A Review of MES Implementation Methodology and its representative cases Hwa Sub SongHyun Rak JungSeung Ho Jeong Abstract The today s manufacturing industry is changing into ensuring high quality, providing quick responses to customers, and maintaining information visibility. In this business environment, it has become more critical than ever to have a well organized collaboration system with other enterprise systems such as ERP, SCM, CRM, and MES. Recently, a number of manufacturing enterprises have started paying attention to MES to establish a factory or plant-centered information system. However, despite the great interest from the manufacturing industry on MES, it is still not easy to select an appropriate solution since every enterprise is unique in their own way of producing. As a result, there are growing needs for guidelines for MES implementation that will satisfy enterprise s requirements. In this paper, an overview of the MES definitions, models, and functions will be presented as well as the future of the MES evolution. MES implementation methods will be discussed in two different topics: a combination of solutions and a self-development method. Successful cases for each topic will also be reviewed, and the key considerations for MES deployment will be discusses. In conclusion, a strategic MES methodology will be offered to help enterprises successfully build or upgrade their MES meeting their specific requirements. Keywords: Manufacturing Execution System(MES), ISA-95 Model, Manufacturing Operations Management(MOM) 103
MES(Manufacturing Execution Systems), (MRP II: Manufacturing Resource Planning) (ERP, Enterprise Resource Planning),., (RTE: Real-Time Enterprise)., Lead Time,,,, MES ERP, SCM(Supply Chain Management), CRM (Customer Relationship Management), PLM(Product Lifecycle Management), MIS(Management Information System). ERP, SCM, CRM, MES. MES MES. MES, MES MES. MES, MES. MES MES, MES. MES,. MES, 1990 AMR(Advanced Manufacturing Research) MES Floor, MESA(Manufacturing Enterprise Solution Association) MES. APICS(The Association of Operations Management) MES, 104
, Shop Floor. Gartner s IT Glossary MES, [1]. MES. MES,,. MES., NIST(National Institute of Standards and Technology) SFC(Shop Floor Control, ), ARC Advisory Group MES Collaboration. ISA, MESA(Manufacturing Enterprise Solution Association) MES,. MES MESA ISA (Enterprise-Control Integration Model) ANSI/ISA-95(2000), ISA-95 2002 IEC/ISO 62264. ISA-95,, (Control Hierarchy) 0 4. 0 4 (Enterprise), 0, 1, 2 1 Supervisory Control. 3, 4. 1, 2 PLC, DCS, 3 MOM(Manufacturing Operations Management), 1 3 MES, 3 MES. (Object Model) (Activity Model),. 105
ISA-95 0, 1, 2 MES 3 4, 0, 1, 2 ISA-88 Batch Process. MESA MES 11 ISA-95 [ 1] [2]. Supply Chain Management Sales & Service Management Enterprise Resource Planning Product Lifecycle Management (Dispatching Production Units) (Labor Management) (Operations/ Detailed Scheduling) (Product Tracking & Genealogy) (Quality Management) (Maintenance Management) (Resource Allocation & Status) (Performance Analysis) (Data Collection Acquisition) (Document Control) (Process Management) Control 106
, Control,, Tracking Control,,,. MES,., MES,.. [ 2] MES 1980 MRP (Manufacturing Requirement Planning), SFC(), PM&C(Production Monitoring & Control), 1990 ERP, 2000 BPM(Business Process Management) e-manufacturing., MES Collaborative Manufacturing, ISA-95 CPM(Collaborative Production Management), ARC Advisory Group CMM(Collaborative Manufacturing Management). Focus Value Chain ERP MES E-Biz Initiatives Collaborative Manufacturing Inter Company Automation Supply Chain Mgt InterPlant ERP Implementation Business Process Reengineering Plant Quality 1980 1990 2000 Time 107
, ISA-95 3 MOM, MES. MES LIMS(Laboratory Information Management System), Automation, QM(Quality Management), WMS(Warehouse Management System) MOM [4].. MES Communication API(Application Programming Interface), EDI(Electronic Data Interchange). MES [ 3] ORB(Object Request Broker) Object Model [2]. IT, J2EE.NET EAI(Enterprise Application Interface), SOA(Service Oriented Architecture) MES. ISA- 108
95 4 (ERP, SCM, PLM ) 3 (MOM, MES) XML Communication B2MML(Business to Manufacturing Markup Language). MES,.,. MES. MES,. Andrew Hughes 2006 10 Gartner [3] MES MES. Hughes (Process Industry, Hybrid Industry, Discrete Industry) MES. Process Industry,,,,,, /, Aspen Technology, OSloft, Honeywell, ABB, Invensys. Hybrid Industry() (Process Industry) (Discrete Industry),,,,. GE Fanuc, Rockwell, Siemens. Discrete Industry(), /,,,. Applied Materials, Brooks Automation, UGS, Visiprise GE Fanuc, Rockwell, Siemens. Hughes MES ERP MES. MES. 109
ERP MES., MES., MES. MES MES,. MES (Implement) (SI ) MES 110
.,. [ 2] MES.. MES (Application Architecture, I/F, Spec. ),. MES. MES (Implement) (,, ) MES., BMT(Benchmark Test). [ 4] MES BMT [6].,. 111
MES MES ( ), MES.,., (:, LIMS, EAI),.. MES.. SOA(Service Oriented Architecture) MES. MES (Function), (Loosely Coupled). SOA MES.,. SOA. [ 3] SOA. SOA.. [ 4] SOA. 112
MES SOA,,. MES MES. [ 5]. MES MES MES.,. [4]., M&A 113
/, (Modification) / MES, MES, 5,. MES. MES. RTDB(Real Time Database), EAI, PLC HMI(Human Machine Interface). MES A. A MES,. PI(Process Innovation) 2 MES. MES, O J2EE [ 5]. O J2EE CBD (Component Based Development), Configuration., ERP., (Set-up) 65%, 114
. Employee Web EP Dedicated Client Mobile PDA Webpad Firewall Portal/SSO MetaFrame Internal LAN Application Server Web Application Server Integration Control Layer Layer Http Servlet MVC Controller Framework Http Receiver Message EAI Framework Sender Unix, JDK Java VM ERP EAI TCP/IP I/F Layer Model Layer Entity Business Object Logic Application Interface Module View Object Batch Job Server CM (Concurrent manager) EAI Sender Received File ERP DBMS DB Server RAC Unix JDK Java VM NAS Shared Disk Archive Log Internet Secure Zone Integration Server Web EAI EAI TCP/IP G/W Process Computers,,,,,,,, MES. A (,,,,,,, ) MES J2EE,. MES MES 3.1.,,,, 115
., Message Bus(EAI) ESB(Enterprise Service Bus).,. High Technology B C MES MES [ 6]. Configuration Client Thin Operator Client PDA Custom Java Client Browser Clients Web Services Message Bus Distributed Servers EQ To EQ Flow Control Job Control Inline Flow Control APC (FDC/R2R) Reports WIP OPR EQP ALARM PRP MDL HMI Layer Production Database Data Warehouse B MES,, Workflow Control,,, JMS(Java Message Service), SOA & Web Service.., ROI(Return On Investment). B, C. 116
,,,, Line,. B MES, MES. MES., MES., MES Case by Case MES. MES. 2006 [1]. [ 7] [5]. ( ) 117
. MES MES. MES, MES,. MES.,,,. To-Be MES. (,,,, ). MES.... MES. ---- Iterative Procedure... 90% MES. MES,,. /.. 118