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< (Midsommar, 2019)> : (Georges Bataille).,.., *

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90.. (Georges Bataille) (Erotism). (Platon) (Eros) 20. (Sigmund Freud).. (continuity). < >.. < >,. < >. < >. 3) < > 3). (folk horror) (Thing Theory). Robert Spadoni, Midsommar: Thing Theory, Quarterly Review of Film and Video 37 (2020): 711-726. < >. Joshua W. Katz et al., Ambiguous Sex in Critical Receptions to Ari Aster s Midsommar, Sexuality & Culture 25 (2021): 2035-2051. (Heterotopia). Emily Reese, Attractive Oblivions: Identity, Queer Theory, and Heterotopias in Ari Aster's Midsommar and Margaret Atwood's The Heart Goes Last (Master s Thesis, Youngstown State University, 2020).

126, < >.. < >..... < >.,.... 1. ( ) ( ). Diana G. Shultz, She Is Finally Free : An Analysis of Women's Pathologized Oppression and Reclamation of the Abject in The Yellow Wallpaper and Midsommar (Master s Thesis, State University of New York, Albany, 2020).

.,,. 4).... 5)..,,...,. 6) (oceanic feeling). 7)... (superego). 4),,, 35 (2012): 97 5) (Georges Bataille),, ( :, 2009), 24. 6) (Sigmund Freud),, ( :, 2014), 52. 7),, 56. 62 "...." < (Der Taucher)>.

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. (la petite mort).,.....,,.,. ' '? 12)..,.,..... 13). 12) (Georges Bataille),, ( :, 2002), 28-29. 13),, 195.

130 2....... (Henri Herbert) (Marcel Mauss). (consecration) 14)........ 14) Henri Herbert and Marcel Mauss, The Sacrifice: Its nature and Function of Sacrifice (Chicago: University of Chicago Press) 1964, 13.

. 15).. 16).....,.... 17)... 18).. (sacred) (sacrifice). < >. < > 15),, 35. 16),, 72. 17) Jeffrey B. Russell and Mark W. Wyndham, Witchcraft and the Demonization of Heresy, Mediaevalia 2 (1976): 6-8. 18),, 69.

132. < >.. < > 1.. 19)...... < >...... 19),, 19.

. < >.......,. 20).. (James Frazer) 2... 21)..... 20) Lord Raglan, Myth and Ritual, Journal of America Folklore 68 (1995): 459. 21) (James Frazer), 2, ( :, 2005), 53-82.

134. (Emile Durkheim) (intichiuma).. 22)......,,.. < >....,. < > 90.. 22) (Emile Durkheim),, ( :, 2017), 441-60.

2.... 23).. 24),.....,.. 25) < >..... 23), 116. 24) (Gilles Deleuze),, ( :, 2004), 260. 25), 195.

136..,.. < >.. < >. < >... < > 1......

.. < >.. 90, 9.. 90.. 90..... 18, 36, 54, 72................ 26) 26) Midsommar, directed by Ari Aster (A24, 2019), 1:04:59. https://www.netflix.com/watch/81071 055?trackId=13752289&tctx=0%2C0%2C7dc56e21401ee34043c2c3a61508a3417e924886%3A85c2

138............... 27) 950196547327fcb0f64d59f64d93d1188035%2C7dc56e21401ee34043c2c3a61508a3417e924886%3A 85c2950196547327fcb0f64d59f64d93d1188035%2Cunknown%2C%2C%2C. 27),, 62-71.

....... 28).. 29).. 30) < >..,. < >. 2. 28) René Girard, Things Hidden since the Foundation of the World, trans. Stephen Bann and Michael Metteer (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1987), 27-31. 29),, 104. 30) (René Girard),, ( :, 2001), 28.

140. < > 9... 5. 5. < > 5. 5..................

...,...,... ( )?? 31)...,.. 5...,. < >.. 31) Midsommar, directed by Ari Aster (A24, 2019), 1:11:28. https://www.netflix.com/watch/81071 055?trackId=13752289&tctx=0%2C0%2C7dc56e21401ee34043c2c3a61508a3417e924886%3A85c2 950196547327fcb0f64d59f64d93d1188035%2C7dc56e21401ee34043c2c3a61508a3417e924886%3A 85c2950196547327fcb0f64d59f64d93d1188035%2Cunknown%2C%2C%2C.

142. 5...... 5.. 5., 5.. 32).... < > 9.. 5 32) Henri Herbert et al., The Sacrifice: Its nature and Function of Sacrifice, 77-81.

... < >., < >. < >...,.... < >.

144.... 90..... 5..,.... < >. :,,,,,

146 Aster, Ari. Midsommar. A24, 2019. 2h., 27min. https://www.netflix.com/watch/8107105 5?trackId=13752289&tctx=0%2C0%2C7dc56e21401ee34043c2c3a61508a3417e9 24886%3A85c2950196547327fcb0f64d59f64d93d1188035%2C7dc56e21401ee34 043c2c3a61508a3417e924886%3A85c2950196547327fcb0f64d59f64d93d118803 5%2Cunknown%2C%2C%2C, (Emile Durkheim).., :, 2017., (Gilles Deleuze)... :, 2004., (Georges Bataille)... :, 2009.... :, 2002..,. 35 (2012): 95-114., (René Girard)... :, 2001., (James Frazer)... :, 2005., (Sigmund Freud)... :, 2014.... :, 1998. B. Russell, Jeffrey, and W. Wyndham, Mark. Witchcraft and the Demonization of Heresy. ediaevalia 2 (1976): 1-21. Girard, René. Things Hidden since the Foundation of the World, trans. Stephen Bann and Michael Metteer. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1987. Herbert, Henri, and Mauss, Marcel. The Sacrifice: Its nature and Function of

Sacrifice. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1964. Raglan, Lord. Myth and Ritual. Journal of America Folklore 68 (1995): 454-61. Zenkin, Sergey. GEORGES BATAILLE: Science and Continuity. Romanische Forschungen 123 (2011): 27-44.

148 Abstract Sacrificial Ritual and Erotism in Midsommar (2019) : Georges Bataille s Concept of Continuity and Internal Change Midsommar, a folk horror film written and directed by Ari Aster, portrays the gruesome deaths taking place at the Swedish Midsummer festival. However, these deaths are allowed and encouraged in this festival because they are part of the public ceremony in observing the life cycle that the Hårga community believes. This form of ritual is a turning point to the community for the next cycle. Midsommar displays a form of sacrificial ritual as the villagers plot the killing of outside guests for the community s ritual practice. The purpose of this sacrificial ritual is to offer a life by turning death into life. This paradox between life and death can be explained by Georges Bataille s Erotism, which deeply delves into the concept of Eros. Bataille defined the foundation of the existence as continuity and introduced Erotism as a process of transforming into new continuity. Through this process, death no longer leads to discontinuity. Bataille claimed that sexual behavior and religious offering resemble each other based on the principle of Erotism. I analyze Midsommar by focusing on how deaths become acceptable in the exchange of a new life that the Erotism refers to. Such analysis is an approach of religious studies, viewing the deaths taking place at Midsommar as sacrificial ritual. Deaths at Midsommar, which involve Taboo, violation, and the internal change, will be evaluated by the notion of Erotism. In particular, the characteristic of the sacrificial ritual that is tied directly to a community s survival will be examined and applied to the fundamental function of

this festival. The next step will be to analyze how religious Erotism leads to self-affirmation at an individual level through Dani, who is the main character of this movie. Key Words: Midsommar, Ari Aster, Georges Bataille, Erotism, Sacrificial Ritual, Continuity