해외질병동향 대상지역관련질병주의사항 KAIST 클리닉 / 2015 년 6 월 서아프리카 - 기니 - 시에라리온 - 라이베리아 네팔 중동및아시아 - 사우디아라비아 - 카타르 - 한국 미주 - 미국 에볼라 지진에따른각종질병의위험 중동호흡기증후군 (MERS) 라싸열 * (

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해외질병동향 대상지역관련질병주의사항 KAIST 클리닉 / 2015 년 6 월 서아프리카 - 기니 - 시에라리온 - 라이베리아 네팔 중동및아시아 - 사우디아라비아 - 카타르 - 한국 미주 - 미국 에볼라 지진에따른각종질병의위험 중동호흡기증후군 (MERS) 라싸열 * ( 필수 ) - 여행자제 - 여행계획이있다면출국전 입국후클리닉건강상담실에알림 ( 내선 : 0525) * ( 권고 ) - 해당국가출국후, 3 주동안외출삼가및경과관찰 * ( 권고 ) - 여행자제 * ( 권고 ) - 낙타, 양등과같은동물과접촉피하기 - 주위에감기유사증상을보이는사람이있을시마스크착용 * ( 권고 ) - 설치류의배설물이나오염된물건접촉에주의 - 예방접종은특별히없음 아프리카 - 니제르 수막구균성수막염 * ( 권고 ) - 예방접종 1 회 문의및연락처 - KAIST 클리닉건강상담실 (042)350-0525 - 1 -

< 질병별개요및주의사항 > 1. 에볼라 - 기니, 시에라리온, 라이베리아 질병개요 - 에볼라출혈열은바이러스질환으로환자, 바이러스에오염된물체, 감염된동물과의접촉을통해감염됩니다. - 증상 : 발열, 극심한두통, 전신쇠약감, 근육통, 구토, 설사, 복통, 원인불명의출혈, 멍 - 치료 : 현재없습니다. - 서아프리카지역으로의여행은가급적자제해주시기바랍니다. - 만약현재환자가발생하고있는 3개국 ( 기니, 시에라리온, 라이베리아 ) 을여행및출장중또는계획이있다면출국전과입국후여행사실및일정을카이스트클리닉에알려주시기부탁드립니다. ( 건강상담실 350-0525) - 여행및출장중에에볼라출혈열증상이있는환자및바이러스에오염된물체와의접촉을절대피하시기바랍니다. - 해당 3개국에서출국후 3주동안외출을삼가주시고경과 ( 체온변화, 증상유무등 ) 를관찰해주세요. 2. 네팔 지진에따른위험 - 2015년 4월 25일강도 7.8, 2015년 5월 12일강도 7.3의지진이있어 8200여명이사망하고 2만명가까운부상자가발생하였습니다. - 이로인해사회의기본서비스조차제공되지않고있는지역이있어그러한지역에서는깨끗한식수, 위생, 식량, 전기, 이동수단, 숙소, 의료시설이용이어려운상태입니다. - 네팔의기후가우기에접어들고있어홍수에의한추가적인붕괴, 식품및식수매개질환, 모기매개질환이유행할가능성이높습니다. 3. 중동호흡기증후군 (MERS) - 사우디아라비아, 카타르, 한국 질병개요 - MERS는바이러스질환으로환자나동물과의접촉및호흡기를통해감염됩니다. - 증상 : 중동지역을여행한지 2주이내에고열, 기침, 호흡곤란, 구토, 복통등 - 치료 : 대증치료 ( 증상에따른치료 ) - 사우디아라비아를중심으로아라비아반도지역에서최근 1개월동안 29명의확진자와 8명의사망자가발생하였고발병자들의다수는동물과의접촉이없는사람들이었습니다. - 발병자수는많지않으나, 이지역을여행하는자들은낙타나양등동물과의접촉, 충분히익혀지지않은고기, 우유를섭취할것을피하는것이좋을것으로사료됩니다. - 사우디아라비아국내뿐아니라중동의허브공항인카타르국제공항에서환승할때에도 - 2 -

주의를기울여주세요. - 초기증상이감기와동일하므로감기유사증상이있을때주의를요하며, 사우디아라비아혹은카타르를경유하는비행기안에서가까이에기침을하는사람이있을경우마스크를착용하시기바랍니다. 4. 라싸열 - 미국 질병개요 - 라싸열은서아프리카일부지역의풍토병으로라싸바이러스에의해발생하는급성바이러스성출혈성질환입니다. - 설치류의배설물에오염된물건이나음식을접촉함에따라감염되며사람과사람간의감염과실험실감염발생도가능한것으로알려져있습니다. - 증상 : 권태감, 발열, 두통, 인후통, 기침, 구토나설사, 근육통, 흉통, 복통, 인두나결막충혈, 저혈압, 흉수, 출혈경향, 경련, 뇌병증, 부종, 신부전등 - 치료 : 항바이러스제를투여합니다. - 환자가먹고남긴음료수나음식물을철저히폐기하고, 환자주변의물품및환경에대한소독이 필요하며공기감염에도주의해야합니다. 5. 수막구균성수막염 우간다등아프리카벨트지역, 사우디아라비아 질병개요 - 다양한수막염균감염에의한급성중추신경계질환이며이중 Neisseria meningitis 는가장일반적인세균성수막염의원인입니다. - 감염경로는환자나보균자의코나목에서나온분비물, 비말등입니다. - 증상 : 인두염, 발열, 근육통, 전신쇠약, 수막구균성패혈증, 패혈성쇼크, 뇌막염의증상 ( 두통, 구토, 고열, 의식저하등 ) 이나뇌막자극징후발현등 - 치료 : 항생제를투여합니다. - 여행전수막구균성수막염예방접종을하시기바랍니다. - 특히, 아프리카 ( 수막염벨트지역 ), 사우디아라비아에여행을가시는분들께서는예방접종을반드시하시기바랍니다. - 3 -

< 그밖의질병유행지역 > 지역 / 국가질병명관련정보 아시아 싱가포르수족구명 http://wwwnc.cdc.gov/travel/notices/watch/hand-food-mouth-singapore 중국, 홍콩조류독감 H7N9 http://wwwnc.cdc.gov/travel/notices/watch/avian-flu-h7n9-china 일본수족구병 http://wwwnc.cdc.gov/travel/notices/watch/hfmd-japan 말레이시아뎅기열 http://wwwnc.cdc.gov/travel/notices/watch/dengue-malaysia 베트남홍역 http://wwwnc.cdc.gov/travel/notices/watch/measles-vietnam 필리핀홍역 http://wwwnc.cdc.gov/travel/notices/watch/measles-philippines 키르기스스탄홍역 http://wwwnc.cdc.gov/travel/notices/watch/measles-kyrgyzstan 유럽 독일홍역 http://wwwnc.cdc.gov/travel/notices/watch/measles-germany 스코틀랜드볼거리 http://wwwnc.cdc.gov/travel/notices/watch/mumps-scotland 보스니아헤르체고비나홍역 http://wwwnc.cdc.gov/travel/notices/watch/measles-bosnia-herzegovina 아프리마 이디오피아홍역 http://wwwnc.cdc.gov/travel/notices/watch/measles-ethiopia 이집트조류독감 H5N1 http://wwwnc.cdc.gov/travel/notices/watch/h5n1-bird-flu-egypt 가나콜레라 http://wwwnc.cdc.gov/travel/notices/watch/cholera-ghana 니제르수막구균 http://wwwnc.cdc.gov/travel/notices/watch/meningococcal-disease-niger 나이지리아수막구균 http://wwwnc.cdc.gov/travel/notices/watch/meningococcal-disease-nigeria 우간다장티푸스 http://wwwnc.cdc.gov/travel/notices/watch/typhoid-uganda 호주 / 오세아니라 / 태평양 호주로스강바이러스 http://wwwnc.cdc.gov/travel/notices/watch/ross-river-virus-disease-australia 북미, 중미, 남미 도미니카공화국콜레라 http://wwwnc.cdc.gov/travel/notices/watch/cholera-dominican-republic 아이티콜레라 http://wwwnc.cdc.gov/travel/notices/watch/haiti-cholera 브라질뎅기열 http://wwwnc.cdc.gov/travel/notices/watch/dengue-brazil 쿠바콜레라 http://wwwnc.cdc.gov/travel/notices/watch/cholera-cuba 중앙아메리카, 남미, 카리브해치군군야바이러스 http://wwwnc.cdc.gov/travel/notices/watch/chikungunya-mexico http://wwwnc.cdc.gov/travel/notices/watch/chikungunya-caribbean 멕시코 A 형간염 http://wwwnc.cdc.gov/travel/notices/watch/hepatitis-a-mexico 브라질말라리아 http://wwwnc.cdc.gov/travel/notices/watch/malaria-brazil 참고해외여행질병정보센터홈페이지 http://travelinfo.cdc.go.kr/travelinfo/jsp_travelinfo/home/main/main.jsp http://wwwnc.cdc.gov/travel/notices - 4 -

Infectious disease trend out of Korea Area Related Disease Comments KAIST Clinic / June, 2015 West Africa - Guinea - Sierra Leone - Liberia Nepal M. East and Asia - Saudi Arabia - Qatar - Korea America - U.S. Africa - Niger Ebola Various disease will be occurred after earthquake Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) Lassa Fever Meningococcal Meningitis * (Compulsory) - Avoid visiting ebola outbreak areas - If you have a plan to visit, please report to KAIST clinic health couselling room before and after you visit (ext: 0525) * (Recommendation) - Check your health carefully and refrain from going out for 3 weeks after you left ebola outbreak areas. * (Recommendation) - Avoid visiting Nepal. * (Recommendation) - Avoid contacts with animals such as camels and sheep etc. - Wear a mask if there are people who have cold-like symptoms. * (Recommended) - Avoid contacts with rodents feces or objects that have been contaminated with rodents feces. - Vaccination is not available. * (Recommendation) - One dose of vaccination Contact KAIST Clinic Health Counselling Room (042)350-0525 - 5 -

<Information of each disease and precautions> 1. Ebola Hemoragic Fever - Guinea, Sierra Leone, Liberia, Nigeria About the disease - Ebola is caused by infection with Ebola virus and spread by direct contact with blood or body fluids of a person who is sick with Ebola, objects that have been contaminated with the virus, and infected fruit bats or primates. - Symptoms: Fever, severe headache, fatigue (feeling very tired), muscle pain, vomiting, diarrhea, stomach pain, or unexplained bleeding or bruising - Treatment: Not available - Avoid travel to the West Africa area. - If you have an unavoidable schedule to visit more than one of the three Ebola breakout countries(guinea, Sierra Leone, Liberia), please report to KAIST Clinic about your schedule before and after your visit. (Health counselling room 350-0525) - During your visiting, DO NOT contact with Ebloa patient(s) and objects that are contaminated by Ebola virus. - Check your health carefully(temperature and symptom check everyday) and refrain from going out for three weeks after you leave the ebola outbreak country. 2. Various disease will be occurred after earthquake - Nepal - On April 25th, 2015, 7.8 degrees of earthquake hit Nepal and caused 8,200 deaths and about 20,000 injured person. - There are many regions that people cannot obtain clean water, poor hygiene, lack of food, and hard to use electricity, transportation, accommodations, and medical services. - As raniy season is coming, there will be high risk of additional buidling collapse, and various infectious diseases outbreaks by food, water, and mosquitos. 3. Middle East Respiratory Syndrome(MERS) - Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Korea About the disease - MERS is a viral respiratory illness and caused by a virus that is different from any other virus that has been previously found in people. - Symptoms: fever, cough, and shortness of breath within two weeks after traveling the middle east area. - Treatment: symptoms relief treatments - 6 -

- In the recent two months, 29 patients and 8 deaths were reported on the Arabian Peninsula, and most of the patients didn t have contact experience with animals. - The outbreak rate is low, but we recommend to avoid contact with animals, eat undercooked meat, drink milk from animals such as camels and sheep. - Please pay attention when you transfer at Qutar international airport as well. - Attention is required since the early symptom is same as common cold, and if there are a coughing person around you in Saudi Arabia or when you transfer your flight at Qatar airport, wear a mask to prevent infection. 4. Lassa Fever U.S. About the disease - Lassa fever is an acute viral illness that occurs in west Africa. - The reservoir, or host, of Lassa virus is a rodent known as the "multimammate rat". Transmission of Lassa virus to humans occurs most commonly through ingestion or inhalation. Direct contact with infected rodents is not the only way in which people are infected; person-to-person transmission may occur after exposure to virus in the blood, tissue, secretions, or excretions of a Lassa virus-infected individual. - Symptoms: Fatigue, fever, headache, sore throat, vomiting, diarrhea, muscle pain, chest pain, stomachache, congestion on pharynx or conjunctiva, hypotension, hydrothorax, bleeding, cramp, edema, kidney failure etc - Treatment: Aantiviral medicine treatment. - To prevent person-to-person transmission, discard patients leftovers properly, disinfect patients environment and objects, and be careful for transmission by air. 5. Meningococcal Meningitis Africa Velt area(uganda), Saudi Arabia About the disease - Meningococcal Meningitis is a acute disease on center nervous system that caused by the type of bacteria called Neisseria meningitidis. - Route of infection: Secretion from patient or carrier s nose or neck. - Symptoms: pharyngitis, fever, muscle pain, fatigue, septicaemia, shock, symptoms of meningitis(headache, vomiting, high fever, consciousness degradation) or meningeal irritation - Treatment: Antibiotics treatment - Get vaccination for Meningococcal Meningitis before you travel. - Especially, if you are going to travel the area above, getting a vaccination is highly recommended. - 7 -

Asia <Other infectious diseases and areas> Country Disease Related link Singapore Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease http://wwwnc.cdc.gov/travel/notices/watch/hand-food-mouth-singapore China, H.K. Avian Influenza H7N9 http://wwwnc.cdc.gov/travel/notices/watch/avian-flu-h7n9-china Japan Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease http://wwwnc.cdc.gov/travel/notices/watch/hfmd-japan Malaysia Dengue Fever http://wwwnc.cdc.gov/travel/notices/watch/dengue-malaysia Vietnam Measles http://wwwnc.cdc.gov/travel/notices/watch/measles-vietnam Philippine Measles http://wwwnc.cdc.gov/travel/notices/watch/measles-philippines Kyrgyzstan Measles http://wwwnc.cdc.gov/travel/notices/watch/measles-kyrgyzstan Europe Germany Measles http://wwwnc.cdc.gov/travel/notices/watch/measles-germany Scotland Mumps http://wwwnc.cdc.gov/travel/notices/watch/mumps-scotland Bosnia and Herzegovina Africa Measles http://wwwnc.cdc.gov/travel/notices/watch/measles-bosnia-herzegovina Ethiopia Measles http://wwwnc.cdc.gov/travel/notices/watch/measles-ethiopia Egypt Avian Influenza H5N1 http://wwwnc.cdc.gov/travel/notices/watch/h5n1-bird-flu-egypt Ghana Cholera http://wwwnc.cdc.gov/travel/notices/watch/cholera-ghana Niger Meningococcal Disease http://wwwnc.cdc.gov/travel/notices/watch/meningococcal-disease-niger Nigeria Meningococcal Disease http://wwwnc.cdc.gov/travel/notices/watch/meningococcal-disease-nigeria Uganda Typhoid http://wwwnc.cdc.gov/travel/notices/watch/typhoid-uganda Australia/Oceania/Pacific Rim Australia Ross River Virus Disease http://wwwnc.cdc.gov/travel/notices/watch/ross-river-virus-disease-australia America Dominican Republic Cholera Haiti Cholera http://wwwnc.cdc.gov/travel/notices/watch/haiti-cholera http://wwwnc.cdc.gov/travel/notices/watch/cholera-dominican-republic Brazil Dengue fever http://wwwnc.cdc.gov/travel/notices/watch/dengue-brazil Cuna Cholera http://wwwnc.cdc.gov/travel/notices/watch/cholera-cuba Central and South America, Caribbean Sea Chikungunya Virus disease http://wwwnc.cdc.gov/travel/notices/watch/chikungunya-mexico http://wwwnc.cdc.gov/travel/notices/watch/chikungunya-caribbean Mexico Hepatitis A http://wwwnc.cdc.gov/travel/notices/watch/hepatitis-a-mexico Brazil Malaria http://wwwnc.cdc.gov/travel/notices/watch/malaria-brazil Reference (CDC Travel Health Notices) http://wwwnc.cdc.gov/travel/notices - 8 -