Microsoft Word - NJ Chodae Family Worship_July2019.docx

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step 1-1



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권두 칼럼 쁜 활동과 끊임없이 따라다니는 질투와 감시의 눈길을 피해 스도의 부활을 목격했기 때문이었다. 다시 사신 그리스도를 예수께서 이 집에 오시면 언제나 정성이 가득 담긴 음식을 그들이 눈으로 보고 손으로 만져 보았는데 도무지 아니라고 대접받고 휴식을 취했던 것으로

2 소식나누기 대구시 경북도 영남대의료원 다문화가족 건강 위해 손 맞잡다 다문화가정 행복지킴이 치료비 지원 업무협약 개인당 200만원 한도 지원 대구서구센터-서부소방서 여성의용소방대, 업무협약 대구서구다문화가족지원센터는 지난 4월 2일 다문화가족의 지역사회 적응 지원을


134 25, 135 3, (Aloysius Pieris) ( r e a l i t y ) ( P o v e r t y ) ( r e l i g i o s i t y ) 1 ) 21, 21, 1) Aloysius Pieris, An Asian Theology of Li



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중학영어듣기 1학년



Until I Make Your Enemies(k)



Slide 1

잡았다. 임진왜란으로 권위가 실추되었던 선조는 명군의 존재를 구세 주 이자 王權을 지켜주는 보호자 로 인식했다. 선조는 그 같은 인 식을 바탕으로 扈聖功臣들을 높이 평가하고 宣武功臣들을 평가 절하함으로써 자신의 권위를 유지하려고 했다. 이제 명에 대한 숭 앙과 충성은

스마일 contents 당신을 만나 기분이 좋습니다! 병원에 있는 사람들은 모두 힘듭니다. 환자는 환자대로, 보호자는 보호자대로, 의료진은 의료진대로. 아픈 환자가 제일 힘들 것 같다가도, 그들을 뒷바라지하는 보호자가 더 어려울 것 같습니다. 하지만 환자와 보호자를 상

CD The new academic year is starting soon and I need to set new goals. You finally realized that you ve been slacking off too much, huh? I m a senior

<C0CEBBEA2032BFF92D DB4DCC7C72E706466>

(2005) ,,.,..,,..,.,,,,,


55호 1면




- 2 -




뿔l 앓 醫 l활칸사 / 창간사 김 우 명 t 찰 즈i / 창간호 6 떠돌이 (시 ) 박 명 성 7 라 파스에서 생긴 일 이 달 호 14 아버지 만세 김 영 ;;<} 17 안타까운대면 박 명 성 21 석장의 졸엽장 임 숙 자 22 <;>!- 화 김 혜

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4. 수업의 흐름 차시 수업모형에 따른 단계 단계 활동내용 요소 요소 유추 사전 인터뷰의 형식 소개하고 대상 짐작해 보기 Ex. My Mom 호기심, 몰입, 5 차시 관찰 핵심 가상의 인터뷰 꾸며보기 - 알고 있는 대상을 정하고 그 사람의 하루 생활 인터뷰로 만들어 보

Smile contents 진단에서 수술까지, 쾌속진행 체크업 남편의 추천으로 세브란스체크업에서 건강검진을 받았습니다. 편하고 안정된 분위기 모든 것이 좋더군요. 그런데 결과는 충격! 대장 용종에서 암이라는 진단이 나왔거든요. 공포에 질린 상태에서 세브란스병원에 입원,

2 2010년 1월 15일 경상북도 직업 스쿨 운영 자격 취득 위한 맞춤형 교육 시 10곳 100명에 교육 기회 제공 본인에게 적합한 직종 스스로 선택 1인당 최고 100만원까지 교육비 지원 경상북도는 결혼이주여성 100명에게 맞춤형 취업교 육을 제공하는 결혼이민자 직


Journal of Educational Innovation Research 2016, Vol. 26, No. 2, pp DOI: * Experiences of Af




뉴저지초대교회가족순예배 / 2019 년 7 월 예배를사모합니다! 시편 84:1-12 1 만군의여호와여주의장막이어찌그리사랑스러운지요 2 내영혼이여호와의궁정을사모하여쇠약함이여내마음과육체가살아계시는하나님께부르짖나이다 3 나의왕, 나의하나님, 만군의여호와여주의제단에서참새도제집을얻고제비도새끼둘보금자리를얻었나이다 4 주의집에사는자들은복이있나니그들이항상주를찬송하리이다 ( 셀라 ) 5 주께힘을얻고그마음에시온의대로가있는자는복이있나이다 6 그들이눈물골짜기로지나갈때에그곳에많은샘이있을것이며이른비가복을채워주나이다 7 그들은힘을얻고더얻어나아가시온에서하나님앞에각기나타나리이다 8 만군의하나님여호와여내기도를들으소서야곱의하나님이여귀를기울이소서 ( 셀라 ) 9 우리방패이신하나님이여주께서기름부으신자의얼굴을살펴보옵소서 10 주의궁정에서의한날이다른곳에서의천날보다나은즉악인의장막에사는것보다내하나님의성전문지기로있는것이좋사오니 11 여호와하나님은해요방패이시라여호와께서은혜와영화를주시며정직하게행하는자에게좋은것을아끼지아니하실것임이니이다 12 만군의여호와여주께의지하는자는복이있나이다 1. 부모의세대와자녀의세대가함께한마음되어한목소리로드리는우리가족순만의새로운찬양곡을탄생시키는미션을시작합니다. 2. 제시된찬양곡들중가족순원들이한곡을선정합니다. 3. 주어진가사를가족순원들의하나님을향한마음을표현하는새로운가사로창작합니다. 4. 아이들의의견을적극받아들이고, 우리가족순의주제곡으로정합니다. 5. 몇번의연습후온가족순원들이하나되어드리는새로운찬양을동영상으로찍습니다. 6. 완성된동영상을보내주시면, 공정한심사를거쳐 3 가족순주제곡을뽑아 깜짝상품 을드립니다. 7. 가족순원들이모일때마다이주제곡을시작으로하나님을예배해보시면어떨까요 ~ TALK (10min) 1. 내가가장좋아하는찬양곡은무엇인가요? 평생에가장은혜를사모하며예배했던시절, 가장큰위로와격려를받았던찬송이있다면나누어보아요. 2. 가족과함께나눈하나님의말씀을통하여배우고깨달은내용이나믿음의결단을한문장으로써봅시다. 배경이해하기시편 84 편을지은사람은고라자손으로알려져있습니다. 고라는모세와아론에게반역하다가땅이갈라져삼켜진심판을받은사람입니다. 그러나, 고라의자손들중, 고라를따르지않고모세를따랐던자들이있었습니다. 그들은망하지않고살아남았으나평생반역자의꼬리표를달고살아야했죠. 그러나그들은삶속에서그들의절망을소망으로바꾸신하나님을만났을것입니다. 먼훗날, 성전이완성된후의시기에, 고라의자손들은성전의예배와찬양을섬기는귀한모습으로서있습니다. PRAYER &SONGS- OPTIONAL (5 min) 함께나누어드리는 song sheet 을활용하세요! Object Lesson< 한마음한목소리로함께드리는찬양 >(20min) 주제 : 주님의임재가운데서한마음으로하나님을찬양하며오직주님을의지하는예배자들은하늘의복을누립니다. 준비물 : 제시된몇곡의찬양곡, 새롭게작사된찬양을기록할종이, 필기도구 Conclusion + 가족별기도시간고라의자손들은결코쉽지않은과정을지나왔습니다. 그러나, 다시금, 하나님을예배하고찬송하는영광의자리에이르기까지, 넘치는하나님의사랑과은혜가있었습니다. 그리고, 그들이예배할때에주께서주신힘을얻어시온의하나님앞으로나아간다고고백합니다. 우리각자의삶속에서도, 목마를사슴이시냇물을찾듯, 예배를갈급하고갈망하는모습들이회복되기위해간구해야합니다., Ending PRAYER (3min) 예수님, 메마른저희의영혼가운데, 성령의단비를내리시며, 주의앞에예배함과찬송으로나아가게도와주세요. 삶속에절망이가득할때에, 우리로하여금앞으로나아가게하는것은바로예배입니다. 주님을예배하고바라볼때에, 저희의삶의모든것을책임지시고, 이끌어주실것을믿습니다. 저희들삶가운데, 주를예배함이가장큰기쁨되며, 주를만나기를갈망하는우리모두가되게해주세요. 예수님이름으로기도합니다. 아멘

NJ Chodae Church Family Worship /July, 2019 We love to worship you! Psalm 84:1-12 1Lord who rules over all, how lovely is the place where you live! 2 I can t wait to be in the courtyards of the Lord s temple. I really want to be there. My whole being cries out for the living God. 3 Lord who rules over all, even the sparrow has found a home near your altar. My King and my God, the swallow also has a nest there, where she may have her young. 4 Blessed are those who live in your house. They are always praising you. 5 Blessed are those whose strength comes from you. They have firmly decided to travel to your temple. 6 As they pass through the dry Valley of Baka, they make it a place where water flows. The rain in the fall covers it with pools. 7 Those people get stronger as they go along, until each of them appears in Zion, where God lives. 8 Lord God who rules over all, hear my prayer. God of the people of Jacob, listen to me. 9 God, may you be pleased with your anointed king. You appointed him to be like a shield that keeps us safe. 10 A single day in your courtyards is better than a thousand anywhere else. I would rather guard the door of the house of my God than live in the tents of sinful people. 11 The Lord God is like the sun that gives us light. He is like a shield that keeps us safe. The Lord blesses us with favor and honor. He doesn t hold back anything good from those whose lives are without blame. 12 Lord who rules over all, blessed is the person who trusts in you. Background The person who wrote Psalm 84 is known to be one of the descendants of Korah. Korah was the man who was judged by God by being swallowed up by the ground. But amongst the sons of Korah, there were few who chose not to follow Korah and followed Moses. These sons did not perish but they still had to live with the label as being the children of the traitor. These sons of Korah must have met God of hope in the middle of despair in life. Many years later, the descendants of Korah became the important people in leading worship and praise for the Lord. God has transformed their sorrow and despair. PRAYER &SONGS- OPTIONAL (5 min) Utilize the song sheet we hand out! 1. It is today s mission to create a worship song together that represents unity between parent and children generation. 2. Choose a sample song from the list 3. Create new lyrics for the song to represent team! 4. Reflect children s ideas as well as parents 5. After practicing it together, take the video of the team singing. 6. If you send us the complete video of the song, we will pick 3 best teams who will be awareded with surprise prize! 7. This song will become your team s theme song. Sing it everytime you meet together J TALK (10min) 1. What is your favorite praise song? Is there a special song you sang the most in the time of despair, in the time when you met the Lord closely and intimately? 2. Share your experience together. What did you learn? Summarize what you learnt today in one sentence. Conclusion + Family Prayer Sons of Korah went through a tough season in life. But there was God s plentiful grace and unfailing love that led them back to the place of worship. Strength comes from worship as they get stronger until each of them appears in Zion (v7). In our own life, in places of despair and discouragement, we need worship. Just as the deer pants for the water, we must seek to desire God in such a way. Let us pray that God will restore the heart of worship in our lives. Ending PRAYER (3min) Lord Jesus, rain down on us like the sweet spring rain of Holy Spirit! Help us to approach your throne in truthful worship. When our life feels heavy laden with despair, the only thing that pushes us forward is worship. When we look to you and worship, we believe that our Lord God will take care of all things. We pray that worshipping will become our true joy, and that we will seek you more and more in our lives. In Jesus name we pray, Amen. Object Lesson<Worshipping Together> (20min) Theme: Worshipppers of God get to taste the blessings of heaven! Prepare: Sample Songs to use, Paper to record the lyric, pencil/pen

NJ Chodae Church Family Worship /July 2019 예배를사모합니다! 시편 84:1-12 We love to worship you! Psalm 84:1-12 1. What is your favorite praise song? Is there a special song you sang the most in the time of despair, in the time when you met the Lord closely and intimately? 내가가장좋아하는찬양곡은무엇인가요? 평생에가장은혜를 사모하며예배했던시절, 가장큰위로와격려를받았던찬송이있다면나누어보아요. 1 만군의여호와여주의장막이어찌그리사랑스러운지요 2 내영혼이여호와의궁정을사모하여쇠약함이여내마음과육체가살아계시는하나님께부르짖나이다 3 나의왕, 나의하나님, 만군의여호와여주의제단에서참새도제집을얻고제비도새끼둘보금자리를얻었나이다 4 주의집에사는자들은복이있나니그들이항상주를찬송하리이다 ( 셀라 ) 5 주께힘을얻고그마음에시온의대로가있는자는복이있나이다 6 그들이눈물골짜기로지나갈때에그곳에많은샘이있을것이며이른비가복을채워주나이다 7 그들은힘을얻고더얻어나아가시온에서하나님앞에각기나타나리이다 8 만군의하나님여호와여내기도를들으소서야곱의하나님이여귀를기울이소서 ( 셀라 ) 9 우리방패이신하나님이여주께서기름부으신자의얼굴을살펴보옵소서 10 주의궁정에서의한날이다른곳에서의천날보다나은즉악인의장막에사는것보다내 하나님의성전문지기로있는것이좋사오니 11 여호와하나님은해요방패이시라 여호와께서은혜와영화를주시며정직하게행하는자에게좋은것을아끼지아니하실 것임이니이다 12 만군의여호와여주께의지하는자는복이있나이다 1Lord who rules over all, how lovely is the place where you live! 2 I can t wait to be in the courtyards of the Lord s temple. I really want to be there. My whole being cries out for the living God. 3 Lord who rules over all, even the sparrow has found a home near your altar. My King and my God, the swallow also has a nest there, where she may have her young. 4 Blessed are those who live in your house. They are always praising you. 5 Blessed are those whose strength comes from you. They have firmly decided to travel to your temple. 6 As they pass through the dry Valley of Baka, they make it a place where water flows. The rain in the fall covers it with pools. 7 Those people get stronger as they go along, until each of them appears in Zion, where God lives. 8 Lord God who rules over all, hear my prayer. God of the people of Jacob, listen to me. 9 God, may you be pleased with your anointed king. You appointed him to be like a shield that keeps us safe. 10 A single day in your courtyards is better than a thousand anywhere else. I would rather guard the door of the house of my God than live in the tents of sinful people. 11 The Lord God is like the sun that gives us light. He is like a shield that keeps us safe. The Lord blesses us with favor and honor. He doesn t hold back anything good from those whose lives are without blame. 12 Lord who rules over all, blessed is the person who trusts in you 2. Share your experience together. What did you learn? Summarize what you learnt today in one sentence. 가족과함께나눈하나님의말씀을통하여 배우고깨달은내용이나믿음의결단을한문장으로써봅시다.

There is none like You, No one else can touch my heart like You do, I can search for all eternity Lord And find, there is none like You. Your mercy flows like a river so wide, And healing comes from Your hand. Suffering children are safe in Your arms, There is none like You.

<Every move I make> Every move I make Every move I make, I make in You You make me move Jesus Every breath I take, I breathe in You Every step I take, I take in You You find my way Jesus Every breath I take I breathe in You Waves of mercy Waves of grace Everywhere I look I see your face Your love has captured me Oh, my God this love How can it be? How can it be, Lord? Na na na na na na na (Repeat)

Jesus loves me! This I know, For the Bible tells me so; Little ones to Him belong; They are weak, but He is strong. Yes, Jesus loves me! Yes, Jesus loves me! Yes, Jesus loves me! The Bible tells me so. Jesus loves me! This I know, As He loved so long ago, Taking children on His knee, Saying, Let them come to Me. Jesus loves me still today, Walking with me on my way, Wanting as a friend to give Light and love to all who live. Jesus loves me! He who died Heaven s gate to open wide; He will wash away my sin, Let His little child come in. Jesus loves me! He will stay Close beside me all the way; Thou hast bled and died for me, I will henceforth live for Thee.

Deep Deep Deep deep oh deep down down Deep down in my heart Deep deep oh deep down down Deep down in my heart Do you love your Jesus Deep down in your heart? Yes I love my Jesus Deep down in my heart.