Program in Bioinformatics 學科敎育目的 學科專攻分野 바이오정보학전공 學科內規 綜合試驗 923

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Program in Bioinformatics 學科敎育目的 學科專攻分野 바이오정보학전공 學科內規 綜合試驗 923

2014~2015 [ 바이오情報學協同開設科目및敎科要目 ] 기초공통과목 BIT 501 바이오정보학입문 (Introduction to Bioinformatics) [3] 바이오정보학을전공하는데필요한컴퓨터공학 생물학의기본적인지식을습득한다 BIT 502 바이오정보학실습 (Bioinformatics Practice) [3] 서열분석 마이크로어레이데이터분석 단백질구조분석등의핵심분야에대해실습하면서보다깊은이해와유용한정보추출방법에대해학습한다 BIT 503 분자생물학입문 (Introduction to Molecular Biology) [3] 생물체를구성하고있는 의구조를밝히고그분자구조의특성을바탕으로중요한생명현상을설명하는분자생물학의기초에대해학습한다 BIT 504 유전학입문 (Introduction to Genetics) [3] 생물의각종형질이자손에전해지는메커니즘과그것들이각개체에서어떻게발현되는가를연구하는유전학의기초에대해학습한다 BIT 505 바이오프로그래밍및응용 (Bioprogramming and Applications) [3] 바이오정보를처리하기위해필요한기본적인프로그램기법에대해학습한다 BIT 506 바이오수학입문 (Introduction to Biomathematics) [3] 바이오정보를처리하는데필수적인수학지식 벡터 행렬 확률 통계 에대해학습한다 BIT 507 바이오통계학입문 (Introduction to Biostatistics) [3] 방대한양의유전체관련자료들을다루기위한통계기법들에대해학습한다 BIT 508 바이오메트릭스입문 (Introduction to Biometrics) [3] 지문이나홍채 얼굴 목소리등생체특징을바탕으로사용자를인증하는기술에대해학습한다 BIT 509 인공지능입문 (Introduction to Artificial Intelligence) [3] 현재널리사용되고있는인공지능기법의기초에대해학습한다 BIT 510 패턴인식입문 (Introduction to Pattern Recognition) [3] 통계적방법론에바탕을두어패턴인식기술의기본원리에관하여학습한다 BIT 511 생화학입문 (Introduction to Biochemistry) [3] 단백질과핵산의구조와기능 탄수화물과지방의대사와조절 생체막의구조와기능 효소의작용기능을포함하여생체구성물질의이화학적특성의기초에대해탐구한다 BIT 512 바이오정보학세미나 1 (Bioinformatics Research Seminar I) [3] 바이오정보학의기본연구주제에관해발표및토론을수행한다 BIT 513 바이오정보학세미나 2 (Bioinformatics Research Seminar II) [3] 바이오정보학의기본연구주제에관해발표및토론을수행한다 BIT 514 바이오정보학세미나 3 (Bioinformatics Research Seminar III) [3] 바이오정보학의기본연구주제에관해발표및토론을수행한다 924

전공과목 BIT 601 기능유전체학 (Functional Genomics) [3] 포스트게노믹스 에서주로연구되는대량유전자기능연구방법론에대해학습한다 BIT 602 단백질체학 (Proteomics) [3] 유전형질이발현되는단백질의특성과기능 상호작용에대해분석 탐구한다 BIT 603 고급바이오메트릭스 (Advanced Biometrics) [3] 지문이나홍채 얼굴 목소리등생체특징을바탕으로사용자를인증하는기술의최신연구동향에대해학습한다 BIT 604 고급신경망 (Advanced Neural Network) [3] 신경망기술의고급이론및구현기법등에관하여학습한다 BIT 605 서열분석알고리즘 (Sequence Analysis Algorithms) [3] 최근급증하고있는서열데이터를효과적으로분석하는알고리즘에대해학습한다 BIT 606 바이오데이터베이스시스템 (Biodatabase System) [3] 방대한양의바이오정보를저장하는바이오데이터베이스의구성과특징에대해학습한다 BIT 607 바이오데이터마이닝 (Biodatamining) [3] 대량의정보가축적되어있는바이오정보데이터베이스에서인공지능기법을이용하여유용한정보를찾아내는데이터마이닝기법에대해학습한다 BIT 608 고급의료영상처리 (Advanced Medical Image Processing) [3] 마이크로어레이촬영영상처리를비롯하여의료분야에서발생하는여러가지영상을바이오정보학기술을이용하여처리하는기법에관하여학습한다 BIT 609 고급패턴인식 (Advanced Pattern Recognition) [3] 패턴인식의고급이론및구현기법등의최신연구동향에관하여학습한다 BIT 610 비교유전체학 (Comparative Genomics) [3] 인간유전체연구를위해다른생물체와비교하여연구하는기법에대해학습한다 BIT 611 단백질구조분석및예측 (Protein Structure Analysis and Prediction) [3] 단백질의구조 구조결정방법 구조예측등에대해학습한다 BIT 612 바이오알고리즘분석 (Bioalgorithm Analysis) [3] 바이오정보학분야에서널리사용되는알고리즘과프로그램의난이도분석 효율적인알고리즘의설계방법등에관하여학습한다 BIT 613 세포생물학특론 (Topics in Cell Biology) [3] 구성하는기본단위인세포의구조와기능 세포내소기관의발생과정등에대해학습한다 BIT 614 고급바이오정보학 (Advanced Bioinformatics) [3] 생명체에서일어나는복잡하고다양한현상들을분석하기위해필요한바이오정보학분야의고급기법들에대해학습한다 BIT 615 고급의공학 (Advanced Medical Engineering) [3] 바이오정보학이의료분야에서어떤식으로적용되고있는지학습한다 925

2014~2015 BIT 616 고급유전공학 (Advanced Genetic Engineering) [3] 기본적인유전자조작법과이를이용한유용한물질및새로운변이체의생성등에관하여강의하며나아가서는유전공학의전망에대해공부한다 BIT 617 DNA 칩 (DNA Chip) [3] 칩기술의최신연구동향에관하여학습한다 BIT 618 유전자발현데이터분석 (Gene Expression Data Analysis) [3] 마이크로어레이를통해생성된유전자발현데이터를인공지능을이용하여분석하고결과를예측하는기법에대해학습한다 BIT 619 바이오정보학특수연구 1 (Research in Bioinformatics I) [3] 바이오정보학분야에서진행중인최신연구결과를세미나및토론을통하여학습한다 BIT 620 바이오정보학특수연구 2 (Research in Bioinformatics II) [3] 바이오정보학분야에서진행중인최신연구결과를세미나및토론을통하여학습한다 926

Program in Bioinformatics Program in Bioinformatics Introduction Bioinformatics is a rapidly emerging research field which is necessary to manage, process, and understand large amounts of data, for instance from the sequencing of the human genome, or from large databases containing information about plants and animals for drawing meaningful information from the data. Bioinformatics needs collaborative researches in a number of disciplines including molecular biology, biochemistry, mathematics, statistics, and computer science. Therefore 10 faculty members in the computer, statistical, biological sciences are affiliated with the interdisciplinary graduate program in bioinformatics and students have opportunities to study in various laboratories and research organizations. Academic Programs Bioinformatics Degree Requirements 1. The interdisciplinary graduate program in bioinformatics is managed and operated by an administration committee consisting of 3 members including the chief professor of the interdisciplinary graduate program in bioinformatics. The administration committee deliberates and determines all matters which are related to the interdisciplinary graduate program in bioinformatics including admission oral test, validity judgement of thesis subject and examination of the graduate-to-be student's qualifications. 2. Student may choose an advisory professor after having interviews with professors. An advisory professor can be a member of the department of computer science and engineering or the school of life science and biotechnology. Bioinformatics needs collaborative researches, so it is recommended to choose a joint advisory professor in the other academic area. 3. A master student must submit a thesis plan to the administration committee at least six months before the graduation. The administration committee examines the validity of the thesis plan and requires amendment and revision of the plan when the plan is rejected. 4. A master student is required to complete at least 3 fundamental courses (9 credits) offered by the interdisciplinary graduate program in bioinformatics. 5. A master student must take advanced courses to complete the required curriculums offered by the interdisciplinary graduate program in bioinformatics. Students can take 1061

Anam campus - Collaboration Program various courses offered by the department of computer science and engineering and the school of life science and biotechnology. Qualifying Examination 1. A master student should get the approval of the advisory professor to take the qualifying examination. 2. A master student must take the examination on his/her choice of 1 course from fundamental courses and 1 course from advanced courses. Courses and Syllabuses Course Listings and Descriptions Fundamental Courses BIT 501 Introduction to Bioinformatics [3] In this class, student will study the fundamental concepts of computer science and biology which are need to study bioinformatics. BIT 502 Bioinformatics Practice [3] In this class, students have practical training on sequence analysis, microarray data analysis and protein structure prediction. This class helps students to have a clear understanding on these subjects. BIT 503 Introduction to Molecular Biology [3] Study on the fundamental concepts of molecular biology. BIT 504 Introduction to Genetics [3] This class covers the fundamental concepts of genetics, how biological information is transferred from one generation to the next as well as how that information is expressed within an organism. BIT 505 Bioprogramming and Applications [3] This class introduces basic programming skill for bio-data processing. BIT 506 Introduction to Biomathematics [3] Study on basic mathematics for bio-data processing including vector, matrix, probability and statistics. BIT 507 Introduction to Biostatistics [3] This course deals with various statistical methods which are needed to process massive genetic data. BIT 508 Introduction to Biometrics [3] Students will study on the biometrics methods of identification work by measuring unique human characteristics as a way to confirm identity, for example, finger or iris scanning or dynamic signature verification. 1062

Program in Bioinformatics BIT 509 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence [3] This class introduces the basic concepts of artificial intelligence. BIT 510 Introduction to Pattern Recognition [3] Study on the basic theory of pattern recognition which is based on statistics BIT 511 Introduction to Biochemistry [3] This class deals with the study of the chemical processes and substances existing in living things. BIT 512 Bioinformatics Research Seminar I [3] In this seminar, we discuss the basic research issues in bioinformatics. BIT 513 Bioinformatics Research Seminar II [3] In this seminar, we discuss the basic research issues in bioinformatics. BIT 514 Bioinformatics Research Seminar III [3] In this seminar, we discuss the basic research issues in bioinformatics. Advances Courses BIT 601 Functional Genomics [3] Study on the massive genomic data processing technology which is used to determine the function of newly discovered genes by determining their role in one or more model organisms. BIT 602 Proteomics [3] In this class, student will study on the entire protein systems - proteomes : what are the component proteins, how they interact with each other, what kinds of metabolic networks or signaling networks they form etc. BIT 603 Advanced Biometrics [3] Students will study on the advanced topics on biometrics which is used for authentication using finger or iris scanning or dynamic signature verification. BIT 604 Advanced Neural Network [3] Study on the advanced theory and implementation techniques on artificial neural networks. BIT 605 Sequence Analysis Algorithms [3] This class discusses sequence analysis algorithms which can analyze massive sequence data efficiently. BIT 606 Biodatabase System [3] Study on the structure and unique features of biodatabase system. BIT 607 Biodatamining [3] This class is focused on the process of analyzing large amounts of bio data in order to extract new kinds of useful information. BIT 608 Advanced Medical Image Processing [3] This class deals with various image processing techniques which is used for processing of medical images including microarray image. 1063

Anam campus - Collaboration Program BIT 609 Advanced Pattern Recognition [3] Study on the current research issues on pattern recognition including advanced theory and implementation techniques. BIT 610 Comparative Genomics [3] This class covers the theory of comparing complete genome sequences, to understand general principles of genome structure and function. BIT 611 Protein Structure Analysis and Prediction [3] Study on protein structure and protein structure prediction methods. BIT 612 Bioalgorithm Analysis [3] Study about widely used bioalgorithms. Student aslo study how to analyze the complexity of an algorithm and design efficient algorithms. BIT 613 Topics in Cell Biology [3] This class deals with the living cells and the role they play in the growth, development, and physiology of an organism. BIT 614 Advanced Bioinformatics [3] Student will study advanced theories to analyze and understand the complicate and various biological processes which are occurred within in organism. BIT 615 Advanced Medical Engineering [3] This class is focused on the application of bioinformatics in medical ares. BIT 616 Advanced Genetic Engineering [3] This class is focused on the directed modification techniques of the gene complement of a living organism by such techniques as altering the DNA, substituting genetic material by means of a virus, transplanting cell hybrids, etc. BIT 617 DNA Chip [3] This class is designed to provide you with the current researches on DNA chip technology. BIT 618 Gene Expression Data Analysis [3] Study on analysis methods and prediction algorithms on gene expression data which is generated from microarray. BIT 619 Research in Bioinformatics I [3] In this class, we discuss a wide range of recent research issues in bioinformatics. BIT 620 Research in Bioinformatics II [3] In this class, we discuss a wide range of recent research issues in bioinformatics. 1064