1 1 2 Westpac Honolulu Oct. 12, 2007 Korean Legal Research 2 3 Korea is Wired! Traditional Nongak or Farmers Dance 3
4 Wired! World Champion b-boys (Breakdancers) 4 5 The most Wired nation in the world 5 6 6
7 7 8 E-Government : The Government has aggressively promoted the provision of government information on the Internet 8 9 9 http://www.egov.go.kr/ (click on "English")
10 Aggressive Goals: http://unpan1.un.org/intradoc/groups/public/d ocuments/apcity/unpan023900.pdf Exemplary Vision: 10 11 Today s Assignment English Sources on Korean Law On the Internet Free A Tall Order! 11 12 1 st Question: What Does Free Mean? Free to anyone? Free to me? Free to someone (so maybe I can get it for free) 12
13 What I ll Cover Today: General: Online Research Tools and Portal Sites Specific: Sources for Specific Types of Information (Laws, cases, etc.) 13 14 Where to Start?? 14 15 General: ONLINE RESEARCH TOOLS/PORTAL SITES: Research Guides/ Introductions to Legal System 15
16 16 http://www.korea.net/korea/kor_loca.asp?code=c0102 17 17 http://lib.law.washington.edu/eald/klr/kres.html 18 Korean Legal Research Guides Online Young-Hee Kim, Introduction to Korean Legal Materials, J. of Korean law, Feb. 2002 at 125 Available in Hein Online 18
19 19 20 The purpose of this paper is to provide an introduction to Korean legal materials for researchers in the English language... 20 21 Korean Legal Research Guides Print Guides Korean law in the global economy / [edited by] Sanghyun Song, 1996. (1,500 p.) Essays: Special Problems in Studying Korean Law Research in Korean Legal Materials Translation and Citation of Korean Legal Materials 21 http://marian.law.washington.edu/record=b1091031
22 General: ONLINE RESEARCH TOOLS/PORTAL SITES: Research Guides/ Introductions to Legal System Portal Sites (Washlaw, Worldlii, GLIN) 22 23 Washlaw Korea Page 23 http://www.washlaw.edu/forint/asia/sokorea.html 24 24 http://www.worldlii.org
25 25 26 26 http://www.worldlii.org/kr/ 27 27
28 28 http://www.loc.gov/law/guide/southkorea.html 29 29 http://www.glin.gov/search.action 30 30
31 31 32 32 33 33
34 General: ONLINE RESEARCH TOOLS/PORTAL SITES: Research Guides/ Introductions to Legal System Portal Sites (Washlaw, Worldlii, GLIN) Search Engines (Google, Google Scholar, Google Books) 34 35 Search Engines: Google Advanced Search (http://www.google.com/advanced_search) Google Scholar (http://scholar.google.com/) Google Books (http://books.google.com/) 35 36 36 http://www.google.com/advanced_search
37 37 38 38 http://scholar.google.com 39 39
40 40 http://books.google.com 41 41 42 42
43 43 44 SOURCES FOR SPECIFIC TYPES OF INFORMATION: News (English Language) Importance of News Sources LexisNexis, Westlaw (Include Asian newswires, etc.) Korean Newspapers (archives, etc.) Blogs 44 45 SOURCES FOR SPECIFIC TYPES OF INFORMATION: News Importance of News Sources 45
46 SOURCES FOR SPECIFIC TYPES OF INFORMATION: News 46 47 SOURCES FOR SPECIFIC TYPES OF INFORMATION: News: Korean Newspapers (archives, etc.) 47 48 48 http://www.korealawblog.com
49 49 50 50 http://koreanconlaw.blogspot.com 51 SOURCES FOR SPECIFIC TYPES OF INFORMATION: Laws, Regulations Gov't websites: agencies Database: Statutes of the Republic of Korea NGO websites 51
52 SOURCES FOR SPECIFIC TYPES OF INFORMATION: Laws, Regulations Gov't websites: agencies National Assembly 52 53 53 http://korea.na.go.kr/index.jsp 54 54
55 SOURCES FOR SPECIFIC TYPES OF INFORMATION: Laws, Regulations Gov't websites: agencies National Assembly Government Agencies: Topical Regs 55 56 56 http://www.korea.net/korea/kor_loca.asp?code=c0102 57 57
58 58 59 59 60 SOURCES FOR SPECIFIC TYPES OF INFORMATION: Laws, Regulations Gov't websites: agencies National Assembly Government Agencies: Topical Regs Ministry of Government Legislation (MOLEG) Responsible for Compilation & Dissemination of All Laws KLRI - Korea Legislation Research Institute 60
61 MOLEG: Economic Laws on Foreign Investment in Korea 61 http://www.moleg.go.kr/english/ 62 SOURCES FOR SPECIFIC TYPES OF INFORMATION: Laws, Regulations Gov't websites: agencies Database: Statutes of the Republic of Korea 62 63 63 http://elaw.klri.re.kr/indexe.jsp
64 64 65 65 http://www.klri.re.kr/project/emain.nsf/link0 2?OpenForm 66 SOURCES FOR SPECIFIC TYPES OF INFORMATION: Laws, Regulations Gov't websites: agencies Statutes of the Republic of Korea NGO websites 66
67 67 http://www.stop.or.kr/english 68 68 69 SOURCES FOR SPECIFIC TYPES OF INFORMATION: Caselaw Civil Trial in Late 19th Century 69
70 70 71 71 http://www.scourt.go.kr/court_en/index.html 72 72
73 73 74 74 75 75 http://www.ccourt.go.kr/home/english/index.jsp
76 76 77 77 78 78
79 SOURCES FOR SPECIFIC TYPES OF INFORMATION: Journal Articles (English) The Usual Places: LexisNexis/Westlaw LegalTrac ~ Legal Resource Index ~ Current Law Index Google Scholar Hein Online Journal of Korean Law Korean Journal of Int'l and Comparative Law 79 80 Challenges & Pitfalls Translation Not everything is translated! Websites not really bilingual Translation Variants: Penal Act, Criminal Code, Criminal Law Automatic Translation Example: 형법 (Hyŏngpŏp) = Big Brother Law ( 兄法 ), vs. Criminal Law ( 刑法 )? 80 81 Challenges & Pitfalls Romanization President Roh Moo-Hyun President No Mu-hyeon President No Mu-hyun President No Mu-hyon 81
82 Korean Legal Research Guides Korean Legal Research at the University of Washington (Bill McCloy) Introduction to Korean legal materials (Young- Hee Kim) Korean law in the global economy (Sang-hyun Song) 82 83 감사합니다! 83 84 THANK YOU! 84