1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40.

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1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 1. W: What are you doing M: I m looking for a flower pot on this website. W: Ah, this website is good. There are lots of pots. M: But there are so many that I can t choose one. W: What do you think of this round one M: Won t it take up too much space W: Then, you might consider these small ones. There are two kinds of flower pots here, a round wall-mounted one and a triangular wall-mounted one. M: Both look old-fashioned to me. And I don t like the designs, either. W: How about these square ones M: I like them a lot. W: Which one do you like better, the left one with a picture of horses or the right one with a picture of tigers M: Oh, I like the left one. I ll get it. with a picture of horses or the right one with a picture of tigers Oh, I like the left one. I ll get it. flower pot consider triangular take up wall-mounted old-fashioned 2. W: Hi, Peter! How have you been M: I ve been busy. I m going to do my presentation in science class tomorrow. W: What s the topic of the presentation M: Green energy. Do you know anything about it W: Not really. Why don t you go to the library and look it up M: I don t have enough time. I have to make handouts for the presentation. W: Okay. Hmm... what can I do for you M: I m still poor at making Powerpoint slides. Can you help me make them I m busy now, but we can do it in about two hours from now. W: Sure. So what is the main point in your presentation M: I don t know. I guess it s just How to use green energy. But now I m having trouble making the handouts. This presentation is so important that I m getting nervous. W: Take your time, Peter. Peter Which one do you like better, the left one Peter I don t know. I guess it s just How to use green energy. But now I m having trouble making the 80

handouts. This presentation is so important that I m getting nervous. presentation handout nervous W26Xf@@e@@6Xe W26Xf@@e@@6Xe W26Xf@@e@@6Xe &@@1fJ@5e3@@)e &@@1fJ@5e3@@)e &@@1fJ@5e3@@)e @@f7@yen@@he @@f7@yen@@he @@f7@yen@@he 3@Le@@@@eJ@@f 3@Le@@@@eJ@@f 3@Le@@@@eJ@@f N@1J@@@@LW&@5f N@1J@@@@LW&@5f N@1J@@@@LW&@5f 3@7@@@@17@(Yf 3@7@@@@17@(Yf 3@7@@@@17@(Yf N@J@(MI'@@@Hf N@J@(MI'@@@Hf N@J@(MI'@@@Hf @W&@HN@@@5g @W&@HN@@@5g @W&@HN@@@5g @@@@f@@@hg @@@@f@@@hg @@@@f@@@hg 3@@5f3@@g 3@@5f3@@g 3@@5f3@@g V40YfV4@g V40YfV4@g V40YfV4@g @6Xe @@1e @W5e @0Ye O2@@@@6Xf W2@@@@@@@1f 7@@(Me@@Le @@(Yf@@1e @@Yf@@@e @@@@@@@@@@@e @@Xhe @@)KeW2@@e 3@@@6KO&@@5e V4@@@@@@@(Ye I4@@@@0Yf @6Xhe @@1he @@@he @@@he @@@he @@@W2@@@6Xf @@@@@@@@@)Xe @@@@(Me@@)Xe @@@0Ye3@@1e @@XfN@@@e @@1f@@@e @@@LfJ@@@e @@@)Xe7@@5e @@@@)Ke@@(Ye @@@@@@@@@(Ye 3@(4@@@0Yf V+Yhe @@HV'@5e @@@LeV'Ye 3@@)Kg I'@)Xe 3@@)KO&@@5e V'@@@@@@@0Ye V4@@@@0Mf W26Xh 7@@1h @@@@h @0Mhe @@@he @@@he @@@he J@W5he @6Xe @@1e @W5e @0Ye O2@@6Xf W2@@@@@)Xf O2@@@@6Xf W&@@0MI'@)Xe @@@0MI4@)Xf 7@@eN@@1e @@g@1f @@5f3@5e J@5g@@Le @@HfV+Ye 7@Hg@@1e @@hf @@g@@@e @@LfW-Xe 3@Lg@@5e @@)Xf7@1e N@1g@@He 3@@)Ke@@5e @@g@5f V4@@@@@@@(Ye @@@6KO2@(Yf I4@@@@0Yf I4@@@@0Yf @6Xe @@1e @W5e @0Ye @6Xhe @@1he @@@he @@@he @@@he @@@e@@6xe @@@f@@,e @@@eo&@(ye @@@@@@@@0Yf @@X@@Xh @V@@@)Kg @@@@@@@6Xf @@@I4@@)Kf @@@ei'@@6xe @@@en@@@,e 3@5f@@0Ye V+Yhe @@@@@@@0Y @@@@@(Me @@@@(Yf @@@(Yf @@@Hg @@@g @@6XW2@6X @@@g @@@g 3@5g V+Yg 3. M: Hello, everyone. We have a lot of material to cover today. So, if you are ready, let s get started. Today we re going to be taking a look at the movement of pop art in the United States. Pop art began in the late 1950s and really became the most powerful art movement of the 1960s. The economic growth that began in the United States after World War II gained speed in the 1960s. At the same time, television became a primary source of information and entertainment for the American people. The artists responded to the intense visual stimulation that the growing consumer culture created. Such a stream of pop art became a strong cultural force in the United States. 1950 1960 2 1960 TV material movement primary respond intense 4. W: Hi, how are you M: Pretty good. What are you doing this weekend W: My mom and I are planning to go to the 2012 Book Exhibition in Bexco. Mom is really looking forward to the exhibition. M: That sounds good. I went there last weekend. W: Really How was it M: I had a good time reading a lot of books from various publishing companies. But your mom has difficulty walking. How will you get there W: I can t drive and I don t know where it is exactly. So we re going to take a bus. M: But it takes about fifty minutes from your home by bus. Also, you and your mom usually have to wait about twenty minutes for a bus. W: That s true. I guess a taxi is better. M: Hmm... I ll drive you there in my car. W: Really Thank you so much for your help. M: No problem. What are friends for Bexco 2012 50 20 I ll drive you there in my car. exhibition look forward to various 5. M: Suji, would you like to see a movie with me this weekend W: I m afraid I can t. On September 8, I m flying to Jeju Island. M: Really Why are you going to Jeju Island 81 O2@@6Xf W2@@@@@)Xe 7@@('@@1e V4@@@@@6Xe W-XfN@V1e 7@)XeJ@@@e 7@@Hhe @@@hf @@@hf @@5hf @@Hhf @5hf (Yhf N@@)&@@@,

W: To attend the 2012 Education Seminar held on September 8. M: What are you going to do at the seminar W: I will talk about educational leadership with a lot of other presenters. M: That sounds good. When will you be back W: Actually, I have business meetings there on Tuesday, September 11, after the seminar. M: So, will you be home on Wednesday, September 12 W: Well, after the meetings, I m going to do some sightseeing there for three days. M: When are you going to fly back to Seoul W: On Saturday afternoon, September 15. M: Maybe we can see a movie after you get back. Suji 9 8 9 8 2012 9 11 9 12 9 15 possessions as, in a sense, extensions of themselves. They do not share their possessions with others. Roommates, whether foreign or American, do not share their clothing, toiletries, appliances, books, and other possessions without prior agreement. Therefore, you should not use or even touch a roommate s possessions without permission. Susan Kelly 2 I m here to inform you of the cultural differences among countries. dormitory possession (pl.) appliance cultural toiletry (pl.) permission 9 8 2012 9 15 7 8 seminar sightseeing presenter 6. W: Good afternoon, everyone. Welcome to our university. I m Susan Kelly, manager of the dormitory. Because this is your first time visiting the United States, you may notice some differences between this country and your own. I m here to inform you of the cultural differences among countries. As you know, you are going to stay here with American roommates for two weeks. Americans generally see their material 7. [Phone rings.] W: Hello. Can I speak to Dr. Jones, please M: Yes, this is Dr. Jones. W: Doctor, this is Mrs. Cooper. My son David is sick. M: What s wrong with him W: He has difficulty in breathing. He feels very sick. M: Does he have a fever W: Wait a minute. Let me check. [pause] Yes, he does. He feels hot and feverish. M: Well, that sounds like pneumonia. W: Oh, dear. Can you come and see David M: I m very busy now, but I can come and see him this evening. W: He can t do anything due to his illness. I d like you to see him as soon as possible. M: Hmm... I can visit your house late in the afternoon, then. 82

W: Thanks. See you then. Jones Jones Cooper David W26Xf@@e@@6Xe W26Xf@@e@@6Xe W26Xf@@e@@6Xe &@@1fJ@5e3@@)e &@@1fJ@5e3@@)e &@@1fJ@5e3@@)e @@f7@yen@@he @@f7@yen@@he @@f7@yen@@he 3@Le@@@@eJ@@f 3@Le@@@@eJ@@f 3@Le@@@@eJ@@f N@1J@@@@LW&@5f N@1J@@@@LW&@5f N@1J@@@@LW&@5f 3@7@@@@17@(Yf 3@7@@@@17@(Yf 3@7@@@@17@(Yf N@J@(MI'@@@Hf N@J@(MI'@@@Hf N@J@(MI'@@@Hf @W&@HN@@@5g @W&@HN@@@5g @W&@HN@@@5g @@@@f@@@hg @@@@f@@@hg @@@@f@@@hg 3@@5f3@@g 3@@5f3@@g 3@@5f3@@g V40YfV4@g V40YfV4@g V40YfV4@g @6Xe @@1e @W5e @0Ye O2@@@@6Xf W2@@@@@@@1f 7@@(Me@@Le @@(Yf@@1e @@Yf@@@e @@@@@@@@@@@e @@Xhe @@)KeW2@@e 3@@@6KO&@@5e V4@@@@@@@(Ye I4@@@@0Yf @6Xhe @@1he @@@he @@@he @@@he @@@W2@@@6Xf @@@@@@@@@)Xe @@@@(Me@@)Xe @@@0Ye3@@1e @@XfN@@@e @@1f@@@e @@@LfJ@@@e @@@)Xe7@@5e @@@@)Ke@@(Ye @@@@@@@@@(Ye 3@(4@@@0Yf V+Yhe @@HV'@5e @@@LeV'Ye 3@@)Kg I'@)Xe 3@@)KO&@@5e V'@@@@@@@0Ye V4@@@@0Mf W26Xh 7@@1h @@@@h @0Mhe @@@he @@@he @@@he J@W5he @6Xe @@1e @W5e @0Ye O2@@6Xf W2@@@@@)Xf O2@@@@6Xf W&@@0MI'@)Xe @@@0MI4@)Xf 7@@eN@@1e @@g@1f @@5f3@5e J@5g@@Le @@HfV+Ye 7@Hg@@1e @@hf @@g@@@e @@LfW-Xe 3@Lg@@5e @@)Xf7@1e N@1g@@He 3@@)Ke@@5e @@g@5f V4@@@@@@@(Ye @@@6KO2@(Yf I4@@@@0Yf I4@@@@0Yf @6Xe @@1e @W5e @0Ye @6Xhe @@1he @@@he @@@he @@@he @@@e@@6xe @@@f@@,e @@@eo&@(ye @@@@@@@@0Yf @@X@@Xh @V@@@)Kg @@@@@@@6Xf @@@I4@@)Kf @@@ei'@@6xe @@@en@@@,e 3@5f@@0Ye V+Yhe @@@@@@@0Y @@@@@(Me @@@@(Yf @@@(Yf @@@Hg @@@g @@6XW2@6X @@@g @@@g 3@5g V+Yg David Can you come and see David feverish pneumonia 8. M: Hey, Shelly, look at the car over there. It s beautiful, isn t it W: Yeah, it is! I love the color. They have lots of nice cars over there. M: Let s take a look. W: Sure. [pause] This car is pretty fancy, but it doesn t come with a navigation system. M: Yeah, but I want a car that goes fast. Speed is really important to me. W: OK, but... there isn t much difference in speed nowadays. All cars are about the same. M: That s true. But if you get a more powerful car, it can accelerate more quickly. W: Small cars are cheaper to run in the city, though. My car s perfect for me because I do a lot of city driving. M: Parking spaces are a lot easier to find, too, with a smaller car. W: I think you should buy that car in the window. M: Hmm... I think I should buy it, too. Shelly I think I should buy it, too. accelerate 9. M: I m just upset because I don t think you played your best. W: May I say something, Mr. Johnson M: Of course, Caroline. W: When I took part in the International Bowling Championship last year, I lost the game in the final match. M: I haven t forgotten that game. Why are you mentioning it now W: It didn t matter how well I played. The champion, Amy, beat me in the final game. M: I understand that. When I was a player like you, I also felt terrible when I lost the final game. I d like to show you how to overcome your weakness. W: But, nowadays, I am very tired and worried. M: Don t be afraid of failure in the game. Good athletes always try! W: Okay. I will do my best. Johnson Caroline Amy 83 O2@@6Xf W2@@@@@)Xe 7@@('@@1e V4@@@@@6Xe W-XfN@V1e 7@)XeJ@@@e (Yhf 7@@Hhe @@@hf @@@hf @@5hf @@Hhf @5hf N@@)&@@@,

(I understand that. When I was a player like you, I also felt terrible when I lost the final game. I d like to show you how to overcome your weakness.) You always love them. Could you put the flowers on the table after dinner Sure match overcome mention delicious 10. M: Hello, dear. How are you feeling You look much better. W: Oh, I feel fine now. How was work today M: It was terrible! I m so tired! I worked for three hours on a final report. W: That s too bad. You look tired. Would you like a glass of water M: No, thanks. Wait a minute. I almost forgot! I left something in the hall. [pause] Here I brought flowers for you. W: They re so beautiful. What a nice surprise! M: You always love them. Could you put the flowers on the table after dinner W: Sure. They look really nice! M: Now I m getting hungry. W: Doesn t the chicken salad I made smell good M: Yes, it smells delicious. 11. W: What are you doing at the computer M: I m looking for an online class at this language institute website. W: Oh, I took English classes there last year. M: Good. Please tell me which class may be helpful to me. W: Erika Young s Sitcom Series was interesting to me. M: But I want to take the News Listening or Business English class. I m going to Canada on business in two months. W: Ah, I see. Then you should pick a class that you can complete in sixty days. M: Right. It seems like News Listening is the best choice. [pause] Ah, these two News Listening classes are longer than sixty days. W: Look here. This Business English class includes some global news listening exercises. M: Great. I could kill two birds with one stone. W: The instructor teaches the News Listening class, too. M: Good, I ll sign up for the class. Erika Young 60 84

60 60 News Listening W26Xf@@e@@6Xe W26Xf@@e@@6Xe W26Xf@@e@@6Xe &@@1fJ@5e3@@)e &@@1fJ@5e3@@)e &@@1fJ@5e3@@)e @@f7@yen@@he @@f7@yen@@he @@f7@yen@@he 3@Le@@@@eJ@@f 3@Le@@@@eJ@@f 3@Le@@@@eJ@@f N@1J@@@@LW&@5f N@1J@@@@LW&@5f N@1J@@@@LW&@5f 3@7@@@@17@(Yf 3@7@@@@17@(Yf 3@7@@@@17@(Yf N@J@(MI'@@@Hf N@J@(MI'@@@Hf N@J@(MI'@@@Hf @W&@HN@@@5g @W&@HN@@@5g @W&@HN@@@5g @@@@f@@@hg @@@@f@@@hg @@@@f@@@hg 3@@5f3@@g 3@@5f3@@g 3@@5f3@@g V40YfV4@g V40YfV4@g V40YfV4@g @6Xe @@1e @W5e @0Ye O2@@@@6Xf W2@@@@@@@1f 7@@(Me@@Le @@(Yf@@1e @@Yf@@@e @@@@@@@@@@@e @@Xhe @@)KeW2@@e 3@@@6KO&@@5e V4@@@@@@@(Ye I4@@@@0Yf @6Xhe @@1he @@@he @@@he @@@he @@@W2@@@6Xf @@@@@@@@@)Xe @@@@(Me@@)Xe @@@0Ye3@@1e @@XfN@@@e @@1f@@@e @@@LfJ@@@e @@@)Xe7@@5e @@@@)Ke@@(Ye @@@@@@@@@(Ye 3@(4@@@0Yf V+Yhe @@HV'@5e @@@LeV'Ye 3@@)Kg I'@)Xe 3@@)KO&@@5e V'@@@@@@@0Ye V4@@@@0Mf W26Xh 7@@1h @@@@h @0Mhe @@@he @@@he @@@he J@W5he @6Xe @@1e @W5e @0Ye O2@@6Xf W2@@@@@)Xf O2@@@@6Xf W&@@0MI'@)Xe @@@0MI4@)Xf 7@@eN@@1e @@g@1f @@5f3@5e J@5g@@Le @@HfV+Ye 7@Hg@@1e @@hf @@g@@@e @@LfW-Xe 3@Lg@@5e @@)Xf7@1e N@1g@@He 3@@)Ke@@5e @@g@5f V4@@@@@@@(Ye @@@6KO2@(Yf I4@@@@0Yf I4@@@@0Yf @6Xe @@1e @W5e @0Ye @6Xhe @@1he @@@he @@@he @@@he @@@e@@6xe @@@f@@,e @@@eo&@(ye @@@@@@@@0Yf @@X@@Xh @V@@@)Kg @@@@@@@6Xf @@@I4@@)Kf @@@ei'@@6xe @@@en@@@,e 3@5f@@0Ye V+Yhe @@@@@@@0Y @@@@@(Me @@@@(Yf @@@(Yf @@@Hg @@@g @@6XW2@6X @@@g @@@g 3@5g V+Yg language institute complete instructor sign up for 12. W: I d like to tell you that we are going to hold an exciting debate contest this time. Participating groups should be composed of five members. Feel free to share your ideas and experiences about religion or politics. Each group will be given opportunities to speak out about their thoughts on social and political issues. But this is not a place for advertising, promotion, recruiting, campaigning, or lobbying. The teachers committee will evaluate each entry and decide the winner. If you want to join this contest, please register through our website www.hnfreedebate.com. Don t miss this opportunity to make your school life unforgettable! www.hnfreedebate.com But this is not a place for advertising, promotion, recruiting, campaigning, or lobbying. debate participate be composed of opportunity recruiting committee evaluate register 13. (ATM) M: Look at this sign. It says that this one is out of order. W: Oh, I see. Thank you for pointing that out. M: Could you translate this sentence into English W: I m sorry, but I can t read it without glasses. M: Can you show me the way to the bank W: Sure. Go straight ahead and turn left at the corner. M: Where can I get a credit card W: Stay in line here for a minute. M: Could you tell me how to withdraw some money W: That s easy. Press this button and you can see the menu in English. ATM out of order translate withdraw 14. M: Thanks for coming in to see us, Mrs. Kang. W: It s my pleasure. M: Did you have to do a lot of research for this film W: Oh, yes. It took two years to plan and make the film. M: What was involved in planning for the film W: I devised the main events the audience needed to know, and I did my best in finding and analyzing the data for the film. And I had to find a well-known actor who the audience could relate to. M: How many people were in charge of the cameras when you were making the movie W: About twenty. We had three cameras, so we had to have 85 O2@@6Xf W2@@@@@)Xe 7@@('@@1e V4@@@@@6Xe W-XfN@V1e 7@)XeJ@@@e 7@@Hhe @@@hf @@@hf @@5hf @@Hhf @5hf (Yhf N@@)&@@@,

people to manage them. M: Great. What was your greatest difficulty in planning it W: 2 20 What was your greatest difficulty in planning it research analyze devise You have to take good care of yourself every day. terrible headache forehead sore swollen 15. W: Hello, Dr. Kim. M: Hello. What seems to be the trouble W: Well, I woke up this morning with a terrible headache. M: Let me check your condition. [pause] Well, your forehead feels really warm. Do you have any other symptoms W: My stomach is upset. And I m starting to get a sore throat. I can t eat any food because of the symptoms. I also can t concentrate on preparing for my concert at all. M: Your voice sounds funny. Hmm, you probably have a fever. Let me see your throat. W: Please wait a minute. [pause] Ahhhh. M: Hmm... It s red and swollen. I think you ve got a cold. You have to take good care of yourself every day. W: Could you explain to me how to do that M: 16. [Phone rings.] W: Good afternoon. Can I help you M: Hello. I d like to return a pair of sneakers. W: What s the problem with them M: I bought them last Sunday through the Internet, but they are too tight. I d prefer a size 7. W: Did you try to look for the size through the Internet M: No. I didn t do that because my computer is out of order. W: Size 7. Hmm... That s a very popular size, but we do have a size 7 in black. M: Black Do you have a size 7 in white W: I m afraid we are out of the size 7 in white at the moment. How about a size 7 in green M: No. I always wear white sneakers. W: I ll have some four days from now. 86

M: Then, can I just get a refund I have my receipt. W: 7 W26Xf@@e@@6Xe W26Xf@@e@@6Xe W26Xf@@e@@6Xe &@@1fJ@5e3@@)e &@@1fJ@5e3@@)e &@@1fJ@5e3@@)e @@f7@yen@@he @@f7@yen@@he @@f7@yen@@he 3@Le@@@@eJ@@f 3@Le@@@@eJ@@f 3@Le@@@@eJ@@f N@1J@@@@LW&@5f N@1J@@@@LW&@5f N@1J@@@@LW&@5f 3@7@@@@17@(Yf 3@7@@@@17@(Yf 3@7@@@@17@(Yf N@J@(MI'@@@Hf N@J@(MI'@@@Hf N@J@(MI'@@@Hf @W&@HN@@@5g @W&@HN@@@5g @W&@HN@@@5g @@@@f@@@hg @@@@f@@@hg @@@@f@@@hg 3@@5f3@@g 3@@5f3@@g 3@@5f3@@g V40YfV4@g V40YfV4@g V40YfV4@g @6Xe @@1e @W5e @0Ye O2@@@@6Xf W2@@@@@@@1f 7@@(Me@@Le @@(Yf@@1e @@Yf@@@e @@@@@@@@@@@e @@Xhe @@)KeW2@@e 3@@@6KO&@@5e V4@@@@@@@(Ye I4@@@@0Yf @6Xhe @@1he @@@he @@@he @@@he @@@W2@@@6Xf @@@@@@@@@)Xe @@@@(Me@@)Xe @@@0Ye3@@1e @@XfN@@@e @@1f@@@e @@@LfJ@@@e @@@)Xe7@@5e @@@@)Ke@@(Ye @@@@@@@@@(Ye 3@(4@@@0Yf V+Yhe @@HV'@5e @@@LeV'Ye 3@@)Kg I'@)Xe 3@@)KO&@@5e V'@@@@@@@0Ye V4@@@@0Mf W26Xh 7@@1h @@@@h @0Mhe @@@he @@@he @@@he J@W5he @6Xe @@1e @W5e @0Ye O2@@6Xf W2@@@@@)Xf O2@@@@6Xf W&@@0MI'@)Xe @@@0MI4@)Xf 7@@eN@@1e @@g@1f @@5f3@5e J@5g@@Le @@HfV+Ye 7@Hg@@1e @@hf @@g@@@e @@LfW-Xe 3@Lg@@5e @@)Xf7@1e N@1g@@He 3@@)Ke@@5e @@g@5f V4@@@@@@@(Ye @@@6KO2@(Yf I4@@@@0Yf I4@@@@0Yf @6Xe @@1e @W5e @0Ye @6Xhe @@1he @@@he @@@he @@@he @@@e@@6xe @@@f@@,e @@@eo&@(ye @@@@@@@@0Yf @@X@@Xh @V@@@)Kg @@@@@@@6Xf @@@I4@@)Kf @@@ei'@@6xe @@@en@@@,e 3@5f@@0Ye V+Yhe @@@@@@@0Y @@@@@(Me @@@@(Yf @@@(Yf @@@Hg @@@g @@6XW2@6X @@@g @@@g 3@5g V+Yg 7 7 7 7 7 4 Then, can I just get a refund I have my receipt. 4 7 sneakers refund receipt 17. M: Last week, a new student named Susan joined the class. She was very pleased because her homeroom teacher is really kind and handsome. He always talks about the importance of studying hard. Nevertheless, she would sleep even though he was teaching math in class. She also didn t do her homework at all. Some classmates thought that she was a bit strange. Her homeroom teacher consulted Susan and noticed that she had difficulty in adapting to the new school system. He encouraged her to overcome her difficulty. Now she tries to study hard in class and submits her homework. In this situation, what would Susan s homeroom teacher most likely say to Susan Susan s homeroom teacher: Susan Susan Susan Susan Susan Susan notice adapt to submit 18. Carrera 7 11 18 7 13 Carrera Dance Around the Planet 100 Dance Around the Planet 2" 3" 100 Dance Around the Planet [4 ] One of the highlights of the week-long celebration is the Dance Around the Planet performance scheduled 87 Susan Susan O2@@6Xf W2@@@@@)Xe 7@@('@@1e V4@@@@@6Xe W-XfN@V1e 7@)XeJ@@@e 7@@Hhe @@@hf @@@hf @@5hf @@Hhf @5hf (Yhf N@@)&@@@,

for Wednesday, July 13, at the Carrera High School auditorium. One is scheduled the Dance Around the Planet performance [8 ] In order to supply props, decorations, programs, and other equipment, we need businesses [(which are) willing to sponsor the event]. [ ] willing businesses which are + be leaf-cutter ant cut off jaw vertically horizontally storage pathway single file chew pulp fungus pl. fungi celebrate diversity awareness inexpensive audience auditorium prop pl. decoration equipment be willing to do sponsor donation enclose in return sponsorship community 19. 20. Shaker Amish (A) is labeled what (B) valued referred be referred to as refer to ~ as (C) that use objects are leaf-cutter ants leaf pieces [1 ] What is most interesting about the leaf-cutter ants is watching the way they collect the food to be stored in the rooms. What ~ ants is what the thing which the way how the way how [4 ] Using their jaws as scissors, each ant cuts off a piece of leaf, then carries it vertically over its head back to one of the storage rooms. Using their jaws as scissors [3 ] This point has so influenced the definition of art in our society that we make a distinction between that which is useful, or utilitarian, and that which is art and has no practical use. so influenced ~ that we make so ~ that that which what [7 ] Utilitarian objects are often recognized as art at a later time, when they are valued for their aesthetic beauty and referred to as decorative arts. be recognized as recognize ~ as (,) when a later time 88

label aesthetic distinction utilitarian recognize refer to ~ as decorative art current pure art relevance 21. W26Xf@@e@@6Xe W26Xf@@e@@6Xe W26Xf@@e@@6Xe &@@1fJ@5e3@@)e &@@1fJ@5e3@@)e &@@1fJ@5e3@@)e @@f7@yen@@he @@f7@yen@@he @@f7@yen@@he 3@Le@@@@eJ@@f 3@Le@@@@eJ@@f 3@Le@@@@eJ@@f N@1J@@@@LW&@5f N@1J@@@@LW&@5f N@1J@@@@LW&@5f 3@7@@@@17@(Yf 3@7@@@@17@(Yf 3@7@@@@17@(Yf N@J@(MI'@@@Hf N@J@(MI'@@@Hf N@J@(MI'@@@Hf @W&@HN@@@5g @W&@HN@@@5g @W&@HN@@@5g @@@@f@@@hg @@@@f@@@hg @@@@f@@@hg 3@@5f3@@g 3@@5f3@@g 3@@5f3@@g V40YfV4@g V40YfV4@g V40YfV4@g @6Xe @@1e @W5e @0Ye O2@@@@6Xf W2@@@@@@@1f 7@@(Me@@Le @@(Yf@@1e @@Yf@@@e @@@@@@@@@@@e @@Xhe @@)KeW2@@e 3@@@6KO&@@5e V4@@@@@@@(Ye I4@@@@0Yf @6Xhe @@1he @@@he @@@he @@@he @@@W2@@@6Xf @@@@@@@@@)Xe @@@@(Me@@)Xe @@@0Ye3@@1e @@XfN@@@e @@1f@@@e @@@LfJ@@@e @@@)Xe7@@5e @@@@)Ke@@(Ye @@@@@@@@@(Ye 3@(4@@@0Yf V+Yhe @@HV'@5e @@@LeV'Ye 3@@)Kg I'@)Xe 3@@)KO&@@5e V'@@@@@@@0Ye V4@@@@0Mf W26Xh 7@@1h @@@@h @0Mhe @@@he @@@he @@@he J@W5he @6Xe @@1e @W5e @0Ye O2@@6Xf W2@@@@@)Xf O2@@@@6Xf W&@@0MI'@)Xe @@@0MI4@)Xf 7@@eN@@1e @@g@1f @@5f3@5e J@5g@@Le @@HfV+Ye 7@Hg@@1e @@hf @@g@@@e @@LfW-Xe 3@Lg@@5e @@)Xf7@1e N@1g@@He 3@@)Ke@@5e @@g@5f V4@@@@@@@(Ye @@@6KO2@(Yf I4@@@@0Yf I4@@@@0Yf @6Xe @@1e @W5e @0Ye @6Xhe @@1he @@@he @@@he @@@he @@@e@@6xe @@@f@@,e @@@eo&@(ye @@@@@@@@0Yf @@X@@Xh @V@@@)Kg @@@@@@@6Xf @@@I4@@)Kf @@@ei'@@6xe @@@en@@@,e 3@5f@@0Ye V+Yhe @@@@@@@0Y @@@@@(Me @@@@(Yf @@@(Yf @@@Hg @@@g @@6XW2@6X @@@g @@@g 3@5g V+Yg Adam Gettings Palo Alto Robotex Robotex 6 of their businesses launching launch Angel investors are (,) Angel investors wealthy individuals who ~ equity wealthy individuals some ~ others ~ and still others ~ designed a robot Palo Alto-based Robotex introduced which military contractors generally obtain funding from federal agencies [5 ] Many angel investors are successful entrepreneurs [who want to help aspiring business owners through the familiar difficulties of launching their businesses]. [ ] successful entrepreneurs [8 ] Angel investors back a wide variety of new ventures. back in exchange for capital start-up in contrast to primarily entrepreneur aspiring launch exclusively battlefield contractor obtain federal 22. [7 ] Without consciousness we would still know what is going on, ~ If Without consciousness Without But for If it were not for Were it not for [15 ] ~ it is because we have consciousness that we can daydream, make up lies, and write beautiful poems and scientific theories. 89 O2@@6Xf W2@@@@@)Xe 7@@('@@1e V4@@@@@6Xe W-XfN@V1e 7@)XeJ@@@e 7@@Hhe @@@hf @@@hf @@5hf @@Hhf @5hf (Yhf N@@)&@@@,

it is ~ that because we have consciousness daydream make up write can flick operator 24. consciousness organism act upon[on] sensation perception priority diverse reflexive instinctive deliberately weigh accordingly make up 23. Judd Judd Judd Judd [7 ] ~ opened the door to his reception room, and went in, double-locking the door behind him. double-locking footstep make one s way inky corridor stairwell fumble for frantically double-lock [9 ] ~ not because their supporters intentionally lie but because success tends to distort reality in an attempt to replicate itself in the future. not because A but because B A B [11 ] If you are extremely successful, most people agree with you, no matter what you say; ~ no matter what whatever face-to-face tendency imitation suffer from distort replicate readily color reliable recipe take action drastic cloud 25. 90

W26Xf@@e@@6Xe W26Xf@@e@@6Xe W26Xf@@e@@6Xe &@@1fJ@5e3@@)e &@@1fJ@5e3@@)e &@@1fJ@5e3@@)e @@f7@yen@@he @@f7@yen@@he @@f7@yen@@he 3@Le@@@@eJ@@f 3@Le@@@@eJ@@f 3@Le@@@@eJ@@f N@1J@@@@LW&@5f N@1J@@@@LW&@5f N@1J@@@@LW&@5f 3@7@@@@17@(Yf 3@7@@@@17@(Yf 3@7@@@@17@(Yf N@J@(MI'@@@Hf N@J@(MI'@@@Hf N@J@(MI'@@@Hf @W&@HN@@@5g @W&@HN@@@5g @W&@HN@@@5g @@@@f@@@hg @@@@f@@@hg @@@@f@@@hg 3@@5f3@@g 3@@5f3@@g 3@@5f3@@g V40YfV4@g V40YfV4@g V40YfV4@g @6Xe @@1e @W5e @0Ye O2@@@@6Xf W2@@@@@@@1f 7@@(Me@@Le @@(Yf@@1e @@Yf@@@e @@@@@@@@@@@e @@Xhe @@)KeW2@@e 3@@@6KO&@@5e V4@@@@@@@(Ye I4@@@@0Yf @6Xhe @@1he @@@he @@@he @@@he @@@W2@@@6Xf @@@@@@@@@)Xe @@@@(Me@@)Xe @@@0Ye3@@1e @@XfN@@@e @@1f@@@e @@@LfJ@@@e @@@)Xe7@@5e @@@@)Ke@@(Ye @@@@@@@@@(Ye 3@(4@@@0Yf V+Yhe @@HV'@5e @@@LeV'Ye 3@@)Kg I'@)Xe 3@@)KO&@@5e V'@@@@@@@0Ye V4@@@@0Mf W26Xh 7@@1h @@@@h @0Mhe @@@he @@@he @@@he J@W5he @6Xe @@1e @W5e @0Ye O2@@6Xf W2@@@@@)Xf O2@@@@6Xf W&@@0MI'@)Xe @@@0MI4@)Xf 7@@eN@@1e @@g@1f @@5f3@5e J@5g@@Le @@HfV+Ye 7@Hg@@1e @@hf @@g@@@e @@LfW-Xe 3@Lg@@5e @@)Xf7@1e N@1g@@He 3@@)Ke@@5e @@g@5f V4@@@@@@@(Ye @@@6KO2@(Yf I4@@@@0Yf I4@@@@0Yf @6Xe @@1e @W5e @0Ye @6Xhe @@1he @@@he @@@he @@@he @@@e@@6xe @@@f@@,e @@@eo&@(ye @@@@@@@@0Yf @@X@@Xh @V@@@)Kg @@@@@@@6Xf @@@I4@@)Kf @@@ei'@@6xe @@@en@@@,e 3@5f@@0Ye V+Yhe @@@@@@@0Y @@@@@(Me @@@@(Yf @@@(Yf @@@Hg @@@g @@6XW2@6X @@@g @@@g 3@5g V+Yg [2 ] Every deviation from an anticipation tends to weaken subsequent anticipation and thereby undercut the impact of further deviations. weaken undercut tends to [10 ] Similarly, using too many non-scale tones tends to obscure tonal centers so that harmonic resolutions lose their impact. using too many non-scale tones tends so that be at odds with deviation subsequent undercut at the price of undermine piece lose track of meter scale obscure tonal harmonic resolution tug-of-war maintenance indulgence 26. [9 ] One of the secrets to achieving your goals is knowing how to ask for help from people [who have those skills (that) you don t possess]. One is how to ask +to [ ] people those skills that [12 ] In return, you offer them the skills you have, which will often turn out to be just what they need to achieve their goals. which the skills you have what be indication asset association embody in return turn out serve 27. Claude Bernard Walter Cannon Hans Seyle 91 O2@@6Xf W2@@@@@)Xe 7@@('@@1e V4@@@@@6Xe W-XfN@V1e 7@)XeJ@@@e 7@@Hhe @@@hf @@@hf @@5hf @@Hhf @5hf (Yhf N@@)&@@@,

Seyle [2 ] He proposed that the body has an internal milieu, or need to maintain a consistent internal environment. proposed has need an internal milieu has [4 ] Walter Cannon used the term homeostasis to describe the self-regulating processes of the body, including the fight or flight reaction to stress. to describe to psychologist internal milieu consistent regulate shrinkage mechanism [4 ] While in the past some companies felt that this involved no more than simply translating web pages into the local language, it is now felt that special attention must also be paid to a number of other factors, ~ While it is that it [9 ] Still further, one study of American and German Internet users suggests that the German personality has a large private space and a small public space, which translates into a great sense of personal privacy; ~ which that the German personality ~ a small public space when it comes to no more than pay attention to a number of privacy characteristic facilitate accurate projection acquisition 28. 29. 5 92

W26Xf@@e@@6Xe W26Xf@@e@@6Xe W26Xf@@e@@6Xe &@@1fJ@5e3@@)e &@@1fJ@5e3@@)e &@@1fJ@5e3@@)e @@f7@yen@@he @@f7@yen@@he @@f7@yen@@he 3@Le@@@@eJ@@f 3@Le@@@@eJ@@f 3@Le@@@@eJ@@f N@1J@@@@LW&@5f N@1J@@@@LW&@5f N@1J@@@@LW&@5f 3@7@@@@17@(Yf 3@7@@@@17@(Yf 3@7@@@@17@(Yf N@J@(MI'@@@Hf N@J@(MI'@@@Hf N@J@(MI'@@@Hf @W&@HN@@@5g @W&@HN@@@5g @W&@HN@@@5g @@@@f@@@hg @@@@f@@@hg @@@@f@@@hg 3@@5f3@@g 3@@5f3@@g 3@@5f3@@g V40YfV4@g V40YfV4@g V40YfV4@g @6Xe @@1e @W5e @0Ye O2@@@@6Xf W2@@@@@@@1f 7@@(Me@@Le @@(Yf@@1e @@Yf@@@e @@@@@@@@@@@e @@Xhe @@)KeW2@@e 3@@@6KO&@@5e V4@@@@@@@(Ye I4@@@@0Yf @6Xhe @@1he @@@he @@@he @@@he @@@W2@@@6Xf @@@@@@@@@)Xe @@@@(Me@@)Xe @@@0Ye3@@1e @@XfN@@@e @@1f@@@e @@@LfJ@@@e @@@)Xe7@@5e @@@@)Ke@@(Ye @@@@@@@@@(Ye 3@(4@@@0Yf V+Yhe @@HV'@5e @@@LeV'Ye 3@@)Kg I'@)Xe 3@@)KO&@@5e V'@@@@@@@0Ye V4@@@@0Mf W26Xh 7@@1h @@@@h @0Mhe @@@he @@@he @@@he J@W5he @6Xe @@1e @W5e @0Ye O2@@6Xf W2@@@@@)Xf O2@@@@6Xf W&@@0MI'@)Xe @@@0MI4@)Xf 7@@eN@@1e @@g@1f @@5f3@5e J@5g@@Le @@HfV+Ye 7@Hg@@1e @@hf @@g@@@e @@LfW-Xe 3@Lg@@5e @@)Xf7@1e N@1g@@He 3@@)Ke@@5e @@g@5f V4@@@@@@@(Ye @@@6KO2@(Yf I4@@@@0Yf I4@@@@0Yf @6Xe @@1e @W5e @0Ye @6Xhe @@1he @@@he @@@he @@@he @@@e@@6xe @@@f@@,e @@@eo&@(ye @@@@@@@@0Yf @@X@@Xh @V@@@)Kg @@@@@@@6Xf @@@I4@@)Kf @@@ei'@@6xe @@@en@@@,e 3@5f@@0Ye V+Yhe @@@@@@@0Y @@@@@(Me @@@@(Yf @@@(Yf @@@Hg @@@g @@6XW2@6X @@@g @@@g 3@5g V+Yg [9 ] There may be fewer mighty tyrants commanding the power of life and death over millions, but there remain thousands of petty tyrants ruling smaller realms, and enforcing their will through indirect power games, charisma, and so on. commanding fewer mighty tyrants ruling enforcing thousands of petty tyrants [14 ] In every group, power is concentrated in the hands of one or two people, for this is one area in which human nature will never change: ~ for in which one area minister diffuse democratize misperception tyrant command petty realm enforce congregate orbit sun 30. [2 ] For example, people may feel (that) they are making an ecologically sound choice by buying and wearing clothing made of fibers from recycled plastic bottles. feel that ecologically sound sound choice [14 ] Blindly adopting superficial environmental approaches without fully understanding their effects can be no better and perhaps even worse than doing nothing. adopting blindly adopting can be ecologically fiber toxin plasticizer antioxidant insulation mold intensify contaminant emit adopt superficial misguide 93 O2@@6Xf W2@@@@@)Xe 7@@('@@1e V4@@@@@6Xe W-XfN@V1e 7@)XeJ@@@e 7@@Hhe @@@hf @@@hf @@5hf @@Hhf @5hf (Yhf N@@)&@@@,

31. (A) (A) For example (B) (B) By contrast [1 ] Adolescents in immigrant families often feel caught between the culture of their parents and that of their new homes. that the culture [3 ] For example, cultures [that emphasize the community rather than the individual] view teens acceptance of family responsibilities as a sign of maturity. that [ ] cultures view view A as B A B [12 ] By contrast, most American parents think that part-time jobs help teens mature and allow their children to work, ~ most American parents think allow 2 2 1970 1980 1996 1997 delayed accelerated [11 ] The cheaper dollar, then, made the United States a travel bargain, and travelers to the United States and travel spending increased dramatically. and made increased made 5 the United States a travel bargain [15 ] When Asian currencies crashed in 1996 and 1997, the visitor flow from those countries to the United States slowed appreciably. the visitor flow slowed destination currency fluctuation bargain double-edged sword crash appreciably rebound 33. adolescent emphasize maturity forbid peer 32. immigrant community sibling fit in with that is 20 30 1.5 94

(A) Declined Increased Increased (B) weaken strengthen 3@@5f3@@g V40YfV4@g W26Xf@@e@@6Xe @6Xe @@1e @W5e @0Ye O2@@@@6Xf W2@@@@@@@1f 7@@(Me@@Le @@(Yf@@1e I4@@@@0Yf @6Xhe @@1he @@@he @@@he @@@he @@@W2@@@6Xf @@@@@@@@@)Xe @@@@(Me@@)Xe @@@0Ye3@@1e @@XfN@@@e @@1f@@@e V+Yhe @@HV'@5e @@@LeV'Ye 3@@)Kg I'@)Xe W26Xh 7@@1h @@@@h @0Mhe @@@he @@@he @6Xe @@1e @W5e @0Ye O2@@6Xf W2@@@@@)Xf O2@@@@6Xf W&@@0MI'@)Xe @@@0MI4@)Xf 7@@eN@@1e @@g@1f @@5f3@5e J@5g@@Le @@HfV+Ye 7@Hg@@1e @@hf @@g@@@e @@LfW-Xe 3@Lg@@5e N@1g@@He @@g@5f @@@6KO2@(Yf I4@@@@0Yf I4@@@@0Yf 95 W26Xf@@e@@6Xe W26Xf@@e@@6Xe &@@1fJ@5e3@@)e &@@1fJ@5e3@@)e &@@1fJ@5e3@@)e @@f7@yen@@he @@f7@yen@@he @@f7@yen@@he 3@Le@@@@eJ@@f 3@Le@@@@eJ@@f 3@Le@@@@eJ@@f N@1J@@@@LW&@5f N@1J@@@@LW&@5f N@1J@@@@LW&@5f 3@7@@@@17@(Yf 3@7@@@@17@(Yf 3@7@@@@17@(Yf N@J@(MI'@@@Hf N@J@(MI'@@@Hf N@J@(MI'@@@Hf @W&@HN@@@5g @W&@HN@@@5g @W&@HN@@@5g @@@@f@@@hg @@@@f@@@hg @@@@f@@@hg 3@@5f3@@g 3@@5f3@@g V40YfV4@g V40YfV4@g @@Yf@@@e @@@@@@@@@@@e @@Xhe @@)KeW2@@e 3@@@6KO&@@5e V4@@@@@@@(Ye @@@LfJ@@@e @@@)Xe7@@5e @@@@)Ke@@(Ye @@@@@@@@@(Ye 3@(4@@@0Yf 7@)XeJ@@@e 3@@)KO&@@5e V'@@@@@@@0Ye V4@@@@0Mf O2@@6Xf W2@@@@@)Xe 7@@('@@1e V4@@@@@6Xe W-XfN@V1e @@5hf @@Hhf @5hf (Yhf @@)Xf7@1e 3@@)Ke@@5e V4@@@@@@@(Ye @6Xe @@1e @W5e @0Ye @6Xhe @@1he @@@he @@@he @@@he @@@e@@6xe @@@f@@,e @@@eo&@(ye @@@@@@@@0Yf @@X@@Xh @V@@@)Kg @@@@@@@6Xf @@@I4@@)Kf @@@ei'@@6xe @@@en@@@,e 3@5f@@0Ye V+Yhe @@@@@@@0Y @@@@@(Me @@@@(Yf @@@(Yf @@@Hg @@@g @@6XW2@6X @@@g @@@g 3@5g V+Yg strengthening (C) circulate condense circulate [1 ] Twenty years ago in Germany, the standard rate of oil use for heating and cooling the average house was 30 liters per square meter per year. the standard rate was [17 ] ~ then people require more fresh air to circulate throughout the building, not less. not less and they do not require less fresh air ~ square efficiency plunge insulation potential leak-proof optimize concentration crude 34. Alexander Pope Pope Joshua Bell Joshua Bell Bell [2 ] Blessed is he who expects nothing, for he shall never be disappointed. is blessed for [13 ] As it turns out, positive expectations allow us to enjoy things more and improve our perception of the world around us. allow to enjoy improve to satirist objective eliminate contribute to immeasurably perception 35. Martin L. Hoffman @@@he J@W5he 7@@Hhe @@@hf @@@hf N@@)&@@@,

[7 ] Martin L. Hoffman, [who has focused on the guilt that comes from harming others], suggests {that the motivational basis for this guilt is empathetic distress}. [ ] Martin L. Hoffman that { } suggests the motivational basis is complementary sensitive make amends compensation capacity guilt empathetic distress be inclined to do serve to do 36. 2005 2008 2 178 kcal 103 kcal 12 39 6 39 2 5 20 kcal 12 19 20 39 60 12 19 20-39 12-19 [3 ] Overall, males consume an average of 178 kcal from sugar drinks per day, while females consume 103 kcal. consume consume an average of 103 kcal from sugar drinks per day consumption average overall 37. PAL 700 Think-Phone PAL 700 New York 10 PAL 700 PAL 700 PAL 700 PAL 700 [5 ] The company spent ten years developing it so that blind and deaf people could communicate more freely. spend+ -ing so that+ +can+ [14 ] Only big companies and hospitals can buy one. one a PAL 700 connect ordinary 38. device instantly 1872 Robert Chesebrough 1870 New York Brooklyn Chesebrough 96 but Vaseline has no confirmed medical effects [11 ] Yet, it does help speed the healing process by sealing the wound from infection and moisture. does help by -ing 96

[13 ] Chesebrough lived to the age of ninety-six and claimed to have eaten a spoonful of Vaseline a day. lived claimed Chesebrough to have eaten claimed 40. 3@@5f3@@g V40YfV4@g W26Xf@@e@@6Xe @6Xe @@1e @W5e @0Ye O2@@@@6Xf W2@@@@@@@1f 7@@(Me@@Le @@(Yf@@1e I4@@@@0Yf @6Xhe @@1he @@@he @@@he @@@he @@@W2@@@6Xf @@@@@@@@@)Xe @@@@(Me@@)Xe @@@0Ye3@@1e @@XfN@@@e @@1f@@@e V+Yhe @@HV'@5e @@@LeV'Ye 3@@)Kg I'@)Xe W26Xh 7@@1h @@@@h @0Mhe @@@he @@@he @6Xe @@1e @W5e @0Ye O2@@6Xf W2@@@@@)Xf O2@@@@6Xf W&@@0MI'@)Xe @@@0MI4@)Xf 7@@eN@@1e @@g@1f @@5f3@5e J@5g@@Le @@HfV+Ye 7@Hg@@1e @@hf @@g@@@e @@LfW-Xe 3@Lg@@5e N@1g@@He @@g@5f @@@6KO2@(Yf I4@@@@0Yf I4@@@@0Yf 97 W26Xf@@e@@6Xe W26Xf@@e@@6Xe &@@1fJ@5e3@@)e &@@1fJ@5e3@@)e &@@1fJ@5e3@@)e @@f7@yen@@he @@f7@yen@@he @@f7@yen@@he 3@Le@@@@eJ@@f 3@Le@@@@eJ@@f 3@Le@@@@eJ@@f N@1J@@@@LW&@5f N@1J@@@@LW&@5f N@1J@@@@LW&@5f 3@7@@@@17@(Yf 3@7@@@@17@(Yf 3@7@@@@17@(Yf N@J@(MI'@@@Hf N@J@(MI'@@@Hf N@J@(MI'@@@Hf @W&@HN@@@5g @W&@HN@@@5g @W&@HN@@@5g @@@@f@@@hg @@@@f@@@hg @@@@f@@@hg 3@@5f3@@g 3@@5f3@@g V40YfV4@g V40YfV4@g @@Yf@@@e @@@@@@@@@@@e @@Xhe @@)KeW2@@e 3@@@6KO&@@5e V4@@@@@@@(Ye @@@LfJ@@@e @@@)Xe7@@5e @@@@)Ke@@(Ye @@@@@@@@@(Ye 3@(4@@@0Yf 7@)XeJ@@@e 3@@)KO&@@5e V'@@@@@@@0Ye V4@@@@0Mf O2@@6Xf W2@@@@@)Xe 7@@('@@1e V4@@@@@6Xe W-XfN@V1e @@5hf @@Hhf @5hf (Yhf @@)Xf7@1e 3@@)Ke@@5e V4@@@@@@@(Ye @6Xe @@1e @W5e @0Ye @6Xhe @@1he @@@he @@@he @@@he @@@e@@6xe @@@f@@,e @@@eo&@(ye @@@@@@@@0Yf @@X@@Xh @V@@@)Kg @@@@@@@6Xf @@@I4@@)Kf @@@ei'@@6xe @@@en@@@,e 3@5f@@0Ye V+Yhe @@@@@@@0Y @@@@@(Me @@@@(Yf @@@(Yf @@@Hg @@@g @@6XW2@6X @@@g @@@g 3@5g V+Yg patent demonstrate property flame heal burn promote treatment confirm infection moisture 39. [5 ] I am amazed at the number of parents [(that) I meet across the country] [to whom this thought has never occurred]. [ ] I meet across the country to whom parents parents that [11 ] The chances of the teenager agreeing [that the consequences are fair] are almost zero. The chances are [ ] agreeing the teenager agreeing fine violation logical pronounce nature arbitrary [11 ] Humans attempt to understand and at least influence or control through a belief in the supernatural what is otherwise uncontrollable and unexplainable. understand, influence, control attempt to what [15 ] The organization of the supernatural world [that is constructed by human beings] reflects the society [in which they live]. [ ] that is constructed by human beings in which they live The organization of the supernatural world the society in which where universality phenomenon pl. phenomena tentative be dependent on supernatural relieve helplessness construct 41. 45 @@@he J@W5he 7@@Hhe @@@hf @@@hf N@@)&@@@,

0 [1 ] Time (which is) spent on one activity, after all, is time (which is) taken away from another. Time is Time time which is +be [6 ] Despite the fact [that most museums are not very expensive], I find it much more appealing to satisfy my desire for art when the price is zero. that [ ] the fact find 5 it much more appealing to satisfy my desire for art appealing overcrowded Einstein [10 ] Never before had so many ripe apples been hanging on the tree of physical cognition. Never before [15 ] But only by making the proper connections can the individual fruits result in an understandable picture and begin to make sense. only only by making the proper connections can result in begin formula property relativity do nothing but gifted physical cognition track down make sense 42. Einstein Jürgen Renn Einstein Renn Einstein 43. 2000 1960 (B) 2 19 2000 (2K) (A) Y2K bug Y2K Y2K (C) Times Dick Clark Y2K 98

(B) 2000 (A) Y2K (C) 3@@5f3@@g V40YfV4@g W26Xf@@e@@6Xe @6Xe @@1e @W5e @0Ye O2@@@@6Xf W2@@@@@@@1f 7@@(Me@@Le @@(Yf@@1e I4@@@@0Yf @6Xhe @@1he @@@he @@@he @@@he @@@W2@@@6Xf @@@@@@@@@)Xe @@@@(Me@@)Xe @@@0Ye3@@1e @@XfN@@@e @@1f@@@e V+Yhe @@HV'@5e @@@LeV'Ye 3@@)Kg I'@)Xe W26Xh 7@@1h @@@@h @0Mhe @@@he @@@he @6Xe @@1e @W5e @0Ye O2@@6Xf W2@@@@@)Xf O2@@@@6Xf W&@@0MI'@)Xe @@@0MI4@)Xf 7@@eN@@1e @@g@1f @@5f3@5e J@5g@@Le @@HfV+Ye 7@Hg@@1e @@hf @@g@@@e @@LfW-Xe 3@Lg@@5e N@1g@@He @@g@5f @@@6KO2@(Yf I4@@@@0Yf I4@@@@0Yf 99 W26Xf@@e@@6Xe W26Xf@@e@@6Xe &@@1fJ@5e3@@)e &@@1fJ@5e3@@)e &@@1fJ@5e3@@)e @@f7@yen@@he @@f7@yen@@he @@f7@yen@@he 3@Le@@@@eJ@@f 3@Le@@@@eJ@@f 3@Le@@@@eJ@@f N@1J@@@@LW&@5f N@1J@@@@LW&@5f N@1J@@@@LW&@5f 3@7@@@@17@(Yf 3@7@@@@17@(Yf 3@7@@@@17@(Yf N@J@(MI'@@@Hf N@J@(MI'@@@Hf N@J@(MI'@@@Hf @W&@HN@@@5g @W&@HN@@@5g @W&@HN@@@5g @@@@f@@@hg @@@@f@@@hg @@@@f@@@hg 3@@5f3@@g 3@@5f3@@g V40YfV4@g V40YfV4@g @@Yf@@@e @@@@@@@@@@@e @@Xhe @@)KeW2@@e 3@@@6KO&@@5e V4@@@@@@@(Ye @@@LfJ@@@e @@@)Xe7@@5e @@@@)Ke@@(Ye @@@@@@@@@(Ye 3@(4@@@0Yf 7@)XeJ@@@e 3@@)KO&@@5e V'@@@@@@@0Ye V4@@@@0Mf O2@@6Xf W2@@@@@)Xe 7@@('@@1e V4@@@@@6Xe W-XfN@V1e @@5hf @@Hhf @5hf (Yhf @@)Xf7@1e 3@@)Ke@@5e V4@@@@@@@(Ye @6Xe @@1e @W5e @0Ye @6Xhe @@1he @@@he @@@he @@@he @@@e@@6xe @@@f@@,e @@@eo&@(ye @@@@@@@@0Yf @@X@@Xh @V@@@)Kg @@@@@@@6Xf @@@I4@@)Kf @@@ei'@@6xe @@@en@@@,e 3@5f@@0Ye V+Yhe @@@@@@@0Y @@@@@(Me @@@@(Yf @@@(Yf @@@Hg @@@g @@6XW2@6X @@@g @@@g 3@5g V+Yg [3 ] But as the computerized world looked forward to celebrating the new millennium, computer scientists discovered a serious problem. look forward to to celebrating [18 ] As the year 2000 (2K) approached, all computercontrolled devices and systems needed to be converted. As needed to be converted emerge surf pastime millennium dilemma bug scramble compliant interruption municipal stockpile abbreviate digit device convert illuminate descend utilities telecast welcome in 44. [13 ] Should one supply run out, they could readily shift to another source. If one supply should run out If [15 ] The more foods that one ate, the greater the likelihood of being poisoned. the the ancestor omnivore primate incidentally molar evolutionary perspective distinct readily odds poison likelihood 45. @@@he J@W5he 7@@Hhe @@@hf @@@hf N@@)&@@@,

(A) Thrilling (B) improve B [2 ] My husband and I have done a great deal of research on the effects on couples of doing novel and challenging activities together. the effect of A on B A B of on couples [4 ] In our laboratory we have asked pairs to do something as simple as trying to beat a timer in a silly contest of physical agility [in which the two are tied together at ankles and wrists and have to push a ball back and forth over a barrier]. [ ] in which a silly contest of physical agility expand committed a great deal of novel laboratory agility ankle wrist barrier that is undervalued deteriorate 46~48. A 22 3 C D 46. (A) several musical hallucinations (C) Two of the hallucinations (C) transformed (D) The transformation into music (D) The instrumental sounds (B) Such buzzing noise (C) (D) (B) 47. 48. (D) [1 ] The transformation into music was such that the original sound and its source were forgotten, and I lay there for long stretches of time just listening to what sounded like stunning and beautiful compositions. such that ~ ~ Such was the transformation into music that ~. just listening (D) [5 ] Only after enjoying each of these in a sort of daydream-like state did I figure out what the sources of noise were. Only I figured out what the sources of noise were only after enjoying each of these in a sort of daydream-like state. 100

deliver knot 1 1 deck buzzing virtuoso high-pitched string distort amplifier bagpipe monotonous for long stretches of time stunning W26Xf@@e@@6Xe W26Xf@@e@@6Xe W26Xf@@e@@6Xe &@@1fJ@5e3@@)e &@@1fJ@5e3@@)e &@@1fJ@5e3@@)e @@f7@yen@@he @@f7@yen@@he @@f7@yen@@he 3@Le@@@@eJ@@f 3@Le@@@@eJ@@f 3@Le@@@@eJ@@f N@1J@@@@LW&@5f N@1J@@@@LW&@5f N@1J@@@@LW&@5f 3@7@@@@17@(Yf 3@7@@@@17@(Yf 3@7@@@@17@(Yf N@J@(MI'@@@Hf N@J@(MI'@@@Hf N@J@(MI'@@@Hf @W&@HN@@@5g @W&@HN@@@5g @W&@HN@@@5g @@@@f@@@hg @@@@f@@@hg @@@@f@@@hg 3@@5f3@@g 3@@5f3@@g 3@@5f3@@g V40YfV4@g V40YfV4@g V40YfV4@g @6Xe @@1e @W5e @0Ye O2@@@@6Xf W2@@@@@@@1f 7@@(Me@@Le @@(Yf@@1e @@Yf@@@e @@@@@@@@@@@e @@Xhe @@)KeW2@@e 3@@@6KO&@@5e V4@@@@@@@(Ye I4@@@@0Yf @6Xhe @@1he @@@he @@@he @@@he @@@W2@@@6Xf @@@@@@@@@)Xe @@@@(Me@@)Xe @@@0Ye3@@1e @@XfN@@@e @@1f@@@e @@@LfJ@@@e @@@)Xe7@@5e @@@@)Ke@@(Ye @@@@@@@@@(Ye 3@(4@@@0Yf V+Yhe @@HV'@5e @@@LeV'Ye 3@@)Kg I'@)Xe 3@@)KO&@@5e V'@@@@@@@0Ye V4@@@@0Mf W26Xh 7@@1h @@@@h @0Mhe @@@he @@@he @@@he J@W5he @6Xe @@1e @W5e @0Ye O2@@6Xf W2@@@@@)Xf O2@@@@6Xf W&@@0MI'@)Xe @@@0MI4@)Xf 7@@eN@@1e @@g@1f @@5f3@5e J@5g@@Le @@HfV+Ye 7@Hg@@1e @@hf @@g@@@e @@LfW-Xe 3@Lg@@5e @@)Xf7@1e N@1g@@He 3@@)Ke@@5e @@g@5f V4@@@@@@@(Ye @@@6KO2@(Yf I4@@@@0Yf I4@@@@0Yf @6Xe @@1e @W5e @0Ye @6Xhe @@1he @@@he @@@he @@@he @@@e@@6xe @@@f@@,e @@@eo&@(ye @@@@@@@@0Yf @@X@@Xh @V@@@)Kg @@@@@@@6Xf @@@I4@@)Kf @@@ei'@@6xe @@@en@@@,e 3@5f@@0Ye V+Yhe @@@@@@@0Y @@@@@(Me @@@@(Yf @@@(Yf @@@Hg @@@g @@6XW2@6X @@@g @@@g 3@5g V+Yg 49~50. NJ 3 1 NJ NJ 49. NJ 50. also the problem how long [19 ] Now, when a person calls the hotline, the system not only logs in the individual s name but keeps track of the problem and how long it takes to resolve the situation. A B not only A but also B keeps track of [22 ] As a result, NJ is now able to identify those problems [that occur most often] and focus on ways of resolving them quickly. identify focus is now able to [ ] that those problems them those problems productivity payroll revenue morale keep up with enterprise hotline congested hang up get through (to) turn to automate monitor keep track of resolve primary management 101 O2@@6Xf W2@@@@@)Xe 7@@('@@1e V4@@@@@6Xe W-XfN@V1e 7@)XeJ@@@e 7@@Hhe @@@hf @@@hf @@5hf @@Hhf @5hf (Yhf N@@)&@@@,

1. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. M: We re nearly ready to open our store. W: Yes. Today, we have to choose the towel design. It s a good idea to give out towels to the customers as a promotional item. M: That s right. Here are some designs we re considering. W: We ve decided to put two phrases on the towel, Sam s Mart and Grand Opening. M: Yes. How would you like to arrange them Keeping them together on one side, or putting one on each side W: How about putting one phrase on the left side, and the other on the right side M: Not bad, but there s no focus. W: Then, would you like to keep them together M: Yes. I think that would be more eye-catching. W: Okay. Next, how about adding stripes I think stripes would look better. M: Of course. Which do you prefer, having one stripe or two stripes I think the towel with one stripe seems unique. W: Do you think so I don t. The one with two stripes looks more balanced. M: Let me see. Okay. Let s go with that one. Sam s Mart Grand Opening Sam s Mart Grand Opening would you like to keep them together The one with two stripes looks more balanced. nearly phrase eye-catching balanced promotional item arrange stripe 2. W: Where are you headed, Michael M: I m on my way to the library. I have to return these books today. W: I see. Michael, you look blue today. What s the matter M: Actually, my grandmother is in the hospital. W: She was okay when I met her last week, wasn t she Is there anything wrong with her M: Yeah. She slipped and fell hard on the icy road yesterday. She broke her left leg. I feel really sad about it. W: Oh, that s too bad. I can understand how you feel. M: Thank you. Icy roads are very dangerous, especially for the elderly. W: That s right. They should be very careful when they re walking outside in winter. M: She s supposed to have an operation this afternoon, so I have to go to the hospital right after I drop by the library. W: My heart goes out to you. Don t worry about it too much. I ll pray her operation will be a success. M: Thank you so much, Sally. Michael 102

Michael 3@@5f3@@g V40YfV4@g W26Xf@@e@@6Xe @6Xe @@1e @W5e @0Ye O2@@@@6Xf W2@@@@@@@1f 7@@(Me@@Le @@(Yf@@1e I4@@@@0Yf @6Xhe @@1he @@@he @@@he @@@he @@@W2@@@6Xf @@@@@@@@@)Xe @@@@(Me@@)Xe @@@0Ye3@@1e @@XfN@@@e @@1f@@@e V+Yhe @@HV'@5e @@@LeV'Ye 3@@)Kg I'@)Xe W26Xh 7@@1h @@@@h @0Mhe @@@he @@@he @6Xe @@1e @W5e @0Ye O2@@6Xf W2@@@@@)Xf O2@@@@6Xf W&@@0MI'@)Xe @@@0MI4@)Xf 7@@eN@@1e @@g@1f @@5f3@5e J@5g@@Le @@HfV+Ye 7@Hg@@1e @@hf @@g@@@e @@LfW-Xe 3@Lg@@5e N@1g@@He @@g@5f @@@6KO2@(Yf I4@@@@0Yf I4@@@@0Yf 103 W26Xf@@e@@6Xe W26Xf@@e@@6Xe &@@1fJ@5e3@@)e &@@1fJ@5e3@@)e &@@1fJ@5e3@@)e @@f7@yen@@he @@f7@yen@@he @@f7@yen@@he 3@Le@@@@eJ@@f 3@Le@@@@eJ@@f 3@Le@@@@eJ@@f N@1J@@@@LW&@5f N@1J@@@@LW&@5f N@1J@@@@LW&@5f 3@7@@@@17@(Yf 3@7@@@@17@(Yf 3@7@@@@17@(Yf N@J@(MI'@@@Hf N@J@(MI'@@@Hf N@J@(MI'@@@Hf @W&@HN@@@5g @W&@HN@@@5g @W&@HN@@@5g @@@@f@@@hg @@@@f@@@hg @@@@f@@@hg 3@@5f3@@g 3@@5f3@@g V40YfV4@g V40YfV4@g @@Yf@@@e @@@@@@@@@@@e @@Xhe @@)KeW2@@e 3@@@6KO&@@5e V4@@@@@@@(Ye @@@LfJ@@@e @@@)Xe7@@5e @@@@)Ke@@(Ye @@@@@@@@@(Ye 3@(4@@@0Yf 7@)XeJ@@@e 3@@)KO&@@5e V'@@@@@@@0Ye V4@@@@0Mf O2@@6Xf W2@@@@@)Xe 7@@('@@1e V4@@@@@6Xe W-XfN@V1e @@5hf @@Hhf @5hf (Yhf @@)Xf7@1e 3@@)Ke@@5e V4@@@@@@@(Ye @6Xe @@1e @W5e @0Ye @6Xhe @@1he @@@he @@@he @@@he @@@e@@6xe @@@f@@,e @@@eo&@(ye @@@@@@@@0Yf @@X@@Xh @V@@@)Kg @@@@@@@6Xf @@@I4@@)Kf @@@ei'@@6xe @@@en@@@,e 3@5f@@0Ye V+Yhe @@@@@@@0Y @@@@@(Me @@@@(Yf @@@(Yf @@@Hg @@@g @@6XW2@6X @@@g @@@g 3@5g V+Yg Sally on one s way to look blue icy road the elderly be supposed to do operation right after One s heart goes out to pray 3. W: Now, I d like to talk about first impressions. All of us make important first impressions every day when we re meeting with clients, our bosses, colleagues, or employees to discuss our ideas or to negotiate a deal. First impressions are made up of the things people notice about you during the first few minutes they meet you. They include your appearance, facial expressions, movements, your tone of voice, the words you use, and so on. If you make a good first impression, you will frame a positive response from whomever you re communicating with and favorably sustain your promotional objectives. If you fail to make a good first impression, you ll be hard-pressed to get an opportunity to restore yourself with a second chance. Try to make great first impressions. first impression colleague negotiate be made up of facial expression tone of voice frame favorably sustain promotional objectiv hard-pressed to do restore 4. M: You sound terrible. Are you sick, honey W: Maybe. I have a headache and my throat is starting to hurt. And I also have a cough. M: Hmm... This bottle of cough medicine is empty. Do we have some more W: We might. Could you check the cupboard M: Okay. [pause] There isn t any cough medicine here. Are we all out of it W: I think that was the last bottle. Never mind. I can drink tea with honey. M: I ll go get you some cough medicine. That cough medicine works, doesn t it W: Sure. It s effective for me. M: Okay. Oh, I forgot to withdraw some cash this afternoon. Do you have any money W: Yeah. Let s see... Here you are. M: Does Jake s Drugstore stay open after nine W: It must. Their advertisement says Open till eleven. M: Okay. @@@he J@W5he 7@@Hhe @@@hf @@@hf N@@)&@@@,