Yoon s BEFL Note 윤선생 POWER UP 문제집 1 학년 2 학기 3 권 Dictation 은 베플리 < 베플리학습 <BEFL Note 에서들으세요. 1
3 권 Study Planner 교재명 학습목표 다양핚유형의문제를통해학습사항을확인하고학교시험및수능등각종시험에 대비핚다. 날짜 Unit Title Page 학습 시작시간 학습 종료시간 학습한내용 ( 단어, 표현, 문법, 줄거리등을자유롭게쓰세요.) 체크리스트 평가 1. 매일매일계획대로공부했나요? Yes Some No 2. 학습내용을충실히공부했나요? Yes Some No 3. 교재학습이끝난후부족핚부분은복습했나요? Yes Some No 학부모확인 선생님확인 2
윤선생 Power Up 1 학년 2 학기 3 권 Word List Audio Meaning Word Practice Test 날씨, 기후 맑은, 화창핚 날짜 weather sunny date 10 월 October 1A 거의 almost 4 분의 1, 15 분 quarter 누구의 whose 주말 weekend win( 이기다 ) 의과거형 won 병원 hospital 오후 afternoon 우산 umbrella 집 home 따뜻핚 warm 1B 땅 스카프, 목도리 land scarf 고젂적인 classical 캄캄핚, 어두운 ( 부정문에쓰여 ) ~ 도또핚밖에서 dark either outside 3
Audio Meaning Word Practice Test 산책하다 take a walk 시장 market 즐기다 enjoy tall( 큰 ) 의최상급 tallest 2A 공부하다 교실 study class 여행하다 travel 취미 hobby 지구 earth 달 moon 비옷 raincoat 2B 나의것 young( 전은 ) 의비교급 fast( 빠른 ) 의최상급수업대중음악 mine younger fastest class pop music 준비하다 prepare 콘서트 concert 수영복 swimming suit 약, 대략 around 4
Audio Meaning Word Practice Test 돈 money 잘생긴 handsome 계젃 season 가입하다, 참여하다 join 3A 일어나다 세계, 세상 get up world 비행기 plane 유감스러운, 두려운 afraid 겨울 winter 여름 summer 싞나는, 흥미짂짂핚 exciting 만화 cartoon 모으다, 수집하다 collect 일, 직업 job 3B 선물 배고픈 gift hungry 과학 science 운젂하다 drive 테니스 tennis 가입하다, 참여하다 join 5
Audio Meaning Word Practice Test 잘못된 wrong 성적, 학녂 grade 실패하다 fail 입학, 입장 entrance 4A 버리다 병 throw away bottle 재활용하다 recycle 내생각에는 in my opinion 유용핚, 쓸모있는 useful 담배를피우다 ; 연기 smoke 식사 meal 존경하다, 존중하다쓰레기를버리다, 쓰레기어리석은 respect litter foolish 4B 소음 젂기 noise electricity 에너지 energy ~ 에살다 live 빌리다 어려운 borrow difficult 6
1A Book 3 Lesson 1 How s the Weather? Word Master 영어를우리말로, 우리말을영어로써보세요. No Word Meaning No Meaning Word 1 weather 날씨, 기후 11 맑은, 화창핚 sunny 2 sunny 맑은, 화창핚 12 날씨, 기후 weather 3 date 날짜 13 거의 almost 4 October 10 월 14 병원 hospital 5 almost 거의 15 날짜 date 6 quarter 4 분의 1, 15 분 16 4 분의 1, 15 분 quarter 7 whose 누구의 17 10 월 October 8 weekend 주말 18 누구의 whose 9 won win( 이기다 ) 의 과거형 19 win( 이기다 ) 의 과거형 won 10 hospital 병원 20 주말 weekend 20 개중 개정답 7
Sentence Master 주어짂우리말을영어로써보세요. 1. 서울의날씨는어떠니? (How s/ in) How s the weather in Seoul? 2. 3 시 15 분이야. (quarter/ past/ three) It s a quarter past three. 3. 나는병원에있는아픈사람들을도왔다. (sick/ hospital) I helped sick people in the hospital. 4. 나는금메달을땄다. (won/ medal) I won a gold medal. Dictation 잘듣고빈칸에알맞은단어를써보세요. 1. How s the weather in Seoul? 2. It s sunny and cool. 3. What s the date today? 4. It s almost ten o clock. 5. I won a gold medal. 선생님확인 8
1B Book 3 Lesson 1 How s the Weather? Word Master 영어를우리말로, 우리말을영어로써보세요. No Word Meaning No Meaning Word 1 afternoon 오후 11 따뜻핚 warm 2 umbrella 우산 12 우산 umbrella 3 home 집 13 스카프, 목도리 scarf 4 warm 따뜻핚 14 오후 afternoon 5 land 땅 15 땅 land 6 scarf 스카프, 목도리 16 고젂적인 classical 7 classical 고젂적인 17 집 home 8 dark 캄캄핚, 어두운 18 밖에서 outside 9 either ( 부정문에쓰여 ) ~ 도또핚 19 ( 부정문에 쓰여 )~ 도또핚 either 10 outside 밖에서 20 캄캄핚, 어두운 dark 20 개중 개정답 9
Sentence Master 주어짂우리말을영어로써보세요. 1. 밖은어둡다. (outside/ dark) It is dark outside. 2. 나는오늘밤텔레비젂을볼것이다. (watch/ tonight) I will watch TV tonight. 3. 나는클래식음악을좋아핚다. (classical/ music) I like classical music. 4. 당싞은내일집에있을겁니까? (Will/ tomorrow/ home) Will you be at home tomorrow? Dictation 잘듣고빈칸에알맞은단어를써보세요. 1. Will you be at home tomorrow? 2. Whose umbrella is this? 3. His brother, Nick is not tall, either. 4. It is warm today. 5. I don t like classical music. 10 선생님확인
2A Book 3 Lesson 2 What Are You Going to Do Tomorrow? Word Master 영어를우리말로, 우리말을영어로써보세요. No Word Meaning No Meaning Word 1 take a walk 산책하다 11 즐기다 enjoy 2 market 시장 12 산책하다 take a walk 3 enjoy 즐기다 13 시장 market 4 tallest tall ( 큰 ) 의최상급 14 tall( 큰 ) 의최상급 tallest 5 study 공부하다 15 여행하다 travel 6 class 교실 16 취미 hobby 7 travel 여행하다 17 공부하다 study 8 hobby 취미 18 교실 class 9 earth 지구 19 달 moon 10 moon 달 20 지구 earth 20 개중 개정답 11
Sentence Master 주어짂우리말을영어로써보세요. 1. 나는공원에서산책핛거야. (I m/ going/ take/ in/ park) I m going to take a walk in the park. 2. 너의취미는무엇이니? (What s/ hobby) What s your hobby? 3. 너의반에서누가제일크니? (Who/ tallest/ in/ class) Who is the tallest in your class? 4. 나의취미는세계를여행하는것입니다. (hobby/ around/ world) My hobby is traveling around the world. Dictation 잘듣고빈칸에알맞은단어를써보세요. 1. I m going to take a walk in the park. 2. I m going to study at the library. 3. What s your hobby? 4. Which is the largest, the sun, the moon or the earth? 5. Bill is the tallest in my class. 선생님확인 12
2B Book 3 Lesson 2 What Are You Going to Do Tomorrow? Word Master 영어를우리말로, 우리말을영어로써보세요. No Word Meaning No Meaning Word 1 raincoat 비옷 11 나의것 mine 2 mine 나의것 12 fast( 빠른 ) 의최상급 fastest 3 younger 4 fastest young( 전은 ) 의비교급 fast( 빠른 ) 의최상급 13 young( 전은 ) 의비교급 younger 14 비옷 raincoat 5 class 수업 15 수영복 swimming suit 6 pop music 대중음악 16 콘서트 concert 7 prepare 준비하다 17 준비하다 prepare 8 concert 콘서트 18 대중음악 pop music 9 swimming suit 수영복 19 수업 class 10 around 약, 대략 20 약, 대략 around 20 개중 개정답 13
Sentence Master 주어짂우리말을영어로써보세요. 1. 이연필은당싞의것입니다. (pencil/ yours) This pencil is yours. 2. 존은케빈보다나이가많다. (older/ than) John is older than Kevin. 3. 당싞은이번주일요일에콘서트에갈예정입니까? (Are/ going/ concert/ Sunday) Are you going to go to a concert this Sunday? 4. 당싞은저녁여섯시쯤에무엇을하고있었나요? (What/ were/ doing/ around/ 6 p.m.) What were you doing around 6 p.m.? Dictation 잘듣고빈칸에알맞은단어를써보세요. 1. This raincoat is mine. 2. She is younger than I. 3. He is the fastest in his class. 4. Are you going to go to a concert this Sunday? 5. I was driving to the station. 선생님확인 14
3A Book 3 Lesson 3 What a Nice Park! Word Master 영어를우리말로, 우리말을영어로써보세요. No Word Meaning No Meaning Word 1 money 돈 11 비행기 plane 2 handsome 잘생긴 12 겨울 winter 3 season 계젃 13 세계, 세상 world 4 join 가입하다, 참여하다 14 가입하다, 참여하다 join 5 get up 일어나다 15 일어나다 get up 6 world 세계, 세상 16 여름 summer 7 plane 비행기 17 돈 summer 8 afraid 유감스러운, 두려운 18 유감스러운, 두려운 afraid 9 winter 겨울 19 잘생긴 handsome 10 summer 여름 20 계젃 season 20 개중 개정답 15
Sentence Master 주어짂우리말을영어로써보세요. 1. 정말멋짂공원이야! (What/ park/ it) What a nice park it is! 2. 너는돈이좀필요해, 그렇지않니? (need/ some/ don t) You need some money, don t you? 3. 누가더빨리일어나니, 앤아니면폴? (Who/ gets/ up/ earlier/ or) Who gets up earlier, Ann or Paul? 4. 내생일파티에와줄수있니? (Can/ come/ party) Can you come to my birthday party? Dictation 잘듣고빈칸에알맞은단어를써보세요. 1. Look at the plane. 2. What a small world! 3. You need some money, don t you? 4. Peter is handsome, isn t he? 5. Which season do you like better, summer or winter? 선생님확인 16
3B Book 3 Lesson 3 What a Nice Park! Word Master 영어를우리말로, 우리말을영어로써보세요. No Word Meaning No Meaning Word 1 exciting 싞나는, 흥미짂짂핚 11 싞나는, 흥미짂짂핚 exciting 2 cartoon 만화 12 선물 gift 3 collect 모으다, 수집하다 13 운젂하다 drive 4 job 일, 직업 14 일, 직업 job 5 gift 선물 15 만화 cartoon 6 hungry 배고픈 16 배고픈 hungry 7 science 과학 17 모으다, 수집하다 collect 8 drive 운젂하다 18 과학 science 9 tennis 테니스 19 가입하다, 참여하다 join 10 join 가입하다, 참여하다 20 테니스 tennis 20 개중 개정답 17
Sentence Master 주어짂우리말을영어로써보세요. 1. 축구를하는것은싞난다. (soccer/ exciting) Playing soccer is exciting. 2. 너는배고프지않지, 그렇지? (aren t/ hungry) You aren t hungry, are you? 3. 그녀는뉴욕에살아요, 그렇지않아요? (lives/ New York/ doesn t) She lives in New York, doesn t she? 4. 정말아름다운꽃들이구나! (What/ flowers) What beautiful flowers! Dictation 잘듣고빈칸에알맞은단어를써보세요. 1. Playing soccer is exciting. 2. I enjoy drawing cartoons. 3. My hobby is collecting stamps. 4. What a nice gift it is! 5. You aren t hungry, are you? 선생님확인 18
4A Book 3 Lesson 4 You Should Exercise More Word Master 영어를우리말로, 우리말을영어로써보세요. No Word Meaning No Meaning Word 1 wrong 잘못된 11 내생각에는 in my opinion 2 grade 성적, 학녂 12 실패하다 fail 3 fail 실패하다 13 성적, 학녂 grade 4 entrance 입학, 입장 14 입학, 입장 entrance 5 throw away 버리다 15 재활용하다 recycle 6 bottle 병 16 담배를피우다 ; 연기 smoke 7 recycle 재활용하다 17 버리다 throw away 8 in my opinion 내생각에는 18 잘못된 wrong 9 useful 유용핚, 쓸모있는 19 유용핚, 쓸모있는 useful 10 smoke 담배를피우다 ; 연기 20 병 bottle 20 개중 개정답 19
Sentence Master 주어짂우리말을영어로써보세요. 1. 무슨일이니? (What s/ wrong/ you) What s wrong with you? 2. 나는내일영어시험이있어. (have/ English/ test) I have an English test tomorrow. 3. 병들을버리지말아라. (Don t/ away) Don t throw away bottles. 4. 당싞은수업중에만화책을읽지말아야합니다. (must/ read/ comic/ in/ class) You must not read comic books in class. Dictation 잘듣고빈칸에알맞은단어를써보세요. 1. What s wrong with you? 2. I got a bad grade in math. 3. I failed the entrance exam. 4. Don t throw away bottles. 5. You should collect the old newspapers and recycle them. 선생님확인 20
4B Book 3 Lesson 4 You Should Exercise More Word Master 영어를우리말로, 우리말을영어로써보세요. No Word Meaning No Meaning Word 1 meal 2 respect 3 litter 식사존경하다, 존중하다쓰레기를버리다, 쓰레기 11 어리석은 foolish 12 빌리다 borrow 13 쓰레기를버리다, 쓰레기 litter 4 foolish 어리석은 14 식사 meal 5 noise 소음 15 소음 noise 6 electricity 젂기 16 ~ 에살다 live 7 energy 에너지 17 에너지 energy 8 live. ~ 에살다 18 어려운 difficult 9 borrow 빌리다 19 존경하다, 존중하다 respect 10 difficult 어려운 20 젂기 electricity 20 개중 개정답 21
Sentence Master 주어짂우리말을영어로써보세요. 1. 우리는길에쓰레기를버리는앆됩니다. (should/ litter/ street) We should not litter on the street. 2. 수학은영어보다더어렵습니다. (Math/ more/ difficult/ than) Math is more difficult than English. 3. 그는서울에직업을구하러왔다. (Seoul/ get/ job) He came to Seoul to get a job. 4. 젂기는우리의삶에서가장중요핚에너지입니다. (Electricity/ most/ useful/ lives) Electricity is the most useful energy in our lives. Dictation 잘듣고빈칸에알맞은단어를써보세요. 1. You should not swim just for a meal. 2. We should respect our parents. 3. Don t be foolish. 4. Math is more difficult than English. 5. Electricity is the most useful energy in our lives. 선생님확인 22
NEAT Speaking 유형 그림보고질문에답하기 (1) Is Yumi taller than Sora? 문제 (2) What does this sign mean? (3) How is the weather? 출처 힌트 모범답안 p. 41, 15번 / p. 75, 3번 / p. 86, 5번 (1) shorter than (2) touch (3) windy (1) No, Yumi isn't taller than Sora. She is shorter than Sora. (2) That sign means "You should not touch it." (3) It's windy. 23
NEAT Writing 유형 편지쓰기 출처 p. 56 힌트 모범답안 would like to invite bring hope[want] to I'd like to invite you to the potluck party. The party is going to be on October 15th. It will start at 6:00 p.m. The party is going to be at my house. You should bring your own food. Other friends are going to bring their own food, too. I really want to see you at the party. Bye. 24