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Journal of Educational Innovation Research 2017, Vol. 27, No. 4, pp DOI: A Study on the Opti


206.204A 혼인과가족 3-3-0 Marriage and Family 이과목은인류학연구의기본이자가장중요한분야라할수있는가족과친족연구에대해개설적으로다루는과목이다. 구체적으로는첫째, 다양한사회와종족에게서나타나는가족과친족제도를살피고, 둘째, 출계율, 결연론, 친족용어등친족연구를위한기본적인이론들을검토하고, 셋째, 가족과친족연구와다른인류학하위분야들과의관계를검토함으로써수강생들로하여금가족과친족제도를이해하고실제생활에서가족과친족을객관적으로바라볼수있는시각을기르도록한다. This course covers the most important subfield of Anthropology, Family and Kinship. The main objects of study are the institutions of various societies and tribes, the basic theories for investigating kinship such as principles of descent and marriage. It will also examine the relationship of this study to other subfields of Anthropology. This class will help students understand the institutions of kinship and family as they exist in real-life while gaining a more objective and broadened perspective. 206.211 민속학 3-3-0 Folklore 이과목은민속학에대해개설적으로다룬다. 이과목에서는민속학의발달과정을우선검토하며다양한이론들을친속하게한다. 아울러일상생활문화나문학이나설화에서나타나는민속문화에대한소개뿐아니라, 역사적자료나문헌에서검증할수있는전통적인문화와생활양식을검토한다. 또한실재하는유산과유물등을통해민속전통을고증함으로써수강생들로하여금민속학과민속문화에대해이론적이고객관적으로바라볼수있는시각을갖게한다. This course deals with the introduction of the folklore or folkloristics. It offers an introductory overview of theories and development of folkloristics. It focuses generally on the culture of everyday life. In addition, it deals with the traditional culture and lifestyle as they are represented in historical documents, literature and folktales. Students will investigate folk tradition through existing heritages, past artifacts and remains. They will also be comparing the Korean cultures with the counterparts of the other cultures, thus, gaining a more objective and theoretical viewpoint of the folkloristics and folk cultures. 206.219B 일본문화의이해 3-3-0 Understanding Japanese Culture 일본의사회와문화를개설적으로소개하는과목이다. 이는수강생들로하여금일본문화가우리의것과는어떻게다르고또왜그런차이가나타나는지에대한비교문화론적인시각을길러주는데에목적을두고있다. 가족과친족, 사회조직, 경제생활, 생업활동, 신앙및종교, 육아양식, 직업및일에대한태도등일본인의생활양식을파악하기위한각문화영역의특성들에주목할것이다. 한, 중, 일의동양 3 국중에서일본이가장먼저성공적으로경제대국에진입한토대는무엇인가? 일본의사회경제적인발전은계속될것인가? 21 세기의일본문화의전망은어떠한가? 그리고정보통신기술의발달은일본문화를어디로끌고갈것인지등의구체적인질문에대한해답을찾 아볼것이다. 학점구조는 학점수- 주당강의시간 -주당실습시간 을표시함. 한학기는 15주로구성됨. (The first number means credits ; the second number means lecture hours per week; and the final number means laboratory hours per week. 15 week make one semester.) - 231 - This course covers Japanese society and its culture. It will help students develop cross-cultural perspectives in understanding its culture in relation to Korean culture. Topics include Japanese family and kinship, social organization, economic system, religion, ways of child-rearing, occupation and general attitudes towards work. Some questions we will try to answer will be how has Japan succeeded in achieving the status of highly developed nation, will this development continue, and how will Japanese culture change with the development of information technology. 206.221 문화와인성 3-3-0 Culture and Personality 각사회의다양한문화를관찰하고제대로파악하기위해서는그사회구성원들이공유하는사고와인성, 심리적특성들을이해하는것이선결된다. 인류학은이러한전제아래다양한사회의문화를그사회구성원의심리적특성과연결시켜연구해왔으며, 문화와인성과의밀접한관계를파악하는것을중요한연구주제로다루어왔다. 이과목은첫째, 사회구성원들이공유하는인성과심리적특성들이그사회의문화에어떤영향을주는가, 둘째, 성원들의인지구조와보편인성은그사회의사회, 문화적성격을어떤형태로반영하고있는가라는문제의식을바탕으로문화와인성, 심리인류학, 인지인류학등인류학내의다양한인간심리와인성에관한하위분야의연구들을살펴본다. In this course, students explore anthropological sub-fields such as Culture & Personality, Psychological Anthropology, and Cognitive Anthropology. Questions we aim to answer in this course are as follows: how do common psychological traits shared among the members of a society influence the its culture; and how do the cognitive structure and personality reflect cultural characteristics of a particular society? 206.222 성과문화 3-3-0 Gender, Sexuality and Culture 성이란것은두가지의미를갖는다. 여성과남성을지칭하는성 (gender) 과성과사랑을논할때사용하는성 (sexuality) 의두가지이다. 이과목에서는위의두가지주제를겨냥하여비교문화적인자료들을동원함으로써인간사회의성문제를조망하고자한다. 이두가지주제는현대사회의일상생활에서가장일상적이고도민감한주제로서학생들로하여금객관적인시각을갖고이러한문제에접근할수있도록훈련을한다. 이를위해첫째, 성이라는주제에대하여그역사와다양한입장들을비교 분석하고, 둘째, 인류학내에서이루어진성에대한이론적논의들을고찰하고, 셋째, 특히문화적인요소와의연관속에서성에대한다양한관점들을이해함으로써성과문화에대한올바른접근을시도하고자한다. This course explores the concept of gender and sexuality through the examination of various cross-cultural data. Students explore in-depth anthropological theories concerning gender and sexuality, as well as examine sex within its cultural context of a particular society. Through this class, students will gain a broader perspective on sex in the modern society.

206.224* 인류학사 3-3-0 History of Anthropology 이과목은인류학의다양한학설들이발전해나온과정에대한검토를통해인류학이라는학문이지닌특성과인류학의주요개념이나이론, 그리고방법들에대한학생들의전반적이해를높이는것을목표로한다. 이를위해이과목에서는서구학문에서인류학이하나의분과학문으로서등장하게된역사적배경을살피고, 이어 19 세기후반의진화주의이래로 20 세기말까지긴세월동안인류학계를풍미한다양한이론적조류들에대해서각각을대표하는학자들의업적에대한비교고찰을통해각조류가지닌특성을파악한다. This course enhances the students understanding of major concepts, theories, and anthropological methods, through a review of the historical process as well as the development of anthropology. Special attention will be placed on particular characteristics of anthropology as a discipline. For this purpose, we will first examine the historical background in the rise of the discipline of anthropology within Western Humanities and the Social Sciences. We will then examine the main proponents and arguments of the various theoretical paradigms within anthropology. We will begin with the evolutionism of the 19th century through functionalism and historical particularism of the early 20th century, leading up to diversification of paradigms in the latter half of the 20th century. 206.226 도시생활과문화 3-3-0 Urban Life and Culture 이과목은도시에대한기존의인류학및인접학문들에서의연구성과들에대한학습, 그리고현지조사의실습등을통해도시와인간과문화상호간의관계의성격을파악하기위한인류학적관점과방법론을습득하는것을목표로한다. 이를위해서도시성에대한여러이론들의비판적검토를비롯하여, 도시생활이인간의가족및친족관계, 이웃관계, 상이한사회계층이나민족, 인종들간의관계등제반인간관계의패턴에미치는영향을고찰한다. 아울러한국의도시에서의간단한현지조사실습을통해서현대도시생활의인류학적연구를위한바람직한방법론은어떤것인지탐색해본다. Students will learn anthropological perspectives and methodologies in order to understand the interrelationship between urban life and human culture. Included in the course arecritical reviews of anthropological and related literature on the city and fieldwork in urban settings. The class will also cover such topics as theories of urbanism, the influences of urban life upon the different aspects of human social relationships, e.g. family and kinship, neighborhood, social stratification, and ethnic and race relations. Students will further discover relevant and effective anthropological methodologies for study of contemporary urban life through small-scale, applicable fieldwork. 206.228 영상인류학 3-3-0 Visual Anthropology 이과목은다양한민족과문화를다룬민족지영화를중심으로인류학에서의영상기법의이용과영상자료의활용, 그리고민족지영화를통한인류학연구의가능성에대해개설적으로살 펴본다. 이를위해민족지영화와다큐멘터리영화를중심으로다양한기록영화들을직접적으로보고토론을진행하게되며, 이를바탕으로문화연구에서민족지영화가어떻게이용될수있는지를살피고인류학연구와현지조사작업에서영상작업이가질수있는장점과한계를논의하고, 나아가인류학이외의분야에서민족지영화와그기법이어떻게응용될수있는지를모색한다. This course considers ethnographic documentary films as important objects of anthropological research. Also covered will be the use of visual techniques such as camera, video and film. Students will also review important ethnographic films, discussing the merits and limitations of visual technique in anthropological fieldwork. 206.229A 동남아문화의이해 3-3-0 Understanding Southeast Asian Culture 이과목은동남아시아지역의다양한민족과국가, 사회문화전반을다루는과목이다. 구체적으로는첫째, 동남아에분포하는다양한종족집단과인종, 종교와언어, 생활문화전반에대한기초적인지식을살피고, 둘째, 문화접촉과근대화과정에서나타나는전통문화의변화과정을살피고, 셋째, 현대동남아사회의제문제들을검토하여, 수강생들이동남아의종족과문화전반에걸쳐기초적인지식을습득하고이해할수있도록한다. This course examines ethnographic documentary film as an important means of anthropological research. It teaches the use of visual techniques such as cameras, videos and films. It reviews important ethnographic films and discusses the merits and limits of visual technique in anthropological field- work. 206.230 세계화와문화변동 3-3-0 Globalization and Culture Change 세계화란기술, 경제, 정치, 사회문화적차원에서국경을넘어연결과교류가이루어지는현상을지칭하는것으로, 특히현재의통신기술및운송수단의비약적발전에의해그정도가급속히확대되고있다. 이수업에서는국경을넘는자본, 사람, 상품, 이미지의이동과연결, 이런과정이가져오는사회문화적영향에대해공부한다. 구체적으로는세계화의배경, 세계화를분석하는관점, 세계화와문화적아이덴티티, 소비문화, 젠더, 세계화와지역문화등의주제를이론적접근과사례연구를통해공부하며, 이를통해변화하는세계에대한인류학적이해를도모한다. In this course, students are going to study the movements and inter-connections of the capital, people, products, and images across the national borders, and the socio-cultural impacts of those processes. Through theoretical approaches and case analysis, such themes and issues as backgrounds of globalization, globalization and cultural identity, consumption in globalizing world, gender and globalization, gloobalization and local culture are explored. 206.232 인체골격인류학 3-3-0 Anthropological Studies of Human Bones 발굴된인체골격에남아있는흔적들은과거인구집단의삶의특성과인류의진화사를재구성하는데중요한단서가되고있다. 본강좌는인류학적인체골격연구의입문강좌로서학생들이강의와실습을통하여배우게될내용은아래와같다. - 232 -

1) 치아를포함한인체골격특성일체 2) 성, 연령, 신장추정 3) 골격에남은질병, 부상, 사후손상의흔적 4) 과거인구집단의활동패턴, 영양상태추정 5) 골격표본의발굴과처리법 6) 골격계측법 7) 골격자료분석법 Skeletal materials from the past provides information about our shallow history and evolutionary past as well. Excavated bone materials are commonly used to characterize life in the past and to identify long-term trends in population structure and disease. This survey course introduces students to the osteological aspects of human bones. Lectures and labs cover the human skeleton (including dentition); the estimation of age, sex, ancestry, and stature; the identification of disease, skeletal trauma and postmortem damage; the determination of activity patterns and nutritional status; and the recovery of skeletonized remains. This course also focuses on theory and method for understanding variation in prehistoric skeletal populations. 206.234 음식과문화 3-3-0 Food and Culture 이과목은음식및음식의생산과소비양식을문화의맥락에서이해하는이론적시각과실천적지식을탐구함으로써다음과같은음식문화의제차원에대한이해를높인다. 1) 세계각지역과민족의음식및음식문화에대한비교학적지식, 2) 먹을꺼리의자연과학적분류및상징분류, 3) 음식의성분과인체의건강의관계, 4) 조리방식과분배및소비양식의정치적, 경제적, 사회적기능과의미, 5) 과학과사회와예술의결합으로서의음식문화, 6) 요리의유행과식량공급의정치경제학, 7) 글로벌시대의초국적음식과음식문화의교류등. 학생들은이과목을통하여식생활을통한문화의비교학적지식의지평을넓힘과동시에삶의질과사회의발전을추구하는안목을기를것이다. Dealing with theoretical perspectives and practical knowledge concerning food and foodways in the context of culture, this course aims at understanding of 1) comparative study of regional and national foods and food cultures in the world, 2) natural scientific classification and symbolic classificatory system of food, 3) inter-active relationship between food ingredients and health, 4) politics, economy, and social function as practiced through culinary process and cultural consumption of food, 5) food as a system of science and art, 6) political economy of fashion and distribution of food, and 7) trans-national flow of food and food cultures in the global context. In the class, students will be trained to search for a way to promote the quality of life and social development through food and food culture. 206.307 문화와언어 3-3-0 Language and Culture 이과목은인류학의네하위분야중하나인언어인류학에대한기초적입문과정이다. 인간및문화의시각에서언어의여러중요한양상들을체계적으로소개함으로써, 언어 ᆞ 사회 ᆞ 문화간의상호관련성에대한기초적이해를목표로할것이다. This course is an introduction to linguistic anthropology, one of the four sub-fields of anthropology. It will introduce students to many important aspects of language from the view point of man and culture. Its purpose is a basic understanding of interrelationships among language, society and culture. 206.309C 러시아문화의이해 3-3-0 Understanding Russian Culture 이과목은지역연구의일환으로과거에서현재까지의러시아와북아시아 ( 시베리아, 몽골, 만주포함 ) 지역의문화를총체적으로살펴보는것을목적으로한다. 특히이지역의다양한생태적환경과여러문화적배경을가진민족들, 그리고한국문화와의연관성, 사회주의의붕괴에따른여러문제에대해주목한다. This course aims at understanding, in comparative perspective, the cultural characteristics of Russia. Topics covered include: ethnic and linguistic composition, everyday patterns of life including religious beliefs and rituals, family and kinship systems, and social stratification, and sociocultural changes following acculturation and modernization. Special attention is paid to the relationship with Korea and problems after collapse of Soviet Union. 206.320 문화와권력 3-3-0 Culture and Power 이과목은문화적으로권력과통제가어떻에이루어지는가를고찰하는것을목표로한다. 문화적요소들은하나의국가나민족, 다양한각종의하위집단들이권력의유지와효과적인통제를위해이용하는가장중요한수단이다. 구체적으로이과목은, 첫째권력과통제를위해문화적수단들을이용하는과정을살피고, 둘째, 문화에투영된정치적성격을고찰하고, 셋째, 국가에서부터다양한하위집단의단위에까지나타나는다양한권력과문화의관계를사례를통해제시함으로써수강생들이정치, 권력이가지는비정치적요소, 문화적특성들을이해하고나아가권력과통제, 정치현상을바라보는보다넓은시각을기를수있도록한다. This course will attempt to understand the idea of power from an anthropological perspective. It will discuss such topics as the use of cultural means utilized by the state and ethnic groups to affect power and control, as well as the power relations found within cultural phenomena. Accompanying these discussions will be an examination of concrete case studies. 206.322A* 인류학연구방법실습 3-0-6 Methodology and Fieldwork in Anthropology 이과목은전공학생들을주대상으로하여인류학적인연구의구체적인방법에대한다양한이론을살피고간단한실습을한다. 구체적으로는첫째, 인류학의전통적이고기본적인연구방법들을살피고, 둘째, 현대인류학에서의새로운이론적흐름과이를반영하는현대적방법론들을살피고, 셋째, 전통사회뿐아니라현대사회에서적용할수있는올바른방법론을제시하며, 넷째, 실질적인현지조사실습을통해, 전공생들이인류학의가장중요한연구방법을터득하고이해할수있도록한다. In this course, students will learn methods used in anthropological fieldwork, including theoretical and meth- - 233 -

odological issues and techniques. Students will review contemporary literature by leading anthropologists regarding fieldwork ex- perience. This course also offers the opportunity for students to design, implement, and write their own research projects in anthropological fieldwork. 206.329A 생물인류학 3-3-0 Biological Anthropology 인류학은크게인간사회의사회문화적특성들을다루는사회문화인류학과, 인간의신체적특성과진화과정을연구하는생물인류학으로분류된다. 이과목은첫째, 영장류전반과인간과의비교, 유인원에대한분석등을통해인류의진화과정을살피고, 둘째, 각인종, 종족에따라나타나는다양한인간의신체적, 생물학적특성들을분석 비교하며, 셋째, 이러한인간의생물학적특성들이문화적요소들과어떠한관계를가지고있는가를주된내용으로다룬다. Biological Anthropology is one of the major branches of Anthropology. It deals with human biological traits and the evolutionary process. This course focuses on three areas of Biological Anthropology: the first is to approach to human evolutionary process by comparing human beings and primates. The second is comparing and analyzing the biological traits of human beings which vary according to race or ethnic group. The third is to understand the relationship between human biological traits and cultural elements. 206.330 문화와환경 3-3-0 Culture and Environment 서구와비서구간의식민지접촉이초래한사회문화적변화를역사적 비교문화적관점에서검토한다. 거시적, 역사적인관점에서식민화과정을조망함과더불어지역수준에서현지인이이러한변화를인식하고대응하는다양한방식에대해서연구한다. 문화제국주의, 토착적문화의변용과지속, 문화적저항운동등의주제를다루며, 최근의지구화과정에대한논의에서제기되는 글로벌 문화와지역문화간의역동적상호작용을검토한다. This course, through the use of historical and cross-cultural perspectives, attempts to understand the sociocultural changes resulting from the encounter between Western Colonial powers and the affected colonized non-western civilizations. For this purpose, we will examine the colonization process from a macro-historial point of view, as well as examine the diverse ways in which the colonized perceived and responded to such processes Discussion topics will include: cultural imperialism, change and continuity of local culture and cultural resistance movements. 206.331 문화와경제 3-3-0 Economy in Culture 인간의경제활동은그사회가운영되고유지되기위한근간이된다. 인류학에서의경제활동에대한연구는특히비서구사회를대상으로, 각사회의다양한경제활동의유형을살피고이를그사회의사회문화적특성과연관시켜살핀다는점에서경제학과는다른특성을가지고있다. 이과목은첫째, 비서구사회의다양한경제활동에서보여지는문화적요소들을살피고, 둘째, 서구사회를분석하는다양한경제이론들이비서구사회의경제에적용가능한지를타진하며, 셋째, 나아가서구사회의경제현상들을비경제적요소, 문화적변수들과의관련성속에서분석함으로써, 수강생들이경제활동의다양한유형을파악하고, 정치, 문화, 종교등의비경제적요소들과경제행위의밀접한관계를이해하는데도움을주고자한다. Man s economic activity is the basis of human existence in every society. This course covers diverse economic activities from cross-cultural perspectives. In addition, the course will examine economic activities within socio-cultural contexts. It will also seek alternative explanations of economic behaviors that differ from conventional Western theories. 206.332A 인류학박물관실습 3-3-0 Practices in Anthropological Museums 이과목은인류학박물관의성격과역사를살피고, 다양한문화들을수집, 보존하고전시하는방법을가르킨다. 이를위해실제로인류학관련박물관들을수강생들이매주견학하고토론을벌이게되며, 박물관과국가문화정책, 소수민족문화, 전시방법의문제등을검토함으로써수강생들이박물관에대한객관적인인식과올바른문화인식의시각을기를수있도록한다. In this course, students will learn, in depth, about anthropological museums, including their traits, history, and the different methods of collecting, preserving and exhibiting various cultures. Class discussions will include national policies regarding culture and minority cultures, as well as problems related to exhibitions. Students of this course will gain a more objective understanding of the museums. Course work will also include weekly visits to anthropological museums. 206.335A 중국의사회와문화 3-3-0 Chinese Society and Culture 이과목에서는첫째, 다민족으로구성된사회주의국가인중국사회가사회주의체제를거치면서과거의전통을어떠한방식으로유지, 변용시켜나가고있으며, 둘째, 다양한민족집단을통합시키기위한중국의민족정책이어떠한결과를낳고있는지살펴본다. 그리고부분적으로자본주의적생산관계가도입되고있는현재의상황에서기존의사회주의적인제도및생산방식이변형되고적응하는양식을고찰함으로써수강생들이중국의다양한민족구성과사회문화적특성들을이해할수있도록한다. This course: 1) investigates the way traditions were kept or reshaped in China as it underwent socialist revolution; 2) examines the sociocultural changes within ethnic minority groups as well as the effects of policies set by the Chinese government; 3) examines the effects of the introduction of the market economy upon socialist institutions. 206.336 한국민속문화의이해 3-3-0 Understanding Korean Folk Culture 본수업은한국민속문화의다양성과고유성을이해하고변화과정을검토하는것을목표로한다. 한국민속에대해한국인류학계에서축적한연구성과물에대한비판적검토를통해서한국민속을연구할학문적기초를본수업에서제공한다. 학생들은과거와현재의여러민속현상에대한이해를기반으로 - 234 -

한국민속만이가지고있는독특한구조나기능, 의미를파악할수있게된다. This course aims at understanding Korean folk culture and its originality, variety, and changes. It offers, through critical review of works of Korean anthropologists, an academic basis studying folklore. Students will grasp the unique structure, function, and meanings of Korean folkculture, which is based on the knowledge about various folk phenomena. 206.338 문화와의사소통 3-3-0 Culture and Communication 이과목은언어사용의문화적차원들을이해하고자하는과정이다. 사회적맥락속에서의의사소통의문화적유형그리고의사소통능력의다양한층위들을검토함으로써, 사회생활과언어간의체계적인상호관련성을이해하게될것이다. In this course, we will attempt to understand cultural dimensions of language use. Through examining cultural patterns of communication in social context and various levels of communication competence, we will understand systematic interrelationships between language and social life. 206.340 스포츠, 여가, 문화 3-3-0 Sport, Leisure and Culture 여가활동의일환으로사람들이신체적놀이로서의스포츠를행하는것은모든사회에서보편적으로나타나는양상이다. 하지만, 인간의스포츠및여가활동들의구체적형식과내용은문화적배경에따라매우다양하게나타나며, 역사적으로도커다란변화를거쳐왔다. 특히현대의후기산업사회들에서스포츠및여가활동은사람들의일상생활에서지니는대단히높은비중을지니는삶의영역으로되고있다. 이에본과목은인간의스포츠및여가활동들과사회문화적조건들과의연관성을비교론적관점에서조망함으로써스포츠및여가의문화에대한인류학적이해를증진시키는것을목표로삼는다. It is an universal feature of human societies that people spend their leisure time doing sport in the sense of bodily play. But specific forms and contents of sport and leisure activities are not only quite diverse according to the sociocultural contexts but they also have been undergoing tremendous historical changes over time. Especially in the context of contemporary postindustrial society, sport and leisure has become one of the most important domains of everyday life. This course, therefore, aims at enhanced understanding of sport and leisure cultures through examining diverse and changing patterns of interrelationship between human sport and leisure activities and their sociocultural contexts in the anthropological comparative perspective. 206.407B 유럽문화의이해 3-3-0 Understanding European Culture 이과목은유럽지역의다양한민족의문화전반에대해개설적으로다루는과목이다. 구체적으로는첫째, 유럽지역의다양한종족집단과인종, 종교와의례, 가족과친족제도, 언어, 생활양식전반을다루고, 둘째, 근대화과정이후의변화과정과현대유럽의새로운변화에따른제문제들을검토하고, 셋째, 서 유럽, 동유럽, 남유럽간의상이한문화적전통의성격과특성을검토함으로써, 수강생들로하여금유럽에대한객관적인시각을기르도록한다. This course deals with peoples and cultures of Europe. Particularly, it studies 1) various ethnic groups and their cultures in such aspects as religion & rituals, family & kinship, language and social life, 2) transformations after modernization and new changes of modern Europe, 3) distinctive cultural traditions of western, eastern, and southern Europe. This course attempts to help students to get objective perspective about Europe. 206.416A 문화와역사 3-3-0 Culture and History 인류학적방법과역사학적방법의상호접근을통해서문화현상의역사적성격과역사과정에있어서의상징과문화체계의관련성을연구한다. 일상적생활문화에있어서의역사성을개인과집단의기억을통해밝혀보는구술사및생애사적연구, 미시사또는지방사와인류학적연구와의관계, 전통문화의변화와재창조, 근대성의성격에관한주제등을강의한다. 이를통해인류학과역사학의학제적연구의가능성을점검하고수강생들에게문화와역사를동시에바라볼수있는시각을제공하고자한다. Using History and Anthropology, this course takes an inter- disciplinary approach to investigate the relations of symbols and culture systems as well as the historical traits of cultural phenomena and historical processes. It reviews oral and life histories that focus on cultural traits from daily life, relations of anthropological research, micro and local history, changes and reinvention of traditional culture, and the character of Modernization. Students are encouraged to develop an interdisciplinary approach to understanding culture and history. 206.420 사회집단과불평등 3-3-0 Social Groups and Inequalities 이과목은모든인간사회에서나타나는사회구성원들의상이한사회집단들로의분화, 그리고그렇게분화된사회집단들사이에흔히불평등한관계가성립하게되는현상을인류학적인관점과방법론으로파악하는것을목표로한다. 이를위해서기술수준이단순하고인구상소규모인수렵채집민사회로부터현대의대규모복합사회에이르기까지다양한사회유형들속에서나타나는연령, 성별, 친족관계, 사회계층, 직업, 종교, 정치적입장, 민족, 인종등등에따른사회집단의분화와불평등의양상에대한인류학및인접학문분야들에서의연구성과들을검토하고, 현대한국사회에서나타나는양상에대한현지조사실습을실시한다. The students will learn anthropological perspectives and methodologies to understand the differentiation of society members into social groups. Furthermore, it will look at the resulting social inequality among different social groups. Students will conduct reviews on anthropological and related literature concerning social differentiation and inequality, ranging from primitive hunter-gatherer to modern, complex societies based upon age, gender, kinship, social stratification, religion, occupation, political standpoint, nation, and/or race. Students will also participate in fieldwork, focusing on a particular feature of social group differentiation within con- - 235 -

temporary Korean society. 206.424A 마음의진화와문화 3-3-0 Evolutionary Psychology and Human Culture 인류학의중심적인개념인 문화 를우리는흔히인류의체질적인특성을연구하는생물학과무관한것으로생각하기쉽지만양자간에는그바탕에서부터밀접한관련이있다. 즉인류가다른동물의행동과는근본적으로다르게문화적인행동을할수있게된것도상징을할수있는체질적인조건으로서의큰용량의뇌를갖게되면서부터였다. 또한인류가도구를사용하고생존을위해지혜를짜는등의문화적인행동을하게되면서체질적인진화과정에영향을미치게되었다. 이과목은문화의생물학적인기초와문화가인류의생물학적인특성에미친영향을포함하여양자간의상호연관성에대해서탐구한다. This course will help to illuminate how culture affects human biological traits by trying to understand the links between culture and biology. We will focus on the correlation between culture and the biological traits of human beings through the study of human behavior. 206.425 문화와종교 3-3-0 Culture and Religion 이과목은다양한사회에서존재하는종교현상과종교와문화의관계에대해인류학적인입장에서개설적으로다루는과목이다. 구체적으로는첫째, 각사회와민족에게서나타나는다양한종교와의례행위를개괄적으로살피고, 둘째, 이러한종교와의례행위가정치, 경제등비종교적인요소들과어떠한상관관계를맺고있는가를검토하고, 셋째, 종교와문화의관계에대한다양한인류학내의논의들을검토함으로써수강생들로하여금종교현상과의례행위를인류학적관점에서바라볼수있는시각을기르도록한다. This course offers an anthropological perspective on religious phenomena and a deeper understanding of the relationship between culture and religion. Topics of discussion will include: rituals and religions of various societies and ethnic groups; the relationship between rituals and non- religious areas such as politics and the economy; current anthropological debates regarding this area of interest. 206.426B 언어현지조사 3-0-6 Linguistic Fieldwork 이과목은문화적맥락속에서의언어사용에대한현지조사를탐구, 실행하는과목이다. 낯선언어에대한기초적인현지조사과정그리고한국의언어문화에대한현지조사방법등을소개, 실행하는것이중심내용이될것이다. In this course, we will explore field methods of and conduct research of language use in cultural context. Its purpose is two-fold: 1) to introduce students to basic methods of research on unfamiliar langauges; 2) to conduct field work Korean linguaculture. 206.429 문화와교육 3-3-0 Culture and Education 이강좌는민족지적예들을통해서소규모사회에서의교육, 육아관습, 비공식적교육, 사회화와학교교육, 학교와문화등의주제들을다룬다. 이를통해서교육활동은그제도화의정도에있어차이가있고, 내용에있어서도문화적맥락에서깊이영향을받지만, 동시에교육은문화전승의대표적수단으로서모든사회에서존재한다는점을살펴본다. In this course, various ethnographic materials are presented to examine cultural practices related to education, such as informal education in simple societies, child rearing practices, schooling. Students are lead to understand that societies vary in their degree to formalize education and designing cultural curriculum of education, but education as a major means of cultural transmission is a shared feature of humanity across societies. 206.430 라틴아메리카의민족과문화 3-3-0 Ethnicity and Culture in Latin America 중미와남미는인류문화의과거와현재그리고미래를모두한꺼번에보여주는인류학의실험장이다. 소위 4 대문명이라는범주속에는포함되지않지만, 중남미에는선주민들이이루어놓은고도의문명이존재하였다. 멕시코와과테말라를중심으로형성되었던아즈텍문명과마야문명이하나이고, 다른하나는남미의안데스지역을중심으로형성되었던잉카문명이다른하나이다. 선주민족이거주하고있는또다른하나의지역은아마존을중심으로형성된인디오사회와카리브해를중심으로살았던선주민들이있다. 이네지역으로구분지은중남미의고유문화에대한이해를일차적인과제로삼는것이본과목의지향목표이다. 다음은루소라티노식민지경영에의한중남미의라틴화에대한이해가현재당면한문제를제기하고있다. 포르투칼과스페인에의한중남미의라틴화에의한라틴아메리카의등장, 그것은 16 세기이후에강도높게진행된전지구적인식민주의의한전형적인모습을보여주기에충분하다. 메스티조사회의등장에대한이해는우리에게미래의인류의모습을생각하게한다. 정치경제적인측면에서제기되었던종속론의문제도미해결의장으로남아있음을지적할수있다. 라틴아메리카의문학과예술도이지역의문화를이해함에있어서중요한요인으로포함될수있을것이다. This course mainly focuses on the area study about the Central and South America in terms of their peoples and cultures. Students will have to understand the reality of the Aztec and the Maya civilizations in Central America and to enlarge their interests to the Inca around Andes in South America. The other two areas concern Caribe and Amazon. These four consecutive areas will cover the indigenous peoples and cultures. Furthermore, this course guides the issues of colonialism and dependency theory in the contemporary after the introduction of Ruzo-Latino imperialism into the area. The ideas of colonialism and dependency theory are still active in a sense in the realm of political economy. The importance of the arts and literatures in the contemporary Latin America should never be neglected in the course. 206.450 미국의사회와문화 3-3-0 American Society and Culture 이강좌는미국의지리와역사, 민주주의, 가족과친족, 소수민족, 대중문화와예술등을통해미국사회와문화에대해입문하는과정이다. 이를통해서한국사회에대한미국문화의영향에대해서도반성적으로사고할수있도록이끈다. - 236 -

This is an introductory course to American culture and society. Major topics include the geography and history of U. S., democracy, family and kinship, ethnicity, popular culture and art. Through this course, students are asked to reflect on the impact of American culture on Korean culture and society. - 237 -

사회과학대학 (Collge of Social Sciences) 전공탐색과목 (Pre-major Tracks for College of Social Sciences) 200.103 정치학원론 3-3-0 Principles of Political Science 사회과학대학신입생을대상으로하는정치학전공탐색과목. 정치현상을체계적으로이해하기위해필요한논리적사고능력을배양하는데주안점을둔다. 정치사상, 정치이론및방법론, 정치과정, 비교정치, 한국정치, 국제정치등의기초를소개한다. This is an introductory course for freshmen in the College of Social Sciences. It helps students develop a systematic and logical understanding of politics. It surveys the major fields of Political Science including Political Philosophy, Political Theory and Methodology, Political Process, and Comparative Politics, as well as Korean Politics and International Relations. 200.104 국제정치학개론 3-3-0 Introduction to International Politics 본수업에서는국제관계의양상이역사적으로어떻게형성되어왔으며 21 세기를맞아어떠한변화의과정을겪고있는지다루고자한다. 특히기존의국제정치학소개과정들이 국제정치학 이론을중심으로국제관계그자체에만초점을맞추어구성되어있는데반해본수업에서는역사학, 사회학, 국내정치등보다넓은시각에서국제관계문제를다루고자한다. This course is designed to give prospective students of International Relations a basic understanding of world politics in the 21st century. It analyzes the complexity of the issues and players of the 21st century world politics, examining various strategies for survival and prosperity. and business conglomerates); and finally, the socialistic planned economy vs. the capitalistic market economy. 200.106 경제원론 2 3-3-0 Principles of Economics 2 경제전체차원에서발생하는다양한경제문제의체계적인분석능력을배양하는것이이강좌의목표이다. 특히다음과같은주제를중점적으로검토하고자한다. 국민소득, 물가, 이자율, 실업률, 고용, 임금, 소비, 투자등은어떻게결정되며그들간의상호관계는무엇인가? 국민소득은어떠한원리를따라결정되고분배되는가? 호황과불황은왜일어나며대책은무엇인가? 경제는어떠한과정을거쳐성장하는가? 세계속에서한국경제는어떠한위상을지니며환율과국제수지는어떻게결정되는가? 정부의제반경제정책이경제활동에대해미치는영향은무엇이며, 경제정책의공과를어떻게평가할것인가? This course cultivates the ability to analyze various economic problems. The class focuses on the following topics: How are national income, prices, interest rates, unemployment rates, employment, wages, consumption, and investment determined and what are the relationships between them? By what principle is national income decided and allocated? Why do booms and recessions occur and how can they be controlled? By what process does the economy experience growth? What place does the Korean economy occupy in the world and how are exchange rates and balance of payments determined? What effect does the government s economic policy have on economic activities and how are we to evaluate the merits and demerits of those economic policies? 200.107 현대사회와사회학 3-3-0 200.105 경제원론 1 3-3-0 Principles of Economics 1 다양한경제현상을체계적으로이해할수있는경제분석능력을배양하는것이이강좌의주목표이다. 이를위해다음과같은주제를선정하여집중적으로공부한다. 경제학이란무엇이며어떤접근방법을택하는가? 수요와공급은어떻게결정되며어떠한과정을거쳐조정되는가? 생산요소의공급및소득의처분을담당하는가계는어떤원리를따라경제활동을영위하는가? 생산요소를고용하여제품을생산하는기업은국민경제에서어떠한기능을담당하는가? 경쟁독점과점등다양한경쟁형태또는재벌기업대기업중기업소기업등다양한기업조직의장단점은무엇인가? 사회주의계획경제체제와자본주의시장경제체제중어떤경제체제가나은가? 시장경제에서정부가맡아야할역할은무엇이며정부가하지말아야할일은무엇인가? The primary objective of this course is for students to develop appropriate skills to analyze economic appearances. The class addresses the following topics: definitions of Economics and its methodologies; supply and demand and their balance; the role of the household economy in supplying productive inputs and disposable income; the role of the corporations in hiring productive input and producing goods for the national economy; the merits and drawbacks of various competitive systems (competitive, monopoly, and oligopoly) and industry types (big, medium, and small corporations Through the introduction of basic, anthropological per- 학점구조는 학점수- 주당강의시간 -주당실습시간 을표시함. 한학기는 15주로구성됨. (The first number means credits ; the second number means lecture hours per week; and the final number means laboratory hours per week. 15 week make one semester.) - 204 - Sociology in Contemporary Society 본강의는대학신입생들이 2 학년에진학할때자신에게적합한전공을선택할수있도록사회학의대략적인모습을소개한다. 이강좌를통해학생들은사회학적관점에서사물을바라봄으로써현대사회에서나타나는인간의행위와사회적현상을보다잘이해할수있을것이다. 이강의는우리의일상적인경험과사회학연구성과를함께살펴봄으로써우리의행위가사회의구조및사건들 - 가족, 종교, 교육, 사회계급, 성차별, 범죄등 - 에의해어떻게영향을받는지설명하고자한다. This course is designed for students who are seeking a general overview of Sociology. It investigates human behavior and social phenomena from a sociological perspective, offering a more complete world view. Using student s daily experience as examples, the class will illustrate how our behaviour is influenced and constrained by societal structures and factors, such as family, education, social class, and gender discrimination. 200.108 인류학의이해 3-3-0 Understanding of Anthropology 본과목에서는인류학의기본적인관점과연구영역들을체계적으로소개함으로써인류학이추구하는학문적목표와성격을제시한다. 인간과문화의관계, 문화의다양성과유사성, 문화간상호이해의문제를비교문화적시각에서접근하여, 현대사회에서의인류학적지식의적용가능성을모색한다.

사회과학대학 (Collge of Social Sciences) spectives and branches of its study, this course presents the primary objectives of Anthropology. It addresses the relationship between man and culture, cultural diversity and uniformity as well as the challenges of cross-cultural understanding and communication. It also explains how anthropological knowledge can be applied to understanding modern society. 200.109 심리학 : 인간의이해 3-3-0 Psychology: Understanding of Human Mind 본과목은과학으로서의심리학을소개하는과목으로생물심리, 지각, 인지, 발달, 정서, 동기, 사회행동, 조직행동, 의사결정, 및정신병리학등세부분야의이론및경험적연구를전공교수의 team teaching 을통해소개한다. This course surveys the scientific fields that study human behavior. It introduces students to topics such as biological psychology, perception, cognition, human development, emotion, motivation, social behavior, organizational behavior, decision making, and psychopathology. Psychology professors who conduct research in each of these fields will take turns lecturing. 200.111 지리학입문 3-3-0 Fundamentals of Geography 지리학은오랜역사를가진학문이며인간의일상생활과밀접한관계가있는학문이다. 본과목에서는지리학의주요주제와내용을우리의일상생활이나뉴스등에서경험하는사례와연결시켜설명함으로써수강생들의지리적사고력의증진을유도한다. 주요내용으로는인간과환경의관계, 공간구조의형성과변화, 지역의특성, 장소의역사성, 경관의해석, 그리고현지답사방법등을들수있다. The science of Geography has a long history lending more insight into everyday events than one might assume. Thus, this course will expand the critical thinking skills of students by investigating the events of everyday life from a geographical perspective. Major themes of study will include the relationship between human beings and the environment, the formation and change of spatial structures, the specificity and universality of regional features, the historicity of places and the interpretation of landscape, as well as the methodology of fieldwork. 200.114 복지국가의사회과학적이해 3-3-0 Social Scientific Understanding of the Welfare State 이과목은현대사회에서복지국가전략의필요성에관한사회대학생들의이해를도모하는목적을지닌다. 현대의복지국가에서나타나는사회복지제도는크게거시적차원의정책적개입, 서비스전달체계와관련된중시적접근및일선에서특수욕구가있는사람들에게서비스를전달하는미시적접근으로대별된다. 이과목에서는이러한세가지의복지국가전략을차례로소개하고, 미래한국사회의바람직한발전을위한학생들나름의견해를준비하는계기를제공하고자한다. The objective of this course is to facilitate a better understanding of the need of a strategic welfare state in the contemporary society to students studying social science. The general classification of social welfare systems in the modern welfare state is threefold; policy intervention in the macro level, proximal approach to service delivery systems and a micro-level approach to delivering services to those with special needs. This course introduces the three levels of social welfare strategies and attempts to equip students in creating their own perspectives on the positive development of the future Korean society. 200.113A 커뮤니케이션의이해 3-3-0 Understanding Communication 본과목에서는인간커뮤니케이션을이해하는데필요한기본개념들을소개하고, 특히언론정보학과전공탐색과목으로서커뮤니케이션학문의특성과역사및다양한연구분야들을소개하여언론정보학에대한기초적인이해를돕고자한다. This course introduces the field of communication through the study of its basic concepts, theories, history, and specific, relevant issues. Furthermore, it acquaints the students to various forms of communication including journalism, visual communication, interpersonal and telecommunication. - 205 -