Sample Test Questions for CSET: Korean Subtest III Below is a set of multiple-choice questions and constructed-response questions that are similar to

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California Subject Examinations for Teachers TEST GUIDE KOREAN SUBTEST III Sample Questions and Responses and Scoring Information Copyright 2015 Pearson Education, Inc. or its affiliate(s). All rights reserved. Evaluation Systems, Pearson, P.O. Box 226, Amherst, MA 01004 California Subject Examinations for Teachers, CSET, and the CSET logo are trademarks of the Commission on Teacher Credentialing and Pearson Education, Inc. or its affiliate(s). Pearson and its logo are trademarks, in the U.S. and/or other countries, of Pearson Education, Inc. or its affiliate(s). CS-TG-QR162X-05

Sample Test Questions for CSET: Korean Subtest III Below is a set of multiple-choice questions and constructed-response questions that are similar to the questions you will see on Subtest III of CSET: Korean. You are encouraged to respond to the questions without looking at the responses provided in the next section. Record your responses on a sheet of paper and compare them with the provided responses. Please note that at the actual test administration, you will hear rather than read the passages for the listening comprehension questions. California Subject Examinations for Teachers Test Guide 1

GENERAL DIRECTIONS This portion of the test consists of six sections: (1) a listening comprehension section with multiple-choice questions, (2) a reading comprehension section with multiple-choice questions, (3) an oral expression section with a constructed-response assignment, (4) a listening comprehension section with a constructed-response assignment, (5) a reading comprehension section with a constructed-response assignment, and (6) a written expression section with constructed-response assignments. The directions for each section appear before that section. For sections containing multiple-choice questions, read each question and answer choice carefully and choose the ONE best answer. Try to answer all questions. In general, if you have some knowledge about a question, it is better to try to answer it. You will NOT be penalized for guessing. 2 California Subject Examinations for Teachers Test Guide

DIRECTIONS FOR THE LISTENING COMPREHENSION MULTIPLE-CHOICE QUESTIONS This section of the test contains multiple-choice questions that involve listening to an audio recording. Listen carefully to the recording. Each excerpt will be followed by one or more multiple-choice questions. Each multiple-choice question has four answer choices. After listening to an excerpt, read each question and answer choice carefully and choose the ONE best answer. Excerpts will vary in length. Unless otherwise indicated, each listening passage will be read twice. The first recorded excerpt will begin playing automatically once you advance to the next screen. There will be 20 seconds of silence at the beginning of each recording. During these 20 seconds, you should familiarize yourself with the test question(s) presented on the screen. Once the audio begins, you will not be able to pause, stop, or replay it. Therefore, listen carefully, then answer the question(s) on the screen. Even if you are unsure of an answer, it is better to guess than not to answer a question at all. You will NOT be penalized for guessing. You will not be able to go back and review your answers to questions in this section of the test. Once you move to the next question, you will not be able to go back to previous questions in this section. Therefore, be sure to select your answer carefully before you move to the next question. The next recorded excerpt will not begin playing until you advance to the next question. Please be aware that the visual enhancements and are NOT available during this section of the test. Please DO NOT use these features until you have completed all listening items and proceeded to the remaining sections of the test. California Subject Examinations for Teachers Test Guide 3

(The examinee will hear and read onscreen:) Listen carefully to the following lecture. You will hear it twice. (The examinee will hear:) (female): 건강한 사람이라도 하루에 섭취하는 염분의 양은 10그람을 넘지 않는 것이 좋습니다. 고혈압이 걱정된다면 8그람 이하로 줄여야 하며, 이미 고혈압 환자로 판명되었다면 6그람 이하로 줄이는 것이 바람직합니다. 간장을 예로 들자면 일 작은 술 하나가 염분 1그람에 해당됩니다. 요리에 직접 뿌리는 소금이나 간장은 눈에 보이기 때문에 줄이기 쉽지만 주의해야 할 것은 눈에 보이지 않는 염분입니다. 대개 밥이나 가락국수 한 그릇은 염분 3.5그람, 김치나 단무지 2조각은 2그람, 라면 1봉지는 5그람 정도가 함유되어 있습니다. 많은 사람들이 지나치게 많은 염분 섭취로 건강을 해치고 있습니다. 맛이 조금 싱겁더라도 건강을 위해서 염분의 섭취량을 줄이는 것이 암이나 많은 질병을 예방하는데 도움이 됩니다. (The examinee will read on-screen:) 1. According to this lecture, a person diagnosed with high blood pressure is advised to limit salt intake to how many grams per day? (The examinee will read on-screen:) 2. According to the lecture, why is it difficult for people to limit the amount of salt they consume each day? A. People are not concerned about having too much salt in their diet. B. People put both salt and soy sauce on their food. C. Many prepared foods already contain a significant amount of salt. D. People do not like the taste of food without salt. (The examinee will read on-screen:) 3. Which of the following best describes how the information in this lecture is presented? A. as facts supported by references to scientific studies B. in a positive way with no mention of negative consequences C. in a general way with little specific guidelines D. as facts illustrating general statements A. 10 B. 6 C. 3.5 D. 2 4 California Subject Examinations for Teachers Test Guide

DIRECTIONS FOR THE READING COMPREHENSION MULTIPLE-CHOICE QUESTIONS Each question in this section of the test is a multiple-choice question with four answer choices. Read each question and answer choice carefully and choose the ONE best answer. Try to answer all questions. In general, if you have some knowledge about a question, it is better to try to answer it. You will NOT be penalized for guessing. California Subject Examinations for Teachers Test Guide 5

Read the passage below; then answer the two questions that follow. 김치는 많은 한국사람들이 즐겨 먹는 가장 보편적 음식이다. 주식은 물론 밥이다. 밥에는 반드시 반찬을 곁들여야 한다. 대개 밥, 국, 그리고 몇가지 반찬으로 식단을 짜는데, 김치는 언제나 꼭 포함되는 반찬이다. 다른 반찬 없이 김치만으로 밥을 먹을 수 있을 만큼 김치는 한국인의 식생활에 깊숙이 파고든 음식이다. 그러니까 김치가 빠진 한국의 전통적 밥상을 상상하기 힘들다. 김치는 배추와 다른 야채를 양념으로 버무려 만든다. 어떤 주부들은 과일이나 해산물을 넣기도 한다. 김치에는 비타민과 무기질이 풍부하게 들어있다. 가을마다 한국의 주부들은 겨울동안 먹을 김치를 준비한다. 이 일을 '김장'이라고 한다. 김장하는데 많은 수고와 시간, 비용을 들인다. 김장감(재료)들을 다듬고, 절이고, 씻고, 자르고, 썰고 다져야 한다. 가족 수에 따라 차이가 있지만 대개 한 가정에서 50 내지 60포기의 배추와 무 15단 정도를 마련한다. 기본 양념은 소금, 고추, 마늘, 파, 생강 등이다. 가정마다 식구들의 기호에 맞게 양념을 쓰기 때문에 제각기 김치 맛이 다소 다를 수 밖에 없다. 그러나 어느 김치든 항상 적절히 짜릿하게 입맛을 자극하기 마련이다. 만들어진 김치는 굉장히 큰 독에 담는다. 독들은 장난꾸러기 아이가 기어올라 그 속에 숨을 수 있을 만큼 큰 것들도 있다. 아직도 시골에서는 김치독을 아가리만 땅 위로 드러나게 하고 땅에 묻는다. 김치는 기온이 너무 높거나 너무 낮으면 못 먹게 된다. 땅은 보통 서늘한 온도를 유지하기 때문에 김치 저장에 알맞은 장소이다. 싱싱한 푸성귀가 부족한 한겨울에도 아삭아삭 채소 씹는 풍미를 주는 김치는 언제나 맛있고 영양가 높은 건강식품이다. 4. According to this passage, which of the following ingredients is sometimes added into kimchi? A. rice B. ginger C. seafood D. scallions 5. This passage was most likely intended for an audience interested in learning about: A. traditional foods of Korean culture. B. the health benefits of kimchi in the Korean diet. C. seasoning homemade kimchi. D. traditional Korean methods of food preservation. 6 California Subject Examinations for Teachers Test Guide

(The examinee will hear and read on-screen:) DIRECTIONS FOR THE ORAL EXPRESSION CONSTRUCTED-RESPONSE ASSIGNMENTS For this section of the test, you will record spoken responses to two assignments presented on-screen. You must respond to the assignments in the target language. At the conclusion of these directions, the test will automatically advance and the first speaking assignment will be presented on the next screen. You will have two minutes to review the assignment and consider your response. You will be notified when the two minutes is complete. Then watch the screen as the test advances and the first recording box is presented. You will have two minutes to record your response. Do NOT begin speaking until the screen advances and you see a Recorded Answer box presented on-screen. A sample of the Recorded Answer box appears below. Monitor your recording time by referring to the Recorded Answer box. The time in the Recorded Answer box will count down from 120 seconds (2 minutes) and the status bar will fill as your recording time progresses. When the two minutes is completed, the current status on the Recorded Answer box will change to "completed," indicating the conclusion of the first speaking assignment. You will automatically be advanced to the next screen, where the second assignment will be presented. If you finish your response before the end of the two minutes, you may advance to the second assignment by clicking the Next button. If you advance to the second assignment with recording time remaining, you will NOT be able to return to the first assignment. Your responses will be evaluated based on the following criteria. PURPOSE: the extent to which the response addresses the constructed-response assignment's charge in relation to relevant CSET subject matter requirements SUBJECT MATTER KNOWLEDGE: the application of accurate subject matter knowledge as described in the relevant CSET subject matter requirements SUPPORT: the appropriateness and quality of the supporting evidence in relation to relevant CSET subject matter requirements California Subject Examinations for Teachers Test Guide 7

Relevant Subject Matter Requirements Construct connected oral discourse that communicates a message effectively. Construct connected oral discourse that demonstrates a wide range of vocabulary. Construct connected oral discourse that demonstrates idiomatic expressions. Construct connected oral discourse that demonstrates linguistic structures. You may use the erasable notebooklet provided to make notes; however, you will be scored only on the recorded responses. You will have only ONE opportunity to record your response to each assignment. Be sure that your microphone is in a downward position near your mouth before you begin speaking. 8 California Subject Examinations for Teachers Test Guide

(The examinee will hear and read on-screen:) 6. Read the assignment below. You will have 2 minutes to review this assignment and consider your response, and then 2 minutes to record your final response. You will be told when the review time is over and the recording is about to begin. Begin reading the assignment and considering your response now. (The examinee read on-screen:) Imagine that a friend from Korea has been offered a job in a city near where you live, and asks your opinion on the pros and cons of living and working in your area. Speaking in Korean, discuss the advantages and disadvantages of living and working in your area. In your response you may include, but are not limited to, the following topics: a brief description of some of the important features of the area in which you live (for example, climate, natural features, distribution of people, mix of population, regional differences within the state, cultural amenities, educational and medical facilities, recreational and entertainment options); and an analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of living and working in your area. (The examinee will have two minutes to study the assignment above; then two minutes to respond.) California Subject Examinations for Teachers Test Guide 9

(The examinee will hear and read on-screen:) 7. Read the assignment below. You will have 2 minutes to review this assignment and consider your response, and then 2 minutes to record your final response. You will be told when the review time is over and the recording is about to begin. Begin reading the assignment and considering your response now. (The examinee read on-screen:) Imagine that you are attending a summer institute at a university in Korea. You are asked to speak to a group of students about your previous college experiences. Speaking in Korean, describe a college or university you have attended. In your response you may include, but are not limited to, the following topics: a description of a college or university you have attended; an explanation of why you chose to attend that college or university; an analysis of what you liked and disliked about the college or university; and a discussion of why you would or would not recommend that school to others. (The examinee will have two minutes to study the assignment above; then two minutes to respond.) 10 California Subject Examinations for Teachers Test Guide

(The examinee will hear and read on-screen:) DIRECTIONS FOR THE LISTENING COMPREHENSION CONSTRUCTED-RESPONSE ASSIGNMENT This section of the test consists of a listening comprehension assignment. You will listen to an audio recording of a passage. The listening passage will be read twice. After you have heard the passage twice, you will respond in writing to the assignment presented. This should be your original work, written in your own words, and not copied or paraphrased from some other work. Your response may be written in either English or the target language. You may use the erasable notebooklet to make notes, write an outline, or otherwise prepare your response. If you choose to respond in English, type your response in the response box presented on-screen. If you choose to respond in the target language, your final response must be written on the response sheet provided. Please label your response sheet with the appropriate Assignment number (e.g., Assignment 8 ). Your response sheet must be scanned using the scanner provided at your workstation. Instructions for scanning your response sheet are available by clicking the "Scanning Help" button at the top of the screen. Your response to the listening comprehension assignment in this section will be evaluated based on the following criteria. PURPOSE: the extent to which the response addresses the constructed-response assignment's charge in relation to relevant CSET subject matter requirements SUBJECT MATTER KNOWLEDGE: the application of accurate subject matter knowledge as described in the relevant CSET subject matter requirements SUPPORT: the appropriateness and quality of the supporting evidence in relation to relevant CSET subject matter requirements Relevant Subject Matter Requirements Demonstrate an understanding of the main ideas and significant details of oral messages in a variety of authentic contexts. Make deductive and inductive inferences based on information contained in oral messages. Analyze and evaluate oral messages in relation to their purpose, context, and point of view. Any time spent responding to the assignment, including scanning the response sheet(s), is part of your testing time. Monitor your time carefully. When your testing time expires, a pop-up message will appear on-screen indicating the conclusion of your test session. Only response sheets that are scanned before you end your test or before time has expired will be scored. Any response sheet that is not scanned before testing ends will NOT be scored. Please be aware that the visual enhancements and are NOT available during this section of the test. Please DO NOT use these features until you have completed all listening items and proceeded to the remaining sections of the test. California Subject Examinations for Teachers Test Guide 11

(The examinee will read on-screen:) 8. Write a response, in either Korean or English, in which you: identify the main purpose of this conversation; summarize the female speaker's arguments in favor of taking the trip; and describe the probable ages of the two speakers and their likely relationship. (The examinee will hear:) (one male and one female speaker; female speaks first) 옥경: 용준아, 이번 토요일에 뭐 할꺼야? 용준: 글쎄, 뭐 좋은 생각 있니? 옥경: 등산 할 생각 없니? 용준: 등산? 어디로? 옥경: 북한산은 어떨까 싶은데... 용준: 가 본적 있어? 옥경: 응, 여러번. 당일치기로 갔다 오기엔 아주 좋아. 용준: 그래? 옥경: 집에서 가까우니깐 아침에 떠났다가 오후 일찍 돌아올 수 있어. 그리고 돈 드는 일이 없거든. 입장료도 들지 않고. 경치도 너무 아름답고 공기도 정말 신선해. 용준: 나같이 빈둥거리는 학생에겐 딱 알맞군. 그래, 같이 가자. 옥경: 좋아, 그럼 잘 들어. 이번 토요일 아침 아홉시에 정능 버스 종점에서 만나는 거다. 점심은 내가 준비할게. 컵라면이랑 뜨거운 물 그리고 과일 조금 챙겨 가면 되니까. 너는 아침 단단히 먹고 편한 신발 신고 와. 그리고 옷을 따뜻하게 입고 오는 것이 좋을걸. 용준: 알았어. 근데, 그날 비가 오면 어떻게 하지? 옥경: 비가 오든 말든 토요일 아침 9시에 정능 버스 종점에서 만나는 거다. 용준: 그래, 폭우가 쏟아져도 그 시간에 그 자리에 나타날게. 12 California Subject Examinations for Teachers Test Guide

DIRECTIONS FOR THE READING COMPREHENSION CONSTRUCTED-RESPONSE ASSIGNMENT For the constructed-response assignment in this section, you are to prepare a written response. Your response may be written in either English or the target language. Read the assignment carefully before you begin to write. Think about how you will organize what you plan to write. You may use the erasable notebooklet to make notes, write an outline, or otherwise prepare your response. If you choose to respond in English, type your response in the response box presented on-screen. If you choose to respond in the target language, your final response must be written on the response sheet provided. Please label your response sheet with the appropriate Assignment number (e.g., Assignment 9 ). Your response sheet must be scanned using the scanner provided at your workstation. Instructions for scanning your response sheet are available by clicking the "Scanning Help" button at the top of the screen. Your response will be evaluated based on the following criteria. PURPOSE: the extent to which the response addresses the constructed-response assignment's charge in relation to relevant CSET subject matter requirements SUBJECT MATTER KNOWLEDGE: the application of accurate subject matter knowledge as described in the relevant CSET subject matter requirements SUPPORT: the appropriateness and quality of the supporting evidence in relation to relevant CSET subject matter requirements Relevant Subject Matter Requirements Demonstrate an understanding of the main ideas and significant details of written texts. Make deductive and inductive inferences based on information contained in written texts. Apply critical reasoning skills to written texts. The assignment is intended to assess subject matter knowledge and skills, not writing ability. Your response, however, must be communicated clearly enough to permit a valid judgment of your knowledge and skills. Your response should be written for an audience of educators in the field and may be written in either the target language or English. Your response should be your original work, written in your own words, and not copied or paraphrased from some other work. You may not use any reference materials during the test. Remember to review your work and make any changes you think will improve your response. Any time spent responding to the assignment, including scanning the response sheet(s), is part of your testing time. Monitor your time carefully. When your testing time expires, a pop-up message will appear on-screen indicating the conclusion of your test session. Only response sheets that are scanned before you end your test or before time has expired will be scored. Any response sheet that is not scanned before testing ends will NOT be scored. California Subject Examinations for Teachers Test Guide 13

9. Read the passage below; then complete the exercise that follows. 언어교육의 본래의 목적이 대화능력을 향상 시키는데 있으며, 그것은 말하기 뿐 아니라 쓰기와 읽기가 다 함께 병행 될 때에 온전한 대화가 가능하다고 말 할 수 있다. 그러한 다각적인 의사소통을 위해 문법교육도 무시해서는 안 된다. 요즈음 한국 영어교육정책이 세계화의 흐름에 따라 영어회화를 강조하는 것은 좋은 현상이다. 그러나 영어로의 대화가 중요하다고하여 영어를 회화 위주로만 가르친다면 영어교육의 균형을 잃게 될 것이다. 그 예로서 중고등학교에서 영어를 회화 위주로만 가르친다면 요즈음 취업과 진학, 승진에 반영되는 토익과 토플시험에서 학생들이 듣기와 말하기에서 좋은 성적을 얻을 수 있을 지는 몰라도 독해와 문법 부문에서는 좋은 점수를 얻기가 어려울 것이다. 더구나 고등교육으로 올라 갈 수록 학문적인 대화는 책을 통해 많이 하게 되는데 문법적인 지식없이 어휘력과 회화능력만으로 영어로된 원서를 이해할 수 있을거라 생각하는 것은 잘못이다. 우리가 회화를 더 강조해야 할 필요가 있다고 하는 것은 우리의 영어교육이 지금까지 문법 위주로만 치우친 탓이지, 결코 문법이 불필요하다는 것은 아니다. 우리가 모국어를 습득하는 데는 말부터 자연스레 배우고 문법교육은 뒤따르는 것이다. 그러나 외국어로서 영어를 배우는데는, 특히 그 영어를 사용하는 원어민과 접할 기회가 거의 없이 책이나 테이프를 통해 영어를 익힐 수 밖에 없는 환경에서는, 설령 영어회화교육이라 하더라도 기본적인 문법을 알아야 쉽게 배울 수 있다. 문제는 문법을 위한 문법이냐 대화를 배우기위한 문법이냐이다. Write a response, in either Korean or English, in which you: identify the main idea of the passage; describe the author's viewpoint on the conversational approach to English language learning; and explain what the author thinks should be the place of grammar in the conversational approach to English language learning. 14 California Subject Examinations for Teachers Test Guide

DIRECTIONS FOR THE WRITTEN EXPRESSION CONSTRUCTED-RESPONSE ASSIGNMENTS For each constructed-response assignment in this section, you are to prepare a written response in the target language. Read each assignment carefully before you begin to write. Think about how you will organize what you plan to write. You may use the erasable notebooklet to make notes, write an outline, or otherwise prepare your responses. However, your final responses must be written on the response sheets provided (one for Assignment 10 and two for Assignment 11). Please label your response sheets with the appropriate Assignment numbers (e.g., Assignment 10 and Assignment 11 ). Your response sheets must be scanned using the scanner provided at your workstation. Instructions for scanning your response sheets are available by clicking the "Scanning Help" button at the top of the screen. For Assignment 10, your response will be evaluated based on the following criteria. PURPOSE: the extent to which the response addresses the constructed-response assignment's charge in relation to relevant CSET subject matter requirements SUBJECT MATTER KNOWLEDGE: the application of accurate subject matter knowledge as described in the relevant CSET subject matter requirements SUPPORT: the appropriateness and quality of the supporting evidence in relation to relevant CSET subject matter requirements For Assignment 11, your response will be evaluated based on the following criteria. PURPOSE: the extent to which the response addresses the constructed-response assignment's charge in relation to relevant CSET subject matter requirements SUBJECT MATTER KNOWLEDGE: the application of accurate subject matter knowledge as described in the relevant CSET subject matter requirements SUPPORT: the appropriateness and quality of the supporting evidence in relation to relevant CSET subject matter requirements DEPTH AND BREADTH OF UNDERSTANDING: the degree to which the response demonstrates understanding of the relevant CSET subject matter requirements California Subject Examinations for Teachers Test Guide 15

Relevant Subject Matter Requirements Compose a well-organized passage in the target language employing styles and levels of diction appropriate for a given audience. Compose a well-organized passage in the target language employing styles and levels of diction appropriate for a given purpose. Compose a well-organized passage in the target language employing styles and levels of diction appropriate for a given occasion. Compose a well-organized passage in the target language demonstrating command of a wide range of vocabulary. Compose a well-organized passage in the target language demonstrating command of idiomatic expressions. Compose a well-organized passage in the target language demonstrating command of linguistic structures. Your responses should be your original work, written in your own words, and not copied or paraphrased from some other work. You may not use any reference materials during the test. Remember to review your work and make any changes you think will improve your responses. Your responses should be written for an audience of educators and must be written in the target language. Any time spent responding to the assignment, including scanning the response sheet(s), is part of your testing time. Monitor your time carefully. When your testing time expires, a pop-up message will appear on-screen indicating the conclusion of your test session. Only response sheets that are scanned before you end your test or before time has expired will be scored. Any response sheet that is not scanned before testing ends will NOT be scored. 16 California Subject Examinations for Teachers Test Guide

10. Complete the exercise that follows. Writing in Korean, use the space provided to narrate an incident or event that you experienced as a student in high school or college. In your response you may include, but are not limited to, the following information. when the incident or event took place where the incident or event took place the circumstances in which the incident or event took place the outcome of the incident or event California Subject Examinations for Teachers Test Guide 17

11. Complete the exercise that follows. Imagine that a friend from Korea is considering enrolling in a postgraduate program at a college or university in the general area where you are currently living and has asked you to provide some information about the area in which you live. Write a letter in Korean to your friend responding to this request for information. In your letter you must include, but are not limited to, the following topics: a brief description of some important features of the area in which you live (for example, climate, natural features, distribution of people, mix of population, regional differences within the state, cultural amenities, educational and medical facilities, recreational and entertainment options); and an analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of living and going to school in your area. 18 California Subject Examinations for Teachers Test Guide

Annotated Responses to Sample Multiple-Choice Questions for CSET: Korean Subtest III Language and Communication: Listening Comprehension 1. Correct Response: B. (SMR Code: 5.1) According to the speaker, a person diagnosed with high blood pressure should consume only six grams of salt per day. 2. Correct Response: C. (SMR Code: 5.2) According to the lecturer, it is easy for people to reduce the amount of salt they put on their food. However, the amount of salt already contained in prepackaged food may go unnoticed by the consumer. The lecturer supports this with examples, such as the fact that there are 3.5 grams of salt in a bowl of rice, and there are about 5 grams of salt in a packet of ramen noodles. If people are focusing only on the amount of salt they add to their food, they may be missing this larger contribution to their salt intake. 3. Correct Response: D. (SMR Code: 5.3) The speaker begins by stating the recommended daily allowances of salt for several groups of people. He then presents information about the amount of salt typically contained in various foods, and he ends the lecture by stating that if the listener reduces his or her daily salt intake, it will help prevent cancer, as well as other illnesses. Language and Communication: Reading Comprehension 4. Correct Response: C. (SMR Code: 6.1) At the beginning of the second paragraph of this passage, the author writes that some homemakers add fruit or seafood to the ingredients when making kimchi. 5. Correct Response: A. (SMR Code: 6.2) This passage begins by introducing kimchi as a popular, traditional Korean dish. The author explains the customary preparations of kimchi, as well as how kimchi has been traditionally stored for preservation. Because of the many details about kimchi contained in this article, it can be inferred that the author intended this passage to be for an audience interested in learning about the traditional foods of the Korean culture. California Subject Examinations for Teachers Test Guide 19

Examples of Strong Responses to Sample Constructed-Response Questions for CSET: Korean Subtest III Language and Communication: Oral Expression Question #6 A strong response to this oral expression constructed-response assignment would address the assigned topic in the target language and develop the topic by elaboration of specific points. The response would be delivered in a consistently clear manner. The speaker would speak fluently, using a variety of sentences. The speaker's vocabulary would show mastery of a broad vocabulary including appropriate idiomatic expressions. The speaker would handle simple and complex linguistic constructions, avoiding errors that interfere with communication. The speaker would exhibit good to excellent pronunciation and intonation. Examples that might be mentioned in a response to question #6 could include: a brief description of some of the important features of the area in which you live (for example, climate, natural features, distribution of people, mix of population, regional differences within the state, cultural amenities, educational and medical facilities, recreational and entertainment options) an analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of living and working in your area Question #7 A strong response to this oral expression constructed-response assignment would address the assigned topic in the target language and develop the topic by elaboration of specific points. The response would be delivered in a consistently clear manner. The speaker would speak fluently, using a variety of sentences. The speaker's vocabulary would show mastery of a broad vocabulary including appropriate idiomatic expressions. The speaker would handle simple and complex linguistic constructions, avoiding errors that interfere with communication. The speaker would exhibit good to excellent pronunciation and intonation. Examples that might be mentioned in a response to question #7 could include: a description of the college or university: its size, whether it is in an urban or a rural setting, the student population, etc. an explanation of why you chose to attend that college or university, e.g., the geographical location or the recreational activities in the area an analysis of what you liked or disliked about the college or university, e.g., the courses or programs offered, the extracurricular activities available, or the social life in the dormitory a discussion of your satisfaction or dissatisfaction with the courses, professors, food, dormitories, education you received, etc. 20 California Subject Examinations for Teachers Test Guide

Language and Communication: Listening Comprehension Question #8 Examples of responses to sample constructed-response question 8 will be available at a later date. California Subject Examinations for Teachers Test Guide 21

Language and Communication: Reading Comprehension Question #9 (Score Point 3 Response) 균형잡힌 영어 교육을 위해서는 문법교육도 경시해서는 안 된다. 저자는 현재의 영어회화 교육이 말하기만 강조하면서 문법을 배제시키고있는 것을 옳지 않다고 봄. 영어사용하는 원어 민을 접촉할 기회가 별로 없는 사회 환경에서는 영어회화 교육일지라도 기본 문법을 가르쳐야 효율적으로 배울 수 있다. 22 California Subject Examinations for Teachers Test Guide

Language and Communication: Written Expression (Short [Focused]-Response Question) Question #10 (Score Point 3 Response) 내가 대학교 1학년 때 일어난 일이었다. 어느날 도서관 일층 서고에서 책을 찾다가 이층 서고로 옮기면서 깜박 잊고 가방을 일층 서고에 놓고왔다. 이층 서고로 간지 약 2-3분이 지나서 나는 내가 가방을 놓고 온 것을 깨달았다. 깜짝 놀라서 일층 서고로 달려 내려가 가방을 찾았을 때 이미 내 가방은 온데간데 없이 사라져버렸다. 나는 너무나 당황해서 어찌할 바를 몰랐다. 그곳은 인적이 아주 드문 곳이라서 누가 그렇게 빨리 가방을 집어갈 것이라 상상할 수 없는 곳이었기때문이다. 나는 어찌할 바를 몰라 그곳에서 왔다갔다하다가 학교 경비실에 신고하기로 결정하고 계단을 오르고있었다. 그 때에 갑자기 어느 여자가 잠바속에 무언가를 감춘듯이 불룩하게 하고 손으로 잠바를 감싸며 걸어오는 것을 보았다. 나는 순간적으로 그 여자가 내 가방을 갖고있을 거라는 육감이 들었다. 그래서 나는 그녀에게 다짜고짜 당신 내 가방을 훔쳤지요? 라고 물었다. 그녀는 갑작스런 나의 말에 놀라 그만 잠바 속의 가방을 떨어뜨렸다. 그것은 바로 내가 잃어버린 가방이었다. 다행히 내 잃어버렸던 가방을 찾긴했어도 학교 도서관에서 이런 일을 당했다는 사실이 기분이 나빴다. 그 사건 이후로 나는 도서관에 가면 항상 내 가방을 철저히 챙기는 버릇이 생겼다. California Subject Examinations for Teachers Test Guide 23

Language and Communication: Written Expression (Extended-Response Question) Question #11 (Score Point 4 Response) 영옥에게, 네가 이 곳의 대학원에 지원을 했다니 참 반갑구나. 여기 네가 이 지역에 대해 궁금해 하는 것들에 대해 간단히 적는다. 네가 다닐 대학이 있는 앰허스트는 아주 작지만 평화롭고 아름다운 도시란다. 이 작은 도시에는 다섯개의 대학들이 모여있어서 사람들은 이곳을 교육도시라고 부르지. 그래서 그런지 다른 도시들에 비해 젊은이들이 노년층 보다 더 많은 것 같아. 그리고 이곳의 날씨는 한국과 비슷해서 4계절이 뚜렷하지만 겨울은 한국보다 좀 더 춥고 눈이 많이 온단다. 이곳의 주립대학에는 여러나라에서 온 학생들이 많단다. 그래서 시내에 나가면 우리가 한국에서 보기힘든 중동사람이나 유럽사람들도 심심찮게 만나볼 수가 있어. 이렇게 여러 인종들이 함께 모여 살다보니, 이곳에는 다양한 문화축제 행사도 많고, 시내에는 여러나라의 음식을 파는 음식점들이 많이 있지. 이렇게 여러가지 문화와 교육적인 행사들이 많이 있는반면에, 여기에는 뉴욕과 같은 큰 도시에서 쉽게 볼 수 있는 멋진 오락시설등은 그리 흔하지않아. 그런 탓에 젊은 우리로서는 가끔 답답하게 느껴질 때도 있다. 그래서 가끔 주말이면 보스턴과 같은 큰 도시로 탈출 을 하곤한단다. 그러나 공부하기에는 도시의 유혹이 적어서 좋은것 같고, 우리같은 유학생들에게는 공부에 몰두할 수 있는 좋은 환경이라고 생각된다. 24 California Subject Examinations for Teachers Test Guide

Scoring Information for CSET: Korean Subtest III Responses to the multiple-choice questions are scored electronically. Scores are based on the number of questions answered correctly. There is no penalty for guessing. Responses to constructed-response questions are scored by qualified California educators using focused holistic scoring. Because the constructed-response questions on CSET: Korean Subtest III are of two types one type requiring a short (focused) response taking approximately 10 15 minutes (for written responses) or 2 minutes (for oral responses) to complete, and another type requiring an extended response taking approximately 30 45 minutes to complete two sets of performance characteristics and two scoring scales will be used to score responses to the constructed-response questions. Scorers will judge the overall effectiveness of your responses while focusing on the appropriate performance characteristics that have been identified as important for this subtest (see below and pages 26 and 28). Each response will be assigned a score based on an approved scoring scale (see pages 26, 27, and 29). Your performance on the subtest will be evaluated against a standard determined by the Commission on Teacher Credentialing based on professional judgments and recommendations of California educators. Performance Characteristics and Scoring Scales for CSET: Korean Subtest III A. SHORT (FOCUSED)-RESPONSE QUESTIONS Performance Characteristics. The following performance characteristics will guide the scoring of responses to the short (focused)-response constructed-response questions on CSET: Korean Subtest III. PURPOSE SUBJECT MATTER KNOWLEDGE SUPPORT The extent to which the response addresses the constructed response assignment's charge in relation to relevant CSET subject matter requirements. The application of accurate subject matter knowledge as described in the relevant CSET subject matter requirements. The appropriateness and quality of the supporting evidence in relation to relevant CSET subject matter requirements. Relevant Subject Matter Requirements for Listening Comprehension Demonstrate an understanding of the main ideas and significant details of oral messages in a variety of authentic contexts. Make deductive and inductive inferences based on information contained in oral messages. Analyze and evaluate oral messages in relation to their purpose, context, and point of view. Relevant Subject Matter Requirements for Reading Comprehension Demonstrate an understanding of the main ideas and significant details of written texts. Make deductive and inductive inferences based on information contained in written texts. Apply critical reasoning skills to written texts. California Subject Examinations for Teachers Test Guide 25

Relevant Subject Matter Requirements for Written Expression Compose a well-organized passage in the target language employing styles and levels of diction appropriate for a given audience. Compose a well-organized passage in the target language employing styles and levels of diction appropriate for a given purpose. Compose a well-organized passage in the target language employing styles and levels of diction appropriate for a given occasion. Compose a well-organized passage in the target language demonstrating command of a wide range of vocabulary. Compose a well-organized passage in the target language demonstrating command of idiomatic expressions. Compose a well-organized passage in the target language demonstrating command of linguistic structures. Relevant Subject Matter Requirements for Oral Expression Construct connected oral discourse that communicates a message effectively. Construct connected oral discourse that demonstrates a wide range of vocabulary. Construct connected oral discourse that demonstrates idiomatic expressions. Construct connected oral discourse that demonstrates linguistic structures. Scoring Scale. Scores will be assigned to each response to the short (focused)-response constructed-response questions on CSET: Korean Subtest III according to the following scoring scale. SCORE POINT 3 2 1 SCORE POINT DESCRIPTION The "3" response reflects a command of the relevant knowledge and skills as defined in the CSET subject matter requirements for World Languages. The purpose of the assignment is fully achieved. There is an accurate application of relevant subject matter knowledge. There is appropriate and specific relevant supporting evidence. The "2" response reflects a general command of the relevant knowledge and skills as defined in the CSET subject matter requirements for World Languages. The purpose of the assignment is largely achieved. There is a largely accurate application of relevant subject matter knowledge. There is acceptable relevant supporting evidence. The "1" response reflects a limited or no command of the relevant knowledge and skills as defined in the CSET subject matter requirements for World Languages. The purpose of the assignment is only partially or not achieved. There is limited or no application of relevant subject matter knowledge. There is little or no relevant supporting evidence. continued on next page 26 California Subject Examinations for Teachers Test Guide

For Listening Comprehension and Reading Comprehension: U B The "U" (Unscorable) is assigned to a response that is unrelated to the assignment, illegible, not in the target language or English, or does not contain a sufficient amount of original work to score. The "B" (Blank) is assigned to a response that is blank. For Written Expression: U B The "U" (Unscorable) is assigned to a response that is unrelated to the assignment, illegible, not in the target language, or does not contain a sufficient amount of original work to score. The "B" (Blank) is assigned to a response that is blank. For Oral Expression: U B The "U" (Unscorable) is assigned to a response that is unrelated to the assignment, inaudible/incomprehensible, not in the target language, or does not contain a sufficient amount of original work to score. The "B" (Blank) is assigned to a response that is blank. California Subject Examinations for Teachers Test Guide 27

B. EXTENDED-RESPONSE QUESTION Performance Characteristics. The following performance characteristics will guide the scoring of responses to the extended-response constructed-response question on CSET: Korean Subtest III. PURPOSE SUBJECT MATTER KNOWLEDGE SUPPORT DEPTH AND BREADTH OF UNDERSTANDING The extent to which the response addresses the constructed-response assignment's charge in relation to relevant CSET subject matter requirements. The application of accurate subject matter knowledge as described in the relevant CSET subject matter requirements. The appropriateness and quality of the supporting evidence in relation to relevant CSET subject matter requirements. The degree to which the response demonstrates understanding of the relevant CSET subject matter requirements. Relevant Subject Matter Requirements for Written Expression Compose a well-organized passage in the target language employing styles and levels of diction appropriate for a given audience. Compose a well-organized passage in the target language employing styles and levels of diction appropriate for a given purpose. Compose a well-organized passage in the target language employing styles and levels of diction appropriate for a given occasion. Compose a well-organized passage in the target language demonstrating command of a wide range of vocabulary. Compose a well-organized passage in the target language demonstrating command of idiomatic expressions. Compose a well-organized passage in the target language demonstrating command of linguistic structures. 28 California Subject Examinations for Teachers Test Guide

Scoring Scale. Scores will be assigned to each response to the extended-response constructed-response question on CSET: Korean Subtest III according to the following scoring scale. SCORE POINT 4 3 2 1 U B SCORE POINT DESCRIPTION The "4" response reflects a thorough command of the relevant knowledge and skills as defined in the CSET subject matter requirements for World Languages. The purpose of the assignment is fully achieved. There is a substantial and accurate application of relevant subject matter knowledge. The supporting evidence is sound; there are high-quality, relevant examples. The response reflects a comprehensive understanding of the assignment. The "3" response reflects a general command of the relevant knowledge and skills as defined in the CSET subject matter requirements for World Languages. The purpose of the assignment is largely achieved. There is a largely accurate application of relevant subject matter knowledge. The supporting evidence is adequate; there are some acceptable, relevant examples. The response reflects an adequate understanding of the assignment. The "2" response reflects a limited command of the relevant knowledge and skills as defined in the CSET subject matter requirements for World Languages. The purpose of the assignment is partially achieved. There is limited accurate application of relevant subject matter knowledge. The supporting evidence is limited; there are few relevant examples. The response reflects a limited understanding of the assignment. The "1" response reflects little or no command of the relevant knowledge and skills as defined in the CSET subject matter requirements for World Languages. The purpose of the assignment is not achieved. There is little or no accurate application of relevant subject matter knowledge. The supporting evidence is weak; there are no or few relevant examples. The response reflects little or no understanding of the assignment. The "U" (Unscorable) is assigned to a response that is unrelated to the assignment, illegible, not in the target language, or does not contain a sufficient amount of original work to score. The "B" (Blank) is assigned to a response that is blank. California Subject Examinations for Teachers Test Guide 29