8 장동기부여와권한위임 동기부여와내재적만족, 권한위임의방법
8 장의학습내용
1 혼은목적의식, 소명의식이다. 벽돌공1 : 보면모르나? 벽돌을쌓고있다. 벽돌공2 : 몰라서묻느냐? 돈을벌고있다. 벽돌공3 : 나는지금아름다운성당을짓고있다.
직장생활의즐거움을최우선으로생각하는회사 직원들의의견을충실히반영하여경영의사결정에참고 참여의식고취 직원들스스로의가치를느낄수있도록업무환경조성 동기부여
동기부여의개념및모델 동기부여 : 특정행동을하는데열정과지속성유발시키는내적혹은외적인힘
내적보상과외적보상 An intrinsic system-wide reward----pride in the organization An extrinsic, individual reward--- a bonus check. An intrinsic, individual reward--- a sense of self fulfillment at work. Intrinsic rewards are the internal satisfactions a person receives in the process of performing a particular action. Extrinsic rewards are given by another person, typically a supervisor, and include
종업원외적보상 ( 이익배분제 ) 과내적보상 ( 자부심 ) An intrinsic system-wide reward----pride in the organization An extrinsic, individual reward--- a bonus check. An intrinsic, individual reward--- a sense of self fulfillment Leaders enable at work. followers to achieve intrinsic rewards both individually and system-wide. Leaders create an environment that brings out the best in people. They match followers with jobs and tasks that provide intrinsic rewards.
리더십과인간의욕구자극 Leaders: provide the opportunity to satisfy higher needs allow employees to receive intrinsic rewards.
허즈버그의 2 요인이론
후천적욕구이론 특정욕구를가지고태어난것이아니고, 경험을통해학습됨. 항상자신의꿈을스스로추구하도록용기를북도움. - 후천적으로습득할수있는 3 가지욕구 성취욕구 ---the desire to accomplish something difficult, attain a high standard for success, master complex tasks, and surpass others. People with a high need for achievement enjoy work that is entrepreneurial and innovative. 친교욕구 권력욕구
강화이론 적절한보상과벌을가하여직원들업무행동을변화시키는동기부여이론 행동수정과효과의법칙 ( 강화되는행동은계속됨 ) 강화과정의 4가지방식 : (1) 긍정적강화 (2) 부정적강화 : 부정의결과를가져오는행동을회피함으로써긍정적행동강화함 (3) 벌 (4) 소거 : 벌을가하기보다는지금까지긍정적결과가져오던것을회피 지속적강화와부분적강화
공정성이론 자신이노력하여얻은성과대비보상정도 동기부여 Equity theory: are motivated to seek social equity in the rewards / they expect for performance. If rewards seem equal to what others receive for similar work, treatment is fair, workers are more motivated. If people believe treatment is unfair, motivation declines. Equity is a ratio of inputs to outputs. Employees compare their efforts and rewards to those of others. Outcomes: pay, recognition, promotions. Equity: the ratio of one person s outcomes to inputs equals the ratio of others in the work group. Inequity: the input/outcome ratios are out of balance An experienced employee gets the same pay as a new, less educated
상과벌 (carrot & stick) 접근법의부정적견해 외적보상은내적보상을감소시킴인간은자신의노력에대해내적보상효과가미미해지면, 노력에대한흥미를잃게되고, 점차성과가떨어지거나보상받은만큼일하려한다. 금전적보상은단기적이다 금전보상은저차원욕구충족과관련 상과벌접근법사용하기엔너무조직체계가복잡 : 성장추구하는조직이단기성과위주의상과벌을방식을택하긴문제 집단화합을망침 - 성과급제는효과가있는가?
권한위임 Empowerment: power sharing, the delegation of power or authority to subordinates in the organization. Leaders: provide employees with power, information, and authority. show subordinates how their jobs are relevant to the organization's mission give employees a direction within which to act. Empowerment provides strong motivation. Individual self-efficacy: the capacity to produce results and feel effective. Increased responsibility motivates most people to do their best.
효과적인권한위임에선행되어야할 5 가지요소 1. 회사성과및실적에대한정보를알아야함 _ 직원들이사장과같은생각을한다면!!!!1 2. 조직목적달성에필요한지식과업무기술제공 _ 결국자신감이생김 3. 의사결정에대한충분한권한부여 _ 자율관리팀, 분임조, 업무시간자율적조정등 4. 업무의의미와영향력을이해하고있어야함 _ 자신의업무가조직의목적과어떻게연결되고있는지파악 5. 회사성과및실적에연동된보상
Case : 셈코스토리
몰입과의미부여 Organizations can help people find value and meaning in their work: employee ownership job enrichment new types of incentive plans Giving Meaning to Work Through Engagement - Intrinsic rewards come from a sense of importance and meaningfulness - working for a social cause. - Employee engagement contributes to stronger organizational performance. - An engaged employee is emotionally connected and fully involved at work
기타동기부여방안 구성원오너십 성과배분제 지식연동보상 성과급 직무충실화
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