Bethesda University 730 North Euclid Street, Anaheim, California Tel: (714) , Fax: (714) GBIB 500 Greek I Fall, 2015 Professor:

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íŁœêµŁêµ’íı„ 엤굒 íı„복욗 ìœ—íŁœ 복욄쀆 엤굒욟 íŁµì‰¬ì€† 3강징 ìıfl샄 슰구



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GBIB 500 Greek I Fall, 2015 Professor: Sun Ick Kim Class Hour: Tue 4:00-6:30 pm Class Room: #208 Office: 38T Phone: 310) 387-8626 Office Hours/ Consultation: E-mail: TA: N/A Credit Unit: 3 A. Mission Statement is a Christ-centered community of higher education preparing Korean/English speaking men and women with professional competence, academic excellence, and spiritual integrity to be servant leaders in the Church, community, and global society. B. Relationship of Course to s Mission 하나님의말씀인성경은세상속에서사는모든크리스천의삶에하나님의임재와성령하나님의함께하심을고백하는삶이무엇인가를실제적으로알려주는책이다. 성경을바르게해석하고이해하는데있어서, 성경언어의중요성은매우크다. 그러므로성경의언어를배우고익힌다는것은베데스다크리스천대학교가지향하는교회와사회속에서영적리더로성장하는모든학우들에게필수적인일일것이다. C. Course Description This course is an introductory course to equip each student with the elements of the structure of Koine Greek and with a knowledge of its basic vocabulary and grammar in preparation for reading New Testament and Septuagint(LXX) in the original language. 이과목은신약성서와구약성서의헬라어역본인칠십인역 (LXX) 에서사용된코이네헬라어의문법을기초인알파벳에서부터체계적으로배우는과목으로, 이과목을통하여헬라어성서를읽고해석하는데필요한헬라어문법의기본적인지식을배우게된다. 1

D. Course Objectives & Student Outcomes 1. Learning the alphabet of Koine Greek and the basic grammar that is needed to translate the New Testament. 코이네헬라어의알파벳에서부터신약성서를읽고해석하는데필요한기본문법을배우게된다. 2. Memorize the Greek basic grammar and vocabulary that is used in the New Testament. 신약성서에사용된헬라어의기본문법과기초적인단어를암기한다. 3. Learn how to utilize the Greek Lexicon in order to read and translate the New Testament. 헬라어사전을사용하여, 신약성서의일부를함께읽고해석한다. 4. Learn the particular linguistic meaning of New Testament Greek in order to understand the correct way to read and translate the Bible. 헬라어의특수한언어적인의미들을파악하여, 성서를읽고해석할때, 적용하여바른의미를파악하게된다. Spiritually Intellectually Socio- Emotively Vocationally Expected Student Outcomes Learning the basic grammar and vocabulary of Koine Greek. 코이네헬라어의기본문법과기초적인단어를숙지하게된다. Having a clear notion on noun, verb, and participle. 명사와동사와분사에대한바른이해를가지게된다. Having knowledge of New Testament Greek grammar and syntax to understand the correct meaning of the New Testament. 헬라어의특수한언어적인의미들을파악하여, 신약성서본문의바른의미를파악하게된다. Having capabilities to read the New Testament in Greek with a Greek Lexicon. 헬라어사전과함께신약성서을헬라어로 Assessment Used to Measure Outcomes Reading & Assignment 를읽고, 요약정리하여매주수업전까지 e-mail 로제출한다. 매주수업에서다루는본문들을읽고수업에참여하며, 수업을통하여알게된새로운점들은나눈다. 온라인학우들은그러한점들을강의요약시에첨부하여제출한다. 온캠퍼스학우들은적극적으로수업에참여하여함께방법론을숙지하고, 주어진본문들을함께해석하며, 온라인학우들은매주강의를요약하여제출한다. 헬라어신약성경의본문을읽고, 원문의역사적배경과신학적의미를살펴보고, 주석한후, 그본문을오늘의교회 2

읽고해석할수있게된다. 공동체에게어떻게설교할것인가를 작성하여제출한다. E. Teaching/Learning Methods This course will be held for sixteen weeks during spring semester. It consists of lecture, reading, and active discussion. 이과목은 16 주에걸친가을학기강의로, 강의, 독서, 적극적토론등을중심으로이루어진다. F. Required Textbook(s) 박창환, 개정신판신약성서헬라어교본, 대한기독교서회 : 서울, 2006. G. Recommended Reading and Other Course Resources (All reserved for reading) 김선기, 페트라헬라어, 도서출판페트라 : 서울, 2006. G. Kittel, Theological Dictionary of the New Testament, Eerdmans: Michigan 1982. Henry G. Liddell & Robert Scott, Revised by Stuart Jones & Mckenzie, Greek-English Lexicon. Oxford: the Clarendon Press. 1968 Cullen IK Story & J. Lyle Story, Greek To Me, HarperCollins Pub.: New York, 1979 H. Course Calendar/Schedule, include the following N Date Theme Reading Assignments 1 9/1 헬라어알파벳, 액센트, 현재능동태직설법 박창환, 신약성서 헬라어, 1-3 과, pp. 11-32. 익힘문제 23 각단어의발음을적고, 동사의인칭과수와뜻을적어서 9/7 자정전까지교수의 email 로제출한다. 2 9/8 3 9/15 Last Day to Request Add/Drop is Friday of First Week 익힘문제 42, 55, 71 의 1-10 번, 각 Quiz 1, 알파벳, 현재능동태직설법문제의발음을적고, 동사의인칭과박창환, 4-6 과, 명사제 1, 2 변화, 관사, 제 1, 2 변화수와뜻을번역하여, 9/14 자정전까지 pp. 33-48. 형용사와형용사용법교수의 email 로제출한다. 익힘문제 84, 94, 100 의 1-10 번, 각 Quiz 2, 17, 24, 43, 56 단어시험, 문제의발음을적고, 동사의인칭과명사의제 1, 2 변화. 박창환, 7-9 과, 수와뜻을번역하여, 9/21 자정전까지제 1 변화남성명사, 전치사, 인칭대명사와 pp. 49-65. 교수의지시대명사. email 로제출하세요. 3

4 9/22 5 9/29 6 10/6 7 10/13 8 10/20 9 10/27 10 11/3 Quiz 3, 72, 85, 95 단어시험, 인칭대명사익힘문제 112, 126, 138 의 1-10 번, 박창환, 10-12 과, 현재중간태, 수동태직설법, 수단의여격, 문제의동사의태, 시제, 인칭과수를 pp. 66-81. 디포넌트동사, 미완료능동태, 중간태, 적고, 뜻을번역하여, 9/28 자정전까지수동태직설법, 합성모음의접두모음. 교수의 email 로제출하세요. Quiz 4, 101, 113, 127 단어시험, 익힘문제 154, 164, 173 의 1-10 번, 현재중간태직설법, 문제의발음을적고, 동사의태, 시제, 미래능동태직설법, 중간태직설법, 박창환, 13-15 과, 인칭과수를적고, 뜻을번역하여, 10/5 단순과거능동태, 중간태직설법, pp. 82-99. 자정전까지교수의 email 로제 2 단순과거능동태직설법, 중간태제출하세요. 직설법익힘문제 184, 197, 414 의 1-10 번, Quiz 5, 139, 155, 165 단어시험박창환, 16-17, 문제의발음을적고, 동사의태, 시제단순과거수동태직설법, 미래수동태 29 과, pp. 100- 인칭과수를적고, 뜻을번역하여, 10/12 직설법, 명사제 3 변화, 현재완료 110; 191-198. 자정전까지교수의 email 로 Greek New Testament John 1:1~5 제출하세요. Mid-Term Exam 1 1) 단어, 2) 현재능동태직설법, 3) 명사의제 1, 2 변화, 4) 인칭대명사, 5) 현재중간태직설법익힘문제 209, 227 와 237 의 1-10 번, 문제의발음을적고, 동사의태, 시제, 분사박창환, 18-20 과, 인칭과수를적고, 분사의형태를 Greek New Testament John 1:6~13 pp. 111-134. 파악하고, 뜻을번역하여,10/26 자정전까지교수의 email 로제출하세요. Last Day to Request Grade Withdrawal W is Friday of 8 th Week 익힘문제 257, 276, 288 의 1-10 번문제의발음을적고, 동사의법, 태, Quiz 6 198, 210, 228 단어시험, 분사박창환, 21-23 과시제, 인칭과수를적고, 분사와가정법, 부정사, 단축동사 pp. 135-156. 부정사를파악하고, 뜻을번역하여, Greek New Testament John 1:14~18 11/2 자정전까지교수의 email 로제출하세요. 익힘문제 308, 325, 344 의 1-10 번 Quiz 7, 238, 258, 277 단어시험문제의발음을적고, 동사의법, 태, 유음동사의미래, 제 3 변화명사와수사의박창환, 24-26 과시제, 인칭과수를적고, 분사와변화, 전치사구와속격의용법, pp. 157-190. 부정사를파악하고, 뜻을번역하여, Greek New Testament John 1:19~28 11/9 자정전까지제출하세요. 11 11/10 Mid-Term Exam 2 4

12 11/17 Quiz 8, 289, 309, 326 단어시험의문대명사, 부정대명사, 관계대명사, 명령법, 형용사의비교, Greek New Testament John 1:29~34 박창환, 27-28, 30 과, pp. 191-226. 익힘문제 361, 383, 438 의 1-10 번문제의발음을적고, 동사의법, 태, 시제, 인칭과수를적고, 분사와부정사를파악하고, 뜻을번역하여, 11/23 자정전까지제출하세요. 익힘문제 470, 481, 495 의 1-5 번 13 11/24 Quiz 9, 345, 362, 415 단어시험 didomi, tithemi 동사의변화, 희구법 Greek New Testament John 1:35~42 박창환, 31-33 과, pp. 191-226. 문제의발음을적고, 동사의법, 태, 시제, 인칭과수를적고, 분사와부정사를파악하고, 뜻을번역하여, 11/30 자정전까지제출하세요. 14 12/1 Thanksgiving Break 15 12/8 Greek New Testament John 1:43~51 16 12/15 Final Exam Last Day to Request Grade Incomplete I is Friday of 15 th Week I. Evaluation/Assessment Rationale for Grade Determination 1. Grade Assessment 1. Self-introductory paper ( 자기소개서 ): 5% of Class Grade (Introduce yourself, where you live, why did you come to seminary, where are you currently serving, what is your ministry, what is your vision for the future, what are your expectations from the class, and prayer requests 1 page total). Please submit through email by September 7. 자신에대한소개와거주지, 신학교에오시게된동기, 섬기시는교회와사역, 그리고미래에대한비전과이수업을통하여기대하시는것, 그리고마지막으로기도제목들을적으셔서 <1 page 분량 > 교수의 e 메일로 9/7 일까지이메일한다. 2. Class Participation ( 수업참여 ): 20% of Class Grade (attendance ( 출석 ), participation ( 수업참여 ), submitting weekly Homework). Email weekly homework. 매주과제는 e-mail 로제출한다. 5

3. Quiz 25% of Class Grade 4. Mid-Term Exam 1: 15% of Class Grade 5. Mid-Term Exam 2: 15% of Class Grade 6. Final Paper ( 기말페이퍼 ): 20% of Class Grade 2. Grade definition A Excellent B Good C Satisfactory D Poor F Failure 3. Grade scale Letter Grade Numeric Grade Grade Points A 95-100 4.0 A- 90-94 3.7 B+ 87-89 3.3 B 84-86 3.0 B- 80-83 2.7 C+ 77-79 2.3 C 74-76 2.0 C- 70-73 1.7 D+ 67-69 1.3 D 64-66 1.0 D- 60-63 0.7 F 59 or below 0 J. Course Policies 1. Attendance, Preparation, and Participation: You are expected to come to class on time. A student who incurs excessive absences may be withdrawn from a class. In order to get an A, student should have perfect attendance and rigorous participation to the class. Three or absences will result in getting F. 2. Deadlines: All course work is due on the dates assigned. Students who fail to submit assignments on time will be subject to the course s late grading policy. In all other cases and unless otherwise stated 6

by the instructor, all course work is due by 5:00 p.m. on the last day of the semester. All late works without prior instructor s permission will result in deduction of the grade. 3. Make up work: A grade of incomplete will only be awarded to students who cannot physically complete their course work by the last day of the semester due to an avoidable situation such as a serious illness. In such cases, students must provide valid evidence of their condition. In case of emergency please contact the instructor before and right after the class in order to get more time. Excused absences will not result in F but may require make up work. 4. Academic Integrity and Test Policy: Plagiarism and cheating are unacceptable. Plagiarism is defined as the use of someone else s ideas, arguments or other original material without acknowledging the source. Tests must be taken on the assigned dates. Except in cases of medical emergency, make-up exams are not permitted without prior approval from the instructor. 5. Emergency procedures: Please contact instructor through email or phone call to the office. 6. Other policies on Withdrawal and Grade Permanence, Academic Integrity, and Appeals and Grievance procedures refer to the Student Handbooks and Catalog. 7