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Journal of Educational Innovation Research 2017, Vol. 27, No. 1, pp DOI: * The


ABSTRACT Developing Social Capital Measuring Indicators This is second year product of the research of social capital in rural community, which is designed to conduct for three years. The first year research focused to conceptualize the social capital by using action oriented four variables: social exchange and compensation, cooperation, competition and conflict. This research focused to develop social capital measuring indicator. Social capital measuring indicators were induced by the conceptual frame of this research. Hypothetical social capital indicators were set by each variable. The hypothetical social capital indicator must be objective, which is adoptable to any social context. The next step was to verify the hypothetical social capital measuring indicators. For this, each hypothetical social capital measuring indicator identified several indicator components, which could express the typical meaning of each indicator, and could be adoptable to any social context. Each indicator component has several questions, and social capital index could be measurable through these questions. All questions were designed with 5 grade measuring scale. Hypothetically, six social capital measuring indicators for social exchange and compensation were set. They are the improvement of socio-economic status of group members, enhancement of trust among group members, benefits from the mutual helping system of group, the improvement of access to the common resources and funds of group or capital loans from banks, the improvement of access to the opportunities for getting training and information, and pay observance of group rules and

norms. Six social capital measuring indicators for cooperation were set. They are the labor exchange among members for getting common goals, helping members mutually for social functions, money contribution for establishing the common fund of group, participating group events, supporting group decision. Four social capital measuring indicators for competition were set. They are the competition for producing better quality, and productivity, the competition of leadership of the group, and the competition for improving individual socio-economic status among members. Six social capital measuring indicators for conflict were set. They are the conflict solution capability of economic, political and ideological dimensions within the group and between groups. The social capital was measured from 5 groups producing strawberry in village communities in Kwangsuk Myun of Nonsan city area and one water melon production group in Puyeo Kun. The social capital measuring indicators were verified through factor analysis, and fixed social capital measuring indicators. Social capital of each group were identified by index: social exchange and component index(eci), cooperation index (COI), competition index(cpi), and conflict resolution index (CRI). The social capital index could explain the characteristics of each group very precisely. The groups with strong cooperation through cooperative marketing under strong leadership show that the ECI, COI and CPI were higher than other groups, and the groups had conflict on leadership and problems in group decision making show that CRI was higher than other groups. In corelation analysis, the social capital could explain the income of production group members by 13.7 percent. However, the social capital could explain the every day activities of production group by 51.4 percent. Considering the fact that income of individual members is

determined by many factors such as physical capital, human capital, technology, market condition, and even by the weather condition, the 13.7 percent of explanation is not low. Income could not be generated by alone, but through cooperation among others within the given condition of social system. Therefore, the social capital has a great impact on the income generation and daily life activities of group members. This is a case study, and the social capital measuring indicator was made for crop production group in village community. Further research is necessary to generalize the result of this study and develop the social capital measuring indicators for rural community, which is an integrated entity of various social groups. Researcher: Ki-Whan Chung E-mail address: XXXXXXXXXXXX

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里正 里

里正 區長 法定里 行政里 里長 父係出


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