- 교과목소개 - 학년구분과목명과목명 ( 영문 ) 개요개요 ( 영문 ) 초급중국어 (1) 초보적중국어학습에필요한발음및성조를익히고, 강독에필요한기본문형을숙지하여이를반복연습함으로써중국어학습의기초를다진다. of learning by learning pronunciation, intonation and being accustomed to sentence structure. 초급중국어실습 (1) 원어민교수와함께중국어발음요령및성조를익히며, 간체자익힘, 기초회화등을학습하여중국어의기초를다진다. of learning by acquiring how to pronounce, intonation, simplified characters, basic conversation under the guidance of native professor. 1-1 전공기초 3500 한자 3500 characters 중국어는한자를표기수단으로하고있어중국어와중국문학을공부하기위해서는기초적인한자를학습하여중국어에대한이해력를높인다. Our goal with this course is to cultivate the power of understanding in by acquiring basic character. 현대중국의이해 Understanding of Modern China 현대중국의정치, 경제, 사회, 지리등에대한정보를소개하고중국인의관심과견해를이해함으로써오늘의중국을이해하도록한다. It helps students to understand today's China by introducing the information on politics, economy, society, geography in modern China, and understanding interest and view. 초급중국어 (2) 초보적중국어학습에필요한발음및성조를익히고, 강독에필요한기본문형을숙지하여이를반복연습함으로써중국어학습의기초를다진다. of learning by learning pronunciation, intonation and being accustomed to sentence structure to read original texts. 초급중국어실습 (2) 원어민교수와함께중국어발음요령및성조를익히며, 간체자익힘, 기초회화등을학습하여중국어의기초를다진다. of learning by acquiring how to pronounce, intonation, simplified characters, basic conversation under the guidance of native professor. 1-2 전공 중국역대명저해설 The Explanation of Masterpieces 기사 ( 紀事 ) 와입언 ( 立言 ) 으로부터발전한중국산문의발전과정을살펴보고, 시대를초월하는명문으로일컬어지는산문들을골라강독하고, 나아가서는이러한글에담긴심오한사상과지혜를익힌다. In order to learn the development process of prose, evolved from comments on authors and their works, expressions of one s opinion, read selected prestigious texts, and bring further profound thought and wisdom from them. 프리젠테이션기술과표현 The Expression of Technology in Presentation 다양한주제에대해자신의의견을발표하고서로토론해봄으로써한국어프리젠테이션자료작성법을익히고, 발표하고토론하는기술을훈련하며, 다양한내용의가상상황을설정하여반복적으로훈련함으로써빠르고정확한의사표현능력을배양하도록한다. This course is focused on cultivating quicker and more accurate communicative competence by presenting information on various subjects, developing presentational skills in Korean, and discussing with and then report to classmates. 2-1 전공중급중국어 (1) Intermediate 전공기초에서학습한기초적중국어능력을보다체계화하고 Students can systematize The basis ability learned at
중국어의문법 작문 회화 독해등의여러측면에서수강자에게한단계높은수준의중국어를구사할수있도록학습한다. the major basics and they can learn grammar, composition, speaking, reading and comprehension etc. at the various aspect to speak higher level than before. 중급중국어실습 (1) intermediate chinese(1) 초급중국어실습에서익힌것을바탕으로원어민교수와함께듣고말하기, 듣고쓰기등의연습을통해청취력및구사능력을배양한다. At the basis of leaning the beginning level actual training, students practice listening and speaking, listening and writing etc. with a native-speaking professor to foster listening comprehension skills and a command of a language. 중국어청해 (1) Hearing in (!),(2) 초급이상수준의중국어학습자들에게기초적인문형부터복합적인문형에이르기까지중국어의여러가지문장을듣고이해할수있는능력을함양한다. learner whose level is more than beginning will listen sentence patterns from basic to complex in order to cultivate their listening and comprehension ability. 고대중국어강독 (1) 중국고대의유명한문장을선택하여중국어고대어법을이해하면서강독을통해중국고문에대한기초를다진다. Students will be able to learn the basis about classics through reading original texts in class by selecting famous sentences and understanding about that. 중국문학사 (1) History of Literature(1) 중국문학에대한가장포괄적이고기초적인이해를높이기위해, 중국지도를통하여중국의고대역사의흐름과지리적배경을익히고, 시경, 고시, 초사와부, 산문등의장르별문학사적위치를정리하여중국의선진시기부터위진남북조시기문학에대한전반적인이해력을배양한다. In order to raise the understanding which is inclusive and fundamental about literature, students will study flow of ancient history and geographical background. Also they have to understand about the whole of literature from previous Qinshihuangdi times to the yin dynasty by arranging literary historic position genre for example the Book of Odes, poem of the old times, poem of Cho-na-ra, Bu( 시경 ( 詩經 ) 에서이르는시의육의 ( 六義 ) 가운데하나. 사물이나그에대한감상을, 비유를쓰지아니하고직접서술하는작법이다 ), prose etc. 2-2 전공중급중국어 (2) Intermediate 전공기초에서학습한기초적중국어능력을보다체계화하고중국어의문법 작문 회화 독해등의여러측면에서수강자에게한단계높은수준의중국어를구사할수있도록학습한다. Students can systematize The basis ability learned at the major basics and they can learn grammar, composition, speaking, reading and comprehension etc. at the
various aspect to speak higher level than before. 중급중국어실습 (2) intermediate chinese(2) 초급중국어실습에서익힌것을바탕으로원어민교수와함께듣고말하기, 듣고쓰기등의연습을통해청취력및구사능력을배양한다. At the basis of leaning the beginning level actual training, students practice listening and speaking, listening and writing etc. with a native-speaking professor to foster listening comprehension skills and a command of a language. 중국어청해 (2) Hearing in 초급이상수준의중국어학습자들에게기초적인문형부터복합적인문형에이르기까지중국어의여러가지문장을듣고이해할수있는능력을함양한다. learner whose level is more than beginning will listen sentence patterns from basic to complex in order to cultivate their listening and comprehension ability. 고대중국어강독 (2) 고대중국어강독 (1) 에이어중국고대문헌을해독할수있는능력을기르고나아가중국의고대문헌에담겨있는지혜를익힌다. Following ancient reading original texts in class (1). students will develop their ability to decode the ancient literature and master the wisdom that are being put ancient literature in further. 중국문학사 (2) History of Literature(2) 중국문학의흐름을통사적으로살펴본뒤, 수당오대부터청대까지문학의특성과작가작품및그사상배경등에대해서이해의폭을넓힌다. After trying to observe flowing of literature syntactically, students widen the understanding about features, authors, works and philosophical backgrounds of literature from Su, Tang, Hou liang, Hou tang, Hou jin, Hou han, and Hou zhou to Qing. 3-1 전공고급중국어 (1) Advanced 비교적난해한문장으로된문학작품중에서산문, 수필, 소설, 평론, 서간문등을선별강독하여중국어의독해력을증진시키는데역점을두며, 아울러문장의구조적인분석을통하여정확한의미파악을하도록한다. This class's main purpose is develop student's reading skill, by translating selectively the literary works that are composed of difficult sentences for instance prose, essey, novel, criticism and letter writing etc. Also, student can comprehend exact meaning of sentences through analysis of sentence structure.
중국인문지리 Approaching Human Geography 중국인문지리는우선적으로자연과인간의관계설정을바탕으로중국대륙의지역적특징이잘반영된핵심적인지역문화를살펴보고, 나아가서포괄적인인문지리의개념에서다룰수있는문화지리, 경제지리, 사회지리등의주요상식까지외연을넓혀학습함으로써중국인, 중국문화, 중국문명에대한본질을이해하는데도움이되는선지식을습득하고자한다. This Subject provides an accessible and informed Introduction to the Development of new Theoretical Approaches to Human Geography. For the more valuable Proceeding we also highlight Points of Comparison and Contrast, Inter-Connection, and Dissimilarity. It will be a great Challenge to study Human Geography based on important issues such as Life style, Characters, Food, Religion, Industry, as well as the Social and Political Problems in Contemporary China. 중국어작문 (1) Composition(1) 기초적인문법지식을근거로문장구성을통한한국어와중국어의차이점을설명하고, 표현하고자하는내용을중국어로작성할수있도록작문능력을증진시킨다. Based on knowledge of basic grammar, Students can describe the differences between Korean and in sentence structure, and they are able to promote their writing skills to write contents they want to express with. 중국문화산책 Survey of Civilization 정치, 경제, 과학, 철학, 예술, 문학등각분야에투영된문화적특징을중심으로중국고대문화의발전상황을살펴보면서중국의현재와미래를가늠해본다. In this course, we will guess today and future of China, by studying the developmental situation of ancient culture, through the cultural feature which reflects in politics, economy, science, philosophy, artistic and Literature etc. 중국어학개론 Introduction to Linguistics 중국어학은위 진시대이후부터시작되었고, 당이후에는중국의인문학중에서도주요한자리를차지하게되었다. 일반적으로음운학, 문자학, 문법학은전공영역에서독립적인분야로나누고, 중국어학의이해는현대중국어학전반에대한기초토대를마련하는데에중점을둔어음, 어법, 어휘, 방언, 문자, 수사등주제별로그특징을살핀다. The language study was started after Wei Qin and it occupied a major position of humanities after Tang Dynasty. Generally, phonology, graphonomy and grammar are divided independent part in a major field of study. When students study about comprehension of chinese language, they study it thematically for example sound of language, grammar, vocabulary, dialect, character and rhetoric etc. the whole characteristics of modern chinese. 현대문학의이해 Understanding of Modern Literature 1917 년문학혁명이후신시기에이르는현대문학작품을시, 소설, 산문, 話劇의 4 대장르로나누고, 현대작가의지성과감성이잘어우러진주옥과같은작품을엄선, 정독하면서중국의역사, 사회, 문화의흐름과중국현대문예의성격을이해하도록한다. In this course, we will devide the current literature work written new time after 1917 literary revolutionary with four major genres of poem, novel, prose and a paper-picture show. And then we select the literature work mingled intelligence and sensibility of the comtemporary writer and read it carefully to understand history, siceity, flowing of culture and character of modern literature. 3-2 전공 고급중국어 (2) Advanced 비교적난해한문장으로된문학작품중에서산문, 수필, 소설, 평론, 서간문등을선별강독하여중국어의독해력을증진시키는데역점을두며, 아울러문장의구조적인분석을통하여정확한의미파악을하도록한다. This class's main purpose is develop student's reading skill, by translating selectively the literary works that are composed of difficult sentences for instance prose, essey, novel, criticism and letter writing etc. Also, student can comprehend exact meaning of sentences through analysis of sentence structure. 중국시가감상 Understanding This course is understand the Poetry
of the Poetry 중국고전문학의정화인당시, 송사의좋은작품을가려, 그표현방법과구성을살피고내용을분석 검토한다. 아울러중국시가가흥성할수있었던정치적 문화적배경, 당송시기시가의흐름및대표적인유파와작가를고찰한다. 개별작품의해설및감상은발표와토의의형식으로진행한다. in the Tang&Song Dynasty. In this course, students select the poetry in the Tang&Song dynasty refer to the essence of ancient literature. And then, they study the expression and construction to analysis and investigate contents. They also study political cultural background that made it possible to flourish the poetry in the Tang&Song dynasty and investigate flowing of the ancient poetry. Explanation and appreciate of each work is proceeded form of presentation and discussion. 중국어작문 (2) Composition(2) 기초적인문법지식을근거로문장구성을통한한국어와중국어의차이점을설명하고, 표현하고자하는내용을중국어로작성할수있도록작문능력을증진시킨다. Based on knowledge of basic grammar, Students can describe the differences between Korean and in sentence structure, and they are able to promote their writing skills to write contents they want to express with. 한자의세계 The World of Characters 한자의기원과구조및발전법칙을학습하고, 이를통해중국문자및한자문화권에대한이해를높이는데본교과의목표가주어지게된다. 이를위해첫단계에서는한자학의정의와연구범위, 한자의발생과정과구조및발전법칙을학습하여한자일반에대한이해를도모한다. 이를기초로다음단계에서는갑골문, 금문, 전국문자, 진나라계통문자, 예서와해서, 간체자등각발전단계의한자체계에대한소개와한자의정보화및미래에대해서도함께논의함으로써한자의역사와기능및미래에대한이해를높게한다. The goal of this course is understanding letter, and the character cultural area by studying the origin, structures and a development law of character. To achieve this goal, at the first phase we have to understand the whole of character through we study character's justice, research scope, the generating process, a structure and a developmental law. The next step is based on this, we will understand history, function and future of character, by introducing about character system of each stages of development (inscriptions on bones and tortoise carapaces, an inscription engraved on stone or other durable material, the character of the age of civil wars, the character of Qin Dynasty, ornamental seal characters, the square style of handwriting, simplified characters etc.) and discussing informatization and future. 중국어문법 Grammar 중국어문법을종합적, 체계적으로고찰한다. 엄밀한언어학적관점에서중국어문법을분석적으로이해함으로써고급수준의중국어회화 작문및독해능력구비에기초를제공하는데에그목적이있다. In this part, students study a grammar synthetically and systematically. By understanding the grammar analytically in the strict linguistics viewpoint, students are able to have a foundation ability about conversation, composition and reading comprehension. 중국현당대작품강독 Modern Literature 중국현대문학을현대와당대두시기로구분하여시기별로대표적인작품을선별적으로감상함으로써중국어에대한이해증진과중국사회의변천과정을살펴본다. In this course, students promote their understanding ability about and study transition process of the society by appreciating representative literature works devided today and Tang. 4-1 응용중국어 (1) Applied 중국어를논리적으로자유롭게표현하는능력을기른다. Students develop the ability which expresses a logically freely.
중국어와문화 Language and Culture 중국문화에대한다각적인고찰과중국어라는기호를접목시켜중국문화와중국어의유기적인관계를살펴중국어학습의이해를증진시킨다. By studying relation between the culture of China and character, students are able to promote their understanding of. 중국속문학의이해 Folk and Popular Literature 시문과같은전통적인고전문학과달리구어적이며대중적인성격을띤통속적인작품가운데에도인문문화계층의저변확대, 문학장르및작품의소재와내용의다양화를이루는데기여한문학적가치가뛰어난작품이많다. 본과목은이들작품가운데귀족문학에서는맛볼수없는인간미가넘치는멋진이야기와장면들을엄선하여한시대와사회를아우르는풍속화를그려보는데주안점을둔다. This Class will cover Folk Stories, Songs, Rituals, and Drama, as well as Epic Traditions and Professional Storytelling, and feature both familiar and little-known Texts, from the Story of Hua Mulan to the Love Stories of Urban Storytellers in the Folk and Popular Literature. We will also proceed to get Comparisons among Cultures, Styles, and Genres, and as well we ought to try for Expert Translations simultaneously. This Valuable Resource gives insight into Culture in all its Ethnic Diversity. With themes ranging across all aspects of Human Experience, it is a Treasure Trove of many Genres that will explode Preconceptions and captivate plenty of students craving for more fresh knowledge on Literature and Culture. 중국어문학원전강독 original linguistics & literature 중국어학과문학에관한대표적인원전을선택하여감상하고중국어학과문학에대한이해력을높이고독해력을제고한다. The goal of this course is to make understanding about linguistics, literature higher and improvement of reading comprehension by appreciating the original book which selected representative linguistics and literature. 응용중국어 (2) Applied 중국어를논리적으로자유롭게표현하는능력을기른다. Students develop the ability which expresses a logically freely. 4-2 중국역대명문강독 Masterpieces 시대를초월하는명문으로일컬어지는산문들을골라강독하고, 나아가서는이러한글에담긴심오한사상과지혜를익힌다. The purpose of this course is understanding the thought and wisdom included proses refer to well written sentences by reading them carefully. 중국영화와문학 movie and literature 중국영화가그려낸중국의정치, 경제, 문화의중심으로중국의 In this course, we will understand and arrange the realistic various
현실적인이모저모를디지털적인기술과아날로그적인감성을아우르며이해하고정리해본다. aspect of China through movie included politics, economy and culture of China. 중국어문특강 SEMINAR IN CHINESE LINGUISTICS 현재주논제가되고있는중국어문학의변화와연구상황에대하여심도있는토론과발표를통하여중국어문학에대한이해를높인다. About a change of Linguistics & Literature which is a recent main topic for discussion and study circumstances, Students will be provided understanding of the Linguistics & Literature by profound discussions and presentations.