Yoon s BEFL Note Yoon s Aesop s Fables의 BEFL Note 내용이일부수정됨에따라, 본파일에는 2가지종류의정답이포함되어있습니다. 본인의 BEFL Note 뒤에정답이수록되어있지않을경우, 파일앞부분에제시된정답으로내용을확인하시기바랍니다. Yoon s Aesop s Fables Book 5 Dictation은 베플리 < 베플리학습 <BEFL Note 에서들으세요. 1
Book 5 Study Planner 교재명 학습목표 여우와두루미 의내용을이해하고교훈을말할수있다. 날짜 Part No. Page 학습 시작시간 학습 종료시간 학습한내용 ( 단어, 표현, 문법, 줄거리등을자유롭게쓰세요.) 체크리스트 평가 1. 매일매일계획대로공부했나요? 2. 학습내용을충실히공부했나요? 3. 교재학습이끝난후부족한부분은복습했나요? 학부모확인 선생님확인 2
Yoon s Aesop s Fables Book 5 Word List Audio Meaning Word Practice Test 두루미 crane 땅, 바닥 ground 부리 beak 1A 여우 저녁식사 fox dinner 접대하다 serve 좋아하는 pleased 평평한 flat 깊은 deep 배고픈 hungry 1B 뻗다, 내밀다찔끔찔끔마시다유리잔, 유리입 stretch sip glass mouth 즐기다 enjoy 혀 tongue 3
Audio Meaning Word Practice Test ( 동물에 ) 먹 이를주다 나중에 feed later 불쾌한 upset 2A 언제나 울다 ever cry 웃다 laugh 친구 feel( 느끼다의과거형아무것도 ~ 아니다다음에 friend felt nothing next 2B 동의하다, 승낙하다맨먼저미소 agree first smile 식사 meal 식사하다 dine 접시 plate 4
Audio Meaning Word Practice Test 그자신 himself 그녀자신 herself 기쁜 glad 3A 다른만족시키다, 기쁘게하다생각하다 different please think 친절한 kind 필요하다 need 깨끗한 clean 노력하다 try 맛있는 delicious 3B 먹다 방법, 수단 eat way 배우다, 습득하다 완두콩 learn pea 큰 big 5
Book 5 The Fox and the Crane - Part 1 1A Word Fun 영어를우리말로, 우리말을영어로써보세요. No. Word Meaning No. Meaning Word 1 beak 부리 1 두루미 crane 2 crane 두루미 2 땅, 바닥 ground 3 dinner 저녁식사 3 부리 beak 4 flat 평평한 4 여우 fox 5 fox 여우 5 저녁식사 dinner 6 ground 땅, 바닥 6 접대하다 serve 7 pleased 좋아하는 7 좋아하는 pleased 8 serve 접대하다 8 평평한 flat 6 16 개중 개정답
Key Points How로시작하는감탄문 : 감탄문은놀람이나기쁨등의감정을강하게표현하는것입니다. 문장의끝에는항상느낌표 (!) 를붙입니다. 1. How + 형용사 [ 부사 ] + 주어 + 동사! 정말 [ 굉장히 ] ~ 하구나! 라는뜻으로맨뒤의 주어 + 동사 는생략할수있습니다. 예 ) How silly you look! / How handsome (he is)! 2. 평서문을 How 감탄문으로만들기 < 평서문 > She is very pretty. < 감탄문 > How pretty she is! Let s Practice 그림을보고 < 보기 > 와같이평서문을감탄문으로바꿔보세요. Practice < 보기 > < 평서문 > It is very cold. < 감탄문 > How cold it is! 1. < 평서문 > She is very cute. < 감탄문 > How cute she is! 2. < 평서문 > Time goes very fast. < 감탄문 > How fast time goes! 3. < 평서문 > You sing very beautifully. < 감탄문 > How beautifully you sing! 4. < 평서문 > You are very smart. < 감탄문 > How smart you are! 7
Sentence Fun 주어진단어의순서를바로잡아문장을완성해보세요. 1. 어느날, 그는두루미를저녁식사에초대했어요. (one day /, / asked / crane / he / a / to / dinner /.) One day, he asked a crane to dinner. 2. 두루미의부리는아주길어요. (too / long / Crane s / beak / is /.) Crane's beak is too long. 3. 내가네접시를깨끗하게핥아먹어줄게. (clean / lick / plate / I ll / your /.) I ll lick your plate clean. 4. 두루미는완두콩을집었어요. (pea / picked up / a / the / crane /.) The crane picked up a pea. 5. 접시는너무평평했거든요. (flat / the / plate / was / too /.) The plate was too flat. Dictation 잘듣고밑줄친곳에알맞은단어를써보세요. 1. A fox lived near a lake. 2. The fox served the meal. 3. It was peas on a plate. 4. She could not eat. 5. How silly you look! 8 선생님확인
Book 5 The Fox and the Crane - Part 2 1B Word Fun 영어를우리말로, 우리말을영어로써보세요. No. Word Meaning No. Meaning Word 1 deep 깊은 1 깊은 deep 2 enjoy 즐기다 2 배고픈 hungry 3 glass 유리잔, 유리 3 뻗다, 내밀다 stretch 4 hungry 배고픈 4 찔끔찔끔마시다 sip 5 mouth 입 5 유리잔, 유리 glass 6 sip 액체를찔끔찔끔마시다 6 입 mouth 7 stretch 뻗다, 내밀다 7 즐기다 enjoy 8 tongue 혀 8 혀 tongue 9 16 개중 개정답
Key Points be 동사의과거형 1. 형태 : was, were be 동사의과거형은 ~ 이었다, ~ 에있었다. 의뜻으로, 주어에따라 was 와 were 두가지를씁니다. 예 ) It was funny. / There were five apples. 주어현재형과거형 I am was you, we, they, 복수주어 are were he, she, it, this, that, 단수주어 is was 2. 부정문 : was[were] + not ~ 이아니었다, ~ 에있지않았다. 라고부정하려면, was 나 were 뒤에 not 을 붙입니다. was not 은 wasn t 로, were not 은 weren t 로줄여쓸수있습니다. 예 ) I was not(=wasn t) nice to the fox. We were not(=weren t) rich. Let s Practice 정확한단어를골라문장을완성해보세요. 1. I (am / was) late because it rained. 2. John (was / were) very busy yesterday. 3. They (was / were) at the cinema. 4. You (are / were) late yesterday. 빈칸에 wasn t 또는 weren t 를넣어문장을완성해보세요. 1. I was weak. I wasn't strong. 2. There weren't many cars. 10
Sentence Fun 주어진단어의순서를바로잡아문장을완성해보세요. 1. 두루미는수프를대접했어요. (crane / served / the / soup /.) The crane served soup. 2. 수프는목이긴유리잔에담겨있었어요. (in / a / tall / glass / soup / the / was /.) The soup was in a tall glass. 3. 그는혀를쭉뻗었어요. (stretched out / tongue / he / his /.) He stretched out his tongue. 4. 그는수프를맛볼수는없었죠. (taste / the / couldn t / he / soup /.) He couldn't taste the soup. 5. 내가널위해네수프를다마셔줄게! (sip / for / I ll / soup / your / you /!) I'll sip your soup for you! Dictation 잘듣고빈칸에알맞은단어를써보세요. 1. The crane went home. 2. She asked the fox to dinner. 3. How nice of you! 4. His mouth was too big. 5. The crane sipped the soup. 11 선생님확인
Book 5 The Fox and the Crane - Part 3 2A Word Fun 영어를우리말로, 우리말을영어로써보세요. No. Word Meaning No. Meaning Word 1 cry 울다 1 ( 동물등에 ) 먹이를주다 feed 2 ever 언제나, 항상 2 나중에 later 3 feed ( 동물등에 ) 먹이를주 다 3 불쾌한, 화가난 upset 4 felt feel( 느끼다 ) 의과거 4 언제나, 항상 ever 5 friend 친구 5 울다 cry 6 later 나중에 6 웃다 laugh 7 laugh 웃다 7 친구 friend 8 upset 불쾌한, 화가난 8 feel( 느끼다 ) 의과거형 felt 12 16 개중 개정답
Key Points 일반동사의불규칙과거형 (1): 일반동사중과거형을만들때 -(e)d를붙이지않고일정한규칙없이제멋대로변하는동사를불규칙동사라고합니다. 동사의원형과과거형이같은경우 cut, hit, hurt, let, put, read, set, shut 등의동사는원형과과거형의모양이같습니다. 예 ) I cut the tree yesterday. ( 나는어제그나무를잘랐다.) Tom read the book two years ago. ( 톰은그책을 2년전에읽었다.) ( read의과거형 read는원형과모양은같지만, 발음은다릅니다. 원형은 [ri :d], 과거형은 [red] 로소리가납니다.) Let s Practice 아래동사의과거형을써보세요. 1. finish finished 2. set set 3. cut cut 4. tie tied 5. read read 6. let let 7. talk talked 8. cry cried 9. hit hit 10. put put 정확한단어를골라문장을완성해보세요. 1. Dad and I (set / setted) the tables last night. 2. He (walk / walked) down the road. 3. I (read / readed) an animal picture book last week. 13
Sentence Fun 주어진단어의순서를바로잡아문장을완성해보세요. 1. 그는매우화가났어요. (upset / he / was / very /.) He was very upset. 2. 두루미는웃고또웃었어요. (the / crane / laughed / laughed / and /. ) The crane laughed and laughed. 3. 나는두루미에게그녀가먹는방식대로대접할거야. (her / I ll / feed / crane / the / way /.) I ll feed the crane her way. 4. 내가두루미한테잘해주지못했어. (the / I / wasn t / to / crane / nice / the /.) I wasn't nice to the crane. 5. 내가다음번에는더잘해줘야지. (next / time / nicer / will / be / I /.) I will be nicer next time. Dictation 잘듣고밑줄친곳에알맞은단어를써보세요. 1. The fox went home. 2. He was very upset. 3. So she wasn't nice to me. 4. The fox felt very bad. 5. But could they ever be friends? 14 선생님확인
Book 5 The Fox and the Crane - Part 4 2B Word Fun 영어를우리말로, 우리말을영어로써보세요. No. Word Meaning No. Meaning Word 1 agree 동의하다, 승낙하다 1 아무것도 ~ 아니다 nothing 2 dine 식사하다 2 다음에 next 3 first 맨먼저 3 동의하다, 승낙하다 agree 4 meal 식사 4 맨먼저 first 5 next 다음에 5 미소 smile 6 nothing ~ 아무것도아니다 6 식사 meal 7 plate 접시 7 식사하다 dine 8 smile 미소 8 접시 plate 16 개중 개정답 15
Key Points 일반동사의불규칙과거형 (2) 동사의원형과과거형이다른경우 대부분의불규칙동사는원형과과거형의모양이다릅니다. 예 ) Where did he go? He went to see a dentist. Did you have dinner? Yes, we did. We had dinner an hour ago. 원형과거형원형과거형원형과거형 buy bought give gave say said come came go went see saw do did have had sleep slept draw drew hear heard swim swam drink drank know knew take took eat ate make made teach taught find found meet met think thought get got run ran write wrote Let s Practice 아래동사의과거형을써보세요. 1. teach taught 2. know knew 3. write wrote 4. have had 5. swim swam 6. think thought 7. take took 8. get got 9. meet met 10. hear heard 정확한단어를골라문장을완성해보세요. 1. He (sleeped / slept) just two hours last night. 2. The mouse (drinked / drank) some tea. 3. The families (eated / ate) dinner around a fire. 16
Sentence Fun 주어진단어의순서를바로잡아문장을완성해보세요. 1. 두루미는여우를저녁식사에초대했죠. (asked / to / the / dine / crane / the / fox /.) The crane asked the fox to dine. 2. 두루미가미소를지으며말했어요. (with / a / smile / spoke / the / crane /.) The crane spoke with a smile. 3. 여우는접시를깨끗이핥았어요. (licked / clean / the / plate / the / fox /.) The fox licked the plate clean. 4. 두루미는한모금한모금맛있게먹었어요. (every / sip / enjoyed / the / crane /.) The crane enjoyed every sip. 5. 둘다무척행복했답니다. (both / happy / they / were / very /.) They both were very happy. Dictation 잘듣고빈칸에알맞은단어를써보세요. 1. He served her juice. 2. The crane went next. 3. Here is your meal. 4. The food was on a flat plate. 5. How nice of you. 17 선생님확인
Book 5 The Fox and the Crane - Part 5 3A Word Fun 영어를우리말로, 우리말을영어로써보세요. No. Word Meaning No. Meaning Word 1 different 다른 1 그자신 himself 2 glad 기쁜 2 그녀자신 herself 3 herself 그녀자신 3 기쁜 glad 4 himself 그자신 4 다른 different 5 kind 친절한 5 만족시키다 please 6 need 필요하다 6 생각하다 think 7 please 만족시키다, 기쁘게 하다 7 친절한 kind 8 think 생각하다 8 필요하다 need 18 16 개중 개정답
Key Points to 부정사 : to + 동사의원형 의형태로, 동사가문장안에서여러역할을할수있도록도와줍니다. 목적어로쓰는 to 부정사동사뒤에오고 ~ 하는것을, ~ 하기를 이라는뜻을나타냅니다. 예 ) He loves to draw. / Don t just try to please yourself. 목적어비교예 ) I like ice cream. < 명사목적어 > I like it. < 대명사목적어 > I like to eat. <to 부정사목적어 > Let s Practice Phrase List 에서알맞은말을골라대화를완성해보세요. Practice Phrase List 1. A: What books do you like to read? B: I like to read magazines. 2. A: What do you want to eat? B: I want to eat pizza. 3. A: What do you like to learn? to learn English to read magazines to eat pizza B: I want to learn English. 정확한단어를골라문장을완성해보세요 1. I love (go / to go) to the zoo. 2. I want (swim / to swim) like a dolphin. 3. The pig likes (dig / to dig). 19
Sentence Fun 주어진단어의순서를바로잡아문장을완성해보세요. 1. 두루미는집으로갔어요. (went / home / the / crane /.) The crane went home. 2. 여우는혼자생각했어요. (thought / to himself / the / fox /.) The fox thought to himself. 3. 그들은서로다른것이필요했던거죠. (different / needed / they / things /.) They needed different things. 4. 난유리잔으로마실수있어. (from / a / glass / drink / I / can /.) I can drink from a glass. 5. 자기자신만만족하려하지마세요. (please / don t / just / yourself / try to /.) Don't just try to please yourself. Dictation 잘듣고밑줄친곳에알맞은단어를써보세요. 1. He smiled to himself. 2. I'm glad I was nice to the fox. 3. I can eat from a plate. 4. They both learned the same lesson. 5. It's kind to think of others first. 20 선생님확인
Book 5 The Fox and the Crane - Part 6 3B Word Fun 영어를우리말로, 우리말을영어로써보세요. No. Word Meaning No. Meaning Word 1 big 큰 1 깨끗한 clean 2 clean 깨끗한 2 노력하다 try 3 delicious 맛있는 3 맛있는 delicious 4 eat 먹다 4 먹다 eat 5 learn 배우다, 습득하다 5 방법, 수단 way 6 pea 완두콩 6 배우다, 습득하다 learn 7 try 노력하다 7 완두콩 pea 8 way 방법, 수단 8 큰 big 16 개중 개정답 21
Key Points 1. 기쁨을표시할때, A: I love soup. B: I m glad you do. 상대방이 ~ 해서기쁘다. 고표현할때는 I m glad (that) ~. 또는 I m happy (that) ~. 라는표현을사용할수있어요. 2. 친절함에감사할때, A: Here is your meal. B: How nice of you! Thank you. 상대방이나에게친절을베풀었을때, 정말친절하시군요. 라고말할때 How nice of you! / How kind of you! 라는표현을사용할수있어요. Let s Practice 빈칸에알맞은말을골라대화를완성해보세요. Expression 1 A: I love soup. B: I m glad you do. 1. A: I love the movie. The actor is great! B: I m glad you do. a. I love the concert. b. I love the movie. c. I love reading books. 2. A: I love this song. B: I m glad you do. a. Thank you. b. How bad! c. I m glad you do. 3. A: I love Korean food. B: I m happy you do. a. I m happy you do. b. How kind! c. I m sad. 괄호안의단어들을순서에맞게배열하여문장을완성해보세요. 1. A: Here is your ticket. Expression 2 A: Here is your meal. B: How nice of you! B: How nice of you! Thank you. (nice, you, of, How) 2. A: Here is an eraser. B: How kind of you! Thank you. (of, kind, How, you) 22
Sentence Fun 주어진단어의순서를바로잡아문장을완성해보세요. 1. 여우는미안했어요. (sorry / the / fox / was /.) The fox was sorry. 2. 음식은평평한접시위에있었어요. (on / a / was / the / food / flat / plate /.) The food was on a flat plate. 3. 여우와두루미는서로달랐어요. (different / the / fox / were / and / the / crane /.) The fox and the crane were different. 4. 그것은아주멋진것이었어요. (very / nice / something / it / was /.) It was something very nice. 5. 친절이란다른이들을먼저생각하는거랍니다. (think of / first / it s / kind / others / to /.) It's kind to think of others first. Dictation 잘듣고빈칸에알맞은단어를써보세요. 1. Her beak was too long. 2. The crane was very pleased. 3. He stretched out his tongue. 4. The crane thought to herself. 5. Try to make others happy. 23 선생님확인
BEFLY Speaking 유형발표하기출처 B5, p. 12~19 (1) he crane asked the fox to~ (2) The crane served~ 힌트 But the soup was~ (3) The fox couldn't ~ 답안 The crane asked the fox to dinner. The crane served soup. But the soup was in a tall grass. The fox couldn t taste the soup. 24
BEFLY Writing 유형 편지쓰기 출처 B5, p. 4~5 힌트 come to ~ great time delicious food for you 답안 to my house 5 p.m. on Saturday, August 14 a great time 25
Yoon s BEFL Note Yoon s Aesop s Fables Book 5 Dictation 은 베플리 < 베플리학습 <BEFL Note 에서들으세요. 1
Book 5 Study Planner 교재명 학습목표 여우와두루미 의내용을이해하고교훈을말할수있다. 날짜 Part No. Page 학습 시작시간 학습 종료시간 학습한내용 ( 단어, 표현, 문법, 줄거리등을자유롭게쓰세요.) 체크리스트 평가 1. 매일매일계획대로공부했나요? 2. 학습내용을충실히공부했나요? 3. 교재학습이끝난후부족한부분은복습했나요? 학부모확인 선생님확인 2
Yoon s Aesop s Fables Book 5 Word List Audio Meaning Word Practice Test 두루미 crane 땅, 바닥 ground 부리 beak 1A 여우 저녁식사 fox dinner 접대하다 serve 좋아하는 pleased 평평한 flat 깊은 deep 배고픈 hungry 1B 뻗다, 내밀다찔끔찔끔마시다유리잔, 유리입 stretch sip glass mouth 즐기다 enjoy 혀 tongue 3
Audio Meaning Word Practice Test ( 동물에 ) 먹 이를주다 나중에 feed later 불쾌한 upset 2A 언제나 울다 ever cry 웃다 laugh 친구 feel( 느끼다의과거형아무것도 ~ 아니다다음에 friend felt nothing next 2B 동의하다, 승낙하다맨먼저미소 agree first smile 식사 meal 식사하다 dine 접시 plate 4
Audio Meaning Word Practice Test 그자신 himself 그녀자신 herself 기쁜 glad 3A 다른만족시키다, 기쁘게하다생각하다 different please think 친절한 kind 필요하다 need 깨끗한 clean 노력하다 try 맛있는 delicious 3B 먹다 방법, 수단 eat way 배우다, 습득하다 완두콩 learn pea 큰 big 5
Book 5 The Fox and the Crane - Part 1 1A Word Fun 영어를우리말로, 우리말을영어로써보세요. No. Word Meaning No. Meaning Word 1 beak 부리 1 두루미 crane 2 crane 두루미 2 땅, 바닥 ground 3 dinner 저녁식사 3 부리 beak 4 flat 평평한 4 여우 fox 5 fox 여우 5 저녁식사 dinner 6 ground 땅, 바닥 6 접대하다 serve 7 pleased 좋아하는 7 좋아하는 pleased 8 serve 접대하다 8 평평한 flat 6 16 개중 개정답
Key Points How로시작하는감탄표현 : 놀람이나기쁨등의감정을강하게표현할때 how를사용할수있고, 문장의끝에는항상느낌표 (!) 를붙입니다. 1. 정말 [ 굉장히 ] ~ 하구나! 라는뜻으로사용됩니다. 예 ) How silly you look! ( 정말어리석어보이는구나!) How handsome (he is)! (( 그는 ) 정말잘생겼구나!) 2. 감탄하는표현으로바꿀때 She is very pretty. How pretty she is! Let s Practice 그림을보고 < 보기 > 와같이감탄하는말로바꿔보세요. Practice < 보기 > It is very cold. How cold it is! 1. She is very cute. How cute she is! 2. Time goes very fast. How fast time goes! 3. You are very smart. How smart you are! 7
Sentence Fun 주어진단어의순서를바로잡아문장을완성해보세요. 1. 어느날, 그는두루미를저녁식사에초대했어요. (one day /, / asked / crane / he / a / to / dinner /.) One day, he asked a crane to dinner. 2. 두루미의부리는아주길어요. (too / long / Crane s / beak / is /.) Crane's beak is too long. 3. 내가네접시를깨끗하게핥아먹어줄게. (clean / lick / plate / I ll / your /.) I ll lick your plate clean. 4. 두루미는완두콩을집었어요. (pea / picked up / a / the / crane /.) The crane picked up a pea. 5. 접시는너무평평했거든요. (flat / the / plate / was / too /.) The plate was too flat. Dictation 잘듣고밑줄친곳에알맞은단어를써보세요. 1. A fox lived near a lake. 2. The fox served the meal. 3. It was peas on a plate. 4. She could not eat. 5. How silly you look! 선생님확인 8
Book 5 The Fox and the Crane - Part 2 1B Word Fun 영어를우리말로, 우리말을영어로써보세요. No. Word Meaning No. Meaning Word 1 deep 깊은 1 깊은 deep 2 enjoy 즐기다 2 배고픈 hungry 3 glass 유리잔, 유리 3 뻗다, 내밀다 stretch 4 hungry 배고픈 4 찔끔찔끔마시다 sip 5 mouth 입 5 유리잔, 유리 glass 6 sip 액체를찔끔찔끔마시다 6 입 mouth 7 stretch 뻗다, 내밀다 7 즐기다 enjoy 8 tongue 혀 8 혀 tongue 9 16 개중 개정답
Key Points 1. was, were ~ 이었다, ~ 에있었다 의뜻으로사용할수있습니다. 예 ) It was funny. ( 그것은재미있었다.) There were five apples. ( 다섯개의사과가있었다.) I am was you, we, they are were he, she, it, this, that is was 2. was[were] + not ~ 이아니었다, ~ 에있지않았다 라는뜻입니다. was not은 wasn t로, were not은 weren t로줄여쓸수있습니다. 예 ) I was not(=wasn t) nice to the fox. ( 나는여우에게친절하지않았어.) We were not(=weren t) rich. ( 우리는부자가아니었어.) Let s Practice 정확한단어를골라문장을완성해보세요. 1. I (am / was) late because it rained. 2. John (was / were) very busy yesterday. 3. They (was / were) at the cinema. 4. You (are / were) late yesterday. 빈칸에 wasn t 또는 weren t 를넣어문장을완성해보세요. 1. I was weak. I wasn't strong. 2. There weren't many cars. 10
Sentence Fun 주어진단어의순서를바로잡아문장을완성해보세요. 1. 두루미는수프를대접했어요. (crane / served / the / soup /.) The crane served soup. 2. 수프는목이긴유리잔에담겨있었어요. (in / a / tall / glass / soup / the / was /.) The soup was in a tall glass. 3. 그는혀를쭉뻗었어요. (stretched out / tongue / he / his /.) He stretched out his tongue. 4. 그는수프를맛볼수는없었죠. (taste / the / couldn t / he / soup /.) He couldn't taste the soup. 5. 내가널위해네수프를다마셔줄게! (sip / for / I ll / soup / your / you /!) I'll sip your soup for you! Dictation 잘듣고빈칸에알맞은단어를써보세요. 1. The crane went home. 2. She asked the fox to dinner. 3. How nice of you! 4. His mouth was too big. 5. The crane sipped the soup. 선생님확인 11
Book 5 The Fox and the Crane - Part 3 2A Word Fun 영어를우리말로, 우리말을영어로써보세요. No. Word Meaning No. Meaning Word 1 cry 울다 1 ( 동물등에 ) 먹이를주다 feed 2 ever 언제나, 항상 2 나중에 later 3 feed ( 동물등에 ) 먹이를주 다 3 불쾌한, 화가난 upset 4 felt feel( 느끼다 ) 의과거 4 언제나, 항상 ever 5 friend 친구 5 울다 cry 6 later 나중에 6 웃다 laugh 7 laugh 웃다 7 친구 friend 8 upset 불쾌한, 화가난 8 feel( 느끼다 ) 의과거형 felt 12 16 개중 개정답
Key Points * cut, hit, hurt, let, put, read, set, shut 등의단어는과거를말할때도현재를말할때와 모양이같기때문에, 앞뒤내용을잘보고뜻을파악해야합니다. 예 ) I cut the tree yesterday. ( 나는어제그나무를잘랐다.) Tom read the book two years ago. (Tom은그책을 2년전에읽었다.) ( 현재를말할때의 read는 [ri:d], 과거를말할때의 read는 [red] 로소리가납니다 ) Let s Practice 아래단어를과거를말할때의형태로써보세요. 1. cut cut 2. set set 3. read read 4. let let 5. hit hit 6. put put 정확한단어를골라문장을완성해보세요. 1. Dad and I (set / setted) the tables last night. 2. He (walk / walked) down the road. 3. I (read / readed) an animal picture book last week. 13
Sentence Fun 주어진단어의순서를바로잡아문장을완성해보세요. 1. 그는매우화가났어요. (upset / he / was / very /.) He was very upset. 2. 두루미는웃고또웃었어요. (the / crane / laughed / laughed / and /. ) The crane laughed and laughed. 3. 나는두루미에게그녀가먹는방식대로대접할거야. (her / I ll / feed / crane / the / way /.) I ll feed the crane her way. 4. 내가두루미한테잘해주지못했어. (the / I / wasn t / to / crane / nice / the /.) I wasn't nice to the crane. 5. 내가다음번에는더잘해줘야지. (next / time / nicer / will / be / I /.) I will be nicer next time. Dictation 잘듣고밑줄친곳에알맞은단어를써보세요. 1. The fox went home. 2. He was very upset. 3. So she wasn't nice to me. 4. The fox felt very bad. 5. But could they ever be friends? 선생님확인 14
Book 5 The Fox and the Crane - Part 4 2B Word Fun 영어를우리말로, 우리말을영어로써보세요. No. Word Meaning No. Meaning Word 1 agree 동의하다, 승낙하다 1 아무것도 ~ 아니다 nothing 2 dine 식사하다 2 다음에 next 3 first 맨먼저 3 동의하다, 승낙하다 agree 4 meal 식사 4 맨먼저 first 5 next 다음에 5 미소 smile 6 nothing ~ 아무것도아니다 6 식사 meal 7 plate 접시 7 식사하다 dine 8 smile 미소 8 접시 plate 16 개중 개정답 15
Key Points 과거를말할때모양이달라지는경우도있습니다. 예 ) Where did he go? ( 그는어디에갔니?) He went to see a dentist. ( 그는치과에갔어요.) Did you have dinner? ( 저녁을드셨어요?) Yes, we did. We had dinner an hour ago. ( 네. 한시간전에먹었어요.) 원형과거형원형과거형원형과거형 buy bought give gave say said come came go went see saw do did have had sleep slept draw drew hear heard swim swam drink drank know knew take took eat ate make made teach taught find found meet met think thought get got run ran write wrote Let s Practice 아래단어의과거형을써보세요. 1. teach taught 2. know knew 3. write wrote 4. have had 5. swim swam 6. think thought 7. take took 8. get got 9. meet met 10. hear heard 정확한단어를골라문장을완성해보세요. 1. He (sleeped / slept) just two hours last night. 2. The mouse (drinked / drank) some tea. 3. The families (eated / ate) dinner around a fire. 16
Sentence Fun 주어진단어의순서를바로잡아문장을완성해보세요. 1. 두루미는여우를저녁식사에초대했죠. (asked / to / the / dine / crane / the / fox /.) The crane asked the fox to dine. 2. 두루미가미소를지으며말했어요. (with / a / smile / spoke / the / crane /.) The crane spoke with a smile. 3. 여우는접시를깨끗이핥았어요. (licked / clean / the / plate / the / fox /.) The fox licked the plate clean. 4. 두루미는한모금한모금맛있게먹었어요. (every / sip / enjoyed / the / crane /.) The crane enjoyed every sip. 5. 둘다무척행복했답니다. (both / happy / they / were / very /.) They both were very happy. Dictation 잘듣고빈칸에알맞은단어를써보세요. 1. He served her juice. 2. The crane went next. 3. Here is your meal. 4. The food was on a flat plate. 5. How nice of you. 선생님확인 17
Book 5 The Fox and the Crane - Part 5 3A Word Fun 영어를우리말로, 우리말을영어로써보세요. No. Word Meaning No. Meaning Word 1 different 다른 1 그자신 himself 2 glad 기쁜 2 그녀자신 herself 3 herself 그녀자신 3 기쁜 glad 4 himself 그자신 4 다른 different 5 kind 친절한 5 만족시키다 please 6 need 필요하다 6 생각하다 think 7 please 만족시키다, 기쁘게 하다 7 친절한 kind 8 think 생각하다 8 필요하다 need 18 16 개중 개정답
Key Points to + 동작을나타내는말 의형태는문장에서다양하게사용될수있습니다. ~ 하는것을, ~ 하기를 이라는뜻을나타낼수있습니다. 예 ) He loves to draw. ( 그는그림그리기를좋아한다.) I want to ride a bicycle. ( 나는자전거를타고싶다.) Let s Practice Phrase List 에서알맞은말을골라대화를완성해보세요. Practice Phrase List 1. A: What books do you like to read? B: I like to read magazines. 2. A: What do you want to eat? B: I want to eat pizza. 3. A: What do you like to learn? to learn English to read magazines to eat pizza B: I want to learn English. 정확한단어를골라문장을완성해보세요 1. I love (go / to go) to the zoo. 2. I want (swim / to swim) like a dolphin. 3. The pig likes (dig / to dig). 19
Sentence Fun 주어진단어의순서를바로잡아문장을완성해보세요. 1. 두루미는집으로갔어요. (went / home / the / crane /.) The crane went home. 2. 여우는혼자생각했어요. (thought / to himself / the / fox /.) The fox thought to himself. 3. 그들은서로다른것이필요했던거죠. (different / needed / they / things /.) They needed different things. 4. 난유리잔으로마실수있어. (from / a / glass / drink / I / can /.) I can drink from a glass. 5. 자기자신만만족하려하지마세요. (please / don t / just / yourself / try to /.) Don't just try to please yourself. Dictation 잘듣고밑줄친곳에알맞은단어를써보세요. 1. He smiled to himself. 2. I'm glad I was nice to the fox. 3. I can eat from a plate. 4. They both learned the same lesson. 5. It's kind to think of others first. 선생님확인 20
Book 5 The Fox and the Crane - Part 6 3B Word Fun 영어를우리말로, 우리말을영어로써보세요. No. Word Meaning No. Meaning Word 1 big 큰 1 깨끗한 clean 2 clean 깨끗한 2 노력하다 try 3 delicious 맛있는 3 맛있는 delicious 4 eat 먹다 4 먹다 eat 5 learn 배우다, 습득하다 5 방법, 수단 way 6 pea 완두콩 6 배우다, 습득하다 learn 7 try 노력하다 7 완두콩 pea 8 way 방법, 수단 8 큰 big 16 개중 개정답 21
Key Points 1. 기쁨을표시할때, A: I love soup. B: I m glad you do. 상대방이 ~ 해서기쁘다. 고표현할때는 I m glad (that) ~. 또는 I m happy (that) ~. 라는표현을사용할수있어요. 2. 친절함에감사할때, A: Here is your meal. B: How nice of you! Thank you. 상대방의친절한행동에대해 정말친절하시군요! 라고말할때 How nice of you! / How kind of you! 라는표현을사용할수있어요. Let s Practice 빈칸에알맞은말을골라대화를완성해보세요. Expression 1 A: I love soup. B: I m glad you do. 1. A: I love the movie. The actor is great! B: I m glad you do. b. I love the concert. b. I love the movie. c. I love reading books. 2. A: I love this song. B: I m glad you do. b. Thank you. b. How bad! c. I m glad you do. 3. A: I love Korean food. B: I m happy you do. b. I m happy you do. b. How kind! c. I m sad. 괄호안의단어들을순서에맞게배열하여문장을완성해보세요. 1. A: Here is your ticket. Expression 2 A: Here is your meal. B: How nice of you! B: How nice of you! Thank you. (nice, you, of, How) 2. A: Here is an eraser. B: How kind of you! Thank you. (of, kind, How, you) 22
Sentence Fun 주어진단어의순서를바로잡아문장을완성해보세요. 1. 여우는미안했어요. (sorry / the / fox / was /.) The fox was sorry. 2. 음식은평평한접시위에있었어요. (on / a / was / the / food / flat / plate /.) The food was on a flat plate. 3. 여우와두루미는서로달랐어요. (different / the / fox / were / and / the / crane /.) The fox and the crane were different. 4. 그것은아주멋진것이었어요. (very / nice / something / it / was /.) It was something very nice. 5. 친절이란다른이들을먼저생각하는거랍니다. (think of / first / it s / kind / others / to /.) It's kind to think of others first. Dictation 잘듣고빈칸에알맞은단어를써보세요. 1. Her beak was too long. 2. The crane was very pleased. 3. He stretched out his tongue. 4. The crane thought to herself. 5. Try to make others happy. 선생님확인 23
BEFLY Speaking 유형발표하기출처 B5, p. 12~19 (1) he crane asked the fox to~ (2) The crane served~ 힌트 But the soup was~ (3) The fox couldn't ~ 답안 The crane asked the fox to dinner. The crane served soup. But the soup was in a tall grass. The fox couldn t taste the soup. 24
BEFLY Writing 유형 편지쓰기 출처 B5, p. 4~5 힌트 come to ~ great time delicious food for you 답안 to my house 5 p.m. on Saturday, August 14 a great time 25