topics in English Literature [3] ENE 886 Topics in Phonological and vocabulary Acquisition [3] This course studies L1 and L2 phonological and vocabulary acquisition and explores the application of current phonological and vocabulary theories to L1 and L2 phonological and vocabulary acquisition. The course further investigates the relationship between phonological skills and vocabulary learning. ENE 887 Special Topics in British & American Fiction [3] ENE 888 Reading Masterpieces in English Drama [3]