한수지 51(4), , 2018 Original Article Korean J Fish Aquat Sci 51(4), ,2018 해조류첨가가쌀코지제조와효소활성에미치는영향 전준영 이미향 1 정인학 1 정민정 김병목 * 한국식품연구원, 1 강릉원주대

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한수지 51(4), 369-375, 218 Originl rticle Koren J Fish qut Sci 51(4),369-375,218 해조류첨가가쌀코지제조와효소활성에미치는영향 전준영 이미향 1 정인학 1 정민정 김병목 한국식품연구원, 1 강릉원주대학교해양식품공학과 Effects of Seweeds on Rice Koji Production nd Enzyme ctivity Joon-Young Jun, Mi-Hyng Lee 1, In-Hk Jeong 1, Min-Jeong Jung nd young-mok Kim Division of Strtegic Food Reserch, Kore Food Reserch Institute, Gngneung 2544, Kore 1 Deprtment of Mrine Food Science nd Technology, Gngneung-Wonju Ntionl University, Gngneung 25457, Kore This study investigted the effects of selected seweeds on rice koji preprtion (rice inoculted with spergillus luchuensis) nd enzyme ctivity. Four types of rice koji were prepred using one of three seweeds (.5% lver,.5% kelp nd.5% green lver) or control for 72 h. The chnges in the moisture content, wter ctivity, ph, totl mold cell count, mylse nd protese ctivities were mesured. During preprtion, there ws no significnt difference in the moisture content mong the four kojis, wheres the ph in the kojis mde with either lver or green lver decresed rpidly compred with the control (P<.5). This seemed to result from the seweeds promoting the growth of mold cells. In terms of the ctivities of oth mylse nd protese, the koji with lver ws superior. Susequently, the mylse nd protese ctivities of the koji mde with lver were evluted t vrious phs (3 to 9), tempertures (15-55 ) nd NCl concentrtions (-1%). The ctivities of oth enzymes decresed notly t ph 9 nd the protese ctivity decresed t tempertures ove 45. lthough the ctivities of oth enzymes decresed t greter thn 2.5% NCl, ctivity ws present t 1% NCl. Key words: Rice koji, spergillus luchuensis, Seweed, Enzyme ctivity, NCl 서론,,, (Mok et l., 25).,,,,,, (Kim nd Lyu, 21).,, (Lim, 28; Prk et l., 27). (koji), ( ).,, (Kim et l., 212). spergillus luchuensis (syn.. kwchii) spergillus niger mylse, mltse,. oryze ph (Kim et l., 213). mylse protese (So nd Lee, 21). (Kwon et l., 213), (Lee et l., 211), (Song nd Lee, 213), (Kim et l., 215), seed msh (Lee et l., 25), spergillus (Choi et l., 211), soyen koji rice koji (Jun et l., 216), https://doi.org/1.5657/kfs.218.369 Koren J Fish qut Sci 51(4) 369-375, ugust 218 This is n Open ccess rticle distriuted under the terms of the Cretive Commons ttriution Non-Commercil Licens (http://cretivecommons.org/licenses/y-nc/3./) which permits unrestricted non-commercil use, distriution, nd reproduction in ny medium, provided the originl work is properly cited. Received 14 My 218; Revised 7 June 218; ccepted 19 June 218 Corresponding uthor: Tel: +82. 33. 643. 842 Fx: +82. 33. 643. 839 E-mil ddress: mkim@kfri.re.kr Copyright 218 The Koren Society of Fisheries nd qutic Science 369 pissn:374-8111, eissn:2287-8815

37 전준영ㆍ이미향ㆍ정인학ㆍ정민정ㆍ김병목 spergillus kwchii (Kim et l., 215),. ( ),. (Pyropi yezoensis), (Scchrin jponic), (Enteromorph sp.) mylse protese, ph,, NCl mylse protese.. 재료및방법 재료및종균 216. spergillus luchuensis (Ulsn, Repulic of Kore)., 4 mesh.. 쌀코지제조 Jun et l. (216)., (1 kg) 16, 4 3.5% (w/w).. 15 4, UV,.2%. luchuensis 3. (85%) (3 ) 72. 시료의수집및조효소액추출 72 12 1 g,,, ph.. 2 g 1 ml 1, 3 3. (1, g, 4, 1 ). 수분함량및수분활성도 (OC, 25)., 5 g 2 1, (HP23-W-, Rotronic, Switzerlnd). ph 및곰팡이수 ph, 5 g 45 ml 1, (7, g, 15 ) ph meter (CH/Seven Esy-s2K, Mettler Toledo, Switzerlnd). (Prk nd Oh, 1995). 2 g.1% peptone wter 18 ml (26 rpm, 5 ),. 1 ml potto dextrose gr (Difco; ecton Dckinson, Sprk, MD, US), 28 72 colony (15-15) log CFU/g. mylse 활성 mylse echmn et l. (212) 3,5-dinitroslicylic cid..1 M cette uffer (ph 5.) 1% solule strch 1 ml 1 ml 55 15..5 ml, 96 mm 3,5-dinitroslicylic cid.5 ml 95 5. 4 ml 15, 54 nm. mltose.2% mltose, stndrd curve. mylse 1 g 1 mg mltose 1 unit (U). Protese 활성 Protese o-phthlldehyde (Shkerin et l., 214)..21 M sodium phosphte uffer (ph 8.2).5% csein 1 ml 1 ml 35 3..75% trichlorocetic cid 4 ml

해조류첨가쌀코지의효소활성 371, (7, g, 1 ). 2 µl o-phthlldehyde regent 3 ml 3 1 3 34 nm..5% serine stndrd curve. Protese 1 g serine 1 µg 1 U. O- phthlldehyde regent o-phthldehyde 8 mg methnol 2% SDS 5 ml, 1 mm sodium tetrorte dechydrte 5 ml, 2-mercptoethnol 3 µl 1 ml.. ph, 온도및 NCl 농도가 mylse 와 protese 활성에미치는영향, ph, NCl. ph 3, 5, 7, 9, 15, 25, 35, 45, 55, NCl, 2.5, 5, 7.5, 1%. ph. ph 3,.1 M glycine-hcl uffer; ph 5,.1 M cette uffer; ph 7,.1 M potssium phosphte uffer; ph 9,.1 M tris-hcl uffer. NCl NCl. ph (1 ) NCl (%), NCl (1 ) (35 ). mylse protese. 통계분석, IM SPSS sttistics progrm (Version 23; IM Co., mork, NY, US) one-wy NOV 95% Tukey s test. 결과및고찰 수분함량및수분활성도,.1-1% (72 ) mylse protese,,.5% (dt not shown)..5%, Tle 1.,,., 72 (P<.5). spergillus.65 (Stevenson et l., 215), 72 22.1-27.1%,.78-.84. ph 및곰팡이수 shochu. kwchii ph ( ph 3.), citric cid (Mikmi et l., 1987; Ngmine et l., 23). Kim et l. (213). oryze citric cid, mlic cid, lctic cid (dominnt) Tle 1. Chnges in the moisture content nd wter ctivity of the rice kojis with different seweeds during solid-stte fermenttion Incution time (h) Control Lver Pyropi yezoensis Kelp Scchrin jponic Green lver Enteromorph sp. Moisture (%) Wter ctivity Moisture (%) Wter ctivity Moisture (%)Wter ctivity Moisture (%) Wter ctivity 43.6±6.9 ns.98±.1 ns 49.5±3.6.98±.1 43.2±9.5.96±.1 39.1±3.6.99±.1 12 4.3±7.5 ns.95±.3 ns 46.4±6.6.98±.1 42.±2.6.97±.1 32.4±5.8.99±.1 24 31.3±4.3 C ns.89±.2 C 4.±6. C.91±.2 32.3±2.8.9±.2 31.4±6.2.84±.1 36 29.3±1.1 C ns.88±.5 C ns 36.±9.6 C.87±.3 C 24.7±9.5.9±.5 28.1±3.4.83±.1 48 27.4±6.8 C ns.85±.8 C ns 31.7±4.5 C.84±.1 CD 24.8±6.7.88±.3 28.3±6..79±.2 C 6 26.±1.3 C ns.81±.1 C c 29.1±3.2 C.83±.1 CD 23.7±2.6.86±.2 26.3±3.7.79±.1 C c 72 25.7±3.6 C ns.81±.1 C 27.1±5.5 C.82±.2 D 22.1±2.1.84±.3 24.2±5.5.78±.1 C The different cpitl letters indicte significntly different vlues in the verticl column (P<.5). No significnt difference in the horizontl column (P<.5). The different smll letters indicte significntly different vlues in the horizontl column (P<.5). Dt expressed s the men±sd in triplicte.

372 전준영ㆍ이미향ㆍ정인학ㆍ정민정ㆍ김병목 8 1 ph 7 6 5 4 3 Mold cell count (log CFU/g koji) 9 8 7 6 5 2 4 Fig. 1. Chnges in the ph nd mold cell count of the rice kojis with different seweeds during solid-stte fermenttion. Symols indicte:, control (without seweed); Lver Pyropi yezoensis; Kelp Scchrin jponic; Green lver Enteromorph sp. Significnt difference t P<.5 versus the control (NOV). Dt expressed s the men±sd in triplicte.,. kwchii citric cid, succinic cid oxlic cid. 225, ph. ph Fig. 1. ph (ph 6.6-6.7), 36 1 ph (2.8 )., 12 125 24 (P<.5) ph..2% (w/w) 6 log CFU/g (wet sis), 24 25. 36, 7.6 log CFU/ g 12 24 36 48 6 72 8.2 log CFU/g Incution time (P<.5). (h) ph 12,, life cycle.,,, (Mdign nd Mrtinko, 26), ph. mylse ctivity (U/g koji) mylse ctivity (U/g koji) 1 mylse 및 protese 활성 125,,, 12,. 1 echmn et l. (212),. oryze 58 -mylse 8. 72, 6 mylse 72 (Fig. 2). mylse 36 4, (P<.5)., 2 36 72 (P<.5), mylse 1 g 1,74 U, 12 1,733 24 U, 36 48 6 1,586 72 U, 1,378 U. mylse 72, protese 36 (Fig. 2). 24, 36 (P<.5). 7% 9%, (Choi, 21), protese mylse c 1. spergillus Protese ctivity (U/g koji) mylse ctivity (U/g koji) 125

해조류첨가쌀코지의효소활성 373 mylse ctivity ctivity (U/g (U/g koji) koji) 225 225 1 1 125 125 25 25 Protese ctivity ctivity (U/g (U/g koji) koji) 12 12 1 1 8 8 6 6 4 4 2 2 Fig. 2. Chnges in the mylse nd protese ctivities of the rice kojis with different seweeds during solid-stte fermenttion. Symols indicte:, control (without seweed); Lver Pyropi yezoensis; Kelp Scchrin jponic; Green lver Enteromorph sp. One unit of mylse ctivity ws defined s the one milligrm of mltose relesed from 1% solule strch per minute. One unit of protese ctivity ws defined s the one microgrm of leucine relesed from.5% csein per minute. Significnt difference t P<.5 versus the control (NOV). Dt expressed s the men±sd in triplicte. mylse ctivity ctivity (U/g (U/g koji) koji) 1 1 125 125 25 25,, c c 15 25 35 45 55 15 25 35 45 55 Temperture ( ) Temperture ( ) mylse ctivity ctivity (U/g (U/g koji) koji) 1 1 125 125 25 25,, c c 2.5 5 7.5 1 2.5 5 7.5 1 NCl (%) NCl (%) Fig. 3. Effects of ph, temperture nd NCl concentrtion on the mylse ctivity of the rice koji with.5% Lver Pyropi yezoensis. Symols indicte:, ph 3; ph 5; ph 7; ph 9. One unit of mylse ctivity ws defined s the one milligrm of mltose relesed from 1% solule strch per minute. The different cpitl letters indicte significntly different vlues in the horizontl column (P<.5). The different smll letters indicte significntly different vlues in the verticl column (P<.5). Dt expressed s the men±sd in triplicte., -mylse protese (Mikmi 1 et l., 1987; Sil 1 et l., 29). protese 9 ph 9 8, 36 8 7 protese 7. 6 Protese ctivity ctivity (U/g (U/g koji) koji) 6 5 5 4 4 3 3 2 2,E C,D C c, c, ph, 1 1 c,, 9 c,., C D 9 8 c, c C c protese C c D 8 c c C c C c D 7 48 7. 6 Protese ctivity ctivity (U/g (U/g koji) koji) 6 5 5 4 4 3 3 2 2

374 전준영ㆍ이미향ㆍ정인학ㆍ정민정ㆍ김병목 Protese ctivity (U/g koji) 1 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1,E C C D,D C C c c, 15 25 35 45 55 c c Protese ctivity (U/g koji) 1 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 c c, c, C c C C c 2.5 5 7.5 1 D D Temperture ( ) NCl (%) Fig. 4. Effects of ph, temperture nd NCl concentrtion on the protese ctivity of the rice koji with.5% Lver Pyropi yezoensis. Symols indicte:, ph 3; ph 5; ph 7; ph 9. One unit of protese ctivity ws defined s the one microgrm of leucine relesed from.5% csein per minute. The different cpitl letters indicte significntly different vlues in the horizontl column (P<.5). The different smll letters indicte significntly different vlues in the verticl column (P<.5). Dt expressed s the men±sd in triplicte. ph, 온도및 NCl 농도가 mylse 활성에미치는영향 ph, NCl,.5%, 48, ph, NCl mylse (Fig. 3)., ph 3-9, 15-55 mylse ph, ph. ph 9 mylse ph. mylse, 15 ph 5 7 ph 3 9, 25, 45, 55 ph 3, 5, 7 (P<.5). NCl -1% mylse ph NCl 2.5%, NCl 1%., mylse ph NCl, ph 9 NCl ph 5 7 (P<.5). ph, 온도및 NCl 농도가 protese 활성에미치는영향 ph protese mylse (Fig. 4). mylse, protese ph 9 ph 35-45,. protese, 15 ph 5 ph 3, 7, 9, 25 ph 3 ph 5, 7, 9 (P<.5). 35 45 ph 5 7 ph 3 9 (P<.5). NCl protese ph 9 mylse. ph 9 NCl., mylse protese ph 9,, 35.,. mylse protese, 1% NCl. 사사 (E15644-2),. References OC. 25. OC officil methods of nlysis, 18th ed.

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