Yoon s BEFL Note Jimin and Dylan s Writing Camp Book 4 Dictation 은 베플리 < 베플리학습 <BEFL Note 에서들으세요.
Book 4 Study Planner 교재명 학습목표 일상생활에서일어나는일들에대한글을읽고아이디어맵을활용하여그에관한글 을쓸수있다. 날짜 Unit Title page 학습 시작시간 학습 종료시간 학습한내용 ( 단어, 표현, 문법, 줄거리등을자유롭게쓰세요.) 체크리스트 평가 1. 매일매일계획대로공부했나요? Yes Some No 2. 학습내용을충실히공부했나요? Yes Some No 3. 교재학습이끝난후부족한부분은복습했나요? Yes Some No 학부모확인 선생님확인 2
Jimin and Dylan s Writing Camp Book 4 Word List Audio Meaning Word Practice Test 목걸이 necklace 옷 clothes 컴퓨터 computer 손목시계 watch 1A 자전거 아름다운 bicycle beautiful 귀여운 cute 볼링치러가다 선물들을풀다 영화를보다 go bowling open presents see a movie 가장좋아하는 favorite 영화관 theater 선물 (= present) gift 강아지 puppy 1B 놀란 너그러운 surprised generous 고마워하는 grateful 팔찌 어린이날 자랑스러운 bracelet Children s Day proud 3
Yoon s New Excellent Readers Book 4 Word List Audio Meaning Word Practice Test 다이빙대 diving board 사다리 ladder 온수욕조 hot tub 미끄럼틀 slide 2A 흥미진진한 유쾌한, 즐거운 exciting delightful 즐거운, 재미있는 릴레이경주를 하다 enjoyable have relay races ~ 안에앉다 sit in 배구를하다손님물을튀기다서로 play volleyball guest splash each other ~ 에서뛰어내리다 jump off 2B ~ 에서나오다 come out of 주인 host 편안한멋진, 환상적인수영장끝나다 comfortable fantastic pool end 4
Yoon s New Excellent Readers Book 4 Word List Audio Meaning Word Practice Test 지휘관, 사령관 commander 군인, 병사 soldier 군대 army 적 enemy 3A 해군장성, 장군 용감한 admiral brave 자신감있는 confident 현명한 wise 잠수함 submarine 헬리콥터 helicopter ~ 에대해배우다 learn about 해군의 전투 naval battle ~ 와마주대하여 against 3B 다루다, 대우하다 treat ~ 에관심을갖다 care about 존경하다영웅확실히 ~ 하다거북 respect hero make sure turtle 5
Yoon s New Excellent Readers Book 4 Word List Audio Meaning Word Practice Test 놀이공원 숲 amusement park forest 4A 편안한즐거운, 마음을기쁘게하는특별한재미있는, 유쾌한모닥불을피우다, 캠프파이어를하다롤러코스터들을타다야영을하러가다 relaxing pleasant special entertaining build a campfire ride roller coasters go camping 친척들을방문하다 visit relatives 사촌 cousin ~ 에살다 live in 불꽃놀이 fireworks show 조개껍질 seashell 4B 여행 기억에남는 trip memorable 사진을찍다 take a picture 떠나다 leave 돌고래 dolphin 박물관 museum 6
Book 4 Unit 1 The Best Gift 1A Word Master 영어를우리말로, 우리말을영어로써보세요. No. Word Meaning No. Meaning Word 1 necklace 목걸이 1 귀여운 cute 2 clothes 옷 2 목걸이 necklace 3 computer 컴퓨터 3 볼링치러가다 go bowling 4 watch 손목시계 4 선물들을풀다 open presents 5 bicycle 자전거 5 아름다운 beautiful 6 beautiful 아름다운 6 손목시계 watch 7 cute 귀여운 7 영화를보다 see a movie 8 go bowling 볼링치러가다 8 옷 clothes 9 open presents 선물들을풀다 9 자전거 bicycle 10 see a movie 영화를보다 10 컴퓨터 computer 20 개중 개정답 7
Key Points give[buy] + 사람 + 사물 give, buy, send, show, teach 등은 ~ 에게 을주다 [ 사주다, 보내다, 보여주다, 가르쳐주다 ] 의뜻으로, 동사뒤에사람과사물이나란히옵니다. My parents gave me a present. ( 부모님은내게선물을주셨다.) She bought me a new watch. ( 그녀는내게새시계를사주었다.) I showed him my picture. ( 나는그에게내사진을보여주었다.) Let s Practice A. 괄호안에서알맞은말을찾아동그라미하세요. 1. She send ( me, to me ) a card. 2. I bought ( he, him ) a new hat. 3. Mr. Lee teaches ( us, our ) English. B. 다음괄호안의단어들을알맞게배열하여문장을다시써보세요. 1. Jaehee (gave, some cookies, me). Jaehee gave me some cookies. 2. Erick (a necklace, bought, his girlfriend). Eric bought his girlfriend a necklace. 3. She (magic tricks, showed, us). She sounds us magic tricks. 8
Sentence Master 다음우리말을영어로옮겨보세요. 1. 어제는어린이날이었다. (Children s Day) Yesterday was Children s Day. 2. 점심식사후에, 우리는영화관에서영화를보았다. (lunch / saw / at) After lunch, we saw a movie at the theater. 3. 그런다음, 나는내선물들을풀어보았다. (then / presents) Then, I opened my presents. 4. 그들은내게귀여운강아지한마리를사주었다. (got / cute) They got me a cute puppy. 5. 나는매우놀랐다. (so) I was so surprised. Dictation 잘듣고, 빈칸에알맞은단어나단어들을써보세요. 1. My grandma bought me a new watch. 2. But, my parents gave me the best gift. 3. I was grateful for all my wonderful gifts. 4. Everyone was very generous. 5. My grandpa gave me money. 선생님확인 9
Book 4 Unit 1 The Best Gift 1B Word Master 영어를우리말로, 우리말을영어로써보세요. No. Word Meaning No. Meaning Word 1 favorite 가장좋아하는 1 강아지 puppy 2 theater 영화관 2 가장좋아하는 favorite 3 gift 선물 3 고마워하는 grateful 4 puppy 강아지 4 놀란 surprised 5 surprised 놀란 5 너그러운 generous 6 generous 너그러운 6 선물 (= present) gift 7 grateful 고마워하는 7 영화관 theater 8 bracelet 팔찌 8 팔찌 bracelet 9 Children s Day 어린이날 9 자랑스러운 proud 10 proud 자랑스러운 10 어린이날 Children s Day 20 개중 개정답 10
Key Points 불규칙동사의과거형 과거형을만들때끝에 -(e)d 가붙지않고형태가변하는동사를불규칙동사라고합니다. 현재형 have give see get eat buy 과거형 had gave saw got ate bought Let s Practice 다음질문을읽고, 괄호안의주어진표현을이용하여대답을완성하세요. 1. Q: What did Jimin get? A: She got a purse. (a purse) 2. Q: What did Dylan see in the zoo? A: He saw an elephant in the zoo. (an elephant) 3. Q: What did you buy me? A: I bought you a sweater. (a sweater) 4. Q: What did Minhee and Jinsu eat? A: They ate some fruit. (some fruit) 5. Q: What did Ms. Kim have for lunch? A: She had chicken salad for lunch. (chicken salad) 11
Sentence Master 다음우리말을영어로옮겨보세요. 1. 우리는내가가장좋아하는식당에서점심을먹었다. (ate / at / favorite) We ate lunch at my favorite restaurant. 2. 나의할머니는내게팔찌를주셨다. (grandma / me) My grandma gave me a bracelet. 3. 나는너무무서웠다. (scared) I was so scared. 4. 그것은예뻤다. (pretty) It was pretty. 5. Jenny 는새로운직업을얻었다. (got) Jenny got a new job. Dictation 잘듣고, 빈칸에알맞은단어나단어들을써보세요. 1. I was so surprised. 2. After lunch, we saw a movie at the theater. 3. Then, I opened my presents. 4. They got me a cute puppy! 5. I had a wonderful day. 선생님확인 12
Book 4 Unit 2 A Fun Party 2A Word Master 영어를우리말로, 우리말을영어로써보세요. No. Word Meaning No. Meaning Word 1 diving board 다이빙대 1 ~ 안에앉다 sit in 2 ladder 사다리 2 다이빙대 diving board 3 hot tub 온수욕조 3 릴레이경주들을 하다 have relay races 4 slide 미끄럼틀 4 배구를하다 play volleyball 5 exciting 흥미진진한 5 미끄럼틀 slide 6 delightful 유쾌한, 즐거운 6 사다리 ladder 7 enjoyable 즐거운, 재미있는 7 온수욕조 hot tub 8 have relay races 릴레이경주들을하 다 8 유쾌한, 즐거운 delightful 9 sit in ~ 안에앉다 9 즐거운, 재미있는 enjoyable 10 play volleyball 배구를하다 10 흥미진진한 exciting 20 개중 개정답 13
Key Points 순서를나타내는표현글의순서를나타낼때는문장앞에 First( 처음으로 ), Then( 그러고나서 ), Next( 다음으로 ), Finally( 마지막으로 ) 와같은단어들을씁니다. 이단어들뒤에는보통콤마 (,) 를붙여주며, 글안에서 then과 next의순서는바뀌어도됩니다. First, we jumped into the pool. Then, we splashed each other. Next, we jumped off the diving board. Finally, we sat in the hot tub. Let s Practice A. 아래단어들을한번씩만빈칸에써넣어문단을완성하세요. How can you buy books online? First, choose a book that you want. Then[Next], visit the website and select the book. Next[Then], pay for it and wait for two or three days. Finally, you will get the book. next first finally then 14
Sentence Master 다음우리말을영어로옮겨보세요. 1. 파티에는많은손님들이있었다. (there / many / at) There were many guests at the party. 2. 그러고나서, 우리는서로에게물을튀겼다. (then / each other) Then, we splashed each other. 3. 우리는한시간동안수영장안에서놀았다. (played / for) We played in the pool for one hour. 4. 우리는결국물밖으로나왔다. (came out of) We finally came out of the water. 5. 나는그파티가끝나기를원하지않았다. (not / want / end) I did not want the party to end. Dictation 잘듣고, 빈칸에알맞은단어나단어들을써보세요. 1. After lunch, we had relay races in the pool. 2. First, my friends and I jumped into the pool. 3. They made us feel very comfortable. 4. Last week, I went to a pool party at Jason s house. 5. We did not want to come out of the pool. 선생님확인 15
Book 4 Unit 2 A Fun Party 2B Word Master 영어를우리말로, 우리말을영어로써보세요. No. Word Meaning No. Meaning Word 1 guest 손님 1 ~ 에서나오다 come out of 2 splash 물을튀기다 2 ~ 에서뛰어내리다 jump off 3 each other 서로 3 멋진, 환상적인 fantastic 4 jump off ~ 에서뛰어내리다 4 물을튀기다 splash 5 come out of ~ 에서나오다 5 서로 each other 6 host 주인 6 손님 guest 7 comfortable 편안한 7 주인 host 8 fantastic 멋진, 환상적인 8 편안한 comfortable 9 pool 수영장 9 끝나다 end 10 end 끝나다 10 수영장 pool 20 개중 개정답 16
Key Points 과거형부정문일반동사가쓰인문장의과거부정문은 주어 + did not + 동사원형 ~ 의순서로씁니다, I did not like ( liked) that very much. I did not go ( went) to a pool party. Let s Practice 문장의의미가통하도록밑줄친부분을부정형으로바꿔문장을다시써보세요. 1. I liked to eat fish. It smelled bad. I did not like to eat fish. It smelled bad. 2. The old watch worked well, so my dad bought me a new one. The old watch did not work well, so my dad bought me a new one. 3. I passed the exam, but my mom was not angry. I did not pass the exam, but my mom was not angry. 4. The party was wonderful, so I wanted the party to end. The party was wonderful, so I did not want the party to end. 5. I rode my bike to school because it was raining. I did not ride my bike to school because it was raining. 17
Sentence Master 다음우리말을영어로옮겨보세요. 1. 그는점심으로핫도그를먹었다. (ate / lunch) He ate hot dogs for lunch. 2. 나는 John 의집댄스파티에갔다. (went / party / at) I went to a dance party at John s house. 3. 우리는다이빙대에서공중제비를돌며뛰어내렸다. (flipped / board) We flipped off the diving board. 4. 나는그것을그다지좋아하지않았다. (not / that / much) I did not like that very much. 5. 그것은환상적인파티였다. (fantastic) It was a fantastic party. Dictation 잘듣고, 빈칸에알맞은단어나단어들을써보세요. 1. Next, we jumped off the diving board. 2. Jason and his family were great hosts. 3. Finally, we sat in the hot tub. 4. I did not want the party to end. 5. It was a fantastic party. 선생님확인 18
Book 4 Unit 3 Admiral Yi Sunsin 3A Word Master 영어를우리말로, 우리말을영어로써보세요. No. Word Meaning No. Meaning Word 1 commander 지휘관, 사령관 1 군대 army 2 soldier 군인, 병사 2 용감한 brave 3 army 군대 3 군인, 병사 soldier 4 enemy 적 4 자신감있는 confident 5 admiral 해군장성, 장군 5 잠수함 submarine 6 brave 용감한 6 적 enemy 7 confident 자신감있는 7 지휘관, 사령관 commander 8 wise 현명한 8 해군장성, 장군 admiral 9 submarine 잠수함 9 헬리콥터 helicopter 10 helicopter 헬리콥터 10 현명한 wise 20 개중 개정답 19
Key Points help + 목적어 + to 부정사 ( 목적어 ) 가 ~ 하는것을돕다 라는뜻으로, to 뒤에는동사원형이옵니다. The turtle ship helped Admiral Yi Sunsin to win battles. one of + (the) + 최상급형용사 + 복수명사 가장 ~ 한것중하나 라는뜻으로, 최상급형용사뒤에는복수명사가옵니다. Admiral Yi is one of Korea s greatest heroes. Let s Practice A. 다음중서로알맞은것을골라연결하고, 순서대로빈칸에완성된문장을써보세요. Doctors help The school bus helps The rainfall helps students flowers sick people to grow well. to be healthy. to get to school on time. 1. Doctors help sick people to be healthy. 2. The school bus helps students to get to school on time. 3. The rainfall helps flowers to grow well. B. 다음우리말과괄호안의표현을참고하여문장을완성하세요. 1. 박지성은한국의가장훌륭한축구선수들중한명이다. Jisung Park is one of Korea s greatest soccer players. (great, soccer players) 2. 그는우리반에서가장키가큰소년들중한명이다. He is one of the tallest boys in my class. (tall, boys) 20
Sentence Master 다음우리말을영어로옮겨보세요. 1. 오늘나는이순신장군에대해배웠다. (today / about / Admiral) Today I learned about Admiral Yi Sunsin. 2. 그는그가지휘한모든전투에서이겼다. (every / that) He won every battle that he commanded. 3. 이순신장군은무엇을했는가? (what / do) What did Admiral Yi do? 4. 이순신장군은그의병사들에게관심을가졌다. (cared / soldiers) Admiral Yi cared about his soldiers. 5. 이순신장군의동상은한국의서울에서있다. (statue / stands) A statue of Admiral Yi stands in Seoul. Dictation 잘듣고, 빈칸에알맞은단어나단어들을써보세요. 1. Today I learned about Admiral Yi Sunsin. 2. He won twenty-three battles against the Japanese navy. 3. Who was Admiral Yi Sunsin? 4. He was a Korean naval commander. 5. Admiral Yi is one of Korea s greatest heroes. 선생님확인 21
Book 4 Unit 3 Admiral Yi Sunsin 3B Word Master 영어를우리말로, 우리말을영어로써보세요. No. Word Meaning No. Meaning Word 1 learn about ~ 대해배우다 1 ~ 에관심을갖다 care about 2 naval 해군의 2 ~ 에대해배우다 learn about 3 battle 전투 3 ~ 와마주대하여 against 4 against ~ 와마주대하여 4 다루다, 대우하다 treat 5 treat 다루다, 대우하다 5 영웅 hero 6 care about ~ 에관심을갖다 6 전투 battle 7 respect 존경하다 7 해군의 naval 8 hero 영웅 8 존경하다 respect 9 make sure 확실히 ~ 하다 9 거북 turtle 10 turtle 거북 10 확실히 ~ 하다 make sure 20 개중 개정답 22
Key Points 과거형의문문 1. be동사가쓰인문장의과거의문문은 의문사 + was[were] + 주어? 의순서로씁니다. Who was King Sejong? How was the art class? 2. 일반동사가쓰인문장의과거의문문은 의문사 + did + 주어 + 동사원형 ~? 의순서로씁니다. What did he do? Where did she go yesterday? Let s Practice 다음대답을읽고, 괄호안의의문사를이용하여질문을완성하세요. 1. Q: Where did he go last Monday? (where) A: He went to the department store with his mom. 2. Q: Who was King Sejong? (who) A: He was a great king. 3. Q: How did you feel after school? (how) A: I felt very tired. 4. Q: Who did you invite to the party? (who) A: I invited my friends. 5. Q: How was your trip to Busan? (how) A: It was great. 23
Sentence Master 다음우리말을영어로옮겨보세요. 1. 엄마는그녀의아기를보호했다. (protected) Mom protected her baby. 2. 세종대왕은한국의가장위대한왕들중한분이다. (one / greatest) King Sejong is one of Korea s greatest kings. 3. 어순신장군은그의병사들을어떻게대우했는가? (how / treat) How did Admiral Yi treat his soldiers? 4. 그는훌륭한지도자였다. (was / leader) He was a great leader. 5. 그는그의병사들을존중했다. (he / soldiers) He respected his soldiers. Dictation 잘듣고, 빈칸에알맞은단어나단어들을써보세요. 1. He designed a turtle ship that helped him to win battles. 2. How did Admiral Yi treat his soldiers? 3. Admiral Yi cared about his soldiers. 4. He made sure they had food and supplies. 5. He respected his soldiers. 선생님확인 24
Book 4 Unit 4 Summer Vacation 4A Word Master 영어를우리말로, 우리말을영어로써보세요. No. Word Meaning No. Meaning Word 1 amusement park 놀이공원 1 롤러코스터들을타다 ride roller coasters 2 forest 숲 2 놀이공원 amusement park 3 relaxing 편안한 3 모닥불을피우다, 캠프파이어를하다 build a campfire 4 pleasant 즐거운, 마음을기쁘게하는 4 숲 forest 5 special 특별한 5 재미있는, 유쾌한 entertaining 6 entertaining 재미있는, 유쾌한 6 야영을하러가다 go camping 7 build a campfire 8 ride roller coasters 모닥불을피우다, 캠즐거운, 마음을 7 pleasant 프파이어를하다기쁘게하는롤러코스터들을타다 8 친척들을방문하다 visit relatives 9 go camping 야영을하러가다 9 특별한 special 10 visit relatives 친척들을방문하다 10 편안한 relaxing 20 개중 개정답 25
Key Points go -ing go 뒤에동사의 ing 형태가오면 ~ 하러가다 라는의미가됩니다. We went camping in the mountains. go to + 장소 go 뒤에장소가와서 ~ 에가다 라는뜻을나타낼때는장소앞에전치사 to 를써줍니다. We went to an amusement park. Let s Practice A. 다음괄호안의단어를알맞은형태로바꿔빈칸에써보세요. 1. My father likes to go fishing. (fish) 2. Tom went hiking (hike) with his brother. 3. I want to go swimming (swim) in the river. B. 다음빈칸에알맞은말을보기에서고르세요. 1. They went the museum. a. to b. on 2. I have to go. a. the bank b. to the bank 3. Mr. Smith the park once a week. a. goes b. goes to 26
Sentence Master 다음우리말을영어로옮겨보세요. 1. 우리는많은롤러코스터들을탔다. (we / many) We rode many roller coasters. 2. 우리는물속에돌고래까지보았다! (even / water) We even saw a dolphin in the water! 3. 우리는낚시와도보여행을하러갔다. (went / and) We went fishing and hiking. 4. 우리는함께많은사진들을찍었다. (took / together) We took many pictures together. 5. 나는떠나고싶지않았다. (not / leave) I did not want to leave. Dictation 잘듣고, 빈칸에알맞은단어나단어들을써보세요. 1. We did many fun things together. 2. On the first day, we went to an amusement park. 3. The next day, we went to the beach. 4. Last summer, I visited my cousins. 5. We found beautiful seashells. 선생님확인 27
Book 4 Unit 4 Summer Vacation 4B Word Master 영어를우리말로, 우리말을영어로써보세요. No. Word Meaning No. Meaning Word 1 cousin 사촌 1 ~ 에살다 live in 2 live in ~ 에살다 2 기억에남는 memorable 3 fireworks show 불꽃놀이 3 떠나다 leave 4 seashell 조개껍질 4 불꽃놀이 firework show 5 trip 여행 5 사진을찍다 take a picture 6 memorable 기억에남는 6 사촌 cousin 7 take a picture 사진을찍다 7 여행 trip 8 leave 떠나다 8 조개껍질 seashell 9 dolphin 돌고래 9 박물관 museum 10 museum 박물관 10 돌고래 Dolphin 20 개중 개정답 28
Key Points 과거시제복습 1. 불규칙동사의과거형 ride rode find found see saw take took build built do, does did 2. 과거형부정문 : 주어 + did not + 동사원형 ~ I did not like that very much. 3. 과거형의문문 : 의문사 + did + 주어 + 동사원형 ~? How did Admiral Yi treat his soldiers? Let s Practice 다음문장에서밑줄친부분을바르게고쳐문장을다시써보세요. 1. He find beautiful seashells last summer. He found beautiful seashells last summer. 2. Jimin rided the bike to school yesterday. Jimin rode the bike to school yesterday. 3. She was sick. She does not want to go out. She was sick. She did not want to go out. 4. I do not saw a movie last Sunday. I did not see a movie last Sunday. 5. What do you do last night? What did you do last night? 29
Sentence Master 다음우리말을영어로옮겨보세요. 1. 지난봄에, 우리는우리의할아버지를방문했다. (spring / visited) Last spring, we visited our grandfather. 2. 다음날, 나는박물관에갔다. (next / went) The next day, I went to the museum. 3. 우리는산에야영을하러갔다. (camping / mountains) We went camping in the mountains. 4. 그들은캘리포니아에산다. (live) They live in California. 5. 그녀는생선을먹고싶지않았다. (not / eat) She did not want to eat fish. Dictation 잘듣고, 빈칸에알맞은단어나단어들을써보세요. 1. We built a campfire every night. 2. My trip was very memorable. 3. The next day, we went to the beach. 4. We took many pictures together. 5. I did not want to leave. 선생님확인 30
BEFLY Speaking 유형연계질문에답하기 Question Number 1 Who gave you presents on Children's Day? 문제 Question Number 2 What presents did you get? Question Number 3 Where did you eat lunch on Children's Day? 출처 B4, p. 8 (1) 누가어린이날선물을주었나요? give presents, on Children's Day (2) 무슨선물을받았나요? 힌트 new watch, buy me a doll (3) 어린이날에어디에서점심을먹었나요? eat lunch, restaurant (1) My grandparents and parents gave presents to me on Children's Day. 답안 (2) My grandparents gave me a new watch and my parents bought me a doll. (3) We ate lunch at my favorite restaurant. 31
BEFLY Writing 유형상황에맞는짧은글쓰기출처 B4, p. 28 (1) won every battle ~ 힌트 (2) designed a turtle ship ~ (3) cared about ~ 답안 (1) won every battle that he commanded (2) designed a turtle ship that helped him to win battles (3) cared about his soldiers 32