년수능특강 19 강 STN 자료 Mel Blanc, considered by many industry experts (be) the inventor of cartoon voice acting, began h

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19-1. Mel Blanc, considered by many industry experts to be the inventor of cartoon voice acting, began his career in 1927 as a voice actor for a local

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Page 2 of 5 아니다 means to not be, and is therefore the opposite of 이다. While English simply turns words like to be or to exist negative by adding not,


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2 소식나누기 대구시 경북도 영남대의료원 다문화가족 건강 위해 손 맞잡다 다문화가정 행복지킴이 치료비 지원 업무협약 개인당 200만원 한도 지원 대구서구센터-서부소방서 여성의용소방대, 업무협약 대구서구다문화가족지원센터는 지난 4월 2일 다문화가족의 지역사회 적응 지원을

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2011´ëÇпø2µµ 24p_0628

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Vol.257 C O N T E N T S M O N T H L Y P U B L I C F I N A N C E F O R U M



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300 구보학보 12집. 1),,.,,, TV,,.,,,,,,..,...,....,... (recall). 2) 1) 양웅, 김충현, 김태원, 광고표현 수사법에 따른 이해와 선호 효과: 브랜드 인지도와 의미고정의 영향을 중심으로, 광고학연구 18권 2호, 2007 여름

2 min 응용 말하기 01 I set my alarm for It goes off. 03 It doesn t go off. 04 I sleep in. 05 I make my bed. 06 I brush my teeth. 07 I take a shower.

Abstract Background : Most hospitalized children will experience physical pain as well as psychological distress. Painful procedure can increase anxie

7 1 ( 12 ) ( 1912 ) 4. 3) ( ) 1 3 1, ) ( ), ( ),. 5) ( ) ). ( ). 6). ( ). ( ).

6 영상기술연구 실감하지 못했을지도 모른다. 하지만 그 이외의 지역에서 3D 영화를 관람하기란 그리 쉬운 일이 아니다. 영화 <아바타> 이후, 티켓 파워에 민감한 국내 대형 극장 체인들이 2D 상영관을 3D 상영관으로 점차적으로 교체하는 추세이긴 하지만, 아직까지는 관



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_KF_Bulletin webcopy

: 4 2. : (KSVD) 4 3. :

Journal of Educational Innovation Research 2018, Vol. 28, No. 1, pp DOI: * A Study on the Pe


1 2019 년수능특강 19 강 STN 자료 19-1. 2 Mel Blanc, considered by many industry experts (be) the inventor of cartoon voice acting, began his career in 1927 as a voice actor for a local radio show. The producers did not have the funds to hire many actors, 어법수정 so Mel Blanc resorted to create different voices and personas for the show as needed. He became a regular on The Jack Benny Program, where he provided voices for many characters human, animal, and nonliving objects such as a car in need of a tune-up. 1 The distinctive voice he created for Porky Pig fueled his breakout success at Warner Bros. Soon Blanc was closely associated with many of the studio's biggest cartoon stars as well as characters from Hanna-Barhera Studios. His longest running voice-over was for the character Daffy Duck about 52 years. Blanc was extremely [protective ] of his work screen credits (read) "Voice Characterization by Mel Blanc" were always under the terms of his contracts. * personas( 극 / 소설등의 ) 등자인물 ** screen credit 제작진, 연기자의이름을적은영화자막 expert n. fuel v. career n. be associated with... fund n. be protective of... hire v. term n. resort to... contract n. in need of... distinctive a. 1. 밑줄친문장을해석하시오. Mel Blanc는많은업계전문가들로부터만화 ( 캐릭터 ) 목소리연기의창시자라고여겨지는데, 1927년에한지역라디오프로의성우로자신의경력을시작했다. 제작자들이여러명의성우를고용할자금이없었기때문에, Mel Blanc는필요할때방송을위해여러다른목소리와인물을창조해내는방식에의존했다 ( 일인다역을소화했다 ). 그는 The Jack Benny Program의고정출연자가되었는데, 그프로그램에서그는사람, 동물, 정비가필요한자동차와같은무생물체에이르기까지여러등장인물에게목소리를제공했다. 그가 Porky Pig 역을위해만들어낸독특한목소리는워너브라더스사에서의그의큰성공을촉진하였다. 곧 Blanc는 Hanna- Barbera 스튜디오의등장인물들뿐만아니라워너브라더스사의가장유명한만화주인공들중여럿과밀접하게결부되었다. 그가가장오랫동안행한보이스오버는 Daffy Duck이라는캐릭터를위한것이었는데, 그기간이약 52년간이었다. Blanc는자신의작품에대해극도로방어적이어서, Mel Blanc가목소리연기함 이라는스크린크레딧이항상계약서조항에포함되었다. 1

2 2019 년수능특강 19 강 STN 자료 19-2. 5 About twenty years ago, 1 Ray Anderson, the late CEO of the immensely successful carpet manufacturer, Interface, had what he described as an epiphany. Here he was, with more money than he or his heirs would know what to do with 자신이나자신의상속자 가어떻게할지를알고있는것보다더많은돈을갖고있었는데, when he realized that his company was poisoning the environment. Carpet making is (or was) a petroleum-intensive industry and Interface's environmental footprint was huge. Anderson wondered what good it would do to leave his grandchildren great wealth if the price of accumulating that wealth was an (inhabit) planet. So Anderson resolved to transform every aspect of Interface's operations, moving to achieve a zero footprint goal by 2020. He assumed that the development of new production processes and a commitment to pollution control would cost money a lot of [it / them]. But 2 he was willing to sacrifice the bottom line to achieve a social good. * epiphany 깨달음, 통찰 immense a. resolve to ~ epiphany n. aspect n. heir n. commitment n. poison v. sacrifice v. petroleum-intensive a. the bottom line what good... accumulate v. uninhabitable a. 1. 밑줄친문장을해석하시오. 2. 밑줄친문장을해석하시오. 약 20년전, 엄청나게성공한양탄자제조회사 Interface의작고한최고경영자 Ray Anderson은자신이깨달음이라고묘사한것을갖고있었다. 그는자신이나자신의상속자가어떻게할지를알고있는것보다더많은돈을갖고있었는데, 자신의회사가환경을오염시키고있다는것을알아차렸을때그는이깨달음에있게되었다 [ 이것을깨닫게되었다 ]. 양탄자제조는석유집약적인산업이고 ( 또는산업이었고 ) Interface의환경발자국은거대했다. Anderson은만일엄청난재산을축적하는것의대가가사람이살수없 는세상이라면자기손자들에게그재산을유산으로남기는것이무슨이익을줄것인지를생각했다. 그래서 Anderson은 Interface 의운영의모든측면을완전히바꾸기로결심하여, 2020년까지 ( 환경 ) 발자국제로목표를달성하고자조치를취하였다. 그는새로운생산과정의개발과오염방지에대한책무에는돈이, 그것도아주많은돈이들것이라고추정했다. 하지만그는공익을달성하기위해서 ( 회사의 ) 이익을기꺼이희생하려고하였다. 2

3 2019 년수능특강 19 강 STN 자료 19-3. 5 In 1986 the British mathematician Colin Rourke and his Portuguese colleague, Eduardo Rego, announced that they had proved one of the most important open conjectures. Like most mathematicians who think they have proved a new result, they wrote out their proof and sent it to many experts in the field. But Rourke did something that is not usually done 어법수정 he sent out a press release before his proof had accepted as being correct by the mathematical community. Normally, officially designated referees and other interested experts study the proof to see [if / that] it is correct before it is published or announced to the public. Rourke's announcement received coverage in the Manchester Guardian, the New York Times, and Science. Several months later, Rourke held a series of seminars at Berkeley, in which a serious gap in his argument was (cover), and most experts feel that there is no hope that his proof can be corrected. * conjecture 추측 ( 증명되지않은수학의명제 ) colleague n. announce v. conjecture n. expert n. designate v. referee n. coverage n. uncover v. 1. 밑줄친부분을해석하시오. 2. 본문에서 when a subject or event is reported on television or radio, or in newspapers 에해당하는한단어를찾아쓰시오. 1986 년에영국의수학자인 Colin Rourke 와그의포르투갈인동료인 Eduardo Rego 는가장중요한미해결된추측중하나를증명했 다고발표했다. 새로운결과를증명해냈다고생각하는수학자의대부분이그렇듯, 그들도자기들의증명을작성하여그분야의여 러전문가에게보냈다. 그러나 Rourke 는일반적으로행해지지않는일을했는데, 그것은그의증명이수학계로부터옳다고받아들 여지기도전에언론에보도자료를보낸일이었다. 통상적으로, 그증명이출간되거나대중에게알려지기전에공식적으로지명된심사위원과다른관심있는전문가들이그것이올바른지를확인하기위해그증명을검토한다. Rourke의발표는 Manchester Guardian, New York Times와 Science 지 ( 紙 ) 에보도되었다. 몇달뒤, Rourke는 Berkeley에서일련의세미나를개최하였는데, 거기에서그의주장에심각한결함이밝혀졌고, 대부분의전문가들은그의증명을바로잡을수있는가능성이없다고생각한다. 3

4 2019 년수능특강 19 강 STN 자료 19-4. 5 From childhood Blake had seen visions. 1 One of the earliest stories recounted of him was that he told his parents he had seen a tree full of angels. This angered his father, who thought the boy was willfully telling lies. In later years Blake habitually talked about the supernatural subjects of his pictures as being actually present in his studio when he was drawing them. A visitor once surprised him hard at work on a picture of an invisible sitter. He looked and drew, drew and looked, apparently intent on capturing a likeness 화상 을정확하게담아내는데열중인것처럼보였다. "Do not disturb me. I have one [sit / to sit / sitting] to me," he said. ''But there's no one here," [acclaimed / exclaimed] the visitor. "But I see him, sir," replied Blake haughtily. "There he is his name is Lot you may read of him in the Scriptures. He is sitting for his portrait.' *recount 이야기하다 ** haughtily 오만하게 vision n. exclaim v. recount v. portrait n. willfully ad. invisible a. apparently ad. intent on... likeness n. disturb v. 1. 밑줄친부분을해석하시오. 2. 전체문맥을고려하여괄호안에들어갈적절한한단어를쓰시오. 어린시절부터 Blake는환영을보았었다. 그에대해전해지는어린시절이야기들중하나는그가자기의부모님에게천사들로가득한나무를보았다고말한것이었다. 이는그의아버지를화나게했고, 그는아들이의도적으로거짓말을하고있다고생각했다. 만년에 Blake는늘자신의그림속에있는초자연적인대상들에대해자신이그것들을그릴때, 실제로작업실에존재하는것처럼말했다. 한번은한방문객이그가보이지않는모델의그림작업에열중하고있는현장에불쑥찾아왔다. 그는보고그리고, 그리고보면서, 화상을정확하게담아내는데열중인것처럼보였다. 그는 나를방해하지마세요, 내게는나를향해앉아있는사람 [ 모델 ] 이있습니다. 라고말했다. 하지만여기에는아무도없습니다. 라고방문객이소리쳤다. Blake 는오만하게 하지만선생님, 나는그가 보입니다. 거기그가있어요. 그의이름은 Lot 이고, 당신은성서에서그에대해서읽어볼수있습니다. 그가자신의초상화를위해 모델을하고있습니다. 라고대답했다. 4

5 2018 년수능특강 19 강 STN 자료 19-1. Mel Blanc, considered by many industry experts to be the inventor of cartoon voice acting, began his career in 1927 as a voice actor for a local radio show. The producers did not have the funds to hire many actors, so Mel Blanc resorted to creating different voices and personas for the show as needed. He became a regular on The Jack Benny Program, where he provided voices for many characters human, animal, and nonliving objects such as a car in need of a tune-up. The distinctive voice he created for Porky Pig fueled his breakout success at Warner Bros. Soon Blanc was closely associated with many of the studio's biggest cartoon stars as well as characters from Hanna-Barhera Studios. His longest running voice-over was for the character Daffy Duck about 52 years. Blanc was extremely protective of his work screen credits reading "Voice Characterization by Mel Blanc" were always under the terms of his contracts. Mel Blanc는많은업계전문가들로부터만화 ( 캐릭터 ) 목소리연기의창시자라고여겨지는데, 1927년에한지역라디오프로의성우로자신의경력을시작했다. 제작자들이여러명의성우를고용할자금이없었기때문에, Mel Blanc는필요할때방송을위해여러다른목소리와인물을창조해내는방식에의존했다 ( 일인다역을소화했다 ). 그는 The Jack Benny Program의고정출연자가되었는데, 그프로그램에서그는사람, 동물, 정비가필요한자동차와같은무생물체에이르기까지여러등장인물에게목소리를제공했다. 그가 Porky Pig 역을위해만들어낸독특한목소리는워너브라더스사에서의그의큰성공을촉진하였다. 곧 Blanc는 Hanna- Barbera 스튜디오의등장인물들뿐만아니라워너브라더스사의가장유명한만화주인공들중여럿과밀접하게결부되었다. 그가가장오랫동안행한보이스오버는 Daffy Duck이라는캐릭터를위한것이었는데, 그기간이약 52년간이었다. Blanc는자신의작품에대해극도로방어적이어서, Mel Blanc가목소리연기함 이라는스크린크레딧이항상계약서조항에포함되었다. 19-2. About twenty years ago, Ray Anderson, the late CEO of the immensely successful carpet manufacturer, Interface, had what he described as an epiphany. Here he was, with more money than he or his heirs would know what to do with, when he realized that his company was poisoning the environment. Carpet making is (or was) a petroleum-intensive industry and Interface's environmental footprint was huge. Anderson wondered what good it would do to leave his grandchildren great wealth if the price of accumulating that wealth was an uninhabitable planet. So Anderson resolved to transform every aspect of Interface's operations, moving to achieve a zero footprint goal by 2020. He assumed that the development of new production processes and a commitment to pollution control would cost money a lot of it. But he was willing to sacrifice the bottom line to achieve a social good. 약 20년전, 엄청나게성공한양탄자제조회사 Interface의작고한최고경영자 Ray Anderson은자신이깨달음이라고묘사한것을갖고있었다. 그는자신이나자신의상속자가어떻게할지를알고있는것보다더많은돈을갖고있었는데, 자신의회사가환경을오염시키고있다는것을알아차렸을때그는이깨달음에있게되었다 [ 이것을깨닫게되었다 ]. 양탄자제조는석유집약적인산업이고 ( 또는산업이었고 ) Interface의환경발자국은거대했다. Anderson은만일엄청난재산을축적하는것의대가가사람이살수없는세상이라면자기손자들에게그재산을유산으로남기는것이무슨이익을줄것인지를생각했다. 그래서 Anderson은 Interface 의운영의모든측면을완전히바꾸기로결심하여, 2020 년까지 ( 환경 ) 발자국제로목표를달성하고자조치를취하였다. 그는새로 운생산과정의개발과오염방지에대한책무에는돈이, 그것도아주많은돈이들것이라고추정했다. 하지만그는공익을달성 하기위해서 ( 회사의 ) 이익을기꺼이희생하려고하였다. 5

6 2018 년수능특강영어 19 강 STN 자료 19-3. In 1986 the British mathematician Colin Rourke and his Portuguese colleague, Eduardo Rego, announced that they had proved one of the most important open conjectures. Like most mathematicians who think they have proved a new result, they wrote out their proof and sent it to many experts in the field. But Rourke did something that is not usually done he sent out a press release before his proof had been accepted as being correct by the mathematical community. Normally, officially designated referees and other interested experts study the proof to see if it is correct before it is published or announced to the public. Rourke's announcement received coverage in the Manchester Guardian, the New York Times, and Science. Several months later, Rourke held a series of seminars at Berkeley, in which a serious gap in his argument was uncovered, and most experts feel that there is no hope that his proof can be corrected. 1986년에영국의수학자인 Colin Rourke와그의포르투갈인동료인 Eduardo Rego는가장중요한미해결된추측중하나를증명했다고발표했다. 새로운결과를증명해냈다고생각하는수학자의대부분이그렇듯, 그들도자기들의증명을작성하여그분야의여러전문가에게보냈다. 그러나 Rourke는일반적으로행해지지않는일을했는데, 그것은그의증명이수학계로부터옳다고받아들여지기도전에언론에보도자료를보낸일이었다. 통상적으로, 그증명이출간되거나대중에게알려지기전에공식적으로지명된심사위원과다른관심있는전문가들이그것이올바른지를확인하기위해그증명을검토한다. Rourke의발표는 Manchester Guardian, New York Times와 Science 지 ( 紙 ) 에보도되었다. 몇달뒤, Rourke는 Berkeley에서일련의세미나를개최하였는데, 거기에서그의주장에심각한결함이밝혀졌고, 대부분의전문가들은그의증명을바로잡을수있는가능성이없다고생각한다. 19-4. From childhood Blake had seen visions. One of the earliest stories recounted of him was that he told his parents he had seen a tree full of angels. This angered his father, who thought the boy was willfully telling lies. In later years Blake habitually talked about the supernatural subjects of his pictures as being actually present in his studio when he was drawing them. A visitor once surprised him hard at work on a picture of an invisible sitter. He looked and drew, drew and looked, apparently intent on capturing a likeness. "Do not disturb me. I have one sitting to me," he said. ''But there's no one here," exclaimed the visitor. "But I see him, sir," replied Blake haughtily. "There he is his name is Lot you may read of him in the Scriptures. He is sitting for his portrait.' 어린시절부터 Blake는환영을보았었다. 그에대해전해지는어린시절이야기들중하나는그가자기의부모님에게천사들로가득한나무를보았다고말한것이었다. 이는그의아버지를화나게했고, 그는아들이의도적으로거짓말을하고있다고생각했다. 만년에 Blake는늘자신의그림속에있는초자연적인대상들에대해자신이그것들을그릴때, 실제로작업실에존재하는것처럼말했다. 한번은한방문객이그가보이지않는모델의그림작업에열중하고있는현장에불쑥찾아왔다. 그는보고그리고, 그리고보면서, 화상을정확하게담아내는데열중인것처럼보였다. 그는 나를방해하지마세요, 내게는나를향해앉아있는사람 [ 모델 ] 이있습니다. 라고말했다. 하지만여기에는아무도없습니다. 라고방문객이소리쳤다. Blake는오만하게 하지만선생님, 나는그가보입니다. 거기그가있어요. 그의이름은 Lot이고, 당신은성서에서그에대해서읽어볼수있습니다. 그가자신의초상화를위해 모델을하고있습니다. 라고대답했다. 6