2015년 3/30~4/24 서울 구산중학교 교육실습 영어과 교수학습 과정안 교과 학년 단원 대상 학급수준 영어과 2학년 Unit 3. Can You Give Me Some Advice? (천재교육 2009 개정) 2-9반 (19명) 상중 (High-intermediate Level) 일시 2015년 4월 22일 수요일 2교시 (9:55-10:40) 장소 교육실습생 지도교사 2-9반 교실 (3층) 김수진 김은정 결재 지도교사 연구부장 교감 교장 구 산 중 학 교 1
목 차 I. 학습자 기초조사 (1) 설문지 (영어) (2) 설문지 (한국어) (3) 설문 결과 (4) 학습자 기초 조사 분석 및 지도 방향 II. 본 수업의 이론적 배경 (1) Output Hypothesis (2) Interaction Hypothesis (3) Scaffolding (4) Communicative Language Teaching III. 단원 안내 (Master Plan) (1) 단원의 개관 (2) 단원의 구성과 지도 목표 (3) 단원 지도상의 유의사항 (4) 단원 지도 계획 IV. 본시 학습 지도 계획 (Sub Plan) (1) 자리 배치 (2) 본시 학습의 개요 (3) 본시 학습의 전개 (4) 교수학습 과정 (5) 개별학습지 (6) PPT 자료 2
Ⅰ. 학습자 기초조사 (1) Survey Questions (English version) Q1. How much are you interested in English? 1 Very much 2 Much 3 So so 4 Not really 5 Never Q2. Which English skill is the most interesting one for you? 1 Listening 2 Speaking 3 Reading 4 Writing Q3. Which English skill is the most difficult one for you? 1 Listening 2 Speaking 3 Reading 4 Writing Q4. Which English skill do you want to improve the most? 1 Listening 2 Speaking 3 Reading 4 Writing Q5. How much time do you spend studying English each day? 1 More than 2 hours 2 1~2 hours 3 Less than 1 hour 4 Less than half an hour 5 Never Q6. What do you think is the best way to learn English during the English class? 1 Teacher s explanation 2 Individual problem-solving 3 Role play 4 Pair work (or group work) 5 Presentation 3
(2) Survey Questions (Korean version which was given to the students) <Survey Questions> *중복응답 불가* (가장 알맞다고 생각하는 것 한 개만 골라주세요) Q1. 영어에 얼마나 관심이 있습니까? 1 매우 많이 2 많이 3 보통 4 별로 5 전혀 Q2. 당신에게 가장 흥미로운(혹은 재미있는) 영어 능력은 어떤 것입니까? 1 듣기 2 말하기 3 읽기 4 쓰기 Q3. 당신에게 가장 어려운 영어 능력은 어떤 것입니까? 1 듣기 2 말하기 3 읽기 4 쓰기 Q4. 가장 향상시키고 싶은 영어 능력은 무엇입니까? 1 듣기 2 말하기 3 읽기 4 쓰기 Q5. 당신은 하루에 영어를 얼마나 공부합니까? 1 2 시간 이상 2 1-2 시간 사이 3 1 시간 미만 4 30 분 미만 5 전혀 안 함 Q6. 학교 영어수업에서 영어를 배우는 가장 좋은 방법은 무엇이라고 생각합니까? 1 선생님의 설명 2 개인적 문제풀이 3 역할놀이 (ex)의사-환자) 4 협동학습 (ex)조모임) 5 발표 응답해주셔서 감사합니다 4
(3) Survey Results Q1. How much are you interested in English? Options 1 Very much 2 Much 3 So so 4 Not really 5 Never Total Number 7 5 4 1 2 19 Q2. Which English skill is the most interesting one for you? Options 1 Listening 2 Speaking 3 Reading 4 Writing Total Number 3 6 8 2 19 Q3. Which English skill is the most difficult one for you? Options 1 Listening 2 Speaking 3 Reading 4 Writing Total Number 8 2 2 7 19 Q4. Which English skill do you want to improve the most? Options 1 Listening 2 Speaking 3 Reading 4 Writing Total Number 8 6 1 4 19 Q5. How much time do you spend studying English each day? Options 1 More than 2 1~2 3 Less than 1 4 Less than 5 Never Total 2 hours hours hour half an hour Number 8 7 2 1 1 19 Q6. What do you think is the best way to learn English during the English class? Options 1 Teacher s 2 Individual 3 Role 4 Pair work (or 5 Total explanation problem-solving play group work) Presentation Number 10 2 1 5 1 19 5
(4) 학습자 기초 조사 분석 및 지도 방향 According to the results of the survey, 12 students out of 19 (the total number) are interested in English learning and 15 students of the total are studying English more than 1 hour after school every day. The English abilities that the most students are interested in are reading and speaking which accounts for 14 of the total. On the other hand, students answered that the most difficult skills were listening and writing. Because most of the students answered that listening skill is the most difficult part, they thus wanted to improve their listening skill for most. The interesting thing to be noticed is that the second skill they want to improve was not writing, but speaking. In addition, 10 students out of 19 think teacher s explanation is the best way to learn English while 5 students prefer pair work or small group talk. This result shows that it is necessary for a teacher to notice the students desire to be good at listening and speaking. Their foremost interest lies in reading, but the results show that they want to improve their listening and speaking skills. Thus it might be a good idea to give them a lot of opportunities to speak out their ideas and thoughts in English and to listen to other students opinions in class. As they answered on this survey, it would be desirable that teacher give them a clear instruction on learning items first and have the students do group activity. Although the students are high-intermediate level and study quite hard, they seem to be afraid and feel difficult to speak English. Therefore, in my opinion, if the teacher uses authentic tasks by using student s real-life worries when dealing with the lesson of giving advice, students will be more interested in the task they have to deal with and be more encouraged to speak out, leading to improvement on their speaking skills. 6
Ⅱ. 본 수업의 이론적 배경 (1) Output Hypothesis Output is the language that learners produce, either spoken or written form. The output hypothesis is the theory that output, especially spoken output, is necessary for language acquisition. Merrill Swain argues that learners also need to be pushed to produce comprehensible output as well. If learners are simply exposed to comprehensible input, they may understand the message but overlook the way the message is formulated. Being pushed to produce language puts learners in a better position to notice the gaps in their language knowledge. (2) Interaction Hypothesis According to Interaction Hypothesis, conversational interaction is essential for second language acquisition. Long agreed with Krashen that comprehensible input is necessary for language acquisition but argued that modification of the interactional structure of conversation is a better candidate for a necessary condition for acquisition. The role which it plays in negotiation for meaning helps to make input comprehensible while still containing unknown linguistic elements, and hence, potential intake for acquisition. (3) Scaffolding One way in which others help the learners in language development within the ZPD (Zone of Proximal Development) is through scaffolding. This include the vertical constructions, in which experts commonly provide learners with chunks of talk that the learners can then use to express concepts which are beyond their independent means. More generally, the metaphor of scaffolding refers to verbal guidance which an expert provides to help a learner perform any specific task, or the verbal collaboration of peers to perform a task which would be too difficult for ant one of them individually. (4) Communicative Language Teaching CLT(Communicative Language Teaching) suggests a focus on all of the components (grammatical, discourse, functional, sociolinguistic, and strategic) of communicative competence. Goals, therefore, must be related to organizational (grammatical, discourse) aspects of language with the pragmatic (functional, sociolinguistic) aspects. Language techniques are designed to engage learners in the pragmatic, authentic, functional use of language for meaningful purpose. A focus on students flow of comprehension and production and a focus on the formal accuracy of production are seen as complementary principles underlying communicative techniques. Part of the teacher s responsibility is to offer appropriate and corrective feedback on learners error. 7
Ⅲ. 단원 안내 (Master Plan) Main Textbook: Middle School English 2 (by Chaenjae Education Inc.) Title: Unit 3. Can You Give Me Some Advice? (1) 단원의 개관 사람은 누구나 고민을 가지고 있다. 따라서 그 고민을 해결하기 위해 다른 사람에게 조언을 구하기도 하고, 가끔은 고민을 가지고 있는 사람들에게 조언을 해주기도 한다. 본 단원에서는 피노키오, 인어공주, 그리고 토이스토리 애니메이션에 나오는 주인공들의 고민을 소재로 하여 고민을 제대로 파악하는 능력을 기르고 이러한 고민에 어떤 충고나 조언을 해줄 수 있을지 생각해 보도록 한다. (2) 단원의 구성과 지도 목표 언어기능 -듣기: 대화를 듣고 상대방이 부탁하고자 하는 내용이나 고민인 내용을 파악한다. -말하기: 상대방이 부탁한 것에 대하여 허락하거나 허락하지 않는 표현을 말해본다. 또한 고민인 내용에 대해서는 조언을 건네 본다. -읽기: 애니메이션 주인공들의 고민이 담긴 글을 읽고 충고할 수 있는 내용에 대해 생각해본다. -쓰기: 반 학생들의 고민을 조사하여 보고서를 쓴다. 또한 그 고민에 대한 충고의 글을 편지형식으로 써본다. 언어 형식 -비교급: My nose is longer than my arms. -too 형용사 to 부정사: You are too young to stay out late. 의사소통 기능 -허락 구하고 답하기 A: Can I go to the movies now? B: Yes, you can. /No, you can t. -충고하기 A: I can t sleep well at night. What should I do? B: You should take a warm bath. 8
(3) 단원 지도상의 유의사항 언어기능: 듣기, 말하기, 읽기, 쓰기의 언어 4기능을 점진적으로 함양할 수 있도록 한다. 언어 형식: 언어 형식은 글의 맥락을 통해 다양한 의미와 활용법을 익히도록 지도해야 하며, 실제적인 의사소통 기회를 통해 자연스럽게 익혀 나가도록 지도한다. 의사소통 기능: 음성 언어 활동과 문자 언어 활동으로 이루어지는데, 음성 언어 활동은 의사소통 기능과 예시문 에 제시된 항목을 주로 사용하되 의사소통에 필요한 언어 형식 에 제시된 항목도 참고해야 한다. 문자언어 활동은 의사소통에 필요한 언어 형식 에 제시된 항목을 주로 사용하되, 의사소통 기능과 예시문 에 제시된 항목도 참고해야 한다. (4) 단원 지도 계획 Period Content Primary Activities Aids Page 1 Warm Up Choose the ad that can help each person CD-ROM 48-49 In this Unit with the given difficulties New Words Learn new words and expressions of Unit PPT 3 2 Listen & Speak (1) Listen In: Choose the right answer including main expressions (허락 구하고 답하기) Listen to the Dialogue: Learn an expression which asks for permission CD-ROM PPT 50-51 Speak Out: Let students practice the dialogue including expressions of asking for permission and answering to it with some reasons Talk in Groups: Let students practice Can I~? and No, you can t 3 Listen & Speak (2) Listen In: Choose the right answer CD-ROM 52-54 Communication Task including main expressions (충고하기) Listen to the Dialogue: Learn an PPT expression which gives some advice Speak Out: Let students practice the dialogue including expressions of asking 9
for advice and answering to it Talk in Groups: Let students practice What should I do? or Can you give me some advice? and You should~, How about~? or Why don t you~? Card Game: Using cards from appendix, let students play game on expressing their worries and giving them advice 4 Focus on Language Word Forms: Let students notice the CD-ROM 60 (1) different forms between adjective and adverb such as quick vs. quickly PPT Useful Expressions: Let students guess the meaning of the useful expressions such as make up, change one s mind, and no longer 5 Focus on Language the Comparative Degree (비교급): Let CD-ROM 61 (2) students understand the concept of comparative degree and make them PPT compare two things/people such as I am taller than you 6 Focus on Language too 형용사 to 부정사: Let students CD-ROM 61 (3) understand the meaning and usage of too+adjective+to infinitive such as You PPT are too short to get it and paraphrase it into You are so short that you can t get it 7 Before You Read Think about the worries and difficulties CD-ROM 55-57 Enjoy Reading (1) which the characters of fairy tales have <Everybody Has Guess the meaning of the phrases and fill PPT Worries> in the blanks Read the text and think about Pinocchio s worries 10
8 Enjoy Reading (2) Read the text and think about the worries CD-ROM 58-59 After You Read of Little Mermaid and Woody Come up with some advice which can be PPT given to the characters 9 Writing Workshop Complete the Report: Look at the graph CD-ROM 62-63, Understand Cultures which shows worries of Minju s classmates 65 and complete the report about the graph PPT Write Your Advice: Complete the advice to a girl who is worried about her younger brother Notice that there is a doll called worry dolls in Guatemala and search the way to relieve stress and worries on the Internet 10 Wrap Up Let students review Unit 3 by solving CD-ROM 66-67 Review some questions and checking the answers Summarize Unit 3 by checking students PPT comprehension of linguistic and communicative functions and language form/grammar 11
Ⅳ. 본시 학습 지도 계획 (Sub Plan) (1) 자리 배치 (Classroom Arrangement) TV Screen 칠판 예성 동훈 태겸 지강 준혁 지영 광호 한별 효재 훈 경서 지민 윤아 아영 영선 윤호 준서 다은 채린 (2) 본시 학습의 개요 (Lesson Outline) Lesson 3. Can You Give Me Some Advice? 지도교사 김은정 교과서 P52-53 대 상 2-9반 (Highintermediate) 장 소 2-9반 교실 일 시 2015. 04. 22. 2교시 차 시 3/10차시 학습 목표 교과학습 목표 창의인성 목표 1. Students are able to understand what other classmates worries are. 2. Students are able to ask for advice and give some advice to their friends. 1. Students can feel sympathy toward other people. 2. Students can get confidence as they speak out their own opinion and realize that their advice can be very helpful for others. 학습 자료 교사 학생 교실환경 수 업 PPT, textbook, textbooks, Normal classroom 모 worksheets worksheets 형 Teacher s instruction Pair Work 12
(3) 본시 학습의 전개 (Simple Flow Chart) Steps Procedure Interaction Time Introduction Greeting Presenting today s aims Review the previous class Motivating students (Brainstorming) T Ss 7 Development Main activity 1 -Listening the situation where someone has some worries and thinking about what advice can be given -Learning the expressions of asking for advice such as What should I do?, Can you give me some advice? and giving advice like You should~, Why don t you~? Main activity 2 -Imagine that the class is now at the live show of the radio, so two students will be acting as radio DJs and the others students are the audience. -The radio DJs will introduce some of our classmates worries in Korean, and the teacher will give some instruction on how to make the expressions in English. -In a pair work, students have to come up with some advice they can give. -Each group has to speak out their worries and advice. T Ss T Ss T Ss Ss Ss Ss Ss 30 Consolidation Closing -Students complete formative test together, looking at the screen. The remains will be their homework. T Ss 10 13
(4) 교수학습 과정 (Teaching Procedure) Class activities 창의 step contents Teacher Students 인성 요소 Aids Time Greeting Greet Greet 몰입 PPT 8 Warm-up -Good afternoon. How are you guys? -Hi, teacher. Good. How are you? 흥미 호기심 Introduce the contents which the class will cover today. I N T R O D U C T I O N Introduce what students are going to learn today. -OK, look at the screen. I hope you can do two things after this class. Let's read them altogether. Are you ready? Go! Review: grammar -OK. Look at the slide. Do you remember what we learned in the grammar class? -Who wants to volunteer to fill in the blanks? Read today s aims Read and answer the questions. -Yes. Check the answers together. -Good job! We learned to infinitive (to부정사) and present perfect tense (현 재완료) before. Motivate students to focus on today s topic 14
-I am very sad these days. -Why? -because I have some worries. -What is that? -I don t want to leave this school. What should I do? -Stay with us! -I think everyone sitting here has some worries and difficulties. So, today s class is about understanding other students worries and trying to give them some advice. I hope you can give me some advice after this class, okay? -Okay. Activity 1 Let students read what Feel sympathetic to 몰입 Textbook 30 boy s problem is and feel sympathetic about the problem. -Open your book on page the boy s problem and think about the advice they can give. 공감 문제 해결 능력 PPT 52. There is a boy who D has some worries. Is there E anyone who has the same -I like computer games, V problem like him? too. E -I know that many of you L are addicted to playing O games, especially P smartphone game, right? M -Please think about what E advice you can give to N him. There is no answer T here, so please think -I don t know what freely. advice I can give.. Let students listen to the Listen and match. dialog and match each boy s problem. -Let s listen to the dialog -Yes. and match each boy s 15
worries. Check the answers together. Let students watch the Watch and choose the video and choose the answer. boy s problem. Let students listen to the Listen and choose. dialog one more time and choose the women s advice. Instruction Explain the expressions Guess the expressions of asking for advice and 깨달음 giving some advice. -What would you say if you have some problems and want to get some advice? -You can say What should I do? or Can you give me some advice? -Then, what would you say this time when you want to give some advice? -You can say You should~ or Why don t you~? Activity 2 Hand out the worksheet and introduce today s Read instructions on the worksheet. 몰입 main activity -Last class, I collected all of your worries and 흥미 호기심 problems, so I made a radio show that reads people s worries and gives them some advice. 16
-So, now imagine that we are at the radio show, and then today s radio DJ will read your worries. Let s share worries and think about the expressions in English. Let a student DJ read 4 or 5 worries like a radio show. Let students write those worries in worksheet and make them in English. -Let s make those worries in English. Please write them on worksheet. Read worries in Korean. - ~님의 사연입니다. 요 즘 ~~이러한 고민이 있 다고 하네요. Write the expressions in English on their worksheet. -OK, teacher 공감 문제 해결능력 협동심 적극성 Instruction Let students come up with some advice to these worries in a pair work. -Please think about what advice you can give. After 5 minutes, the radio DJ will ask you to send the advice-letter back. You will work in pair, sitting next person. Think about the advice and write the advice as a form of letter, which is already presented on the worksheet. Try to use the expressions we learned today. You may use the paper card in appendix. It has some A pair work 17
expressions you can use. Let students present their advice. Present their advice as a form of letter. 적극성 - Dear. ~, I understand your situation very well. Why don t you ~? I 협동심 책임감 believe it can be helpful. I hope my 문제 해결능력 advice is useful for you. Best wishes. Give some feedback to Listen to the feedback. the advice. Review game Explain the rule of pass the ball game. Pass the ball game. -OK. 문제 해결능력 PPT 7 -I have a ball here and 순발력 you have to pass the ball while the music is playing. 창의성 When the music stops, 사고수렴 someone s worries will C pop up on the screen, O then the person holding N the ball must give some S advice using the O expressions we learned L today. I D Wrap up Formative test. Answer the questions. A -Look at the screen and T let s fill in the blank I together. O N Closing Give assignment Listen to the teacher -OK. There are more and answer. blanks on your worksheet, - Yes. so you have to complete the sentences. Is that clear? Wrap-up Listen to the teacher -Today, you may realize and say goodbye. 18
that everyone has worries and some of the worries are very similar to you, right? I hope you can understand other people s problem and you can be the person who can give some advice to your friends. -Yes. -Great. All of you are beautifully done in this class. Thank you all! See you next time. Have a good day! -You, too. Goodbye teacher! (5) 개별학습지 () -다음 페이지에 계속- 19
Sue Teacher와 함께하는 English Class! 구산중학교 2학년, 2015 April. Unit 3. Can You Give Me Some Advice? P52~53 Listen & Speak 2. 이름: Activity 1. <Welcome to the Radio Show!> Instruction: Imagine that you are the audience at the radio show. The radio DJ will read your worries and difficulties. (Expect whether your stories will be picked or not!) After listening to other classmates worries, you have to come up with some advice in a pair work. [당신이 지금 라디오 쇼의 방청객이라고 상상해보세 요. 라디오 디제이가 당신의 고민과 어려움을 담은 사연들을 읽어줄 것입니다. (당신의 사연이 과연 뽑힐지 기대해보세요!) 반 친구들의 고민을 들은 후, 각 조별로 조언을 생각해주세요.] 닉네임 고민 (한국어) 고민 (영어) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Free Notes 20
Unit 3. Can You Give Me Some Advice? P52~53 Listen & Speak 2. <형성평가> 이름: 1. 자연스러운 대화가 되도록 순서를 정해보세요. What's wrong? You look very sick. Okay. That's a good idea. Why don't you go to see a doctor? I have a high fever. What should I do? 2. 보기의 단어를 활용하여 빈칸을 채워 넣어보세요. <보기> write her a letter, get a lot of sleep, jump rope every day, watch an easy English animation, eat some sweets (1) A: I feel very tired these days. What should I do? B: You should. (2) A: I have too much stress these days. Can you give me some advice? B: How about? (3) A: I gained 5 kg last month. What should I do? B: Why don t you? (4) A: Tomorrow is my best friend s birthday, but I have no money. What should I do? B: How about? (5) A: English is too difficult to study. Can you give me some advice? B: Why don t you? *영어는 언어(language)입니다. 어떤 언어든 정말 배우고 싶다면 많이 접하세요! 쉬운 영어로 된 애니메이션 (ex)디즈니영화)을 보거나 팝송을 듣는 것을 추천합니다 -SUE쌤* 3. <Homework> 더 생각해보기. 오늘 사연에는 소개되지 않았지만, 다음의 고민을 가진 반 친구들이 있었습니다. 이런 친구들에 게 어떤 조언을 해주면 좋을까요? 진지하게 고민해봅시다. 나는 앞으로 뭘 하며 살아야 될지 모르겠다. 내 바람대로 되는 일이 없다. 21
(6) PPT 자료 (Power Point Slides) 22