Yoon s BEFL Note Jiyun and Kyle s Writing Camp Book 5 Dictation 은 스마트베플리 <BEFL Note 에서들으세요.
Book 5 Study Planner 교재명 학습목표 1. 명사의소유격을쓸수있다. 2. 대명사의소유격을쓸수있다. 날짜 Unit Title Page 학습 시작시간 학습 종료시간 학습한내용 ( 단어, 표현, 문법, 줄거리등을자유롭게쓰세요.) 체크리스트 평가 1. 매일매일계획대로공부했나요? Yes Some No 2. 학습내용을충실히공부했나요? Yes Some No 3. 교재학습이끝난후부족한부분은복습했나요? Yes Some No 학부모확인 선생님확인 2
Jiyun and Kyle s Writing Camp Book 5 Word List Audio Meaning Word Practice Test 농장 farm 아침 morning 모으다 collect 1A 닭 오후 chicken afternoon 건초 hay 오르다방문했다 (visit의과거형 ) 먹이를주었다 (feed의과거형 ) climb visited fed 채소 vegetable ( 탈것을 ) 탔다 (ride 의과거형 ) rode 1B 자전거 bicycle 스케이트보드 skateboard 갈색의 brown 꼬리 그것들 ( 의 ) (that 의복수형 ) tail those 3
Audio Meaning Word Practice Test 의상, 가장복 costume 파티 party 유명한 famous 2A 배우 초영웅, 초인 actor superhero 날짜 date 희망하다 hope 즐기다 enjoy ( 옷을 ) 입다 dress ~ 처럼 like 토요일 Saturday 2B 음료 최고의 drink best 여왕 queen 해적 pirate ~ 해야하다 have to 4
Audio Meaning Word Practice Test ( 경기따위의 ) 팀 team ( 운동경기용 ) 셔츠 jersey 열성적인애호가, 팬 fan 3A 밝은 응원하다 bright cheer 흥미진진한 exciting 홈런 ( 앞에챙이달린 ) 모자입고있다 home run cap wear 빛나다, 빛을내다 하키 shine hockey 3B 극장 식당 theater restaurant 둥지 nest 붐비는 crowded 날다 fly 5
Audio Meaning Word Practice Test 악단, 밴드 band 오늘밤 tonight 기다리다 wait 4A 무대가수음악가, 연주자박수를치다 stage singer musician clap 많은연주회, 콘서트훌륭한, 뛰어난손 lots of concert excellent hand 4B 해변 beach ~ 을기다리다 wait for 시작하다 begin 자리, 좌석 seat 청소하다 clean 6
Book 5 Unit 1 On Grandpa s Farm 1A Word Master 영어를우리말로, 우리말을영어로써보세요. No. Word Meaning No. Meaning Word 1 farm 농장 1 모으다 collect 2 morning 아침 2 닭 chicken 3 collect 모으다 3 방문했다 visited 4 chicken 닭 4 건초 hay 5 afternoon 오후 5 아침 morning 6 hay 건초 6 농장 farm 7 climb 오르다 7 오후 afternoon 8 visited 방문했다 (visit 의 과거형 ) 8 오르다 climb 16 개중개정답 7
Key Points < 소유격이해 > 1. 사람이나사물의소유를나타낼때 : 단어뒤에주로아포스트로피 ( )s 를붙여요. This is Jenny s notebook. 2. 사람이나사물을가리키는단어중 -s 로끝나는단어의소유를나타낼때 : 단어뒤에아포스트로피 ( ) 만붙여요. That red one is my parents car. Let s Practice 아이들이가지고있는것을나타낸표를보고대화를완성해보세요. piano MP3 player tennis rackets microscope flute Nancy O O David O O Hellen O Expression A: Whose guitar is this? B: It s Gary s guitar. 1 2 3 4 5 A: Whose piano is this? B: It s Nancy s piano. A: Whose MP3 player is that? B: It s David s MP3 player. A: Whose tennis rackets are those? B: They are Nancy s tennis rackets. A: Whose microscope is that? B: It s David s microscope. A: Whose flute is it? B: It s Hellen s flute. 8
Sentence Master 주어진단어를이용해서우리말을영어로써보세요. 1. 오늘내여동생과나는할아버지농장을방문했어요. (today / grandpa s) Today my little sister and I visited my grandpa s farm. 2. 우리는그돼지들에게먹이를줬죠. (fed / pigs) We fed the pigs. 3. 우리는채소들을뽑았죠. (picked / the) We picked the vegetables. 4. 우리는건초에서놀았어요. (played / in) We played in the hay. 5. 우리는나무에올라갔죠. (climbed) We climbed a tree. Dictation 잘듣고빈칸에알맞은단어를써보세요. 1. There are many things to see and do there. 2. In the morning, we helped my grandpa. 3. We collected the chickens eggs. 4. In the afternoon, we had fun. 5. I like to visit Grandpa s farm. 선생님확인 9
1B Word Master 영어를우리말로, 우리말을영어로써보세요. No. Word Meaning No. Meaning Word 1 fed 먹이를주었다 (feed 의과거형 ) 1 자전거 bicycle 2 vegetable 채소 2 먹이를주었다 (feed 의과거형 ) fed 3 rode ( 탈것을 ) 탔다 (ride 의과거형 ) 3 그것들 ( 의 ) (that 의 복수형 ) those 4 bicycle 자전거 4 채소 vegetable 5 skateboard 스케이트보드 5 꼬리 tail 6 brown 갈색의 6 ( 탈것을 ) 탔다 (ride 의 과거형 ) rode 7 tail 꼬리 7 갈색의 brown 8 those 그것들 ( 의 ) (that 의복수형 ) 8 스케이트보드 skateboard 16 개중개정답 10
Key Points 1. 오늘 ~ 을방문했었죠 라고 말할때 : Today+ 주어 +visited+ 장소. Today he visited his uncle s farm. 방문했었다 는과거의일을말하는것이므로동사의과거형이와야해요. visit의과거형은뒤에 -ed만붙여요. 2. ~ 을탔죠 라고말할때 : rode+ 탈것 They rode bicycles. rode는 ( 탈것을 ) 타다 라는의미를나타내는 ride의과거형이에요. -ed를붙이지않고형태가바꿔요. Let s Practice 아이들이간장소와교통수단에대한힌트를보고대화를완성해보세요. Jinhee subway amusement park Minho horse his aunt s farm Alex bus his son s school Expression A: Where did you visit today? What did you ride to get there? B: I visited my brother s house. I rode a bicycle to get there. A: Where did Jinhee visit today? What did she ride to get there? 1 2 3 B: She visited the amusement park. She rode a subway to get there. A: Where did Minho visit today? What did he ride to get there? B: He visited his aunt s farm. He rode a horse to get there. A: Where did Alex visit today? What did he ride to get there? B: He visited his son s school. He rode a bus to get there. 11
Write it 잘못된부분을아래음영부분에바르게고쳐써보세요. Today me little sister and I visitd my grandpa farm. There were many thing to see and do there. In the morning, we helpd my grandpa. Today my little sister and I visited my grandpa s farm. There were many things to see and do there. In the morning, we helped my grandpa. Sentence Master 주어진단어를이용해서우리말을영어로써보세요. 1. 오늘우리는나의할아버지가게를방문했어요. (store) Today we visited my grandpa s store. 2. 우리는스케이트보드를탔어요. (skateboards) We rode skateboards. 3. 그는저소년들의비디오게임들을좋아해요. (those / video games) He likes those boys video games. 4. 이개의꼬리는짧아요. (this / short) This dog s tail is short. 5. 톰의선생님은무척다정하세요. (Tom s / friendly) Tom s teacher is very friendly. 선생님확인 12
Book 5 Unit 2 Please Come 2A Word Master 영어를우리말로, 우리말을영어로써보세요. No. Word Meaning No. Meaning Word 1 costume 의상, 가장복 1 배우 actor 2 party 파티 2 날짜 date 3 famous 유명한 3 의상, 가장복 costume 4 actor 배우 4 희망하다 hope 5 superhero 초영웅, 초인 5 파티 party 6 date 날짜 6 유명한 famous 7 hope 희망하다 7 즐기다 enjoy 8 enjoy 즐기다 8 초영웅, 초인 superhero 16 개중개정답 13
Key Points <I, You 의소유격 (1)> 1. I 의소유격 : my( 나의 ) My cat is under the chair 2. you 의소유격 : your( 너의, 당신의 ) I want to borrow your notebook. Let s Practice 주어진힌트를보고, 문장을보기처럼완성해보세요. < I have > red sweater yellow shoes small dog big bag < You have > black skirt new cellphone big dog many books < 보기 > This black skirt is your skirt. 1. This red sweater is my sweater. 2. That big dog is your dog. 3. This new cellphone is your cellphone, right? 4. Those yellow shoes are my shoes. 5. These books are your books. 14
Sentence Master 주어진단어를이용해서우리말을영어로써보세요. 1. 유명인처럼입으세요. (like / person) Dress like a famous person. 2. 아니면, 여러분이가장좋아하는배우나초영웅처럼입으세요. (or / favorite) Or, dress like your favorite actor or superhero. 3. 그파티는지윤이네집에서있어요. (party / at / Jiyun s) The party is at Jiyun s house. 4. 최고의의상에게주는상을받으세요! (win / for / best) Win a prize for the best costume! 5. 여러분은그파티에서무엇을즐길수있나요? (what / can / at) What can you enjoy at the party? Dictation 잘듣고빈칸에알맞은단어를써보세요. 1. Please come to my costume party. 2. It is on Saturday, August 14. 3. It is from 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. 4. Enjoy good food and drinks! 5. I hope you can come. 선생님확인 15
2B Word Master 영어를우리말로, 우리말을영어로써보세요. No. Word Meaning No. Meaning Word 1 dress ( 옷을 ) 입다 1 토요일 Saturday 2 like ~ 처럼 2 최고의 best 3 Saturday 토요일 3 ~ 해야하다 have to 4 drink 음료 4 ( 옷을 ) 입다 dress 5 best 최고의 5 음료 drink 6 queen 여왕 6 ~ 처럼 like 7 pirate 해적 7 해적 pirate 8 have to ~ 해야하다 8 여왕 queen 16 개중개정답 16
Key Points 1. 파티에초대할때 : Please come to ~ party. Please come to my soccer party. please 는공손한표현을할때주로 사용하죠. 따라서초대의글이나말을 할때붙이면좋아요. 2. ~ 처럼입으세요 라고요구할 때 : Dress like ~. Dress like a king. like 는 좋아하다 라는동사외에 ~ 처 럼 이라는뜻으로도쓰이죠. Let s Practice New Word 를사용하여대화를완성해보세요. Expression 1 A: Do you have a party? B: Yes. Please come to my costume party. New Word 1. A: Do you have a party? B: Yes. Please come to my basketball party. 2. A: Do you have a party? B: Yes. Please come to my birthday party. 3. A: Do you have a party? B: Yes. Please come to my garden party. basketball party birthday party garden party Expression 2 A: How do I have to wear at the party? B: Dress like a frog. New Word 1. A: How do I have to wear? B: Dress like a rabbit. 2. A: How do I have to wear? B: Dress like a prince. 3. A: How do I have to wear? B: Dress like a monster. rabbit prince monster 17
Write it 잘못된부분을아래음영부분에바르게고쳐써보세요. Please comes to I costume party. Dress of a famous people. Or, dress like you favorite actor or superhero. Please come to my costume party. Dress like a famous person. Or, dress like your favorite actor or superhero. Sentence Master 주어진단어를이용해서우리말을영어로써보세요. 1. 저의파자마파티에오세요. (please / slumber) Please come to my slumber party. 2. 해적처럼입으세요. (pirate) Dress like a pirate. 3. 웡선생님은나의이웃이에요. (Mr. Wong / neighbor) Mr. Wong is my neighbor. 4. 나는내숙제를마쳐야해요. (finish / homework) I have to finish my homework. 5. 너는학교에너의자전거를타고가니? (ride / school) Do you ride your bicycle to school? 선생님확인 18
Book 5 Unit 3 At the Baseball Stadium 3A Word Master 영어를우리말로, 우리말을영어로써보세요. No. Word Meaning No. Meaning Word 1 team ( 경기따위의 ) 팀 1 열성적인 애호가, 팬 fan 2 jersey ( 운동경기용 ) 셔츠 2 응원하다 cheer 3 fan 열성적인애호가, 팬 3 홈런 home run 4 bright 밝은 4 5 cheer 응원하다 5 ( 경기따위의 ) 팀 ( 앞에챙이달린 ) 모자 team cap 6 exciting 흥미진진한 6 흥미진진한 exciting 7 home run 홈런 7 ( 운동경기용 ) 셔츠 jersey ( 앞에챙이달린 ) 8 cap 모자 8 밝은 bright 16 개중개정답 19
Key Points <He, She, It 의소유격 (2)> 1. he 의소유격 : his( 그의 ) What is his name? 2. she 의소유격 : her( 그녀의 ) This is her bag. 3. it 의소유격 : its( 그것의 ) Its size isn t big. it 의소유격 its 와 it is 의줄임말인 it s 를혼동하지않도록주의하세요. Let s Practice 문장에서틀린부분을찾아맞게고쳐써봅시다. 1. Henry moved to a new house. Her new house is very big. Her His 2. She made a cake for us. It s taste is delicious. It s Its 3. Kelly has to buy new shoes. Now his shoes are too small. his her 4. I bought a skirt for my daughter. It s color is very bright. It s Its 20
Sentence Master 주어진단어를이용해서우리말을영어로써보세요. 1. 샥스는내가제일좋아하는야구팀이에요. (Sharks / are) The Sharks are my favorite baseball team. 2. 경기장은붐벼요. (crowded) The stadium is crowded. 3. 경기장은더워요. (it / at) It is hot at the stadium. 4. 한선수가홈런을쳐요. (player / hits) A player hits a home run. 5. 샥스가경기에서이겨요! (Sharks / win) The Sharks win the game! Dictation 잘듣고빈칸에알맞은단어를써보세요. 1. I go to the stadium with my family. 2. My sister wears her Sharks jersey. 3. Many fans are at the stadium. 4. Its light is very bright. 5. The fans cheer for their favorite team. 선생님확인 21
3B Word Master 영어를우리말로, 우리말을영어로써보세요. No. Word Meaning No. Meaning Word 1 wear 입고있다 1 하키 hockey 2 shine 빛나다, 빛을내다 2 날다 fly 3 hockey 하키 3 식당 restaurant 4 theater 극장 4 입고있다 wear 5 restaurant 식당 5 붐비는 crowded 6 nest 둥지 6 빛나다, 빛을내다 shine 7 crowded 붐비는 7 극장 theater 8 fly 날다 8 둥지 nest 16 개중개정답 22
Key Points 1. 좋아하는스포츠팀을말할 때 : favorite+ 스포츠 +team The Sharks are my favorite basketball team. 먼저팀의이름은고유한것이므로 첫글자를대문자로써야해요. 스포츠 팀의이름은집단으로구성되기때문에 주로복수로취급되죠. 2. ~ 가붐벼요 라고말할때 : 장소 +is crowded. The theater is crowded. 어떤장소가사람들로가득차서북적 거릴때 crowded 를이용해서나타내요. Let s Practice 각각의체인을따라가면서 A 의질문에알맞은대답을완성해보세요. Woori 좋아하는스포츠 soccer 좋아하는팀이름 Manchester United Brad hockey Montreal Canadians Alfred basketball Chicago Bulls Expression A: What sport does Fred like? What is his favorite team? B: He likes baseball. The New York Yankees are his favorite team. 1 2 3 A: What sport does Woori like? What is his favorite team? B: He likes soccer. The Manchester United is his favorite team. A: What sport does Brad like? What is his favorite team? B: He likes hockey. The Montreal Canadians are his favorite team. A: What sport does Alfred like? What is his favorite team? B: He likes basketball. The Chicago Bulls are his favorite team. 23
Write it 잘못된부분을아래음영부분에바르게고쳐써보세요. The stadium are crowded. Many fan are at the stadium. It am hot at the stadium. The sun is shine. It s light is very bright. The stadium is crowded. Many fans are at the stadium. It is hot at the stadium. The sun is shining. Its light is very bright. Sentence Master 주어진단어를이용해서우리말을영어로써보세요. 1. 샥스는내가가장좋아하는하키팀이에요. (Sharks / hockey) The Sharks are my favorite hockey team. 2. 그식당은붐벼요. (restaurant) The restaurant is crowded. 3. 쌤은그의모자를찾고있어요. (Sam / looking / hat) Sam is looking for his hat. 4. 그새는자신의둥지로날아가요. (flies / its) The bird flies to its nest. 5. 저것은그녀가가장좋아하는비디오게임이에요. (that / video game) That is her favorite video game. 선생님확인 24
Book 5 Unit 4 My Favorite Band 4A Word Master 영어를우리말로, 우리말을영어로써보세요. No. Word Meaning No. Meaning Word 1 band 악단, 밴드 1 가수 singer 2 tonight 오늘밤 2 많은 lots of 3 wait 기다리다 3 악단, 밴드 band 4 stage 무대 4 박수를 치다 clap 5 singer 가수 5 기다리다 wait 6 musician 음악가, 연주가 6 오늘밤 tonight 7 clap 박수를치다 7 음악가, 연주가 musician 8 lots of 많은 8 무대 stage 16 개중개정답 25
Key Points <We, You, They 의소유격 (3)> 1. we 의소유격 : our( 우리의 ) Ms. Lee is our new teacher. 2. you 의소유격 : your( 너희들의, 당신들의 ) Where are your bags? 3. they 의소유격 : their( 그들의 ) They have to finish their homework. Let s Practice 빈칸에알맞은말을골라보세요. 1. My friend and I like science. Our favorite subject is (Your, Our, Their) science. 2. I know you two have brothers. How old are your (our, your, their) brothers? 3. Jimmy and Mike are going to America next month. They hope their trip is great. (our, your, their) 틀린곳을찾아바르게고쳐보세요. 1. We are busy. We have to finish its homework now. its our 2. We respect firefighters. Our job is very dangerous. Our Their 26
Sentence Master 주어진단어를이용해서우리말을영어로써보세요. 1. 우리가가장좋아하는밴드가오늘밤공연을해요. (playing / tonight) Our favorite band is playing tonight. 2. 그들은자신들의자리에앉아있죠. (in / seats) They sit in their seats. 3. 마침내, 밴드가무대위로걸어와요. (finally / onto) Finally, the band walks onto the stage. 4. 연주자들도역시훌륭하죠. (great / too) The musicians are great, too. 5. 우리는음악에맞춰춤을춰요. (dance / music) The musicians are great, too. Dictation 잘듣고빈칸에알맞은단어를써보세요. 1. I am at the concert with my friends. 2. There are lots of people at the concert. 3. They wait for the concert to begin. 4. We clap our hands and cheer. 5. We have a great time at the concert. 선생님확인 27
4B Word Master 영어를우리말로, 우리말을영어로써보세요. No. Word Meaning No. Meaning Word 1 concert 연주회, 콘서트 1 손 hand 2 excellent 훌륭한, 뛰어난 2 청소하다 clean 3 hand 손 3 시작하다 begin 4 beach 해변 4 연주회, 콘서트 concert 5 wait for ~ 을기다리다 5 자리, 좌석 seat 6 begin 시작하다 6 훌륭한, 뛰어난 excellent 7 seat 자리, 좌석 7 해변 beach 8 clean 청소하다 8 ~ 을 기다리다 wait for 16 개중개정답 28
Key Points I am at the theater with my cousin. 1. 와 ~ 에있죠 라고말할때 : be 동사 +at+ 장소 +with+ 사람 at 은장소를나타낼때주로사용해 요. ~ 에 라는의미를나타내죠. with 는 ~ 와함께 라는뜻을가져요. 2. 가 ~ 하는것을기다리죠 라고말할때 : wait for + 사람 / 사건 + to~ We wait for the movie to start. wait for 다음에는사람이나사건등이와요. They wait for him to come this afternoon. Let s Practice 힌트와 New Word 를사용하여대화를완성해보세요. Stadium Martin & Greg game time 7:00~10:00 now 6:50 Theater I & Barbie movie time 1:00~2:30 now 2:10 Restaurant Tom & Jenny waiters serving time 11:00~22:00 now 10:50 Expression A: Where are they? What do they wait for? B: They are at the concert. They wait for the concert to begin. New Word 1. A: Where are Martin and Greg? What do they wait for? B: They are at the stadium. They wait for the game to start. 2. A: Where are you and Barbie? What do you wait for? B: We are at the theater. We wait for the movie to end. 3. A: Where are Tom and Jenny? What do they wait for? B: They are at the restaurant. They wait for the waiters to serve food. start end serve 29
Write it 잘못된부분을아래음영부분에바르게고쳐써보세요. There is lots of colorful light. We clap their hands and cheer. We dances to the music. We have a great times at the concert. There are lots of colorful lights. We clap our hands and cheer. We dance to the music. We have a great time at the concert. Sentence Master 주어진단어를이용해서우리말을영어로써보세요. 1. 나는나의친구들과쇼핑몰에있어요. (mall / with) I am at the mall with my friends. 2. 그들은경기가시작하기를기다리죠. (wait / game / begin) They wait for the game to begin. 3. 그학생들은그들의숙제를해요. (do / homework) The students do their homework. 4. 카일은그들의음악을대단히많이좋아해요. (Kyle / much) Kyle likes their music very much. 5. 우리는당신이가장좋아하는식당에갈거예요. (going / favorite) We are going to your favorite restaurant. 선생님확인 30
BEFLY Speaking 유형 문제 그림보고질문에답하기 W: What instrument is this? What do you need to play it? 출처 5 권 p. 36 힌트 drum drumstick play 답안 This is a drum. I need drumsticks to play it. 31
BEFLY Writing 유형 상황에맞는짧은글쓰기 출처 5 권 p. 18 힌트 답안 (1) costume party (2) famous person, favorite actor (5) prize for (1) to my costume party (2) like a famous person or your favorite actor (3) Sunday, September 10 (4) Jiyun's house (5) a prize for the best costume 32