Yoon s BEFL Note Yujin s Writing Camp Book 5 Dictation 은 베플리 < 베플리학습 <BEFL Note 에서들으세요.
Book 5 Study Planner 교재명 학습목표동사의 3 인칭단수형, 부정문, 의문문을익히고, 글쓰기실력을키운다. 날짜 Unit Title Page 학습 시작시간 학습 종료시간 학습한내용 ( 단어, 표현, 문법, 줄거리등을자유롭게쓰세요.) 체크리스트 평가 1. 매일매일계획대로공부했나요? 2. 학습내용을충실히공부했나요? 3. 교재학습이끝난후부족한부분은복습했나요? 학부모확인 선생님확인 2
Yujin s Writing Camp Book 5 Word List Audio Meaning Word Practice Test 소리가큰, 시끄러운 loud 냄새맡다 smell 만지다 touch 1A 털로덮인 맛보다 furry taste 양념맛이강한 spicy 보다 see 쿠키 cookie 감각 sense 음악 music 아름다운 beautiful 1B 새 맛있는 bird delicious 수프 soup 듣다 hear 우스운, 재미있는 funny 3
Audio Meaning Word Practice Test 아픈 sick 두통 headache 목구멍 throat 2A 재채기하다 기침하다 sneeze cough 약 medicine 많이 a lot 약간 a little 학교 school 오늘 today 가장좋아하는 favorite 2B 의사 더나은 doctor better 느끼다 feel 배 stomach 치과의사 dentist 4
Audio Meaning Word Practice Test 운동하다 exercise 혼자, 홀로 alone 조깅 jogging 3A 수영 swimming ~ 을타다 ride 함께 together 방법, 길 way 매, ~ 마다 every 자전거 bike 오후 afternoon 축구 soccer 3B 농구 토요일 basketball Saturday 친구 friend 춤추다 dance 종종, 자주 often 5
Book 5 Unit 1 The Five Senses 1A Word Fun 영어를우리말로, 우리말을영어로써보세요. No. Word Meaning No. Meaning Word 1 loud 소리가큰, 시끄러운 9 털로덮인 furry 2 smell 냄새맡다 10 3 touch 만지다 11 소리가큰, 시끄러운 양념맛이강한 loud spicy 4 furry 털로덮인 12 냄새맡다 smell 5 taste 맛보다 13 만지다 touch 6 spicy 양념맛이강한 14 맛보다 taste 7 see 보다 15 쿠키 cookie 8 cookie 쿠키 16 보다 see 16 개중 개 6
Key Points < 명사 > 사람, 장소, 사물등의이름을가리키는단어를명사라고합니다. 명사에는아래와같이여러종류가있어요. 사람을나타내는명사 : mother, brother, son, teacher, Edison, Yujin, Lincoln My brother smells the delicious cookies in the backyard. 사물을나타내는명사 : bird, music, cookie, cat, soup My brother smells the delicious cookies in the backyard. 장소를나타내는명사 : school, bookstore, bedroom, backyard, London, Korea My brother smells the delicious cookies in the backyard. Let s Practice 다음문장에서명사에동그라미해보세요. 1. A bear plays in the water. 2. Jane touches the furry cat. 3. Bill and Sue are at the beach. 4. My mother hears the loud music. 5. I see a beautiful bird at Olympic Park. 7
Sentence Fun 주어진단어를이용해우리말을영어로써보세요. 1. 우리는보고, 듣고, 냄새맡고, 만지고맛볼수있어요. (hear / smell / taste / we / can /, /, /, /, / touch / see / and /.) We can see, hear, smell, touch, and taste. 2. 우리엄마는소리가큰음악을들어요. (my / mom / loud / hears / music / the /.) My mom hears the loud music. 3. 그녀는아름다운새를봐요. (beautiful / sees / she / a / bird /.) She sees a beautiful bird. 4. 그녀의남동생은맛있는쿠키냄새를맡아요. (delicious / cookies / her / brother / smells / the /.) Her brother smells the delicious cookies. 5. 그녀의여동생은털이덮인고양이를만져요. (furry / cat / her / sister / touches / the /.) Her sister touches the furry cat. Dictation 잘듣고빈칸에알맞은단어를써보세요. 1. We have five senses. 2. I see a beautiful bird. 3. My brother smells the delicious cookies. 4. My sister touches the furry cat. 5. My father tastes the spicy soup. 선생님확인 8
1B Word Fun 영어를우리말로, 우리말을영어로써보세요. No. Word Meaning No. Meaning Word 1 sense 감각 9 새 bird 2 music 음악 10 맛있는 delicious 3 beautiful 아름다운 11 듣다 hear 4 bird 새 12 감각 sense 5 delicious 맛있는 13 수프 soup 6 soup 수프 14 우스운, 재미있는 funny 7 hear 듣다 15 음악 music 8 funny 우스운, 재미있는 16 아름다운 beautiful 16 개중 개 9
Key Points < 일반동사의 3인칭단수현재형 > 일반동사란 be동사 (am, are, is) 를제외한모든동사를말합니다. 주어가 3인칭단수일경우동사의끝에 -s 또는 -es를붙입니다. 동사의끝글자만드는방법예 대부분의경우 -s 를붙인다. -s, -x, -o, -sh, -ch 로끝나는경우 -es 를붙인다. 자음 +y 로끝나는경우 y 를 i 로바꾸고 -es 를붙인다. taste tastes smell smells touch touches pass passes marry marries copy copies My father tastes the spicy soup. My sister touches the furry cat. She studies English very hard. Let s Practice 괄호안에서알맞은단어를골라동그라미한후, 문장을써보세요. 1. My sister (touches / touchs) the furry cat. My sister touches the furry cat. 2. John (carryes / carries) his bag. John carries his bag. 3. Mickey (see / sees) a tiger at the zoo. Mickey sees a tiger at the zoo. 4. He (smelles / smells) the delicious cookies. He smells the delicious cookies. 10
Write It 밑줄친부분을바르게고쳐문장을다시써보세요. 1. The baby sleep. The baby sleeps. 2. I touches a beautiful bird. I touch a beautiful bird. 3. The kid cry. The kid cries. 4. She wash the dishes. She washes the dishes. Sentence Fun 주어진단어를이용해우리말을영어로써보세요. 1. 우리에게는오감이있어요. (have / senses / we / five /.) We have five senses. 2. 나는아름다운새를봐요. (see / beautiful / bird / I / a /.) I see a beautiful bird. 3. 우리아빠는양념이강한수프를맛봐요. (tastes / spicy / my / father / the / soup /.) My father tastes the spicy soup. 4. 우리엄마는크게울리는벨소리를들어요. (hears / bell / loud / my / mother / the /.) My mother hears the loud bell. 5. 그녀는재미있는영화를봐요. (watches / she / funny / the / movie /.) She watches the funny movie. 선생님확인 11
Book 5 Unit 2 I m Sick 2A Word Fun 영어를우리말로, 우리말을영어로써보세요. No. Word Meaning No. Meaning Word 1 sick 아픈 9 목구멍 throat 2 headache 두통 10 재채기하다 sneeze 3 throat 목구멍 11 두통 headache 4 sneeze 재채기하다 12 많이 a lot 5 cough 기침하다 13 아픈 sick 6 medicine 약 14 약간 a little 7 a lot 많이 15 기침하다 cough 8 a little 약간 16 약 medicine 16 개중 개 12
Key Points <go ~> go to: ~ 에가다 의뜻으로뒤에목적지를나타내는말이옵니다. I don t go to school. I go to the doctor. to 없이쓰는경우 : I go home. go on: ~ 을가다 의뜻으로뒤에여행, 출장, 휴가등을나타내는말이옵니다. Children often go on school trips. We go on a tour of the Pyramids. go for: ~ 하러가다 의뜻으로활동을나타내는말이옵니다. I go for a walk. They go for a run every morning. Let s Practice 이어질말을선으로연결한다음완성한문장을써보세요. 1. I go to a. trips. 2. Tony and I go b. a walk with his family. 3. They like to go on c. bed at nine o clock. 4. Sam goes for d. home. 1. I go to bed at nine o clock. 2. Tony and I go home. 3. They like to go on trips. 4. Sam goes for a walk with his family. 13
Sentence Fun 주어진단어를이용해우리말을영어로써보세요. 1. 나는재채기와기침을많이해요. (a lot / I / sneeze / cough / and /.) I sneeze and cough a lot. 2. 그의사선생님이나에게약을주세요. (medicine / gives / doctor / the / me /.) The doctor gives me medicine. 3. 그것은맛이좋지않아요. (taste / good / it / doesn t /.) It doesn t taste good. 4. 나는오늘학교에가지않아요. (today / I / don t / to school / go /.) I don t go to school today. 5. 나는이제기분이좀나아져요. (a little / feel / better / now / I /.) I feel a little better now. Dictation 잘듣고빈칸에알맞은단어를써보세요. 1. I have a headache. 2. My throat hurts. 3. My mom makes my favorite soup. 4. It tastes delicious. 5. She is sick today. 선생님확인 14
2B Word Fun 영어를우리말로, 우리말을영어로써보세요. No. Word Meaning No. Meaning Word 1 school 학교 9 의사 doctor 2 today 오늘 10 느끼다 feel 3 favorite 가장좋아하는 11 치과의사 dentist 4 doctor 의사 12 학교 school 5 better 더나은 13 배 stomach 6 feel 느끼다 14 오늘 today 7 stomach 배 15 가장좋아하는 favorite 8 dentist 치과의사 16 더나은 better 16 개중 개 15
Key Points < 일반동사의부정문 > 1. 의미 : ~ 하지않다 2. 형태 주어가 1인칭, 2인칭, 복수일때 : don t[do not] + 동사의원형 I don t feel good. They don t feel good. 주어가 3인칭단수일때 : doesn t[does not] + 동사의원형 She doesn t feel good. Joe doesn t skip meals. Let s Practice 다음문장을부정문으로바꿔써보세요. 1. I feel good. I don t feel good. 2. She has a headache. She doesn t have a headache. 3. He goes to the doctor. He doesn t go to the doctor. 4. We like spaghetti. We don t like spaghetti. 5. They get up early. They don t get up early. 16
Write It 밑줄친부분을바르게고쳐문장을다시써보세요. 1. They does not eat meat or eggs. They do not eat meat or eggs. 2. Mom makes not my favorite soup. Mom does not[doesn t] make my favorite soup. 3. It taste don t delicious. It doesn t taste delicious. 4. I doesn t go to school today. I don t go to school today. Sentence Fun 주어진단어를이용해우리말을영어로써보세요. 1. 나는두통이있어요. (headache / I / have / a /.) I have a headache. 2. 배가아파요. (hurts / my / stomach /.) My stomach hurts. 3. 엄마는내가제일좋아하는수프를만드세요. (mom / my / makes / my / soup / favorite /.) My mom makes my favorite soup. 4. 우리는오늘기분이좋지않아요. (feel / good / we / don t / today /.) We don t feel good today. 5. 나는치과의사선생님께가요. (dentist / I / the / go / to /.) I go to the dentist. 17 선생님확인
Book 5 Unit 3 Let s Exercise! 3A Word Fun 영어를우리말로, 우리말을영어로써보세요. No. Word Meaning No. Meaning Word 1 exercise 운동하다 9 수영 swimming 2 alone 혼자, 홀로 10 방법, 길 way 3 jogging 조깅 11 운동하다 exercise 4 swimming 수영 12 혼자, 홀로 alone 5 ride ~ 을타다 13 ~ 을타다 ride 6 together 함께 14 조깅 jogging 7 way 방법, 길 15 함께 together 8 every 매, ~ 마다 16 매, ~ 마다 every 16 개중 개 18
Key Points <go ~ing의용법 > 1. 의미 : ~ 하러가다 2. 형태 : go + 동사의원형-ing You can go jogging. You can go swimming. Richard often goes sailing. I go shopping today. Let s Practice 표를참고해서아래문장을완성해보세요. sailing hiking swimming skiing fishing I my sister Greg you 1. I like to go hiking in fall. 2. My sister goes swimming in summer. 3. You and I go skiing in winter. 4. Greg has a boat. He goes sailing every weekend. 5. Greg and my sister go fishing at the lake. 19
Sentence Fun 주어진단어를이용해우리말을영어로써보세요. 1. 나는오후마다자전거를타요. (every / afternoon / I / ride / bike / my /.) I ride my bike every afternoon. 2. 함께운동할수있는재미있는방법들이있어요. (ways / together / to / exercise / there are / fun /.) There are fun ways to exercise together. 3. 여러분은수영하러갈수있어요. (go / swimming / you / can /.) You can go swimming. 4. 여러분은축구나농구를할수있어요. (soccer / play / basketball / or / can / you /.) You can play soccer or basketball. 5. 여러분의친구는운동하는것을좋아하나요? (does / friend / your / like / exercise / to /?) Does your friend like to exercise? Dictation 잘듣고빈칸에알맞은단어를써보세요. 1. Do you like to exercise? 2. There are many ways to exercise alone. 3. She rides her bike every afternoon. 4. You can go roller skating or dancing, too. 5. They play basketball every Saturday. 선생님확인 20
3B Word Fun 영어를우리말로, 우리말을영어로써보세요. No. Word Meaning No. Meaning Word 1 bike 자전거 9 축구 soccer 2 afternoon 오후 10 종종, 자주 often 3 soccer 축구 11 자전거 bike 4 basketball 농구 12 춤추다 dance 5 Saturday 토요일 13 오후 afternoon 6 friend 친구 14 농구 basketball 7 dance 춤추다 15 친구 friend 8 often 종종, 자주 16 토요일 Saturday 16 개중 개 21
Key Points < 일반동사의의문문 > 1. 의미 : ~ 하나요? 2. 형태및대답 주어가 1인칭, 2인칭, 복수일때 : Do + 주어 + 동사의원형 ~? - Yes, 주어 + do. [No, 주어 + don t.] You like to exercise. Do you like to exercise? - Yes, I do. / No, I don t. 주어가 3인칭단수일때 : Does + 주어 + 동사의원형 ~? - Yes, 주어 + does. [No, 주어 + doesn t.] She likes to exercise. Does she like to exercise? - Yes, she does. / No, she doesn t. Let s Practice 주어진문장을의문문으로바꿔 A 에쓰고, B 의빈칸에알맞은말을써넣어대화를완성하세요. (You know Yujin.) 1 A: Do you know Yujin? B: Yes, I do. (She goes roller skating.) 2 A: Does she go roller skating? B: No, she doesn t. (They like to dance.) 3 A: Do they like to dance? B: Yes, they do. (You get up early.) 4 A: Do you get up early? B: No, I don t. 22
Write It 잘못된부분을찾아바르게고쳐다시써보세요. 1. Does you exercise every day? - Yes, I do. Do you exercise every day? - Yes, I do. 2. Does he goes shopping? - No, he does. Does he go shopping? - No, he doesn t. 3. You do take pictures at the zoo? - No, I don t. Do you take pictures at the zoo? - No, I don t. 4. Do Mrs. Baker like funny movies? - Yes, she don t. Does Mrs. Baker like funny movies? - Yes, she does. Sentence Fun 주어진단어를이용해우리말을영어로써보세요. 1. 여러분은하이킹을하러갈수있어요. (hiking / you / go / can /.) You can go hiking. 2. 요리하는것을좋아하나요? (cook / to / like / do / you /?) Do you like to cook? 3. 혼자운동할수있는많은방법이있어요. (alone / many / ways / there are / exercise / to /.) There are many ways to exercise alone. 4. 그녀는오후마다자전거를타요. (rides / bike / she / her / afternoon / every /.) She rides her bike every afternoon. 5. 여러분은롤러스케이트를타러가거나춤을추러갈수도있어요. (too / dancing / go / roller skating / you / can / or /, /.) You can go roller skating or dancing, too. 23 선생님확인
4-Skill BEFLY - Speaking 유형 그림보고질문에답하기 문제 Q1: What are the girls doing? Q2: Who does the girl see? 출처 B5. p. 16, 26 힌트 (1) They are riding ~ (2) She sees ~ 답안 (1) They are riding bicycles. (2) She sees a doctor. 24
4-Skill BEFLY - Writing 유형 일상생활에관한글쓰기 출처 B5. p. 28 힌트 play soccer / basketball every Friday / Saturday / Sunday at a gym 답안 I like to exercise with my friends. My friends and I play basketball. We play basketball every Friday after school. We play it at a gym. 25