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가정법( 假 定 法 )이란, 실제로 일어나지 않았거나 앞으로도 일어나지 않을 것 같은 일에 대해 자신의 의견을 밝히거나 소망을 표현하는 어법이다. 가정법은 화자의 심적 태도나 확신의 정도를 나타내는 어법이기 때문 에 조동사가 아주 요긴하게 쓰인다. 조동사가 동사 앞에

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Hi-MO 애프터케어 시스템 편 5. 오비맥주 카스 카스 후레쉬 테이블 맥주는 천연식품이다 편 처음 스타일 그대로, 부탁 케어~ Hi-MO 애프터케어 시스템 지속적인 모발 관리로 끝까지 스타일이 유지되도록 독보적이다! 근데 그거 아세요? 맥주도 인공첨가물이

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May 2014 BROWN Education Webzine vol.3 감사합니다. 그리고 고맙습니다. 목차 From Editor 당신에게 소중한 사람은 누구인가요? Guidance 우리 아이 좋은 점 칭찬하기 고맙다고 말해주세요 Homeschool [TIP] Famil

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새천년복음화연구소 논문집 제 5 권 [특별 기고] 說 敎 의 危 機 와 展 望 조재형 신부 한국천주교회의 새로운 복음화에 대한 小 考 정치우 복음화학교 설립자, 교장 [심포지엄] 한국 초기 교회와 순교영성 한반도 평화통일과 한국 교회의 과제 교황 방한의 메시지와 복음의

CD The new academic year is starting soon and I need to set new goals. You finally realized that you ve been slacking off too much, huh? I m a senior




2011´ëÇпø2µµ 24p_0628


step 1-1

2 소식나누기 대구시 경북도 영남대의료원 다문화가족 건강 위해 손 맞잡다 다문화가정 행복지킴이 치료비 지원 업무협약 개인당 200만원 한도 지원 대구서구센터-서부소방서 여성의용소방대, 업무협약 대구서구다문화가족지원센터는 지난 4월 2일 다문화가족의 지역사회 적응 지원을




Page 2 of 8 Here s how we can change the previous sentence to use honorific speech, to show extra respect to the father. 아버지가어디에계세요? Where s dad? Usin



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소식지도 나름대로 정체성을 가지게 되는 시점이 된 거 같네요. 마흔 여덟번이나 계속된 회사 소식지를 가까이 하면서 소통의 좋은 점을 배우기도 했고 해상직원들의 소탈하고 소박한 목소리에 세속에 찌든 내 몸과 마음을 씻기도 했습니다. 참 고마운 일이지요 사람과 마찬가지로


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중학영어듣기 1학년


_KF_Bulletin webcopy

When I look in the mirror, it s hard for me to see anything positive in myself. Rather, there are many things [that I don t like about myself]. I m no

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3항사가 되기 위해 매일매일이 시험일인 듯 싶다. 방선객으로 와서 배에서 하루 남짓 지내며 지내며 답답함에 몸서리쳤던 내가 이제는 8개월간의 승선기간도 8시간같이 느낄 수 있을 만큼 항해사로써 체질마저 변해가는 듯해 신기하기도 하고 한편으론 내가 생각했던 목표를 향해





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[ 영어영문학 ] 제 55 권 4 호 (2010) ( ) ( ) ( ) 1) Kyuchul Yoon, Ji-Yeon Oh & Sang-Cheol Ahn. Teaching English prosody through English poems with clon


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6 영상기술연구 실감하지 못했을지도 모른다. 하지만 그 이외의 지역에서 3D 영화를 관람하기란 그리 쉬운 일이 아니다. 영화 <아바타> 이후, 티켓 파워에 민감한 국내 대형 극장 체인들이 2D 상영관을 3D 상영관으로 점차적으로 교체하는 추세이긴 하지만, 아직까지는 관

55호 1면


Unit 1 reading.hwp

해외취업 가이드

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27 2, * ** 3, 3,. B ,.,,,. 3,.,,,,..,. :,, : 2009/09/03 : 2009/09/21 : 2009/09/30 * ICAD (Institute for Children Ability


328 退溪學과 韓國文化 第43號 다음과 같은 3가지 측면을 주목하여 서술하였다. 우선 정도전은 ꡔ주례ꡕ에서 정치의 공공성 측면을 주목한 것으로 파악하였다. 이는 국가, 정치, 권력과 같은 것이 사적인 소유물이 아니라 공적인 것임을 강조하는 것으로 조선에서 표방하는 유

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Unit 2. Spring Is Here Spring Is Here Spring is (here / in). The snow is melting. Spring is here. The (flowers / bees) are blooming. Spring is here. T







수능 CAT





능률 영어 2 예상 문제 고1 영어 제 4 과 1. 다음 영어는 우리말로, 우리말은 영어로 쓰시오. 1) (1) prove (2) recently (3) standard (4) translate (5) reveal (6) imaginative (7) burst (8) stockbroker (9) lie in (10) in person (11) compared to (12) a great deal of (13) make sense of (14) push away (15) come up with (16) 모국어 (17) 우스꽝스러운 (18) 참석한 (19) 부정확한 (20) 수표 (21) 불완전한 (22) 속삭이다 (23) 재치 있게 (24) 에서 역할을 하다 (25) 의견, 견해 (26) 적어도 (27) 공학 (28) 한계 (29) 통찰(력) (30) 관찰(력) 2. 밑줄 친 부분과 바꿔 쓸 수 있는 말로 가장 적절 한 것을 고르시오. 2) (1) Michael answered the phone immediately when it rang. 1 slowly 2 at once 3 recently 4 lately 5 willingly (2) The museum decided to limit the number of visitors that it will allow each day. 1 retain 2 count 3 reduce 4 restrict 5 increase 3. 밑줄 친 부분과 반대 의미를 가진 말로 가장 적절 한 것을 고르시오. 3) (1) The police tried to find the precise cause of the accident. 1 exact 2 vague 3 specific 4 rumored 5 mysterious (2) Harry is deeply ashamed of what he did at the party. 1 proud 2 convinced 3 regretful 4 impressed 5 determined 4. 다음 빈칸에 가장 적절한 단어를 골라 쓰시오. 4) (필요한 경우 단어의 형태를 바꾸시오.) (1) I used carefully words in my poems. (2) Don t to let me know your problem. (3) The company played a leading in the IT industry. (4) The lawyer tried to the judge that James was innocent. (5) Do you have any of when the economy will improve? <보기> role / persuade / crafted expectations / hesitate - 1 -

5. 주어진 영영 풀이를 짝에게 설명하고, 짝은 해당하 는 단어를 써서 퍼즐을 완성하시오. 5) Person A 1. to stop a number or amount from increasing beyond a particular point 2. the time in the early evening just before it gets dark 3. the belief that something will or should happen 4. to give an opinion about something or someone after thinking carefully 5. very attractive or pleasant Person B 6. a particular job, especially one needing special skills 7. an expression used for referring to something 8. considered to be correct or typical 9. facts that prove something is true 10. very quickly and without waiting - 2 -

6. 다음 중 밑줄 친 부분의 쓰임이 나머지 넷과 다른 것을 고르시오. 6) 1 Please call me when you are available. 2 Jack visited me when the wind was strong. 3 When singing songs, I feel on top of the world. 4 Do you remember the day when I came to Korea? 5 Ron was embarrassed when he was among strangers. 7. 다음 중 <보기>의 밑줄 친 부분과 쓰임이 같은 것 을 고르시오. 7) I agree with the belief that knowledge is power. 10. 다음 빈칸에 알맞은 관계부사를 넣어 문장을 완 성하시오. 10) (1) This is the house the fire started. (2) I want to know the time you got here. 11. 괄호 안에서 어법상 알맞은 것을 고르시오. 11) (1) I saved a fisherman [ who / whose ] boat had sunk. (2) I have the belief [ that / which ] education is the key to a better world. 1 The law states that all humans are born equal. 2 It was my father that was chosen as the best chef. 3 Will you go to the gallery that has the art exhibit? 4 Schuman is the speaker that will give a presentation. 5 I was shocked by the fact that so many animals are killed for their fur. 8. 다음 중 어법상 틀린 것을 고르시오. 8) 1 England is the country where I was born. 2 Kelly lives in the house whose roof is blue. 3 The hope that our team will win motivates us. 4 I wrote the reasons why I d like to join the club. 5 Brad is the baker which recipe won the cooking contest. 12. 다음 빈칸에 알맞은 말을 쓰시오. 12) (1) Camels are desert animals humps store fat. (2) The board supports the idea they should raise money. 13. 밑줄 친 부분에 유의하여 다음 문장을 우리말로 옮기시오. 13) (1) Many people visit Spain in August when the Tomato Festival is held. (2) I heard the news that a Korean organization built a school for children in Africa. 9. 다음 중 밑줄 친 부분의 쓰임이 옳지 않은 것을 고르시오. 9) 1 The year that I got married was 2009. 2 This book shows the way how you bake cupcakes. 3 Amanda s concert was the place where my father met my mother. 4 The scientist explained the reason why the smell of hot food travels farther. 5 The movie is set in an imaginary world where robots walk around the streets. 14. 다음 우리말 뜻에 맞도록 주어진 말을 활용하여 문장을 완성하시오. 14) Jorn Utzon은 대표작이 시드니 오페라 하우스인 잘 알려진 건축가이다. Jorn Utzon is the well-known architect masterpiece / the Sydney Opera House / whose - 3 -

15. 밑줄 친 1~5 중, 어법상 틀린 것을 고르시 오. 15) Roof gardens are becoming more and more popular in cities. Many companies and hotels started 1 to follow the trend. Kim Beom Seok is a designer 2 of which garden design won first place in the Green-Architect Contest in 2013. He designed the roof garden for the Neville Building in Seoul. The employees share the opinion 3 that the roof garden is 4 a place where they can relax during their busy working hours. Mr. Kim said that roof gardens play an important role in 5 making the city greener and more nature-friendly. 17. 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것을 고르시오. 17) It has been two months since I arrived in Korea. Everything is nice, 1 except that it s more complicated to communicate in Korean than I thought. People here in Korea speak very quickly. I have difficulty 2 understanding when people speak quickly. It s hard to catch everything they say. I usually pretend that I understand 3 that they re saying. Today, Eunji asked me 4 how I ve been doing, and I talked to her about the problem. She gave me good advice. She told me to ask people to slow down 5 so that I can grasp the meaning of their words. Maybe she has a point. I should do that to communicate with others better. 18. 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시 오. 18) 16. 대화의 주제로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오. 16) A: What are you doing, Junho? B: Oh, hi, Sara. I m signing up for an online community for people who are interested in learning Chinese. A: You are interested in learning Chinese? I ve just begun learning it, too. B: Oh, really? What s the purpose of your study? A: Last month, I met a new classmate. He s from China. I learn Chinese to communicate with my Chinese friends. B: So you can make international friends by learning Chinese? A: Right, then how about you? Is there any specific reason you are learning Chinese? B: I hope I can work with people around the world in the future. I think I ll have more opportunities if I speak Chinese. A: You re right. Let s sign up for the club together! 1 중국어 학습의 목적 2 국제 기업 취직 요건 3 온라인 동호회의 장단점 4 효과적인 외국어 학습 방법 5 다문화 가정 학생들이 겪는 어려움 When you are speaking, try to choose the right words at the right moment. If you use inappropriate or unclear words, it can cause misunderstandings between you and the listeners. In addition to that, you need to speak at a normal speed. If you speak too quickly or slowly, the listeners will have difficulty catching what you say. Last, you should make an effort to of the listeners. Miscommunication can sometimes happen due to cultural differences. For example, the same gesture can be understood differently based on the culture of the place where each person is from. 1 consider the age 2 respect the opinions 3 understand the culture 4 figure out the intention 5 read the facial expressions 19. 주어진 우리말 뜻에 맞도록 빈칸에 알맞은 말을 쓰시오. 19) (1) I m looking for a notebook cover is rainbow-colored. (나는 표지가 무지개 색인 노트를 찾고 있다.) (2) I ll never forget the time you threw me a surprise party. (나는 네가 내게 깜짝 파티를 열어 준 때를 잊지 않을 것이다.) - 4 -

다음 글을 읽고, 질문에 답하시오. I grew up listening to (영어가 문법적으로 부정확 한 중국인 어머니). Some people say they don t understand my mother s English and even describe it as broken. ( 1 ) This makes it sound as if it needs to be fixed. I ve also heard other terms used for her English, such as limited English. ( 2 ) Actually, when I was young, my mother s limited English limited my view of her. ( 3 ) There were times when I was ashamed of her English. ( 4 ) I had plenty of evidence to support that idea. People in stores did not give her good service, pretending not to understand her or even acting as if they did not hear her. ( 5 ) 20. 위 글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기 에 가장 적절한 곳은? 20) 다음 글을 읽고, 질문에 답하시오. Actually, my mother s language played a large role in 1 shaping my language, and affected my 2 performance on tests. While my English skills were never judged as 3 excellent, compared to math, English was not considered my 4 strong point. I did well in English, but not well enough to change people s opinion that my true abilities lay in math and science. I can understand this. Math is 5 precise: There is only one correct answer. However, for me at least, the answers on English tests were always a matter of opinion and personal experience. 22. 밑줄 친 부분 중, 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 적절하 지 않은 것은? 22) Because she did not express her thoughts perfectly, I considered her thoughts imperfect. 21. 위 글의 괄호 안의 의미가 되도록 주어진 말을 바르게 배열하시오. 21) ( English / whose / is / my Chinese mother / incorrect / grammatically ) 23. 위 글의 밑줄 친 that과 쓰임이 같은 것은? 23) 1 I believe that you ll pass the exam. 2 It was in Paris that you first met me. 3 Henry is my friend that lives next door. 4 This is the only thing that I want you to do. 5 I m surprised at the news that Sam left the town. - 5 -

다음 글을 읽고, 질문에 답하시오. I ve often been asked, a as a writer, why there are few outstanding Asian Americans in American literature. What makes them hesitate to sign up for creative writing programs? Why do so many Chinese students choose engineering b as their major in university? These are difficult questions to answer. But recently, I have found in surveys Asian American students do a lot better on math tests than on English. This makes me think there are other Asian American families whose English spoken at their home might be described c as broken or limited. Perhaps they have teachers who are pushing them away from writing and into math or science d as my teachers did to me. Fortunately, I became a writer because I like to challenge people s expectations of me. 24. 빈칸에 공통으로 들어갈 말로 적절한 것은? 24) 1 if 2 that 3 what 4 where 5 whether 다음 글을 읽고, 질문에 답하시오. I grew up listening to my Chinese mother whose English is grammatically incorrect. Some people say they don t understand my mother s English and even describe it as broken. This makes it sound it needs to be fixed. I ve also heard other terms used for her English, such as limited English. Actually, when I was young,my mother s limited English limited my view of her. There were times when I was ashamed of her English. Because she did not express herthoughts perfectly, I considered her thoughts imperfect. I had plenty of evidence to support that idea. People in stores did not give her good service, pretending not to understand her or even acting they did not hear her. 27. 빈칸에 공통으로 들어갈 말로 적절한 것은? 27) 1 if 3 though 5 because 2 as if 4 when 25. 밑줄 친 a~d 중, 쓰임이 나머지 셋과 다른 것 은? 25) 28. 위 글에서 다음 설명에 해당하는 단어를 찾아 쓰 시오. 28) information that proves something is true 26. 글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적절한 곳을 고르시오. 26) Communication is no longer about being correct all the time. According to a study, 96% of English conversations around the world include at least one non-native speaker. ( 1 ) Still, we continue to teach and model proper English, defined as being British or American standard English. ( 2 ) Now, it s time for a revolution. ( 3 ) It s about being understood. ( 4 ) Every type of English should be respected equally. ( 5 ) In this global era, no one owns the English language alone. - 6 -

다음 글을 읽고, 질문에 답하시오. Actually, my mother s language played a large role in shaping my language, and affected my performance on tests. (A) my English skills were never judged as poor, compared to math, English was not considered my strongpoint. I did well in English, but not well enough to change people s opinion that my true abilities lay in math and science. I can understand this. Math is precise: There is only one correct answer. (B), for me at least, the answers on English tests were always a matter of opinion and personal experience. 29. 빈칸 (A), (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것 은? 29) (A) 1 As 2 While 3 If 4 Whether 5 When (B) Thus However Therefore For instance Furthermore 30. 밑줄 친 부분의 의미로 가장 적절한 것은? 30) 1 영어 시험에는 하나의 정확한 답이 있다. 2 영어 시험 정답은 다양한 답이 가능하다. 3 시험에서는 개인의 의견을 배제해야 한다. 4 영어 시험을 잘 보려면 경험이 풍부해야 한다. 5 의견을 영어로 정확하게 표현하는 것은 어렵다. 다음 글을 읽고, 질문에 답하시오. I ve often been asked, as a writer, why there are few outstanding Asian Americans in American literature. What makes them hesitate to sign up for creative writing programs? Why do so many Chinese students choose engineering as their major in university? These are difficult questions to answer. But recently, I have found in surveys (A) that / what Asian American students do a lot better on math tests than on English. This makes me think that there are other Asian American families (B) which / whose English spoken at their home might be described as broken or limited. Perhaps they have teachers who are pushing (C) away them / them away from writing and into math or science as my teachers did to me. Fortunately, I became a writer because I like to challenge people s expectations of me. 31. Asian Americans에 관한 위 글의 내용과 일치하 는 것은? 31) 1 미국 문학계에서의 활약이 남다르다. 2 대학에서 공학을 전공하는 학생이 많다. 3 수학보다 영어 시험에서 더 우수하다. 4 가정에서 표준 영어를 접할 확률이 높다. 5 교사로부터 글쓰기를 전공하도록 권유받는다. 32. (A), (B), (C)의 각 네모 안에서 어법에 맞는 표현 으로 가장 적절한 것은? 32) (A) (B) (C) 1 that which away them 2 that whose away them 3 that whose them away 4 what which them away 5 what whose them away - 7 -

다음 글을 읽고, 물음에 답하시오. I have been thinking lately about my mother s English. Some of my friends tell me they understand 50 percent of what my mother says. Some say they understand 80 to 90 percent. Some say they understand none of it as if she were speaking Chinese. To me, however, my mother s English. It is my mother tongue. It is the language that helped shape the way I saw things, expressed things and made sense of the world as a writer. For example, people might come up with nightfall or dusk when they (A) ask to describe the word sunset. However, my imaginative mother tongue allowed me (B) see a burst of colors against a dark sky, the moon rising, and the lowering of a curtain of stars whenever I heard the word. 33. 다음 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것 은? 33) 1 make little sense 2 sounds quite awkward 3 is perfectly clear and natural 4 teach me a lot about English grammar 5 remind me of how important grammar is 35. 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은? 35) I have been thinking lately about my mother s English. Some of my friends tell me they understand 50 percent of what my mother says. Some say they understand 80 to 90 percent. Some say they understand none of it as if she were speaking Chinese. To me, however, my mother s English is perfectly clear and natural. It is my mother tongue. It is the language that helped shape the way I saw things, expressed things and made sense of the world as a writer. For example, people might come up with nightfall or dusk when they are asked to describe the word sunset. However, my imaginative mother tongue allowed me to see a burst of colors against a dark sky, the moon rising, and the lowering of a curtain of stars whenever I heard the word. 1 How to Unleash Your Imagination 2 My Mother's English: Broken But Imaginative 3 The Importance of Education When Young 4The Reason to Speak Natural And Fluent English 5 The Foreign Language: The Endless Source of Inspiration 36. 다음 글을 읽고, 밑줄 친 우리말을 괄호 안의 말 을 이용해 영어로 옮기시오. 36) (effort, understand) 34. 위 글의 (A), (B)를 각각 어법에 맞게 바꾸시오. 34) When you are speaking, try to choose the right words at the right moment. If you use inappropriate or unclear words, it can cause misunderstandings between you and the listeners. In addition to that, you need to speak at a normal speed. If you speak too quickly or slowly, the listeners will have difficulty catching what you say. Last, you should 이해하려고 노력하다 the culture of the listeners. Miscommunication can sometimes happen due to cultural differences. - 8 -

다음 글을 읽고, 물음에 답하시오. When I first started a writing fiction, I used wittily crafted sentences that would finally prove I had mastery over the English language. 1 However, I later started to consider who the readers of my stories would be. 2The reader I b decided upon as a model was my mother. 3 With her c in mind, I began to write stories using all the Englishes I grew up with: the simple English I spoke to my mother, the broken English she used with me, and what I imagined would be her meaning if she could speak in perfect English. 4So I could show people how uniquely and fluently I could express my idea. 5 I wanted to reveal d that language ability tests could never find out: her observations and insights. I knew I had succeeded when my mother finished reading my book and said, So easy to read. 다음 글을 읽고, 물음에 답하시오. I grew up listening to my Chinese mother. Some people say they don t understand my mother s English and even describe it as broken. This makes it (A) (as if, it, to be, needs, sound) fixed. I ve also heard other terms used for her English, such as limited English. Actually, when I was young, my mother s limited English limited my view of her. There were times when I was ashamed of her English. Because she did not express her thoughts perfectly, I considered her thoughts imperfect. I had plenty of evidence to support that idea. People in stores did not give her good service, pretending not to understand her or even acting as if they did not hear her. 40. 위 글의 (A)를 어법, 문맥에 맞도록 적절히 배열 하시오. 40) 37. 위 글의 1~5 중, 전체 흐름과 관계없는 문장은? 37) 38. 위 글의 밑줄 친 a~d 중 어법상 틀린 것 하나 를 찾아 바르게 고치시오. 38) 39. 다음 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오. 39) When I first started writing fiction, I used wittily crafted sentences that would finally prove I had mastery over the English language. However, I later started to consider who the readers of my stories would be. The reader I decided upon as a model was my mother. With her in mind, I began to write stories using : the simple English I spoke to my mother, the broken English she used with me, and what I imagined would be her meaning if she could speak in perfect English. I wanted to reveal what language ability tests could never find out: her observations and insights. I knew I had succeeded when my mother finished reading my book and said, So easy to read. 1 standard English only 2 frequently used expressions 3 more well-crafted sentences 4 academic and formal language 5 all the Englishes I grew up with 41. 위 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 알맞은 것은? 41) 1 who speaks good English 2 whose support encouraged me a lot 3 whose English is grammatically incorrect 4 whose ideas were quite radical at that time 5 who always understands me very well 42. (A)~(C)의 빈칸에 들어갈 말을 적절하게 짝지은 것은? 42) I'm looking for a girl (A) eyes are blue. There are times (B) it is very hard to decide which is right. Tony used to (C) in many social campaigns. (A) (B) (C) 1 whose when participate 2 whose then participating 3 who when participate 4 who when participating 5 whose then participate - 9 -

43. 다음 중, 대화의 빈칸에 들어갈 가장 적절한 표 현을 고르시오. 43) A: What are you doing, Junho? B: Oh, hi, Sara. I m a club on the Internet. A: What club? B: It s an online community for people who are interested in learning Chinese. A: You are interested in learning Chinese? I ve just begun learning it, too. B: Oh, really? What s the purpose of your study? A: Last month, I met a new classmate. He s from China. I learn Chinese to communicate with my Chinese friends. 1 giving in to 3 holding on to 5 living up to 2 signing up for 4 giving a lecture at 46. 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글을 순서대로 바르게 배열한 것은? 46) According to a study, 96% of English conversations around the world include at least one non-native speaker. (A) Now, it s time for a revolution. Communication is no longer about being correct all the time. (B) It s about being understood. Every type of English should be respected equally. In this global era, no one owns the English language alone. (C) Still, we continue to teach and model proper English, defined as being British or American standard English. 1 (A) - (C) - (B) 3 (B) - (A) - (C) 5 (C) - (B) - (A) 2 (B) - (C) - (A) 4 (C) - (A) - (B) 44. 다음 우리말과 같은 뜻이 되도록 빈칸에 알맞은 말을 쓰시오. 44) You need to stay here until 8 o'clock. (당신은 여기에 최소한 8시까지 머물러야 해요.) 47. 다음 글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가 기에 가장 적절한 곳은? 47) But recently, I have found in surveys that Asian American students do a lot better on math tests than on English. 45. 다음 중, 밑줄 친 부분이 어법상 틀린 것은? 45) 1 Last week I met the girl that Tom was in love with. 2 She tested the machine which Kevin gave her last week. 3 The news that John Gill had passed away surprised us all. 4 The belief that James betrayed us turned out to be false. 5 He was interested in the fact which the virus spread that fast. I ve often been asked, as a writer, why there are few outstanding Asian Americans in American literature. What makes them hesitate to sign up for creative writing programs? ( 1 ) Why do so many Chinese students choose engineering as their major in university? ( 2 ) These are difficult questions to answer. ( 3 ) This makes me think that there are other Asian American families whose English spoken at their home might be described as broken or limited. ( 4 ) Perhaps they have teachers who are pushing them away from writing and into math or science as my teachers did to me. ( 5 ) Fortunately, I became a writer because I like to challenge people s expectations of me. - 10 -

다음 글을 읽고, 물음에 답하시오. Actually, my mother s language played a large role in shaping my language, and affected my performance on tests. (A) my English skills were never judged as poor, compared to math, English was not considered my strong point. I did well in English, but not well enough to change people s opinion that my true abilities lay in math and science. I can understand this. Math is precise: There is only one correct answer. However, for me at least, the answers on English tests were (B). For example, there were fill-in-the-blank questions, such as Even though Tom was, Mary thought he was. The grammatical structure even though limited the correct answer to something like Even though Tom was shy, Mary thought he was charming. According to my mother, (C), there were very few limitations, and many different words could be the answers like, Even though Tom was foolish, Mary thought he was ridiculous. So I never did well on tests like that. 48. 위 글의 빈칸 (A), (C)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절 한 것은? 48) (A) 1 While 2 Because 3 While 4 While 5 Because (C) besides therefore however therefore however 49. 위 글의 빈칸 (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것 은? 49) 1 very simple and obvious 2 usually hard to agree to 3 more often than not easy to find 4 neither objective nor subjective 5 always a matter of opinion and personal experience 50. 다음 글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가 기에 가장 적절한 곳은? 50) For example, I might say, Not waste money that way. I am a writer and someone who has always loved language. I spend a great deal of my time thinking about the power of language - the way it can make us imagine an emotion, an image, or an idea. Language is the tool of my trade. ( 1 ) Recently, I gave a talk to a large group of people at which my mom was present. ( 2 ) I realized that it was perhaps the first time she had heard me giving a long speech filled with standard English. ( 3 ) I had learned it in school and through books, but I had never used it with her. ( 4 ) Talking with my mother, I sometimes find myself sounding like her. ( 5 ) This is the kind of English that I grew up with. 51. 다음 글의 (A)~(C)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은? 51) I grew up listening to my Chinese mother whose English is grammatically (A) [correct / incorrect]. Some people say they don t understand my mother s English and even describe it as broken. This makes it sound as if it needs to be fixed. I ve also heard other terms used for her English, such as limited English. Actually, when I was young, my mother s limited English limited my view of her. There were times when I was (B) [ashamed / shameless] of her English. Because she did not express her thoughts perfectly, I considered her thoughts imperfect. I had plenty of evidence to support that idea. People in stores did not give her good service, (C) [prevailing / pretending] not to understand her or even acting as if they did not hear her. (A) (B) (C) 1 correct ashamed prevailing 2 incorrect shameless pretending 3 incorrect ashamed prevailing 4 correct shameless prevailing 5 incorrect ashamed pretending - 11 -

다음 글을 읽고, 물음에 답하시오. My mother knew the (A) [value / limitations] of her English as well. Therefore, she sometimes used my English to ask for information or to complain to people who had been rude to her. There were times when she had me call people on the phone for her. When I was 15, she had me call her stockbroker and (B) [pretend / prepare] to be her. This is Mrs. Tan, I said. My mother was standing behind me whispering, Why he don t send me check, already two weeks late. So mad he lie to me, losing me money. I translated her broken sentences into perfect English and said calmly, I m getting rather concerned. You had agreed to send the check two weeks ago, but it hasn t arrived. She also made me tell the stockbroker that if she did not receive her check immediately, she would come in to complain to his boss in (C) [person / people]. And the following week, I was sitting there red-faced and quiet while my mother, the real Mrs. Tan, was shouting at his boss in her broken English. 52. 위 글의 (A)~(C)에서 문맥에 맞는 낱말로 가장 적절한 것은? 52) (A) (B) (C) 1 value pretend person 2 value pretend people 3 limitations prepare person 4 limitations prepare people 5 limitations pretend person 다음 글을 읽고, 물음에 답하시오. My mother knew the limitations of her English as well. Therefore, she sometimes used my English to ask for information or to complain to people who had been rude to a her. There were times when b she had me call people on the phone for her. When I was 15, she had me call her stockbroker and pretend to be her. This is Mrs. Tan, I said. My mother was standing behind me whispering, Why he don t send me check, already two weeks late. So mad he lie to c me, losing me money. I translated her broken sentences into perfect English and said calmly, I m getting rather concerned. She also made me tell d the stockbroker that if she did not receive her check immediately, she would come in to complain to his boss in person. And the following week, I was sitting there red-faced and quiet while my mother, e the real Mrs. Tan, was shouting at his boss in her broken English. 55. 위 글의 a~e 중 가리키는 대상이 다른 것 은? 55) 1 a 2 b 3 c 4 d 5 e 53. 필자가 위 글의 밑줄 친 부분처럼 행동했던 이유 를 우리말로 쓰시오. 53) 54. 다음 우리말과 같은 뜻이 되도록 빈칸에 알맞은 말을 쓰시오. 54) Tom, being in trouble, had to another way to get out of it. (곤경에 처한 Tom은 거기서 빠져 나올 또 다른 방법 을 생각해 내야 했다.) 56. 위 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것 은? 56) 1 You sounded like my mother when you said that. 2 I'm so mad at her about introducing the stockbroker. 3 Your English is very hard to understand. Will you repeat it please? 4 You didn't ring me as you had promised, so you don't deserve the check. 5 You had agreed to send the check two weeks ago, but it hasn t arrived. - 12 -

57. 다음 글의 (A), (B), (C)에서 문맥에 맞는 낱말로 가장 적절한 것은? 57) I ve often been asked, as a writer, why there are (A) [a few / few] outstanding Asian Americans in American literature. What makes them (B) [decide / hesitate] to sign up for creative writing programs? Why do so many Chinese students choose engineering as their major in university? These are difficult questions to answer. But recently, I have found in surveys that Asian American students do a lot better on math tests than on English. This makes me think that there are other Asian American families whose English spoken at their home might be described as broken or limited. Perhaps they have teachers who are pushing them away from writing and into math or science as my teachers did to me. Fortunately, I became a writer because I like to (C) [challenge / meet] people s expectations of me. (A) (B) (C) 1 a few decide challenge 2 few hesitate challenge 3 a few hesitate meet 4 few decide meet 5 few decide challenge 59. 다음 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것 은? 59) When I first started writing fiction, I used wittily crafted sentences that would finally prove I had mastery over the English language. However, I later started to. The reader I decided upon as a model was my mother. With her in mind, I began to write stories using all the Englishes I grew up with: the simple English I spoke to my mother, the broken English she used with me, and what I imagined would be her meaning if she could speak in perfect English. I wanted to reveal what language ability tests could never find out: her observations and insights. I knew I had succeeded when my mother finished reading my book and said, So easy to read. 1 describe characters in more detail 2 develop more complex form of writing 3 correct broken English of non-native people 4 consider who the readers of my stories would be 5 travel with my mother and collect material to write about 58. 다음 밑줄 친 부분의 이유로 가장 적절한 것 은? 58) When I was young, I used to tease my classmates. After getting into a middle school, however, I had a valuable experience. My father was injured in a serious traffic accident and I was shocked by it. While I was sitting alone outside the hospital, my classmate Mina, whom I used to tease a lot, came over. Surprisingly, she cheered me up. She also lent me her notes from classes. That s when I felt ashamed of myself and decided to change. I stopped teasing my classmates and tried to get along with them. Since then, my school life has become better thanks to Mina and other friends of mine. 1 아버지가 크게 다쳐서 2 중학 생활에 적응이 어려워서 3 급우들이 자신을 부정적으로 생각해서 4 자신이 친구들을 놀렸던 사실이 공개되어서 5 자신이 놀렸던 친구가 어려울 때 자신을 위로해줘 서 60. 다음 1~5 중 어법상 틀린 것은? 60) I am a writer and someone who 1 has always loved language. I spend a great deal of my time 2 thinking about the power of language - the way it can make us imagine an emotion, an image, or an idea. Language is the tool of my trade. Recently, I gave a talk to a large group of people 3 at which my mom was present. I realized that it was perhaps the first time she had heard me giving a long speech filled with standard English. I had learned it in school and through books, but I had never used it with her. Talking with my mother, I sometimes find myself 4 sounding like her. For example, I might say, Not waste money that way. This is the kind of English that I 5 grew up. - 13 -

다음 글을 읽고, 물음에 답하시오. Actually, my mother s language played a large role in shaping my language, and affected my performance on tests. While my English skills were never judged as poor, compared to math, English was not considered my strong point. I did well in English, but not well enough to change people s opinion that (A). I can understand this. Math is precise: There is only one correct answer. However, for me at least, the answers on English tests were always a matter of opinion and personal experience. For example, there were fill-in-the-blank questions, such as Even though Tom was, Mary thought he was. The grammatical structure even though limited the correct answer to something like Even though Tom was shy, Mary thought he was charming. According to my mother, However, there were very few limitations, and many different words could be the answers like, Even though Tom was foolish, Mary thought he was ridiculous. So I never did well on tests like that. 61. 위 글의 빈칸 (A)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것 은? 61) 1 I should be more open to other cultures 2 my true abilities lay in math and science 3 my English skills don't have to be improved 4 it's my duty to help my mother overcome her trouble 5 I need to do something to improve the test performance 63. 다음 대화가 자연스럽게 이어지도록 빈칸에 들어 갈 말을 <보기>에서 골라 넣으시오. 63) A: Jiyoung, why do you look so worried these days? B: I had an argument with my boyfriend a few days ago. He hasn t said a single word to me since then. A: (1) B: Well, when I talk with him, he often misunderstands what I m saying. A: (2) B: Well, I don t know how to put my feelings into words. Sometimes, I have difficulty choosing the right words. A: (3) B: I m not sure how to handle this kind of situation, though. A: Before you say anything, try to think twice. That could help prevent you from saying something you didn t intend. B: Okay. I ll keep your advice in mind. <보기> a Is there a problem with the way you speak to him? b What led you two to a fight? c Did you do something wrong? d Don t be too hard on yourself. That often happens to many people. 62. 위 글에서 필자가 영어가 어렵다고 생각하는 이 유는? 62) 1 어휘력이 매우 부족해서 2 다양한 문제 유형에 익숙하지 않아서 3 어렸을 적부터 영어를 접하지 못해서 4 수학, 과학에 비해서 흥미도가 떨어져서 5 표현에 여러 가지 답이 존재할 수 있어서 - 14 -

정답 1) (1) 증명하다 (2) 최근에 (3) 표준의 (4) 번역하다 (5) 드러내다 (6) 상상력이 풍부한 (7) 갑자기 눈앞에 전개되는 광경 (8) 증권 중개인 (9) 에 있다 (10) 직접 (11) 와 비교하여 (12) 많은 (13) 을 이해하다 (14) 을 밀어제치다 (15) 을 생각해 내다 (16) mother tongue (17) ridiculous (18) present (19) incorrect (20) check (21) imperfect (22) whisper (23) wittily (24) play a role in (25) opinion (26) at least (27) engineering (28) limitation (29) insight (30) observation 2) (1) 2 (2) 4 3) (1) 2 (2) 1 4) (1) crafted (2) hesitate (3) role (4) persuade (5) expectations 5) 1. limit 2. dusk 3. expectation 4. judge 5. charming 6. trade 7. term 8. standard 9. evidence 10. immediately 6) 4 7) 5 8) 5 9) 2 10) (1) where[that] (2) when[that] 11) (1) whose (2) that 12) (1) whose (2) that 13) (1) 많은 사람들이 토마토 축제가 열리는 8월에 스페인을 방문한다. (2) 나는 한국의 한 단체가 아 프리카의 아이들을 위해 학교를 지었다는 뉴스를 들었다. 14) whose masterpiece is the Sydney Opera House 15) 2 16) 1 17) 3 18) 3 19) (1) whose[of which the] (2) when[that] 20) 4 21) my Chinese mother whose English is grammatically incorrect 22) 3 23) 5 24) 2 25) d 26) 3 27) 2 28) evidence 29) 2 30) 2 31) 2 32) 3 33) 3 34) (A) are asked (B) to see 35) 2 36) make an effort to understand 37) 4 38) d that what 39) 5 40) sound as if it needs to be 41) 3 42) 1 43) 2 44) at least 45) 5 46) 4 47) 3 48) 3 49) 5 50) 5-15 -

51) 5 52) 5 53) 잘못된 문법의 영어로 주식 중개인의 상사에게 항의하는 엄마의 모습이 부끄러워서 54) 3 55) 4 56) 5 57) 2 58) 5 59) 4 60) 5 61) 2 62) 5 63) (1) b (2) a (3) c - 16 -