Urban Design Process
Ambiguities of urban design 1 명확한분야는아님 (field, discipline) Rowley 의정의 substances, motives, methods and roles complexity 와 ambiguity 는별개복잡성을정의하고, 모호함을분명히할필요 2/48
Ambiguities of urban design 2 F. Tibbalds (1988, Mind the Gap, the Planner) 도시설계의다양한관점을 puzzling 건축필지 건물사이의공간 사려깊은당국의정책 창문밖으로볼수있는모든것 사업 + 정부 + 계획 + 설계의통합체 3/37
Ambiguities of urban design 3 F. Tibbalds (1988, Mind the Gap, the Planner) 좀더설득력있는정의 Interface 건축과도시설계그리고관련된전문분야사이 3D design 사람과부수적관심그리고관리 a vital bridge 세부건축설계나실시도면을그리기전에 2 차원적 master plans 과추상적계획을대상으로 structure 와 reality 를연결해주는교량의역할 the design of the built up area/landscape at local scale 다양한토지이용과동선체계를지닌건물군 the creative activity (local scale 에서도시환경의형태와특성을규정하는 ) 4/48
Ambiguities of urban design 4 H. Shirvani (1985, the urban design process) - the domain of urban design the physical fabric of the city scale 계획과건축의출발점의차이또는동일성정치적, 관리차원의문제계획과정에서의 position의문제 5/48
Ambiguities of urban design 5 7 arenas in different definitions the scale of urban fabric the visual or spatial emphases of UD the spatial or social emphases of UD the relationships between process and product in UD the relationship between different professionals and their activities the public or private sector affiliation of UD the design as an objective-rational or expressive-subjective process 6/48
1. Macro- or Micro-scale urban design 1/6 the scale of urban fabric 의문제 macro the design of cities and settlements 공간과기능의조직에대한광범위한 issues micro the design of some parts of urban area 소규모공간에대한 detailed consideration 7/37
Scale 8/48
1. Macro- or Micro-scale urban design 2/6 K. Lynch macro scale the form of possible urban environments 도시의용도와관리그리고새로운정주지또는주요한장소에대한새로운가능성을만들어내는기술
1. Macro- or Micro-scale urban design 3/6 F. Tibbalds micro scale UD as the physical design of public realm 11/48
1. Macro- or Micro-scale urban design 4/6 modernist vs. post modernist modernist 추상적이지만통합된공간에관심 comprehensive plan 12/37 12/48
1. Macro- or Micro-scale urban design 5/6 modernist vs. post modernist post modernist small scale의도시공간, meaning 이러한변화는당시정치적, 경제적, 문화적환경의반영 comprehensive plan, large-scale development 개인과집단의차이를묵살함으로써반발 14/48
1. Macro- or Micro-scale urban design 6/6 solution 도시설계의두가지유형으로받아들임관심사와대상의차이 따라서도시설계가는두가지 scale 에서작업할수있어야 macro modernist, urban space comprehensive planning, master plan micro post modernist, urban place incremental plan 15/48
2. Visual or spatial management 1/4 urban design as nice images 도시설계와예시도, 도시설계와현실, 경제 아름답지만실현불가능한이미지, 경제적으로어려운부담 16/48
2. Visual or spatial management 2/4 urban design as nice images non-designer 에게강한이미지 일상의문제와동떨어진예술가적 elitism 도시설계는공간적인변형에대한 idea 를제공하는역할 17/48
Jon Jerde Namba Park
2. Visual or spatial management 3/4 urban design as the aesthetics of the U.En 도시환경의미학적측면으로서의도시설계강조 그러나도시설계는단순한외형의창조가아님 다양한목적으로이용될수있는공간을창조하는것 Derrida : 공간은시각에지배받는것이아니기때문에시각적인것만은아니다. City Beautiful Movement : 도시의상품화중산층을위한도시설계
Lyon 빛의축제 (Lumiere) 23/37
2. Visual or spatial management 4/4 urban design as the aesthetics of the U.Env. 두가지실수 - 단순히 UEnv. 의시각적성질만을다루는것이아님시각적특성은도시환경의특성중의하나공간변화의 idea 창출을간과사용자를위한환경의기능과미적성질을향상실용성을예술로전환하면서공공과민간의관심에반응 - 공간관리로서의 UD 는 tools 일뿐이다. 사용가치를극대화하기위하여사용되는 tools fashionable innovative visual spatial 27/48
3. Social or spatial management 1/2 사회와공간사이의사회, 문화적관계에대한고려 modernist 의설계공간의변화를통해서사회의변화를유도환경결정론 (environmental determinism) 사회공학 (social engineering) From Social Science (engineering from Physical Science) Specialists: "social engineers" in handling the human problems 28/37
3. Social or spatial management 2/2 사회와공간사이의사회, 문화적관계에대한고려 공간과사회의변화는상호작용 (environmental probabilism) 도시설계교육의주요관심사정치적, 사회적, 경제적힘 물리적기회와제약 도시설계는도시의물리적형태와그것을만드는사회적힘간의관계를다루는학문 29/48
4. Process or product 건축가 설계결과에관심행정적인부분과건설되는과정에는관심없음 계획가 도시의물리적구조속에서환경의변화를정책과절차로실행 도시설계는 process 와 product 에모두관심 도시설계는도시공간을다루는과정이며, 공간의형성과정과형성을돕는요소에관심이있고이러한요소들의조작을통하여변하는과정에자극 / 변한결과물에도관심 역사적관점에서의도시설계 30/48
5. Professional divide various activities Master planning concept design development frameworks and concepts development briefs design guideline UD in the development control UD training environmental and visual impact assessment site appraisal and context studies environmental statement environmental improvement 31/48
5. Professional divide various activities building and area enhancement town center renewal public realm design transport and traffic management pedestrianization infrastructure strategies computer modeling project management engineering 32/48
5. Professional divide various activities design planning interior graphic and product design landscape design architectural design urban design town planning land-use planning policy formulation and promotion strategic panning studies local planning 33/48
5. Professional divide various activities negotiation public inquiries conversation historic management new design in historic context planning in historic and sensitive areas management adaptive re-use enabling development implementation urban regeneration small town and village regeneration integrated regeneration of streets and buildings 34/48
5. Professional divide various activities community participation civic and community architecture new settlements large-scale site planning landscape planning physical planning urban housing, shopping, employment tourism, recreation and leisure urban parks and spaces, urban squares waterfront buildings and strategies, marinas planning for pedestrian crime prevention and security energy efficient design 35/48
5. Professional divide disciplinary boundaries between architecture and planning, between developers goals / a community's needs, between promoting and enabling development and controlling it 도시설계가는지역사회의목적을달성하기위한도시개발및관리의과정속에서일하고 도시설계교육과연구는도시환경속에서변화의움직임과관계하고, 사람들의삶의방식에반응할수있는적용방법과관련. 도시설계는여러분야에걸친하나의활동 36/48
6. A public or private sector activity? affiliation of urban with public and private sectors 사람 ( 관련된전문가, 공무원, 개인 ) 대상 ( 개인토지, 공공의토지등 ) 도시설계는도시공간을형성하고관리하는과정 공적또는사적으로구분하는것이적당하지않음 37/48
7. Objective-Rational / Subjective Irrational? 과정의속성에서모호함을이해다수의사람들이행하는객관적이고합리적인과정? 개인적인설계가가행하는주관적, 비합리적인과정? R. Descartes 설계를합리주의적인노력으로간주관습과전례를의심했던사상가 자연발생적도시에대한회의개인의의도와계획에의한신도시가자연발생보다합리 경험주의와이상주의가논의되면서반박 - 자연발생적도시 - 계획된신도시 38/48
7. Objective-Rational / Subjective Irrational? J. Habermas action and rationality 의모델 - communicative action model objective model social model subjective model objective model technological model truth, success 와관련 social model norm-guided model normative, social context normative correction, legitimacy subjective model dramaturgical model subjective world, truthfulness, autheticity 41/48
Urban design as a technical process 도시설계를순수한기술적과정으로이해공간을창조하고관리하며, 자원을배분하는데관련단지계획, 건축및엔지니어링의특정한기술단지계획공공시설 ( 학교, 도서관, 공공청사, 공동구등 ) 배치계획등고선, 교통분석, 세대수, GIS 등건축구조, 적산, 건축비, 시공등엔지니어링사업타당성분석, 재무분석등 instrumental rationality 컴퓨터와계획목표계량과목표정부의목표와계획의목표 42/48
Urban design as a social process 도시개발은 social process 도구적합리성과정은결과에따라정당성을갖는다. 사회적과정을포함한도시설계의정당성 slum renewal 사회적공감대를도외시한결과우리나라의주택재개발현재는 구역지정을위한주민참여형공공계획수립 (1 년 ) 1-2 사람의계획가가구역지정사업을하면서민원에의한상당한어려움따라서구역지정을하면서주민의의견을수렴 복잡한상호작용의과정속에서중재자의역할계획및개발의사회와과정필요 (socialization) 협상과중재의중요성 43/48
Urban design as a creative process 설계가의주관적세계자신의미학적이해표현그래픽기술을이용한공간적개념표현 graphic communication 그래픽적이고언어적인의사전달기술은고객에게설계가치를확신 rationality of creative process idea 를표현하는진실성 (authenticity) 그럼에도불구하고주관적영역에서표현의진실성은대수의만족은어려움 44/48
Conclusion 도시설계는도시환경을형성하고관리하는다분야적인활동 이것의형성과정과형성을돕는공간과관련 도시설계는공간을창조하는과정의일부경제적과정 objective 정치적과정 social 문화적과정 - subjective 45/48