Sample instruction Hello, Please follow the instruction: Please post two or three words associated with "SCHOOL" in your native language, either Korean or English by Sunday at 11 p.m. Read others' postings. Make comments to at least two group members' postings by next Wednesday at 11 p.m. Use your native language (either Korean or English) when you make comments. Comments can be simple statements, questions, or a brief analysis between your response and others' responses (compare and contrast). To identify your class, start your postings with the class name: "KOR507" for First-Year Korean II, "KOR612" for Accelerated Second-Year Korean, and "KOR330" for Advanced Conversation in Korean. For example: KOR330, table, teacher, students (class name), (your responses) Optionally, if you want to discuss something about the topic, you can use "CHAT" online with your friends in the group.
Facebook demonstration u u How to make a group u How to create event u How to post on the wall
Word association
Sentence completion The CULTURA 3 is a sentence completion Please complete the sentence with your NATIVA language (either Korean or English). A good student is someone... 좋은 학생이란 It is due on this Sunday 11pm. You are also supposed to make at least two comments to your group members postings in your NATIVE language by next Wednesday 11pm. Also, please answer to your group members' questions, if you have. There is no time restriction for answering. 1. 한국이 가장 필요한 것은...(What Korea needs most...) 2. 미국이 가장 필요한 것은...(What the U.S. needs most...)
Reactions to situations Situation: 여러분이 큰 도시에서 길을 걸어가고 있습니다. 낯선 사람이 크게 미소지으면서 여 러분에게 다가옵니다. You are walking down the street in a big city. A stranger approaches you with a big smile. What and/or How would you do in this situation? 슈퍼마켓에서 (자신의) 아이를 때리는 엄마를 본다. You see a mother in a supermarket slap her child.
Favorite topics One Two Three Four Five Six KOR507 0 5 1 5 2 2 KOR612 0 5 1 3 6 6 KOR330 1 3 1 1 2 1 Total 1 13 3 9 10 9
Comments on #2 u My favorite was #2 because it was cool to see new stuff about Korea that i had never heard of before. There's a lot of stuff i don't know about! (KOR507) u My favorite was situation 2 because people gave their different opinions on what reminded them about the US and Korea. Nice to see things from other's point of view. (KOR507) u I like #2 Korea/US Word association. I think it showed how we all view US and Korea from different perspectives because we all thought 3 different things when we associate US and Korea~ (KOR612) u 저는 두번제, "2. word association: Korea, the USA "이 좋았읍니 다. 왜냐하면, 미국에서 자란 한국인으로서, 저와 같은 환경에서 자란 분들의 한국과 미국의 생각과 태도가 궁금했습니다. (KOR330)
Sample Responses I 대한민국/ Republic of Korea 507 갈비, 축구, 삼성,청담동, PSY, 삼겹살,남 산, 한류(2), divided, plastic surgery, 서 울, 태권도, 소주 612 태극기, 태권도, 무궁화, 부산, 명동, 김치 찌개, 삼성, 김치, 삼겹살, 불고기, 소녀 시대, 38 선 미국/ USA BBQ, football, Apple, hamburger, Dallas, UT, Houston, California, Texas, frito pies, free speech, home base, Eagle, Grits, Uncle Sam 자유의 여신상, 백악관, 링컨, 뉴욕, 햄버거, 맥주, Apple, Football, Mcdonalds, 군대, 야구, 총 330 독도, 김치, 한복, 정, 야근, 뽕짝 알래스카, 맥도날드, 포드, 자유, 총기난사, 락앤롤
Sample Responses II KOR507 KOR612 KOR330 -If the child was slapped for misbehaving then I would leave them be, but if the child was hit for no reason, I would scold the mother. -If I see a mother in the supermarket slap her child, I would further observe what the situation was about. I would of course be shocked as well. -slapped in the face? slapped on the bum? slapped on the shoulder? how hard? hard enough to knock the kid to the ground? hard enough to leave a bruise? also, you don't know what the circumstances were. you're walking in on the tail end of things. you don't know what happened before all of it. there are too many questions with this one. my answer depends. -I would go up to the lady and scold at her for hitting her child in public and shake my head. -spanking 같은 것 이라면 아무 생각없이 지나갈 것 갔아요, 학대 같은 것 이라면 몰르까. -저는 이유를 생각 합니다. 그리고 제 간섭할 일이 아닙니다 -저는 아이가 무엇을 잘못했다고 생각합니다 -저는 아이가 불쌍하다고 생각합니다. -가볍게 팡팡 혼내는 수준이라면 그냥 지나친다. 학대라고 생각될 정도로 심한 수준이면 말린다. -가벼운 정도면 그냥 지나치지만 심하다고 생각되면 경찰에 신고하거나 슈퍼마켓 매니저에 알린 다.
Sample comments