Table of Contents Education for... 4 Leadership Development... 6 Nurturing for Community... 8 Social Action Spiritual Growth Large Print..

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2016 Reading Program Programa de Lectura 독서프로그램 1-800-305-9857

Table of Contents Education for... 4 Leadership Development... 6 Nurturing for Community... 8 Social Action... 10 Spiritual Growth... 12 Large Print... 15 Children... 17 Youth... 19 Libros en español... 22 한국어서적... 23 Recommended Reading... 26 About the Reading Program... 27 Acerca del Programa de Lectura... 30 한국어프로그램안내...33 Order Form... 36 Formulario de Pedido... 37 한국어주문서...38 Sources for the Visually Impaired... 39 Shipping Information... 39 Costo de Procesamiento y Envío... 39 배송정보... 39 Ordering Information... 40 Cómo hacer Pedidos... 40 주문정보... 40 Greetings! We are happy to present the 2016 Reading List you will find some titles that enhance your knowledge and understanding and some that may take you out of your comfort zone. I hope you will enjoy the journey. More and more books are being published digitally for e-readers, computers, smartphones and tablets. Whichever device you use to read, you might find it easier and less expensive to access books electronically. So you will see information in this catalog that refers to e-books and other formats. Should you get on board? Probably; technology is here to stay. However, we will continue to provide paper copies as long as they are available. Please feel free to communicate about these books and how the Reading Program leads to action in your community. Visit the Reading Program online group at and start a conversation. Brenda Thompson Reading Program Specialist Saludos! Tenemos la alegría de presentarles el Plan de Lectura 2016 encontrará algunos títulos que favorecerán su conocimiento y su inteligencia, y otros que lo motivarán a salir de su zona de comodidad. Es mi deseo que disfrute de este proceso. Se publican cada vez más libros en formato digital para lectores electrónicos, computadoras, teléfonos inteligentes, y tabletas. Cualquiera sea el soporte en el que usted lee, es posible que encuentre más sencillo y más económico el acceso a los libros en formato electrónico. Por eso hemos incluido en este catálogo información que lo orientará hacia los e-libros y otros formatos. Debe usted subirse a bordo? Probablemente sí; la tecnología llegó para quedarse. Sin embargo, seguiremos proveyendo copias en papel siempre que estén disponibles. Siéntase en libertad de comunicarse con nosotros respecto a estos libros y a la manera en que el Programa de Lectura estimula a su comunidad a ponerse en acción. Visite el Programa de Lectura en línea en e inicie una conversación allí. Brenda Thompson Especialista en el Programa de Lectura 안녕하세요. 2016년독서목록이준비되어서반갑습니다. 어떤책들은여러분에게지식과이해력을도와주겠지만, 어떤책들은여러분을여러분들의안전지대밖으로인도할지도모르겠습니다. 그여정을즐기시기바랍니다. 많은책들이전자책단말기, 컴퓨터, 스마트폰, 태블릿을사용할수있도록전자로출판되고있습니다. 전자책을쓰시겠어요? 아마그렇게될것입니다. 과학발달은여기그대로있을터이니까요. 그러나책이종이로출판이되는한계속해서책을공급해드리겠습니다. 이책들에대하여, 또여러분들의커뮤니티에서이독서프로그램이어떻게행동으로이끌어지는지를저희들에게알려주시기를바랍니다. 독서프로그램온라인그룹을다음웹사이트에서방문하여저희들과대화를나누어주십시요. program 브렌다톰슨독서프로그램전문가 Suggestions, recommendations or comments about Reading Program books can be sent to the Reading Program, United Women, Room 1505, 475 Riverside Drive, New York, NY 10115. E-mail: Please indicate title, author, publisher, date of publication and price. Sugerencias, recomendaciones o comentarios sobre los libros del Programa de Lectura se pueden enviar a Programa de Lectura, Mujeres Metodistas Unidas, 475 Riverside Drive, Oficina 1505, New York, NY 10115. Correo Electrónico: Por favor indique título, autor, editor, fecha de publicación y precio. 독서프로그램권장도서로추천할만한책이있거나권장도서에대한제안및평가등의견이있다면독서프로그램담당자에게연락해주시기바랍니다. United Women Room 1505, 475 Riverside Drive, New York, NY 10115. 이메일 : 추천하는책의제목, 저자, 출판사, 출판년도, 가격등을반드시명기해주시기바랍니다. 3

EDUCATION FOR MISSION CHASING THE DIVINE IN THE HOLY LAND Ruth Everhart Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Company (2012) $18.00 176 pages RP1601 Ruth Everhart jumped at the offer to travel to the Holy Land as one of several ministers taking part in a documentary about pilgrimage. Little did she know just how demanding and rewarding her transformation from Presbyterian minister, wife and mom to pilgrim would be. In these pages, she writes about her trip into the dust and beauty of Christianity s cradle. COFFEE, TEA, AND HOLY WATER: One Woman s Journey to Experience Christianity Around the Globe Amanda Hudson Abingdon Press (2015) $16.99 224 pages RP1602 In Coffee, Tea, and Holy Water, Amanda Hudson provides a personal touch to profound questions about the nature and practice of faith as she travels to Brazil, Wales, Tanzania, China and Honduras. This book is about the places we meet, what we share, and the steps we take to cross geographical, cultural and personal borders. B UNBOUND: The Transformative Power of Youth Trips Jann Treadwell Huff Publishing Associates (2014) $20.00 136 pages RP1604 This is an essential guide for leaders and adult volunteers who want to create transformative experiences for young people and help them use their gifts to be a blessing to others. Filled with practical insights and ideas for navigating the details of planning and leading a mission trip, this book is theologically grounded, builds community and creates memories that will last a lifetime. THE UNDERGROUND GIRLS OF KABUL: In Search of a Hidden Resistance in Afghanistan Jenny Nordberg Broadway Books (2015) $15.00 384 Pages RP1603 In Afghanistan, where the birth of a son is celebrated and the arrival of a daughter is mourned, a bacha posh ( dressed up like a boy in Dari) is a third kind of child a girl raised as a boy with all the opportunities and freedoms boys enjoy. Written by the reporter who covered the phenomenon for the New York Times, this is the story of Azita, a female parliamentarian who sees no other choice for her fourth daughter. EDUCATION FOR MISSION 4 5

EDUCATION FOR MISSION EDUCATION FOR MISSION B UPRISING: A New Age Is Dawning for Every Mother s Daughter Sally Armstrong Thomas Dunne Books (2014) $26.99 288 pages RP1605 Meet the game changers, from Asia and Africa to America. From New York to Nairobi and from Kabul to Caracas, women are altering the status quo and organizing to protest rape, honor killings, polygamy, stoning and a dozen other religiously or culturally sanctified acts of violence against females. According to Armstrong, the earth is shifting when it comes to the status of women. LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT THE ANDREW PARADIGM: How to Be a Lead Follower of Jesus Michael J. Coyner Abingdon Press (2012) $14.99 112 pages RP1606 Like Jesus disciple Andrew, excellent Christian leadership is more about following Jesus than it is about learning the latest fads from business or seminary. Leadership must be granted, earned and supported by those who are willing to follow. This book takes a fresh look at some of the hard sayings of Jesus and introduces us to ordinary Christ followers who exemplify obedience and live as devoted disciples of Jesus. I AM MALALA: The Girl Who Stood Up for Education and was Shot by the Taliban Malala Yousafzai Back Bay Books (2015) $16.00 368 pages RP1607 When the Taliban took control of the Swat Valley in Pakistan, one girl spoke out. Malala Yousafzai refused to be silenced and fought for her right to an education, almost paying the ultimate price. Instead, the 16-year-old s miraculous recovery has taken her on an extraordinary journey from a remote valley in northern Pakistan to the halls of the United Nations in New York. THE WEIGHT OF MERCY: A Novice Pastor on the City Streets Deb Richardson-Moore Monarch Books (2012) $13.99 288 pages RP1644 Deb Richardson-Moore spent 27 years as a journalist in the Deep South. She then retrained as a Baptist pastor and accepted a post at a run-down, inner-city church where the homeless gathered. Initially shocked, she gradually learned whom she could trust and whom she couldn t. She found that sometimes the best person to handle a situation was a drug addict, and that sometimes Jesus has the face of a prostitute. All were fiercely welcomed into this bewildering church family. LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT 6 7

NURTURING FOR COMMUNITY DREAMERS: An Immigrant Generation s Fight for their American Dream Eileen Truax Beacon Press (2015) $15.00 224 pages RP1609 In Dreamers, Eileen Truax illuminates the stories of the roughly two million undocumented immigrants living in the United States who came here as children. They grew up here, going to elementary, middle, and high school, but are ineligible for financial aid for college and are unable to be legally employed. In recent years, this young generation of dreamers has begun organizing, becoming the newest face of the human rights movement. HOUSE OF PURPLE CEDAR Tim Tingle Cinco Puntos Press (2014) $16.95 192 pages RP1610 This is the story of Rose Goode s upbringing in Indian Territory. Skullyville, a oncethriving Choctaw community, was destroyed by land-grabbers, culminating in the arson of New Hope Academy for Girls on New Year s Eve, 1896. Twenty Choctaw girls died, but Rose escaped. Soon after, her grandfather Amafo was humiliated in front of the town s people. But instead of asking the Choctaw community to avenge him, he decided to follow the path of forgiveness. I LOVE GROWING OLDER, BUT I LL NEVER GROW OLD J. Ellsworth Kalas Abingdon Press (2013) $14.99 160 pages RP1611 J. Ellsworth Kalas says, Older is a journey. Old is a destination. This book is about learning how to make peace with whatever you are right now. It s about learning from the past and then moving past it. It s about growing and continuing to grow personally, spiritually and in our relationships with God and with others. MISS BRENDA AND THE LOVELADIES: A Heartwarming True Story of Grace, God, and Gumption Brenda Spahn and Irene Zutell WaterBrook Press (2015) $14.99 240 pages RP1612 Brenda Spahn was a businesswoman who wouldn t take no for an answer when she discovered that God wouldn t either. When she invited seven hardened parolees into her home, she expected to house them, not love them. But her reluctant decision to serve female prisoners developed into a career, a calling and a ministry that has helped thousands of women leave prison behind for good. NURTURING FOR COMMUNITY 8 9

NURTURING FOR COMMUNITY NURTURING FOR COMMUNITY NOT WORTH SAVING: How a Severely Handicapped Boy Transformed Lives Ann Joyner Nazarene Publishing House (2014) $14.99 160 pages RP1613 When doctors told Ann Joyner that her unborn child s life was not worth saving, her determination, found through faith, assured that not only did he live, but that he thrived. Not Worth Saving shares the story of Matthew Joyner s 21 miraculous and grace-filled years, unwittingly revealing so much more about the number of lives and hearts he changed simply by being alive. B SOCIAL ACTION JUST MERCY: A Story of Justice and Redemption Bryan Stevenson Spiegel & Grau (2015) $16.00 368 pages RP1614 A powerful, true story about the potential for mercy to redeem us and a call to fix our broken system of justice, from one of the most brilliant and influential lawyers of our time. Bryan Stevenson was a young lawyer when he founded the Equal Justice Initiative, a legal practice dedicated to defending those most desperate and in need the poor, the wrongly condemned, and women and children trapped in the farthest reaches of our criminal justice system. REWILDING OUR HEARTS: Building Pathways of Compassion and Coexistence Marc Bekoff New World Library (2014) $14.95 216 pages RP1615 Activist Marc Bekoff, one of the world s leading animal experts, applies the principle of rewilding (restoring habitats and creating corridors between preserved lands to allow declining populations to rebound) to human attitudes. Rewilding Our Hearts invites readers to do the essential work of becoming re-enchanted with the world, acting from the inside out, and dissolving false boundaries to truly connect with both nature and ourselves. B WE SHALL NOT BE MOVED: s Debate Race, Gender and Homosexuality Jane Ellen Nickell Pickwick Publications (2014) $25.00 218 pages RP1616 As Protestant denominations fracture over whether to ordain gays and lesbians, this work looks at The United Church s conversations to see what can be learned from earlier periods of change. In light of Methodism s historic contests over the leadership of African Americans and women and using the uniform context of the General Conference, this book analyzes transcripts of floor debates in key years of these struggles, letting the arguments speak for themselves. SOCIAL ACTION 10 11

SOCIAL ACTION SOCIAL ACTION SPIRITUAL GROWTH SPIRITUAL GROWTH THE WHITE UMBRELLA: Walking with Survivors of Sex Trafficking Mary Francis Bowley Moody Publishers (2012) $13.99 208 pages RP1617 Every year, over 100,000 children in the United States are forced to do someone s sexual bidding. Most of them are between the ages of 9 and 19. This is not a faraway, foreign problem; this is in our neighborhoods, our towns and our cities. Throughout these pages are the stories of these girls and the people who have come alongside them to hold the white umbrella of protection and purity over them on the road to restoration. CURED BUT NOT HEALED: How to Experience Deeper Faith on Your Journey with God Kymberley Clemons-Jones Professional Woman Publishing (2012) $14.95 168 pages RP1618 Reverend Clemons-Jones asks, can you be cured but not healed? In this book, you will find instructions on how to develop a better relationship with your creator. You will find the author s words challenging and comforting at times and you will find encouragement to keep seeking the Lord with all your body, mind, and spirit. By the end, you will find restoration in your newly engaged relationship with God. Bible study is included. KEY UNITED METHODIST BELIEFS William J. Abraham and David F. Watson Abingdon Press (2013) $15.99 172 pages RP1619 Deepen your faith and enrich your life through this introductory examination of core beliefs. Written by popular seminary teachers, this book will connect you to the life and ministry of John Wesley, demonstrating relevance for the lives of Christians today. MY LIFE AND LESSER CATASTROPHES: An Unflinchingly Honest Journey of Faith Christina Schofield Baker Publishing Group (2011) E-book only RP1620 For Christina Schofield, the difference between life as she knew it and a life of fear and uncertainty was a few pebbles, as the motorcycle she and her husband were riding hit a patch of loose gravel. Thus began an emotional search for the God she thought she knew. With warmth and transparency, Christina describes facing her deepest questions of faith and God s painful silence with honesty and humor, showing that even in the darkest hours, God s goodness shines through. 12 13

SPIRITUAL GROWTH SPIRITUAL GROWTH LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT SOCIAL ACTION large print THINGS YOUR MOTHER NEVER TOLD YOU: A Woman s Guide to Sexuality Kim Gaines Eckert InterVarsity Press (2014) $15.00 171 pages RP1621 Conversations about sex and sexuality matter because they are really about our identity as people created in the image of God. So why aren t Christians talking? In this frank exploration of all aspects of what it means to be a sexual being created by God, Dr. Eckert explores myths that we have absorbed from popular culture and distorted religious teaching. Allow this book to be your companion into a journey to deeper selfunderstanding as you explore things you may have never discussed with anyone. TILLY: A Story of Hope and Resilience Monique Gray Smith Sono Nis Press (2014) $19.95 208 pages RP1622 Tilly has always known she s part Lakota on her dad s side. But it isn t until an angry man shouts something on the street that Tilly realizes her mom is also Aboriginal, a Cree woman taken from her parents as a baby. Loosely based on author Monique Gray Smith s own life, this revealing, important work of creative nonfiction tells the story of a young indigenous woman coming of age in the 1980s. In a spirit of hope, this unique story captures the irrepressible resilience of Tilly and of indigenous people everywhere. GIRLS WITH SWORDS: How to Carry Your Cross Like a Hero Lisa Bevere Gale Cengage Learning (2014) $17.99 332 pages RP1623 What if you discovered you have been entrusted with an invisible, invincible and incorruptible weapon? Would you use it? Move beyond only study and begin to wield the Word of God. Around the world women are the targets of prejudice, human trafficking, abuse and gendercide. It s time women become the heroes God created them to be and stand courageous, discerning, forgiving and wise. IN DEFENSE OF FOOD: An Eater s Manifesto Michael Pollan Gale Cengage Learning (2009) $16.95 329 pages RP1624 Eat Food. Not too much. Mostly plants. Pollan argues that humans used to know how to eat well. But the balanced dietary lessons that were once passed down through generations have been confused, complicated and distorted by food marketers, nutritionists and journalists who all have something to gain. Pollan s manifesto shows us how to recover a more balanced and pleasurable approach to food. 14 15

large print NURTURING FOR COMMUNITY EDUCATION FOR MISSION LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT NURTURING FOR COMMUNITY children A WAIST IS A TERRIBLE THING TO MIND: Loving Your Body, Accepting Yourself, and Living without Regret Karen Scalf Linamen Gale Cengage Learning (2013) $17.99 336 pages RP1625 Serial dieter Karen Linamen, who is way too familiar with up-and-down weight gain/ loss, helps women develop a healthy and positive, yet realistic, relationship with their bodies. Through her own and others soul-baring stories, she shows women the difference between achieving the perfect body and loving the body they have. TWENTY-tWO CENTS: Muhammad Yunus and the Village Bank Paula Yoo and Jamel Akib (Illustrator) Lee & Low Books (2014) $18.95 40 pages RP1626 This is the biography of Nobel Peace Prize winner Muhammad Yunus, who from a young age was determined to make a difference in the world. Eventually he revolutionized global antipoverty efforts by developing the ground-breaking economic model of micro-banking. BECAUSE I AM A GIRL: I CAN CHANGE THE WORLD Rosemary McCarney and Jen Albaugh Second Story Press (2014) $16.95 72 pages RP1627 These amazing girls from all over the world tell stories of lives that are sometimes hard to imagine. In Because I Am a Girl, we hear of the barriers and dangers that they, and millions of girls like them, face every day. But despite their hardships, they have great hope for the future and are willing to do whatever they can to make their lives and those of their families and communities better. LEND A HAND: Poems about Giving John Frank and London Ladd (Illustrator) Lee & Low Books (2014) $17.95 32 pages RP1628 Simple acts of kindness, like sharing a sandwich, volunteering, planting a tree or offering your seat to an elderly person on a bus are the first steps to changing the world. This collection of tender and empowering original poems celebrates the joys of bridging invisible boundaries among people of all ages, backgrounds and abilities. 16 17

children social action SPIRITUAL GROWTH EDUCATION FOR MISSION LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT youth B THE SODA BOTTLE SCHOOL A True Story of Recycling, Teamwork, and One Crazy Idea Laura Kutner, Suzanne Slade and Aileen Darragh (Illustrator) Tilbury House Publishers (2014) $16.95 32 pages RP1629 In a tiny village in Guatemala, people faced two huge problems: they had too much trash and their school was too small. The villagers had tried building a bigger school but ran out of money for materials. Then one person got a wonderful, crazy idea and an amazing thing happened. BEFORE WE EAT: From Farm to Table Pat Brisson and Mary Azarian (Illustrator) Tilbury House Publishers (2014) $16.95 32 pages RP1630 As a family sits down to enjoy a meal, thoughts of those who provide the food, from farmers who plant and tend seeds and animals to store clerks who sell groceries, fill each person with gratitude. OUR RIGHTS: How Kids Are Changing the World Janet Wilson Second Story Press (2013) $18.95 32 pages RP1631 Here are true stories of kids just like you who are standing up for their rights and making a difference. Learn about Dylan Mahalingam from the United States, who started an online charity to raise money to fight child poverty, and child-bride Nujood Ali Mohammed from Yemen, who inspired other girls forced to marry too young. All of these young people are making a difference for children s rights. NATURE GIRL: A Guide to Caring for God s Creation Karen Whiting and Rebecca White Zonderkidz (2014) $7.99 176 pages RP1632 Nature Girl offers fun ways to care for God s creation while becoming an expert in all things green. With activities, recipes, science experiments and much more, you will learn to create recycled jewelry, plan a spa day with friends, and green-care for animals. From the flowers at your feet to the air you breathe, discover how you can make a difference for our planet. 18 19

youth NURTURING FOR COMMUNITY SOCIAL ACTION SPIRITUAL GROWTH youth CRAZY Linda Vigen Phllips Eerdmans Books for Young Readers (2014) $9.00 320 pages RP1633 Fifteen-year-old Laura is a typical teenager navigating her way through classes, friendships and even a new romance. But she s carrying around a secret her mother is suffering from mental illness. No one in her family will talk about it, and Laura is confused and frightened. She finds solace in art, but when her mother, also an artist, breaks down, Laura fears she will follow in her footsteps. DREAMING IN INDIAN: Contemporary Native American Voices Lisa Charleyboy and Mary Beth Leatherdale Annick Press (2014) $19.95 128 pages RP1634 This beautiful, powerful and visually stunning anthology from some of the most groundbreaking Native American artists working in North America today is universal in its themes. Dreaming shatters commonly held stereotypes about what it s like to grow up Native. Over 50 emerging and established contemporary artists contribute to this astounding collection with poignant pieces dealing with everything from painful first loves to the tragic legacy of residential schools. BLUE GOLD Elizabeth Stewart Annick Press (2014) $12.95) 296 pages RP1635 Three teen girls on three continents are linked by the rare mineral coltan, also known as blue gold, used in technology manufacturing. Sylvie lives in the Congo, where she has fled the conflict over the mineral; Laiping lives in China and works in a factory building components; and Fiona lives in Canada. But they are all connected by one thing cell phones. COALTOWN JESUS Ron Koertge Candlewick Press (2013) $16.99 128 pages RP1636 Even though he d prayed for help for his mother, who hasn t stopped crying since his brother died two months ago, Walker was still surprised to find Jesus standing in the middle of his bedroom. But as astounding as Jesus appearance is, it s going to take more than divine intervention for Walker to come to terms with Noah s death. Why would God take 17-year-old Noah? Why would he send Jesus to pick up the pieces? Why didn t he just keep Noah from dying? 20 21

ESPAÑOL CRECIMIENTO ESPIRITUAL CRECIMIENTO ESPIRITUAL LETRA GRANDE 사회참여 지도력개발 한국어도서 DOCTRINA METODISTA: Los fundamentos Ted A. Campbell Abingdon Press (2012) $19.99 165 páginas E-book disponible RP1637 Este libro resume las doctrinas fundamentales que las denominaciones de la familia wesleyana comparten. En una forma concisa y amena, nos presenta las enseñanzas históricas comunes de las iglesias metodistas con el cristianismo ecuménico y los aspectos distintivos de la tradición metodista en sus varias formas contemporáneas. DOS TIPOS DE PERSONAS: Lecciones para una Vida Abundante Jaime Nolla Nolla Ministries (2013) $12.00 100 páginas RP1638 Este es un libro de sermones que describe las dos clases de personas que están en búsqueda de una vida abundante: los que tienen esperanza en Dios y los que se dan por vencidos. Con ilustraciones de la vida diaria, nacidas de su experiencia pastoral, el autor nos hace reflexionar sobre la vida abundante que Dios quiere que vivamos. 한국교회여낮은곳에서라한완상서울 : 포이에마, 2009 $18.70 311 쪽 RP1639 이책은저자한완상님의한국교회를향한애정이담긴충고이다. 가난한자들과소외된자들에게하나님의나라를선포하고경험하게하셨던예수님의사역에서멀어진한국교회에게역사의현장에참여하여참된예수님의뜻을구현하는낮은자를위한사역을하라고간곡하게권하고있다. 뒤에수록된에필로그에서는한국교회가예수님의마음을배울수있는안내가들어있고부록에서는비인간화된종교에대해서도이야기한다. 한국교회를향한충고이기도하지만, 잘읽어보면한인이민교회와미국에있는미국교회들도귀담아들어야할이시대의중요한메시지가담겨있다. 리더쉽불변의법칙 존맥스웰비지니스북스, 2008 $18.48 428 쪽 RP1640 이책은리더쉽분야의세계최고권위자인존맥스웰이자신의저서를새로운사례들과통찰력을더하여다듬은출판 10 주년기념개정판이다. 리더쉽분야의고전이라고불리는이책은평범한사람들도훈련과정을통해좋은리더가될수있다는신념으로저술되었다. 특히 21 가지의매리더쉽원칙말미에는독자들이자기에게적용할수있는리더쉽매뉴얼이들어있고부록으로는리더쉽진단표가들어있어본인의리더쉽의장단점을파악하게도와준다. 모든리더의필독서이다. 22 23

한국어도서 공동체양육선교교육영적성장 한국어도서 다섯가지사랑의언어게리채프만지음 / 장동숙옮김생명의말씀사, 2010 $12.10 256 쪽 RP1641 한국교회처음예배당구본선 ( 장석철사진 ) 홍성사, 2013 $13.20 295 쪽 RP1642 하나님이기뻐하시는자녀교육미쉘앤서니서울 : 두란노, 2011 $12.76 256 쪽 RP1645 춤추시는하나님헨리나우엔서울 : 두란노, 2002 $9.95 164쪽 RP1643 이책에서저자는사람들은 < 인정하는말 >, < 함께하는시간 >, < 선물 >, < 육체적인접촉 >, < 봉사 > 의 5 가지의다른사랑의언어를사용하며, 사랑의언어가다른경우에는사랑이전달되지않는다는원리를사례를들어가며흥미있게전달하고있다. 부부혹은부모자녀간뿐만아니라모든사람들사이의관계에있어서어떻게하면서로사랑한다는것을전달하고확인할수있는가를이해하기쉽게전한장기베스트셀러이다. 현재한국에는 100 년이상된교회가 5 백개가넘지만그중건물이남아있는교회는 30 곳도채되지않는다. 이런현실을안타까와하며강화교동교회담임목사인저자는처음한국교회예배당 24 곳의사진과사연을실었다. 사진은건축사진공모전심사위원을지난장석철님이찍었다. 여기담긴각교회와우리조상들의신앙이야기를사진과곁들여보면서현재우리들이가진신앙의모습을조명하다보면역사를이어가는신앙은어떤것이어야될지를생각하게한다. 현재교회에서가정사역담당목사이자교육학박사이고두아이의엄마이기도한저자는세상의가치관과는다른성경적가치관을가지고하나님이원하시는아이들을교육하기위해필요한 10 가지환경을진솔하게나누고있다. 본인의지식과경험에서영적인자녀교육을위한영적환경의중요성을배운저자의고백적인통찰은자녀교육을놓고기도하는많은부모들에게좋은깨달음을줄것이다. 특히영적인자녀교육을위해서는부모가먼저영적인사람이되라는충고는좋은도전이된다. 우리에게인생에서겪는고난을직시하고그안에서역사하시는하나님을만나서영적인춤을출수있도록인도하는영성훈련서이다. 이책은각장의제목들자체가절망에서환희로나아가는과정을보여준다 : < 작은자아에서더넓은은혜로 >, < 움켜쥠에서내려놓음으로 >, < 운명론에서희망으로 >, < 감정의조종에서순전한사랑으로 >, < 두려운죽음에서환희의삶으로 >. 이과정을통해독자들이현재겪는고통을넘어환의의삶을누리기를소망한다. 24 25

Recommended Reading These books can be read for credit but are not available from United Women Resources. Four reading program plans Choose and follow one of the four plans. When you ve read the required number of books and magazine issues, report your completion to your local member in charge of program resources. Titles read from the 2011 list will be credited through December 31, 2016. EDUCATION FOR MISSION HOPE RUNS: An American Tourist, a Kenyan Boy, a Journey of Redemption Claire Diaz-Ortiz Revell (2014) SPIRITUAL GROWTH ON GOD S SIDE: What Religion Forgets and Politics Hasn t Learned about Serving the Common Good Jim Wallis Brazos Press (2013) PLAN I 5 Books per year One book from each category: Education for, Leadership Development, Nurturing for Community, Social Action and Spiritual Growth. PLAN II 10 Books per year Two books from each category: Education for, Leadership Development, Nurturing for Community, Social Action and Spiritual Growth. LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT youth Selections can be from the 2011 2016 reading lists if not included in previous reports (including Youth titles). Selections can be from the 2011 2016 reading lists if not included in previous reports (including Youth titles). LEAN IN: Women, Work and the Will to Lead Sheryl Sandberg Random House (2013) SOCIAL ACTION EVERY LAST DROP: Bringing Clean Water Home Michelle Mulder Orca Book Publishers (2014) Regular reading of response magazine. PLAN III 15 Books per year Regular reading of response and New World Outlook magazines. PLAN IV 20 Books per year NURTURING FOR COMMUNITY IN CAPABLE ARMS: Living a Life Embraced by Grace Sarah Kovac Abingdon Press (2013) THIS FAR BY FAITH: Twenty Years at Cass Community Faith Fowler David Crumm Media (2014) Two books from each category: Education for, Leadership Development, Nurturing for Community, Social Action and Spiritual Growth. Plus five additional books from any category. Selections can be from the 2011 2016 reading lists if not included in previous reports (including Children and Youth titles). Regular reading of response and New World Outlook magazines. Two books from each category: Education for, Leadership Development, Nurturing for Community, Social Action and Spiritual Growth. Plus 10 additional books from any category. Selections can be from the 2011 2016 reading lists if not included in previous reports (including Children and Youth titles). Regular reading of response and New World Outlook magazines. 26 27

Promoting the Reading Program Program resource managers or their equivalent will work with the local United Women leadership team to promote the program. The following are some suggestions: Explain Reading Program procedures to interested individuals and enroll them in the program. Use the action suggestions listed in this catalog as a guide for choosing titles and mission responses. Secure books and circulate them among unit and circle members. Distribute copies of this catalog. Direct members to the Reading Program Online Community at readingprogram. Distribute copies of the Reading Program brochure so participants can keep track of and report their reading. The brochure is available for shipping and handling or as a free download at The Bible undergirds all Christian reading, including that of the Reading Program. response, essential reading for understanding the mission of United Women, is part of all four reading plans. Local and District Groups Join the Reading Program Online Community. Form an action team to address issues discussed in one or more books. Start a reading group of adults and/ or children or youth. Meet regularly to share and discuss the books members are reading. Present book reviews at United Women group meetings and on the online community. Take Reading Program books and response to retirement and nursing homes. Read regularly to residents. Inform parents, grandparents and Sunday school teachers that books for children and youth are available through the Reading Program. Highlight large print books and book listings available for the visually impaired. Honor those who participate in the Reading Program. Order Reading Program certificates from United Women Resources to present to those who complete reading plans. Display progress charts in a prominent place, showing readers names, books being read and the reading plans being followed. Capture interest by attractively mounting quotations from Reading Program books and posting them throughout the church. Include title, author name, publisher and year title was featured on the Reading Program list. Develop displays permanent and portable to encourage book sales, especially around holiday seasons and vacation times. The Reading Program Leads to Action! For more than 150 years, members of United Women and predecessor organizations have been involved in mission that includes prayer, study and action. The Reading Program is a study opportunity, but it should also lead to action. Here are a few suggestions to assist you. ACTION SUGGESTIONS Pray. Books often raise concerns about people, countries and issues. Bring these concerns to God during your prayer time at home and at group meetings. Host a program. For example, a locally sponsored program on the environment could help the church and community explore ways to be better stewards of God s earth. Sponsor a youth program on the environment and encourage youth to take action. Use Nature Girl for examples and ideas. Teach a Sunday school class. Read titles from the children s list to a Sunday school B Bonus Books group. Read Before We Eat and talk about how the food we eat reaches our table. Discuss how to give thanks to those involved in the process. Involve youth; read Blue Gold with a youth group and discuss the human costs of cell phone use. Visit homebound elderly and nursing home residents and read any of the titles with them. Be inclusive. Continue your action on the Charter for Racial Justice Policies of The United Church. God bless you as you pray, study, act and organize in Christ s name. Bonus Books count as two books either as two books in one category or as one book in two categories. For example, Just Mercy and We Shall Not Be Moved count as two books in Social Action. Unbound and Uprising both count as two books in Education for. United Women mission studies can be read for credit in the following categories: Spiritual growth study for Spiritual Growth. Geographic study for Education for. Issue study for Social Action. 28 29

CUATRO PLANES DE LECTURA Elija y siga uno de los cuatro planes a continuación. Cuando haya completado el número requerido de libros y ejemplares de revistas, informe su cumplimiento al miembro de su grupo local a cargo del programa de recursos. Los libros escogidos de la lista 2011 serán acreditados hasta el 31 de diciembre de 2016. PLAN I 5 LIBROS POR AÑO Un libro de cada categoría: Educación para la misión, Desarrollo del liderazgo, Nutriendo a la comunidad, Acción social, y Crecimiento espiritual. Se puede hacer la elección en las listas de lectura entre 2011-2016, siempre que no se hayan incluido en informes anteriores (incluyendo títulos para jóvenes). Lectura habitual de la revista response. PLAN III 15 LIBROS POR AÑO Dos libros de cada categoría: Educación para la misión, Desarrollo del liderazgo, Nutriendo a la comunidad, Acción social, y Crecimiento espiritual. Cinco libros adicionales elegidos de cualquiera de las categorías. Se puede hacer la elección en las listas de lectura entre 2011-2016, siempre que no se hayan incluido en informes anteriores (incluyendo títulos para jóvenes). Lectura habitual de las revistas response y New World Outlook. PLAN II 10 libros por año Dos libros de cada categoría: Educación para la misión, Desarrollo del liderazgo, Nutriendo a la comunidad, Acción social, y Crecimiento espiritual. Se puede hacer la elección en las listas de lectura entre 2011-2016, siempre que no se hayan incluido en informes anteriores (incluyendo títulos para niños y para jóvenes). Lectura habitual de las revistas response y New World Outlook. PLAN IV 20 LIBROS POR AÑO Dos libros de cada categoría: Educación para la misión, Desarrollo del liderazgo, Nutriendo a la comunidad, Acción social, y Crecimiento espiritual. Diez libros adicionales elegidos de cualquiera de las categorías. Se puede hacer la elección en las listas de lectura entre 2011-2016, siempre que no se hayan incluido en informes anteriores (incluyendo títulos para niños y para jóvenes). Lectura habitual de las revistas response y New World Outlook. Promoción del Programa de Lectura Los encargados de recursos del programa o sus equivalentes trabajarán en coordinación con el equipo de liderazgo local de Mujeres Metodistas Unidas con el fin de promover el programa. A continuación ofrecemos algunas sugerencias: Explique los procedimientos del Programa de Lectura a individuos que muestren interés y súmelos al programa. Use las sugerencias de acción que se enumeran en este catálogo como una guía para seleccionar títulos y respuestas de misión. Consiga libros y póngalos a circular en la unidad local y entre los miembros del circuito. Distribuya copias de este plan de lectura. Oriente a las personas a la comunidad en línea del Programa de Lectura, en el sitio umwonline. org/groups/readingprogram Distribuya ejemplares del folleto del Programa de Lectura para que los y las participantes puedan hacer el seguimiento de su plan e informar sobre sus lecturas. El folleto está disponible para ser enviado o bien puede descargarse en forma gratuita en La Biblia subyace a toda lectura cristiana, incluyendo la del Programa de Lectura. La revista response, una publicación esencial para comprender la misión de Mujeres Metodistas Unidas, forma parte de los cuatro planes de lectura. Grupos locales y distritales Intégrese a la comunidad en línea del Programa de Lectura. Organice un equipo de acción para enfocar alguna de las cuestiones abordadas en uno o más libros. Comience un grupo de lectura integrado por adultos y/o niñas, niños, y jóvenes. Encuéntrese en forma periódica para compartir y analizar los libros que están leyendo. Presente reseñas de libros en los encuentros de grupos de Mujeres Metodistas Unidas y en la comunidad en línea. Lleve libros del Programa de Lectura y ejemplares de response a los hogares de enfermos y de ancianos. Lea con los residentes. Informe a los padres, abuelos, y maestros de escuela dominical que hay libros para niños y jóvenes disponibles por medio del Programa de Lectura. Dé a conocer los libros impresos en letra grande, y libros accesibles a personas con visión disminuida. Honre a quienes participan en el Programa de Lectura. Solicite certificados del Programa de Lectura a la oficina de Recursos Misionales de Mujeres Metodistas Unidas, para ser entregados a quienes completen planes de lectura. Exhiba cuadros del avance de lectura en un lugar visible, destacando nombre de lectores, libros leídos, y planes de lectura que están siguiendo. Capte el interés colocando en distintos sitios del templo citas de los libros del Programa de Lectura. Incluya título, autor, editorial y año en que se incluyó el libro en el Programa de Lectura. Coloque exhibidores permanentes y móviles para alentar la venta de libros, especialmente en fechas cercanas a feriados y a temporadas de vacaciones. 30 31

El Programa de Lectura conduce a la acción! Durante más de 150 años, las integrantes de Mujeres Metodistas Unidas y de sus organizaciones predecesoras han estado comprometidas en una misión que incluye la oración, el estudio, y la acción. El Programa de Lectura es una oportunidad de estudio, pero también debería impulsar a la acción. Ofrecemos aquí algunas sugerencias orientadoras. 4 가지독서계획안 다음 4 가지계획안중하나를선택하여따르도록한다. 각독서계획안별로필요한수의도서와잡지를다읽은경우, 개체여선교회의독서프로그램담당자에게보고한다. 2011 년도목록에서읽은책들은 2016 년 12 월 31 일까지크레딧을받을수있다. SUGERENCIAS DE ACCIÓN Ore. Los libros a menudo despiertan preocupación por determinadas personas, países, y asuntos. Presente esas preocupaciones a Dios durante su tiempo de oración en el hogar o en los encuentros de grupo. Sea anfitriona de un programa. Por ejemplo, un programa local sobre la problemática ambiental podría ayudar a la iglesia y a la comunidad a explorar maneras de ser mejores mayordomos de la creación de Dios. Auspicie un programa para jóvenes sobre asuntos ambientales y aliente a los y las jóvenes a participar activamente. Utilice Nature Girl como fuente de ejemplos y de ideas. Enseñe en una clase de escuela dominical. Presente títulos de la lista para niños B en un grupo de la escuela dominical. Lea Before We Eat (Antes de comer) y converse acerca de la manera en que los alimentos llegan a nuestra mesa. Dialogue sobre cómo agradecer a las personas que participan en el proceso. Comprometa a los y las jóvenes; lea Blue Gold (Oro Azul) con un grupo de jóvenes y analice el costo humano en el uso de teléfonos celulares. Visite a personas ancianas que no pueden salir de sus hogares o a residentes en un hogar para mayores, y lea con ellos cualquiera de los títulos del programa. Sea inclusiva. Continúe apoyando la acción de la Iglesia Metodista Unida a favor de un Código de Políticas Raciales Justas. Que Dios le de su bendición mientras ora, estudia, actúa, y organiza en el nombre de Cristo. Libros Bonificados Los libros de este grupo valen por dos, ya sea dos libros en una misma categoría o un libro en dos categorías. Por ejemplo, Just Mercy (Solo misericordia) y We Shall Not Be Moved (No nos desalentarán) valen por dos libros en la categoría Educación para la Misión. Los estudios de misión de Mujeres Metodistas Unidas pueden ser leídos por crédito en las siguientes categorías: Estudio de Crecimiento espiritual en la categoría Crecimiento espiritual Estudio geográfico en la categoría Educación para la misión Estudio temático en la categoría Acción social 독서계획안 I 매년 5 권의책을읽는다. 각분야에서 1권씩읽는다 : 선교교육, 리더십개발, 공동체양육, 사회참여, 영적성장 2011-2016년권장도서목록중이전의보고서에포함되지않은도서들이어야한다. ( 청소년권장도서포함 ) 정기적으로 response 를읽는다. 독서계획안 III 매년 15 권의책을읽는다. 각분야에서적어도 2권씩읽는다 : 선교교육, 리더십개발, 공동체양육, 사회참여, 영적성장 아무분야에서나 5권의도서를추가로읽는다. 2011-2016년권장도서목록중이전의보고서에포함되지않은도서들이어야한다. ( 청소년및아동권장도서포함 ) 정기적으로 response 와 New World Outlook 를읽는다. 독서계획안 II 매년 10 권의책을읽는다. 각분야에서적어도 2권씩읽는다 : 선교교육, 리더십개발, 공동체양육, 사회참여, 영적성장 2011-2016년권장도서목록중이전의보고서에포함되지않은도서들이어야한다. ( 청소년권장도서포함 ) 정기적으로 response 와 New World Outlook 를읽는다. 독서계획안 IV 매년 20 권의책을읽는다. 각분야에서적어도 2권씩읽는다 : 선교교육, 리더십개발, 공동체양육, 사회참여, 영적성장 아무분야에서나 10권의도서를추가로읽는다. 2011-2016년권장도서목록중이전의보고서에포함되지않은도서들이어야한다. ( 청소년및아동권장도서포함 ) 정기적으로 response 와 New World Outlook 를읽는다. 32 33

독서프로그램홍보 독서프로그램담당자는연합감리교회여선교회리더십팀과함께본프로그램을홍보하고장려한다. 다음의일들을하도록한다. 관심을가지고있는회원들에게독서프로그램의진행방식을설명하고, 프로그램에등록시킨다. 본안내책자에나와있는 행동을위한제안 을도서선정및선교적대응의지침으로삼는다. 도서를구하여회원들간에돌려읽게한다. 본안내책자를배포한다. 회원들에게온라인커뮤니티 ( 에대해알려준다. 독서프로그램안내책자를배포하여참여자들이읽은책에대해기록하고보고할수있도록한다. 안내책자는배송료만지불하면받아볼수있다. 또는 에서무료로다운로드받을수있다. 성경은독서프로그램을포함해기독교인의모든독서에토대가된다. 연합감리교회여선교회의선교에대한이해를위해필수적으로읽어야하는 response 는각독서계획안에모두포함되어있다. 개체및지방여선교회 독서프로그램온라인커뮤니티에가입하도록한다. 책에서다뤄진이슈를해결하기위한행동팀을구성한다. 성인그리고 / 또는어린이, 청소년독서그룹을만들어, 현재읽고있는책들에대해서로정보를나누고토론을하는정기모임을갖도록한다. 여선교회의각종모임과온라인커뮤니티에독서프로그램의권장도서를간략히소개하는시간을갖는다. 독서프로그램의권장도서와 response 를양로원이나기타은퇴자들이모여사는곳에비치한다. 이자료들을그곳의거주자들에게정기적으로읽어드린다. 부모들, 조부모들, 그리고주일학교교사들에게독서프로그램의아동및청소년권장도서에대해알린다. 큰활자체로된도서들과시각장애자용도서들이있다는점을강조한다. 독서프로그램참여자들을각별히대우한다. 연합감리교회여선교회미션리소시스 ( Resources) 에서독서프로그램수료증을구입해, 독서계획안을마친회원들에게수여한다. 프로그램참여자들의이름, 읽고있는책, 앞으로읽을책등을한눈에볼수있는도표를만들어눈에띄는곳에전시한다. 독서프로그램의권장도서에서몇구절을적어보기좋게장식한뒤, 교회곳곳에붙여사람들이관심을갖도록한다. 이때, 책제목, 저자, 출판사, 출판년도등인용구절의원작에대한정보와함께연합감리교회여선교회독서프로그램의권장도서임을밝힌다. 특히명절과휴가철을전후해서, 도서판매및구입을장려하는전시용도서보관함과이동용탁자를준비하여권장도서들을전시한다. 독서프로그램은행동으로이끈다! 연합감리교회여선교회와전신기관들의회원들은 150 여년이넘는세월동안기도와, 공부와, 행동으로선교에참여해왔다. 독서프로그램은공부할수있는좋은기회이다. 독서프로그램은또한공부뿐만아니라행동으로옮길수있도록이끌어주기도한다. 여러분이책을읽고난뒤, 읽은내용을행동으로옮기고싶다면다음과같은일을해보기바란다. 행동을위한제안 기도한다. 권장도서들은다른민족이나다른나라에대해서, 그리고여러가지당면문제들에대해서관심을불러일으키게해준다. 집에서나여선교회의크고작은모임에서기도할때에이런관심사를하나님께고한다. 프로그램을주최한다. 예를들어, 개체여선교회가환경에관련된프로그램을후원하면, 교회와지역사회가하나님의선물인이땅을돌보는청지기직을더잘수행하기위한방법들을찾는데도움을줄수있다. 환경을주제로청소년프로그램을후원하여그들로하여금배운것을행동으로옮기도록격려한다. 본보기와개념을주기위하여 Nature Girl 을이용한다. 주일학교에서가르친다. 주일학교어린이들에게어린이권장도서목록에있는책들을읽어준다. Before We B 보너스북 보너스북은 1 권을읽어도 2 권을읽은것으로간주되는책들로, 한분야의책을 2 권읽은것으로또는두분야의책을각각 1 권씩읽은것으로계산된다. 예를들어,Just Mercy and We Shall Not Be Moved 는사회참여분야에서 2 권을읽은것으로간주된다. Unbound and Uprising 은선교교육분야에서 2 권을읽은것으로간주된다. 연합감리교회여선교회선교공부교재들을읽으면다음분야에서크레딧을받을수있다. 영성교재는영적성장분야 지역공부는선교교육분야 이슈공부는사회참여분야 Eat 을읽고우리가먹는음식이우리식탁까지오는과정을토의한다. 그과정에서수고한모든사람들에게어떻게우리가감사할것인가에대하여토의한다. 청소년그룹과 Blue Gold 를읽고휴대폰을사용함으로서우리가치루어야할대가가무엇일까토론한다. 집에만있는노인들과양로원에있는노인들을방문하고권장도서들을함께읽는다. 포용적인사람이된다. 연합감리교회의인종정의정책헌장 (Charter for Racial Policies of the United Church) 을꾸준히실천에옮긴다. 여러분이기도하고, 공부하며, 조직하고, 실천할때에하나님께서축복하여주시기를예수그리스도의이름으로축원한다. 34 35

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