No! No! Yes! Bathtime Book Information 아기가목욕을해요. 쓱싹쓱싹세수도하고, 머리도감지만계속아이는싫다며울기만하네요. 뽀글뽀글비누거품이재미있을텐데, 아기는왜자꾸싫다고만하는걸까요? 목욕할때사용할수있는표현과신체의명칭을익히며 No! No! Yes! 이야기를재미있게읽어보세요. 학습목표 1. 단어를듣고해당하는그림카드를찾을수있다. 2. 명령어에행동으로반응할수있다. 3. 책속의문장이나단어를듣고따라말할수있다. 4. Story Song을듣고따라부를수있다. 5. body 를선을따라써본다. Key Sentences 1. It s bathtime. 2. Let me wash your face. 3. You can wash your hair. 4. Do you want to wash again? Storytelling Script Before Reading Look at the cover. What do you see? I see a little baby. What is she doing? I think she is taking a bath. The title is No! No! Yes! What happens to her? Let s read this book together. While Reading Look at Mommy and Baby. What does Mommy say? Touch the sentence with your Saypen. She says, It s bathtime! Let me take off your clothes. Do you think Baby likes to wash? Let s turn the page. 표지를보렴. 무엇이보이니? 아기가보이네. 뭘하고있니? 목욕을하고있는것같아. 제목은 < 싫어! 싫어! 좋아! > 야. 무슨일이생긴걸까? 함께이야기를읽어보자. 엄마와아기를보렴. 문장에세이펜을찍어보자. 엄마가, 목욕할시간이야 하고말했어. 엄마가옷을벗겨줄게. 아기가목욕하는걸좋아할까? 책장을넘겨보자.
Where is Baby? Touch this with your Saypen. Bathtub! Baby is in the bathtub. Mommy says, Let me wash your face. Where is your face? This is your face. What a pretty face. Does Baby like to wash her face? Pull the tap, please. She says, No! What s wrong with Baby? 아기가어디에있어? 여기에세이펜을찍어봐. 욕조! 아기는욕조에있구나. 엄마가 얼굴을씻겨줄게 하고말했어. 네얼굴은어디에있니? 이것이네얼굴이야. 정말예쁘게생겼네. 아기는얼굴을씻는걸좋아할까? 손잡이를당겨보렴. 아기가 싫어! 하고말하네. 아기는왜그러는걸까? ` 위와같은방식으로 story를읽습니다. 보다자세한 storytelling script는 guide book을참조하세요. After Reading Why does Baby say NO!? She wants to wash herself. Can you wash your face like Baby? Can you wash your hair, too? Why don t we take a bath? I think you can wash your body by yourself. 왜아기가 NO 라고말한걸까? 혼자서씻고싶어서그랬지. 너도아기처럼얼굴을씻을수있니? 머리도감을수있어? 우리목욕할까? 너혼자서씻을수있을거야. Picture Card [ 학습자료 ] Picture Card [ 활동개요 ] 신체와목욕용품의명칭을익히고집에서찾아붙여봅니다. Look at this card. What s this? This is a bar of soap. Where is soap? In the bathroom. Put the card on the bathroom door. What do we do with soap? We wash our hands and face. What do we use to wash our hair? We use shampoo. 이카드를봐. 뭐니? 비누구나. 비누가어디에있지? 욕실에있네. 욕실문에이카드를붙여주자. 비누로뭘하니? 손도씻고세수도하지. 머리를감을땐뭘사용하지? 샴푸를이용해. Workbook Vocabulary It s bathtime! Let s take a bath. Take off your clothes. Let s color Baby and finish this picture. 다른스티커도위와같은방법으로붙여줍니다. 목욕할시간이야. 목욕하자꾸나. 옷을벗으렴. 아기를색칠해서그림을완성해보자.
Look! What is missing here? Hair. Tear out the sticker and put it here. Say, Let me wash your hair. 위와같은방법으로 body도진행합니다. 여기에뭐가빠졌지? 머리. 스티커를떼어내여기붙여주자. 내가머리감겨줄게 하고말해. Look Mommy s face. Let s draw her eyes, a nose and a mouth. Are you done? What a pretty face! 엄마얼굴을봐. 눈이랑, 코랑입을그려주자. 다했니? 정말예쁜얼굴이구나! Here are four kids. But they don t have hair! Tear out the pictures and put them on their heads. Which one do you like best? 꼬마아이네명이있어. 하지만머리카락이없어!! 그림을떼어내어머리에붙여주자. 어떤것이가장마음에들어? Comprehension Look at Baby! She is washing her hair. What is Mommy saying? Let me wash your hair. Can you find the matching sticker? 위와같은방법으로다른문항도진행합니다. 아기를보렴. 머리를감고있네. 엄마가머리감겨줄게. 해당하는스티커를찾을수있니? What do we use to wash our face and body? A washcloth! Here s a washcloth. Little Baby, let me wash your face. Wash Baby s body. Can you do it? 얼굴과몸을닦을때뭘쓰지? 세안수건. 여기있네. 아기야, 얼굴을닦아줄게. 아기몸을닦아주렴. 할수있겠니? Find the two different parts and circle them. In this picture, she has a washcloth. But this baby does not. She tied up her hair, but this baby does not. 다른점두개를찾아보자. 이그림에서는세안수건이있어. 하지만여긴없지. 얘는머리를묶었는데, 이아기는아니야. Baby wants to wash her body. Will you help her? Fold the paper up along the line. Say, You can wash your body. 아기가몸을닦고싶대. 도와줄래? 선을따라종이를올려접어. 네가몸을닦아보렴 하고말해.
Letters & Words Can you point to the face? Find the word sticker and put it here. Say, You can wash your face. 다른단어도위와같이진행합니다. 얼굴을손으로가리켜볼수있겠니? 단어스티커를찾아여기에붙여. 네가얼굴을씻어보렴. 하고말해. This is the word, body! Let s trace the word. Touch your body, please. 이건 몸 이라는단어야. 단어를따라써보자. 네몸을만져볼래? What is Mommy saying? Let me wash your face. Can you find the word face? Match them up, please. 다른단어도위와같이진행합니다. 얼굴을닦아줄게. 얼굴이란단어를찾을수있어? 서로연결해보자. What is she doing? She is washing her hair. Put the sticker and finish the sentence. You can wash your hair. 아기가뭐하고있어? 머리를감고있네. 스티커를붙여서문장을완성해보자. 네가머리를감아보렴. Arts & Crafts Tear out the face and the strips. Curl the strip and make a ring. Glue the rings onto the hair. What a nice hairstyle! Here is a washcloth. Wash her face, please. 얼굴과띄지를떼어내보렴. 띄지를말아서고리를만들어. 고리를머리에붙여보자. 정말헤어스타일이멋진걸? 여기세안수건이있어. 얼굴을닦아주렴. Let s make a face of a robot. Put the eye brows and eyes, first. Paste its nose and mouth. Where are the ears? Curl up the hair and glue them on its head. Do you want to wash its hair? Here is a shower. You can wash its hair. 로봇의얼굴을만들어보자. 눈썹과눈을먼저붙여보렴. 코와입을붙여. 귀는어디에있어? 머리카락을굴려서머리에붙이자. 로봇의머리를감겨주고싶니? 여기샤워기있어. 네가머리를감기렴.
Mother s Talk 아이와세수혹은목욕을할때오늘배운상황별회화를복습해봅니다. 욕실에서볼수있는다양한목욕용품의명칭과용도에대해이야기나누어봅니다. It s bathtime. Can you wash your hands? What do you use to wash your hands? Soap! Let me brush your teeth. No? OK! You can brush your teeth. Here are your toothbrush and toothpaste. Let me wash your hair. Bring me the shampoo, please. Dry up your hair with towel. 목욕시간이야! 손을씻을수있겠니? 손씻을때무엇을사용하니? 비누! 엄마가이닦여줄게. 싫어? 그래. 그럼네가이를닦아보렴. 여기칫솔과치약이있어. 엄마가머리를감겨줄게. 샴푸가져다주렴. 머리를수건으로말려보자. Book Note [ 학습자료 ] Book Note [ 활동개요 ] 목욕할때필요한물품들에대해이야기나누고배운내용을확장해말해봅니다. We read No! No! Yes! today. Baby wants to wash herself. She loves to take a bath. What about you? Do you like bathtime? What do we need when we take a bath? Find the things we need and draw a circle around them. 싫어! 싫어! 좋아! 이야기를읽었지. 아기가혼자씻고싶어했어. 목욕하는걸좋아했지. 넌어때? 목욕하는거좋아하니? 목욕할때무엇이필요할까? 우리가필요로하는물건을찾아서동그라미를쳐보자.