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IBM Software Group IBM (kimhg@kr.ibm.com) IBM IBM

Agenda 1. 2. 3. IBM 4. Summary IBM

Agenda 1. 2. 3. IBM 4. Summary IBM

:, (,, ). IBM

vs. The age of business process reengineering The age of on demand business Zero defects Scope Zero latency Advantage Outcome Focus Advantage IBM

IT /, view, IT. IBM

/, Service Oriented Architecture. IBM

IBM Model Transform Integrate Interact,, Manage Model Transform Manage / Interact Integrate Accelerate Accelerate Life-Cycle IBM

Agenda 1. 2. 3. IBM 4. Summary IBM

Reference Model, design, development, test tools Common Runtime Infrastructure Monitoring User Interaction Application Information Process Community Integration Enterprise Service Bus Application Access Data Access Enterprise applications Enterprise data IBM

Reference IBM Software Offerings WebSphere BI Modeler Model, design, development, test tools Common Runtime Infrastructure WebSphere Studio Monitoring WebSphere BI Monitor User Interaction Application Information Process Community Integration WebSphere Portal Server WebSphere Application Server DB2 Information Integrator WebSphere Business Integration Server WebSphere Business Integration Connect WebSphere MQ Enterprise Service Bus Web Gateway WebSphere BI Event/Message Broker Application Access WebSphere BI Adapters Data Access DB2 Information Integrator Classic Enterprise applications Enterprise data IBM

Reference Model, design, development, test tools Common Runtime Infrastructure Monitoring User Interaction Application Information Process Community Integration Enterprise Service Bus Application Access Data Access Enterprise applications Enterprise data IBM

. (as-is) (to-be) ROI Business Model Single system view for all integration components Business Models Collaborations Business Objects Maps. IBM

, artifacts & attributes, tracing (tasks, resource usage, artifacts) (, ) IBM

IT BPEL WBI Modeler BPEL WSAD- IE Workflow Modeler A WBI Monitor B C IBM

BPEL4WS BPEL4WS Standard Extensions Deployment & Binding Specification Deployment WebSphere Infrastructure Business Process Execution Language for Web -2002. 7 : V 1.0 BEA, IBM, Microsoft -2003. 4 : OASIS Technical Committee -2003. 5 : V 1.1 latest revision SAP Siebel BPEL. - ( ) - ( : WBI Modeler) IBM Extensions to BPEL -Human activity -Activity Inline Java code IBM

Reference Process Model, design, development, test tools Common Runtime Infrastructure Monitoring User Interaction Application Information Process Community Integration Enterprise Service Bus Application Access Data Access Enterprise applications Enterprise data IBM

Choreography invoke p 1 invoke invoke p 2 invoke (activity),, /,..,. audit.. IBM

Compensation Service is transparent to normal Business Process execution A 2 Flow A 1 A 4 A 3 A 4 Compensation Sphere Compensation List Compensation are executed in reverse order of Business Process execution -1 A -1 2 A 1 Flow -1-1 A 4 Compensation Sphere Compensation List IBM

Before Generic Business Object Model SAP Siebel SAP Customer Siebel Customer Mapping & Matching For each Business Object Oracle Customer Legacy Oracle Legacy. Normalized View..,,. IBM

Generic Business Object Model SAP Siebel SAP Customer Siebel Customer Generic Business Object Oracle Customer Legacy Oracle Legacy. view..,,. IBM

Accelerate Industries: offerings Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Supply Chain Management (SCM) Automotive Common Business Areas Addressed: Electronics Straight-Through Processing (STP) Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A) Web Exploitation Financial Markets Life Sciences & Pharmaceutical Banking Energy & Utilities Healthcare Retail Chemical & Petroleum Insurance Telecom offerings pain points content Time to Market Supply Chain Mgt. Dealer Sales Warranty Costs IBM BCS IBM

Reference Enterprise Service Bus Model, design, development, test tools Common Runtime Infrastructure Monitoring User Interaction Application Information Process Community Integration Enterprise Service Bus Application Access Data Access Enterprise applications Enterprise data IBM

Enterprise Service Bus An Architectural Best Practice - - - - - - - - - - Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) IBM

Enterprise Service Bus - Mediation Routing Transformation Event Service Publish and Subscribe Transport Synchronous/Asynchronous Persistent/Non-persistent Loosely-coupled/Tightly-coupled Standard Base HTTP/HTTPS with option for WS-Reliable Messaging JMS, JAX-RPC, SOAP WS-Security, WS-Policy, WS-Addressing IBM

Adapter Integration Brokers WICS C A B D JMS Notification One-way Requestresponse Solicitresponse WBIA Adapter Framework Application Specific Component Application E WBIMB MQInput1 Compute1 WBI SF EJB Servlet FAIL Compute2 EJB MQOutput1 MQOutput2 EJB JMS JMS WBIA Adapter Framework BODs Configuration Connector Adapter Repository App Application Database IBM

Accelerate: Pre-built speeds up Time-to-Value Pre-built Portlets Collaborations Adapters Commerce DB2 II Classic Federation Transactional Data Syndicated Content Content / Data Retrieval Enterprise Applications Applications / Functions Knowledge Extraction Content / Data Retrieval and Analysis Procurement CRM Order Management Financials and Human Resources Collaboration Foundation Insurance - Life - Property and Casualty Telecommunications Retail Healthcare Application SAP PeopleSoft Seibel Oracle JD Edwards Many more! Technology / Data Handlers JDBC JMS Jtext Exchange CORBA Many more! Mainframe CICS IMS VSAM DB2 Business Con-text Engine - Entitlement - Personalization - Globalization - Analytics Configurable Business Processes - Marketing - Merch - Catalog / Content - Order Mgmt - Trading Foundation / Tools - LOB User - Administrator - Developer Biological Data and Algorithms Text & Excel XML WebSphere MQ Extended Search DB2 II Classic Federation for zos ODBC Teradata Oracle SQL Server Informix Sybase DB2 Family Natural Many more! IBM

Reference Monitoring Model, design, development, test tools Common Runtime Infrastructure Monitoring User Interaction Application Information Process Community Integration Enterprise Service Bus Application Access Data Access Enterprise applications Enterprise data IBM


Real-time Process Monitoring Business Process Monitoring. IBM



Agenda 1. 2. 3. IBM 4. Summary IBM

IBM IBM (Eclipse) (Interoperability) time to value (SOA) enablement Proven Experience Standards Leadership Simple Integrated Development Service Oriented Architecture Secure & Scaleable IBM

IBM IBM Tools Best Practices WebSphere Studio Java, J2ME, C/++ Visual Studio J2EE (BEA etc.) Software Pervasive / Embedded COM,.NET (Microsoft) Operating System (Windows, Linux) IBM

IBM 600 500 400 300 200 100 Reference 132% 322 424 413 535 WebSphere 5.02 WebSphere 5.1 (b0341.11) J2EE Requests per second 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 680 502 214 318% 410 210 125 16 33 91 WebSphere 4.0 SOAP WebSphere 5.0 Tech Preview WebSphere 5.0.2 WS Web 0 TradeEJBSync TradeJDBC 0 1K / 10 10K / 100 100K / 1000 Input Payload Size and Complexity 7000 729% 6000 5000 600% Version 5.1 4000 Version 5.2 3000 Version 5.3 2000 Process Choreography 1000 0 Persistent Non-Persistent Messaging IBM

IBM Open Standards Leadership 1998 / 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 Java, XML and ebxml Web and UDDI Web and Tools Web and Security Web and Security OASIS BPEL RosettaNet SOAP 1.1 W3C WS. Web OASIS WSBPELTC. W3C. W3 Web Interoperability OASIS WSDM TC Common. UDDI.org Workshop Organization Base Events XML4J. original OASIS WSDM TC WS- Chair OMG XML UDDI specification Eclipse.org web services bus Manageability Metadata Interch.. W3C XML Schema process Format WSDL standard specification EPAL specification Co-author W3C IBM Apache (BPEL, WS-TX, WC3 EPAL specification Web Document Object SOAP4J. WS-TC) WSDM TC in OASIS Interactive Model Applications TC Web 200 XML.org. Security roadmap Linux and specification SOAP 1.2 OASIS Board of Directors 160 Gateway private UDDI directory IBM

IBM Technology 2003, IBM 3415 IBM 11. 4, HP, Intel, Sun, Microsoft, Dell, Oracle, Accenture, EDS IT.. IBM

IBM. - / E.g. WAS V4 applications can run in WAS V5 (must redeploy V6 will have binary compatibility) E.g. WAS V4, V5 can exist on same machine E.g. All underlying hardware platforms can be mixed in a cell E.g. A version x client, can call a version x-1 server or a version x+1 server best practices migration. - at the version/release level - starting at the general availability date of the product IBM

Agenda 1. 2. 3. IBM 4. Summary IBM

Summary Reference IBM Software Offerings WebSphere BI Modeler Model, design, development, test tools Common Runtime Infrastructure WebSphere Studio Monitoring WebSphere BI Monitor User Interaction Application Information Process Community Integration WebSphere Portal Server WebSphere Application Server DB2 Information Integrator WebSphere Business Integration Server WebSphere Business Integration Connect WebSphere MQ Enterprise Service Bus Web Gateway WebSphere BI Event/Message Broker Application Access WebSphere BI Adapters Data Access DB2 Information Integrator Classic Enterprise applications Enterprise data IBM

Summary Market Leadership IBM IBM. Source: Wintergreen Research Application Integration License Revenue 300 200 100 0 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003* * Estimate based on 1H03 actual growth rates IBM The Gap Widens WebMethods Tibco SeeBeyond Mercator Vitria IBM "continued its long time lead of this market, IDC says (June 2003) Application Deployment Platform Software Market BEA Systems Oracle Corp. Tibco Inc. webmethods 2002 Share* 23.3% 17.3% 9.5% 4.9% 4.3% * Based on license revenue and license-related service fees Application Servers Integration Broker Suites Portals Message-Oriented Middleware Application Platform Suites Composite Market Transaction Processing Monitors Total Market 2001-02 Growth% 2 1 N/A 1 2 1 1 2 1 3 1 2 1 1 17.5% 9.6% 8.0% -19.4% 6.3% IBM Has Top Share in All Application Integration Middleware Markets Gartner Dataquest, May 2003 Worldwide IBM Market Share Position Based on New License Revenue 2000 2001 2002 Sources: IDC, Application Deployment Platform Software Market, 2000-2002, with Leading Suppliers June 2003, Dennis Byron, Vice President, Business Process and Deployment Software Research Gartner First Take "IBM Has Top Share in All Application Integration, Middleware Markets", J. Correia, Y. Natis, M. Pezzini, R. Schulte, 7 May 2003. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 IBM

Summary IBM provides SOA enables to deliver IBM