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UX 디자인 Curriculum 1. 전공실기및이론과목 (3 credit) 문화비교연구전략 (Culture Difference Strategy) 서비스콘텐츠디자인 (Contents Service 차세대경험디자인 (Future Experience UI조사방법론 (Research Methods for UI) 사용성평가방법 (Methods for Usability Test) 국제화의추세속에서경쟁력을갖춘미래지향적인디자인전략수립을위해지역별, 시대별시각문화발전양상을연구하고문화, 정치, 경제등사회의다양한면과디자인과의상관관계에대해고찰하여현시대의요구를파악함을목표로한다. This course is to understand the requirement of present era by considering the interrelation between design and diverse aspects of society such as culture, politics, economy and by studying the development history of visual culture to establish future-oriented design strategy in this globalization trend. 점점다양해지는콘텐츠서비스들을소개하며각타겟층에맞는서비스를기획, 디자인하도록한다. 또한음악콘텐츠, 게임콘텐츠, 교육콘텐츠등각단말기에따른다양한콘텐츠서비스를개발, 디자인하는것을목표로한다. In this course diversifying contents of services are introduced, and students learn to plan and design services for corresponding target users. Also, this course is to develop and design various contents service such as music contents, game contents, education contents in accordance with various devices. 새로운미디어및기술의발달은제품과인간, 인간과인간간의소통을변화시켰다. 발전하는미디어에따른새로운소통방법을연구하며근미래적인인터페이스및콘텐츠의방향을제시하도록한다. The development of new media and technology changed the methods of interaction between product and human, and communication between human and human. In this course students research about new communication methods in compliance with developing media, and suggest the direction of interface and contents of the near future. 디자인과정중행해지는기존의여러가지조사방법론을 UI에반영시킴으로새로운디자인컨셉과전략을습득하도록한다. 또한이러한조사방법론은 UI 디자인시필요한소비자의요구, 트랜드, 그외보조적으로알아야할자료들을통합할수있는능력을목표로한다. This course is to learn new design concepts and strategies, by applying various existing research methods, utilized in the design process, to UI; also to acquire the ability to integrate data such as customer needs, trend, and other secondary information. 디자인후소비자들의사용성평가에대한조사방법론들을실질적으로수행할수있도록평가과정과방법을단말기와서비스별로차별화하여습득한다. 제품, 스크린등인터페이스의사용성평가를질적평가방법, 수량적평가방법, 구조적평가방법등다양한평가방법을제시한다 This course is to learn the evaluation process and methods to acquire practical experience of performing research methods for usability test after designing, and differentiating them depending on the devices and services

공감각적UI디자인 ( Synesthetic UI 시각화방법론 (Method of Visualization) 인포메이션아키텍처 (Information Architecture) HCI (Human Computer Interaction) UX세미나 (UX Seminar) 디자인적사고 (Design Thinking) 미디어발달에따라시각뿐만이아닌청각, 촉각등공감각적으로접근하는 UI에대한이해를목표로한다. Auditory UI, Tangible UI 등새로운미디어와접목하는 UI 디자인의필수조건및각미디어의특징, 장단점을파악하여공감각적인 UI디자인능력을습득한다. This course is to understand UI approaching with the sense of sight, hearing and touch. Students will learn pros and cons of diverse media and the essential factors of UI design converging new media such as auditory UI and tangible UI. GUI의기본이되는시각적사고와소통에관한방법론및스튜디오연구로인터페이스디자인에있어서시각언어와소통언어, 색상및이미지, 상징등을이용하여각단말기및타겟층에적합한디자인전략을수립하는것을목표로한다. With visual thinking and communication related methodologies and studio research, which are the basis of GUI; this course is to establish design strategies suitable for various devices and target users by utilizing visual and communication language, color and image, symbol, etc., in interface design. 디지털미디어에서정보제공및소통의방법으로제시되는맵핑, 다이어그램등을다양한방법을적용, 시각화하여소통하는것을목표로한다. 그래픽위주의인포-그래픽 (Info-Graphic) 에서내러티브위주의인포-텔링 (Info-Telling) 등다양한정보구조및시각화방법론을연구한다. The object of this course is to learn how to communicate through the information method of digital media such as mapping and diagram. Students will explore the visualization methodology and information architecture like narrative-oriented infotelling as well as info-graphics. 디지털미디어에서특히중요한역할을하는인지공학에관한연구로각기다른환경에서인터페이스의설계및개념화, 인지구조에대한이해를목표로한다. 인지심리학적원리와발견들을인간의행동에응용하여인간과인간, 인간과기계에대한소통을개념적으로이해하여디자인에적용한다. Related to cognitive engineering research, which plays an important role in digital media; this course is to understand cognitive structure, interface design and conceptualization in different environments. Students will apply cognitive psychological principles and findings to human behavior; achieve a deeper understanding of interaction between product and human, and communication between human and human. In the end these concepts are applied to design. 변화하는시각미디어환경속에서최근이슈가되는다양한분야의연사들을초청하여세미나형식으로수업이진행되며다양한환경과서비스, 단말의 User Experience 추진방향및미래전망을예측제시한다. The course will take place in the form of seminar, inviting speakers from various fields that are currently of issue in the changing visual media environment. Students will present predictions of developing direction and future prospects of various environments, services and User Experience design. 디자인적사고수업에선문제해결을위한창의적발상과실제적인방법을연구한다. 디자인에관련된문제나이슈의창의적사고방법과프로세스를토론과워크숍을통해경험해본다. Design thinking is a methodology for practical, creative resolution of problems or

issues that looks for an improved future result. Through discussion and workshop students will be able to experience problems related to designing or ways and process of creative thinking that are currently of issue. 2. 공통과목 (3 credit) 조형심리 Psychology of Design 디자인과마케팅 Design and Marketing 색채계획론 Theory of Color Planning 디자인방법론 Design Methodology 한국인의조형의식 Plastic Consciousness of Koreans 사진과예술 Art and Photography 창업이론 Theory of Corporate Establishment 사회적, 문화적행동의산물로서조형물에대해두가지차원의지각에서고찰하고, 그조형물의구성적특성에대해연구한다. This course examines plastic work as the product of social and cultural behavior from two levels of perception and studies structural characteristics of such plastic work. 디자인의성공과실패를좌우하는요인중가장중요한마케팅을디자인의방법론적접근과마케팅이론을통한접근으로보다합리적인디자인을이론적으로연구한다. This course makes a theoretical study of rational design through a methodological approach that emphasizes on marketing as the most decisive element in the design's success or failure as well as through marketing theory. 현대디자인의색채계획방법을모색하며과학적이고논리적인사용방법을제시할수있는전문인으로서의색채계획능력을모색한다. This course develops professional color planning ability that can suggest scientific and logical application methods based on modern design color planning methodology. 일반적인디자인의합리적인수행을위하여방법의의의에서부터디자인프로세스에이르기까지제기되는문제들을이론적으로추구하여새로운시대에부합되는디자인방법의정립을위한연구를한다. This course theoretically examines problems suggested in the rational execution of general designing from the significance of method to the design process to establish the design method appropriate to the new times. 한국의풍토와조형예술을통하여한국인의조형의식을심리학적으로접근하고문화인류학적으로이해하면서조형의식을규명하기위하여이들을분석, 연구한다. This course examines and defines Korean plastic consciousness through Korean climate and plastic art with a psychological approach and a culture-anthropological understanding. 사진의역사적측면과기술사적측면을바탕으로예술로서의사진이어떻게전개되어왔으며, 예술사적측면에서어떻게인식되어왔는가를이론적으로고찰한다. This course theoretically examines how photography has developed as a form of art and how it has been perceived by art history from photography's historical and technical aspects. Theory of Digital Media: This course develops new perspectives on the meaning, value, and methods of design as defined by the traditional field of design through understanding of new media and changes in social environment. 디자인컨설팅회사의설립과운영에도움이되는기업가로서의자질과경영지식을공부한다. 성공적인디자인회사의경영을위한토대가되는마케팅, 유통, 인력관리및재무관리의기초를연구한다. This course covers business skills and temperaments demanded of corporate managers

디지털미디어론 Theory of Digital Media 생태적디자인 Ecological Design 조형원리 I Principle of Plastic I 조형원리II Principle of Plastic II 논작법특강 Thesis Research (P/F) 표현과매체I Medium and Visual Presentation I 표현과매체II Medium and Visual Presentation II 인턴십 Internship useful in the establishment and management of design consulting company. Basics in marketing, circulation, personnel management and financial management necessary to a successful management of design company will be studied. Understand the digital paradigm and seek the future of digital which affects on media, art, culture and economy among the various changes to inspire the ability of designing through the theory of Digital Media. With the Ecological Design theory which is the paradigm of 21st century, improve the view to the various ecological thoughts and the design cultures. Based on the ecological design thoughts, understand the various social environmental problems and the concept of product development and ecological construction, and strengthen the ability of the systematic planning as well. 조형원리의이론적, 실제적연구를통하여이를제반디자인에활용할수있는평면적조형능력을기른다. This course makes theoretical and practical studies of principles of plastic to develop formative skills applicable to various designs. 입체적, 공간적환경에서의조형적원리, 구조에관한문제들을실제과제를통하여연구한다. This course studies issues related to plastic principle and structure in the threedimensional, spatial environment through actual tasks. 졸업논문쓰기의의미를이해한다. 논문쓰기의절차와형식을이해하고, 주제를선정, 참고문헌, 개요작성을하여초안을완성한다. Recognize the meaning of writing Graduate Thesis. Understand the procedure and form of thesis writing and complete the draft by setting the subject, arranging references and writing outline. 급변하고범람하는뉴미디어시대에사용되는수많은인터페이스를정확히바라볼수있는힘을기르고뉴미디어아트의역사의고찰을통해최신의산업의전반에접목할수있는아이디어를모색한다. 이론과예시를통해다양한형식의접근방식을알게되어, 각자의필드에고차원적으로접근, 적용할수있는능력을갖게됨을목표한다. It is increasing power of exactly looking at the various interfaces what are used in new media era. Find ideas to convergence with thinking of the history of new media arts into widely industries. Be known variable way of approaching method with theories and examples. The purpose is to have highly adaptable and approachable ability in each field. 표현가능성을심화시키기위해서는관련된재료와도구등그자체의경험을통한매개적인미디어의중요성에대한이해가필요하다. 조형예술세계의기본인시각언어적인체계와표현에관련된심화과정을그목표로한다. This course provides technical development of the visual-linguistic system and expression that is basic to the world of plastic art with an emphasis on the importance of media as an experience in visualizing potential expressions with related materials and tools. 학생들이본대학원의전공과유관한특정분야에서일정기간근무함으로써, 본인의학업을직업사회와연계하고, 사회진출을위한역량및경력을개발할수있도록기회를제공함.

디자인기업가정신 (Design Entrepreneurship 디자인트랜드, 디자인문화를이끌어가는창의적기업인을초청, 해당분야에서국제적수준의역량과비전을제시하는리더십과기업철학을공유할수있는기회를제공한다. 본교과목은특강형식으로운영된다. 3. 디자인대학원공동기획전시 재학중공동혹은전공별로 1회이상의전시를실시하며, 그시기, 절차및방법은학사지도교수회의에서협의한다.