林 (NICU) 見 率 NICU 6-7% 數 率 率 25% 落 (colonization) 25% (VLBW) 年 genotype 聯 candida enterocytes (microvilli) 連 (junctions) 降 落數 數 28 見 類 ( )Candida (C) C. albicans (C.alb.), C. parapsilosis (C. para.), C. glabrata (C. gla.), c. lusitaneae (C. lusi.) ( )Aspergillus (Asp.) Asp. fumigatus (Asp. fumi.), Asp flavus (Asp. fla) ( ) Mulassezia (M.): M. furfur (M. f.), M. pachydermatis (M.p.) 若 易 C. alb 易 C. para., M.f. M.p.; (TPN) 易 C. M. 流 易 Asp 率 數 0.4~2 VLBW 率 12~15% 罹 率 800 8% 801-1000 3% 1001~1500 1% 1500 0.3% 1500 7% 2500 0.6% 易罹 3
兩 cephalosporins) 留 (central venous catheter) (TPN lipid emulsions) 例 histamine H2 receptor antagonists 1. 1500 2. Apgar score 5 5 3. 4.T 數量 5.(neutrophil) 數量 6. 量不 數 cephalosporins 類 降 數 35 若 hydrocortisone candidiasis 度 切 candida C. alb. candidiasis 狀 見 (deeply erythematous skin rash) WBC 5 /mm3 neutrophilia 2~3 x Pneumonitis 索 尿 x x 療 (Nystatin Azoles-Miconazole Clotrimazole) Amphotericin B (Amp-B)/ 1 mg/kg 療 Candida Candida 泌尿 見 例 泌尿 尿 尿 不 Candida candiduria 4
renal candidiasis fungal mycelia 50% candiduria 泌尿 fungal mycelia 塞 calyces 泌尿 塞 不 50% 例 療 若 尿 立 尿 泌尿 Azoles ( 例 Fluconazole 4-6 mg/kg/day) 若 泌尿 Amp-B 療 Candida peritonitis 例 見 例 罹 療 Gram stain 切 candida 裂 例 療 療 Amp-B 療 Ampicillin Aminoglycoside 療 enterococi G(-) Clindamycin 療 Amp-B 0.3-0.5 mg/kg/day 7-10 Gram stain 24-48 Candidemia line infection 1980 年 candida candida late onset sepsis 見 9% 30 Candida 43% 落 臨 狀 不 不 異 數量 heparin 來 不 C. alb. C. para candidemia 例 90% candida C.krusei Azoles 數 益 例 C. alb 率 臨 狀 candida 來 切 立 10% 狀 50% candida 立 立 5
療 candidemia 1-3 立 candidemia 率降 3 不 立 6 率 39% 塞 (catheter associated thrombi) Amp-B 1~1.5 mg/kg/day 立 5-Fluocytosine 25 mg/kg/day 療 度 25~50 µg/ml 80% Amp-B creatinine 數 不 療 列 理 1. 2. 3. 10-14 Disseminated candidiasis Catheter 流行 (15.2%) (7.7%)(6%) 易 C. alb. 率 C.para., 率 30% 若 C.alb. 不易 7 不 cytokine 不 不 ( ) 1000 罹 易 尿 類 露 糖狀 易 例 69% candida 理切 尿 療 Amp-B 0.7~1.0 mg/kg/ day 若 Fluconazole 療 ( ) lipophilic organism M.f M.p TPN Intrafat 異 狀 例 糖 不 數 立 離 Malassezia 不 若 Amp-B 0.5 mg/kg/day 療 7 ( )Aspergillus 見 度 例 Di George syndrome myeloperoxidase deficiency 6
例 osteomyelitis brain abscess Gomori-methenamine silver stain 切 ELISA 不 83% Triazoles 不 療 Aspergillus Amp-B 1-1.5mg/kg/day ( )Trichosporin beigelii 見 Amp-B 率 ( ) 數 28 療 ( ) candida ( ) 不 臨 狀 ( ) Amp-B 療 Amp-B 力 料 量 療 異 Fluconazole 療 Amp-B Amp-B ( ) Fluconazole 度 不 不理 易 coagulase negative staphylococcus 不 Reference: 1. Curr Opin Infect Dis. 2004 Jun; 17(3):253-9. Fungal infection in the very low birthweight infants. Kaufman D. Department of Pediatrics, Division of Neonatology, University of Virginia 2. Eur J Clin Microbiol Infect Dis. 2004 Oct;23(10):745-50. Neonatal candidiasis: analysis of epidemiology, drug susceptibility, and molecular typing of causative isolates. Roilides E, Farmaki E, Evdoridou, J, Dotis J, Hatziioannidis E, Tsivitanidou M, Bibashi E, Filioti I, Sofianou D, Gil- Lamaignere C, Mueller FM, Kremenopoulos G. 3rd Department of Pediatrics, Hippokration Hospital, Aristotle University, Konstantinoupoleos 49, 546 42 Thessaloniki, Greece, roilides@med.auth.gr 3. J Hosp Infect 2004 Nov; 58(3):200-3. Genotyping analysis of colonizing candidal isolates from very-low-birthweight infants in a neonatal intensive care unit. 7
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