안녕하세요? 닥터잉글리쉬입니다 년국가직 9 급현미경분석을하겠습니다. 많은도움되시기바랍니다. 참고로, 닥터잉글리쉬카페에오시면많은영어자료들이있습니다.^^ 문 1. 밑줄친부분에가장적절한것은?

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안녕하세요? 닥터잉글리쉬입니다. 2014 년국가직 9 급현미경분석을하겠습니다. 많은도움되시기바랍니다. 참고로, 닥터잉글리쉬카페에오시면많은영어자료들이있습니다.^^ http://cafe.naver.com/doctorgoodenglish 문 1. 밑줄친부분에가장적절한것은? Before she traveled to Mexico last winter, she needed to her Spanish because she had not practiced it since college. 1make up to 2brush up on 3shun away from 4come down with Before she traveled to Mexico last winter, she needed to her Spanish because she had not practiced it since college. - 시간의부사절 ( 종속절 ) 과주절로이루어진복문 1) Before she traveled to Mexico (last winter), - 부사절 ( 종속절, 시간의부사절 ) - 그녀가작년에멕시코로여행을가지전에 2) she needed to her Spanish (because she had not practiced it since college). - need다음에동사가없기때문에본동사로사용된 need. - since다음에명사가왔기때문에전치사로사용된 since. ~ 이래로 - 그녀는 < 대학이후로그것 ( 스페인어 ) 를연습하지않았기때문에 > 스페인어를연마함을필요했다 ( 연마했어야했다 ). 그래서정답은 2번 brush up on( 연마하다, 복습하다 ) make up to - 아첨하다 shun away from - ~ 로부터피하다. come down with - ( 주로질병 ) ~ 에걸리다. brush up on( 연마하다, 복습하다 ) 는 2013 년지방직 9 급 2 번문제의 2 번예문으로나온 숙어입니다. http://cafe.naver.com/doctorgoodenglish/5080

문 2. 밑줄친부분과의미가가장가까운것은? I was told to let Jim pore over computer printouts. 1 examine 2 distribute 3 discard 4 correct I was told to let Jim pore over computer printouts. - 주어 be동사보어로이루어진 2형식문장. - computer printouts : 컴퓨터출력물 1) let Jim pore over computer printouts. 동사목적어목보 - 문장이길어지는원리를알면쉬운문장 - Jim에게컴퓨터인쇄물을 pore over( 조사하다 ) 하게하다. 2) 능동태로고치면 They told me to let Jim pore over computer printouts. - 꼬레아 5형식문장, tell은 4형식과 5형식에사용됩니다. - 그들은나에게짐이컴퓨터인쇄물을조사하게하라고말했다. 2) 해석 - 나는짐에게컴퓨터출력물을조사하게하라고들었다. 그래서정답은 1 번 examine 문 3. 밑줄친부분과의미가가장가까운것은? Johannes Kepler believed that there would one day be "celestial ships with sails adapted to the winds of heaven" navigating the sky, filled with explorers "who would not fear the vastness" of space. And today those explorers, human and robot, employ as unerring guides on their voyages through the vastness of space the three laws of planetary motion that Kepler uncovered during a lifetime of personal travail and ecstatic discovery. 1 faultless 2 unreliable 3 gutless 4 unscientific 1. Johannes Kepler believed that there would one day be "celestial ships with sails adapted to the winds of heaven" navigating the sky, filled with explorers "who would not fear the vastness" of space.

1) Johannes Kepler believed that there would one day be "celestial ships with sails adapted to the winds of heaven" navigating the sky, filled with explorers "who would not fear the vastness" of space. - 로이루어진 3형식문장 - 요하네스케플러는믿었다. 2) 목적어역할을하는명사절 that 분석 that there would (one day) be "celestial ships (with sails adapted to the winds of 유도부사동사주어 heaven") navigating the sky, filled with explorers "who would not fear the vastness" of space. - there is/are 구문. - 시간의부사구 one day가글중앙에삽입되어있음. 언젠가는 (1) celestial ships with sails <(which were) adapted (to the winds of heaven)>" - 전치사 with가있으니 sail이명사로사용된것임을알수있음. 돛을가진 celestial ships. - 하늘의바람에 (to the winds of heaven) 적응되는돛을가진 (with sail) 천체의배 ( 천체우주선, celestial ships) - 언젠가 (one day), 하늘의바람에 (to the winds of heaven) 적응되는돛을가진 (with sail) 천체의배 ( 천체우주선, celestial ships) 이있을것이다 라고요하네스케플러는믿었다. (2) navigating the sky, - navigating (the sky) 는 celestial ships 을꾸미는현재분사! - 하늘을운항하는천체의배 ( 우주선 ) (3) be "celestial ships (with sails adapted to the winds of heaven") navigating the sky, - ( 언젠가 ) 하늘을운항하는천체의배 ( 우주선 ) 가있을것이다. (4), filled with explorers "who would not fear the vastness" of space. - 절과절의연결에는접속사가있어야하나, 접속사가안보이므로분사구문!!! - 접주동을살리면 1 and they(the celestial ships) are filled with~~~ ( 접주동살린문장 ) 2 being filled with ~~ ( 접속사생략 ) 3 filled with ~~ (being 생략 ) - who이하는선행명사 explorers를수식하는형용사절, who는주격관대 - 우주 (space) 의광대함 (vastness) 을두려워하지않는 ~~~ 탐험가들 (explorers) 로가득채워진

( 천체우주선 ) 3) 전체해석요하네스케플러는 언젠가 (one day), 우주 (space) 의광대함 (vastness) 을두려워하지않는 ~~~ 탐험가들 (explorers) 로가득채워지고, 하늘의바람에 (to the winds of heaven) 적응되는돛을가진 (with sail) 천체의배 ( 천체우주선, celestial ships) 이있을것이다 라고믿었다. 2. And today those explorers, human and robot, employ as unerring guides on their voyages through the vastness of space the three laws of planetary motion that Kepler uncovered during a lifetime of personal travail and ecstatic discovery. And (today) those explorers, human and robot, employ (as unerring guides) (on their 주어동사 voyages) (through the vastness of space) the three laws of planetary motion (that Kepler 목적어 uncovered during a lifetime of personal travail and ecstatic discovery). 1) 수식어를뺀문장은 Those explorers employ the three laws of planetary motion. 입니다. - 이러한탐험가들은행성운동 (planetary motion) 의세가지법칙을사용한다. 2) as unerring guides (on their voyages) (through the vastness of space) - as 다음에명사가나왔기때문에전치사로사용된 as, ~ 로써 (1) as unerring guides - 확실한 (unerring) 안내자들 (guides) 로 (2) on their voyages - 그들의여행에 (3) through the vastness of space - 우주의광활함을통한 3) the three laws of planetary motion <that Kepler uncovered (during a lifetime of 주어동사 personal travail and ecstatic discovery)>. - that이하는선행명사 the three laws of planetary motion을꾸며주는형용사절, that은목적격관대 - 케플러가 < 개인적고통 (personal travail) 과황홀한발견 (ecstatic discovery) 의생애동안 > 발견한 ~~~ ( 행성운동의세가지법칙을사용한다 )

4) 전체해석그리고요즘그러한탐험가들 ( 인간과로봇 ) 은케플러가 < 개인적고통 (personal travail) 과황홀한발견 (ecstatic discovery) 의생애동안 > 발견한 ~~~ 행성운동의세가지법칙을우주의광활함을통한그들의여행에확실한 (unerring) 안내자들 (guides) 로사용한다. 그래서정답은 1 번 faultless( 흠없는, 완벽한, 확실한 ) 문 4. 밑줄친부분에가장적절한것은 Visitors at Disneyland pay a high admission price and wait hours for rides that last no more than five minutes. Why do they respond so well to a situation that might otherwise cause great ᄀ? One reason is that the theme park provides extra service wherever they can. They lend cameras at no ᄂ to their guests at designated photo sites. People remember the fun picture with Mickey Mouse and forget the long lines. Clean facilities and friendly staff also go far to ᄃ the negative experiences. ᄀᄂᄃ 1 dissemination chance evoke 2 dissemination charge erase 3 dissatisfaction charge erase 4 dissatisfaction chance evoke 1. Visitors at Disneyland pay a high admission price and wait hours for rides (that last no more than five minutes). - 등위접속사 and 로연결된중문 1) Visitors (at Disneyland) pay a high admission price 주어형용사구동사목적어 - 로이루어진 3형식문장 - 디즈니랜드의방문객들은높은입장료를낸다. 2) and wait hours for rides (that last no more than five minutes). - 등위접속사 and다음에동사 wait가있어중문임을알수있음. 같은주어인 Visitors가생략. - 로이루어진 3형식문장 - ( 방문객들은 ) 놀이기구 (rides) 를위해수시간을기다린다. 3) for rides (that last no more than five minutes). - that 이하는선행명사 rides 를꾸며주는형용사절. that 은주격관대

- no more than(=only) - 겨우 (no more than) 5 분지속하는 ~ rides( 놀이기구 ) 2. Why do they respond so well to a situation that might otherwise cause great ᄀ? Why do they respond so well <(to a situation that might otherwise cause great ᄀ )? 1) Why do they respond so well (to a situation)? - 그들은왜 ( 그상황에대해 ) 그렇게잘응할까? 2)to a situation that might (otherwise) cause great ᄀ - that이하는선행명사 a situation을꾸미는형용사절, that은주격관대 - ( 그렇지않으면 ) 심각한 ( 불만 ) 을야기할수있는 ~~~ 그상황에. 3) 전체해석 그들은왜심각한 ( 불만 ) 을야기할수있는그상황에대해그렇게잘응할까? 3. One reason is that the theme park provides extra service wherever they can. One reason is that the theme park provides extra service wherever they can. - 주어 be동사보어 ( 명사절 that) 로이루어진 2형식문장. 1) wherever they can (provide extra service). 1 양보의부사절로사용된복합관계부사절. 2 양보의부사절은문두에나올때는콤마가있어야지만, 문미로빠질때는굳이콤마가없어도됩니다. 3 (provide extra service) 가생략된문장. 4그들 ( 디즈니랜드 ) 이추가서비스를제공할수곳이라면어디든지 2) 전체해석 - 하나의이유는그테마공원 ( 디즈니랜드 ) 은추가서비스를제공할수있는 곳이라면어디든지제공한다는것이다. 4. They lend cameras at no ᄂ to their guests at designated photo sites. They lend cameras (at no ᄂ ) (to their guests) (at designated photo sites).

- 로이루어진 3 형식문장. - 그들 ( 디즈니공원 ) 은 ( 그들의방문객에게 ) ( 지정된사진장소들에서 ) ( 비용없이 ) 카메라를 빌려준다. 5. People remember the fun picture with Mickey Mouse and forget the long lines. People remember the fun picture (with Mickey Mouse) and (People) forget the long lines. - 등위접속사 and로연결된중문 ( 병렬문 ) - 사람들은미키마우스와함께한즐거운사진을기억하고긴줄을잊는다. 6. Clean facilities and friendly staff also go far to ᄃ the negative experiences. Clean facilities and friendly staff also go (far) (to ᄃ the negative experiences). 주어동사 - 주어자동사로이루어진 1형식문장. - 깨끗한시설과친절한스탭 ( 직원 ) 또한부정적인경험을 ( 제거 ) 하는데대하여기여한다. ( 나쁜경험들이삭제되는것을멀리가게한다.) 정답은 3 번 dissatisfaction, charge, erase 문 5. 우리말을영어로잘못옮긴것은 1 그녀는등산은말할것도없고, 야외에나가는것을좋아하지않는다. She does not like going outdoor, not to mention mountain climbing. 2 그녀는학급에서가장예쁜소녀이다. She is more beautiful than any other girl in the class. 3 그나라는국토의 3/4이바다로둘러싸여있는소국이다. The country is a small one with the three quarters of the land surrounding by the sea. 4 많은학생들이졸업후취직을위해열심히공부한다. A number of students are studying very hard to get a job after their graduation. 1 그녀는등산은말할것도없고, 야외에나가는것을좋아하지않는다. She does not like going outdoor, not to mention mountain climbing.

- not to mention 1 not to mention은 ~ 은말할것도없고 의뜻을가진 to부정사구 ( 부사구 ) 입니다. 2 to부정사구의종류 - to be frank[honest] with you, to be short, to make a long story short, to make matters worse도관용적으로사용되는 to 부정사구 ( 부사구 ) 입니다. - She does not like going outdoor, not to mention (she does not like) mountain climbing. 2 그녀는학급에서가장예쁜소녀이다. She is more beautiful than any other girl in the class. : 비교급 than any other 단수명사는최상급표현. 3 그나라는국토의 3/4이바다로둘러싸여있는소국이다. The country is a small one with the three quarters of the land (which are) surrounding by the sea. : 둘러싸여진것이므로수동!!! surrounding ->surrounded 그래서정답 4 많은학생들이졸업후취직을위해열심히공부한다. A number of students are studying very hard to get a job after their graduation. to부정사 ( 부사적용법 ) : a number of는복수취급, the number of는단수취급. 문 6. 밑줄친부분에가장적절한것은 A: I saw the announcement for your parents' 25th anniversary in yesterday's newspaper. It was really neat. Do you know how your parents met? B : Yes. It was really incredible, actually, very romantic. They met in college, found they were compatible, and began to date. Their courtship lasted all through school. A: No kidding! That's really beautiful. I haven't noticed anyone in class that I could fall in love with! B :. Oh, well, maybe next semester! 1 Me neither 2 You shouldn't blame me 3 It is up to your parents 4 You'd better hang about with her.( 너는그녀와어울리는것이낫다 )

A: I saw the announcement (for your parents' 25th anniversary) (in yesterday's newspaper). - 로이루어진 3형식문장 - 나는 ( 어제신문에서 ) ( 당신부모님의 25번째결혼기념일에대한 ) 발표를봤다. It was really neat. - 그것은정말멋졌다 (neat) Do you know (that) how your parents met? - how your parents met 는간접의문문. 목적어로사용 - 너는너의부모님이어떻게만났는지를아니? B : Yes. It was really incredible, actually, very romantic. - 응, 그것은정말믿기힘들정도로, 사실, 아주낭만적이야. They met in college, found they were compatible, and began to date. - 동사 met, found, and began으로연결된병렬구조의문장. - They met in college, (they) found (that) they were compatible, and (they) began to date. - 그들은대학에서만났고, 그들은잘맞았고 (compatible), 그래서데이트를시작했어. Their courtship lasted all through school. - 그들의연애 (courtship) 는모든학기내내지속됐어. A: No kidding! That's really beautiful. - 말도안돼! 정말아름답다. I haven't noticed anyone (in class) (that I could fall in love with)! - that 이하는선행명사 anyone 을꾸며주는형용사절, that 은목적격관대 - 나는 ( 반에서 ) 내가사랑에빠질수있는어떤사람도보지못했다. B :. Oh, well, maybe next semester! - ( 나도그래 ). 아마도다음학기에는 ( 사랑에빠질남자를만날거야 )! 그래서정답은 1 번 Me neither. 문 7. 밑줄친부분에가장적절한것은? A: Did you see Steve this morning? B : Yes. But why does he?

A: I don't have the slightest idea. B : I thought he'd be happy. A: Me too. Especially since he got promoted to sales manager last week. B : He may have some problem with his girlfriend. 1 have such a long face 2 step into my shoes 3 jump on the bandwagon 4 play a good hand A: Did you see Steve (this morning)? - 오늘아침에스티브봤니? B : Yes. But why does he? - 응. 하지만그가왜 ( )? A: I don't have the slightest idea. - 나는아주작은아이디어도없다.( 전혀모르겠다 ) B : I thought (that) he'd be happy. - 나는그가행복할거라생각했다. A: Me too. Especially since he got promoted (to sales manager) (last week). - 나도그래 ( 그가행복할거라고생각했어 ). 특히그가지난주에영업부장 (sales manager) 으 로승진한후로부터는 ( 그가행복할거라고생각했어 ) B : He may have some problem with his girlfriend. - 그는아마도그녀의여자친구와몇가지문제가있나봐. 1 have such a long face ( 우울하다 ) 2 step into my shoes( 나의후임자가되다 ) 3 jump on the bandwagon( 우세한편에붙다, 시류에편승하다 ) 4 play a good hand( 멋진수를써다 ) 그래서정답은 1 번 have such a long face ( 우울하다 ) jump on the bandwagon 는 2013 년지방직 9 급 4 번의예문에도출제가되었습니다. 문 8. 어법상옳은것은

1 While worked at a hospital, she saw her first air show. 2 However weary you may be, you must do the project. 3 One of the exciting games I saw were the World Cup final in 2010. 4 It was the main entrance for that she was looking. 1 While worked at a hospital, she saw her first air show. - 병원에서일하는동안, 그녀는그녀의첫번째에어쇼 ( 항공기쇼, her first air show) 를봤다. - While worked at a hospital은분사구문!!!!! While she worked at hospital - 접주동을살린문장 -> While working at a hospital, ( 주어생략 ) 그래서 worked를 working으로바꿔야함. 어법상틀린문장. 2 However weary you may be, you must do the project. - 복합관계부사절이문두에있고, 그뒤에콤마가있어양보의부사절로사용된복합관계부사절!!! - 네가아무리힘들다 (weary) 해도, 너는그프로젝트를해야한다. 어법상옳은문장. 3 One of the exciting games <(that) I saw> were the World Cup final in 2010. - 주어가 one!!! 단수!!! 그래서동사는 were가아니고 was가와야함. - 내가보았든가장흥미로운게임중에하나는 2010년월드컵마지막이였다. 그래서어법상틀린문장 4 It was the main entrance (for that she was looking). - 그것은그녀가찾고있었던메인출입구였다. - It was the main entrance (that she was looking for). (O) - It was the main entrance (which she was looking for). (O) - It was the main entrance (for which she was looking). (O) - It was the main entrance (for that she was looking). (X) - 전치사는관계대명사 that앞에올수없음. 그래서어법상틀린문장 그래서정답은 2 번. 문 9. 밑줄친부분중어법상옳은것은?

Compared to newspapers, magazines are not necessarily up-to-the-minute, since they do not appear every day, but weekly, monthly, or even less frequently. Even externally they are different from newspapers, mainly because magazines 1resemble like a book. The paper is thicker, photos are more colorful, and most of the articles are relatively long. The reader experiences much more background information and greater detail. There are also weekly news magazines, 2which reports on a number of topics, but most of the magazines are specialized to attract various consumers. For example, there are 3women's magazines cover fashion, cosmetics, and recipes as well as youth magazines about celebrities. Other magazines are directed toward, for example, computer users, sports fans, 4those interested in the arts, and many other small groups. 1. Compared to newspapers, magazines are not necessarily up-to-the-minute, since they do not appear every day, but weekly, monthly, or even less frequently. 1) Compared to newspapers, magazines are not necessarily up-to-the-minute, (1) Compared to newspapers, - Compared to newspapers는분사구문!!! - 접주동을살린문장 : When (magazines are) compared to newspapers, - ( 잡지를 ) 신문과비교해볼때 (2) magazines are not necessarily up-to-the-minute, - up-to-the-minute : 형용사, 가장최신의 - 주어 be동사보어로이루어진 2형식문장. - 잡지는반드시최신일필요는없다. 2) since they do not appear every day, but weekly, monthly, or even less frequently. - since they do not appear every day, but (they appear) weekly, monthly, or even less frequently. - 접속사로사용된 since, 왜냐하면 - appear는자동사로써수동태불가동사. - 왜냐하면그들 ( 잡지들 ) 은매일나오지않고주간, 월간, 혹은덜자주나오기때문이다. 2. Even externally they are different (from newspapers), mainly because magazines 1 resemble like a book. - resemble은 ~ 와닮다 라고해석되어자동사로오해하기쉬운동사!!! - resemble다음에는반드시명사가와야하는 3형식타동사!!!( 닥터잉글리쉬메리다!! 참조 ) - 그래서틀린문장

-> magazines 1resemble a book. 전치사 like 를빼야함. 3. The paper is thicker, photos are more colorful, and most of the articles are relatively long. - A, B, and C로구성된문장. - 각각은 2형식. - 비교급이사용되어 than ~ 이나와야하나너무뻔하기때문에생략된문장 (than newspaper) - 종이는더두껍고, 사진은더화려하며, 대부분의기사들은비교적길다 ( 신문보다 ). 4. The reader experiences much more background information and greater detail. - 비교급강조를위해사용된 much. - 로이루어진 3형식문장 - ( 잡지의 ) 독자들은훨씬더많은배경정보와더자세한세부사항을경험한다. 5. There are also weekly news magazines, 2which reports on a number of topics, but most of the magazines are specialized to attract various consumers. 1) There are also weekly news magazines, 2which reports (on a number of topics), - there is/are 구문. - 선행명사가 news magazines로복수!!! 그래서 which report!!! - 또한주간뉴스잡지들이있는데, 이들은수많은주제들에관하여보도한다. 2) but most of the magazines are specialized (to attract various consumers). - 등위접속사 but으로연결된중문 - 하지만대부분의잡지들은다양한소비자들을끌기위해전문화되어있다. 4. For example, there are 3women's magazines cover fashion, cosmetics, and recipes as well as youth magazines about celebrities. - there is/are 구문. 그래서주어가뒤에나옴!!! 1) women's magazines <(which are) covering fashion, cosmetics, and recipes> 가주어 - 한문장에동사가두개있을수없기때문에 cover -> covering 으로바꿔야함. - 패션, 화장품, 요리법을다루는 ~~ 여성잡지 2) as well as youth magazines about celebrities.

- 유명연예인 (celebrities) 에관한젊은이들잡지 (youth magazines) 뿐만아니라 5. Other magazines are directed (toward, for example, computer users, sports fans, 4 those interested in the arts, and many other small groups). 1) Other magazines are directed (toward, for example, computer users, sports fans, -( 예를들어 ) 다른잡지들은컴퓨터사용자들이나스포츠팬들, 2) those interested in the arts, and many other small groups). - 주격관대 + be동사 가생략된문장 - those (who are) interested in the arts, and many other small groups. - 어법상옳은문장. - 예술에관심있는사람들, 그리고다른많은소그룹을향한다 ( 겨냥한다 ). 그래서정답은 4 번 문 10. 밑줄친부분에가장적절한것은? Until recently many experts assumed that under the influence of universal literacy and mass media, regional dialects were being leveled.. Local identity and other social forces exert a stronger influence than even TV on how dialects evolve. The Inland North, the Midland, Canada, and the South are now more different from each other than ever. 1 Absolutely true 2 Too much so 3 Not so 4 Well enough 1. (Until recently) many experts assumed that under the influence of universal literacy and mass media, regional dialects were being leveled. - ( 명사절 that) 으로이루어진 3형식문장 1) many experts assumed that ~ - ( 최근까지 ) 많은전문가들은 that이하를추정 ( 가정 ) 했다. - 로이루어진 3형식문장. 2) that (under the influence of universal literacy and mass media), regional dialects were 주어 동사

being leveled. 보어 - 명사절 that이목적어 - 명사절 that절은주어 be동사보어로이루어진 2형식문장. (1) under the influence of universal literacy and mass media - 보편적인교육 (universal literacy) 과대중매체의영향으로인하여, (2) regional dialects were being leveled. - 지방의사투리 (regional dialects) 들은 being leveled( 평준화되다 ) 되어지고있다. - 교육과대중매체의영항으로인하여지방사투리가없어지고있다는말. 3) 전체해석 ( 최근까지 ) 많은전문가들은보편적인교육 (universal literacy) 과대중매체의영향으로인하여, 지방의사투리 (regional dialects) 들은 being leveled( 평준화되다 ) 되어지고있다는것을추정 ( 가정 ) 했다. 2.. Local identity and other social forces exert a stronger influence than even TV on how dialects evolve. 1 Absolutely true( 절대적으로사실이다 ) 2 Too much so( 너무심하게그러하다 ) 3 Not so( 그렇지않다 ) 4 Well enough( 아주충분하다 ) 1) Local identity and other social forces exert a stronger influence than even TV on how dialects evolve. - 비교급다음에비교급의짝꿍인 than이보이는문장. - 지방의정체성 (Local identity) 과다른사회적인힘 (other social forces) 이더강력한영향 (a stronger influence) 을발휘한다 (exert). 2) than (even) TV (exert influence) - 심지어 TV 가 ( 영향력을발휘하는것보다 ) 3) on how dialects evolve - 어떻게지방사투리 (dialects) 가진화하는지 (evolve) 에대해 4) 전체해석 - 어떻게지방사투리 (dialects) 가진화하는지 (evolve) 에관하여보면, 지방의정체성 (Local identity) 과다른사회적인힘 (other social forces) 이 TV보다더강력한영향 (a stronger influence) 을발휘한다 (exert).

앞문장 ( 대중매체의영향으로지방사투리가없어지고있다는내용 ) 과반대의내용 (TV 보다지역사회의정체성과사회적힘이 TV 보다더크게지방사투리에영향을준다는내용 ) 이나오고있어 3 번 Not so( 그렇지않다 ) 가적당한말이됨. 3. The Inland North, the Midland, Canada, and the South are now more different from each other than ever. - 주어 be동사보어로이루어진 2형식문장. - 비교급이보이고비교급의짝꿍인 than이보임. - 북부내륙 (The Inland North) 과중부지방 (the Midland) 캐나다, 그리고남부지방 (the South) 은그어느때보다더많이다르다 (more different, 더많은사투리를쓴다 ). 그래서정답은 3번 Not so( 그렇지않다 ) 문 11. 밑줄친부분에가장적절한것은? Body type was useless as a predictor of how the men would fare in life. So was birth order or political affiliation. Even social class had a limited effect. But having a warm childhood was powerful. It's not that the men who flourished had perfect childhoods. Rather, as Vaillant puts it, "What goes right is more important than what goes wrong." The positive effect of one loving relative, mentor or friend can the negative effects of the bad things that happen. 1 augment 2 convene 3 vanquish 4 reinforce 1. Body type was useless (as a predictor) (of how the men would fare in life). - 주어 be동사보어로이루어진 2형식문장. - as다음에명사가보여전치사로사용된 as. ~ 로써 ( 자격 ) 1) how the men would fare in life - 전치사 of의목적어역할을하는명사절 ( 간접의문문 ) - fare가조동사 would 다음에있기때문에동사로사용된 fare( 지내다, 살아가다 ) - 사람들이인생에서어떻게살아가는지 (fare) 2) 해석 - 체형은사람들이인생에서어떻게살아가는지에대한예측자로서는소용없다.

2. So was birth order or political affiliation. 동사주어 - 맞장구표현의 so am I. so do I. ( 닥터잉글리쉬특수구문힐링북 P104 참조 ) - 출생순서나정치적인소속 (political affiliation) 도그러하다. 맞장구표현. 3. (Even) social class had a limited effect. - 로이루어진 3형식문장. - 심지어사회적계층도제한된효과를가졌다. 4. But having a warm childhood was powerful. - 주어 be동사보어로이루어진 2형식문장. - 하지만따뜻한어린시절을가진것은강력했다 ( 인생이어떻게살것인지영향을준다는말 ). 5. It's not that the men (who flourished) had perfect childhoods. - that 이하는명사절 that. 1) that the men (who flourished) had perfect childhoods - 명사절 that. - 유복하게자란 (who flourished)~~ 사람이완벽한어린시절을가졌다는것. 2) 가주어진주어문장 - 유복하게자란 (who flourished)~~ 사람이완벽한어린시절을가졌다는것은아니다. 6. Rather, as Vaillant puts it, "What goes right is more important than what goes wrong." - Rather - 오히려 - as다음에주어동사가나와서접속사로사용된 as 1),as Vaillant puts it, - 양태의접속사로사용된 as, ~ 처럼 - Vaillant 가말한것처럼 (puts it) 2) "What goes right is more important (than what goes wrong)." - 비교급과비교급의짝꿍인 than으로이루어진문장 - 올바르게 (right, 부사 ) 가는것 (What goes right) 이 < 나쁘게 (wrong, 부사 ) 가는것 (what goes wrong) 보다 > 더중요하다.

7. The positive effect (of one loving relative, mentor or friend) can the negative 주어 동사 목적어 effects (of the bad things that happen). 1 augment ( 강화하다 ) 2 convene( 모으다 ) 3 vanquish( 극복하다 ) 4 reinforce( 보강하다 ) - 로이루어진 3형식문장 - 긍정적인효과는부정적인효과를 ( 이겨낼수 ) 있다. 1) The positive effect (of one loving relative, mentor or friend - 한사람의사랑하는친척, 멘토, 혹은친구의긍정적적인효과 2) the negative effects <of the bad things (that happen)>. - that 이하는 the bad thing 을수식하는형용사절, that 은주격관대. - 일어나는나쁜일들의부정적인효과 (-> 안좋은일이일어나는부정적인효과 ) 3) 해석 - 긍정적인효과가부정정인효과를 ( 극복한다 ). 문맥상적당한것은 3 번 vanquish( 극복하다 ) 문 12. 주어진글다음에이어질글의순서로가장적절한것은? It's amazing what a little free beer can accomplish. Samso, then known for its dairy and pig farms, would become Denmark's showcase for sustainable power, eventually going carbon-free. How that would happen, however, was far from clear, since the government initially offered no funding, tax breaks or technical expertise. (A) So Hermansen showed up at every community or club meeting to give his pitch for going green. He pointed to the blustery island's untapped potential for wind power and the economic benefits of making Samso energy-independent. And he sometimes brought free beer. (B) It worked. The islanders exchanged their oil-burning furnaces for centralized plants that burned leftover straw or wood chips to produce heat and hot water. They bought shares in new wind turbines, which generated the capital to build 11 large land-based turbines, enough to meet the entire island's electricity needs. Today Samso isn't just carbon-neutral it actually produces 10% more clean electricity than it uses, with the extra power fed back into the grid at a profit. (C) Given that almost all its power came from oil or coal and the island's 4,300

residents didn't know a wind turbine from a grain silo Samso seemed an odd choice. Soren Hermansen, though, saw an opportunity. The appeal was immediate, and when a renewable-energy project finally secured some funding, he volunteered to be the first and only staffer. 1 (A)-(B)-(C) 2 (B)-(A)-(C) 3 (C)-(B)-(A) 4 (C)-(A)-(B) A. 주어진글 It's amazing what a little free beer can accomplish. Samso, then known for its dairy and pig farms, would become Denmark's showcase for sustainable power, eventually going carbon-free. How that would happen, however, was far from clear, since the government initially offered no funding, tax breaks or technical expertise. 1. It's amazing what a little free beer can accomplish. - 가주어진주어문장. 1) what(=the thing which) a little free beer can accomplish - 관계대명사 what절이진주어역할, - a little free beer can accomplish the thing. - 약간의공짜맥주가이룰수있는것 긴명사네가지 1 명사절 that 2 명사절 if/whether 3 간접의문문 4 관계대명사 what 절 2) 해석 - 약간의공짜맥주가이룰수있는것 은놀랍다 (amazing). 2. Samso, (then known for its dairy and pig farms,) would become Denmark's showcase for sustainable power, eventually going carbon-free. - 주어 become 동사보어로이루어진 2 형식문장. 1), (then) known for its dairy and pig farms, - 주격관대 + be동사 가동시생략!!! 된문장 - which(samso) was known for its dairy and pig farms, ( 닥터잉글리쉬특수구문힐링북제 14강생략참조 ) - 그당시 (then) 낙농 (dairy) 과양돈 (pig) 농장으로알려진 ~ (Samso) 만약 Then known for... 가문두에나와있으면분사구문으로보면됩니다. 2) Samso would become Denmark's showcase (for sustainable power),

- 주어 become 동사보어로이루어진 2 형식문장. - Samso 는지속가능한힘 (sustainable power, 지속가능한에너지 ) 을위한덴마크의표본 (Denmark's showcase) 이되었고. 3),(eventually) going carbon-free. - 분사구문! -> and Samso went carbon-free. - 결국무탄소 (carbon-free) 로갔다. 3. How that would happen, however, was far from clear, since the government initially offered no funding, tax breaks or technical expertise. - 주절과종속절 ( 부사절 ) 로이루어진복문. - 문장이길어어려워보이지만큰틀을이해하면쉬운문장. 1) How that would happen, (however), was far from clear, - 주어 be동사보어로이루어진 2형식문장. (1) How that would happen - 주어는긴명사네가지중에하나인간접의문문!!! 의주동!!! - 어떻게그것이일어났는지 (How that would happen) (2) 어떻게그것이일어났는지 (How that would happen) 는확실하지않다. 2) since the government (initially) offered no funding, tax breaks or technical expertise. - since다음에절이왔기때문에접속사로사용된 since!!! 왜냐하면 ( 때문에 )!!! 이라고해석 - 왜냐하면정부는처음에자금, 세금우대, 기술적전문기술 (technical expertise) 을제공하지않았기때문이다. 이내용다음에들어갈순서를정하는문제입니다. B. 주어진글의내용분석 (C) Given that almost all its power came from oil or coal and the island's 4,300 residents didn't know a wind turbine from a grain silo Samso seemed an odd choice. Soren Hermansen, though, saw an opportunity. The appeal was immediate, and when a renewable-energy project finally secured some funding, he volunteered to be the first and only staffer.

1. Given that almost all its power came from oil or coal and the island's 4,300 residents didn't know a wind turbine from a grain silo Samso seemed an odd choice. - 대쉬 ( ) 와대쉬 ( ) 로삽입되어있는문장. 1) Given that almost all its power came from oil or coal - given that은독립분사구문!!! ~ 을고려하면!!! - (When it was) Given that almost all its power came from oil or coal - 거의모든힘이석유혹은석탄으로온다는것을고려할때, 2) and the island's 4,300 residents didn't know a wind turbine from a grain silo 주어 동사 목적어 - 대쉬 ( ) 와대쉬 ( ) 로추가보충설명. - 그리고그섬의 4300면주민들이 grain silo( 곡물저장소 ) 로부터나오는 a wind turbine( 풍 력발전 ) 을몰랐다 ( 는것을고려할때 ) 3) Samso seemed an odd choice. - Samso 는이상한선택같았다. be 동사이외에 2 형식동사로사용되는대표적인동사 4 개 : become, seem, turn, get 4) 해석 - 거의모든힘이석유혹은석탄으로온다는것과 - 그섬의 4300 면주민들이 grain silo( 곡물저장소 ) 로부터나오는 a wind turbine( 풍력발전 ) 을몰랐다는것을 - 고려할 때, Samso 는이상한선택같았다. 2. Soren Hermansen, (though,) saw an opportunity. - 로이루어진 3형식문장. - 하지만 Soren Hermansen는기회를보았다. 3. The appeal was immediate, and when a renewable-energy project finally secured some funding, he volunteered to be the first and only staffer. 1) The appeal was immediate, - 어필 (appeal, 간청 ) 은즉각적이였고, 2) and when a renewable-energy project finally secured some funding, - 시간의부사절 - 재생가능한에너지프로젝트 (a renewable-energy project) 가마침내어느정도자금을확

보 (secured) 하였을때, 3) he volunteered to be the first and only staffer. - 로이루어진 3형식문장. - 그는첫번째그리고유일한스텝 (staffer) 이되기를자원했다 (volunteered). (A) So Hermansen showed up at every community or club meeting to give his pitch for going green. He pointed to the blustery island's untapped potential for wind power and the economic benefits of making Samso energy-independent. And he sometimes brought free beer. 1. (So) Hermansen showed up (at every community or club meeting) (to give his pitch 주어동사 for going green). - 주어자동사로이루어진 1형식문장. - 그래서 Hermansen은 ( 모든지역이나클럽모임에서 ) (going green( 친환경 ) 을위한그의주장 (his pitch) 을홍보하가위해 ) 나갔다 (showed up). 2. He pointed (to the blustery island's untapped potential) (for wind power) and the economic benefits of making Samso energy-independent. - 등위접속사 and 가있으나 and 다음에동사가없어병렬구조!!! 1) He pointed (to the blustery island's untapped potential) (for wind power) - blustery- 바람이거센 - untapped - ( 이용할수있는것을 ) 손대지않은 - 그는풍력 (wind power) 을위한 blustery island's untapped potential( 바람이거센섬의손대지않은잠재력 ) 에대해지적했다. 2) and the economic benefits of making Samso energy-independent. - making Samso energy-independent. -> 사역동사 make가사용된 5형식문장!!! 목적어목적격보어 -> Samso를 energy-independent( 에너지독립, 에너지자립 ) 로만들다. - Samso 를 energy-independent( 에너지독립, 에너지자립 ) 으로만드는이점들 (benefits) 에 대해 ( 지적했다 ). 3. And he (sometimes) brought free beer.

- 그리고그는가끔공짜맥주를가져왔다. (B) It worked. The islanders exchanged their oil-burning furnaces for centralized plants that burned leftover straw or wood chips to produce heat and hot water. They bought shares in new wind turbines, which generated the capital to build 11 large land-based turbines, enough to meet the entire island's electricity needs. Today Samso isn't just carbon-neutral it actually produces 10% more clean electricity than it uses, with the extra power fed back into the grid at a profit. 1. It worked. - 그것은작동했다.( 그것은효과가있었다.) 2. The islanders exchanged their oil-burning furnaces <for centralized plants (that burned leftover straw or wood chips to produce heat and hot water)>. 1) The islanders exchanged their oil-burning furnaces for centralized plants - exchange A for B : A와 B로교환하다 ( 바꾸다 ). - 섬사람들은 (The islanders) 그들의기름을태우는용광로 (oil-burning furnaces) 를집중형발전기 (centralized plants) 로대체했다. 2) for centralized plants <that burned leftover straw or wood chips (to produce heat and hot water)> - that이하는선행명사 centralized plants를꾸며주는형용사절, that은주격관대. - 열이나뜨거운물을생성하기위하여 (to produce heat and hot water) 남겨진 (leftover) 짚이나나무토막 (straw or wood chips) 을태우는 (burned)~~~~ 집중형발전기 (centralized plants) 3) 해석 - 섬사람들은 (The islanders) 그들의기름을태우는용광로 (oil-burning furnaces) 를열이나뜨거운물을생성하기위하여 (to produce heat and hot water) 남겨진 (leftover) 짚이나나무토막 (straw or wood chips) 을태우는 (burned)~~~~ 집중형발전기 (centralized plants) 로대체했다. 3. They bought shares in new wind turbines, which generated the capital to build 11 large land-based turbines, enough to meet the entire island's electricity needs.

1) They bought shares in new wind turbines, - 그들은새로운풍력발전터빈 (new wind turbines) 의주식 (shares) 을샀다. 2), which generated the capital to build 11 large land-based turbines, - 그것 ( 주식을산돈 ) 은 11개의넓은땅에토대를준터빈 (land-based turbines) 을세우기위한 (to build) 자금 (the capital) 을만들었다 (generated). 3), enough to meet the entire island's electricity needs. - 전섬의전기수요 (entire island's electricity needs) 를충족시키기에충분한 4. (Today) Samso isn't just carbon-neutral it actually produces 10% more clean electricity than it uses, with the extra power fed back into the grid at a profit. 1) (Today) Samso isn't just carbon-neutral - 오늘날 Samso 는단지탄소중립성 (carbon-neutral) 이 ( 지역이 ) 아니다. 2) it actually produces 10% more clean electricity (than it uses) - 대쉬 ( ) 로추가, 보충설명 - 비교급이나오면항상!!! than이나온다는것을기억!!! - 그것은실제로 ( 사용량보다 ) 10% 더많은깨끗한전기 (clean electricity) 를생산한다. 3), with the extra power fed back (into the grid) (at a profit). 주어동사 - at a profit : 이익을남기고 - 여분의힘 (extra power, 여분의에너지 ) 는이익을남기고 (at a profit) 배관망 (grid, 고압배관망 ) 에돌려준채로 4) 해석 - 오늘날 Samso는단지탄소중립성 (carbon-neutral) 이 ( 지역이 ) 아니다. - 그것 (Samso) 은실제로 ( 사용량보다 ) 10% 더많은깨끗한전기 (clean electricity) 를생산하고, 여분의힘 (extra power, 여분의에너지 ) 는이익을남기고 (at a profit) 배관망 (grid, 고압배관망 ) 에되돌려준다. 정답은 4 번 (C)-(A)-(B) 단어가어렵지만대충의분위기만알면정답은쉽게찾을수있는문제입니다.

문 13. 밑줄친부분에가장적절한것은? The emphasis on decoding, translated mainly as phonemic awareness and knowledge of the alphabetic principle, has led schools to search for packaged or commercially produced reading programs that help students master the skills of decoding. According to the teachers we work with, this highly scripted approach to reading instruction has produced many students who know how to sound out words, but that is where the process of reading ends for them. While the students can decode and even become fluent oral readers, they do not truly comprehend the material; they cannot read between the lines, infer meaning, or detect the author's bias, among other things. Reading. 1 is basically decoding since phonemic and alphabetical knowledge is added to the general decoding process 2 is much more complex than simply mastering phonemic awareness and alphabet recognition 3 can be more efficiently learned together with peers than either alone or with teachers 4 can be mastered when learners know how to sound out words fluently 1. The emphasis (on decoding), (translated mainly as phonemic awareness and knowledge of the alphabetic principle,) has led schools to search for packaged or commercially produced reading programs that help students master the skills of decoding. 굉장히긴문장입니다. 하지만!!! 주어동사를찾고수식어에괄호를치면아주간단한문장이됩니다. 1) The emphasis (on decoding) 주어형용사구 ( 전명구 ) - 전명구앞에명사가있으면형용사구가됩니다. - 해석 (decoding) 의강조 (emphasis) 2)(which was) translated mainly as phonemic awareness and knowledge of the alphabetic principle, - 삽입된문장입니다. - 주격관대 + be동사가생략된문장. - 등위접속사 and 다음에동사가없어병렬구조 - 주로음성인식 (phonemic awareness) 과알파벳원리의지식 (knowledge of the alphabetic

principle) 으로번역된해석의강조 3)The emphasis (on decoding), has led schools (to search for packaged or commercially produced reading programs) - 로이루어진 3형식문장. - 해석의강조는학교가패케이지되거나 (packaged) 상업적으로제작된독서프로그램 (commercially produced reading programs) 을찾도록 (search for) 유도하고있다 (has led). 4) packaged or commercially produced reading programs (that help students master the skills of decoding). - that이하는형용사절, that은주격관대 (1) that help students master the skills of decoding. 동사목적어목보 - 준사역동사 help, 그래서목보에동사원형 master - 학생들이해석의기술을마스터하도록도와주는 ~~~~~ 2. According to the teachers we work with, this highly scripted approach to reading instruction has produced many students who know how to sound out words, but that is where the process of reading ends for them. 1) According to the teachers <(whom) we work with>, - 목적격관대 whom 이생략된문장 - 함께일하고있는선생님들에따르면 2) this highly scripted approach (to reading instruction) has produced many students who know how to sound out words, but that is where the process of reading ends for them. (1) this highly scripted approach (to reading instruction) has produced many students 주어 동사 목적어 - 로이루어진 3형식문장. - ( 읽기훈련에 ) 이런 highly scripted approach( 완전히원고를읽는듯한접근법 ) 은많은 학생들을배출했다 ( 양산했다 ). (2) many students (who know how to sound out words), - who이하는선행명사 many students를수식하는형용사절, who는주격관대 - how to sound out words는긴명사중에하나인간접의문문 ( 의문사절 ) - 어떻게단어를소리내는지를아는 ~~ 많은학생들

(3) but that is where the process of reading ends (for them). - 보어인 where the process of reading ends (for them) 은긴명사중에하나인간접의문문 ( 의문사절 ) - 하지만그것은 ( 그들에게 ) 독서의과정이끝나는곳이다. 3. While the students can decode and even become fluent oral readers, they do not truly comprehend the material; they cannot read between the lines, infer meaning, or detect the author's bias, among other things. 1) While the students can decode and even become fluent oral readers, they do not 주어동사동사보어주어 truly comprehend the material 동사목적어 - 주절과종속절로이루어진복문 - 학생들은번역을하고심지어유창한구음독자 (oral reader) 가되지만, 그들은진정으로자료 (materials) 을이해하지못한다. 2) ; they cannot read (between the lines), infer meaning, or detect the author's bias, 동사목적어 (among other things). - 세미콜론 (;) 은접속사역할!! so( 그래서 ) 로해석! - 그래서그들 ( 학생들 ) 은다른것중에서 (among the things) ( 줄들사이에서 ) 숨을뜻 (infer meaning) 을알수없거나 (cannot read) 저자의편견 (the author's bias) 을알아차릴수없다 (cannot detect). 5. Reading. - 읽기는 1 is basically decoding (since phonemic and alphabetical knowledge is added to the general decoding process - 읽기는 ( 음성적, 알파벳지식은일반적인해석과정에추가되기때문에 ) 기본적으로해석이다. 2 is much more complex (than simply mastering phonemic awareness and alphabet recognition) - 비교급이나오면무조건뒤에 than~ 이나온다는것을인지하면서해석하세요. - 읽기는단순히음성인식 (phonemic awareness) 과알파벳인지보다훨씬더복합적이다.

3 can be more efficiently learned together with peers (than either alone or with teachers) - 읽기는혼자혹은선생님과하는것보다동료와하는것이더효과적으로배울수있다. 4 can be mastered when learners know how to sound out words fluently - 읽기는학습자가어떻게유창하게밖으로소리내는지를알때마스터되어질수있다. 그래서정답은 2 번. 전체문장을정확하게해석하지않아도주어동사만가지고해석을해도정답을찾을수 있는문제입니다. 문 14. 다음문장이들어갈위치로가장적절한것은? For example, some cultural groups were often portrayed as gangsters, while others were usually shown as the `good guys' who arrested them. One of the challenges we face in the world today is that a lot of the information we get about other people and places comes from the advertising and entertainment we see in the media. ( A ) You can't always trust these types of information. ( B ) To the people who make television programs and advertisements, true facts and honest opinions aren't as important as keeping you interested long enough to sell you something! ( C ) In the past, the messages we received from television programs, advertisements, and movies were full of stereotypes. ( D ) Even places were presented as stereotypes: European cities, such as Paris and Venice, were usually shown as beautiful and romantic, but cities in Africa and Asia, such as Cairo and Calcutta, were often shown as poor and overcrowded. 1 A 2 B 3 C 4 D < 주어진문장 > (For example), some cultural groups were often portrayed as gangsters, while others 주어 were usually shown as the `good guys' who arrested them. 동사보어 1) (For example), some cultural groups were often portrayed as gangsters, - 주어 be동사보어로이루어진 2형식문장.

- ( 예를들어 ) 몇몇의문화집단들은종종갱스터 (gangsters, 악당 ) 로묘사되고 (portrayed). 2) while others were usually shown as the `good guys' (who arrested them). - 주어 be동사보어로이루어진 2형식문장. - 반면에 (while) 다른집단들은 (others) 은그들 ( 갱스터, 악당 ) 을체포하는 좋은사람들 (good guys)" 로종종보여진다. 이문장이들어갈위치를찾는문제입니다. < 본문문장구조분석 > 1. One of the challenges we face in the world today is that a lot of the information we get about other people and places comes from the advertising and entertainment we see in the media. - 굉장히긴문장입니다. 이런경우에는항상주어와동사를찾고, 문장의형식을알면됩니다. 1) One of the challenges <(that) we face> (in the world) (today) - 주어부분 - 목적격관대 that이생략되어있음. - 오늘날이세상에서우리가직면하는 ~~~ 도전중의하나는 2) is that a lot of the information <(that) we get> (about other people and places) 동사보어 comes from the advertising and entertainment <(that) we see in the media>. - 주어 be동사보어로이루어진 2형식문장. - that이하는보어역할을하는명사절 that. a lot of the information <(that) we get> (about other people and places) comes 주어동사 from the advertising and entertainment <(that) we see in the media>. (1) a lot of the information <(that) we get> (about other people and places) comes 주어동사 - (that) we get -> 목적격관대 that이생략 - 길지만수식어와생략을알면아주간단한 1형식문장 - ( 다른사람과장소에관하여 ) ( 우리가얻는 ~) 수많은정보는 (~ 에서 ) 온다. (2) comes from the advertising and entertainment <(that) we see in the media>.

- 목적격관대 that 이생략된문장. - 우리가매체에서보는 ~~~ 광고나오락물 (advertising and entertainment) 에서온다. 2. ( A ) You can't always trust these types of information. - 로이루어진 3형식문장. - 여러분은이러한타입의정보를항상믿을수없다. 3. ( B ) To the people who make television programs and advertisements, true facts and honest opinions aren't as important as keeping you interested long enough to sell you something! 1) To the people (who make television programs and advertisements), - 전치사 to와명사 the people로이루어진전명구. - who이하는선행명사 the people을꾸며주는형용사절, who는주격관대 - 텔레비전프로그램이나광고를만드는~~사람들에게는 2) true facts and honest opinions aren't as important as keeping you interested long 주어 동사 보어 enough to sell you something! as 원급 as로이루어진문장을먼저파악해야합니다. (1) true facts and honest opinions aren't as important - 주어 be동사보어로이루어진 2형식문장. - 진정한사실과정직한의견은중요하지않다. (2) as keeping you interested long enough (to sell you something)! 동사목적어목보 enough의품사와위치 1 enough가명사를꾸며주는형용사역할을할경우에는명사앞에위치 - enough time 2 enough가형용사를꾸며주는부사의역할을할경우에는형용사뒤에위치 - good enough - 문장이길어지는원리에의해 keep 이하와 sell 이하는 5 형식문장 - ( 여러분에게무엇을팔기위하여 ) 여러분에게충분히 (enough) 오래동안 (long, 부사 ) 흥미

를유지하게하다. (3) 해석 - 텔레비전프로그램이나광고를만드는~~사람들에게는진정한사실과정직한의견은 ( 여러분에게무엇을팔기위하여 ) 여러분에게충분히 (enough) 오래동안 (long, 부사 ) 흥미를유지하게하는것만큼중요하지않다. - 무엇을팔때는충분히오랫동안흥미를유발시키지만, 정직한사실과의견그렇게하지않는다는뜻. 3. ( C ) In the past, the messages we received from television programs, advertisements, and movies were full of stereotypes. 1) In the past, - 과거에는 2) the messages <(that) we received from television programs, advertisements, and 주어 movies> were full of stereotypes. 동사보어 - 주어 be동사보어로이루어진 2형식문장. - that이하는선행명사 the messages를꾸며주는형용사절, that은주격관대 - ( 우리가텔레비전프로그램이나광고, 영화로부터얻는 ~~) 메시지들은정형화 (stereotypes, 고정화 ) 된것들로가득했다. 주어진문장이들어가는곳은여기입니다. For example, some cultural groups were often portrayed as gangsters, while others were usually shown as the `good guys' who arrested them. 4. ( D ) Even places were presented as stereotypes: European cities, such as Paris and Venice, were usually shown as beautiful and romantic, but cities in Africa and Asia, such as Cairo and Calcutta, were often shown as poor and overcrowded. 1) (Even) places were presented as stereotypes: - 주어 be동사보어로이루어진 2형식문장. - 심지어장소들도고정화되어표현되었다 ( 장소도고정이었다 ).

2) : European cities, (such as Paris and Venice,) were usually shown (as beautiful and romantic), but cities in Africa and Asia, such as Cairo and Calcutta, were often shown as poor and overcrowded. - 콜론 (:) 으로추가보충설명 (1) European cities, (such as Paris and Venice,) were usually shown (as beautiful and 주어 동사 보어 romantic), - 주어 be동사보어로이루어진 2형식문장. - 파리나비엔나같은유럽의도시들은 ( 아름답고로맨틱하게 ) 종종보여졌다. (2) but cities (in Africa and Asia, such as Cairo and Calcutta,) were often shown as poor 주어 동사 보어 and overcrowded. - 주어 be동사보어로이루어진 2형식문장. - 하지만, ( 카이로나캘커타같은아프리카와아시아의 ) 도시들은종종가난하고혼잡하게 보여졌다. 그래서정답은 4 번 D 문 15. 내용의흐름상적절하지못한문장은? The earth is a planet full of life. One of the reasons for this is that our sun is the kind of star that can support life on a planet. All the time the sun continues to send out a steady supply of heat and light. For our sun is a stable star. 1This means that it stays the same size. And its output of energy (heat and light) does not change much. 2Some stars are not stable. They grow bigger and hotter and then smaller and cooler. 3The heat and light they send out vary greatly. If our sun behaved like that, the earth would boil and freeze repeatedly. 4Life could exist under these great changes. We are here because a steady amount of energy pours forth from our sun. 1. The earth is a planet (which is) full of life. - 주어 be동사보어로이루어진 2형식문장. - 주격관대 + be동사동시생략 - 지구는생명체로가득찬 ~~ 행성이다. 2. One (of the reasons for this) is that our sun is the kind of star that can support

주어 동사 보어 life on a planet. - 주어 be동사보어로이루어진 2형식문장. - 보어는명사절 that - 이것의이유중의하나는 ~ 이다. 1) that our sun is the kind of star (that can support life on a planet). 주어 동사 보어 주어 동사목적어 - 명사절 that - 주어 be동사보어로이루어진 2형식문장. - that이하는선행명사 star를꾸미는형용사절, that은주격관대. - 태양은별의종류이다. ( 지구상에있는생명을지원할수있는 ~~ 별 ) 2) (All the time) the sun continues to send out a steady supply of heat and light. 주어 동사 목적어 - continue는러브족의하나. - 언제나 (all the time) 태양은열과빛의일정한공급 (steady supply) 을보내는것 (sent out) 을계속한다. ( 계속해서일정한열과빛을보낸다 ) 3. For our sun is a stable star. - 주어 be동사보어로이루어진 2형식문장. - for다음에주어와동사가오기때문에접속사로사용된 for!!! 왜냐하면 - 왜냐하면태양은안정적인별이기때문이다. 4. 1This means that it stays the same size. - 로이루어진 3형식문장. - 목적어는명사절 that - 이것은 그것 ( 태양 ) 이같은크기로유지한다는것 을의미한다. 5. And its output of energy (heat and light) does not change much. 주어동사 - 주어동사로이루어진 1형식문장. - 그리고그것 ( 태양 ) 의에너지 ( 열과빛 ) 의산출량은많이변하지않는다. 6. 2Some stars are not stable.

- 주어 be 동사보어로이루어진 2 형식문장. - 몇몇별들은안정적이지않다. 7. They grow bigger and hotter and then smaller and cooler. - 주어 grow동사보어로이루어진 2형식문장. - 그들 ( 안정적이지않는별 ) 은점차커지고뜨거워지고그후에작아지고차가워진다. 대표적인 2 형식동사 be, become, grow, seem, turn, get. 8. 3The heat and light <(that) they send out> vary greatly. 주어동사 - 주어동사로이루어진 1형식문장. - 목적격관대 that이생략되어있음. - 그들 ( 안정적이지않는별 ) 이내보내는열과빛은심하게변한다. 9. If our sun behaved like that, the earth would boil and freeze repeatedly. 주어동사주어동사 - 가정법은끼리끼리원칙!!! behaved - would - 만약우리의태양이그렇게행동한다면, 태양은끊었다가얼기를반복한다. ( 해석은고고씽원칙!) 10. 4Life could exist (under these great changes). 주어동사 - 주어동사로이루어진 1형식문장. - 생명은 ( 이러한대변화들아래에서 ) 존재한다. 엥?????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 아주엉뚱한말이나오고있습니다. 이런큰변화들사이에는생명이존재할수없다고해 야올바른말이됩니다. 그래서흐름상적절하지못한문장입니다. 그래서정답!!! 11. We are here (because a steady amount of energy pours forth from our sun). 주어동사 주어 동사 - 주어동사로이루어진 1형식문장. - ( 우리의태양으로부터일정한양의에너지가쏟아져나오기때문에 ) 우리는여기에있다 ( 존재한다 ).

그래서정답 4 번!!! 아주난이도가낮은문제입니다. 문 16. 다음글의내용과일치하지않는것은? Chicago's Newberry Library and the Brookfield Zoo were among 10 institutions presented Monday with the National Medal for Museum and Library Service by First Lady Laura Bush at the White House. The annual awards, given by the Institute of Museum and Library Services in Washington, D. C., honor institutions for their collections and community involvement, and include a $ 10,000 award each. The Brookfield Zoo was honored for programs such as Zoo Adventure Passport, which provides free field trips to low-income families. "Brookfield Zoo is a living classroom for local students," Bush said. The Newberry Library was also honored for its extensive collection of more than half a million maps and its role in helping African-Americans trace their family heritage. 1 The Brookfield Zoo ran a program that supports free admission for low-income families. 2 The Brookfield Zoo assisted African-American kids in tracing their family history. 3 The Newberry Library and the Brookfield Zoo won a $ 10,000 award respectively. 4 The Newberry Library was awarded the medal for an extensive number of maps. 1. Chicago's Newberry Library and the Brookfield Zoo were <among 10 institutions 주어동사 (which was) presented Monday (with the National Medal for Museum and Library Service)> (by First Lady Laura Bush at the White House). - 길지만주어 + be동사로이루어진 1형식문장입니다. 1) Chicago's Newberry Library and the Brookfield Zoo were (among 10 institutions) 주어동사 - Chicago's Newberry 도서관 (Library) 과 the Brookfield 동물원 (Zoo) 은 10개의기관들중의하나에있다. 2) among 10 institutions (which was) presented (Monday) (with the National Medal for Museum and Library Service)> (by First Lady Laura Bush at the White House). - 10 institutions (which was) presented ~ : 주격관대 + be 동사동시생략

- Monday는원래 on Monday입니다. 시간, 거리, 방향의전치사는생략이될수있습니다. 닥터잉글리쉬특수구문힐링북의생략참조!!! - 월요일에 (Monday) ( 백악관의영부인인 Laura Bush로부터 ) 국가훈장 (with the National Medal for Museum and Library Service) 이주어진 10개기관중하나이다. 2. The annual awards, (given by the Institute of Museum and Library Services in 주어 Washington, D. C.,) honor institutions (for their collections and community involvement,) 동사목적어 and include a $ 10,000 award each. 동사목적어 등위접속사 and 다음에동사가있으므로!!! 2 개의문장이연결된중문!!! 1) given (by the Institute of Museum and Library Services in Washington, D. C.,) - 삽입절 - (which was) given by the Institute of Museum and Library Services in Washington, D. C., : 주격관대 + be동사가동시에생략되어있음 - 워싱턴 DC에있는 the Institute of Museum and Library Services에의해주어지는 2) The annual awards honor institutions for their collections and community involvement, and include a $ 10,000 award each. - 등위접속사 and로이루어진중문 ( 병렬문 ) - 각각로이루어진 3형식문장. - 그연례상 (The annual awards) 은 ( 그들의소장품과지역사회의참여에대한 ) 기관들 (institutions) 에게경의를표하고 (honor) 각각의기관들에게 10,000달러의상금을포함한다. 3. The Brookfield Zoo was honored <for programs (such as Zoo Adventure Passport, which provides free field trips to low-income families)>. - which이하는선행명사 Zoo Adventure Passport를수식하는형용사절, which는주격관대. - Brookfield 동물원은 Zoo Adventure Passport같은프로그램으로영예를얻었는데 ( 상을받았는데 ), 이것 (Zoo Adventure Passport) 는저소득층 (low-income families) 에자유이용권 (free field trips) 을제공하는것이다. 4. "Brookfield Zoo is a living classroom (for local students)," Bush said. - 주어 be 동사보어로이루어진 2 형식문장.

- 부시여사는 Brookfield 동물원은지역학생들을위한살아있는교실입니다. 라고말했다. 5. The Newberry Library was also honored (for its extensive collection) of more than half a million maps and <its role (in helping African-Americans trace their family heritage)>. 등위접속사 and 다음에동사가없기때문에병렬구조!!! 임을알아야합니다. for it extensive collection and its role!!! 로이루어진병렬구조!!! 1) The Newberry Library was also honored (for its extensive collection) of more than 주어 동사 보어 half a million maps - 주어 be동사보어로이루어진 2형식문장. - Newberry도서관은 50만부가넘는지도의방대한소장 (extensive collection) 과 2) in helping African-Americans trace their family heritage 동사목적어목보 - help동사로구성된 5형식문장. 목보는동사원형 trace( 추적하다 ) - 아프리카계미국인 (African-Americans, 흑인 ) 들이그들의가문의유산 (family heritage) 을추적하는것을돕다. 3) 해석 - Newberry 도서관은 50 만부가넘는지도의방대한소장 (extensive collection) 과 - 아프리카계미국인 (African-Americans, 흑인 ) 들이그들의가문의유산 (family heritage) 을추 적하는것을도와줘서영예를얻었다 ( 상을받았다 ). 이문장을읽고위의내용과일치하지않는것을찾는문제입니다. 1 The Brookfield Zoo ran a program (that supports free admission for low-income 주어 동사 목적어 families). - Brookfield동물원은 ( 저소득가정을위한무료입장을지원하는 ~) 프로그램을운영한다. 2 The Brookfield Zoo assisted African-American kids (in tracing their family history). - Brookfield 동물원은아프리카계미국아이들 (African-American kids) 이그들의가계역사를추적하는것을도왔다. 틀린내용입니다.

아프리카계미국인들의가계역사를추적하는것을도운것은 Newberry 도서관입니다. 3 The Newberry Library and the Brookfield Zoo won a $ 10,000 award respectively. - Newberry 도서관과 Brookfield 동물원은각각 10,000 달러의상금을받았다. 4 The Newberry Library was awarded the medal for an extensive number of maps. - Newberry 도서관은광대한수의지도때문에메달을수여받았다. 그래서정답은 2 번. 문 17. 피드백에대한글쓴이의주장으로가장적절한것은? Feedback, particularly the negative kind, should be descriptive rather than judgmental or evaluative. No matter how upset you are, keep the feedback job-related and never criticize someone personally because of an inappropriate action. Telling people they're stupid, incompetent, or the like is almost always counterproductive. It provokes such an emotional reaction that the performance deviation itself is apt to be overlooked. When you're criticizing, remember that you're censuring a job-related behavior, not the person. 1 상대방에게직접전달하는것이바람직하다. 2 상대방의인격보다는업무에초점을두어야한다. 3 긍정적인평가가부정적인것보다더많아야한다. 4 상대방의지위와감정을고려해야한다. 1. Feedback, (particularly the negative kind), should be descriptive rather than judgmental or evaluative. - 콤마 (,) 콤마 (,) 에들어있는것은보충설명을위해삽입된문장입니다. - 주어 be동사보어로이루어진 2형식문장. - descriptive : 설명적인, 묘사적인 - 특히부정적인종류의피드백은판단적이거나평가적이라기보다는서술적 ( 설명적 ) 이어야한다. 2. No matter how upset you are, keep the feedback job-related and never criticize someone personally because of an inappropriate action. - 콤마가보이기때문에바로양보의복합관계부사절!!! 임을알아야합니다. ( 닥터잉글리쉬

특수구문힐링북참조 ) 1) No matter how upset you are, - 양보의부사절 - 네가아무리화가나도 2) keep the feedback job-related and never criticize someone personally (because of an 동사목적어목적격보어동사목적어 inappropriate action). - 동사가바로보여명령문. - and 다음에동사가있어두개의문장이연결된중문 ( 병렬문 ) - 5형식등접 (and) 3형식문장으로구성. - 그피드백을업무와연관 (job-related) 있게유지를하라! 그리고 ( 부적절한행동으로인해 ) 사람을개인적으로비판하지마라! 3. Telling people they're stupid, incompetent, or the like is almost always 주어동사 counterproductive. 보어 - 문장의큰형태는 2 형식문장입니다. 말하는것은거의항상역효과 (counterproductive) 이 다. 1) 주어부분을살펴보겠습니다. 동명사주어 Telling! Telling people they're stupid, incompetent, or the like say는 3형식, tell은 4형식동사라는것을알면쉽게문장분석이됩니다. Telling people (that) they're stupid, incompetent, or the like 동사간목 ( 사람 ) 직목 ( 사물 ) - 직접목적어는명사절 that. - 사람들에게그들이멍청하거나, 무능하거나 (incompetent) 혹은그런종류의말 (or the like) 을하는것. 2) 해석 " 사람들에게그들이멍청하거나, 무능하거니혹은그런종류의말 (or the like) 을하는것 " 은 거의항상역효과 (counterproductive) 이다. 4. It provokes such an emotional reaction (that the performance deviation itself is apt to be overlooked).