Chapter 3 Joseph: From Slave to Deputy Pharaoh 제 3 장요셉 : 노예에서애굽총리로 읽을성경 창세기 37,39, 41-48, 50, The Story 31~42 Key Question: What can we learn from Joseph about trusting God through hardship and betrayal? 핵심질문 : 역경과배신속에서하나님을신뢰하는요셉으로부터우리는무엇을배울수있읍니까? 첫째날, From Favorite to Enslavement 총애받는자에서노예로 (Pages 29 31 ) Everyone knew Joseph was his dad s favorite. His mother, Rachel, was the only wife his dad had truly loved. 1 She was barren, though, and his dad prayed many years for her to have a child. Finally when his dad, Jacob, was 91, 2 Rachel gave birth to Joseph, bringing joy to them both. 요셉은그의아버지야곱이가장사랑한아들이었습니다. 1 그의어머니라헬은아버지야곱이진정으로사랑했던유일한부인이었습니다. 야곱은아기를갖지못하는라헬을위해여러해동안기도했습니다. 야곱의나이 91 세 2 에라헬은요셉을낳았고이는그들부부에게큰기쁨을가져다주었습니다. Joseph was Jacob s eleventh son. Eventually Rachel became pregnant again, but grief struck when she died giving birth to little Benjamin. 1 Jacob fell in love with his cousin Rachel. His uncle agreed to give him Rachel as wife if Jacob worked for him seven years. Jacob did so, but on his wedding night, his uncle sent Leah into his dark tent. Leah slept with him, letting him think she was Rachel. When Jacob discovered the deception the next morning, he was furious and demanded Rachel as promised. His uncle let him marry Rachel a week later in return for another seven years labor. Leah envied Jacob s love for Rachel. She bore four sons right away and hoped this would cause Jacob to love her like he loved Rachel. Rachel desperately wanted children and out of jealousy over Leah s sons, gave Jacob her maidservant to bear children for her. The maidservant bore two sons. Leah stopped bearing children for a while and, competing with Rachel, gave her maidservant to Jacob too. That maidservant also bore two boys. Leah bargained with Rachel to let her sleep with Jacob, and she bore two more sons and a daughter seven children in all. Finally, Rachel became pregnant and bore Joseph. 야곱은그의사촌라헬과사랑에빠졌습니다. 야곱의삼촌은만일야곱이 7 년간삼촌을위해일한다면라헬과결혼시켜주겠다고 했습니다. 야곱은약속대로 7 년을일했지만그의혼인날그의삼촌은신방에레아를들여보냈습니다. 레아는라헬인척하며 야곱과동침했습니다. 다음날야곱은속았다는것을알고분노했으며약속대로라헬을달라고했습니다. 그의삼촌라반은또다시 7 년을일하는댓가로일주일후에라헬과결혼시켜주었습니다. 레아는야곱의라헬에대한사랑을투기하였습니다. 레아는곧네 아들들을낳았고야곱이라헬을사랑한것같이자기도사랑해주기를바랬습니다. 라헬은너무도자녀를원한나머지레아의 아들들을시기하여그녀의시녀를야곱에게주었으며라헬의시녀는두아들을낳았습니다. 레아역시라헬과경쟁하느라자기 시녀를야곱에게주어두아들을낳게하였습니다. 레아는자기가야곱과동침하도록라헬과흥정을하고두아들과딸을더낳아 총 7 명의자녀를두었습니다. 마침내라헬은임신하였고요셉을낳았습니다. 2 Jacob came to Egypt when he was 130 (Genesis 47:9) and Joseph was 39 (41:46 47; 45:6), making him 91 at Joseph s birth. 야곱이 130 세에애굽에왔고 ( 창 47:9) 당시요셉이 39 세였으므로 (41:46 47; 45:6) 요셉의출생당시야곱의나이는 39 세. 제 3 과요셉 Page 1
요셉은야곱의열한번째아들이었습니다. 라헬은결국다시임신했지만막내베냐민을낳다가죽고말았습니다. Although the family was blessed in many ways, they suffered tragedies too, some from living in a harsh land and some from Joseph s brothers bad choices, 3 including his oldest brother, Reuben, sleeping with his dad s concubine. 4 요셉의가족은실로여러면에서복을받았었습니다. 하지만, 척박한땅에서의고생스러운삶과장자르우벤이 아버지야곱의첩과동침하는등요셉형들의그릇된선택으로인해고통을겪어야했습니다. When Joseph was seventeen, Jacob gave him a beautiful coat, inflaming his brothers jealousy. 요셉이 17 세가되자야곱은그에게아름다운외투를주었고, 이는형들의질투를부채질했습니다. 1. (a) What are some of the reasons Joseph s brothers hated him (Genesis 37:2 11)? 요셉의형들은왜요셉을싫어했나요? ( 창세기 37 장 2-11 절 ) 2. (b) What are some areas in which Joseph s character perhaps needed to grow? 요셉의성품중조금더성숙해야할부분이있다면무엇일까요? 3. (c) What are ways that parents can combat rivalry among their children? 부모들이어떤방법으로자녀들간의시기와지나친경쟁을방지할수있을까요? Not long after Joseph had brought a bad report to his father about how his brothers tended their flocks, Jacob again sent Joseph to check on his brothers. The brothers saw him coming and plotted to kill him. 요셉이형들의잘못을아버지야곱에게고자질한지얼마되지않아야곱은다시요셉을보내형들을확인하게했습니다. 그의형제들은요셉이오는것을보고그를죽이려고계획합니다. 4. (a) How did the oldest brother, Reuben, attempt to rescue Joseph (Genesis 37:21 22)? 큰형르우벤은요셉을어떻게구원하려했나요? ( 창세기 37 장 21-22 절 ) (b) What plan did Judah fourth oldest devise (37:26 27)? 넷째형유다는어떤계획을꾸몄습니까? ( 창세기 37 장 26-27 절 ) 3 A Canaanite raped Joseph s sister, and two of his furious brothers (Simeon and Levi) in revenge killed all the city s men and plundered the city s goods, women, and children (Genesis 34). Jacob later said their violence towards men and beasts was cruel and cursed (Genesis 49:5 7). 한가나안사람이요셉의누이를강간하자그의형제둘 ( 시므온과레위 ) 이분노하여앙갚음으로그도시의모든 남자를죽이고재물과여자들그리고아이들을수탈했습니다.( 창세기 34 장 ) 야곱은후에그들의폭력을잔인하다 나무라고저주했습니다. ( 창세기 49 장 5-7 절 ) 4 Genesis 35:22. Firstborn sons inherited their father s concubines, and Reuben was probably trying to claim prematurely what he thought would be his right one day. 창세기 35 장 22 절. 당시장자들은그들의아버지의첩을물려받았습니다. 르우벤은어차피언젠가자기것이될 것이라생각하여그권리를너무일찍주장하려했던것같습니다. 제 3 과요셉 Page 2
(c) The other brothers followed Judah s leadership. How might Reuben s incest have eroded his moral authority and lessened his effectiveness as a leader among his brothers? 다른형제들은유다의리더십을따랐습니다. 르우벤의근친상간이그의도덕적권위와리더로서의영향력을어떻게약화시켰는지이야기해봅시다. They sold Joseph to Ishmaelite merchants, who took him to Egypt. To cover their crime, the brothers dipped Joseph s robe in goat s blood and gave it to their father so he would think Joseph dead. Jacob was devastated. 요셉의형제들은요셉을이스마엘상인들에게팔았고, 상인들은그를애굽으로데려갔습니다. 요셉의형들은그들의죄악을은폐하기위해요셉의옷에염소의피를묻혀서그들의아버지에게가져다주고요셉이죽었다고생각하게했습니다. 야곱은몹시슬퍼했습니다. 둘째날, Can It get Any Worse? 더나빠질수있을까? (Pages 31 33) In Egypt, Potiphar, the captain of Pharaoh s guard, bought Joseph as a slave. 애굽에서바로왕의수비대장인보디발이요셉을노예로샀습니다. 5. (a) What are some of the feelings Joseph may have had when he found himself a slave in Egypt? 자신이애굽에서노예가되었음을알았을때요셉은어떤기분이었을까요? (b) Had he ended up in this situation because God had abandoned him (Genesis 39:2)? 하나님께버림받았다고자포자기했나요?( 창세기 39 장 2 절 ) (c) In what ways did God bless Joseph (39:2 4)? 하나님은요셉을어떻게축복하셨나요?( 창세기 39 장 2-4 절 ) (d) Briefly describe a hardship you endured and how God cared for you through it. 여러분이겪었던고난과그고난중에하나님께서어떻게여러분을돌보셨는지나누어봅시다. Potiphar s wife thought Joseph handsome and wanted to sleep with him. 보디발의아내는요셉의용모에반해그와동침하기를원했습니다. 6. (a) What did Joseph consider about his master that helped him resist sexual temptation (Genesis 39:8 9a)? 그의주인에대한어떤생각이요셉으로하여금성적유혹을물리치도록도와주었나요 ( 창세기 39 장 8-9 상절 )? (b) What did Joseph consider about God that helped him resist (39:9b)? 하나님에대한어떤생각이요셉으로하여금유혹을물리치도록도와주었나요? ( 창세기 39 장 9 절하 ) (c) What actions did Joseph take to resist (39:10)? 요셉은유혹을물리치기위해어떻게행동했습니까?( 창세기 39 장 10 절 ) (d) When he found himself alone with her and entrapped, what did he do (39:11 12)? 제 3 과요셉 Page 3
그녀의함정에빠졌음을알았을때요셉은어떻게했습니까?( 창세기 39 장 11-12 절 ) (e) What can we learn from Joseph about resisting sexual temptation? 성적유혹을물리침에있어우리가요셉으로부터배울점은무엇인가요? The rebuffed temptress accused the young Hebrew of trying to sleep with her, and Potiphar threw Joseph in prison. 이퇴짜맞은요부는오히려히브리청년이그녀와동침하려했다고덮어씌웠고, 보디발은요셉을감옥에가두었습니다. 7. (a) Was Joseph in prison because God had abandoned him (Genesis 39:21)? 요셉은하나님으로부터버림받아서감옥에갇혔나요?( 창세기 39 장 21 절 ) (b) What evidence of God s presence did Joseph find (Genesis 39:21 23)? 무엇을보고요셉은하나님이함께계심을알았습니까?( 창세기 39 장 21-23 절 ) (c) Does faithfulness to God mean we ll never suffer wrongly from the schemes of the wicked on this earth? 우리가하나님께충성하기만하면이땅에서악인들로인해고통받을일은결코없을까요? The wicked must be permitted to succeed in some evil schemes to expose what s in their hearts and to justify judgment. Yet the New Testament tells us there is a time appointed when the Lord will bring to light what is hidden in darkness and will expose the motives of men s hearts. At that time each will receive his praise from God (1 Corinthians 4:5). 5 하나님은분명악인들의계획까지도때로성공하게하셔서그들을드러내시고심판을정당화하십니다. 그럼에도신약성경은때가되면주님께서 어둠에감추인것들을드러내고마음의뜻을나타내시리니그때에각사람에게하나님으로부터칭찬이있으리라 고하십니다.( 고린도전서 4 장 5 절 ) 8. (a) What warning should we heed about motives being exposed? 드러날마음의동기에대해어떤경고에주의해야할까요? (b) What comfort can we derive from this verse when others believe false accusations about us? 다른사람들이우리를억울하게매도할때, 우리가이말씀 ( 고린도전서 4:5) 에서얻을수있는위로는무엇입니까? Joseph again served faithfully in the difficult, undeserved circumstances in which he found himself. One night two fellow prisoners had prophetic dreams, and God showed Joseph their interpretations. He told 5 In this passage, Paul was responding to false accusations regarding his motives. He says his conscience is clear, but he knows that doesn t mean he s innocent. He tells his accusers not to judge his motives, which are for now hidden in darkness but will be exposed and open to judgment at the appointed time. 이단락에서바울은그의동기에관한거짓정죄에대응하고있습니다. 자기양심에거리낄것이없다고말하면서도 그는스스로죄없다할수없음을알고있습니다. 그는그를정죄하는이들에게자기의동기를판단하지말라고 하면서그것은지금은어둠속에감춰져있으나때가되면드러날것이며심판을받을것이라고이야기합니다. 제 3 과요셉 Page 4
one of the prisoners he would be freed in three days and asked for help clearing his name. The man was freed, but forgot Joseph. 요셉은힘겹고부당한상황속에서도성실하게일했습니다. 어느날밤, 두명의동료죄수들이예언적꿈을꾸었고, 하나님은요셉에게그꿈의해석을알려주셨습니다. 요셉은둘중한죄수에게삼일안에석방될것이라말하면서자신의결백을증명하도록도와달라고부탁합니다. Two years later, Pharaoh had a disturbing dream, and the exonerated prisoner told him about Joseph. 2 년후바로는나쁜꿈을꾸었고그복직된죄수는바로에게요셉에대해이야기합니다. 9. (a) How did Joseph know what certain dreams meant (Genesis 41:16)? 요셉은이런꿈들이무엇을뜻하는지어떻게알았나요?( 창세기 41 장 16 절 ) (b) Joseph told Pharaoh the dreams were God revealing to Pharaoh that seven years of abundance would be followed by seven years of famine. He advised Pharaoh on how to prepare for the famine. How did God exalt Joseph (41:39 40)? 요셉은그꿈들이하나님께서바로에게 7 년의풍년후에 7 년의흉년이올것을보여주신것이라고했습니다. 그는바로에게흉년을대비하는방법을알려줍니다. 하나님은요셉을어떻게높이셨나요?( 창세기 41 장 39-40 절 ) 세쨋날, Dreams Proved Prophetic 꿈이현실이되다 (page 34~37) Joseph was thirty years old when he entered Pharaoh s service. 6 He collected grain during the abundant years. When the predicted drought arrived and famine began to spread, he sold the grain to those in need. Joseph s ten older brothers were among those who came to buy grain. When they bowed before him, Joseph recognized them and realized the dreams he had told his brothers about when he was seventeen had now come to pass. 요셉이바로의신하가되었을때그의나이서른이었습니다. 그는풍년동안곡식을모았습니다. 예견된가뭄이닥치고기근이시작되자그는필요한이들에게식량을팔았습니다. 식량을사러왔던이들중에요셉의열형제도있었습니다. 그들이요셉에게절을했을때요셉은그들을알아보았고그가 17 살에그의형제들에게말했던그꿈들이이루어지고있음을알았습니다. 10. (a) How did the dreams let Joseph know he had been in God s hands through all the hard times? 요셉은어떻게그의꿈들을통해고난중에도그가하나님의손안에있었음을알수있었나요? (b) Joseph said he wanted to find out if they were honest men. The brothers assumed he meant only whether they were honest about not being spies. About what else might Joseph have wanted to know whether they were being honest (Genesis 42:19 20)? 6 Genesis 41:46. 제 3 과요셉 Page 5
요셉은그들이정직한사람들인지를알고자했다고말했습니다. 그형제들은요셉이단지그들이 정탐꾼들인지아닌지만을확인하려했다고생각했습니다. 그러나, 요셉은형들의또다른어떤 정직성에대해서도알고자했을까요 ( 창세기 42:19-20)? (c) Is it wise to test someone who has intentionally sinned against you before trusting him or her? Why or why not? 한때당신에게의도적으로죄를지은어떤사람을완전히신뢰하기전에그사람을시험하는것은현명한일입니까? 왜그렇습니까? 아니면, 왜그렇지않습니까? 11. (a) Joseph overheard his brothers talking about how they had treated him two decades before. What were they feeling (42:21 23)? 요셉은그의형제들이 20 년전요셉에게어떻게했는지서로이야기하는것을엿들었습니다. 그들은무슨생각을하고있었습니까? ( 창세기 42 장 21-23 절 ) (b) What do you think it was like for them to carry their secret for over twenty years, knowing they d greatly grieved both their brother and their father? 요셉의형제들은그들의동생과아버지를슬프게할것임을알면서그비밀을 20 년동안간직해왔습니다. 그들의심정이어떠했을까요? (c) What did overhearing this conversation tell Joseph about his brothers? 그들의대화를엿들음으로요셉은그의형들에대하여무엇을알게됩니까? (d) Joseph kept Simeon 7 in prison until the others returned with Benjamin. Do you think Simeon felt this imprisonment was just? Why or why not (42:21, 24)? 요셉은다른형제들이베냐민과함께돌아올때까지시므온을감옥에잡아두었습니다. 시므온은이투옥을정당하다고생각했을까요? 왜그렇습니까 ( 창세기 42 장 21, 24 절 )? Jacob wouldn t let them take Benjamin to Egypt until they ran out of food and he had no choice. Judah told his father he would be personally responsible for Benjamin s safe return, and the brothers returned to Egypt with Benjamin. 야곱은식량이바닥나서달리방법이없을때까지베냐민을애굽으로데리고가지못하게했습니다. 유다가그의아버지에게자기가책임지고베냐민을안전하게데리고오겠다고약속하고나서야요셉의형제들은베냐민과함께애굽으로되돌아갑니다. 7 Simeon was the second oldest. Perhaps Joseph chose him because he now knew that Reuben, the oldest, had tried to rescue Joseph from the others. 시므온은차남이었습니다. 아마도요셉은장남르우벤이다른형제들로부터요셉을구출하려노력했었음을이제알았기에시므온을선택했던것같습니다. 제 3 과요셉 Page 6
넷째날, Secrets Revealed 밝혀지는비밀들 Pages 37 40 Joseph had tests for the men who had once gone to extraordinary, dishonest means to get rid of a brother of whom they were jealous. He offered them an easy and legitimate way to dispose of another. First he served a meal and gave Benjamin five times the food as the rest. Then he had his steward place his silver cup in Benjamin s sack of grain. The next morning, the steward found the cup in Benjamin s sack. 요셉은시기심으로인해한형제를아주부정한방법으로제거하려고했던그들을시험하였습니다. 그는그들에게다른사람을없앨쉽고그럴듯한방법을제안합니다. 먼저음식을베풀고베냐민에게나머지사람들의다섯배의식량을주었습니다. 그리고나서그는그의하인을시켜베냐민의식량자루에그의은잔을넣게합니다. 다음날아침, 그하인은베냐민의자루에서그컵을발견합니다. 12. (a) If the older brothers were still driven by jealousy, how would they have reacted to Benjamin s receiving more food than they (Genesis 43:34)? 그형들이아직도질투에눈이멀었다면, 그들보다훨씬많은식량을받은베냐민에게그들이어떻게반응했을까요 ( 창세기 43 장 34 절 )? (b) When the steward found the cup in Benjamin s sack, what did Judah say had been uncovered, and what do you think he meant by it (44:16)? 하인이베냐민의자루에서그컵을발견했을때유다는무엇이밝혀졌다고말했나요? 그리고, 그것은무슨의미였을까요? Joseph said he would keep Benjamin as a slave while the rest returned to their father in peace. 요셉은나머지형제들만그들의아버지께로돌려보내고베냐민은노예로삼겠다고했습니다. 13. (a) In what ways had Judah s heart changed since he devised the plan to sell Joseph (Genesis 44:33 34)? 유다는요셉을파는계획을세운이후어떤심경의변화가있었습니까?( 창세기 44 장 33-34 절 ) (b) What did Joseph now know about his brothers intentions towards Benjamin? 요셉은베냐민을향한그의형들의태도에서무엇을알게되었습니까? Joseph sent away his attendants and wept loudly, the pain of all he d suffered pouring from his heart and the knowledge that his brothers mourned their ill-treatment of him spreading salve over his wounds. 8 Speaking in Hebrew to them for the first time, he told them who he was. 요셉은그의시종들을멀리하고소리내어울었습니다. 그가당했던모든고통이쏟아져나왔고, 그의형들이그에게한짓을후회한다는사실이그의상처를어루만졌습니다. 처음으로그들에게히브리어로말하면서자신이누구인지를알립니다. 8 For more on how Joseph triumphed over betrayal and forgave his brothers, see 요셉이배신을어떻게극복하고그의형제들을용서했는지에관한더자세한이야기는다음을참조하시요. 제 3 과요셉 Page 7
14. (a) How did Joseph try to comfort his terrified brothers (Genesis 45:5)? 요셉은겁에질린그의형제들을어떻게위로합니까? ( 창세기 45 장 5 절 ) (b) Why had God allowed the brothers to carry out their cruel act 45:5 8)? 하나님은왜그형들이그런잔인한일을벌이도록허락하셨나요?( 창세기 45 장 5-8 절 ) (c) If possible, describe a good that came out of a wrong done to you, without naming wrongdoers. 가능한한구체적인이름을거명하지않고, 누군가가당신에게행한악행으로부터선한결과를얻었던경험을나누어봅시다. 다섯째날, God s Plan 하나님의계획 Pages 40 42 Joseph told his brothers to bring his father to Egypt. That meant confessing to their father the secret sin that had weighed on them so long. 요셉은그의형제들에게그의아버지를애굽으로모셔오라고했습니다. 그말은그들을오랫동안짓눌렀던은밀한죄를그들의아버지께고백함을의미했습니다. 15. If you ve confessed a burdensome secret to someone mature who loved and accepted you, briefly describe your feelings before and after. 만일당신이당신을사랑하고받아주었던믿을만한사람에게짐스럽게여기던비밀을고백했다면그전과후의기분이어떻게다를지나누어봅시다. The family lived together in Egypt. Seventeen years later, Jacob knew he was close to death and adopted Joseph s two sons, Ephraim and Manasseh, so they would inherit as one of his other children. 9 In this way he gave Joseph the double-inheritance of a firstborn son. 10 Then he blessed his twelve sons and prophesied over them. There was a special promise to Judah, who had been willing to lay down his life for his youngest brother for the sake of his love for his father: 요셉의가족은애굽에서함께살았습니다. 17 년후, 야곱이그의죽음이얼마남지않음을알고요셉의두아들, 에브라임과므낫세를입양하여야곱의아들로써유업을잇게했습니다. 이처럼야곱은요셉에게장자의두배를유산으로주었습니다. 그리고나서그는그의열두아들들을축복하고그들에대하여예언을했습니다. 아버지에대한사랑때문에막내동생을위하여자기목숨을기꺼이내려놓았던유다에게는특별한언약이있었습니다. The scepter will not depart from Judah, nor the ruler's staff from between his feet, until he comes to whom it belongs and the obedience of the nations is his. Genesis 49:10 규가유다를떠나지아니하며통치자의지팡이가그발사이에서떠나지아니하기를실로가 9 Jacob also said that when their descendants returned to the Promised Land and the territories were named for the sons, Manasseh and Ephraim would have territories named for them (Genesis 48:5 6). 야곱은또한말하기를그들의자손들이약속의땅으로돌아오고그영토가그아들들의이름으로될때므낫세와 에브라임도그들을위한영토를갖게될것이라했습니다. 10 The oldest son, Reuben, sacrificed his right to it when he slept with his father s concubine (Genesis 49:3 4). 장자르우벤은그의아버지의첩과동침함으로그의권리를잃었습니다.( 창세기 49 장 3-4 절 ) 제 3 과요셉 Page 8
오시기까지이르리니그에게모든백성이복종하리로다. ( 창세기 49 장 10 절 ) After Jacob died, the ten oldest brothers feared Joseph s wrath. They sent Joseph a message saying their father wanted him to forgive them, and they asked his forgiveness. 야곱이죽은후, 열형들은요셉의분노를두려워했습니다. 그들은요셉에게그가그형제들을용서하기원했던아버지의뜻을전하며그의용서를구했습니다. 16. (a) How was the brothers offering themselves as slaves appropriate (Genesis 50:18)? 요셉의형제들이자신들을노예로제안한것은과연적절한것이었나요?( 창세기 50 장 18 절 ) (b) How did Joseph demonstrate forgiveness (50:19 21)? 요셉은그의용서를어떻게설명합니까?( 창세기 50 장 19-21 절 ) (c) How can you demonstrate forgiveness to someone who wants your forgiveness? 당신에게용서받기를원하는사람에게어떻게용서해줄수있겠습니까? Romans 8:28 says, And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. 로마서 8 장 28 절은다음과같이말씀합니다. 우리가알거니와하나님을사랑하는자곧그의뜻대로부르심을입은자들에게는모든것이합력하여선을이루느니라 17. (a) How did God work all things in Joseph s life for good? 하나님은선을이루기위하여요셉의삶속에어떻게역사하셨나요? (b) Why is faith in God s ability to work good out of bad circumstances necessary to forgive those who have wronged us in ways that seem irreparable? 11 돌이킬수없을것같은잘못을한이들을용서하기위해악으로선을이끌어내시는하나님의능력을신뢰하는믿음이왜필요합니까? (c) Describe the good God worked from a hardship that you couldn t imagine good coming from while you were in the midst of it. 고난중에있을때는좋은결과를상상조차못했지만결국에는하나님께서선하게만들어주신경험이있다면나누어봅시다. (d) What lessons do you need to remember to trust God through the current or next hardship you encounter? 당신이지금겪고있는혹은나중에겪게될고난중에서도하나님을신뢰하려면어떤교훈을기억해야할까요? Prophets lives sometimes foretold momentous future events. Next week we ll see how just as Joseph went from favorite to enslavement to exaltation, so did the growing nation of Israel. 때때로선지자들의삶은중대한미래사건들을예언했습니다. 다음주에는총애받는자에서노예로전락했다가다시신분이높아졌던요셉의삶과같은이스라엘의극적인성장과정을함께부하겠습니다. 11 Sometimes we don t know the good God brings until heaven. 어떤경우에는우리가천국에갈때까지하나님이주시는선을알아차리지못하기도합니다. 제 3 과요셉 Page 9