Yoon s BEFL Note Yujin s Writing Camp Book 7 Dictation 은 베플리 < 베플리학습 <BEFL Note 에서들으세요.
Book 7 Study Planner 교재명 학습목표현재진행형을사용하여지금진행되고있는일을표현하는글을쓸수있다. 날짜 Unit Title Page 학습 시작시간 학습 종료시간 학습한내용 ( 단어, 표현, 문법, 줄거리등을자유롭게쓰세요.) 체크리스트 평가 1. 매일매일계획대로공부했나요? 2. 학습내용을충실히공부했나요? 3. 교재학습이끝난후부족한부분은복습했나요? 학부모확인 선생님확인 2
Yujin s Writing Camp Book 7 Word List Audio Meaning Word Practice Test 쇼핑몰 mall 지나가다 pass 식당 restaurant 1A 정거장, 멈추다 승객 stop passenger 다음의 next 상점 store 타다 get on 운전기사 driver 자주, 종종 often 도서관 library 1B 지루한 보다 bored watch 야구 baseball 내리다 get off 데려오다 bring 3
Audio Meaning Word Practice Test 위급상황, 응급상황 emergency 구급차 ambulance 2A 번쩍이다, 빛나다 사이렌, 경보기 병원 flash siren hospital 걱정하다 worry 요청하다 call for 빠른, 빨리 fast 다치다 hurt 빛, 광선 light 움직이다 move 2B 도착하다 바라다, 희망하다 arrive hope 저녁 ( 식사 ) dinner 기차 train 모두, 모든사람 everyone 4
Audio Meaning Word Practice Test ( 비행기나배따위에 ) 타다 board 부두 dock 선장 captain 3A ( 배나자동차따위를 ) 조종하다, 몰다 돌고래 steer dolphin 파도 wave 떠나다 leave 어두운 dark 가족 family 바다, 대양 ocean 돌아가서 back 3B 비행기 농구 airplane basketball 수영장 pool 바람이부는 windy 수영하다 swim 5
Book 7 Unit 1 Take the Bus 1A Word Fun 영어를우리말로, 우리말을영어로써보세요. No. Word Meaning No. Meaning Word 1 mall 쇼핑몰 9 식당 restaurant 2 pass 지나가다 10 정거장, 멈추다 stop 3 restaurant 식당 11 쇼핑몰 mall 4 stop 정거장, 멈추다 12 지나가다 pass 5 passenger 승객 13 상점 store 6 next 다음의 14 타다 get on 7 store 상점 15 다음의 next 8 get on 타다 16 승객 passenger 16 개중 개정답 6
Key Points < 명사의복수형 > 셀수있는명사가하나이면 단수, 둘이상이면 복수 라고합니다. 명사의복수형 : 명사의끝에 -s 나 -es 를붙입니다. 명사의끝글자만드는방법예 대부분의경우 -s 를붙인다. -s, -ch, -sh, -o, -x 로 끝나는경우 자음 +y 로끝나는 경우 f 나 fe 로끝나는 경우 -es 를붙인다. y 를 i 로바꾸고 -es 를 붙인다. f 나 fe 를 v 로바꾸고 -es 를붙인다. book books dog dogs clock clocks bus buses dish dishes watch watches story stories baby babies cherry cherries leaf leaves knife knives wolf wolves Let s Practice 주어진단어를알맞은형태로바꿔문장을완성해보세요. 1. We pass many stores and restaurants. (store / restaurant) 2. Buses are on the street. (bus) 3. There are seven dishes in the box. (dish) 4. The tree has red and yellow leaves in the fall. (leaf) 5. Mary tells us funny stories. (story) 7
Sentence Fun 주어진단어를이용해우리말을영어로써보세요. 1. 애너와나는버스를타고있어요. (Anna and I / taking / are / bus / the /.) Anna and I are taking the bus. 2. 그들은쇼핑몰에가고있어요. (going / the / mall / they / are / to /.) They are going to the mall. 3. 우리는많은상점들과식당들을지나가요. (pass / many / we / stores / restaurants / and /.) We pass many stores and restaurants. 4. 그녀는배가고파져요. (getting / she / hungry / is /.) She is getting hungry. 5. 우리는오랫동안버스를타요. (on / ride / time / long / we / the / bus / for / a /.) We ride on the bus for a long time. Dictation 잘듣고빈칸에알맞은단어를써보세요. 1. We are going to the mall. 2. The bus driver stops often. 3. Passengers get on and off the bus. 4. I am getting tired. 선생님확인 5. The next stop is the mall. 8
1B Word Fun 영어를우리말로, 우리말을영어로써보세요. No. Word Meaning No. Meaning Word 1 driver 운전기사 9 지루한 bored 2 often 자주, 종종 10 야구 baseball 3 library 도서관 11 데려오다 bring 4 bored 지루한 12 자주, 종종 often 5 watch 보다 13 내리다 get off 6 baseball 야구 14 운전기사 driver 7 get off 내리다 15 도서관 library 8 bring 데려오다 16 보다 watch 16 개중 개정답 9
Key Points < 현재진행형 I> 지금진행되고있는일을말할때는현재진행형을씁니다. 긍정문 부정문 ~ 하는중이다, ~ 하고있다 ~ 하고있지않다 be동사 (am, are, is) + 동사의 -ing I am going to the mall. We are going to the mall. Anna is going to the mall.. be동사 (am, are, is) + not + 동사의 -ing I am not going to the mall. We are not[=aren t] going to the mall. Anna is not[=isn t] going to the mall. Let s Practice 보기에서알맞은말을골라써넣어문장을완성해보세요. taking getting not am 1. I am running. 2. She is taking the bus. 3. They are getting tired. 4. You are not studying. 오른쪽표현을사용해주어에맞게현재진행형문장을완성해보세요. 1. Minji is going to the mall. going / the mall 2. Yujin and I are getting hungry. getting / hungry 3. Jay and Boram are playing baseball. playing / baseball 10
Write It 밑줄친부분을바르게고쳐현재진행형문장으로다시써보세요. 1. I watching am the movie. I am watching the movie. 2. She is go to the store. She is going to the store. 3. They are bring their dogs. They are bringing their dogs. 4. We are playing not baseball. We are not playing baseball. Sentence Fun 주어진단어를이용해우리말을영어로써보세요. 1. 우리는도서관에가고있어요. (going / library / we re / to / the /.) We re going to the library. 2. 버스운전사는자주멈춰서요. (often / bus driver / the / stops /.) The bus driver stops often. 3. 승객들이버스에타고내려요. (get / on / off / and / passengers / the / bus /.) Passengers get on and off the bus. 4. 나는피곤해져요. (getting / I m / tired /.) I m getting tired. 5. 다음정거장이쇼핑몰이에요. (stop / next / the / the / mall / is /.) The next stop is the mall. 선생님확인 11
Book 7 Unit 2 It s an Emergency! 2A Word Fun 영어를우리말로, 우리말을영어로써보세요. No. Word Meaning No. Meaning Word 1 emergency 위급상황, 응급상황 9 사이렌, 경보기 siren 2 ambulance 구급차 10 요청하다 call for 3 flash 번쩍이다, 빛나다 11 번쩍이다, 빛나다 flash 4 siren 사이렌, 경보기 12 걱정하다 worry 5 hospital 병원 13 위급상황, 응급상황 emergency 6 worry 걱정하다 14 병원 hospital 7 call for 요청하다 15 빠른, 빨리 fast 8 fast 빠른, 빨리 16 구급차 ambulance 16 개중 개정답 12
Key Points < 동사와자주쓰이는표현 > call for: ~ 을요청하다 take A to B: A를 B로데려가다 worry about: ~ 을걱정하다 look at: ~ 을보다 A woman calls for help. They take the boy to the hospital. I worry about the boy. They look at the blue sky. Let s Practice 위의표현을사용해서아래문장을완성해보세요. ( 동사는알맞은형태로바꿔쓰세요.) 1. A boy hurts his leg at the park. His father calls for help. 2. Look at that. It s a beautiful garden. 3. John takes his cat to the vet. 4. I have a math test, so I m worrying about that. 13
Sentence Fun 주어진단어를이용해우리말을영어로써보세요. 1. 한소년이공원에서다리를다쳐요. (a / boy / hurts / his / leg / the / at / park /.) A boy hurts his leg at the park. 2. 한여자가도움을청해요. (a / woman / for / help / calls /.) A woman calls for help. 3. 구급차가오고있어요. (coming / the / ambulance / is /.) The ambulance is coming. 4. 이제구급차는소년을병원으로데려가고있어요. (taking / now / to / the / ambulance / the / boy / is / hospital / the /.) Now the ambulance is taking the boy to the hospital. 5. 우리는그가괜찮기를바라요. (okay / hope / we / he / is /.) We hope he is okay. Dictation 잘듣고빈칸에알맞은단어를써보세요. 1. It s an emergency. 2. The lights on the ambulance are flashing. 3. It is moving fast. 4. Its siren is loud. 선생님확인 5. Everyone is worrying about the boy. 14
2B Word Fun 영어를우리말로, 우리말을영어로써보세요. No. Word Meaning No. Meaning Word 1 hurt 다치다 9 바라다, 희망하다 hope 2 light 빛, 광선 10 움직이다 move 3 move 움직이다 11 도착하다 arrive 4 arrive 도착하다 12 기차 train 5 hope 바라다, 희망하다 13 빛, 광선 light 6 dinner 저녁 ( 식사 ) 14 모두, 모든사람 everyone 7 train 기차 15 다치다 hurt 8 everyone 모두, 모든사람 16 저녁 ( 식사 ) dinner 16 개중 개정답 15
Key Points < 현재진행형 II> 동사 -ing 형만드는법 동사의끝글자만드는방법예 대부분의동사 -ing를붙인다. 발음되지않는 -e로 -e를빼고 -ing를붙인다. 끝나는동사 flash flashing go going rain raining take taking come coming make making The lights on the ambulance are flashing. The ambulance is coming. Let s Practice 다음문장을현재진행형으로바꿔써보세요. 1. We eat dinner. We are[we re] eating dinner. 2. My dad takes me to school. My dad is taking me to school. 3. I cook in the kitchen. I am[i m] cooking in the kitchen. 4. The buses come now. The buses are coming now. 5. My sister brushes her hair. My sister is brushing her hair. 16
Write It 다음을읽고밑줄친부분을바르게고쳐아래빈칸에쓰세요. A boy hurts his leg at the park. The ambulance is comeing. It is moveing fast. The lights on the ambulance are flash. Its siren is loud. Finally, the ambulance arrives at the park. Now the ambulance is takeing the boy to the hospital. Everyone is worrying about the boy. A boy hurts his leg at the park. The ambulance is coming. It is moving fast. The lights on the ambulance are flashing. Its siren is loud. Finally, the ambulance arrives at the park. Now the ambulance is taking the boy to the hospital. Everyone is worrying about the boy. Sentence Fun 주어진단어를이용해우리말을영어로써보세요. 1. 위급상황이에요! (an / emergency / it s /!) It s an emergency! 2. 기차가오고있어요. (train / the / coming / is /.) The train is coming. 3. 한소년이공원에서머리를다쳐요. (his / head / hurts / a / boy / the / park / at /.) A boy hurts his head at the park. 4. 우리는저녁을먹고있어요. (dinner / we re / eating /.) We re eating dinner. 5. 그녀가도움을요청하고있어요. (calling / help / for / she s /.) She s calling for help. 선생님확인 17
Book 7 Unit 3 A Boat Ride 3A Word Fun 영어를우리말로, 우리말을영어로써보세요. No. Word Meaning No. Meaning Word 1 board ( 비행기나배따위에 ) 타다 9 부두 dock 2 dock 부두 10 돌고래 dolphin 3 captain 선장 11 어두운 dark 4 steer ( 배나자동차따위를 ) 조종하다, 몰다 12 ( 비행기나배따위에 ) 타다 board 5 dolphin 돌고래 13 떠나다 leave 6 wave 파도 14 선장 captain 7 leave 떠나다 15 ( 배나자동차따위를 ) 조종하다, 몰다 steer 8 dark 어두운 16 파도 wave 16 개중 개정답 18
Key Points <some 과 any 의쓰임 > some 은 약간의, 몇몇의 라는뜻으로보통긍정문에씁니다. any 는부정문에쓰고 부정적의미를나타냅니다. Do you have some money? 돈좀있어? I don t have any money. 난돈이한푼도없어. There are some dolphins. 돌고래몇마리가있어. There aren t any dolphins. 돌고래가한마리도없어. Let s Practice 보기단어와 some 이나 any 를사용해서문장을완성해보세요. pictures water leaves flowers whales 1. There are some flowers in the vase. 2. I don t have my camera, so I can t take any pictures. 3. There isn t any water in the refrigerator. 4. We go to the sea. We see some whales. 5. The tree doesn t have any leaves in winter. 19
Sentence Fun 주어진단어를이용해우리말을영어로써보세요. 1. 먼저, 그들은배에타요. (board / first /, / the / they / boat /.) First, they board the boat. 2. 선장님이배를바다로몰아요. (steers / ocean / to / out / the / captain / boat / the / the /.) The captain steers the boat out to the ocean. 3. 우리는많은물고기들을봐요. (fish / see / we / many /.) We see many fish. 4. 이제어두워지고있어요. (now / dark / it s / getting /.) Now it s getting dark. 5. 우리는부두로돌아가야해요. (have to / dock / we / go back / the / to /.) We have to go back to the dock. Dictation 잘듣고빈칸에알맞은단어를써보세요. 1. My family and I are going on a boat ride. 2. We board the boat. 3. They are swimming in the water. 4. We also see some dolphins. 선생님확인 5. They are playing in the waves. 20
3B Word Fun 영어를우리말로, 우리말을영어로써보세요. No. Word Meaning No. Meaning Word 1 family 가족 9 돌아가서 back 2 ocean 바다, 대양 10 바람이부는 windy 3 back 돌아가서 11 가족 family 4 airplane 비행기 12 수영장 pool 5 basketball 농구 13 수영하다 swim 6 pool 수영장 14 바다, 대양 ocean 7 windy 바람이부는 15 비행기 airplane 8 swim 수영하다 16 농구 basketball 16 개중 개정답 21
Key Points < 현재진행형 III> 동사의 ing 형만드는법 동사의끝글자만드는방법예 단모음 + 단자음 으로 끝나는동사 -ie 로끝나는동사 마지막자음를한번더쓰고 -ing를붙인다. -ie를 y로바꾸고 -ing를붙인다. swim swimming put putting run running die( 죽다 ) dying lie( 눕다, 거짓말하다 ) lying tie( 묶다 ) tying They are swimming in the water. I am tying my shoes. Let s Practice 주어진동사를알맞은형태로바꿔현재진행형으로써보세요. 1. It is getting(get) dark. 2. Sue is swimming(swim) in the pool. 3. I am sitting(sit) on the chair. 4. He is lying(lie) on the bed. 5. They are running(run) to school. 22
Write It 잘못된부분을찾아바르게고쳐현재진행형문장으로다시써보세요. 1. They are swiming in the sea. They are swimming in the sea. 2. I am tieing my shoes. I am tying my shoes. 3. She putsing is the box on the table. She is putting the box on the table. 4. Tom and his sister runing now. Tom and his sister are running now. Sentence Fun 주어진단어를이용해우리말을영어로써보세요. 1. 우리가족과나는배를타러가고있어요. (boat / going / on / a / my family and I / are / ride /.) My family and I are going on a boat ride. 2. 우리는부두를떠나요. (leave / we / dock / the /.) We leave the dock. 3. 그것들은물에서헤엄치고있어요. (water / in / they / are / swimming / the /.) They are swimming in the water. 4. 우리는비행기를타요. (board / we / airplane / the /.) We board the airplane. 5. 그녀는우리집에오고있어요. (to / my / house / she / is / coming /.) She is coming to my house. 선생님확인 23
4-Skill BEFLY - Speaking 유형 그림묘사하기 출처 B7. p. 6 힌트 답안 (1) 버스를타요. / get on ~ (2) 버스를타고가요. / ride on ~ (3) 버스에서내려요. / get off ~ (1) I get on the bus. (2) I ride on the bus. (3) I get off the bus. 24
4-Skill BEFLY - Writing 유형 그림세부묘사완성하기 출처 B7. p. 28 힌트 (1) 선장님이배를바다로몰아요. / steer the boat ~ (2) 우리는돌고래도몇마리봐요. / dolphins 답안 (1) steers the boat out to the ocean (2) see some dolphins 25