J. Fd Hyg. Safety 19(2), 84 96 (2004) z HACCP w» w SSOP Program Á wá y* w w * w w w tœw SSOP Program Development for HACCP Application in Fresh Raw Fish Manufacturing Wan-Hee Park, Sung-Hak Yi, and Duck-Hwa Chung* %FQBSUNFOUPG)FBMUI"ENJOJTUSBUJPO+JOKV)FBMUI$PMMFHF(ZFPOHOBN+JOKV,PSFB *%FQBSUNFOUPG'PPE4DJFODFBOE5FDIOPMPHZ,ZVOHTBOH/BUJPOBM6OJWFSTJUZ(ZFPOHOBN+JOKV,PSFB ABSTRACT This study aims at developing an easily-applicable Sanitation Standard Operating Procedure(SSOP) program for Fresh raw-fish manufacturing. It compares the sanitation inspection results of SSOP-program-applied procedure and non-applied procedure. The samplings for bacteriological examination were collected from the touching surface of food and from the personal workers. The sanitation status was recorded in the check-up list. The results were statistically analyzed to ascertain the efficiency of the SSOP program. The present official KFDA checkup list for sanitation inspection is composed of 51 items. Each item is judged to be fit or unfit to the standards. When the unfit items are more than 6, the work-place is judged to be insanitary. But in this study, the results of sanitation inspection are scaled in points in the 70% allotment, and the results of bacteriological examination are scaled in points in 30%, totaling 100%. Below 60 scores are judged to be insanitary and administratively punished; 61-75 scores are judged to be average; 76-85 good; above 86 excellent. The sanitation inspection scores by the improved check-up list went up by two grades from 71.8 (before SSOP program) to 88.6 (after SSOP program). The results of bacteriological examination also improved from 57.5 to 98.2. The total scores of both results converted in the allotment of 70% and 30% also showed an improvement by two grades from 66.4 (before SSOP program) to 93.4 (after SSOP program). The above results show that the manufacturers participated in this study are following the 8 essential sanitary procedures which are needed to anchor the HACCP system. Key words: HACCP for Fresh Raw Fish, SSOP for Fresh Raw Fish, Fresh Raw Fish w l š wì q w w œ w y g. z ƒ pw t yƒ w t w t. ³w z w» z e 1) š w. w z y y z y, w y» 2) z ƒœ ú l ü, Ë ƒ wš w z œw q Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.. ù w ƒœ»»wš w š w z ƒ ³ ú ww w q. w w z q w t yw w» s ù w ƒ ƒ y w w w z w ³ w. w m xk x w t w ƒ û wš š œw w 84
44011SPHSBN%FWFMPQNFOUGPS)"$$1"QQMJDBUJPOJO'SFTI3BX'JTI.BOVGBDUVSJOH 85 w x x z y z ƒœ s z ywš w. z ƒœ y z, z s kv œ e v œ s w þ ³ m ûtw q w þ v w œw xk z. e w w w z ù z e 10 l 10 ƒw» 2) x ƒ ö w z( ) rwš y m» k ƒ ùš ù ƒ z w t ƒœ ƒ w t ³ w» š x t ƒœ w œ w w w»w. t w» HACCP l w. w y ùš x wš ƒœt ƒ ƒe HACCP l w š ƒ. HACCP l w š risk management» t w k xk t. HACCP ƒ t» w w œ (NASA) w w» w Pillsbury, NATICK œ HACCP w 1993 FAO/WHO w t³ z(codex)ƒ HACCP w e 3) w t w ƒ z ù š. ù 1995 12 t 32 2 w w wš 1996 12 Õ t w» Ö ƒœ t v HACCP ƒ t» w 2004 6 x 147 ( t Áƒœ ( ) 64(5), 31, 29, 18 )ƒ t t. 4) HACCP l» œ mw t y wš, t z mw» t q w ƒ f w z w k. HACCP ƒ z,, ƒ ƒ w w ë wš t t w. 5) HACCP l wv GMP(» ) v 6) Sanitation Standard Operating Procedure(SSOP:» y t ) w m wš l» 7) t HACCP l w HACCP q k HACCP Plan ƒ w w w, wš w üw SSOPƒ Õ w 2. t w SSOP w w š HACCP z CCP(Critical Control Point) w y w w w ƒ HACCP Plan p w t œ CCP Á ü w ù w w HACCP 7 e w w š SSOP w t w ƒ w ù HACCP 7 e w w» œ w SSOP ww. SSOP w w CCP w ƒ w w ù w wƒ w. SSOPv ƒ ƒ š w x w wš t y w š w» z ƒ. l, SSOP jš, SSOP wš ww, ww l wš,, w w yw» w w. SSOP w SSOP t ƒ,, SSOP wwš ƒ,, SSOP w l wš» w ƒ wš» w. t w Õ v w w w w š ww» ƒw w w w x x wš ƒ SSOP w w» w y w
86 8BO)FF1BSL4VOH)BL:JBOE%VDL)XB$IVOH w ww ƒ w w» w w. ³ w y w ƒ ³ w w w. x ù ƒœ HACCP xy r þ t 8 œ ƒœ t, þ, HACCP l w 8) wš z HACCP š t HACCP ƒ. z( m : z) e ³ 1 w z HACCP 9) wš HACCP l v w w ƒ v SSOP v w. z v w y k w» w ƒ š û t y w w SSOP v w k z y w. *. z: y w s wš þ m z w œ š y w z z s kv œ v xk ƒœ s w þ ³ m ût w ³ D z w w. w ût þ w z v š q w w q w xk. SSOP v ³ HACCP w» w SSOP v w» w x,, š x t w w e 8ƒ w w SSOP w. SSOP ü t š t w ƒ š œw w ƒ» w t w. t t w» w ww w ww t ³ w w» š w.» ( ) ƒ š w.» ³ w w œ š xy w w w.» w y» w» w w œ ù xy 10). HACCP v w t» œ w w SSOP p wwš lw ƒ ³ w t. Table 1 SSOP ƒ Õ sw w w ü t w. t,, ü ƒw w w SSOP v w. k sƒ z k w» w m SGS t 11) w z ù q y w t(table 4) w x sƒ w y(70%)w» (30%) w w wš w q w. w,, y, þ, þ, 6 ù w w t Table 1. The 8 reguration of SSOPs for Matured Raw Fishes HACCP system 1. Safety of water. 2. / Condition of food contact surface. 3. Prevention of cross contamination. 4. Hand washing, sanitizing and toilet facilities. 5. Protection of food packaging, and food contact surfaces from adulteration with contamination 6. Labeling, storage and use of toxic compounds 7. Adverse employee health conditions that could lead to contamination of product, packaging, or food contact surfaces. 8. Excluding of pests from the plant.
44011SPHSBN%FWFMPQNFOUGPS)"$$1"QQMJDBUJPOJO'SFTI3BX'JTI.BOVGBDUVSJOH 87 yw» Table 2. ƒ y ( œ, / t ),,,»m Ë r,,, x t, Á ³ t, þ þ, z, t. z» ù t t w w e w w ü w w (Table 4 : MNA) w w (MNA) wš MNA e z 10% w š ƒ w w w ƒ s³ ü 100 y w 70% yw š ³ 30% w w SSOP y z w.» t» ƒ. t Áƒœ» HACCP» q w. k w y w» w v ³ t t 14 y, 5 ³ ³ x w 2 ù yw 100 y w.» t t tœ» Table 2. Sanitation inspection standards for evaluating the sanitation inspection check-up list Result of inspection Standards Grades Agree Agree 2 points per item Partially agree 1-3 errors 1 point per item Disagree 4 errors or more 0 point for the relevant item MNA items Disagree 10 point reduction from the total points Table 3» q w. ƒ v w x w Table 3» ww 2, ww 0 wš y w z 30% yw t w w w. w ƒ 60 w w 61-75 m, 76-85 y, 86 q w. Sampling sƒ y k q wš w SSOP v ww z y š y w» w œ ƒ t z w e, e,, y t w w. v k x sƒ w w. x : ƒ œ y, Swab w š, k q w» w glove juice 12), t w œ x w, w. e,, z t tœ 7. x 8. x 1) w (1) 13) wš w. ³ ³, ³ : ³, ³ wš ³, ³, y s ³, l, ³, ³ w» w tœ 7. x, 8. x w ³ y w Table 3. Grading standards for bacteriological inspection of samplings Items of bacteriological inspection Tolerance limit (C/g) Grades Aerobic Bacterial Plate Count 100,000 or less Coli forms bacteria 10 or less E. coil Negative Staphylococcus aureus Negative Vibrio parahaemolyticus Negative Listeria monocytogenes Negative/25 g Salmonella spp Negative/25 g 2 points: less than tolerance limit 0 point: more than tolerance limit Pathogenic bacteria positive: 0 point for the sample
88 8BO)FF1BSL4VOH)BL:JBOE%VDL)XB$IVOH» w yw tœ 14), ATB Expression System(BioMerieux) ww w. McFarland 0.5 t w 15) ID32 Staph. kit, ID GN kit wš 35 o C 2 z ATB reader w w. œ ùw³ k y w» w» œ ùw³ e w. ³, y s ³, ³. d e, s», ü s, s, þ, þ 6œ. sq Ë 10, 30 ew z w 35 o C 48 w ( ³ 72 ) colony w. Plate count agar, Blood agar Mannitol agar, Potato dextrose agar w. SSOP v z HACCP q HACCP» wš HACCP q x w SSOP ww y w» w 2 1z wš 1-2z» w k w. SPSS 12.0 for Windows Mann-Whitney U Test w w SSOP v y w z k w w. m α=.05. w ƒœt ³ V.parahaemolyticus, Salmonella spp, S.aureus, L. monocytogenes» w w w t» 18) ww ûtw SSOP HACCP Plan w wš» w w. š SSOP v SSOP t w» w wwš lw ƒ ³ w» w t w» w x wwš Õ w w üw š rw w y w ww w w. 1993 z l t (QM) wš ISO9000 ƒ t» w soft ware wš x y wš y z š wš wù š š š rw w.» w PDCA(plan, do, check, action) cycle w y w» w t ƒ,, wš w k ƒ,, l wš» w ƒ» w w.»» HACCP l w» f q z w» ƒ wš w yw š HACCP v,, w w y ¾ w» ƒ ƒ y w»ƒ. ³ y w,, w w y v w wš SSOP w ƒ Õ w wš Õ v w 8ƒ w (Table 1), t t,, y, t, w,, w z p v w w ƒw t wš ww» w 1 w. Table 4 w w. 1. z w,, ƒœ s ù, ƒœ t y t w, yw w ù t w w ³ w. Table 4. A sample Sanitation Standard Operation Procedure(SSOP) forfishery Fisheries Quality management manual Issue No.: Issue Date: Page: Sanitation Standard Operation Procedures Authority:
44011SPHSBN%FWFMPQNFOUGPS)"$$1"QQMJDBUJPOJO'SFTI3BX'JTI.BOVGBDUVSJOH 89 2. 2.1 (1) (2) y œ 2.2 q (1) w (2) m z ƒ v (3) w w ƒ q w w (4) w 2.3 ƒ (1) w» y (2) ƒ t w ewš e z y z w (3) SSOP w (4) w (5) 2.4 t q (1) SSOP, (2) ( ) (3) t ( ) (4) 3. 3.1»: Á - 1z ( 5 ) Á - 1z( 30 ) Á - ( z 1 ) 3.2 : y»k, 3.3 ü : (1) SSOP (2) š w (3) w (4)» w (5) HACCP w (6) (7)»k 3.4 : : 2003... m : 2003... : 2003... 4. t1. wš w» w 1-1 t q 2z(1z y, 1 z )» w wš ( ) q w. 1-2 t q (œ q ) kjü ³» wš kj» w. 1-3 q kj 1z wš kj» w. t2. œ ü w t»,,» wš w» š t w. 2-1 t q t»,,»ƒ tz ww ( t ) mw š, w w w. 2-2 q œ w» ww ( t ) mw. 2-3 ƒ e 30, kv» 1, 1 ³ w w w. t3. w» œ t w» sww ü z wš w. 3-1 ƒ t»» w. 3-2 ƒ w z n w w. 3-3 w s, w z w. 1) w w z z k kw z w. 2) üs z w k kwš t w. 3) s w ü ƒ Ë v w j w w. 3-4 s w ƒ s / p t w w. 3-5 w ƒ t ƒ y wš ew w. - continue
90 8BO)FF1BSL4VOH)BL:JBOE%VDL)XB$IVOH t4., e, y, ( ), mw t w w. 4-1 w z w e,, m, j, y,, wš 2 k w z w. 4-2 ƒ ¼ w» ze z š z w w e w. - continue 4-3 œ y wš z wš wš w. 4-4 y wš ù ƒ. 4-5 w w w (y ƒ w 30 w ) z w. 4-6 œ w y, wš w w. 4-7 ƒ w z w e, e m k ƒ k w» w. 4-8 q w k z w,, w ³, k k, t w z w sw w w z n w. 4-9 œ ü š, w w,» w. 4-10 e w š œ ü ƒ š w. 4-11 z w w w wš wš ù z wš» w. 4-12 üs s wš z w t s ³w. 4-13 w. 1) n» 2) y z 3), { z 4) 5) ù z(, e,»,», ) 6)»k v 4-14 wš w. 1) w. 2) w t üš 20z. 3) m w m. 4). 5)». 6) w. 4-15 ƒ w z y v y w w š w k w. t5. yw ww» w / t œw. 5-1 z y ewš ƒ ù y wš ƒ w w v w w» t ew w w. 5-2 z y w m ewš y w ƒ w. 5-3 t», ewš œ»» w. 5-4 t e 4 w w. 5-5, 1z k /œ»» ew. t6. œ ü t ù w w. 6-1 ƒœ t wš ƒœ œ y j š s»w. 6-2 { t w x w w { w w. 6-3 w m wš w w w w. - continue
44011SPHSBN%FWFMPQNFOUGPS)"$$1"QQMJDBUJPOJO'SFTI3BX'JTI.BOVGBDUVSJOH 91 6-4 q ƒ { ù z ü m»m w ü ƒ w. t7. y y š w y y w. 7-1 q œ w w k w œw. 7-2 w»(4-10 ) 3,» (11-3 ) 5 w ywš yw z wš» û¼. 7-3 y, š w w. 7-4 r p ew mw y w j w ƒ mw w z œw wš ww» û¼. t8. yw t w. 8-1 w š» w w t wš e ew w. - t - - continue - - z w 8-2 t w z ³ wš w. 8-3 t t t w t œwš»k yw t t ƒ w v w j w w. t9. s ƒ w. 9-1 š s ƒ s w k w w. 9-2 s s w s n s w wš v w j Éü w. t10. w t w. 10-1 z ¾ w. 1) û 2) 3)»e, g 4), m 5) ù ( w n w x z ) 10-2 ƒ w y w» t w t ew. 10-3 z» ( 1z) wš ( ) ew. t11. œ ü w w. 11-1 œ œ w w y w. 11-2 w» œ w. 11-3 ü w e zƒ w x w w w w. 11-4 z w ³ w ü w w w w. 11-5 w» wš w. 11-6 ü w e w» e q y w. 11-7 q ƒ z s w ³ g ü w q w ³ t m w. t12. ƒ ƒ w» w. 12-1 y q w 11 o C~16 C o wš» w. 12-2 q ü 18 o C w w. 12-3 š þ š -4 o C~-5 C w o š» wš t t / z/ w m w. 12-4» þ k -3 o C~3 C o wš» w. 12-5» ü, w m w. - continue
92 8BO)FF1BSL4VOH)BL:JBOE%VDL)XB$IVOH t13. ü w w. 13-1 w Áò w. 1) w k k/ w 2)»k ƒ w š k z w. *» k sƒw» w. Table 5. A sample sanitation inspection check-up list for Fresh raw-fish manufacturers Fishery Hygiene audit: Fish Hygiene Audit check list 00-00 Auditor Date 2004,, Auditee 1. Manufacturing place Score MNC Comments 2 1 0 1) Floor, Wall & ceiling, Water drain / absence of foreign material 2) Air vent, Hood 3) Keeping of utensil, tool, air organized to prevent contamination 4) Cutting Board/ Knife 5) Knife 6) Equipment(Skining machine, Dehydrator, Ice machine, uvbox) 7) Disposable (vessel, glove etc) 8) Keeping of glove, apron, boots etc are in good order 9) Cleaning tool (Mop/broom/cloth) Storage / proper use 10) Cleaning chemical Approved Proper use Storage 11) Presence of pest 12) Shelve under the working table / sink Well oranized 13) Raw material, producing products & finished products should be separated 14) Absence of container With product/ product in direct With floor 15) Waste bin No accumulation of waste Lid and pedal 16) Re-packing is forbidden 17) Don't re-use product put in the layout 18) Don't use product Whose sell-by date is passed 19) The processing room must be cleared of products during the break time 30 items 60 points MNC: major non- conformances
44011SPHSBN%FWFMPQNFOUGPS)"$$1"QQMJDBUJPOJO'SFTI3BX'JTI.BOVGBDUVSJOH 93 Table 5. continue Fishery Hygiene audit: Fish check list 00-00 2. Wash basin Score MNC Comments 2 1 0 1) Cold and Warm Water 2) Sanitary conditions(paper towel/ dryer, bactericidal soap/ Sanitizer) 2 items 4 points 3. Toilet (rest room) Score MNC Comments 2 1 0 1) Floor, Wall & ceiling, 2) Sink 3) Cold and warm water 4) Sanitary conditions(paper towel/ dryer, bactericidal soap) 5) Waste bin( Lid and pedal) 6) Presence of pest 8 items 16 points 4. Refrigerating room Score MNC Comments 2 1 0 1) Floor/ Wall & ceiling/ Water drain/ / Air vent 2) Proper temperature 3) Absence of product/ box in direct contact with the fioor 4) Absence of wood pallets 5) Absence of foreign matter 6) overcharged storeroom 7) Separated and marked out areas for each type of products 8) Tidied up products, protected form cross contamination 9) Non labeled product is identified with its processing date 10) No expired item & raw material 11) FIFO is implemented 12 items 24 points 5. Freezing room Score MNC Comments 2 1 0 1) Floor, Wall & ceiling/ Water drain/ / Air vent 2) Proper temperature 3) Presence of air curtain 4) Absence of product/ box in direct contact with the floor 5) Absence of wood pallets 6) Absence of foreign matter 7) Overcharged storeroom 8) Separated and marked out areas for each type of products 9) Tidied up products, protected from cross contamination MNC: major non-conformances
94 8BO)FF1BSL4VOH)BL:JBOE%VDL)XB$IVOH Table 5. continue Fishery Hygiene audit: Fish check list 00-00 10) Non labeled product is identified with its processing date 11) No expired item & raw material 12) FIFO is implemented 13) Absence of frozen/ thawed seafood 14 items 28 points 6. Personal Hygiene Score MNC Commnets 2 1 0 1) Proper uniform(pants/ cap/ gloves) 2) Hygiene of the uniform 3) hand wash facilities For hand washing only Easy access Cold and warm water Bactericidal liquid soap Water top With pedal Non reusable paper towels No paper towel/ dryer No equipment inside 4) No personal objects(watches, pendants...) 5) Evidence of bad working habits 6) Evidence of smoking & eating 7) hygiene education regularly hold 14 items 28 points 80 items 160 points MNC: major non-conformances k SSOP v y z w Table 5 z w» w w w t.»» w t 51 w 1w ( / ) w(mnc) wš ù w w w w 5 sƒw» t ƒw w öe w w w kƒ yw sƒ w w» t y w w. w SSOP y w wš 1z» w œ 6 w Table 4 t w SSOP w» w Table 6. Table 6 SSOP v Table 6. Results of sanitation inspection using the newly-improved check-up list Inspection area No. of items Score Before SSOP program applition After SSOP program applition Judgment Judgment Manufacturing area 30 60 33 55 Poor 52 86.7 Excellent Wash basin 2 4 3 75 Common 4 100 Excellent Toilet (rest room) 8 16 12 75 Common 13 81,3 Fair Refrigerating room 12 24 19 79.2 Fair 21 87.5 Excellent Freezing room 14 28 22 78.6 Fair 26 92.9 Excellent Personal Hygiene 14 28 19 67.9 Common 26 92.9 Excellent Average 80 160 71.8 Common 88.6 Excellent
44011SPHSBN%FWFMPQNFOUGPS)"$$1"QQMJDBUJPOJO'SFTI3BX'JTI.BOVGBDUVSJOH 95 y w z ƒ w w s³ ƒ 71.8% 88.6. HACCP l z» sƒ Table 7 t t, ƒœ» w z ü sƒw q 97.1% SSOP sƒ ù. w z HACCP l w w» GMP(» ) HACCP v w m HACCP l w š SSOP v y z sƒ š w. ù s» š ƒ š wš w w. v ³ w t y w t t,,, œ» ³. ³, œ ùw ³ w y w Table 8. Table 8 SSOP v y ³ y ƒ 57.5 98.2 w m v y, z ƒ w ƒ. SSOPv, z Table 9 w SSOPv y w, z (30%) t sƒw (70%) ywš w w k y w. Table 9 m. HACCP l w» ú t w p ù wš wš š Table 7. Results of sanitation inspection by the KFDA workplace management standard Items of sanitation inspection items Conform Not conform Rate of conformance(%) Location, structure & building material of manufacturing & keeping facilities 3 3 0 100 Facilities of work-place 6 5 1 83 Facilities for food treatment 3 2 0 100 Water-supply facilities 2 2 0 100 Rest-room 2 2 0 100 Storage room 2 2 0 100 Rate of conformance 97.1% Table 8. Results of bacteriological exam for sanitation evaluation of work-place and workers Examine Places of sampling Marks allotted Before SSOP program applition After SSOP program applition Manufacturing area 14 28 21 75 27 96.4 Personal Hygiene 5 10 4 40 10 100 Average 19 38 57.5 98.2 Table 9. Sanitation improvement of matured raw-fish manufacturers through SSOP program Item Score Bact. exam (30%) Before SSOP program applition Sanit. inspection (70%) (100) Judg ment Bact. exam (30%) After SSOP program applition Sanit. inspection (70%) Manufacturing area 22.5 50.8 73.3 Fair 28.9 62.8 91.7 Excellent Personal Hygiene 12 47.5 59.5 Poor 30 65.0 95.0 Excellent Average 66.4 Common 93,4 Excellent (100) Judg ment
96 8BO)FF1BSL4VOH)BL:JBOE%VDL)XB$IVOH w ù SSOPv y w z, w kƒ w. 8ƒ w ü š. ù xk z z HACCP l w» w ƒ y w SSOP(Sanitation Standard Operating Pprocedure:)v w y w SSOP v t w š w SSOPv w y w w w z t t ³ wš, t w w wš m w SSOPv y y w. x w 51 w w/ w w 6 q w ü yw 70% y wš v ³ yw 30% y w w w 100 w 60 w w, 61-75 m, 76-85 y, 86 q wš SSOP v y w k m w. w t w w w y y 71.8% y z 88.6% w ³ y w 57.5% 98.2% w ƒ. ( ³ ) y ƒƒ 70% 30% y w w w SSOP y z 66.4 93.4 w» HACCP l v w 8ƒ w ü w. š x 1., w t, Ÿ q, p150-151, 1998 2. : z»;, http://www.lucas.pe.kr/happy/bada/fish/ hoe.htm. 3. Codex alimentarius commission, joint FAO/WHO Food standards programe; Hazard Analysis and critical control point System and Guidelines for its Application, codex Alimentarius Supplement to volume 1B General Requiements, 1995. 4. t t : HACCP, http://www. kfda.go.kr. 5., : š t HACCP,, 43, 2002. 6., ; š t HACCP,, 99-108, 2002. 7., : š t HACCP,, 18-19 2002. 8. t t : HACCP, http://www. kfda.go.kr. 9., w: z HACCP l, w y wz, 29(5), 86-100, 2003. 10., : š t HACCP,, 109-111, 2002. 11. SGS, Hygiene audit: fish, checklist, 2002. 12. Paulson, D.S.; A comparative evaluation of different hand cleansers. Dairy, Food and Environ. Sanit. 14(9), 524-528, 1994. 13. t t : tœ, tœ xz, 622-623, 2002. 14. t t : tœ, tœ xz, 638-647, 2002. 15. t t : tœ, tœ xz, 650-643, 2002. 16. Jean, F. MacFaddin : Biochemical Tests for identifi cation of Medical Bacteria. lippin cott Williams & Wilkins, 2002. 17. Harrigan,W.F.McCance M.E: Laboratory methods in food and dairy microbiology, Academic press INC, N.Y., 1976. 18. Solberg, M, Buckalew, J.J, Chen, C.M, Scha ffner, D.W., O'neill, K, McDowell, Jo, Post, L.S. and Boderck, M: Microbiohiological safety assurance system forfood service facilitie, Food Technol, 44, 68-73, 1990. 19. t t : tœ, tœ xz, 486, 2002. 20. t t : tœ, tœ xz, 488, 2002.