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생산운영관리 Prcess Selecti ad Facility ayut (h.6) 프로세스선택및설비배치 이번주까지했어야하는일들 노정배교수님생산관리특강감상문?! 생산용량계획복습 Read hapter 6 ad 6s Has Kim ( 金翰秀 ) Dept. f Maagemet Ifrmati Systems, YUST OM Overview X X X X lass Overview (h. 0) Mgmt f Quality/ Six Sigma Quality (h. 9, 10) Operatis, Prductivity, ad Strategy (h. 1, 2) Queueig/ Simulati (h. 18) Prject Maagemet (h. 17) Supply hai Maagemet (h 11) Strategic apacity Plaig (h. 5, 5S) cati Plaig ad alysis (h. 8) Prcess Selecti/ Facility ayut; P (h. 6, 6S) JIT & ea Mfg System (h. 15) Key Terms 영어중국어영어중국어 ssembly lie ie balacig utmati Numerically ctrlled(n/)machies alace delay Precedece diagram ellular prducti Prcess layut mputer-aided maufacturig mputer-itegrated maufacturig Prducti lie Prduct layut ycle time Prduct r service prfilig Demad Mgmt Frecastig (h 3) ggregated Plaig (h. 13) Ivetry Maagemet (h. 12) MRP & ERP (h 14) Term Prject Fixed-psiti layut Prject Flexible maufacturig system Rbt Grup techlgy Techlgical ivati Itermittet prcessig techlgy

학습목표 프로세스선택및생산용량의관계 프로세스선택의전략적중요성을설명한다프로세스선택이조직에미치는영향을설명한다기본적인프로세스유형을설명한다프로세스자동화에대하여토론한다배치변경의근거를알수있다제품별배치와공정별배치의주요장단점을학습한다간단한라인밸런싱문제를푼다간단한공정별배치계획을수립한다 Prcess Strategy (Key spects) 1. apital Itesity 2. Prcess Flexibility Prcess Selecti Strategy ( 생산전략, 프로세스선택 ) Prcess Selecti ( 프로세스선택 ) Decidig the way prducti f gds r services will be rgaized 제품과서비스를어떤방식으로생성해낼것인가? 에대한방안 Prcess ( 프로세스 ) = Trasfrmati 원자재에서제품 ( 혹서비스 ) 로변화되는과정 생각해볼문제들 어떤종류의생산 (r 서비스 ) 방식이있을까? (Which types f prcess strategy ca exist?) 생산 (r 서비스 ) 방식을결정하는데고려해야하는요소들은어떤것이있을까? Which factrs shuld be csidered t select the prcess strategy? Objective( 목적 ) Meet r exceed custmer requiremets ( 요구사항 ) Meet cst & maagerial gals 최소의비용으로고객의요구사항을극대화한다! g-term effect ( 장기적인영향력이있다 ), 전략적의사결정문제 Prduct & Vlume Flexibility, ( 제품과생산수량과의관계 ) sts & Quality ( 가격과품질 ) 예제 홍콩반점 건강검진센타 빙천맥주공장 자동차조립공장

Machiig Prcess ( 가공시간 ) Prcess Selecti ( 프로세스선택 ) Machie Prcess Time ( 공정시간 ) = Setup Time ( 준비시간 ) + Machiig Time ( 가공시간 ) Hw is the utilizati f the Machie? S-----S---- S--S--S--S--S--S--S--S- S = Setup Time 장단점? 다양성 (Variety) Hw much 유연성 (Flexibility) What degree 산출량 (Vlume) Expected utput Jb Shp ( 잡샵 ) atch 배치프로세트 Repetitive 반복프로세스 tiuus 연속프로세스 프로세스유형 프로세스유형 (Types f Prcess) 잡샵 (Jb shp) 소규모, 다품종소량생산, 단속적처리과정, 다양한소규모일감, 각각처리방법이다름 범용장비, 숙련공에의한높은유연성 철공소, 병원등뱃치프로세스 (atch) 중규모, 중품종중량생산, 단속적처리과정, 잡샵보다는다양하지않음, 중간정도의숙련공빵집, 멀티플렉스영화관, 항공사등 반복프로세스 (Repetitive) 산출량이많은표준제품에유리 장비의유연성요구는제한적, 인력의숙련도가높지않음, 생산라인, 조립라인으로불리운다. 자동차, 컴퓨터조립, 전자제품조립산업등. 연속프로세스 (tiuus) 표준화된연속적산출물을대량으로생산 연속적생산 ( 액체, 분말형태의생산 ), 제품의다양성이매우적고, 대량생산에유리 ( 소품종대량 ) 전문성에따라필요한인력의수숙련도가범위가넓다석유화학제품, 철강, 설탕, 밀가루등 산출물의특징 장점 단점 잡샵뱃치반복 / 조립연속 ( 주문형 ) 개별화제품이나서비스 매우다양한일감을처리할수있음 저속제품당고원가, 계획과스케쥴이복잡함 반표준화제품이나서비스 유연성 제품당중간정도원가스케쥴링이중간정도 표준화제품이나서비스 저원가대량소요충족 저유연성높은고장비용 고표준화제품이나서비스 매우높은효율고도로놓은수요충족 매우경직다양성결여, 높은변경비용, 매우높은고정비용

제품 / 서비스프로세스 Vlume ad Variety f Prducts 활동 / 부문잡샵뱃치반복연속프로젝트 원가추정어려움어느정도쉬움쉬움쉬움간단 ~ 복잡 단위원가높음중간정도낮음낮음매우높음 사용장비범용범용전용전용다양함 고정비낮음중간정도높음매우높음다양함 변동비높음중간정도낮음매우높음높음 다양성 잡샵뱃치프로세스 응급실 베이커리 노동력숙련도높음중간정도낮음낮음 ~ 높음낮음 ~ 높음 마케팅 능력을강조 / 판매 능력과중간정도의표준화제품과서비스를강조. 표준화제품과서비스를강조 / 판매 표준화제품과서비스를강조 / 판매 능력을강조 / 판매 반복프로세스연속프로세스 P 조립 정유공장 스케줄링 복잡 중간정도복잡 일상적 / 쉬움 일상적 / 쉬움 복잡함, 변경이 잦음 공정재고높음높음낮음낮음다양함 물량 새로운방식의주택건설 기술의영역 (rea f Techlgy) Machie techlgy utmatic idetificati systems (IS) ar-cde, RFID Prcess ctrl Visi system Rbt utmated strage ad retrieval systems (SRS) Flexible maufacturig systems (FMS) mputer-itegrated maufacturig (IM) 15

FMS에 의한 생산라인의 개념도 FMS 예 중앙관제실 자동창고 공구저장소 차팔렛트 반송 컨베이어라인 공구무인반송차 1 머시닝센터 6 4 2 5 7 세정실 3 8 17 작업물 무인운반차 준비작업장 18 FMS 예 19 20

Types f Rbt FMS Machie ylidrical Plar artesia Jit rm 21 SRS (자동창고) 22 GV (무인운반차) 23 24

GVS ( 무인운반차시스템 ) mputer Itegrated Maufacturig (IM) 25 26 Facility ayut Desig Facility ayut ( 설비배치 ) 의목적 Develp a ecmical layut which will meet the requiremets f: prduct desig ad vlume (prduct strategy) prcess equipmet ad capacity (prcess strategy) quality f wrk life (huma resurce strategy) buildig ad site cstraits (lcati strategy) ============================== 사내물류비용의최소화 제품과서비스품질확보가용이하도록 공간의효율적활용 노동력의효율적활용 불필요한움직임을최소화함 병목현상을완화 제조및서비스시간단축 시설의안전성 27 28

설비배치 (Facility ayut) 란? cati r arragemet f everythig withi & arud buildigs 부서, 작업장, 장비의공간적구성을의미 Objectives are t maximize ustmer satisfacti Utilizati f space, equipmet, & peple Efficiet flw f ifrmati, material, & peple Emplyee mrale & safety 설비배치의종류 제품별배치 (Prduct-rieted layut) 공정별배치 (Prcess-rieted layut) 고정위치배치 (Fixed-psiti layut) 사무실배치 (Office layut) 소매점배치 (Retail layut) 창고배치 (Warehuse layut) 29 30 제품별배치 (Prduct Orieted ayut) 제품별배치 (Prduct Orieted ayut) 장단점 Used fr Repetitive r tiuus Prcessig 제품별배치 (Prduct Orieted ayut) 표준프로세스들을사용하여많은양의흐름을원할하고신속하게흐르게하는배치 ayut that uses stadardized prcessig peratis t achieve smth, rapid, high-vlume flw 장점 wer variable cst per uit ( 낮은변동비 ) wer but mre specialized labr skills ( 낮은수준의전담적노동 ) Easier prducti plaig ad ctrl ( 생산계획및통제의용이성 ) Higher equipmet utilizati (70% t 90%) ( 설비의높은가동율 ) 단점 wer prduct flexibility ( 제품종류가한정 ) Mre specialized equipmet ( 전용설비 ) Usually higher capital ivestmet ( 높은초기투자비용 ) 32

공정별배치 (Prcess Orieted ayut) 공정별설비배치 (Prcess Orieted ayut) athe Millig M M Drillig D D D D 다양한처리요구를다룰수있는배치공정이유사한설비들을모아서배치함 M G G M G G Gridig Receivig ad Shippig G G D D D D P P Paitig ssembly 33 Facilities( 설비 ) are rgaized by prcess Similar prcesses are tgether Example: ll drill presses are tgether w vlume, high variety prducts ( 다품종소량 ) Jumbled flw ( 뒤범벅흐름 ) 34 공정별설비배치의 (Prcess Orieted ayut) 장단점 Emergecy Rm ayut (Prcess-Orieted ayut) 35 E.R.Triage rm Patiet - brke leg Patiet - erratic pacemaker Hallway E.R. beds Pharmacy illig/exit 36

Steps i Develpig a Prcess-Orieted ayut st f Prcess-Orieted ayut 1 struct a frm-t matrix 2 Determie space requiremets fr each departmet 3 Develp a iitial schematic diagram 4 Determie the cst f this layut 5 y trial-ad-errr (r mre sphisticated meas), try t imprve the iitial layut 6 Prepare a detailed pla that evaluates factrs i additi t trasprtati cst Miimize cst where = i, j = idividual departmets X ij r departmets = umber f lads mved frm departmet i ij X ttal umber f t departmet j = cst t mve a lad betwee departmet i ad departmet = åå i= 1 j= 1 ij ij wrk ceters j 37 38 Iterdepartmetal Flw f Parts Pssible ayut 1 1 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 50 100 0 0 20 30 50 10 0 Rm 1 Rm 2 Rm 3 ssembly (1) Pritig (2) Machie Shp (3) 3 4 5 20 0 100 50 0 0 Receivig (4) Shippig (5) Testig (6) 40 6 39 Rm 4 Rm 5 Rm 6 60 40

Iterdepartmetal Flw Netwrk Shwig Number f Weekly ads Pssible ayut 2 100 Rm 1 Rm 2 Rm 2 11 2 3 50 30 Paitig (2) ssembly (1) Machie Shp (3) 4 5 6 50 10 100 Ttal st = 50+200+40+30+50+10+40+100+50 = $570 41 Receivig (4) Shippig (5) Testig (6) Rm 4 Rm 5 Rm 6 60 40 42 Iterdepartmetal Flw Graph Shwig Number f Weekly ads mputer Prgrams t ssist i ayut 2 1 3 50 100 30 4 5 50 근접운반비 (djacet st)= $1, 비근접운반비 (N-djacet.)=$2 6 100 Ttal st = 50+100+20+60+50+10+40+100+50=$480 43 RFT SPERFT RFT 3-D MUTIPE OREP DEP OFD FDES - expert system 44

위치고정형배치 (Fixed Psiti ayut) 셀생산방식 (ellular ayut - Wrk ells) 과 Grup Techlgy 제품또는프로젝트는한곳에있고, 작업자, 물자, 장비가필요에따라움직이는배치 ayut i which the prduct r prject remais statiary, ad wrkers, materials, ad equipmet are mved as eeded 비슷한작업이필요한부품들을생산하기위하여워크스테인션들을묶어서셀을구성한배치 temprary prduct-riet arragemet f machies ad persel i what is rdiarily a prcess-rieted facilities 비행기, 선박등의생산방식 그룹테크놀로지 (Grup Techlgy) 부품들을설계특성이나제조특성에따라분류하여, 부품군으로묶는것 45 46 Wrk ell Flr Pla Imprvig ayuts by Mvig t the Wrk ell cept Saws Drills Office Tl Rm Wrk ell 47 48

Wrk ell dvatages Ivetry Flr space Direct labr csts Equipmet utilizati Emplyee participati Quality 사무실배치 (Office ayut) Desig psitis peple, equipmet, & ffices fr maximum ifrmati flw rraged by prcess r prduct Example: Payrll dept. is by prcess Relatiship chart used Examples Isurace cmpay Sftware cmpay 49 50 Relatiship hart ( 부문상호관계표 ) Office Relatiship hart 1 Presidet O 2 stig U 3 Egieerig I O 4 Presidet s Secretary 1 2 3 Ordiary clseess: Presidet (1) & stig (2) 4 bslutely ecessary: Presidet (1) & Secretary (4) 51 1 Presidet 2 hief Techlgy Officer 3 Egieer s rea 4 Secretary 5 Office etrace 7 Equipmet cabiet 8 Phtcpy equipmet 9 Strage rm 9 Strage rm O O X O U E U I I I I I I U I O O E U E E U O U O U I O X E Val. lseess E I O U X bslutely ecessary Especially imprtat Imprtat Ordiary OK Uimprtat Nt desirable 52

소매점배치 (Retail /Service ayut - Grid Desig) Grcery Stre Milk read Office arts Meat heckut Prduce Frze Fds Stre ayut - with Dairy, read, High Drawer Items i rers 53 54 창고배치 (Warehuse ayut) ssembly ie ayut Desig balaces space (cube) utilizati & hadlig cst Similar t prcess layut Items mved betwee dck & varius strage areas Optimum layut depeds Variety f items stred Number f items picked 55 56

H # )3 3 ü ü ü ü ü ü ycle time example ü prducti time available d = desired uits f utput ü ü d = (120 uits) d = = 4 miutes (8 hurs x 60 miutes / hur) 480 120, 1 E 1 ü ü, 1 E 1 ü ü 1 2 3 4 miutes 4 miutes 4 miutes Flw time = 4 + 4 + 4 = 12 miutes ycle time = max (4, 4, 4) = 4 miutes

E E = where Efficiecy i å t i i = 1 a Miimum umber f wrkstatis N = i å t i i = 1 d t i = cmpleti time fr elemet i j = umber f wrk elemets = actual umber f wrkstatis a = actual cycle time d = desired cycle time )3 3 )3 3 )3 3 WORK EEMENT PREEDENE TIME (MIN) Press ut sheet f fruit 0.1 ut it strips Outlie fu shapes D Rll up ad package, 0.3 WORK EEMENT PREEDENE TIME (MIN) Press ut sheet f fruit 0.1 ut it strips Outlie fu shapes D Rll up ad package, 0.3 Desired uit f utput : 6,000 uits vailable wrkig hur a day : 40 Hrs 0.1 D 0.3

)3 3 WORK EEMENT PREEDENE TIME (MIN) Press ut sheet f fruit 0.1 ut it strips Outlie fu shapes D Rll up ad package, 0.3 )3 3 WORK EEMENT PREEDENE TIME (MIN) Press ut sheet f fruit 0.1 ut it strips Outlie fu shapes D Rll up ad package, 0.3 40 hurs x 60 miutes / hur 2400 d = = = miute 6,000 uits 6000 0.1 D 0.3 0.1 + + 0.3 + 1.0 N = = = 2.5 wrkstatis 65 40 hurs x 60 miutes / hur 2400 d = = = miute 6,000 uits 6000 0.1 D 0.3 0.1 + + 0.3 + 1.0 N = = = 2.5 wrkstatis 3 wrkstatis 66 )3 3 WORK EEMENT PREEDENE TIME (MIN) Press ut sheet f fruit 0.1 ut it strips Outlie fu shapes D Rll up ad package, 0.3 )3 3 REMINING REMINING WORKSTTION EEMENT TIME EEMENTS d = N = 2.5 d = N = 2.5 0.1 D 0.3 0.1 D 0.3

)3 3 REMINING REMINING WORKSTTION EEMENT TIME EEMENTS 1 0.3, )3 3 REMINING REMINING WORKSTTION EEMENT TIME EEMENTS 1 0.3, 0.1, D d = N = 2.5 d = N = 2.5 0.1 D 0.3 0.1 D 0.3 )3 3 REMINING REMINING WORKSTTION EEMENT TIME EEMENTS 1 0.3, 0.1, D 2 0.0 D )3 3 REMINING REMINING WORKSTTION EEMENT TIME EEMENTS 1 0.3, 0.1, D 2 0.0 D 3 D 0.1 e d = N = 2.5 d = N = 2.5 0.1 D 0.3 0.1 D 0.3

)3 3 REMINING REMINING WORKSTTION EEMENT Wrk TIME Wrk Wrk EEMENTS stati 1 stati 2 stati 3 1 0.3,, 0.1 D, D 2 0.0 D 0.3 0.3 3 D 0.1 e miute miute miute )3 3 REMINING REMINING WORKSTTION EEMENT Wrk TIME Wrk Wrk EEMENTS stati 1 stati 2 stati 3 1 0.3,, 0.1 D, D 2 0.0 D 0.3 0.3 3 D 0.1 e miute miute miute d = N = 2.5 d = N = 2.5 0.1 D 0.3 0.1 + + 0.3 + 1.0 E = 0.1 = D= 0.833 0.3 = 83.3% 3() 1.2 F! Gd ye! 2 ( 3 P