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Contents 31 Ⅰ. Embedded Value Ⅱ. Value of New Business (VNB) Ⅲ. Movement of EV Ⅳ. P/EV Ⅴ. Sensitivities Ⅵ. Review Statement Ⅰ- 1. Embedded Value results 32 Embedded Value : 26,696 억원 ( 전년대비 1,794 억원 (7.2%) 증가 ) 24,902 3,362 15.6% 26,696 1,794 7.2% Embedded Value 21,540 14,936 1,770 13.4% 17,242 2,306 15.4% 54% Value of in-force ocebusiness 13,166 Adjusted Net Worth 8,374 9,966 1592 1,592 19.0% 9,453-512 5.1% FY2011

Ⅰ- 2. Adjusted Net Worth (ANW) 33 ANW : 9,453 억 ( 전년대비 512억원 (5.1%) 감소 ) 555-1,989 1,353 유상증자 9,966 당기순이익 매도가능금융자산평가손익 -290 배당 -142 자기주식 -22 24 Adjusted 기타 Capital 9,453 Ⅰ- 2. Adjusted Net Worth (ANW) 34 ANW 조정사항 구 분 (A) (B) YoY (A-B) 비 고 Shareholder s Equity (a) Adjusted Capital (b) 10,377 10,867-490 -923-901 -22 당기순이익 : +1,353억원 유상증자 : +555억원 매도가능금융자산평가손익 : - 1,989억원 배당 : -290억원 자기주식취득 : -142억원등 정상 / 요주의대손 71 56 15 무형자산 -940-908 -32 선급비용 -54-49 -5 Adjusted Net Worth (a+b) 9,453 9,966-512

Ⅰ- 3. Value of in-force business - Assumptions 35 계리적가정 (Operational Assumption) 유지율 - 직전 3 개년경험통계사용 상품특성및판매채널에따라적용 - 과거 6년간경험통계사용 17개 Category로구분하여적용위험손해율 - Inforce Business의현가L/R : 84.6%, 87.6% 사업비 - 비례수당 / 수금비 : 회사의지급기준적용 - 비례수당 / 수금비를제외한사업비 : 직전 1개년경험통계사용 예정이율 - 확정형 / 연동형구분하였으며, 연동형은금리유형별 ( 공시이율, 보험계약대출이율등 ) 로적용 Ⅰ- 3. Value of in-force business - Assumptions 36 경제적가정 (Economic Assumption) 투자이익율 (Investment yield) : 4.40% ( 단위 : %) YoY 투자이익률 4.40 4.10 + 0.30%p 할인율 (Risk Discount Rate) : 10.0% 0% ( 전년도동일 ) - CAPM(Capital Asset Pricing Model) 방식으로산출 Inflation Rate : 3.0% Tax : 24.2% 자본비용 (Required Capital) - RBC 요구자본의 150% 반영

Ⅰ- 3. Value of in-force business (VIB) 37 VIB = Present Value of Future Profit Cost of Capital = 17,242 억원 구분 YoY PV of Future Premium (a) 176,684 164,376 12,308 7.5% PV of Future Profit (b) 20,935 18,310 2,626 14.3% Margin (b/a) 11.8% 11.1% +0.7%p Cost of Capital (c) 3,693 3,374 319 9.5% (c/a) 2.1% 2.1% +0.0%p Value of In-force Business (d = b - c) 17,242 14,936 2306 2,306 15.4% Value Margin (d/a) 9.8% 9.1% +0.7%p Ⅱ. Value of new business (VNB) 38 Value of 1-year new business : 2,357 억원 구분 YoY PV of Future Premium (a) 38,866 47,755-8,889-18.6% Annualized Premiums equivalent (b) 10,130 12,949-2,819-21.8% PV of Future Profit (c) 2,932 4,399-1,467-33.3% Margin (c/a) 7.5% 9.2% -1.7%p Cost of Capital 576 630-55 -8.7% Value of 1-year New Business (d) 2,357 3,769-1,412-37.5% Profit Margin (d/a) 6.1% 7.9% -1.8%p Profit Margin on ANP (d/b) 23.3% 29.1% -5.8%p VNB : 2013.12 월기준최근 1 년신계약가치 / ANP : Annualized premiums equivalent

Ⅲ. Movement of EV 39 전년대비 1,794억원증가한 2조6,696 억원시현 - RoEV : 6.7%( = [ Adjusted EV 주 ) / EV] - 1) 1,277-719 24,902 89-68 가정변경 RBC & Tax (in-force) 1,541 Discount Unwinding (in-force) 1,502 Value of New Business 55 Discount Unwinding (new biz) 130 일반계정투자이익 Variances P&C 영업손 익 -1,865 순자산변동 -147 영업외손익등기타 순자산변동 - 배당 : -290 억 - 매도가능금융자산평가손익변동 : - 1,989억 - 자기주식취득 : -142억 - 유상증자 : 555억 -Adjusted Capital 변화등 : -22 억등 26,696 주 ) Adjusted EV : 기중의유상증자, 배당, 자기주식취득분을차감한 EV Ⅳ. P/EV 40 주가, 주당 EV, P/EV 0.58x 22,275275 원 P/EV 0.46x 25,752 원 0.56x 26,346 원 12,900 원 11,950 원 14,750 원 주가주당EV FY2011 주가주당EV 주가주당EV Current (2014.2.20)

Ⅴ. Sensitivities ( In-force business ) 41 해약률사업비율 699 (4%) 728 (4%) -664 (-4%) -728 (-4%) 금리 손해율 3,808 (22%) 1,798 (10%) -50bp +50bp -1,957 (-11%) 사업비율의변동요인은직접비용인수당수수료와기타비용을제외하였음 시장금리변동에따른투자수익률및부담금리변동을반영함 -3,744 (-22%) Ⅴ. Sensitivities ( New Business ) 42 해약률사업비율 170(7%) 242 (10%) -161(-7%) -242 () 금리 손해율 493 (21%) 335 (14%) -50bp +50bp -366 (-16%) 사업비율의변동요인은직접비용인수당수수료와기타비용을제외하였음 시장금리변동에따른투자수익률및부담금리변동을반영함 -491 (-21%)

Ⅴ. Sensitivities ( Others ) 43 구 분 Risk Discount Rate 9.0% 10.0% 11.0% Adjusted Net Worth 9,453 Shareholder s Equity 10,377 Adjusted Capital -923 Value of In-force Business 18,835 17,242 15,829 PV of future profit 22,231 20,935 19,770 Cost of Capital 3,397 3,693 3,942 Embedded Value 28,288 26,696 25,282 Value of 1-year New Business 2,633 2,357 2,117 PV of future profit 3,171 2,932 2,722 Cost of Capital 538 576 605 Ⅵ. Review Statement -Towers Watson 44 Towers Watson has reviewed the methodology and assumptions used to determine the results of Meritz s Embedded Value as at 31 December 2013 and the value of new business written in the twelve months to 31 December 2013 for the long-term insurance business. Towers Watson has concluded that: The methodology used is consistent with recent industry practice for traditional deterministic embedded value reporting in Korea. In particular the values have been based on a deterministic projection of future profits, with allowance for risk through the use of a risk discount rate specified by Meritz and an explicit adjustment for the cost of holding an amount of solvency capital. While this is in line with recent industry practice as regards traditional deterministic embedded value calculations, this may not correspond to a capital markets valuation of such risk (so called market consistent valuation ); The operating assumptions have been set with appropriate regard to past, current and expected future experience; and The economic assumptions used have made allowance for the company's current and expected future asset mix and investment strategy and are internally consistent. Towers Watson has reviewed the results of the calculations made by Meritz, given the methodology and assumptions set out in this document, by undertaking a number of high-level checks of the models, processes and model outputs, and has confirmed that any issues discovered do not have a material impact on the disclosed embedded value as at 31 December 2013 or the disclosed value of new business written in the twelve months to 31 December 2013 for the long-term insurance business. In arriving at these conclusions, Towers Watson relied on data and information provided by Meritz. This opinion is made solely to Meritz in accordance with the terms of Towers Watson's engagement letter. To the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, Towers Watson does not accept or assume any responsibility, duty of care or liability to anyone other than Meritz for or in connection with its review work, the opinions it has formed, or for any statement set forth in this opinion.

별첨. Value of new business (VNB) 변동요인 45 Value of 1-year new business 변동요인 3,769-701 -330 183-65 -61 매출감소손해율상승투자수익률자본비용기타 2,795-186 표준이율 -253 표준위험률 2357 2,357 제도적용前 제도적용後 구분 매출감소 손해율상승 변동요인 제도적용 투자자본비제도적용표준이표준제도적용기타수익률용前율위험률後 Value 3,769 3,067 2,737 2,920 2,856 2,795 2,795 2,609 2,357 2,357 누계 - - - - - - - % - -25.8% -37.5% 18.6% 27.4% 22.5% 24.2% 25.8% 30.8% 37.5% Value - -701-330 183-65 -61-973 -186-253 -1,412 변주동 ) 표준책임준비금 - % 제도- 적용 : 표준이율-8.8% 3.5%( 예정이율 4.9% 3.75%), -1.7% 표준위험률 -1.6% 적용담보 -25.8% 확대 -4.9% -6.7% -37.5% (1종 6종 ) 18.6% 별첨. Value of In-force business (VIF) 변동요인 46 Value of In-force business 변동요인 14,936 1,118-904 956 매출증가손해율상승투자수익률 1,203 사업비율 -67 자본비용 & 기타 2,357 구분 매출증가 손해율상승 변동 요인 투자수익률 사업비율 자본비용 & 기타 누 Value 14,936 16,054 15,150 16,106 17,309 17,242 17,242 계 % - 7.5% 1.4% 7.8% 15.9% 15.4% 15.4% 변동 Value - 1,118-904 956 1,203-67 -1,412 % - 75% 7.5% -6.1% 64% 6.4% 81% 8.1% -0.4% 15.4%