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뿔l 앓 醫 l활칸사 / 창간사 김 우 명 t 찰 즈i / 창간호 6 떠돌이 (시 ) 박 명 성 7 라 파스에서 생긴 일 이 달 호 14 아버지 만세 김 영 ;;<} 17 안타까운대면 박 명 성 21 석장의 졸엽장 임 숙 자 22 <;>!- 화 김 혜


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4. 수업의 흐름 차시 창의 인성 수업모형에 따른 단계 수업단계 활동내용 창의 요소 인성 요소 관찰 사전학습: 날짜와 힌트를 보고 기념일 맞춰보기 호기심 논리/ 분석적 사고 유추 5 차시 분석 핵심학습 그림속의 인물이나 사물의 감정을 생각해보고 써보기 타인의 입장 감정

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4. 수업의 흐름 차시 수업모형에 따른 단계 단계 활동내용 요소 요소 유추 사전 인터뷰의 형식 소개하고 대상 짐작해 보기 Ex. My Mom 호기심, 몰입, 5 차시 관찰 핵심 가상의 인터뷰 꾸며보기 - 알고 있는 대상을 정하고 그 사람의 하루 생활 인터뷰로 만들어 보


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c 스피드리딩카페 - 출처를밝히지않은수정및재배포는엄격히금지합니다. 영어원서 <Twilight> 단어장 http://book.interpark.com/product/bookdisplay.do?_method=detail&sc.shopno=0000400000&sc.prdno=15602967 원서바로가기 ( 클릭 ) 영어원서에나오는어려운어휘가정리되어있습니다. 이를활용하면원서를더욱쉽게읽고, 어휘력을탄탄하게기를수있습니다! 원본출처 : 스피드리딩카페단어장게시판 (http://cafe.naver.com/readingtc/9107) 이단어장은대한민국최저가인터넷서점 인터파크외국도서 와의제휴를통해재배포되고있습니다. 국내최대원서읽기동호회스피드리딩카페를방문해보세요! 이미수만명의 Reader들이함께모여영어원서를읽고있습니다! http://cafe.naver.com/readingtc

쪽단어의미예문 Twilight by Stephenie Meyer [1] chapter 1 - First sight 1 grieve[griːv] 슬프게하다, 마음아프게하다 it's not reasonable to grieve when it comes to an end. saunter [sɔ ːntəːr] 산책하다 (stroll), 어슬렁거리다 ; WALK. The hunter smiled in a friendly way as he sauntered forward to kill me. 3 eyelet [aílit] 작은구멍 ; ( 자수의 ) 장식구멍, 아일릿 ; I was wearing my favorite shirt - sleeveless, white eyelet lace, constant [kɑństənt ] 변치않는, 일정한 ; 항구적인, 부단한 Forks exists under a near-constant cover of clouds. inconsequential 논리에맞지않는, 불합리한 ; It rains on this inconsequential town more than any other place omnipresent 편재하는, 동시에어디든지있는. its gloomy, omnipresent shade that my mother escaped with me compel [kəmpeĺ] v. 강제하다, 억지로 시키다. It was in this town that I'd been compelled to spend a month every summer 4 exile [eǵzail, eḱs-] oneself 망명하다, 유랑하다. It was to Forks that I now exiled myself detest [diteśt] vt. 몹시싫어하다, 혐오하다.[SYN.] HATE. I detested Forks. blistering [blístəriŋ] 물집이생기게하는 ; 통렬한, I loved the sun and the blistering heat. sprawl [sprɔːl] v. 손발을쭉뻗다, 불규칙하게퍼지다 ; vigorous [vígərəs] a. 정력왕성한, 활발한, 박력있는, 강건한 I loved the vigorous, sprawling city. spasm [spæź-əm] 경련, 쥐 ; 발작, 충동 ( 적분기 ); I felt a spasm of panic as I stared at her wide, childlike eyes. erratic [iræ tik] a. 일정하지않은, 변하기쉬운, 불규칙적인 ; harebrained 경솔한, 변덕스러운 ; 지각없는, 무모한 fend [fend] v. for oneself 혼자힘으로꾸려나가다, How could I leave my loving, erratic, harebrained mother to fend for herself? sacrifice[sæḱrəfaìs]n 희생, 산제물, 제물 But I could see the sacrifice in her eyes behind the promise. urge [əːrdʒ] v. 좨치다, 재촉하다, 노력하게하다. 주장하다 "Don't worry about me," I urged. 5 genuine [ʤeńjuin] a 진짜의, 정짜의. [SYN.] REAL. He seemed genuinely pleased that I was coming to live with him for the first time with any degree of permanence 영구, 영속 ( 성 ); 불변, 내구 ( 성 ). permanence. verbose[vəːrboús] 말이많은, 다변의, 용장 ( 冗長 ) 한, 장황한. Neither of us was what anyone would call verbose, distaste [disteíst] n. 싫음, 혐오 (disrelish); 싫증, 염증 (dislike) I hadn't made a secret of my distaste for Forks. scarcity[skɛ əːrsəti] 부족 (lack); 결핍, 기근 (dearth), despite the scarcity of my funds, 6 steady [ste di] v. 견고하게하다 ; 침착하게하다 ; smiling as he automatically caught and steadied me. permeable 침투성 [ 투과할수 ] 있는 (to). Most of my Arizona clothes were too permeable for Washington. pool [puːl] v. 함께하다.( 돈 사람 물건따위가 ) 모이다. My mom and I had pooled our resources to supplement my winter wardrobe, scanty [skæńti] a. 부족한, 불충분한 (insufficient) but it was still scanty, oppose [əpoúz] v 에반대하다, 에대항하다, he said "good car for you" as opposed to just "good car". reservation 지정거류지 La Push is the tiny Indian reservation on the coast. prompt [prɑmpt ] v. 자극하다, 격려하다, 촉구하다, 유발하다 Charlie prompted. 7 compromise 양보하다, 타협하다, that was the part I couldn't compromise on. inherit [inheŕit] v. 상속하다. 물려받다, 유전하다 (from). I inherited that from him.

Twilight by Stephenie Meyer [2] 8 bulbous [bʌĺbəs] a 구근 ( 상 ) 의 ; 구근에서성장하는. rounded fenders and a bulbous cab. (a nose 주먹코.) horrific [hɔːri fik,] a. 무서운, 대단한. Now my horrifc day tomorrow would be just that much less dreadful. gruff [grʌf] a. 우락부락한, 무뚝뚝한, 굵고탁한, Charlie said gruffly, embarrassed again. 9 crib [krib] n. 테두리난간이있는침대, 베이비베드. were switching the crib for a bed stipulation 약속, 약정, 계약 ; 규정, 조건. This was a stipulation from my mother dwell [dwel] on [upon] 곰곰 [ 깊이 ] 생각하다. I was trying not to dwell too much on that fact. dejected [didʒeḱtid] 기운없는, 낙담한 (depressed), 풀없는. a relief to stare dejectedly out the window at the sheeting rain 10 communal[kəmju ːnl] 자치단체의, 시읍면 ( 市邑面 ) 의 ; 공공의 ; went to the communal bathroom to clean ( life [property] 공동생활 [ 재산 ]) tangle [tæ ŋg-əl] v 엉키게하다, 혼란, 혼잡, 분규. I brushed through my tangled, damp hair. sallow [sæĺou] a. 엷은청황색의, 창백한, 혈색이나쁜 I looked sallower, unhealthy. translucent 반투명의2 투명한 ; 거짓 [ 속임 ] 이없는. it was very clear, almost translucent-looking, pallid [pæĺid] a 윤기 [ 핏기 ] 없는, 핼쑥한, 창백한 ; Facing my pallid reflection in the mirror, niche [nitʃ] n. 적소 ( 適所 ), 활동범위, 영역 ; 생태적지위. if I couldn't find a niche in a school 11 glitch [glitʃ] n. 결함, 상태가나쁨. 고장. Maybe there was a glitch in my brain. drizzle [drízl] n. 이슬비, 보슬비, 가랑비 when the rain finally settled into a quieter drizzle. claustrophobia [klɔ ː strəfoúbiə] n. 밀실공포, 폐소 ( 閉所 ) 공포 ( 증 ) I could feel the claustrophobia creeping up on me linoleum [linoúliəm] 리놀륨 ( 마루의깔개 ). bright tellow cabinets, and white linoleum floor. attempt [əteḿpt] 시도, 기도, 시도하다, 꾀하다 in an attempt to bring some sunshine into the house. adjoin [ədʒɔín] v 접하다, 에인접 [ 이웃 ] 하다. Over the small fireplace in the adjoining handkerchief-sized family room procession[prəse ʃən] 행진, 행렬 ; 진행, 전진 followed by the procession of my school pictures up to last year's. 12 don2 vt. ( 옷 모자따위를 ) 걸치다, 입다, 쓰다 I donned my jacket eaves [iːvz] n. 처마, 차양 that was always hidden under the eaves by the door slosh [slɑʃ] 튀어흩어짐, 튀어오름. 흙탕물을튀기다 The sloshing of my new waterproof boots was unnerving. swirl [swəːrl] 소용돌이치다 (about), that swirled around my head and clung to my hair under my hood. upholster[ʌphoúlstər] 속을넣어천을씌우다 but the tan upholstered seats still smelled idle [aídl] 게으름피우고있다, 헛돌게하다. roaring to life and then idling at top volume. 13 maroon1[məru ːn] 밤색, 적갈색 built with maroon-colored bricks shrub [ʃrʌb] 키작은나무, 관목 There were so many trees and shrubs I couldn't see its size at first. nostalgia[nɑstæĺdʒiə] 향수, 노스탤지어, 향수병 I wondered nostalgically. fleck [flek] vt. 수동태 ( 로) 얼룩덜룩해있다 orange-flecked commercial carpet clutter [klʌ tər] 어수선하 ( 게하 ) 다, 흩뜨리다 ; notices and awards cluttering the walls greenery [gríːnəri] 푸른잎, 푸른나무 ; as if there wasn't enough greenery outside flyer [flaíər] 광고쪽지, 전단, 삐라. brightly colored flyers taped to its front man [mæn] 에사람을 [ 병사를 ] 배치하다, one of which was manned by a large, red-haired woman wearing glasses. flighty [flaíti] 변덕스러운, 일시적기분의, 엉뚱한. Daughter of the Chief's flighty ex-wife,

14 precarious [prikɛ əriəs] 불확실한, 믿을수없는, 불안정한 ; Twilight by Stephenie Meyer [3] She dug through a precariously stacked pile of documents on her desk feebly [fíːbli] 나약하게 ; 무기력하게. I lied to myself feebly 15 hyperventilation [haìpərveǹtəleíʃə 환기,[ 호흡 ] 항진, 과 ( 過 ) 환기. I felt my breathing gradually creeping toward hyperventilation gawk [gɔːk] 바보짓을하다 ; 멍하니바라보다 (at). He gawked at me when he saw my name drone [droun] 윙윙거리다 ; 단조롭게말하다. while the teacher droned on. nasal [neízəl] 코의 ; 콧소리의 ; 비음의. When the bell rang, a nasal buzzing sound 16 slick [slik] 매끄러운 (sleek). 흠치르르한, 반질반질한 boy with skin problems and hair black as an oil slick radius [reídiəs] 반지름 ; 반지름내의범위. 행동반경 Everyone within a three-seat radius turned to look at me. tentative [teńtətiv] 시험적인 : 주저하는, 모호한. I smiled tentatively. "Thanks." paranoid [pæŕənɔì] 편집성의 ; 편협한, 과대망상적인. 편집증환자. I hoped I wasn't getting paranoid. 17 trigonometry [trìgənɑḿətri / -nɔḿ 삼각법. My Trigonometry teacher, Mr. Varner, diplomatic [dìpləmæ tik] 외교의, 외교관계의 I tried to be diplomatic, prattle [præ tl] 쓸데없는말을하다, 재잘거리다 ; so I smiled and nodded as she prattled about teachers and classes. excessive [ikseśiv] 과도한, 과대한, 과다한. fear of meeting an excessively interested pair of eyes. 18 leaner [líːnəːr] 기대는 [ 의지하는 ] 사람. muscular 근육의. 억센 ; 활력있는, 힘있는. Another was taller, leaner, but still muscular, and honey blond. lanky [læ ŋki] 훌쭉 [ 호리호리 ] 한 ; 멀대같은. bulky [bʌĺki] 부피가커진, 턱없이큰. The last was lanky, less bulky, with untidy, bronze-colored hair. statuesque 조상같은 ; 균형잡힌 ; 윤곽이고른 ; 위엄있는. The tall one was statuesque. esteem [istíːm] 존중, 존경, 경의. take a hit on her self-esteem just by being in the same room 19 angular [æ ŋgjələr] 각 ( 角 ) 을이룬, 모진, 모난 ; 모서리진. Though their noses, all their features, were straight, perfect, angular. devastating [de vəsteìtiŋ 황폐시키는, 파괴적인, 매우훌륭한, 굉장한, were all devastatingly, inhumanly beautiful fraction [fræḱʃ-ən] 파편, 단편. 아주조금, 소량. He looked at my neighbor for just a fraction of a second 20 conspicuous 눈에띄는, 똑똑히보이는 [kənspíkjuəs] I struggled with the conspicuous understatement. understate [ʌǹdərsteí] 삼가서말하다, 적게말하다 ; 줄잡아말하다. condemnation [kɑǹdemneíʃən / kɔǹ] 비난 ; 유죄판결, 죄의선고 ; Her voice held all the shock and condemnation of the small town 21 reluctant [rilʌḱtənt] 마음내키지않는 (unwilling), 꺼리는, "I guess so," Jessica admitted reluctantly, 22 surge [səːrdʒ] 큰파도, 격동 I felt a surge of pity, and relief brawny [brɔ ːni] 근골 ( 筋骨 ) 이늠름한, 억센, 튼튼한 ; 센. even the big, brawny one acquaintance [əkweíntəns] 지식, 면식, 아는사람, One of my new acquaintances, who considerately reminded me 23 surreptitious [sə ːrəptíʃəs / sʌ r - ] 내밀한, 비밀의, 은밀한 ; 뒤가구린, 부정한 I was watching him surreptitiously. hostile [hɑśtil] 적의있는, 반대의 ; 냉담한 it was hostile, furious.

Twilight by Stephenie Meyer [4] antagonistic [æntæ gənístik] 적대의, 반대하는 ; 상반되는, 서로용납될수없는. bewildered by the antagonistic stare he'd given me. avert [əvə ːrt] 돌리다, 비키다, 피하다, 막다. averting his face like he smelled something bad inconspicuous [iǹkənspiḱjuː 두드러지지않는 ; 눈을끌지않는 Inconspicuously, I sniffed my hair. 24 anatomy [ənæ təmi 해부학, 해부술 Unfortunately the lecture was on cellular anatomy tendon [teńdən] 힘줄, 건 tendons standing out under his pale skin. burly [bə ːrli] 굵고튼튼한, 크고센 ; 솔직한 ; 무뚝뚝한. he'd looked next to his burly brother. revulsion [rivʌĺʃ-ən] 격변, 급변 ; 급격한반동, 극도의불쾌감, 혐오감. his black eyes full of revulsion. 25 stab [stæb] 찌르다 (thrust), 해치다, 중상하다. "So, did you stab Edward Cullen with a pencil or what? 26 cringe [krindʒ] 움츠리다 ; 싫어지다, 진력내다 I cringed. artless [ɑ ːrtlis] 꾸밈없는, 천진한, 볼품없는, 서투른 "Was that the boy I sat next to in Biology?" I asked artlessly. irritation [i rəteíʃən] 속타게 [ 성나게 ] 함 ; 안달, 초조, 노여움. But it wasn't enough to ease my irritation. mandatory [mæńdətɔ ːri] 명령의, 위임의 ; 의무적인, 강제적인, 필수의. Here, P.E. was mandatory all four years. simultaneously [saìməlteíniəsli, sìm- 동시에 ; 일제히. I watched four volleyball games running simultaneously. sustain [səsteín] 떠받치다. 유지하다, 받다, 입다. inflict [infliḱt] ( 타격 상처 고통따위를 ) 주다, 입히다, 가하다 Remembering how many injuries I had sustained and inflicted playing volleyball, I felt faintly nauseated. nauseate [nɔ ːzieì] 메스껍게하다 ; 싫어하다, 꺼리다 tousle [taúz-əl] d hair 헝클어진머리. 헝클어뜨리다. I recognized again that tousled bronze hair. 27 aggravation [æ grəveíʃə] 악화, 짜증, 화남, 짜증거리. The look on his face must have been about another aggravation entirely. gist [ʤist] 요점, 요지, 근본 ; I quickly picked up the gist of the argument. meek [miːk] ( 온 ) 순한, 유화한, 너무온순한, 기백 [ 용기 ] 없는 I went meekly to the desk, my face white for once instead of red maternal[mətə ːrnl] 어머니의 ; 모성의, 어머니다운 ; "How did your first day go, dear?" the receptionist asked maternally. chapter 2 - Open book 29 opaque [oupeík] 불투명한. 통과시키지않는, 분명치않은 ; 우둔한 dense [dens] 밀집 [ 밀생 ] 한 ; 조밀한, 짙은 ; 농후한. It was better because it wasn't raining yet, though the clouds were dense and opaque. tread [tred] 밟다, 걷다, 가다, 지나다 ; I began to feel like I was treading water, instead of drowning in it. 30 dread [dred] 두려워하다, 무서워하다 ; 염려 [ 걱정 ] 하다. bizarre [bizɑ ːr] 기괴한, 좀별난, 별스러운 ; 색다른 ; 기상천외의 All morning I was dreading lunch, fearing his bizarre glares. intercept [iǹtərseṕt] 도중에서빼앗다 [ 붙잡다 ], 가로채다. Mike intercepted us and steered us to his table. elate [ileít] be d by [with] 으로의기양양하다. Jessica seemed elated by the attention, and her friends quickly joined us. 31 tactful [tæḱtfəl] 재치있는, 꾀바른, 약삭빠른 ; 솜씨좋은 ; 적절한. I had never been enormously tactful; I had no practice dealing with overly friendly boys. evade [iveíd] 피하다, 비키다, 면하다, 벗어나다. pleased to find that I had successfully evaded my retriever friend for the moment. banquet [bæ ŋkwit] 연회 ( 특히정식의 ), 향연 ; 축연 He was willing enough to hand over the keys to the banquet hall. 32 mesmerize [meźməraìz] 에게최면술을걸다 ; 홀리게하다, 매혹시키다. I hadn't noticed their clothes before I'd been too mesmerized by their faces. dishrag [-ŕæ g] n. DISHCLOTH the style with which they carried themselves, they could have worn dishrags and pulled it off. excessive [ikseśiv] 과도한, 과대한, 과다한. 지나친, 심한, 엄청난 ; It seemed excessive for them to have both looks and money. 33 marinade [mæ rəneíd] 마리네이드 ( 식초및포도주에향료를넣은양념 ; 마리네이드에절인고기 [ 생선 ]. I wrapped potatoes in foil and stuck them in the oven to bake, covered a steak in marinade

Twilight by Stephenie Meyer [5] 34 sturdy1 [stə ːrdi] 억센, 튼튼한, 건장한 ; 건전한, 착실한. It's old, but really sturdy, which is good, you know, for me. wuthering [wʌ ðəriŋ] 쌩쌩강하게부는 ( 바람 ), 쌩쌩바람이부는 ( 땅 ). Wuthering Heights - 폭풍의언덕 I had decided to read Wuthering Heights the novel we were currently studying in English 35 bustle[bʌśl] 크게소동하다 ; 떠들며다니다 ; 부산떨다, 붐비다, He hung up his gun belt and stepped out of his boots as I bustled about the kitchen. edible [e dəbəl] 식용에적합한, 식용의 My mother was an imaginative cook, and her experiments weren't always edible. lumber[lʌḿbər] 쿵쿵걷다 ; 무겁게움직이다 ; he lumbered into the living room to watch TV while I worked. 36 asset [æśet] n. 자산, 재산, 유용한자질 ; 이점, 미점, 자랑 ( 거리 ) He's an asset to the community, and all of those kids are well behaved and polite. speck [spek] n. 작은반점 (spot), 얼룩 (stain); ( 과일의 ) 썩은흠. But they're all very mature I haven't had one speck of trouble from any of them. 37 back-pedal[bæḱpe dl] 페달을뒤로밟다 ; 철회하다, 도로물리다 I backpedaled. "They seemed nice enough to me. complimentary [kɑ mpləmeńtəri 칭찬의, 찬사의, 찬양하는. 아첨잘하는. They're all very attractive," I added, trying to be more complimentary. lapse [læps] into silence 침묵하다. We lapsed back into silence as we finished eating. 38 bogus [boúgəs] a 위조 [ 가짜 ] 의. 모르는, 매력없는 : 믿을수없는. and wrote my mom more bogusly cheerful e-mail shudder [ʃʌ dəːr] v 떨다, 전율하다, 오싹하다, 몸서리 [ 진저리 ] 치다. I wondered idly what kind of gas mileage the truck got and shuddered at the thought. 39 incredulous[inkre dʒələs] 쉽사리믿지않는, 의심많은, 회의적인 (of); "Haven't you ever seen snow fall before?" he asked incredulously. apparently [əpæŕəntli] 명백히, 일견하여. 외관상으로는, 언뜻보기에 Mike apparently had the same notion. mush [mʌʃ] n. 미국 옥수수죽 ( 같은것 ). He bent over and began scraping together a pile of the white mush. 40 hilarious [hilɛ əriəs] 들뜬, 명랑한, 즐거운 ; 웃음을자아내는, 재미있는. Jessica thought I was hilarious, but something in my expression kept her from lobbing a snowball at me herself. animated [æńəmeìtid] 힘찬, 싱싱한 ; 활기찬, 한창인, He and Jessica were talking animatedly about the snow fight as we got in line to buy food. 41 ponder [pɑńdər] v 숙고하다, 깊이생각하다 I pondered, staring, trying to isolate the change. saturate[sæ tʃəreìt]vt 삼투시키다, 적시다 ; 흠뻑적시다, Edward, Jasper, and Emmett all had their hair entirely saturated with melting snow. 42 contemplate [kɑńtəmpleìt / kɔńtem-] 찬찬히보다, 관찰하다. 잘생각하다, 심사숙고하다 I raised my head enough to make sure that she did, contemplating violence if she resisted. bargain [bɑ ːrgən] n. 매매, 거래. 산물건, 매득 ; 떨이. I decided to honor the bargain I'd made with myself. 43 doodle [du ːdl] v. 낙서하다. 하는일없이지내다. I kept my eyes away from the door, doodling idly on the cover of my notebook. disheveled[diʃe vəld] 흩어진, 헝클어진 ; 봉두난발의 ; 단정치못한. His hair was dripping wet, disheveled -even so, he looked like he'd just finished shooting a commercial for hair gel. 44 moron [mɔ ːrɑn ] n. 멍텅구리, 얼간이. that's what everyone here seems to know me as," I tried to explain, feeling like an utter moron. mitosis [maitoúsis]n 유사분열 we had to separate the slides of onion root tip cells into the phases of mitosis they represented and label them accordingly[əkɔ ːrdiŋli] 따라서, 그러므로, 그래서. 그에맞게, accordingly. mentally [meńtəli] ad. 정신적으로 ; 마음속으로 ; 지적 ( 知的 ) 으로. competent [kɑḿpətənt / "Or I could start, if you wish." The smile faded; he was obviously wondering if I was mentally competent. 적임의, 유능한, 적당한, 충분한, 상당한. kɔḿ-] crooked [kruḱid] a 꼬부라진, 비뚤어진, 부정직한, 굽은, 기운. I looked up to see him smiling a crooked smile so beautiful that I could only stare at him like an idiot. 45 prophase [proúfeìz]n ( 유사분열 ( 有絲分裂 ) 의 ) 전기 ( 前期 ) My assessment was confident. "Prophase." stagger [stæǵəːr] v. 비틀거리다, 망설이다, 동요하다, I watched him, still staggered, as he examined the slide for an even shorter time than I had. cursory [kə ːrsəri]a. 몹시서두른, 조잡한, 엉성한. He swiftly switched out the first slide for the second, and then glanced at it cursorily. anaphase [æńəfeìz]n ( 핵분열의 ) 후기 "Anaphase," he murmured, writing it down as he spoke. smirk [sməːrk] vi. 능글맞게웃다, 부자연한웃음을웃다 He smirked and pushed the microscope to me.

Twilight by Stephenie Meyer [6] 46 fleeting [flíːtiŋ] a. 질주하는 ; 빨리지나가는, 쏜살같은 ; 덧없는, I took the most fleeting look I could manage. interphase 사이기, 간기 "Interphase." I passed him the microscope before he could ask for it. intimidate [intiḿədeìt] 으르다, 위협하다, 협박하다. I would have written it while he looked, but his clear, elegant script intimidated me. inexplicable [ineḱsplikəbəl, iǹikspliḱ-] 불가해한, 설명할수없는, 납득이안가는. I glanced up, and he was staring at me, that same inexplicable look of frustration in his eyes. auburn [ɔ ːbərn] a. 적갈색의, 황갈색의, 다갈색의. the color was striking against the background of his pale skin and his auburn hair. 47 skeptical[skeṕtik-əl] 의심많은, 회의적인 ; 믿지않는 ; 회의론 ( 자 ) 의. Mr. Banner looked at me now; his expression was skeptical. blastula [blæśtʃələ]n 포배 "Whitefish blastula?" 48 surmise [sərmaíz]v 추측 [ 짐작 ] 하다 ; 인가하고생각하다. "And you don't like him," Edward surmised, his tone still kind. fathom [fæ ðəm] vt. 의깊이를재다, 헤아리다, 통찰하다 I couldn't fathom his interest, but he continued to stare at me with penetrating eyes, as if my dull life's story penetrating [peńətreìtiŋ] 꿰뚫는, 관통하는. 통찰력이있는, 예리한, was somehow vitally important. 49 assumption [əsʌḿpʃən] 인수, 수락, 취임. 가정, 억측 ; 가설, "And your mother sent you here so that she could travel with him." He said it as an assumption again, glum [glʌm] a 무뚝뚝한, 뚱한, 음울한 (sullen) My voice was glum by the time I finished. dryly, drily[draíli] ad. 냉담하게 ; 무미건조하게 ; 감정에사로잡히지않고 "I believe I have heard that somewhere before," he agreed dryly. 50 transparent [trænspɛ -ərənt] 투명한 ; 비쳐보이는. 명료한 ; 평이한 engross [engroús] 빼앗다, 열중시키다.be ed in 에열중해있다 He'd seemed engrossed in our conversation I tried to appear attentive as Mr. Banner illustrated, with transparencies on the overhead projector, 51 chivalrous [ʃívəlrəs] 기사의, 기사적인 ; 여성에게정중한. He chivalrously covered my position as well as his own, woolgathering [wuĺgæ ð-əriŋ] 방심 ( 한 ), 멍한, 얼빠진듯한 ; 하찮은일. so my woolgathering was only interrupted when it was my turn to serve; wary [wɛ -əri] a 경계하는, 주의깊은, 신중한 my team ducked warily out of the way every time I was up. fluff [flʌf] v 푸하게 [ 부풀게 ] 하다, I unzipped my jacket, put the hood down, and fluffed my damp hair out 52 peripheral [pərífərəl] 주위의, 주변의 ; 외면의 ; 말초적인 but from a peripheral peek, I would swear I saw him laughing. Chapter 3 쪽 단어 의미 예문 54 revel [re v-əl] v 한껏즐기다, 매우기뻐하다 I found myself reveling in the aloneness instead of being lonely. babble[bæ bəl]v 떠듬거리며말하다 ; 쓸데없는말을하다 I should be avoiding him entirely after my brainless and embarrassing babbling yesterday. emanate[eḿəneìt] v 나오다, 퍼지다. I sometimes felt emanating from him. speculation[spe kjəleíʃ-ən] n 사색, 숙고, 심사, 고찰. my unwanted speculations about Edward Cullen 55 novelty[nɑ v-əlti ] 신기함, 진기함 ; 새로움. because I was a novelty here. cripple[krípəl] v. 불구 [ 절름발이 ] 가되게하다 ; 무능케하다 clumsy[klʌḿzi] a. 솜씨없는, 서투른. Possibly my crippling clumsiness was seen as endearing rather than pathetic, casting me as a damsel in endear[endíər] vt. 애정을느끼게하다, 사랑받다. distress. damsel[dæḿzəl] n. 처녀 ; 신분이높은소녀. disconcert[dìskənsə ːrt] vt. 당황케하다, 쩔쩔매게하다 ; Eric's apparent rivalry with him were disconcerting. carve[kɑːrv] v. 새기다, 파다, 에조각하다 (inscribe). not wanting to carve a path of destruction through Main street. crisscross[krískrɔ ːs] 종횡으로움직이다, 교차하다. There were thin chains crisscrossed in diamond shapes around them. startle[stɑ ːrtl] v. 깜짝놀라다 ; 펄쩍뛰다. I looked up, startled.

56 skid[skid] n. 미끄럼, 옆으로미끄러지기. squeal[skwiːl]v. ( 문 타이어등이 ) 끼익소리를내다. Twilight by Stephenie Meyer [7] the dark blue van that was skidding, tires locked and squealing against the brakes. blacktop[blæḱtɑ p / - tɔ p] 아스팔트포장 ( 의 ). My head cracked against the icy blacktop. grating[greítiŋ] a. 귀에거슬리는 ; 삐걱거리는, It had curled gratingly around the end of the truck and, still spinning and sliding, was about to collide with me collide[kəlaíd] v. 충돌하다 again. oath[ouɵ] n. 맹세, 서약 ; A low oath made me aware that someone was with me. providentially[prɑ vədeńʃəli / prɔ -] ad. 섭리에의하여 ; 운좋게도. dent[dent] n. 움푹팬곳, 눌려서들어간곳, 눌린자국. thud[ɵʌd] n. 퍽, 털썩, 쿵 ( 소리 ) A groaning metallic thud hurt my ears 57 abrupt[əbrʌṕt] a. 돌연한, 갑작스러운, 뜻밖의. bedlam[be dləm] n. 대혼란, 수라장 ; the large hands fitting providentially into a deep dent in the side of the van's body. In the abrupt bedlam, I could hear more than one person shouting my name. throb[ɵrɑb / ɵrɔb] v. 가슴이고동치다, 두근거리다 I became aware of a throbbing ache centered above my left ear. bearing[bɛ əriŋ] n. 태도 (manner), 거동, 행동거지. I trailed off, trying to clear my head, ge my bearing. disorient[disɔ ːriənt,] vt 어리둥절케하다 ; I looked at his concerned, innocent expression and was disoriented again 58 flurry[flə ːri, flʌŕi] n 동요 ; 혼란, 소동 ; There was a flurry of activity around us. gruff[grʌf] a. 굵고탁한, 몹시거친. I could hear the gruffer voices of adults arriving on the scene. obstinate[ɑ bstənit ] 완고한, 억지센, I obstinately held on to our argument unleash[ʌnlíːʃ] vt. 을억제함을그치다, 제어를풀다 ; crucial[kru ːʃəl]a 결정적인, 중대한 plead[pliːd] v. 탄원하다, 간청하다 he pleaded, his soft voice overwhelming. vehement[víːəmənt] a. 격렬한, 맹렬한, concussion[kənkʌ ʃən] n. 뇌진탕 He unleashed the full, devastating power of his eyes on me, as if trying to ommunicate something crucial. Edward vehemently refused his, and I tried to do the same, but the traitor told them I'd hit my head and probably had a concussion. sober[soúbəːr]a. 착실한, 침착한 ; watching soberly as they loaded me in the back of the ambulance. 59 jumble [ʤʌḿbl]n. 혼잡, 난잡 ; 뒤범벅 ; churn[tʃəːrn] v. ( 생각따위가 ) 뒤끓다 ; contour[kɑńtuər / kɔń-] n 윤곽, 외형 ; 윤곽선 ; brace[breis] v. 버티다, 떠받치다 ; thermameter[ɵəːrmæ ńtədoùt]n. 체온계 I turned him out to consider the jumble of inexplicable images churning chaotically in my head. a very distinct dent that fit the contours of Edward's shoulders as if he had braced himself against the car A nurse put a pressure cuff on my arm and a thermometer under my tongue. 60 obligate[ɑ bləgeìt / ɔ b-] 에게의무를지우다 I wasn't obligated to wear the stupid-looking neck brace anymore. Velcro[veĺkrou] n. ( 단추 지퍼대용의 ) 나일론제 ( 製 ) 접착천 I quickly unfastened the Velcro and threw it under the bed. unwind[ʌnwaínd] v. ( 감은것을 ) 풀다 ; ( 엉긴것을 ) 풀다 ; nurses began unwinding his soiled bandages, exposing a myriad of shallow slices all over his forehead and left myriad[míriəd]n. 무수 ; 무수한사람 [ 물건 ] cheek. wince [wins] vi. 주춤하다, 질리다, 움츠리다. He winced as one nurse started dabbing as his face 61 harass[hæŕəs, həræś] v ( 계속해서 ) 괴롭히다, 애먹이다 ; harassed by Tyler's constant apologies and promises to make it up to me. remorse[rimɔ ːrs]n. 후회, 양심의가책 He kept up a remorseful mumbling. ogle[oúgəl] v 애교있는윙크를하다, 추파를던지다 it would have been more natural to ogle. verdict[və ːrdikt] n. 판단, 의견, 결정. So, what's the verdict?

Twilight by Stephenie Meyer [8] 62 scowl[skaul]v. 얼굴을찌푸리다, 매섭게쏘아보다, 노려보다 throwing a quick scowl toward Edward. probe[proub] v. 면밀히조사하다 ; The doctor's cool fingers probed lightly along my skull. patronize[peítrənaìz] v 선심쓰는체하다, 은인인체하다. I heard a chuckle, and looked over to see Edward's patronizing smile. smug[smʌg] a. 점잔빼는 ; 말쑥한 Edward said smugly. 63 stagger[stæǵəːr] v. 비틀거리다, I staggered, and Dr. Cullen caught me. flourish[flə ːriʃ, flʌŕiʃ] n 멋부려쓰기. 화려한꾸밈. he signed my chart with a fourish. 64 severity[siveŕəti] n. strength, seriousness, strictness My words came out with less severity than I'd intended. flare[flɛər] n. 불끈성내다. defiant[difaíənt] a. 도전적인, 반항적인, 대담한 ; 무례한 My temper flared now, and I glared defiantly at him. grind[graind] v. 이를갈다 ; 문지르다. I tried to force them back by grinding my teeth together. 65 incredulous[inkre dʒələs] 쉽사리믿지않는, 의심많은, He was staring at me incredulously. derision[diríʒən] n. 조소, 조롱. His voice held an edge of derision now. fume[fjuːm] v. 노발대발하다, 씨근거리다. I waited, fuming and expectant. distract[distræḱt] vt. 미혹케하다, 괴롭히다, 혼란케하다 livid[lívid] a. 납빛 [ 흙빛 ] 의, 검푸른, 창백한 ; I was in danger of being destracted by his livid, glorious face. frigid[frídʒid] a. 냉담한, 쌀쌀한, 냉랭한. "Why did you even bother?" I asked frigidly. vulnerable [vʌĺnərəbəl] a. 상처를입기쉬운 ; his stunning face was unexpectedly vulnerable. 66 sullen[sʌ lən] a. 시무룩한, 부루퉁한 I assured him sullenly. chitchat[tʃíttʃæ t] n.,vi. 수다, 잡담 ( 하다 ) I was still aggravated, not in the mood for chitchat. converge[kənvə ːrdʒ] v. ( 사람 차등이 ) 몰려들다 ; Mike, and Jessica and Eric were all there, beginning to converge on us. appall[əpɔ ːl] vt. 오싹소름이끼치게하다, 섬뜩하게하다. I was appalled. "You told Mom!" plea[pliː] n. 탄원, 청원 (entreaty); 기원. but her pleas were easier to resist than I would have thought. Chapter 4 68 periphery [pəríːfəri] n. 외면, 바깥둘레 ; =boundary but always on the periphery, never within reach. dismay [dismeí] vt. 당황케하다 ; 실망 [ 낙담 ] 시키다. = dishearten To my dismay, I found myself the center of attention for the rest of that week. 69 chagrin [ʃəgrín / ʃæǵrin] 분함, 유감. With chagrin, I realized the probable cause. oblivious [əblíviəs] a. 염두에없는 ; 알아차리지못하는, 안중에없는 I wonder if he wasn't quite as oblivious as he appeared. perceptible[pərseṕtəbəl] 인지 [ 지각 ] 할수있는. I watched as his golden eyes grew perceptibly darker day by day. tenor [teńəːr]n. 방침, 방향, 경향, 행정 ( 行程 ), 진로. alert [ələ ːrt] vt. 에게경계시키다, Despite my outright lies, the tenor of my e-mails alerted Renee to my depression. 71 loom [luːm] vi. 명백한, 빤한 ; Jessica made me aware of another event looming on the horizon. glaring [glɛ əriŋ] a 번쩍번쩍빛나는, 눈부신. Dancing was glaringly outside my range of abilities. halfhearted [- hɑ ːrtid] a 마음이내키지않는, 할마음이없는, =feeble Her attempt to convince me was halfhearted. gush [gʌʃ] v. 세차게흘러나오다, 분출하다 I was surprised that Jessica wasn't her usual gushing self. 72 broach [broutʃ] vt., vi. 말을꺼내다, ( 화제따위를 ) 끄집어내다 ; perch [pəːrtʃ] v. ( 사람이 ) 앉다, 자리를차지하다 flounder [flaúndər] vi. 허둥대다, 당황하다, He floundered as he examined my smile. resolve [rizɑĺv / -zɔĺv] 결심, 결의. Pity shook my resolve 73 hazard [hæźərd] n. 위험, 모험 ; 위험요소 ; I didn't want to get into the safety hazards But he didn't broach the subject until I was in my seat and he was perched on my desk.

Twilight by Stephenie Meyer [9] 74 petulant [pe tʃələnt] a. 성마른, 화잘내는, 까다로운 ; an unintentional note of petulance in my voice. coherent [kouhíərənt] a. 분명히 [ 똑똑히 ] it was easier to talk to him coherently that way. 75 hurl [həːrl] v. 집어던지다, 세게던지다 =throw I wanted to hurl as him sweep [swiːp] v. 스쳐 [ 스칠뜻이 ] 지나가다, 휙지나가다. I meant to sweep dramatically out of the room. stack [stæk] v. 산더미처럼쌓아올리다. he'd already stacked them into a pile. retort [ritɔ ːrrt] v. 받아넘기다, 응수하다 "You're welcome." he retorted. stalk [stɔːk]v. 성큼성큼걷다, 활보하다 stalked off to Gym without looking back. brutal [bru ːtl] a. 모진, 가차없는. 참을수없는 =harsh Gym was brutal. 76 composure [kəmpoúʒər] 침착, 냉정, 평정, 자제. I recovered my composure and tried to make my smile warm. slouch [slautʃ] v. 축늘어지다 ; He slouched off, back toward the school. 77 yank [jæŋk] vt. 확잡아당기다 (jerk) I yanked the door open and jumped inside. rev [rev]v. 엔진회전을올리다 (revved, revving) I revved the engine deafeningly and reversed out into the aisel. acquire [əkwaíər] vt 몸에익히다, 습득하다. Tyler Crowley was in his recently acquired used Sentra. holdup [- ʌ p] n 정체, 지연, 방해 (stoppage); obviously the holdup wasn't my fault. quota [kwoútə] n. 몫, 모가치 ; Mike and Eric had already used up my quota of patience for the day. 78 enchilada [eǹtʃəlɑ ːdə] n 고추로양념한멕시코요리의일종. 엔칠라다 I decided to make chichken enchiladas for dinner. simmer [síməːr]v. 부글부글끓고있다. While I was simmering the onions and chilies, the phone rang. jubilant [dʒu ːbələnt] a. 기뻐하는, 환호하는 ; 기쁨에찬. It was Jessica, and she was juilant. 79 dice [dais] v. 주사위모양으로썰다 ; 깍뚝썰다. I tried to concentrate on dinner - dicing the chichken especially purgatory [pə ːrgətɔ ːri / - təri] n 일시적인고난 80 precedent [preśədənt] n. 선례, 전례 it set a bad precedent tack (to tack on) [tæk] v. 추가하다. so I tacked it on as the end. I would get through my self-imposed sentence here in purgatory. fret [fret] v. 초조하게하다, 안달나게하다, 괴롭히다. "Seattle is a big city - you could get lost," he fretted. 81 fumbel [fʌḿb-əl] v. 만지작거리다, 주무르다 puddle [pʌ dl] n. 웅덩이 jerk [dʒəːrk] v. 홱움직이다 ; I jerked upright. unobservant [ʌǹəbzə ːrvənt] 부주의한 ; I fumbled with my key and it fell into a puddle at my feet. "Bella, it's not my fault if you are exceptionally unobservant." muted [mju ːtid] a. ( 음량등이 ) 약해진 ; His voice was quiet as usual - velvet, muted. 82 tawny [tɔ ːni] n., a 황갈색 ( 의 ); Anger flashed in his tawny eyes. tingle [tíŋg-əl] v. 따금따금아프다, 얼얼하다, 쑤시다 ; My palms tingled. 83 drench [drentʃ] vt. 흠뻑젖게하다 My face got drenched as I looked up at his expression. wicked [wíkid] a. 심술궂은, 장난기있는. His ees were wickedly amused. mystify [místəfaì] vt. 어리둥절하게하다, 미혹시키다. "With who?" I asked, mystified. enunciate [inʌńsieìt, -ʃi-] ( 똑똑하게 ) 발음하다. He enunciated every syllable. finite [faínait] a. 한정 [ 제한 ] 되어있는, 유한의 <=>infinite "The wasting of finite resources is everyone's business." 84 prudent [pru ːdənt] a. 신중한, 조심성있는, = careful "It would be more prudent for you not to be my friend." smolder [smoúldəːr] vi. ( 억압된감정이 ) 밖으로나타나다. His eyes were gloriously intense as he uttered that last sentence, his voice smoldering. Chapter 5

쪽단어의미예문 Twilight by Stephenie Meyer [10] 85 disparaging [dispæŕidʒiŋ] 깔보는듯한, 비난하는듯함 "Thank you for joining us, Miss Swan," Mr. Mason said in a disparaging tone. 85 twinge[twindʒ] 쑤시는듯한아픔 I felt a twinge of guilt. 86 indifferent[indi fərənt] 무관심한. 중요하지않은 86 babble[bæ bəl 떠듬거리며말하다, 쓸데없는말하다 Jessica babbled on and on about her I wanted to see his face, to see if he'd gone back to the cold, indifferent person I'd known for the last several weeks. 86 unerring [ʌnə ːriŋ] 적중한, 확실한, 틀림없는 Disappointment flooded through me as my eyes unerringly focused on his table. 86 abstraction[æbstræḱʃən] 방심, 망연자실 / 추상 "Edward Cullen is staring at you again," Jessica said, finally breaking through my abstraction with his name. 86 crooked[kruḱid] 구부정한, 뒤틀린, ( 구어 ) 부정직한 I followed her gaze to see Edward, smiling crookedly, staring at me from an empty table across the cafeteria from where he usually sa 88 ocher [oúkər] 황토색의 He was still smiling, but his ocher eyes were serious. 88 breathtaking [bre ɵteìki] 움찔놀랄한만, 아슬아슬한 The breathtaking crooked smile reappeared 89 befuddled [bifʌ dl] 어리둥절한 I looked up into his deep gold eyes, became befuddled, and, as usual, blurted out the truth. 89 offhand[ɔ (ː)fhæńd] 무뚝뚝한, 대소롭지않은 "Are you having any luck with that?" he asked in an offhand tone. 89 vacillating [væśəleìtiŋ] 망설이는, 우유부단한, 흔들리는 I had been vacillating during the last month between Bruce Wayne and Peter Parker. 90 cryptic[kríptik] 숨은, 비밀의, 신비의 ~ coloring 보호색 ~even if all the while they're making cryptic little remarks specifically designed to keep you up at night wondering what they could possibly mean now why would that be frustrating. 90 pent-up [peńtʌ ] ( 감정따위가 ) 갇힌, 울적한 "Or better," I continued, the pent-up annoyance flowing freely now, say that person also did a wide range of 90 bizzare 별난, 기묘한, 기괴한 bizarre things~ 90 snicker [sníkəːr] 킬킬거리다, 히죽히죽웃다 He glanced over my shoulder, and then, unexpectedly, he snickered. 90 frosty[frɔ ːsti / frɔśt] 냉담한 / 서리가내리는 "I don't know who you're talking about," I said frostily. 90 brooding[bruːd] 생각에잠긴, 기분이언짢은, 시무룩한 "Yes. Except for you." His mood shifted suddenly; his eyes turned brooding. "I wonder why that is." 91 swig[swig] 쭉 ( 벌컥벌컥 ) 들이켜기 I took a swig, staring at the table without seeing it. 92 smolder[smoúldəːr] ( 노여움, 불만등 ) 마음속에쌓이다. 밖으로나오다 "Please tell me just one little theory." His eyes still smoldered at me. 92 radioactive[reìdiouæḱtiv] 방사선의 92 pushover 잘넘어가는사람, 식은죽먹기, 봉 "Um, well, bitten by a radioactive spider?" Was he a hypnotist, too? Or was I just a hopeless pushover? 92 impenetrable[impeńətrəbəl] 헤아릴수없는, 받아들이지않는, 완고한 He smiled playfully, but his eyes were impenetrable. 93 intuitive[intju ːitiv] 직관적인 "You're dangerous?" I guessed, my pulse quickening as I intuitively realized the truth of my own words. 93 inaudible [inɔ ːdəbəl] 알아들을수없는, 들리지않는 "You're wrong." His voice was almost inaudible. 93 on edge 흥분하여, 안절부절하여 I just felt anxious, on edge and, more than anything else,fascinated. 93 makeshift [meíkʃìft] 임시변통, 대용품, 미봉책, a. 임시의 He turned his attention back to his makeshift top. 94 pronged ( 수사와함께복합어로 ) ~ 개로갈라진, ~ 방면의 "The second is a four-pronged applicator " he held up something that looked like a nearly toothless hair 94 applicator 약바르는기구, 면봉 pick. 94 sterile [steŕil / -rail] 살균한 / lancet: 랜싯 ( 외과수술용작은칼 ) the third is a sterile micro-lancet." He held up a small piece of blue plastic and split it open.

95 prong[prɔːŋ / prɔŋ] 뾰족한끝, 포크의끝, 갈퀴, 쇠스랑 Twilight by Stephenie Meyer [11] 95 convulsive[kənvʌĺsiv] 경련성의, 발작적인 I swallowed convulsively, my stomach heaving. "Put a small drop of blood on each of the prongs." He demonstrated, squeezing Mike's finger till the blood flowed. 95 ditch [ditʃ] n. 도랑, 개천 /v. ~ 에도랑을파다 "Yes, sir," I muttered, internally kicking myself for not ditching when I had the chance. 96 tow [tou] ( 사람, 개등을 ) 끌고가다 / ( 배, 자동차를 ) 견인하다 Mike towed me slowly across campus. 97 scoop up 들어올리다,~ 을푸다. 뜨다. 퍼내다 Edward had scooped me up in his arms, as easily as if I weighed ten pounds instead of a hundred and ten. 97 gingerly [ʤínʤərli] 지극히조심스럽게, 신중히 He held me away from his body, gingerly, supporting all my weight with just his arm~ 97 nausea [nɔ ːziə, -ʒə, -siə, - ʃə] 메스꺼움 97 clamp [klæmp] 고정시키다. 죄다. 98 crackly [kræḱli] 부스럭대는, 바삭바삭한 98 muffle[mʌ f-əl] ( 소리를 ) 죽이다. 감싸다, 덮다 He muffled a snicker. I closed my eyes again and fought the nausea with all my strength, clamping my lips together. ~as Edward swung me into the room and placed me gently on the crackly paper that covered the brown vinyl mattress on the one cot. 99 corpse [kɔːrps] 시체, 송장 "Honestly I've seen corpses with better color. I was concerned that I might have to avenge your murder." 99 loathe [louð] 몹시싫어하다, 진저리를내다 "He absolutely loathes me," Edward said cheerfully. 99 compress [kəmpreś] ( 혈관을압박하는 ) 압박붕대 I heard the door and opened my eyes to see the nurse with a cold compress in her hand. 100 sallow[sæĺou] 혈색이나쁜, 창백한 And then Mike staggered through the door, now supporting a sallow-looking Lee Stephens, another boy in our Biology class. 100 infirmary [infə ːrməri] 부속진료소, 양호실 I spun and caught the door before it closed, darting out of the infirmary. 100 contradict[kɑǹtrədíkt / kɔǹ-] 부정하다, 부인 ( 반박 ) 하다 "People can't smell blood," he contradicted. 100 unfathomable[ʌnfæ ðəməbəl] 깊이를헤아릴수없는 He was staring at me with an unfathomable expression. 101 pout [paut] 입을삐죽거리다. 토라지다 He looked at me once more, his round face slightly pouting, and then as he walked 101 slump [slʌmp] 구부정한자세를취하다, 의기소침해지다 slowly through the door, his shoulders slumped 101 swoon [swuːn] 기절, 졸도, 무감각 101 sheen [ʃiːn] 번쩍임, 광채, 윤 I was always pale, and my recent swoon had left a light sheen of sweat on my face 102 ham up 과장하다, 허풍을떨다 I nodded weakly, hamming it up just a bit. 102 sarcastic[sɑːrkæśtik] 빈정거리는, 비꼬는 "Can you walk, or do you want me to carry you again?" With his back to the receptionist, his expression became sarcastic. 102 perspiration[pə ːrspəreíʃən] 땀, ( 땀날정도의 ) 노력 I'd enjoyed the constant moisture falling out of the sky as it washed my face clean of the sticky perspiration 103 infinitesimal [infiǹiteśəməl] 극소의, 극미의 " I studied his face, trying to read it. His eyes seemed to narrow infinitesimally. preoccupy [priːɑḱjəpaì / - 103 ɔḱ-] 먼저점유하다, 선취하다 I muttered, preoccupied by the way he'd said "you and I." I liked it more than I should. 103 veer [viər] 바뀌다, 전향하다 I veered left, toward my truck. 104 fiddle [fídl] 만지작거리다 He fiddled with the controls, turning the heater up and the music down. 105 eccentric[ikseńtrik, ek-] 보통과다른, 괴상한 She's irresponsible and slightly eccentric, and she's a very unpredictable cook 105 submerge[səbmə ːrdʒ] 물속에잠그다 / 잠기다 It was like the car was submerged under a river. 105 reproachful [riproútʃfəl] 꾸짖는, 책망하는듯한 His tone was reproachful; it made me laugh.

Twilight by Stephenie Meyer [12] chapter 6 - Scary Stories 110 pound[paund] 탕탕치다, 세게내리치다 I would have thought, even over the pounding rain, I could have heard the engine's roar. 110 faint[feint] 실신하다, 약해지다 Of course there were the fainting comments. 111 fish[fiʃ] ( 사람의생각따위를 ) 알아보다, 탐색하다. "You looked kind of mad," she fished. 111 flip[flip] ( 손톱 손가락으로 ) 튀기다, 홱던지다. she flipped her dark curls impatiently 111 gloom[gluːm] 어둑어둑한, 우울, 음침한분위기 And I couldn't stop the gloom that engulfed me as I realized I didn't know how long I would have to wait before 111 engulf[engʌĺf ( 늪 깊은속 파도등의속으로 ) 삼켜버리다 I saw him again. 111 intercept[iǹtərseṕt] 가로채다, 수신하다 I intercepted a few unfriendly glances from Lauren during lunch, which I didn't understand ~ 111 slick[slik] 매끄러운, 반질반질한 I was right behind her, just a foot from her slick, silver blond hair, 111 sneer[sniəːr] 냉소하다, 조롱하여말하다 " don't know why Bella" she sneered my name 112 loyal[lɔíəl] 충성스러운, 충실한 112 territorial[te rətɔ ːriəl] 영토의, 지방 [ 지역 ] 적인 112 approve[əpru ːv] 승인하다찬성하다 He seemed to approve. "She's my friend; she sits with us," Mike whispered back loyally, but also a bit territorially. 113 patch[pætʃ] 작은조각, 작은구획 Clouds ringed the horizon, but a large patch of blue was visible in the middle. 113 linger[líŋgər] 오래머무르다, 떠나지못하다 I lingered by the window as long as I could, afraid that if I left the blue would disappear again. 113 extend[iksteńd] 연장하다, 늘이다 _not having much need for any supplies required for being outdoors over an extended period of time. 113 flank[flæŋk] 의측면에서다 ; 의옆에있다 Jess was there, flanked by Angela and Lauren. 113 cornsilk 옥수수의수염 113 scornful[skɔ ːrnfəl] 경멸하는, 비웃는 Lauren shook out her cornsilk hair and eyed me scornfully. 114 blissful[blísfəl] 더없이행복한, 기쁨에찬 He smiled blissfully. 114 chagrin[ʃəgrín / ʃæǵrin] 분함, 유감 I hid my chagrin. 114 glower[glaúər] 노려보다 ; 무서운 [ 언짢은 ] 얼굴을하다 I could see Jessica glowering at us now. 114 appease[əpíːz] 달래다, 진정시키다. 가라앉히다 Mike could have been more graceful about it, but at least Jess seemed appeased. 114 claustrophobic 밀실공포증의 the Suburban was a bit claustrophobic with nine people in it 114 harbor[hɑ ːrbər] 항구, 피난처, 은신처 Islands rose out of the steel harbor waters with sheer cliff sides, reaching to uneven summits, and crowned with austere, soaring firs. 114 sheer[ʃiəːr] 깎아지른듯한, 험준한 115 summit[sʌḿit] 정상, 꼭대기 Islands rose out of the steel harbor waters with sheer cliff sides, reaching to uneven summits, and crowned 115 austere[ɔːstíər] 엄격한, 꾸미지않은, 간소한 with austere, soaring firs. 115 fir[fəːr] 전나무 115 terra cotta 붉은점토의설구이, 적갈색 : terra-cotta, sea green, lavender, blue gray, dull gold. 115 strewn STREW의과거분사, 흩뿌리다, 온통뒤덮다 115 driftwood[-ẃu d] 유목 ( 流木 ), 부목 ( 浮木 ); 부랑민 ( 浮浪民 ) The tide line was strewn with huge driftwood trees, bleached bone white in the salt waves, some piled together 115 fringe[frindʒ] 가장자리, 가, 외변 against the edge of the forest fringe, some lying solitary, just out of reach of the waves. 115 solitary[sɑĺite ri / sɔĺit-əri] 고독한, 외로운, 외딴 115 brisk[brisk] ( 날씨따위가 ) 쾌적한, 상쾌한 115 briny[braíni] 소금물의, 바닷물의 ; 짠 There was a brisk wind coming off the waves, cool and briny. 115 swell[swel] 큰파도, ( 파도의 ) 굽이침 Pelicans floated on the swells while seagulls and a lone eagle wheeled above them.

Twilight by Stephenie Meyer [13] 115 halo[heílou] ( 해 달의 ) 무리 ; 후광, but for now the sun shone bravely in its halo of blue sky. 115 teepee[tíːpiː] ( 모피로만든 ) 아메리카인디언의원뿔형천막 115 cinder[síndər] 타다남은찌꺼기, 뜬숯, and soon had a teepee-shaped construction built atop the old cinders. 115 cluster[klʌśtər] 밀집하다, 떼짓다 I was sitting on one of the bone-colored benches; the other girls clustered, gossiping excitedly, 115 blaze[bleiz] 타오르다, 불꽃을일으키다 "No," I said as he placed the blazing twig carefully against the teepee. 116 lick[lik] ( 불길이 ) 널름거리다 The flames started to lick quickly up the dry wood. 116 crackle[kræḱəl] 딱딱소리를내다 I watched the strange blue and green flames crackle toward the sky. 116 tidal[taídl] 조수의, 간만이있는, 주기적으로변동하는 After a half hour of chatter, some of the boys wanted to hike to the nearby tidal pools. 116 commit[kəmít] 위임하다, ( 의향 감정등을 ) 언명하다 116 adolescent[æ dəleśənt] 청춘 ( 기 ) 의 ; 미숙한, 풋내나는 116 murky[mə ːrki] 어두운 ; 음산한, ( 표현따위가 ) 애매한 116 ominous[ɑḿənəs / ɔḿ-] 불길한, 전조의 116 banter[bæńtər] ( 가벼운 ) 조롱, 놀림 I waited until Tyler and Eric had committed to remaining with them before I got up quietly to join the pro-hiking group. The green light of the forest was strangely at odds with the adolescent laughter, too murky and ominous to be in harmony with the light banter around me. 117 confine[kɑńfain / kɔń] ( 보통 pl.) 경계, 국경 ; 경계지 Eventually I broke through the emerald confines of the forest and found the rocky shore again. 117 pebble[pe bəl] 자갈로덮다, 자갈로포장하다 117 teem[tiːm] 충만 [ 풍부 ] 하다, 많이있다 (with) 117 perch[pəːrtʃ] ( 사람이 ) 앉다, 자리를차지하다 (on, upon) 117 precarious[prikɛ əriəs] 불확실한, 믿을수없는, 불안정한 Along its pebbled banks, shallow pools that never completely drained were teeming with life. The others were fearless, leaping over the rocks, perching precariously on the edges. 117 undulate[ʌńdʒəleìt, -djə-] 물결이일다, 굽이치게하다, 물결모양의 117 scurry[skə ːri, skʌŕi] 종종걸음으로 [ 허둥지둥 ] 달리다, 급히가다 The bouquets of brilliant anemones undulated ceaselessly in the invisible current, twisted shells scurried about the edges, obscuring the crabs within them, starfish stuck motionless to the rocks and each other, while one 117 obscure[əbskju ər] 어둡게하다, 덮어감추다, 가리다 small black eel with white racing stripes wove through the bright green weeds, waiting for the sea to return. 117 eel[iːl] 뱀장어 117 stiff[stif] 뻣뻣한, 딱딱한, 경직된 Finally the boys were hungry, and I got up stiffly to follow them back. 117 multiply[mʌĺtəplaì] 늘리다, 증가시키다, 번식시키다, 늘다 When we got back to First Beach, the group we'd left behind had multiplied. 117 copper[kɑṕər / kɔṕər] 구릿빛의, 적갈색의 As we got closer we could see the shining, straight black hair and copper skin of the newcomers, 118 array[əreí] 정렬, 배열된것 ; 세트 I sat down next to Angela, and Mike brought us sandwiches and an array of sodas to choose from, while a boy 118 rattle[ræ tl] 재잘거리다 (off; out; over; away) who looked to be the oldest of the visitors rattled off the names of the seven others with him. 118 disturb[distə ːrb] 방해하다, 의마음을어지럽게하다 She left me free to think undisturbed while we ate. 118 disjointed[disdʒɔíntid] 관절을삔 ; 뒤죽박죽의, 체계가서지않는 And I was thinking about how disjointedly time seemed to flow in Forks, passing in a blur at times, with single 118 blur[bləːr] 더러움, 얼룩, ( 도덕적인 ) 결점, 오점, 오명 images standing out more clearly than others. 118 slink [sliŋk] 살금살금 [ 가만히 ] 걷다, 살며시도망치다 During lunch the clouds started to advance, slinking across the blue sky, 118 choppy[tʃɑṕi / tʃɔṕi] 물결이는, 파도치는 Some walked down to the edge of the waves, trying to skip rocks across the choppy surface. 118 expedition[e kspədíʃən] 탐험, 원정 Others were gathering a second expedition to the tide pools.

Twilight by Stephenie Meyer [14] 119 saunter[sɔ ːntəːr, sɑ ːn-] 산책하다 (stroll), 어슬렁거리다 A few minutes after Angela left with the hikers, Jacob sauntered over to take her place by my side. 119 glossy[glɔ (ː)si, glɑśi] 광택있는, 번쩍번쩍하는, 번들번들한 He looked fourteen, maybe fifteen, and had long, glossy black hair pulled back with a rubber band at the nape 119 nape[neip] ( 보통 the of the neck) 목덜미 of his neck. 119 russet[rʌśət] 황갈색, 적갈색 His skin was beautiful, silky and russet-colored; his eyes were dark, set deep above the high planes of his 119 plane[plein] 평면, 면, 수평면 cheekbones. 119 sleek[sliːk] 매끄러운 (smooth), 윤기있는 (glossy) "Oh," I said, relieved, shaking his sleek hand. 119 tantrum [tæńtrəm] ( 종종 pl.) 불끈하기, 울화 Of course, I'd kicked up enough tantrums to end the fishing trips by the time I was eleven. 120 collision[kəlíʒən] 충돌 ; ( 의견 이해따위의 ) 불일치 "It does great in a collision," I offered in my truck's defense. 121 insolent[ińsələnt] 뻐기는, 거만한 (arrogrant), 무례한 Lauren asked in what I imagined was an insolent tone from across the fire. 121 irritation[i rəteíʃən] 속타게 [ 성나게 ] 함 ; 안달, 초조, 노여움 "You mean Dr. Carlisle Cullen's family?" the tall, older boy asked before I could respond, much to Lauren's irritation. 121 condescending[kɑǹdiseńdiŋ / 겸손한, 짐짓겸손하게구는, 생색을부리는 kɔǹ-] "Yes, do you know them?" she asked condescendingly, turning halfway toward him. 121 aback[əbæḱ] 뒤로, * be taken ~ 깜짝놀라 ( 당황하 ) 다. I stared at the deep-voiced boy, taken aback, but he was looking away 122 meditation[me dəteíʃ-ən] 묵상, ( 종교적 ) 명상 ; 숙고, 고찰 Jacob interrupted my meditation. 122 understatement 삼가서말함, 삼가서하는말 ( 표현 ) 122 grimace[gríməs, grimeís] 얼굴을찡그림, 찡그린얼굴 "Oh, I'd say that's an understatement." I grimaced. 122 flirt[fləːrt] ( 남녀가 ) 새롱 [ 시시덕 ] 거리다 I hoped that young Jacob was as yet inexperienced around girls, so that he wouldn't see through my sure-tobe-pitiful attempts at flirting. 122 hue[hjuː] 색조 ; 빛깔 ; 색상 As we walked north across the multihued stones toward the driftwood seawall, the clouds finally closed ranks 122 rank [ræŋk] 열, 행렬, 횡렬 across the sky, causing the sea to darken and the temperature to drop. 122 flutter [flʌ təːr] 퍼덕이다 ; 날개치다, 흔들어움직이다 "So you're, what, sixteen?" I asked, trying not to look like an idiot as I fluttered my eyelids the way I'd seen girls do on TV. 122 flatter[flæ tər] 에게아첨하다, 우쭐해하다 "I just turned fifteen," he confessed, flattered. 122 archly[ɑ ːrʧli] 교활하게 ; 교활한것같이 ; 짓궂게, 장난으로 "Do you come up to Forks much?" I asked archly, as if I was hoping for a yes. 123 fraud[frɔːd] 사기, 협잡 ; 사기행위, 부정수단 I was afraid he would turn on me with disgust and accuse me of my fraud, 123 amend[əmeńd] 고치다, 바로잡다 after I get my license," he amended. 123 lump[lʌmp] 한묶음으로하다. 한결같이취급하다 I purposefully lumped myself in with the youngsters, 123 allure[əlu ər] 꾀다, 부추기다, 유혹하다, 낚다 He smiled back, though, looking allured. 123 enthuse[inɵu ːz, en-] ( 구어 ) 열광 [ 열중 ] 시키다 [ 하다 ]; 감격시키다 123 smolder[smoúldəːr] ( 억압된감정이 ) 밖으로나타나다 "I love them," I enthused, making an effort to smolder at him. 123 attenuate[əteńjueìt] 묽게하다 ; 가늘게하다, 얇게하다 Jacob strolled to a nearby driftwood tree that had its roots sticking out like the attenuated legs of a huge, pale spider. 124 stock [stɑk / stɔk] 줄기, 혈통, 가문, 종족, 평판, 원료 He smiled, to show me how little stock he put in the histories. 124 intrigue[intri ːg] 음모, 술책 "The cold ones?" I asked, not faking my intrigue now. 124 treaty[tríːti] 조약, 협정, 약속, 협상, 교섭 He was the one who made the treaty that kept them off our land. 125 pack[pæk] 한떼 [ 무리 ] 125 territory[teŕətɔ ːri / -t-əri] 영토, 땅, 지방 But this pack that came to our territory during my great-grandfather's time was different.

Twilight by Stephenie Meyer [15] 125 truce[truːs] 정전 [ 휴전 ]( 협정 ), 쉼, 휴지 So my great-grandfather made a truce with them. 125 clan[klæn] 씨족 ( 氏族 )(tribe), 일문 ( 一門 ), 벌족 ( 閥族 ) "There's always a risk for humans to be around the cold ones, even if they're civilized like this clan was. 125 deliberately [dilíbəritli] 신중히 ; 유유히 ; 일부러 125 menace[meńəs] 협박, 위협, 공갈 He deliberately worked a thick edge of menace into his tone. 126 surf[səːrf] ( 해안에 ) 밀려드는파도 I stared out at the rough surf after he answered, not sure what my face was exposing. 126 goose bumps ( 추위 공포로인한 ) 소름 "You have goose bumps," he laughed delightedly. 127 elate[ileít] 기운을돋우다 ; 의기양양하게하다 127 inept[ineṕt] 부적당한, 어리석은, 서투른, 무능한 He smiled, elated by my inept flirting. 127 appraise[əpreíz] ( 사람 능력 ) 평가하다 ; ( 상황 ) 인식하다 I could see his eyes appraising Jacob, and looking satisfied at his obvious youth. 127 reassess[rìːəseś] 재평가하다 ; 재할당하다 128 camaraderie[kæ məræ dəri, -r ɑ ːd-, kɑ ːmərɑ :d-] 동지애, 우정 "Well," Mike paused, carefully reassessing the situation as he watched our camaraderie. 128 taunt[tɔːnt, tɑːnt] 비웃다 ; 욕설을퍼부어도발하다 ; 힐책하다 "It was nice to see you again," Jacob said, and I could tell he was taunting Mike just a bit. 128 tramp[træmp] 짓밟다, 쿵쿵거리며걷다, 터벅터벅걷다 I pulled up my hood as we tramped across the rocks toward the parking lot. 128 escalate[eśkəleìt] 상승하다, 확대하다, 점증하다 Angela just stared out the window at the escalating storm, chapter 7 129 dug dig, 파다, 탐구하다, 찾아내다. I dug through my desk until I found my old headphones shriek 날카로운소리를내다. but they used a little too much bass and shrieking for my tastes. 130 unravel 풀다, 해명하다. ~ trying to unravel the complicated drum patterns. blare 크게울리다. 울려퍼지다. I got past the blaring noise. tug 당기다, 끌다 ~ tugging on my hand, pulling me back toward the blackest part of the forest. yank 홱잡아당기다. 해고하다. His face was frightened as he yanked with all his strength against my resistance. yelp 깽깽울다. 비명을지르다. But Jacob let go of my hand and yelped, suddenly shaking, 131 twitch 잡아채다. 꼬집다. 결련을일으키다. He twitched on the ground as I watched in horror. bristle 곤두서다. 화를불러일으키다. the hair on the back of his shoulders bristling, fang 송곳니, 물다. low growls issuing from between his exposed fangs. hold up 위로치켜들다, 올리다 beckon 손짓으로부르다, 유인하다. 신호하다. purr 그르렁거리다. 만족한듯말하다. "Trust me," he purred. He held up one hand and beckoned me to come to him. launch 진수시키다, 내보내다, 착수하다 The wolf launched himself across the space between me and the vampire wrench 비틀다, 비틀어돌리다, 왜곡하다 "No!" I screamed, wrenching upright out of my bed. clatter 덜걱덜걱하는소리, 떠들썩함 it clattered to the wooden floor. 132 braid 땋은끈, 노끈, 땋다 I could feel the braid in my hair turn onto rip ~ 에흥미를갖다 찢다, 잡아찢다. 벗겨내다 I turned onto my side and ripped the rubber band out, plait 땋아늘인머리, 땋은끈 quickly combing through the plaits with my fingers. dredge 들추어내다, 캐내다 My subconscious had dredged up exactly the images. put it off 늦추다, 물리다, First things first, I thought to myself, happy to put it off as long as possible.

Twilight by Stephenie Meyer [16] 133 demon 악마, 귀신 the vast shadowy world of ghosts and demons dread 무서워하다, 두려워하다 abhorred 몹시싫어하다. 혐오하다. 증오하다. there is no figure so dreaded and abhorred, dight 갖추다, 꾸미다 yet dight with such fearful fascination, attested 증명된, 입증된, 공정기준합격의 account 기사, 이야기, 설명 If there is in this world a well-attested account, it is that of the vampires. affidavit 선서서, 선서진술서 Nothing is lacking: official reports, affidavits of well-known people, 134 magistrate 치안판사,( 사법권을가진 ) 행정장관 of surgeons, of priests, of magistrates judicial 사법의, 재판의 the judicial proof is most complete plausible 그럴듯한, 말주변이좋은 I read, looking for anything that sounded familiar, let alone plausible. infidelity 신앙이없음, 불신, 배신 and to give men an excuse for infidelity. burial 매장, Many of the stories involved bodiless spirits and warnings against improper burials. 135 massacre 대량학살, 참패 a creature so strong and fast it could massacre an entire village werewolf 이리가된인간. 늑대인간 blood drinkers, enemies of the werewolf, cold-skinned, and immortal. cinder 탄재, burn to a cinder 까맣게태우다. vampires couldn't come out in the daytime, the sun would burn them to a cinder. coffin 관, 널 They slept in coffins all day and came out only at night. aggravate 악화시키다, 괴롭히다 Aggravated, I snapped off the computer's main power switch, sodden 물에잠긴, 흠뻑젖은 and the entire sodden Olympic Peninsula, for that matter. stomp 짓밟다, 발구르기 I shrugged into my raincoat without checking the weather and stomped out the door. 136 angling 낚시질, 낚시기술 encroach 침략하다, 침해하다. 빼앗다 I started east on foot, angling across Charlie's yard toward the ever-encroaching forest. squish 찌그러뜨리다. 철벅소리를내다. for the only sound to be the squish of the damp earth jay ( 조류 ) 어치, 수다쟁이, 얼간이 under my feet and the sudden cries of the jays. snake 꿈틀거리다. 말없이가버리다. 나쁜일을꾸미다. spruce 가문비나무, 전나무 hemlock 헴록 ( 미나리과의독초 ), 그것에서뽑은독약. It snaked around the Sitka spruces and the hemlocks, the yews and the maples. yew 주목 ( 묘지에심는상록수, 죽음, 부활상징 ) ebb 썰물, 간조, 빠지다. 줄다. As that started to ebb, I slowed. trickle 똑똑떨어지다. 눈물을흘리다. A few drops of moisture trickled down from the canopy above me canopy 차양, 덮개 fern 양치류 I stepped over the ferns and sat carefully, 137 soggy 흠뻑젖은, 물에잠긴, 기운없는 Now that there was no longer the sound of my soggy footsteps, the silence was piercing. absurdity 불합리, 모순. 어리석은일 it was much easier to believe the absurdities that embarrassed me indoors. haze 아지랑이, 안개. 흐릿함 all the myths and legends seemed much more likely in this green haze morbid 병적인, 음울한, 무시무시한 It was silly and morbid to entertain such ridiculous notions. notion 관념, 생각, 의향, 이해력 138 cadence 운율, 리듬, 억양 the way be sometimes spoke, with unfamiliar cadences and phrases villain 악한, 악인 He had told me he was the villain, dangerous

Twilight by Stephenie Meyer [17] incredulous 의심많은, 회의적인 Something was taking place in front of my incredulous eyes. 139 agony 심한고통, 고뇌, 사투 I was gripped in a sudden agony of despair as I considered that alternative. sinister 불길한, 재수없는, 사악한 After all, if he was something sinister, fender ( 자동차등의 ) 펜더. 흙받이 I would be a dent in Tyler's fender if he hadn't acted so quickly. lunge 찌르기, 돌진 when I'd screamed out in terror at the werewolf's lunge, hypnotic 최면상태의, 수면제, Because when I thought of him, of his hypnotic eyes, the magnetic force. patter 후두둑떨어지다. 똑딱소리를내다. earthen 흙으로만든, 세속적인 twilight under the canopy and pattered like footsteps across the matted earthen floor. concealment 은폐, 잠복, 은신처 I rose quickly from my place of concealment, 140 confine 경계, 범위, 영역, 한계 or following the path farther into the confines of the forest. draft 밑그림, 초안, 외풍, 한번마시는양 I settled into outlining a rough draft contentedly, serene 고요한, 잔잔한, 침착한 more serene than I'd felt since Thursday afternoon, agonize 몹시괴로워하다, 고뇌하다, 악전고투하다 Making decisions was the painful part for me, the part I agonized over. tainted 더렵혀진, 썩은 Sometimes the relief was tainted by despair, 141 fleecy 양털같은, 양털로덮인, 가볍고부드러운 and those there were just fleecy little white puffs grin 이를드러내고웃다. 이를악물다. "Yes," I agreed with a grin. crinkle 주름지다. 구기다. 오그라들다 He smiled back, his brown eyes crinkling around the edges. 142 dwindle 점차감소하다. ( 품질이 ) 저하되다. as the curly brown hair had dwindled, moat 해자, 외호,( 도시둘레를판못 ) I ate breakfast cheerily, watching the dust moats cruiser 유람용모터보트, 자동차, 자전거 I heard the cruiser pull away from the house. dint 움품들어간곳, 상처, 힘, By dint of much elbow grease, I was able to get both windows in the truck 143 absentminded 방심상태의, 멍하고있는 while I'd been sitting there, absentminded. proprietary 소유주의, 재산이있는, 독점의 His tone was just a bit too proprietary. frown 눈살을찌푸리다. 얼굴을찡그리다. "Wednesday?" He frowned. misogynist 여자를싫어하는사람 Whether Shakespeare's treatment of the female characters is misogynistic. 144 flickered 억제하다, 삼가다 My thoughts flickered to Edward, wondering if that's where his thoughts were as well. daze 멍하게하다, 눈부시게하다, 현혹시키다. "Oh," he exhaled clearly dazed. 145 slither 주르르미끄러지다. I felt the first true tingle of fear slither down my spine and settle in my stomach. jolt 갑자기세게흔들다. 놀라게하다. And then a different feeling jolted through me desolation 황폐한곳, 쓸쓸함, 폐허 cripple 병신으로만들다. 무능하게하다. Desolation hit me with crippling strength. shamble 비틀비틀걷다. I shambled along behind Jessica, not bothering to pretend to listen anymore. 146 shred 조각, 단편, 끄트러기 I realized I'd been holding on to a last shred of hope when I entered Biology, dismal 음침한, 우울한, 황량한, 비참한 The rest of the day passed slowly, dismally. stumble 발부리가걸리다. 실수하다. 더듬거리다 I got to sit and listen instead of stumbling around on the court. unleash 해방하다, 자유롭게하다. they would arm me with a racket before unleashing me on the rest of the class. pout 토라지다, 뿌루퉁하다. mope 침울하게하다. I was glad to leave campus, so I would be free to pout and mope before I went out tonight 147 backlog 예비저장품, 난로쪽에넣어두는장작 I checked my e-mail, reading the backlog of letters from my mother,.

Twilight by Stephenie Meyer [18] snippy 날카로운, 신랄한, 화잘내는 getting snippier as they progressed to the present shabby compilation 초라한, 낡아빠진, 누추한 편집, 편집물 the shabbiest volume being a compilation of the works of Jane Austen. 148 tendril ( 식물 ) 덩굴손 it blew tendrils of my hair around my face, brick 벽돌, the~s, 포장도로 Charlie's cruiser turning onto the bricks of the driveway. muddle 혼란시키다. 어리둥절케하다. I looked around, muddled, with the sudden feeling that I wasn't alone. slam 문을쾅닫다. I could hear his door slamming in front of the house. 149 stifle 억누르다. 억제하다. "I fell asleep outside." I stifled a yawn. 150 grimly 잔인하게, 엄하게, 무섭게 suppress 억압하다. 억누르다, 참다 I grimly tried to suppress. subdue 정복하다, 복종시키다, 누그러지게하다 I hurried to English, arriving breathless, but subdued, before the final bell. squash 짓누르다, 찌그러뜨리다. only to have them squashed painfully as I searched the lunchroom in vain ditch 도랑을파다, 도랑에빠뜨리다. 버리다, I could ditch my books and truck. 151 scruffy 지저분한, 초라한 I switched my scruffy wallet from my school bag to a purse. exponential 기하급수적인, 급격한 My excitement increased exponentially as we actually drove out of the town limits. chapter 8 152 Estrogen [éstrədʒən] n. 에스트로겐 invigorating Jabber 153 Bille dubiously convince [invíɡərèitiŋ] 기운나게하는, 상쾌한 [dʒæ bər] vi., vt. ( 알아듣지못할말을 ) 재잘거리다 ; ( 원숭이따위가 ) 캑캑소리지르다. billed [bild] a. 보통복합어로 ( 한 ) 부리를가진 : a long- bird. dubious [djúːbiəs]1 의심스러운, 수상한 2( 사람이 ) 미심쩍어하는, 반신반의의 (of; about)3 모호한. + 목 + 전 + 명 / + 목 +that 절 에게납득시키다, 에게깨닫게하다, It had been a while since I'd had a girls' night out, and the estrogen rush was invigorating. We listened to whiny rock songs while Jessica jabbered on about the boys we hung out with. The dance was billed as semiformal, and we weren't exactly sure what that meant. Jess asked dubiously as we walked through the front doors of the store. "Really," I tried to convince her, not wanting to confess my dancing problems. skeptical [sképtik-əl] 의심많은, 회의적인 ; 믿지않는 She looked skeptical. "People ask you out here," she reminded me, "and you tell them no." Prom [prɑm / prɔm] n. 무도회, 댄스파티. "Tyler told everyone he's taking you to prom," Jessica informed me with suspicious eyes. Chok 154 ground [tʃouk] 1 을숨막히게하다 2 막다, 메우다 (up) 3 ( 성장 행동등을 ) 저지 [ 억제 ] 하다 (off) grind-ground[ɡráund] 찧다빻다 grind something to powder 을가루로빻다 "He said what?" I sounded like I was choking. I ground my teeth. "Do you think that if I ran him over with my truck he would stop feeling guilty about the accident? That he might give up on making amends and call it even?" Snickered [sníkəːr] 킬킬거리다 "Maybe," Jess snickered. '"If that's why he's doing this." Fuming [fjuːm] 그을리다 ; 불김을쐬다 ; 증기에쐬다 ; 증발 low chair just inside the dressing room, by the three-way mirror, trying to control my fuming. [ 발산 ] 시키다 ; 에게향을피우다. play up 크게취급하다, 강조하다, 선전하다 I encouraged her to go with the blue; why not play up the eyes? Tint [tint] 엷은빛깔, 담색 Angela chose a pale pink dress that draped around her tall frame nicely and brought out honey tints in her light brown hair. Compliment [kɑ mpləmənt / kɔ m-] 경의, 칭찬. Critique [kritíːk] 비평하다. I complimented them both generously and helped by returning the rejects to their racks. While they tried things on I merely watched and critiqued, not in the mood to shop for myself, though I did need new shoes.

Overjoy 155 Chicken [òuvərdʒɔ i] 매우기쁘게하다, 미칠듯이기쁘게하다 out [tʃíkin] 겁을먹고 ( 에서 ) 물러서다 [ 손을떼다, 내리다 ] Twilight by Stephenie Meyer [19] "Angela?" I began, hesitant, while she was trying on a pair of pink strappy heels she was overjoyed to have a date tall enough that she could wear high heels at all. Jessica had drifted to the jewelry counter and we were alone. I chickened out. "I like those." "I think I'll get them though they'll never match anything but the one dress," she mused. "Oh, go ahead they're on sale," I encouraged. Nonchalant [nɑ nʃ-əlɑ ːnt, nɑ nʃ-ələnt / nɔ n-] 무관심 [ 냉 I failed miserably in my attempt to sound nonchalant. 담 ] 한 ; 태연한, 냉정한 Unleashed [ʌnlíːʃ] 을해방하다 을억제함을그치다 She didn't ask one question, let alone the hundreds that Jessica would have unleashed Rhinestone [ráinstòun] 라인석 ( 수정의일종 ; 모조다이아몬드 ) "Oh." I let the subject drop as Jessica returned to show us the rhinestone jewelry she'd found to match her silver shoes. 156 Preoccupied they didn't know how preoccupied I could get when surrounded by books; it was something I preferred to do [priːɑ kjəpa id / -ɔ k-] 1 선취 ( 先取 ) 된.2 몰두한 alone. Clad [klǽd] 입은 Through the glass I could see a fifty-year-old woman with long, gray hair worn straight down her back, clad in a dress right out of the sixties, smiling welcomingly from behind the counter. meander [miæ ndəːr]1(pl.) ( 강의 ) 구불구불함 ; 꼬부랑길.2 정처없이거닒 ; ( 보통 pl.) 우회하는여행. I meandered through the streets, which were filling up with end-of-the-workday traffic, and hoped I was headed toward downtown. Despair [dispɛ ər]1 U 절망 ; 자포자기. [opp] hope2 C 절 I wasn't paying as much attention as I should to where I was going; I was wrestling with despair. 망의원인. Stomp [stɑmp / stɔmp] 짓밟다 ; 무거운발걸음으로걷다 ; 스 I stomped along in a southerly direction, toward some glass-fronted shops that looked promising. 톰프춤곡에맞추어춤추다. 157 Loop [lúːpt] 1 동그라미가된, 고리가달린, 취한 2 열중 I decided to turn east at the next corner, and then loop around after a few blocks and try my luck on a different 하는 street on my way back to the boardwalk. raucously raucous [rɔ ːkəs] 쉰목소리의, 귀에거슬리는 ; 무 They were joking loudly among themselves, laughing raucously and punching each other's arms. 질서하고소란한. Scoot [skuːt] 뛰어 ( 나 ) 가다 (off; away), 급히가다 (along). I scooted as far to the inside of the sidewalk as I could to give them room, walking swiftly, looking past them to the corner. Flannel [flæ nl] 플란넬면 ( 綿 ) 플란넬. He was wearing a flannel shirt open over a dirty t-shirt, cut-off jeans, and sandals. 158 Chortling Somber Padlock Barb [tʃɔ ːrtl] ( 구어 ) ( 만족한듯이 ) 크게웃다, 우쭐해지다 (about; over). [sɑ mbəːr / sɔ m-] 어둠침침한 padlock [pæ dlɑ k /- lɔ k] 에맹꽁이자물쇠를채우다 [bɑːrb] ( 살촉 낚시따위의 ) 미늘 ; ( 철조망따위의 ) 가시 ( 비유 ) 가시돋친말, 예리한비판. "Hey, wait!" one of them called after me again, but I kept my head down and rounded the corner with a sigh of relief. I could still hear them chortling behind me. I found myself on a sidewalk leading past the backs of several somber-colored warehouses, each with large bay doors for unloading trucks, padlocked for the night. The south side of the street had no sidewalk, only a chain-link fence topped with barbed wire protecting some kind of engine parts storage yard. Slung sling-slung [sliŋ]-[slʌŋ]) 던지다 My purse was on a shoulder strap and I had it slung across my body, the way you were supposed to wear it so Snatched [snætʃ] 와락붙잡다 it wouldn't get snatched. 159 Duffle [dúffel] còat후드가달린무릎까지내려오는방한 ( 防 I knew exactly where my pepper spray was still in my duffle bag under the bed, never unpacked. 寒 ) 코트. Inhibited [inhíbitid] 억제된, 억압된 ; 자기규제하는 inhibited, unsure that I was really being pursued, and then it was too late. blind drive I reached the corner, but a swift glance revealed that it was only a blind drive to the back of another building. I dash [dæʃ] 던지다, 부딪뜨리다 (against; to ; at; away; was half-turned in anticipation; I had to hurriedly correct and dash across the narrow drive, back to the down). 때려부수다 ; 실망시키다. sidewalk.

Twilight by Stephenie Meyer [20] Sprawl [sprɔːl] 손발을쭉뻗다 I was sure to trip and go sprawling if I tried to go any faster. 160 Slightly [sláitli]1 약간, 조금.2 약하게, 훌쭉하게, 가냘프게. I kept my pace steady, the men behind me falling ever so slightly farther behind with every step. Exhaled Loung [ekshéil, igzéil] 1 ( 숨을 ) 내쉬다, ( 말을 ) 내뱉다 2( 분노등을 ) 폭발시키다. [laundʒ] 1 빈둥거리다 2 어슬렁어슬렁걷다 I saw two cars going north pass the intersection I was heading for, and I exhaled in relief. Because lounging against the western building, midway down the street, were the other two men from the group, both watching with excited smiles as I froze dead on the sidewalk. I realized then that I wasn't being followed. Herd [həːrd] n.1 짐승의떼2 군중 I was being herded. I paused for only a second, but it felt like a very long time. I turned then and darted to the other side of the road. Dart [dɑːrt] 던지다, 쏘다. Stocky [stɑ ki / stɔ ki] 땅딸막한, 단단한 ; The booming voice of the stocky, dark-haired man shattered the intense quiet and made me jump. Shatter [ʃæ təːr]1 산산이부수다, 박살내다. 2 부수다, 파괴하다 Detour [díːtuər, ditúər] 우회 ( 迂廻 ); 우회로 ( 路 ); 도는길. "Yeah," a voice called loudly from behind me, making me jump again as I tried to hurry down the street. "We just took a little detour." 161 Thickset [ɵíksét]1 땅딸막한, 굵고짧은2 울창한, 무성한, 조 The thickset man shrugged away from the wall as I warily came to a stop, and walked slowly into the street. 밀한 ; 올이촘촘한 Raucous [rɔ ːkəs] 목이쉰, 쉰목소리의, 귀에거슬리는 ; 무질 "Don't be like that, sugar," he called, and the raucous laughter started again behind me. 서하고소란한. Brace [breis] 버팀대 I braced myself, feet apart, trying to remember through my panic what little self-defense I knew. Incapacitate [ìnkəpǽsətèit] 무능력하게하다, 에게서자격을박탈하다 Shut up! I commanded the voice before terror could incapacitate me. Decent díːsnt] 맞는, 남부럽지않은 I wasn't going out without taking someone with me. I tried to swallow so I could build up a decent scream. 162 Fishtail Skidding [-tèil] 1 물고기꼬리모양의 2 미익 ( 尾翼 ) 을좌우로흔들다 [skídiŋ] 옆으로미끄러짐, 스키드, 미끄럼 I dove into the road this car was going to stop, or have to hit me. But the silver car unexpectedly fishtailed around, skidding to a stop with the passenger door open just a few feet from me. instantaneously dashboard swerving [ìnstəntéiniəs] 즉시의 [dǽʃbɔ ːrd] 1 진흙받이, 파도막이판시보드 [swə ːrv] 빗나가다 2 계기반, 대 It was amazing how instantaneously the choking fear vanished, amazing how suddenly the feeling of security washed over me even before I was off the street as soon as I heard his voice. It was dark in the car, no light had come on with the opening of the door, and I could barely see his face in the glow from the dashboard. The tires squealed as he spun around to face north, accelerating too quickly, swerving toward the stunned men on the street. clutching [klʌ tʃ] 1 붙잡음 2 꽉잡다 "Put on your seat belt," he commanded, and I realized I was clutching the seat with both hands. utterly [ʌ tərli] 완전히 profound [prəfáund] 깊은 But I felt utterly safe and, for the moment, totally unconcerned about where we were going. I stared at his face in profound relief, relief that went beyond my sudden deliverance. deliverance [dilívə rəns] 구출 flawless [flɔ ːlis] 흠없는, 완전한, 완벽한 I studied his flawless features in the limited light, waiting for my breath to return to normal, until it occurred to murderously murderous [mə ːrdərəs] 살인의 me that his expression was murderously angry.

Twilight by Stephenie Meyer [21] hoarse [hɔ ːr s] 목쉰 "Are you okay?" I asked, surprised at how hoarse my voice sounded. 163 curtly blazing [kə ːr t] 1 무뚝뚝한, 퉁명스러운, 간략한 2 짧은, 짧게자른 [bléiziŋ] 1 타오르는, 타는듯한, 빛나는 2 타듯이, 뻔한, 명백한 3 강렬한, 심한 "No," he said curtly, and his tone was livid. I sat in silence, watching his face while his blazing eyes stared straight ahead, until the car came to a sudden stop. fury [fjúə ri] 격노 "Are you all right?" He still didn't look at me, but the fury was plain on his face. croaked [króuk] 까악까악우는소리 "Yes," I croaked softly. exhaled [eksh éil] 1 내쉬다 2 숨을내쉬다 "I'm sorry, what?" He exhaled sharply. clarified [klǽrəfài] 뚜렷하게하다 "Just prattle about something unimportant until I calm down," he clarified, closing his eyes and pinching the bridge of his nose with his thumb and forefinger. wrack rǽk] 물가에밀려온해초 trivial [tríviəl] 하찮은 "Um." I wracked my brain for something trivial. "I'm going to run over Tyler Crowley tomorrow before school?" twitched [twítʃ] 1 홱잡아당기다 2 씰룩거리다 He was still squeezing his eyes closed, but the corner of his mouth twitched. "Why?" insane [inséin] 제정신이아닌 "He's telling everyone that he's taking me to prom either he's insane or he's still trying to make up for almost killing me last well, you remember it, and he thinks prom is somehow the correct way to do this. endanger [indéindʒәr ] 위험에빠뜨리다 amends əméndz] 보상 So I figure if I endanger his life, then we're even, and he can't keep trying to make amends. 164 babble [bǽbl] 불명료한소리를내다 If he doesn't have a ride he can't take anyone to prom " I babbled on. composed kəmpóuzd] 침착한 "I heard about that." He sounded a bit more composed. flaring [flέə riŋ] 너울너울타는, 번쩍번쩍빛나는, 화려한, 요란한 "You did?" I asked in disbelief, my previous irritation flaring. paralyze [pǽrəlàiz] 마비시키다, 무력하게만들다 "If he's paralyzed from the neck down, he can't go to the prom, either," I muttered, refining my plan. slit [slít] 베어가르다 He was whispering, too, and as he stared out the window, his eyes narrowed into slits. 165 fumble [fʌḿbl] 손으로더듬다 I fumbled with my seat belt, and then hurried to get out of the car as well. restrain [ristréin] 억제하다, 구속하다 "Go stop Jessica and Angela before I have to track them down, too. I don't think I could restrain myself if I ran into your other friends again." sheepishly ʃíːpiʃ] 1 양같은, 매우수줍어하는, 얼뜬2 부끄러워하는, 당황해하는 "I got lost," I admitted sheepishly. "And then I ran into Edward." I gestured toward him. 166 silken [sílkən] 명주의 "Would it be all right if I joined you?" he asked in his silken, irresistible voice. unleash [ʌǹlíːʃ] 의가죽끈을끄르다 I could see from their staggered expressions that he had never unleashed his talents on them before. perpetual [pər pétʃuəl] 영속하는, 영구의, 끊임없는 savior [séiviər ] 구조자, 구세주 I winked at her. I wanted nothing more than to be alone with my perpetual savior. bombard [bɑmbɑ ːr d] 포격하다, 퍼붓다 There were so many questions that I couldn't bombard him with till we were by ourselves. scrutinize [skrúːtənàiz] 세밀히조사하다 "Honestly, I'm not hungry," I insisted, looking up to scrutinize his face. obstinate [ɑ bstənət] 완고한, 고집센 He walked to the door of the restaurant and held it open with an obstinate expression. Obviously, there would be no further discussion. 167 assessed [əsés] 사정하다, 평가하다 The host was female, and I understood the look in her eyes as she assessed Edward.

Twilight by Stephenie Meyer [22] alluring, [əlúə riŋ] 유혹하는 "A table for two?" His voice was alluring, whether he was aiming for that or not Dazzle hyperventilating [dǽzl] 눈부시게하다 [hàipər véntəlèit] 1 호흡항진하다, 과환기 ( 過換氣 ) 하다 2 호흡항진하게하다 168 dubiously. [dj úːbiəs] 수상쩍은, 모호한 "You have to know the effect you have on people." "Dazzle them like that she's probably hyperventilating in the kitchen right now." "Oh, come on," I said dubiously. "You have to know the effect you have on people." Expectant [ikspéktə nt] 기다리는 And then our server arrived, her face expectant. Flip [flíp] 튀기다, 스위치를찰칵누르다 She flipped a strand of short black hair behind one ear and smiled with unnecessary warmth. crooked [krúkid] 구부러진, 기형의, 부정직한 "Well, I'm actually waiting for you to go into shock." His face twisted up into that perfect crooked smile. 169 repressing [riprés] 억제하다, 진압하다 "I don't think that will happen," I said after I could breathe again. "I've always been very good at repressing unpleasant things." cue [kjúː] 신호 Right on cue, the waitress appeared with our drinks and a basket of breadsticks. ravioli [ræ vióuli] 라비올리 :pasta in the shape of small squares filled with meat, cheese, etc., I picked the first thing I saw on the menu. "Um I'll have the mushroom ravioli." radiating [réidièit] 발하다 "Thanks," I muttered, still thirsty. The cold from the icy soda was radiating through my chest, and I shivered. 170 ogling [óuɡl] 1 추파, 눈 2 추파를던지다 He handed me the jacket, interrupting my ogling. inhaled [inhéil] 들이쉬다 I inhaled, trying to identify the delicious scent. It didn't smell like cologne. flushing [flʌ ʃiŋ] 수세식 "That color blue looks lovely with your skin," he said, watching me. I was surprised; I looked down, flushing, of course. butterscotch [-skɑ tʃ] 버터를넣은캔디 He stared into my eyes, and I saw how light his eyes were, lighter than I'd ever seen them, golden butterscotch. mesmerized [mézməràiz, més-] 에게최면술을걸다 ; ( 보통 pp.) "I feel very safe with you," I confessed, mesmerized into telling the truth again. 홀리게하다, 매혹시키다. alabaster [æ ləbæ stər, -bɑ ːs-] 설화석고의 That displeased him; his alabaster brow furrowed. He shook his head, frowning. 171 somber [sɑ mbəːr / sɔ m-] 어둠침침한, 흐린 ; 음침한, 우울한 ; 거무스름한, 수수한 "Usually you're in a better mood when your eyes are so light," I commented, trying to distract him from whatever thought had left him frowning and somber. Crabbier (crabbier; -biest) 심술궂은, 까다로운 "You're always crabbier when your eyes are black I expect it then," I went on. "I have a theory about that." mocking [mɑ kiŋ / mɔ k-] 1 조롱하는듯한.2 흉내내는 "I hope you were more creative this time or are you still stealing from comic books?" His faint smile was mocking; his eyes were still tight. strode [stroud] STRIDE의과거 [straid] v. 큰걸음으로걷 But then the waitress strode around the partition with my food. 다, 활보하다. 172 ominous [ɑ mənəs / ɔ m-] 불길한, 나쁜징조의 "There are conditions?" He raised one eyebrow, his voice ominous. smirk [sməːrk] 능글맞게웃다 His eyes flickered up at me from under his lashes, the hint of a smirk on his face. 173 frostily [frɔ ːsti / frɔ sti] a. 서리가내리는 ; 혹한의 ; 서리 "We were speaking of a hypothetical case," I reminded him frostily. 로덮인 ; 반백인 ; 늙은, 냉담한, curb kəːrb] 1 ( 말의 ) 재갈, 고삐.2 구속, 억제, 제어 "How did you know?" I asked, unable to curb my intensity. "I was wrong you're much more observant than I intensity [inténsəti] 1 강렬, 격렬.2 긴장, 집중, 열렬 gave you credit for."

Twilight by Stephenie Meyer [23] 174 radius [réidiəs]n. ( 원 구의 ) 반지름 invariably [invɛ əriəbli] 변함없이 If there is anything dangerous within a ten-mile radius, it will invariably find you." Unequivocally [ʌ nikwívəkəl] 모호하지않은, 명료 ( 明瞭 ) 한 ; 솔직한 His face turned cold, expressionless. "Unequivocally." Fervent Gratitude [fə ːrvənt] 뜨거운 ; 열심인, 열렬한, 격심한, 백열의. "Thank you." My voice was fervent with gratitude. "That's twice now." [græ tətjùːd] 감사, 보은의마음 ; 사의 Scowl [skaul] 찌푸린얼굴 I scowled, but nodded. He moved his hand out from under mine, placing both of his under the table. Catastrophe [kətæ strəfi] ( 희곡의 ) 대단원 ( 大團圓 ); ( 비극의 ) 파국 But that's probably just because it's you. Ordinary people seem to make it through the day without so many catastrophes Surge [səːrdʒ] 큰파도 ; ( 비유 ) ( 감정따위의 ) 격동 I wondered if it should bother me that he was following me; instead I felt a strange surge of pleasure. 175 Spasm [spæ z-əm] 경련, 발작, 충동 ( 적분기 ); ( 구어 ) 한차례. I felt a spasm of fear at his words, and the abrupt memory of his violent black glare that first day but the overwhelming sense of safety I felt in his presence stifled it. Abrupt [əbrʌ pt] 1 돌연한, 갑작스러운2 퉁명스러운 Stifle [stáif-əl] 을숨막히게하다, 질식 ( 사 ) 시키다 bargain [bɑ ːrɡən]1 싼물건, 매매계약 2 흥정하다 "You eat, I'll talk," he bargained. 176 Growl [graul] ( 개등의 ) 으르렁거리는소리 Curling [kə ːrliŋ] 컬링 ( 얼음판에서둥근돌을미끄러뜨려과 "I heard what they were thinking," he growled, his upper lip curling slightly back over his teeth. " 녁에맞히는놀이 ) muffled [mʌ f-əl] 1 ( 따뜻하게하거나감추기위해 ) 싸다, 감싸다 His voice was muffled by his arm. "I could have let you go with Jessica and Angela, but I incoherent [ìnkouhíərənt, -hér-] 일관되지않는 I sat quietly, dazed, my thoughts incoherent. My hands were folded in my lap, and I was leaning weakly against the back of the seat. He still had his face in his hand, and he was as still as if he'd been carved from 177 carved [kɑːrv] 파다, 에조각하다 (inscribe). the stone his skin resembled. stuttered [stʌ təːr] 말을더듬다 (out); ( 기관총따위 ) 연속음을내다 "S-sure," she stuttered. "Here you go." She pulled a small leather folder from the front pocket of her black apron and handed it to him. slip [slip] 미끄러지다, 미끄러져넘어지다 (tripinvitingly There was a bill in his hand already. He slipped it into the folder and handed it right back to her. suppress [səprés]1 억압하다 ; ( 반란등을 ) 가라앉히다, 진압하다. He didn't look away from me as he thanked her. I suppressed a smile. flipping [flípiŋ] ( 속어 ) 가혹한 [ 하게 ], 지긋지긋한 Edward pulled out through the traffic, apparently without a glance, flipping around to head toward the freeway. CHAPTER-9 THEORY 179 plead [pliːd] 변호하다. 간청하다 ~ 이유로서내세우다 I pleaded as Edward accelerated much too quickly down the quiet street. evasive [iveísiv ~ness. 도피회피분명치않음 grumble [grʌḿbəl] 불평하다, 투덜대다. 푸념하다. I thought we were past all the evasiveness, I grumbled. 180 compose [kəmpoúz] 조립하다, 작문 ( 작곡 ) 하다. 정돈하다, 마음을가라앉히다. He looked at the road, giving me time to compose my face. stall [stɔːl] 지연시키다발뺌하다. 교묘하게시간을벌다. "And then you didn't answer one of my first questions " I stalled

Twilight by Stephenie Meyer [24] clarification [klæ rəfikeíʃə 명시설명정황 I felt silly,asking for clarification on make- believe intertwine [iǹtərtwaín 뒤얽히게하다, 한데꼬이게하다 I simply intertwined my fingers and gazed at him, hum [hʌm] 윙윙거리다, 콧노래를 [ 허밍으로 ] 부르다 buzz [bʌz] 윙윙거리다. 소근소근말하다 ; ( 소문이 ) 떠돌다. It's just like hum- a buzzing of voices in the background. distract [distræḱt 빗가게하다, 흩뜨리다미혹케하다 "Most of the time I tune it all out it can be very distracting. enigmatic, ical [eǹigmæ tik, iǹ-], [-ə 수수께끼같은, 불가해한, 정체모를. He looked at me, his eyes enigmatic. 181 murmur [mə ːrməːr] 졸졸소리내다, 속삭이다. 불평을하다, 투덜대다속삭이다, 나직하게말하다. I don't know," he murmured. frequency [fríːkwənsi] 자주일어남, 빈번 Like your thoughts are on the AM frequency and I'm only getting FM. freak [friːk] 변덕 ( 스러운마음 ), 일시적기분 (caprice); 변덕스러운 "My mind doesn't work right? I'm a freak?" 짓 speculation [spe kjəleíʃ-ən 사색, 숙고, 심사, 고찰, 결론, 의견 because his speculation hit home. evasion [iveíʒən startle [stɑ ːrtl] decelerate [diːseĺəreìt 회피, 빠져나감 ; 얼버무림, 어물쩍거려넘김 ; 둘러댐, 핑계, 깜짝놀라다 ; 펄쩍뛰다. 깜짝놀라게하다 ; 펄쩍뛰게하다. 속력을늦추다 [ 줄이다 ], 감속하다. [opp] acclerate. "Aren't we past all the evasions now?" he reminded me softly "What's wrong?" He was startled. But the car didn't decelerate bluish, blue- [blu ːiʃ 푸른빛을띤.. The road was only visible in the long patch of bluish brightness from the headlights. veer [viər] 182 modulate [mɑ dʒəleìt / mɔ 방향이바뀌다, ( 특히 ) 우선회로바람이방향을바꾸다. 조정하다, 바루다 ; 조절하다, 완화하다 ( 음성등의 ) 음조를바꾸다 ; The forest along both sides of the road was like a black wall as hard as a wall of steel if we veered off the road at this speed. I tried to modulate my voice. "Why are you in such a hurry?" crooked [kruḱid] 파 ly [-idli] ad. 구부러져서 ; 부정 ( 不正 ) 하게. "I always drive like this." He turned to smile crookedly at me. 183 scheming [skíːmiŋ] knuckle [nʌḱəl tighten [taítn convulsive [kənvʌĺsiv superstition [su ːpərstíʃən provoke [prəvoúk 184 flirt [fləːrt] n. 음모 a. 계획적인, ( 특히 ) 책동적인, 흉계가있는 ; 교활한. ( 특히손가락밑부분의 ) 손가락관절 ( 마디 ); 주먹 ; ( 송아지따위의 ) 무릎도가니. 죄다, 팽팽하게치다, 단단하게하다 ; 어렵게만들다 ; ( 통제 규칙을 ) 엄하게하다, 강화하다 (up). 경련을일으키는, 경련성의 ; 격동적인 ; 발작적인 ; 급격한. ly ad. 미신 ; 미신적관습 [ 행위 ]; ( 경멸적 ) 사교 ( 邪敎 ) 신앙. ( 감정따위를 ) 일으키다, 일으키게하다. 성나게하다 (enrage), 신경질나게하다. 새롱 [ 시시덕 ] 거리다, 농탕치다, 불장난 하다 (with). 손을내밀다, 농락하다, 가지고놀다 (with) "We went for a walk " I edited all my scheming out of the story " But I saw his knuckles tighten convulsively on the wheel. "He just thought it was a silly superstition," I said quickly. "Lauren said something about you she was trying to provoke me. "I tried to flirt it worked better than I thought it would."

Twilight by Stephenie Meyer [25] dazzle [dæźəl] 의눈을부시게하다.( 화려함따위로 ) 현혹시키다, 감탄시키다, 압도하다. "And you accused me of dazzling people poor Jacob clamp [klæmp] ( 꺾쇠로 ) 고정시키다, ( 죔쇠로 ) 죄다 ; 강제로시키다, 강제하다 But his hands were clamped hard onto the steering wheel. incredulous [inkre dʒələs 쉽사리믿지않는, 의심많은, 회의적인 (of); 의심하는듯한 ( 눈치따위 ). His face was incredulous, with just a hint of the anger I'd feared mock [mɑk / mɔ(ː)k] 조롱하다, 놀리다. 흉내내다, 모방하다 (mimic) A hard, mocking edge entered his voice 185 grit [grit] 삐걱거리다 ; ( 미국속어 ) 먹다, 처먹다. one's teeth 이를갈다 [ 악물다 ]. "It doesn't matter'!" he quoted, gritting his teeth together. twitch [twitʃ] 홱잡아당기다 ; 잡아채다 (off); 씰룩씰룩움직이다, 경련시키다 ; 에게고통을주다. His lips twitched as he stared at the road. 186 wistful [wístfəl] 탐내는듯한 ; 그리워하는, 무엇을동경하는듯한 ; 생각에잠긴. He turned to look at me with a wistful expression. sarcastic, tical [sɑːrkæ śtik], [--əl 빈정거리는, 비꼬는, 풍자의, 신랄한. - tically [-əli] ad. "You aren't concerned about my diet?" he asked sarcastically. flinch [flintʃ] 주춤 [ 움찔 ] 하다, 겁을내다, 꽁무니빼다 ((from)). I flinched. "Well, Jacob said something about that." skeptical[skeṕtik-əl 의심많은, 회의적인 ; 회의론 ( 자 ) 의. "He said we weren't dangerous?" His voice was deeply skeptical 187 complacent [kəmpleísənt 만족한, 자기만족의, 마음속으로즐거워하는 ; 안심한 ; "Don't let that make you complacent, though," he warned me. 사근사근한 (complaisant). hideous [hi diəs 무시무시한, 소름끼치는, 섬뜩한 (frightful). 가증한, 끔찍한 (revolting), 비열한. ly ad. and I was hideously afraid that I would never have another chance to be with him like this again recoil [rikɔíl 되튀다, 되돌아오다 ; 반동하다. 퇴각 [ 패주 ] 하다 ; 뒷걸음질치다 ; 주춤하다 His words hinted at an end, and I recoiled from the idea. tinge [tindʒ] 엷게물들이다, 착색하다 (with); 가미하다, 기미를띠게 I suggested, my voice still tinged with desperation. I 하다 ; 변질시키다, 조금바꾸다. 188 satiate [seíʃieì 물리게하다, 물릴정도로주다 ; ( 드물게 ) 충분히만족시키다. It doesn't completely satiate the hunger or rather thirst ominous [ɑḿənəs / ɔḿ 불길한, 나쁜징조의 His tone turned ominous. crabby [kræ bi 심술궂은, 까다로운.(crabbier; -biest) I've noticed that people men in particular are crabbier when they're hungry." 189 torment [tɔ ːrment] 괴롭히다 ; ( 드물게 ) 고문하다 "I suppose, being you, it could have been much worse and that possibility tormented me the entire time I was away. 190 sulky [sʌĺki] 실쭉한, 뚱한, 골난, 부루퉁한. 음침한, 음산한 ( 날씨따위 ). "No." I tried very hard not to look like a sulky child. 191 surge [səːrdʒ] 큰파도, 놀 ; 굽이치는파동 ; 파도침 ; ( 비유 ) ( 감정따위의 ) 격동. " I thought of the dark-haired man with a surge of hate 192 flutter [flʌ təːr] 퍼덕거리다. 훨훨날다, 두근거리다. 안절부절못하다 ; ( 공포 흥분으로 ) 떨다, 전율하다. how that little promise sent flutters through my stomach, and made me unable to speak. 193 bleak [bliːk] 황폐한, 쓸쓸한. 바람받이의 ; 차가운, 살을에는듯한냉혹한, 모진 ; 엄연한. ness n. I shuddered slightly at the sudden bleakness in his voice, but I was relieved. 절묘한, 절미한 ( 조망 아름다움등 ); 정묘한, 썩훌륭한 exquisite [ikskwízit, eḱskwi-] 예민한 ; 세련된, 세세히마음쓰는, 섬세한 It was the same exquisite scent that clung to his jacket, but in a more concentrated form. rev [rev] 의회전속도를바꾸다. 고속으로운전하다 (up); 활발하게하다 He waited till I had stumbled to the front door, and then I heard his engine quietly rev.

Twilight by Stephenie Meyer [26] 194 yank [jæŋk] 확잡아당기다 (jerk) 교체하다, 물러나게하다 (retire) The phone rang suddenly, startling me. I yanked it off the hook 195 stupor [stju ːpəːr 무감각, 인사불성, 마비 ; 혼수 ; 망연자실, 멍청함 I walked up the stairs slowly, a heavy stupor clouding my mind. rigid [rídʒid] 굳은, 단단한, 완고한, 엄격한 I shuddered violently for several minutes before the steaming spray could finally relax my rigid muscles. swirl [swəːrl] 소용돌이치다 (about),( 머리가 ) 어찔어찔하다. My mind still swirled dizzily, full of images I couldn't understand, and some I fought to repress. irrevocable [ire vəkəbəl 되부를수없는 ; 취소 [ 변경 ] 할수없는, 결정적인. - bly ad. 196 granola[grənóulə] 납작귀리에건포도나누런설탕을섞은아침식사용건강식품 197 carton[kɑ ːrtən] 상자 ; 판지, 마분지 (cardboard); 납지 ( 蠟紙 ) And third, I was unconditionally and irrevocably in love with him. Chapter 10 - Interrogation I swallowed a granola bar in three bites, chased it down with milk staright form the carton, and then hurried out th door. exposed[ikspóuzd] 드러난, ( 위험따위에 ) 노출된, 비바람을맞는 The mist was ice cold where it clung to the exposed skin on my face and neck. guarded[gɑ ːrdid] 방위 [ 보호 ] 되어있는 ; 조심성있는 ; 신중한. His voice was guarded. muscled [mʌ 닝] 근육이강한, 근육이있는 Again, the fabric clug to his perfectly muscled chest. colossal[kəlɑ səl / -lɔ s] 거대한, 어마어마한, 굉장한 tribute[tríbjuːt] 찬사, 선물, 공물 It was a colossal tribute to his face that it kept my eyes away from his body. delicate[délikət, -kit] 섬세한, 우아한, 가냘픈 I'm not quite that delicate 198 tongue-tied[tʌ ŋtài] 혀가짧은, 말을못하는, 잠자코있는 It left me tongue-tied. frown[fraun] 눈살을찌부리다, 얼굴을찡그리다 I frowned. insane[inséin 미친, 정신이상의, Enough to drive me insane. 199 rest[rest] 나머지, 잔여, 복수취급 잔류자, 나머지사람들 "Where's the rest of your family?" ostentatious[ɑ stenteíʃəs] 과시하는, 화려한, 허세부리는 blend[blend] 섞다, 혼합되다, 뒤섞이다 "Like I said, it's ostentatious. We try to blend in." conspicuous[kənspíkjuəs] 눈에띄는, 똑똑이보이는, 돋보이는 "Why did Rosalie drive today if it's more conspicuous?" indulgence[indʌ ldʒəns] 특전, 특권, 관대, 즐거움 "An indulgence." impish[ímpiʃ] 장난꾸러기의, 개구쟁이의 he admitted with an impish smile. 200 irresistible[ìrizístəbəl] 저항할수없는, 사람을매혹하는 It wasn't really his fault that his voice was so irresistible suppress[səprés] 억압하다, 억누르다 I suppressed a sigh startle[stɑ ːrtl] 깜짝놀라다, 깜짝놀라게하다 he said, startled. ambush[ǽmbuʃ] 잠복, 매복, 잠복하다, 매복기습하다 "However, I can read hers, - she'll be waiting to ambush you in class." deliberate[dilíbərit] 계획적인, 심사숙고한, 생각이깊은 He deliberated for a moment as we walked. innocent[ínəsnt] 무죄의, 순결한, 무심한 I tried to keep my expression very innocent. aware[əwɛ ər] 알아차린, 아는, 감지한 People were passing us on their way to class, probably staring, buti was barely aware of them. 201 stray[strei] 길잃은, 뿔뿔이흩어진 lock[lɑk / lɔk] 머리의타래, 머리털 He paused to catch a stray lock of hair that was escaping the twist on my neck and wound it back into place. hyperactive[hàipərǽkti] 지극히활동적인, 극도록활동적으로 My heart splutter hyperactively. irritate[írətèi] 초조하게하다, 화나게하다, 짜증나다 I hurried into class, flushed and irritated. aggravation[æ grəvéiʃə] 짜증, 화남, 짜증거리 I sat in my usual seat, slamming my bag down in aggravation.

Twilight by Stephenie Meyer [27] definitely[défənit] 정확히, 명확히, 확실히 "Most definitely." 202 agitation[æ dʒətéiʃə] 동요, 흥분 When I walked into Trig Jessica was sitting in the back now, nearly bouncing off her seat in agitaion. pucker[pʌ kər] transparent[trænspɛ -ərənt] 주름지다, 오므라들다 투명한, 솔직한, 명료한 Her lips puckered in disappoitnment at the transparent honesty in my voice. 203 exaggerate[igzǽdʒərè] 과장하다, 지나치게강조하다 syllable[síləbbəl] 음절, 음절마다발음하다 She exaggerated the word into three syllables. 204 cryptic[kríptik] 숨은, 비밀의, 신비의 "( 중략 )He's always so cryptic." incoherency[ìnkouhíərə] 모순된, 뒤죽박죽인 "I do have some trouble with incoherency when I'm around him," 205 register[rédʒəstəːr] 기록하다, 명심하다 I hoped that detail wouldn't register in her thoughts. evasive[ivéisiv] 둘러대는, 피하는, 분명치않은 ( 중략 ) as soon as the bell rang, I took evasive action. dissect[disékt, dai-] 해부하다, 분석하다, 조사하다 We spent the rest of the walk dissecting sentence structures and most of Spanish on a minute description of structure[strʌ ktʃəːr] 구조, 구성, 조직, 체계 Mike's facial expreesions. 206 depart[dipɑ ːrt] 출발하다, 벗어나다, 이탈하다 Jessica took one look, rolled her eyes, and departed. implication[ìmpləkéiʃə] 내포, 함축, 연루, 암시 Her voice was thick with implication. speculative[speḱjəleìtiv] 사색적인, 모험적인, 호기심어린 ( 중략 )though his eyes returned to my face every few second, their expression speculative. fidget[fídʒit] 안절부절못하다, 불안해하다, 애태우다 I fidgeted nervously with the zipper on my jacket. 207 grimace[gríməs] 얼굴을찌부리다, 얼굴을찌부림 He grimaced, shaking his head. condescendingly [kɑǹdiseńd 겸손하게 he asked condescendingly. analyze[ǽnəlàiz] 분석하다, 검토하다 "Jessica's anaylzing everything I do - she'll break it down for you later." 208 lash[læʃ] 속눈썹, 채찍질 His voice was husky, and he glanced up from under his lashes with troubled eyes. eavesdropper[- drɑ pər] 엿듣는사람, 도청하는사람 You know what they say about eavesdroppers," distinction[distíŋkʃən] 구별, 특성, 고귀 "That's quite a distinction." exhale[ekshéil, igzéi ( 숨을 ) 내쉬다,( 말을 ) 내뿜다 I tried to remember how to exhale. 209 faux[fóu] 인조의, 가짜의 I kept my eyes down on the table, my eyes tracing the pattern of the faux wood grains printed on the laminate. stubbornly[stʌ bəːrnli] 완고하게, 확고하게, 고집세게 I stubbornly refused to be the first break it this time, fighting hard against the temptation to peek his expression. 210 anguish[ǽŋgwiʃ 고통, 괴로움 That was the best I could sum up the sensation of anguish that his word trigered in me at times. unnecessarily[ʌnnésəseri] 불필요한, 쓸데없는, 무용의 I said, unnecessarily as he was already staring. 211 unpredictable[ʌ npridíktəbəl] 예언 [ 예측 ] 할수없는 Abruptly, his unpredictable mood shifted again; a mischievous, devastating smile rearranged his features. mischievous[místʃivəs] 유해한, 장난을좋아하는, 장난기가있는 excuse[ikskju ːz] 용서하다, 변명하다, 변명, 구실 "Do you really need to go to Seattle this Saturday, or was that just an excuse to get out of saying no to all your admirers?" 212 delude[dilúːd] 미혹시키다, 속이다, 착각하다 (oneself) "It's your fault that he deduled himself into thinking I'm going to prom with him." fascinating[fǽsənèiti] 황홀케하다, 홀리다 I would have been angrier if his laughter wasn't so fascinating. alternative[ɔːltə ːrnətiv] 하나를택할여지, 대안 "I'm open to alternatives," I allowed.

Twilight by Stephenie Meyer [28] 213 specifically[spisífik] 특유하게, 특수하게, 일정하게 "Well, mostly because when I told Charlie I was going to Seattle, he specifically asked if I was going alone and, at the time, I was. undercurrent[ʌ ndərkə ː rənt] 암류, 하층의수류, ( 비유어 ) 내면적의향 There was an undercurrent to his question that I didn t understand. shudder[ʃʌ dəːr] 떨다, 전율하다,( 생각만해도 ) 오싹하다 ". I shuder to think of the trouble you could fin in a city that size." 214 motivation[mòutəvéiʃ-ən] 자극, 유도, 동기부여 I couldn't argue, with the eyes or the motivation, and it was a moot point anyway. incentive[inséntiv] 자극적인, 장려 ( 격려 ) 하는, 격려, 자극, 동기 "To give me some small incentive to bring you back." weapon[wépən] 무기, 흉기, 공격수단 "if you read carefully, the laws only cover hunting with weapons," he informed me. 215 grizzly[grízli] 회색의큰곰 "Grizzly is Emmett's favorite." disapproval[dìsəprúːvəl] 불만, 반대의견 He raised an eyebrow and the corners of his mouth turned down it disapproval. environment[inváiərənmənt] 주의를둘러싸는것, 환경, 포위 "we have to be careful not to impact the environment with injudicious hunting.." hibernation[haíbərneìt] 동면하다, ( 들여박혀 ) 겨울을보내다 Early spring is Emmett's favorite bear season - they're just coming out of hibernation, so they're more irritable." 216 visualize[víʒuəlàiz] 보이게하다, 마음에떠오르게하다, 그리다, 상상하다 "If you've ever seen a bear attack on television, you should be able to visualize Emmett hunting." indicative[indíkətiv] ~ 나타내는, ~ 표시인 "Perhaps our preferences are indicative." dose[dous] ( 약의 )1회복용량, 약, 쓴약 "You need a healthy dose of fear. Noting could be more beneficial for you." 217 vacant [véikənt] 빈, 공허한, 비어있는 I granced around, startled to see that he was right and the cafeteria was nearly vacant. chapter 11 - Complications 218 Complications[kɑ mplikeíʃən / kɔ m-] n. 219 superb [suːpə ːrb] a. tangible [tæńdʒəb-əl]a. smolder, 영국 smoulder [smoúldəːr] 복잡, 번쇄 ; 분규 (tangle), 혼란, 말썽거리, 곤란한사정, 의학 합병증 ; 훌륭한, 멋진 ; ( 건물등이 ) 당당한, 장려한, 화려한 ; 뛰어난. 만져서알수있는 ; 실체적인 ; 확실한, 명백한, 현실의 ; 법률 유형 ( 有形 ) 의. 연기나다, 내다 (up); ( 분노 불만등이 ) 끓다 ; ( 억압된감정이 ) 밖으로나타나다. Mr. Banner backed into the room then - what superb timing the man had - pulling a tall metal frame on wheels that held a heavy-looking, outdated TV and VCR A movie day - the lift in the class atmosphere was almost tangible. He grinned back, his eyes somehow managing to smolder, even in the dark. ventilate [veńtəleìt] vt. 공기를유통시키다, 환기시키다, 공표하다, I looked away before I could start hyperventilating craving [kreíviŋ] n. 갈망, 열망 ; 간원. The overpowering craving to touch him also refused to fade, and I crushed my fists safely against my ribs until my fingers were aching with the effort. 220 vague [veig] a. 어렴풋한, 막연한, 애매한, 희미한, 모호한, 건성의 I drifted to the locker room, changing in a trancelike state, only vaguely aware that there were other people surrounding me furtive [fə ːrtiv] a. apologetic [əpɑ lədʒe tik / əpɔ l-] a 221 giggle [gígəl] vt., vi. 222 repentant [ripeńtənt] a. 223 ostentatious [ɑ stenteíʃəs / ɔ s-] a 은밀한, 내밀한, 남몰래하는 ; 넌지시하는, 사람의눈을속인 ; 교활한 ; 수상한. 변명의, 해명의 ; 사과 [ 사죄 ] 의 ; 변명하는듯한, 미안해하는. 킥킥웃다 (at), 킥킥웃어 ( 감정을 ) 나타내다, ( 구어 ) 여자아이들의모임 후회하고있는 (for); 회오 ( 悔悟 ) 의, 개전의정을보이는 ; 참회의. 과시하는, 겉보기를꾸미는, 여봐란듯한, 화려한. It wasn't heavy, yet it felt very unsafe in my hand. I could see a few of the other kids in class eyeing me furtively "Thanks, Mike - you don't have to do this, you know." I grimaced apologetically. I choked back the hysteria that threatened to explode, but a small giggle managed to get out despite my efforts. He didn't sound repentant, so I ignored him. "Ostentatious," he muttered.

maneuver, 영국 -noeuvre [mənu ːvəːr]n. 기동 ( 機動 ) 작전, 작전적행동 ; 계략, 책략, 책동 ; 묘책 ; 교묘한조치, 교묘하게유도하다 Twilight by Stephenie Meyer [29] "Are you still angry?" he asked as he carefully maneuvered his way out. shrewd [ʃruːd] a. 빈틈없는, 약빠른, 재빠른, 기민한 (astute), 심술궂은 "Maybe if you mean it. And if you promise not to do it again," I insisted. His eyes were suddenly shrewd. protracted [proutræḱtid] a. 오래끈 ( 병 교섭따위 ). "Then I'm very sorry I upset you." His eyes burned with sincerity for a protracted moment condescending [kɑǹdiseńdiŋ 224 겸손한 ; 짐짓겸손하게구는, 생색을부리는. / kɔǹ-] His smile was condescending now. "I wasn't intending to bring a car." 225 morose [məroús] a. 까다로운, 뚱한, 기분이언짢은 ; 침울한. He shook his head, still gazing morosely at the heavy clouds. unrelenting [ʌǹrileńtiŋ] a. Flickers of the electricity I'd felt this afternoon began to charge the atmosphere as he gazed unrelentingly into 용서 [ 가차 ] 없는, 엄한, 무자비한 ; ( 속도등이 ) 꾸준한. my eyes. jagged [dʒæǵid] a. 깔쭉깔쭉한, 톱니같은, 지그재그의 ; 고르지못한 ; 다듬어지지않은. I realized I wasn't breathing. When I drew in a jagged breath, breaking the stillness, he closed his eyes. 226 faucet [fɔ ːsit] n. 미국 ( 수도 통따위의 ) 주둥이, 고동. he began, walking across the kitchen and turning on the faucet. 227 grimace [gríməs, grimeís] n. ghastly [gæśtli / gɑ ːst-] a. (-lier; -liest) bizarre [bizɑ ːr] a. excruciating [ikskru ːʃieìtiŋ] a linger [líŋgər] v. 228 purr [pəːr] v. 229 wager [weídʒəːr]n crease [kriːs] n. 얼굴을찡그림, 찡그린얼굴, 짐짓꾸민표정, 점잔뺀얼굴. 핼쑥한 ; 송장같은, 무서운, 무시무시한, ( 웃음등을 ) 억지로지은기괴한 (grotesque), 좀별난, 별스러운 ; ( 색 스타일등이 ) 색다른 ; 기상천외의몹시고통스러운, 참기어려운 ; 몹시괴롭히는 ; ( 종종원뜻을벗어나서 ) 대단한, 이만저만이아닌오래머무르다, 떠나지못하다, 좀처럼사라지지않다, 남다, 질질오래끌다 ( 고양이가기분좋은듯이 ) 목을가르랑거리다 ; ( 사람이 ) 만족스런모양을보이다. 노름, 내기 ; 내기에건것 [ 돈 ]; 내기를하는사람 ; 내기의대상. 주름 ( 살 ), 접은금 ; 크리켓 투수 [ 타자 ] 의위치를지시하는선 ; "That was the plan." I grimaced, wishing he hadn't brought it up so I wouldn't have to compose careful halftruths It must be a hard thing, to be a father; living in fear that your daughter would meet a boy she liked, but also having to worry if she didn't. How ghastly it would be, I thought, I bounded down the stairs and out the front door, wondering how long this bizarre routine would continue He was smiling, relaxed - and, as usual, perfect and beautiful to an excruciating degree. His gaze lingered on the circles under my eyes. "You look tired." I was becoming used to the quiet purr. "I guess that's right. I suppose I slept just a little bit more than you did." "I'd wager you did." "Oh, that's right. What do you want to know?" My forehead creased. rant [rænt] n. U 폭언, 호언 ; 노호 ( 怒號 ); C Sc. 야단법석. He seemed fascinated by my little rant. somber, 영국 -bre [sɑ ḿbəːr / sɔḿ-]a 어둠침침한, 흐린 ; 음침한, 우울 [ 음울 ] 한 ; 거무스름한, 칙칙한, 수수한 ( 빛깔따위 ). his face as somber as if he'd asked for a murder confession. relentless [rileńtlis] a. 가차없는, 잔인한 ; 혹독한. he questioned me relentlessly about every insignificant detail of my existence. absorption [æbsɔ ːrpʃən, - zɔ ːrp-] n. 흡수 ( 작용 ). 열중, 전념 More often than not, I felt self-conscious, certain I must be boring him. But the absolute absorption of his face blurt [bləːrt] vt. 불쑥말하다, 무심결에입밖에내다, 누설하다 ( 종종 out). Such as the time he asked my favorite gemstone, and I blurted out topaz before thinking psychiatric, rical [saìkiæ 230 trik], [-əl] a 정신병학의, 정신병치료의, 정신과의. I felt like I was taking one of those psychiatric tests where you answer with the first word that comes to mind. fiddle [fídl] n. ( 구어 ) 바이올린 ; 피들 ( 비올속 ( 屬 ) 의현악기 ), 테두리틀, 사기, 하찮은일 I sighed, surrendering, staring down at my hands as I fiddled with a piece of my hair. onyx [ɑńiks, oún- / ɔń-] n U 광물 얼룩마노 ( 瑪瑙 ); 해부학 손 [ 발 ] 톱. I suppose if you asked me in two weeks I'd say onyx.

squabble [skwɑ b-əl / skwɔ bəl] n 231 시시한언쟁, 말다툼. 232 plummet [plʌḿit] vi. 수직으로떨어지다, 뛰어들다 (plunge); 갑자기내려가다 ; 봉을단실로낚시하다 resinous [reźənəs] a. 수지 ( 질 ) 의, 수지모양의, 진이많은, 수지를함유한, 수지로만든. barren [bæŕən] a. ( 땅이 ) 불모의, 메마른 ; ( 식물이 ) 열매를못맺는, 애를못가지는, 효과없는 sparse [spɑːrs]a. 성긴 ([opp.] dense), 드문드문한, 숱이적은 (thin); 부족한, 빈약한. vegetation [ve dʒəteíʃən]n. craggy [kræǵi] a. (craggier; -giest) 233 palpitation [pæ lpəteíʃən] 234 cringe [krindʒ] vi. illuminate [ilu ːməneìt] v. 집합적 식물, 초목 ; 한지방 ( 특유 ) 의식물, ( 식물의 ) 생장, 발육 ; 식물적기능, 무위도식의생활, 사회 [ 지적 ( 知的 ) 활동 ] 에서동떨어진생활. 바위가많은 ; ( 바위가 ) 울퉁불퉁하고험한 ; ( 얼굴이 ) 딱딱하고위엄있는. U 동계 ( 動悸 ), 고동 ; 가슴이두근거림 ; 떨림 ; 의학 심계항진 ( 心悸亢進 ). 곱송그리다, 움츠리다 ; ( 구어 ) ( 이) 싫어지다, 진력내다 (at), 아첨하다조명하다, 밝게하다, 비추다 ; ( 고어 ) 에등불을밝히다, 계발 ( 啓發 ) 하다, 계몽하다. Twilight by Stephenie Meyer [30] He didn't speak to me today, either in response to my vacant expression or because he was still angry about our squabble yesterday. We sat in front of Charlie's house for hours, as the sky darkened and rain plummeted around us in a sudden deluge. I tried to describe impossible things like the scent of creosote - bitter, slightly resinous, but still pleasant - the high, keening sound of the cicadas in July, the feathery barrenness of the trees, the very size of the sky, extending white-blue from horizon to horizon, barely interrupted by the low mountains covered with purple volcanic rock. to justify a beauty that didn't depend on the sparse, spiny vegetation that often looked half dead, with the shallow bowls of valleys between the craggy hills, and the way they held on to the sun. He reached across to open my door for me, and his sudden proximity sent my heart into frenzied palpitations. He flung the door open in one swift movement, and then moved, almost cringed, swiftly away from me. I could see Edward illuminated in the glare of the new car's headlights defiance [difaíəns] n U,C 도전 ; 저항 ; 반항 ; 무시. His expression was a strange mix of frustration and defiance. rev [rev]v. (-vv-) 의회전속도를바꾸다, 고속으로운전하다 (up); 활발하게하다 (up). Then he revved the engine, scrutinize [skru ːt-ənaìz] vt., 자세히조사하다, 음미하다 ; 유심히바라보다 (into). vi my first day here. He was staring at me, scrutinizing my face, so I smiled tentatively at him. tentative [teńtətiv]a. 시험적인 : 시험삼아하는 ; 임시의, 주저하는, 모호한 scoff [skɔːf, skɑf] v. 비웃다, 조소하다, 조롱하다 (at). Could he really believe the impossible legends his son had scoffed at? chapter 12 - Balancing 236 beckon [beḱən] vt. 1 손짓 [ 고갯짓, 몸짓 ] 으로부르다 ; ( 머리 손따위로 ) 에게신호하다 (to). vi. + 전 + 명 손짓해부르다 ; 신호하다 I turned toward the house, beckoning to Jacob as I ducked under the porch. duck vi.,vt. 2 ( 맞지 [ 보이지 ] 않으려고 ) 홱머리를숙이다, 홱몸을굽히다. resonant [reź-ənənt] a. a. 공명하는 ; 반향하는, 울리는 (with). I recognized Billy's resonant voice easily, despite the years. 237 shake off 털어내다 I backed out of the way as the three of them hurried in, shaking off the rain. make a face 얼굴을찌푸리다 ; 침울한표정을짓다 Billy made a face at his son. scowl [skaul] vi., vt. vi. 1 얼굴을찌푸리다, 오만상을하다 ; 매섭게쏘아보다, 노려보다 (at; on). Jacob scowled and ducked his head while I fought back a surge of remorse. remorse [rimɔ ːrs]n. U 1 후회, 양심의가책 (compunction).

239 noncommittal [nɑǹkəmítl / nɔǹ-] a. 확실한의견을말하지않는, 언질을주지않는 ; 어물쩍거리는, 애매한 ( 대답 진술따위 ). Twilight by Stephenie Meyer [31] I nodded noncommittally, keeping my eyes down as I flipped sandwiches. chew [tʃuː] vt.,vi. out ( 미국속어 ) 호되게꾸짖다, 호통치다. I think Charlie chewed him out pretty good last time. rat [ræt] v. (-tt-) a person out ( 속어 ) 사람을배신하다, 밀고하다. Billy was about to rat me out hedge [heʤ] v. (p., pp. hedged; hedging) 240 token [toúk-ən] n. 3 변명할 [ 빠져나갈 ] 여지를남겨두다 ; 애매한대답을하다 ; 울타리뒤에숨다. 4 이름뿐인것 ; 이름뿐인성원 ( 成員 ), ( 특히 ) 이름뿐인고용인. "I'm not sure," I hedged. "Who is it?" he asked with token interest. perk [pəːrk] v. 2 ( 머리 귀등을 ) 곧추쳐들다 (up; out). He perked up. muse [mjuːz] v. vi. 1 명상하다, 묵상하다 (reflect) (on, upon; over). He mused for a minute. [cf.] meditate, ponder. 241 crinkly 주름이많은 I winked at him, and he smiled his crinkly-eyed smile. blissful [blísfəl] a. 더없이행복한, 기쁨에찬 ; 깨끗이잊은. When I woke to the pearl gray morning, my mood was blissful. barrette [bəre t] n. ( 여성용의 ) 막대모양의머리핀. I caught myself whistling while I was pulling the front part of my hair back into a barrette, crooked [kruḱid] a. 1 꼬부라진, 비뚤어진, 뒤둥 [ 빙퉁 ] 그러진 ; 늙어허리가꼬부라진. He grinned his crooked smile at me, 2 부정직한, 마음이비뚤어진. 242 grudging [grʌ ʤiŋ] a. 인색한, 마지못해하는, 싫어하는 ; 시기하는 ; 앙심을품은 I was grudgingly honest. "Not in Phoenix." apropos [æ prəpoú] ad. ~ of nothing 난데없이, 까닭도없이. "I should have let you drive yourself today," he announced, apropos of nothing, while I chewed. 243 morose [məroús] a. 까다로운, 뚱한, 기분이언짢은 ; 침울한. His face grew morose and pleading 244 glower [glaúər] vi. + 전 + 명 노려보다 ; 무서운 [ 언짢은 ] 얼굴을하다 (at; upon); Sc. 주시 [ 응시 ] 하다 (at; upon) "What are you hunting tonight?" I asked when I was sure I had lost the glowering contest. bemused [bimju ːzd] a. 생각에잠긴 ; 멍한, 어리벙벙한 ; 곤혹스러운, 망연한. He seemed bemused by my casual reference to his secret realities. brow [brau] n. 이마.( 보통 pl.) 눈썹 (eyebrows). 얼굴 ( 표정 ). vt. 주름을잡다, 주름살지게하다 ; ( 입술따위를 ) 오 pucker [pʌḱər] v. 므리다 (up). His brow puckered for a brief moment. "Incredulous, for the most part." vi. 주름잡히다, 주름살지다 ; 오므라들다 (up). (up) one's brow [lips] 눈살을찌푸리다 [ 입을오므 리다 ]. vt 245 grimace [gríməs, grimeís] vi. 얼굴을찡그리다. I grimaced. "Neither do I, for that matter." decipher [disaífər] vt. ( 암호문등을 ) 해독하다 (decode) ([opp] cipher), 번역하다 ; ( 옛문서등을 ) 판독하다 He smiled as he deciphered my expression. 246 willowy [wíloui] a. (-lowier; -iest) 버들이무성한 ( 강가따위 ); 가냘픈 ; 날씬한. Her slight frame was willowy, graceful even in absolute stillness. 247 wry [rai] a. (wryér, wriér; wryést, wriést) a smile 쓴웃음. "Alice, Bella Bella, Alice," he introduced us, gesturing casually with his hand, a wry smile on his face. obsidian [əbsídiən] n. U 광물 흑요석 ( 黑曜石 ) "Hello, Bella." Her brilliant obsidian eyes were unreadable, but her smile was friendly. sinuous [sínjuəs] a. ( 강따위가 ) 꾸불꾸불한, 굽이진 (winding); 물결모양의, 기복하는 (undulating); She left without another word; her walk was so fluid, so sinuous that I felt a sharp pang of jealousy. fraught [frɔːt] a. 을내포한, 이따르는, 으로가득찬 (with); "I'll do the laundry tonight that ought to be fraught with peril."

Twilight by Stephenie Meyer [32] 248 sorely [sɔ ːrli] ad. 아파서, 견디기어려워, 심하게, 몹시. ditch [ditʃ] v. excruciating [ikskru ːʃieìtiŋ] a. sulky [sʌĺki] a. (sulkier; - iest) 3 ( 속어 )( 학교따위를 ) 꾀부려빠지다 (get away from) 몹시고통스러운, 참기어려운 ; 몹시괴롭히는 ; ( 종종원뜻을벗어나서 ) 대단한, 이만저만이아닌. 1 실쭉한, 뚱한, 골난, 부루퉁한 I was sorely tempted to ditch the rest of the day, at the very least Gym, but a warning instinct stopped Because there was nothing more terrifying to me, more excruciating, than the thought of turning away from him. "Are you going to the dance with Cullen?" he asked, suddenly sulky. 249 sulk [sʌlk] vi. 실쭉거리다, 골나다, 부루퉁해지다 "Fine." He sulked again. "I was just offering." 250 reverie, revery [re v-əri] n. U,C 공상, 환상 ; 몽상 ; 백일몽 ; C 음악 환상곡. "You know, Dad " I began, breaking into his reverie. 251 insidious [insi diəs] a. 252 condone [kəndoún] vt. loopy [lu ːpi] a. (loopier; - iest) impeccable [impeḱəbəl] a. rifle [raíf-əl]vt. 틈을엿보는, 음험한, 교활한, 방심할수없는 (treacherous); ( 병등이 ) 모르는사이에진행하는, 잠행성 ( 潛行性 ) 의. I fluctuated between anticipation so intense that it was very nearly pain, and an insidious fear that picked at my resolve. ( 죄 과실특히간통을 ) 용서하다, 너그럽게봐주다, ( 어떤행위가죄를 ) 갚다. I normally wouldn't condone that type of behavior in myself, but tomorrow would be complicated enough 고리가많은 ; ( 구어 ) 머리가돈, 취하여이상해진 ; without me being loopy from sleep deprivation on top of everything else. Sc. 교활한. 죄를 [ 과실을 ] 범하는일이없는 ; 결함 [ 흠, 나무랄데 ] 없는, 비난의여지없는 ; 완벽한. 파 d [-d] a. ( 총 포가 ) 선조 ( 旋條 ) 를새긴 ; 탄환이선조에맞도록한. While I waited for the drugs to kick in, I dried my clean hair till it was impeccably straight, and fussed over what I would wear tomorrow. With everything ready for the morning, I finally I got up and rifled through my shoebox of CDs until I found a collection of Chopin's nocturnes. gratuitous [grətju ːətəs] a. 1 무료 [ 무상, 무보수 ] 의 ; 호의상의 I woke early, having slept soundly and dreamlessly thanks to my gratuitous drug use. Though I was well fidget [fídʒit] v. 253 twinge [twindʒ] n. 안절부절못하다, 불안해하다, 들뜨다 (about); 애태우다, 마음을졸이다 ; ( 안절부절못하며 ) 만지작거리다 (with). 쑤시는듯한아픔, 동통, 자통 ( 刺痛 ), 격통 ; ( 양심의 ) 가책, 회한. I dressed in a rush, smoothing my collar against my neck, fidgeting with the tan sweater till it hung right over my jeans. I laughed with him, hiding a secret twinge of regret why did he have to look like a runway model when I couldn't? martyr [mɑ ːrtəːr]vt. ( 신앙 주의때문에 ) 죽이다, 박해하다, 괴롭히다. He waited by the passenger door with a martyred expression that was easy to understand. 254 retort [ritɔ ːrrt] v. treacherous [tre tʃ-ərəs] a. vt. ( 비난 모욕따위에 ) 보복하다, 앙갚음하다 (on; upon); 받아넘기다, 응수하다 (against). 2 믿을수없는, 방심할수없는 ; ( 안전한것같으면서도 ) 위험한, 발판 토대가불안정한 "This truck is old enough to be your car's grandfather have some respect," I retorted. Five miles of treacherous roots and loose stones, trying to twist my ankles or otherwise incapacitate me. 257 contemplate [kɑńtəmpleìt / kɔńtem-] v. scrutinize [skru ːt-ənaìz] vt., vi. vt. 1 찬찬히보다, 정관하다, 관찰하다 자세히조사하다, 음미하다 ; 유심히바라보다 (into). We drove in silence for a while as I contemplated the coming horror. I tried to smile back, but the smile was unconvincing. He scrutinized my face. sundown [sʌńdaùn] n. U 일몰 (sunset). [opp.] sunup. "If you want me to hack five miles through the jungle before sundown, you'd better start leading the way," acid [æśid] a. 3 언짢은 ; 신랄한, 심술궂은. I said acidly. He frowned at me, struggling to understand my tone and expression. fern [fəːrn] n. U,C 식물 양치류 ( 類 ). It wasn't as hard as I had feared. The way was mostly flat, and he held the damp ferns and webs of moss

Twilight by Stephenie Meyer [33] 258 interrogation [inte rəgeíʃən] n. U,C 질문, 심문 ; 의문 ; 의문부 (question mark) Occasionally he would ask a random question that he hadn't gotten to in the past two days of interrogation. labyrinth [læ bərìnɵ] n. 1 미궁 ( 迷宮 ); 미로 (maze). The forest spread out around us in a boundless labyrinth of ancient trees, alight [əlaít]vi. (p., pp. ed, ( 드물게 ) alit [əli t]) 1 ( 말 탈것에서 ) 내리다, 하차하다 (from) I took a step back toward him, my eyes alight with curiosity 259 wary [wɛ -əri] a. (warier; - iest) 경계하는, 주의깊은, 신중한 (of); ( 눈초리 관찰등이 ) 방심하지않는, 용의주도한. [cf.] cautious. His eyes were wary, reluctant. Chapter 13. Confessions 260 flush[flʌʃ] n. 홍조 His skin, white despite the faint flush from yesterday's hunting trip, literally sparkled, like thousands of tiny diamonds were embedded in the surface. incandescent[iǹkəndeśənt] 백열의, 빛나는 incandescent chest scintillating[sínt-əleìtiŋ] a. 번득이는, 재치가넘치는 his scintillating arms bare glisten[glísn] vi. 반짝이다, 빛나다 His glistening, pale lavender lips were shut 261 sway[swei] v. 흔들리다, 동요하다 it tangled my hair and ruffled the grass that swayed around his motionless form. mirage[mirɑ ːʒ / - -] n. 신기루, 망상 that he would disappear like a mirage contours[kɑńtuər / kɔń-] 윤곽, 외형 to trace the contours of his forearm with my fingertips. crease[kriːs] n. 주름살, 접은금 inside the crease at his elbow 262 disconcerting[dìskənsə ːrtiŋ] a. 당황케하는, 혼란케하는 disconcerting movements of his. intent[inteńt] n. 의향, 목적 I looked to see his eyes watching me, suddenly intent. prop[prɑp / prɔp] v. 버티다 he was half sitting, propped up on his right arm, flinch away[flintʃ] vi. 주춤하다, 겁을내다 I might have--should have-- flinched away from his unexpected closeness, mesmerize[meźməraìz, meś- 263 ~ 에게최면술을걸다, 매혹시키다 ] vt. His golden eyes mesmerized me. rip[rip] v. 떼어내다 his hand ripped from mine. 264 bound away [baund] v. 뛰어가버리다 he was on his feet, bounding away, spruce[spruːs] n. 가문비나무속의식물 a two-foot-thick branch from the trunk of the spruce façade[fəsɑ ːd, fæ-] n. 정면, 겉, 외관 I'd never seen him so completely freed of that carefully cultivated façade. ashen[æ ʃən] a. 잿빛의, 창백한 fface ashen, eyes wide, I sat like a bird locked in the eyes of a snake. rash[ræʃ] a. 분별없는, 성급한 His lovely eyes seem to glow with rash excitement. seductive[sidʌḱtiv] a. 유혹하는, 매력있는 his velvet voice unintentionally seductive. sinuously[sínjuəs] a. 구부러지게 He sat sinuously, 265 repentant[ripeńtənt] a. 후회하고있는 They were soft, repentant. cadences[keídəns] n. 운율, 억양 he asked in the gentle cadences of an earlier century. doodle[du ːdl] v. ( 딴생각하며 ) 낙서하다 I looked down at his hand and doodled aimlessly across his smooth, iridescent palm. iridescent[i rədeśənt] a. 무지개빛깔의, 진주빛의 I looked down at his hand and doodled aimlessly across his smooth, iridescent palm. unfathomable[ʌnfæ ðəməbəl] 잴수없는, 깊이를헤아릴수없는 As many years of unfathomable experience as he had, 266 crave [kreiv] v. 열망하다, 간절히원하다 I craved your company too much to do what I should. daze[deiz] vt. 현혹시키다, 멍하게하다 his sudden mood changes left me always a step behind, dazed. unseeingly[ʌnsíːiŋli] ad. 보려고하지않으며 I looked to see him gazing unseeingly into the forest.

Twilight by Stephenie Meyer [34] 267 muse[mjuːz] v. 생각에잠기며말하다 "How I explain?" he mused. ruefully[ru ːfəli] ad. 애처롭게 He smiled ruefully back. stale[steil]a. 상한, 김빠진 a room full of stale beer fare[fɛər] vi. 대우받다 ; 살아가다 how do you think he would fare then? 268 swiftly[swiftli] ad. 순식간에, 빠르게 He smiled swiftly, abstain[æbsteín] vi. 그만두다, 삼가다 It's a struggle for him to abstain at all. apologetic[əpɑ lədʒe tik / əpɔ l-] a. 변명의, 미안해하는 his expression apologetic 269 wistful[wístfəl] a. 탐내는듯한, 그리워하는 his expression was wistful contrite[kəntraít, kɑńtrait / kɔńtrait] a. 회개한, 죄를깊이뉘우치고있는 He was instantly contrite. scowl[skaul] vi., vt. 얼굴을찌푸리다 He paused, scowling at the trees. 270 deranged[direínʤd] a. 혼란된, 미친 I thought it would make me deranged that first day. stagger[stæǵəːr] v. 비틀거리다, 망설이다, 동요하다 He looked up then at my staggered expression as I tried to absorb his bitter memories. scorched[skɔːrtʃt] a. 탄, 그을은 His golden eyes scorched from under his lashes, hypnotic and deadly. hypnotic[hipnɑ tik / -nɔ t-] a. 최면성의 His golden eyes scorched from under his lashes, hypnotic and deadly. frail[freil] a. 부서지기쉬운, 유혹에약한 There was only one other frail human there--- inadvertently[iǹədvə ːrtənt] 부주의하게, 우연히 I'd come to being inadvertently responsible for her death. 271 magnitude[mæǵnətju ːd] 크기 ; 중요함 I'd dealt with temptation before, not of this magnitude, not even close, but I was strong. circuitous[səːrkju ːitəs] 완곡한, 에두르는 I wasn't used to having to go to such circuitous measures, listening to your words in Jessica's mind 272 decipher[disaífər] vt. ( 암호문등을 ) 해독하다 I was eager actually, hoping to decipher some of your thoughts. appall[əpɔ ːl] vt. 섬뜩하게하다 I was appalled. grimace[gríməs] 얼굴을찡그리다 He grimaced when he said her name. 273 indulgently[indʌĺdʒəntli] 관대하게 He shook his head indulgently. 274 eavesdrop [iːvzdrɑ p] 엿듣다, 도청하다 I eavesdropped on the minds of everyone you spoke to, shocked that you kept your word. pretense[priteńs] n. 가면, 겉치레 when you see through my pretenses impending demise[impeńdiŋ dimaíz] n. 임박한소멸 From the cheerful topic of my impending demise, we were suddenly declaring ourselves. idiocy[i diəsi] n. 백치같은행동 We laughed together at the idiocy and sheer impossibility of such a moment. 275 contemplate[kɑńtəmpleìt / kɔńtem-] v. 심사숙고하다, 찬찬히보다 He contemplated for a moment. flippantly[flípəntli] ad. 건방지게, 말수가많게 I said flippantly, trying to alleviate the suddenly tens atmosphere. alleviate[əlíːvieìt] vt. 완화하다, 누그러뜨리다 I said flippantly, trying to alleviate the suddenly tens atmosphere. limply[limpli] ad. 맥빠지게, 지쳐서 My hands fell limply into my lap. 276 collarbone[kɑĺərboùn / kɔĺə- ] n. 쇄골 277 caress[kəreś] n. 애무하다 >.< I caressed his cheek. deplorable[diplɔ ːrəbl] a. 애처로운, 비참한 deplorable creature His face dirfted to the side, his nose skimming across my collarbone. 279 sling[sliŋ] v. ( 멜빵등으로 ) 메다, 달아올리다 He then proceeded to sling me onto his back, 280 streak[striːk] v. 번개처럼달리다 He streaked through the dark,

Twilight by Stephenie Meyer [35] exhilarating[igzíləreìtiŋ] a. 기분을돋우어주는, 유쾌하게하는 Exhilarating, isn't it? 281 show-off[ʃoúɔ (ː)f, -ɑ f] 자랑, 자랑꾼 "Show-off," I muttered. 282 gauge[geidʒ] n. 재다, 판단하다 to gauge her reaction lapse[læps] v. 멈추다,~ 의상태가되다 he didn't lapse from his perfect articulation disengage[dìsengeídʒ] v. 자유롭게하다, 해방하다 I tried to disengage myself 283 impish[iḿpiʃ] a. 장난꾸러기의 Then he smiled a surprisingly impish grin. acerbic[əsə ːrbik] a. 신랄한, 엄한 my voice acerbic lithe[laið] a. 나긋나긋한, 유연한 He was on his feet in one of his lithe seraphic [siræ fik] a. 천사와같은, 청순한 his seraphic face untroubled. besot[bisɑ t id/ -sɔ t-] a. 바보같이된, 정신을못가누게된 And I felt all the more besotted by him. 284 wobble[wɑ b-əl] 흔들리다, 동요하다 He might have let me pass if I hadn't wobbled slightly. chapter 14- MIND OVER MATTER 286 reasonable[ríːz-ənəb-əl] 분별있는, 사리를아는, 이치에맞는, 적당한 He could drive well, when he kept the speed reasonable, I had to admit. effortless [e fərtlis] 노력하지않는, 쉬운 it seemed to be effortless to him. barely [bɛ ərli] deviate [díːvieìt] 간신히, 겨우, 거의 ~ 않다 빗나가다, 일탈하다, 벗어나다 oldie,oldy [oúldi] 낡은속담, 낡은유행가 [ 영화 ] He had turned the radio to an oldies station, 287 bearable [bɛ ərəbəl] 견딜수있는, < 추위, 더위등이 > 견딜만한 "The eighties were bearable." He barely looked at the road, yet the tires never deviated so much as a centimeter from the center of the lane. tentative [teńtətiv] 시험적인, 시험삼아하는, 불확실한, 모호한 I asked, tentative, not wanting to upset his buoyant humor. buoyant[bɔíənt, bu ːjənt] 부양성있는, 탄력있는, 낙천적인, 경쾌한 I asked, tentative, not wanting to upset his buoyant humor. unclouded[ʌnklaúdid] 구름이끼지않는, 활짝갠, 밝은, 명랑한 "Does it matter much?" His smile, to my relief, remained unclouded. grimace [gríməs, grimeís] 얼굴을찌푸리다, 얼굴을찌푸림 "No, but I still wonder " I grimaced. There is nothing like 을따를 [ 와비등한 ] 것은없다 "There's nothing like an unsolved mystery to keep you up at night." for a time 한동안, 잠시, 임시로 He sighed, and then looked into my eyes, seeming to forget the road completely for a time. orb [ɔːrb] tinge[tindʒ] 구, 구체, 눈, 안구 색조를띠게하다, 엷게물들이다 the light of the setting orb glittered off his skin in ruby-tinged sparkles intake[ińteìk] < 물, 공기등을 > 빨아들이는곳, 통풍구멍 He heard my intake of breath, though it was barely audible to my own ears. 288 epidemic[e pədeḿik] 유행성의, 유행 [ 전염 ] 병 That was why he chose me. In all the chaos of the epidemic, no one would ever realize I was gone." restraint[ristreínt] humane[hjuːmeín] 억제, 제지, 금지, 구속 자비로운, 사람의도리에맞는, 인도적인, 인정있는 Not many of us have the restraint necessary to accomplish it. But Carlisle has always been the most humane. compassionate[kəmpæ ʃənit] 인정많은, 동정심있는, 동정적인 But Carlisle has always been the most humane, the most compassionate of us merely [míərli] 단지, 다만 "For me, it was merely very, very painful." idle [aídl] 활동정지상태 I suppressed my curiosity,though it was far from idle. comprehend[kɑ mpriheńd / kɔ mpr-] elude [ilu ːd] 이해하다, 포함하다 피하다, 벗어나다,~ 에게이해되지않다 No doubt his quick mind had already comprehended every aspect that eluded me.

Twilight by Stephenie Meyer [36] morgue[mɔːrg] ( 신원불명 ) 시체공시소, 자료실, 참고자료, 음침한곳 They brought her straight to the hospital morgue, though, somehow, her heart was still beating." frame[freim] ~ 의들을잡다, 짜맞추다, ~ 의계획을세우다, 만들다 We never said the word, and I couldn't frame it now. profound[prəfaúnd] 깊은, 마음에서우러나오는, 충심의 The respect in his voice was profound whenever he spoke of his father figure. 289 ever since 그뒤줄곧, 지금까지 And they've been together ever since. conscience [kɑńʃəns / kɔń-] 양심, 도의심, 양심적임 They both developed a conscience, as we refer to it, with no outside guidance. Jasper belonged to another family, a very different kind of family. 290 norm[nɔːrm] 표준, 규범, 전형 Like me, she has certain gifts above and beyond the norm for our kind." subjective[səbdʒeḱtiv, sʌb-] 주관의, 개인적인, 개인의 "That's true. She knows other things. She sees things things that might happen, things that are coming. But it's very subjective. The future isn't set in stone. Things change." carved in stone 미국 구어 불변의, 변하는일이없는 The future isn't set in stone. Things change." set[fix] one's jaw 이를악물다, 단단히결심하다 His jaw set when he said that, threat [ɵret] 위협, 협박 pose[pouz] 위험성을내포하다, 지니다 She always sees, forexample, when another group of our kind is coming near. And any threat they may pose." undetected[ʌǹditeḱtid] 발견되지않은, 들키지않은 How many of them could walk among us undetected? sly[slai] 교활한, 음흉한 Only those like us, who've given up hunting you people" a sly glance in my direction "can live together with humans for any length of time. noticeable[noútisəb-əl] 눈에띄는, 현저한, 두드러진 We lived together for a time, but there were so many of us that we became too noticeable. nomad[noúmæd] 유목민, 방랑자 "Nomads, for the most part. We've all lived that way at times. It gets tedious, like anything else. But we run across the others now and then, because most of us prefer the North." at times 때때로, 가끔 We've all lived that way at times. It gets tedious, like anything else. But we run across the others now and then, because most of us prefer the North." 291 tedious [tíːdiəs, -dʒəs] 지루한, 지겨운 growl[graul] 으르렁거리다, 울리다 But, to my great embarrassment, my stomach growled. I'd been so intrigued, I hadn't even noticed I was hungry. I realized now that I was ravenous. ravenous[ræ v-ənəs] 몹시굶주린, 탐욕스러운 But, to my great embarrassment, my stomach growled. I'd been so intrigued, I hadn't even noticed I was hungry. I realized now that I was ravenous. 292 hopeless[hoúplis] 희망없는, 절망적인 "I want to stay with you." It was easier to say in the darkness, knowing as I spoke how my voice would betray me, my hopeless addiction to him. godlike[gɑ dlaìk / gɔ d-] 신과같은, 존엄한 shabby [ʃæ bi] 초라한, 더러운, 꾀죄죄한 I couldn't picture it, this godlike creature sitting in my father's shabby kitchen chair. simultaneously[saìməlteíniəsli] compliment [kɑḿpləmənt / kɔḿ-] resurface[riːsə ːrrfis] 동시에, 일제히 경의를표하다, 칭찬하다 다시꾸미다, 재포장하다 "Yes, if it's all right." I heard the door close quietly, and almost simultaneously he was outside my door, opening it for me. I heard the door close quietly, and almost simultaneously he was outside my door, opening it for me. "Very human," I complimented him. "It's definitely resurfacing."he walked beside me in the night, so quietly I had to peek at him constantly to be sure he was still there. constantly[kɑństəntli / kɔń] 끊임없이, 항상 He walked beside me in the night, so quietly I had to peek at him constantly to be sure he was still there.

Twilight by Stephenie Meyer [37] dreamlike [-ĺaìk] 꿈같은, 어렴풋한 Still pale, still dreamlike in his beauty, but no longer the fantastic sparkling creature of our sunlit afternoon. sunlit [sʌńlìt] 햇빛을받은, 햇볕에쬐인, 밝은 Still pale, still dreamlike in his beauty, but no longer the fantastic sparkling creature of our sunlit afternoon. eave 처마 "The door was unlocked?" "No, I used the key from under the eave." spy on ~ 을감시하다 "I was curious about you.""you spied on me?" But somehow I couldn't infuse my voice with the proper outrage. I was flattered. infuse[infju ːz] 붓다, 부어넣다, 주입하다 outrage[aútreìdʒ] 불법행위, 무도, 난폭, 격분 But somehow I couldn't infuse my voice with the proper outrage. I was flattered. flatter[flæ tər] 아첨하다, 듣기좋은칭찬을하다, 추켜세우다 293 unrepentant [ʌǹripeńtənt] 완고한, 고집센 He was unrepentant. "What else is there to do at night?" look away 눈길 [ 얼굴 ] 을돌리다 His beauty lit up the kitchen.it was a moment before I could look away. lasagna[ləzɑ ːnjə] 라자냐 I concentrated on getting my dinner, taking last night's lasagna from the fridge, placing a square on a plate, microwave[maíkrouweìv] 전자레인지로조리 [ 가열 ] 하다 heating it in the microwave. casually[kæ ʒuəli] 우연히, 아무생각없이, 무심코 "How often?" I asked casually. 잊어버리다 ; 자기가이야기하던일이나생각하던일을 lose one's train of thought "Hmmm?" He sounded as if I had pulled him from some other train of thought. 잊어버리다 whirl[hwəːrl] 빙빙돌다, 현기증나다, 감정등이연달아떠오르다 "I come here almost every night." stun [stʌn] 기절시키다, 어리벙벙하게하다, 아여하게하다 I whirled, stunned. "Why?" hairline[-ĺaìn] 이마의머리털이난선 "No!" I gasped, heat flooding my face all the way to my hairline. chagrin[ʃəgrín / ʃæǵrin] 억울함, 분함 His expression shifted instantly to chagrin. "Are you very angry with me?" That[It all] depends 그것은 [ 모두가 ] 때와장소 [ 형편 ] 에달렸다. That depends! I felt and sounded like I'd had the breath knocked out of me. 294 plead[pliːd] 변호하다, 변론하다, 주장하다, 변명하다 "Don't be upset!" he pleaded. restless[reśtlis] 침착하지못한, 불안한, 잠못이루는 And when it rains, the sound makes you restless. offend [əfeńd] 성나게하다, ~ 의감정을상하게하다 Once you said, 'It's too green.'" He laughed softly, hoping, I could see, not to offend me further. get at 확인하다, 알다 "Anything else?" I demanded. He knew what I was getting at. "You did say my name," he admitted. defeat [difíːt] 쳐부스다, 패배시키다, 패배, 좌절, 실패 "You did say my name," he admitted. I sighed in defeat. "A lot?" hang[hide] one's head 기가죽다, 부끄러워고개를숙이다, 낙심하다 "How much do you mean by 'a lot,' exactly?" "Oh no!" I hung my head. self-conscious 자의식이강한, 수줍어하는 "Don't be self-conscious," he whispered in my ear. "If I could dream at all, it would be about you. And I'm not ashamed of it." if at all= if ever 적어도 ~ 한다면 "If I could dream at all, it would be about you. 295 bushed < 구어 > 지쳐버린 "Can you get me some of that? I'm bushed." He stepped on the heels of his boots to take them off, holding the back of Edward's chair for support. scarf[skɑːrf] 스카프로덥다, 싸다, 게걸스럽게먹다 I took my food with me, scarfing it down as I got his dinner. burn one s tongue on some hot soup put out the fire 혓바닥을데다 불을끄다 It burned my tongue. I filled two glasses with milk while his lasagna was heating, and gulped mine to put out the fire.

Twilight by Stephenie Meyer [38] occupant [ɑḱjəpənt / ɔḱ-] 점유자, 현거주자 Charlie sat in the chair, and the contrast between him and its former occupant was comical. understatement 삼가서하는말, 억제된표현 It was a nice day, he agreed. What an understatement, I thought to myself. chug [tʃʌg] 칙칙폭폭소리를내다 Finished with the last bite of lasagna, I lifted my glass and chugged the remains of my milk. 296 observant[əbzə ːrvənt] 주의깊은, 지켜보는 Finished with the last bite of lasagna, I lifted my glass and chugged the remains of my milk. Charlie surprised me by being observant. "In a hurry?" key up 음조를올리다, 긴장시키다, 흥분시키다 "Yeah, I'm tired. I'm going to bed early." "You look kinda keyed up," he noted. muse [mjuːz] 명상하다, 숙고하다, 생각에잠기다 "It's Saturday," he mused. I didn't respond. "No plans tonight?" he asked suddenly. play it cool 침착하게행동하다 "None of the boys in town your type, eh?" He was suspicious, but trying to play it cool. kick in 시동하다, 움직이기시작하다 Every father's dream, that his daughter will be out of the house before the hormones kick in. 297 tread[tred] 발걸음, 디딤판 I worked to make my tread sound slow and tired as I walked up the stairs to my room. sprint[sprint] 전속력으로달리다 I shut the door loud enough for him to hear, and then sprinted on my tiptoes to the window. impenetrable[impeńətrəbəl] 꿰뚫을수없는, 헤아릴수없는, 무감각한, 이해할수없는 I threw it open and leaned out into the night. My eyes scanned the darkness, the impenetrable shadows of the trees. idiotic[i diɑ tik / -ɔ -] 바보같은, 비상식적인 "Edward?" I whispered, feeling completely idiotic. ease[iːz] 편함, 마음편함, 자유로움, 여유있음 He lay, smiling hugely, across my bed, his hands behind his head, his feet dangling off the end, the picture of ease. unsteady[ʌnste di] 불안정한, 불규칙한, 일정하지않은 "Oh!" I breathed, sinking unsteadily to the floor. heartbeat[- bi ːt] 심장의고동, 심장박동, 심박 We sat there for a moment in silence, both listening to my heartbeat slow. 298 severe[sivíəːr] 엄한, 모진, 비판적인, 엄격한 "Stay," I said, trying to look severe. toiletry[tɔílitri] 화장품류 I hopped up, grabbing my pajamas from off the floor, my bag of toiletries off the desk. unknot [ʌnnɑ t / -nɔ t] ~ 의매듭을풀다 It unknotted the muscles in my back, hastily[heístili] 급히, 서둘러서, 허둥지둥 I shut off the water, toweling hastily, rushing again. holey[hoúli] 구멍투성이의, 구멍뚫린 sweatpants 스웨트팬츠 운동선수가보온을위해경기전후에 I pulled on my holey t-shirt and gray sweatpants. 입는헐렁한바지 hamper[hæḿpər] 광주리 [ 바구니 ] 에넣다 fling[fliŋ] 던지다, 흔들다, 퍼붓다 I threw the towel in the hamper, flung my brush and toothpaste into my bag. 299 perch [pəːrtʃ] < 사람이 > 앉다, 자리잡다 Edward hadn't moved a fraction of an inch, a carving of Adonis perched on my faded quilt. twitch[twitʃ] 홱잡아당기다, 씰룩거리다, 경련을일으키다 I smiled, and his lips twitched, the statue coming to life. appraise [əpreíz] 평가하다, 값매기다, 감정하다 tetter[te təːr] 찢어진조각, 넝마, 갈가리찢다, 해지게하다 His eyes appraised me, taking in the damp hair, the tattered shirt. He raised one eyebrow. "Nice." contemplate[kɑńtəmpleìt / kɔńtem-] 심사숙고하다, 생각하다 apparently[əpæŕəntli] 보기에, 보매, 외관상으로는, 분명히, 명백히 Apparently, I look a little overexcited. "Charlie thinks I'm sneaking out." "Oh." He contemplated that. "Why?" As if he couldn't know Charlie's mind much more clearly than I could guess. coherent [kouhíərənt] 분명히말할수있는, 시종일관한 It was very difficult, while he was touching me, to frame a coherent question. 300 exhale[eksheíl, igzeíl] 내쉬다, 발산하다 "Much, much easier," I said, trying to exhale. collarbone [-boùn] 쇄골 but his fingers were slowly tracing my collarbone, and I lost my train of thought. tremor[treḿəːr] 떨림, 전율 I felt the tremor of his breath on my neck as he laughed.

Twilight by Stephenie Meyer [39] mind over matter 물질 [ 육체 ] 적어려움을극복하는정신력 "Why is that," my voice shook, embarrassing me, "do you think?" I felt the tremor of his breath on my neck as he laughed. "Mind over matter." sarcastic[sɑːrkæśtik] 빈정대는, 비꼬는, 풍자적인, 냉소적인 "Would you like a round of applause?" I asked sarcastically. clarify[klæŕəfaì] 뚜렷하게 [ 명백하게 ] 하다, 뚜렷해지다 "I'm just pleasantly surprised," he clarified. 301 scent[sent] 냄새, 향내, 향기 And while there was still that possibility that I might be overcome" he breathed in the scent at my wrist susceptible[səseṕtəbəl] ~ 의여지가있는, ~ 을받아들이는, 허락하는, 느끼기쉬운, 민감한, 다정한 "I was susceptible. Until I made up my mind that I was strong enough, that there was no possibility at all that I would that I ever could " exuberant[igzu ːbərənt] 열광적인, 열의가넘치는, 무성한, 원기왕성한 He threw back his head and laughed, quietly as a whisper, but still exuberantly. amend[əmeńd] 고치다, 개선하다, 수정하다, 개정하다 "Easy for you!" he amended, touching my nose with his fingertip. abruptly 갑자기, 뜻박에, 불쑥 And then his face was abruptly serious. 302 desensitize[diːseńsətaìz] 감도를줄이다, 민감성을줄이다, 무관심하게하다 "I've had the scent of you in my head all day, and I've grown amazingly desensitized. If I'm away from you for any length of time, I'll have to start over again. Not quite from scratch, though, I think." shackle[ʃæḱ-əl] 수갑, 족쇄, 속박, 구속 "Bring on the shackles manacle [mæńəkl] 수갑, 속박 But his long hands formed manacles around my wrists as he spoke. portray[pɔːrtreí] 인물풍경을그리다, 표현하다, 묘사하다 I've read about it a hundred thousand times, seen actors portray it in a thousand different plays and movies. 303 resentment[rizeńtmənt] 분개, 분노, 원한 "I was surprised by the flare of resentment, almost fury, that I felt I didn't recognize what it was at first. aggravate [æǵrəveìt] 악화시키다, 심화시키다,< 구어 > 화나게하다, 괴롭히다 I was even more aggravated than usual that I couldn't know what you were thinking, unreasonable [ʌnríːzənəbəl] 이성적이아닌, 조리가맞지않은, 상식을벗어난 "I waited, unreasonably anxious to hear what you would say to them, annoyance[ənɔíəns] 성가심, 불쾌감, 괴로움, 곤혹 I couldn't deny the relief I felt, watching the annoyance on your face. But I couldn't be sure. wrestle[reś-əl] 맞붙어싸우다, 격투하다 "That was the first night I came here. I wrestled all night, while watching you sleep, with the chasm between ethical [e ɵikəl] 도덕상의, 윤리적인 what I knew was right, moral, ethical, and what I wanted. course[kɔːrs] 돌다, 순환하다, 달리다 unnerve[ʌnnə ːrv] ~ 의기운을빼앗다, 무기력하게하다, 낙담시키다 You spoke so clearly, at first I thought you'd woken. But you rolled over restlessly and mumbled my name once 비틀거리다, 사람마음이동요하다, 주저하다, 망설이 more, and sighed. The feeling that coursed through me then was unnerving, staggering. stagger[stæǵəːr] 다 304 uneven[ʌníːvən] 평탄하지않은, 울퉁불퉁한, 한결같지않은, He was silent for a moment, probably listening to the suddenly uneven pounding of my heart. irrational[iræ ʃənəl] 이성을잃은, 분별이없는, 불합리한 "But jealousy it's a strange thing. So much more powerful than I would have thought. And irrational! Just vile [vail] 비열한, 타락한, 몹시나쁜, 매우싫은 now, when Charlie asked you about that vile Mike Newton " He shook his head angrily. resurrect[re zəreḱt] 소생시키다, 부활시키다 you're resurrecting the human in me, incarnation[iǹkɑːrneíʃən] 육체화한것, 인간화, 구체화 "But honestly," I teased, "for that to bother you, after I have to hear that Rosalie Rosalie, the incarnation of meant for ~ 을위해존재했다 pure beauty, Rosalie was meant for you. Emmett or no Emmett, how can I compete with that?" 305 narrowly[næŕouli] 좁게, 간신히 I narrowly avoided falling on my face. crack[kræk] 조금열린틈, 갑작스러운날카로운소리 I heard the door crack open, as Charlie peeked in to make sure I was where I was supposed to be. evenly[íːvənli] 고르게, 평탄하게, 평등하게 I breathed evenly, exaggerating the movement. be cut out for[to be] [ 보통부정문에서 ] 에적임이다 [ 어울리다 ] I'd say that career path is out for you." 306 Dear me!;o my!;darn it!;gosh!;damn!;oops 앗뿔사, 에잇 "You are a terrible actress I'd say that career path is out for you." "Darn it," I muttered. My heart was crashing in my chest. icily[aísəli] 얼음처럼, 쌀쌀하게 "But I didn't know you were here," I replied icily. appreciate[əpríːʃieìt] 인정하다, 평가하다, 고맙게생각하다 "Just because I'm resisting the wine doesn't mean I can't appreciate the bouquet," bouquet[boukeí, buː-] 부케, 꽃다발, 향기, 방향, 아첨하는말

Twilight by Stephenie Meyer [40] floral [flɔ ːrəl] 꽃의, 식물의 "You have a very floral smell, like lavender or freesia," he noted. "It's mouthwatering."he noted. "It's mouth-watering 군침이도는, 맛있어보이는 mouthwatering." off day 컨디션이좋지않은날, 비번의날 edible [e dəbəl] 먹을수있는, 식용에알맞은 "Yeah, it's an off day when I don't get somebody telling me how edible I smell." vital [vaítl] 생명의, 극히중대한, 생생한 I sifted through my questions for the most vital. 307 content[kənteńt] 내용, 내용물, 만족하여,~ 에게만족을주다 the majority of our kind who are quite content with our lot boundary[baúndəri] 경계선, 한도 it doesn't mean that we can't choose to rise above to conquer the boundaries of a destiny retain[riteín] 계속유지하다, 간직하다 To try to retain whatever essential humanity we can." trait[treit] 특성, 특징, 얼굴생김새 he believes that we all bring something of our strongest human traits with us into the next life, intensify[inteńsəfaì] 세게하다, 강렬하게만들다 Carlisle has a theory he believes that we allbring something of our strongest human traits with us into the next life, where they are intensified like our minds, and our senses. precognition[prìːkɑgníʃən / -kɔg-] 미리앎, 사전인지, 예지 And that Alice had some precognition, wherever she was." tenacity[tənæśəti] 고집, 끈기, 강인함 "Carlisle brought his compassion. Esme brought her ability to love passionately. Emmett brought his strength, pigheaded[píghe did] 고집센, 옹고집의, 완고한 Rosalie her tenacity. Or you could call it pigheadedness." 308 charismatic[kæ rizəmæ tik] 카리스마적인 He was quite charismatic in his first life, manipulate[mənípjəleìt] 교묘하게다루다, 조종하다 lethargic[leɵɑ ːrdʒik] 혼수상태의, 활발하지못한, 둔감한 Now he is able to manipulate the emotions of those around him calm down a room of angry people, for example, or excite a lethargic crowd, conversely. It's a very subtle gift." conversely 거꾸로, 반대로 subtle[sʌ tl] 미묘한, 포착하기어려운, 민감한 It's a very subtle gift." delicate[deĺikət, -kit] 섬세한, 고운, 깨지기쉬운, 미묘한 Or, if you don't believe that all this world could have just happened on its own, which is hard for me to accept anglefish 전자리상어, 에인젤피시 < 관상용열대어 > myself, is it so hard to believe that the same force that created the delicate angelfish with the shark, the baby seal[siːl] 바다표범, 물개 seal and the killer whale, could create both our kinds together?" eupeptic[ju(ː)peṕtik] 정상소화의, 낙천적인 I smiled, euphoric at the thought. 309 mythical 신화의, 근거없는, 상상의 "You are mythical, after all." "I won't leave you." His voice had the seal of a promise in it. seal[siːl] 보증의증표 His voice had the seal of a promise in it. eavesdrop [- drɑ p / - drɔ] 엿듣다, 도청하다 It's bad enough that you eavesdrop on my sleep-talking." assume [əsju ːm] 사실이라고생각하다, 태도를취하다 "If you don't tell me, I'll just assume it's something much worse than it is," he threatened darkly. threaten[ɵre tn] 위협, 협박하다 darkly[dɑ ːrkli] 어둡게, 음울하게, 험악하게, 모호하게 "If you don't tell me, I'll just assume it's something much worse than it is," he threatened darkly. "Please?" Again, that pleading voice. pleading [plíːdiŋ] 변론, 항변, 변론하는, 탄원하는 earnest[ə ːrnist] 진지한, 열심인, 열렬한, 중대한 He laughed in earnest now, understanding. 310 hasty [heísti] 급한, 서두는, 성급한 "If I was too hasty if for one second I wasn't paying enough attention, skull [skʌl] 두개골 I could reach out, meaning to touch your face, and crush your skull by mistake. deliberate[dilíbərit] 신중한, 생각이깊은 He seemed to deliberate for a moment. 311 suggestive[səgdʒeśtiv ] 암시하는, ~ 을생각나게하는, 연상시키는 "Have you ever?" He trailed off suggestively. lust[lʌst] 강한욕망, 갈망, 정욕 I know love and lust don't always keep the same company." rumple [rʌḿp-əl] 구기다, 머리를헝클어놓다 He laughed and lightly rumpled my nearly dry hair. involuntarily 모르는사이에, 부지불식간에, 본의아니게 I yawned involuntarily.

Twilight by Stephenie Meyer [41] archangel[ɑ ːrkeìndʒəl] 대천사, 천사장 He laughed, and then began to hum that same, unfamiliar lullaby; the voice of an archangel,soft in my ear. chapter 15 - The Cullens 312 muted [mju ːtid]a. 침묵한 ; ( 소리 어조등이 ) 약한 The muted light of yet another cloudy day eventually woke me. dazed[deizd]a. 멍한, 현혹된 I lay with my arm across my eyes, groggy and dazed. unruffled [ʌnrʌfəld] a. ( 마음 수면이 ) 혼란스럽지않은 ; 조용한, 냉정한 ; 주름이잡히지않은 His unruffled voice came from the rocking chair in the corner. rejoice [ridʒɔís]v. 름이잡히지않은 "Edward! You stayed!" I rejoiced. 313 scoff[skɔːf] v. 비웃다, 조롱하다 "You're not that creative," he scoffed. hectic[heḱtik] a. 얼굴에홍조를띤흥분한, 열광적인 ; 매우바쁜. eyes too bright, hectic spots of red across my cheekbones. tangled[tæ ŋgəld]a. 얽힌, 혼란에빠진 I worked to straighten out the tangled chaos that was my hair. 314 thump[ɵʌmp]v. ( 심장이 ) 두근두근뛰다, 탁치다 my heart thumped unsteadily. duck[dʌk] v. 머리 ( 몸 ) 를홱숙이다, 물속에쑥잠기다 I reminded him, ducking my head. fraility[freiliti] n. 약함, 부서지기쉬움 frail a. he remembered all my human frailties. snicker[sníkəːr] vi. 킬킬거리다 "Kidding!" I snickered. 315 pucker[pʌḱər] v. one's brow 눈살을찌푸리다 His marble brow puckered. fend[fend] v. vi. ( 몸등에 ) 갖추다, 돌보다 (for). for oneself 혼자 I fend for myself pretty well. 힘으로꾸려나가다 316 frame [freim] v. 의뼈대를만들다, 고안하다 I watched him frame his answer carefully. feasible[fíːzəbəl] a. 실행할수있는, 가능한 ; 적당한 (suitable), 편리한 At any rate, we don't have secrets in the family. It's not really feasible, what with my mind reading and Alice seeing the future and all that. grimace[gríməs]vi. 얼굴을찡그리다. "I've been known to do that every now and then." I grimaced. irritable[iŕətəbəl]a. 성미가급한, 성마른 (touchy) grizzly[grízli] n. 회색의큰곰 (= bear) "Honestly, it doesn't look very appetizing." "Well, it's no irritable grizzly." 317 suppress[səpreś] vt 억압하다, 억누르다, 참다 I suppressed my internal cringing at the thought of Edward and Charlie and the word boy friend all in the same room at the same time. cringe [krindʒ] vi. 움츠리다, 굽실거리다, 아첨하다 gory [gɔ ːri] a. 피투성이의 (bloody); 잔학한, 처참한 I don't know if we need to give him all the gory details. 318 restrain[ristreín]vt 제지하다, 제한하다, 구속하다 I don't want Chief Swan getting a restraining order put on me. unfathomable [ʌnfæ ð əməbəl] a. 애해할수없는, 잴수없는, 깊이를헤아릴수없는 319 steady [ste di] v. 흔들리지않게하다, 견고하게하다 He walked slowly around the table, and, pausing a few feet away, he reached out to touch his fingertips to my cheek. His expression was unfathomable. "Does that make you sad?" I asked. I bounded right into him. He steadied me, holding me a careful distance away for a few seconds before suddenly pulling me closer. utterly [ʌ tərli] ad. 아주, 전혀, 완전히 You are utterly indecent no one should look so tempting, it's not fair. absurd [æbsə ːrd]a 터무니없는, 불합리한, 부조리한 You are so absurd. light-headed [laíthe did] a. ( 술 높은열등으로 ) 머리가어찔어찔한, My hands were limp on his chest, and I felt lightheaded again. limp [limp] a. ( 몸따위가 ) 나긋나긋한 (flexible), 흐느적거리는

exasperation [igzæ spəreíʃən] n. 격노, 격분, 격양 Twilight by Stephenie Meyer [42] 320 partial [pɑ ːrʃəl] a 특히 [ 몹시 ] 좋아하는 (to). I'm very partial to that color with your skin. flush [flʌʃ] v. 얼굴이붉어지다, 왈칵흐르다 I flushed with pleasure. incredible [inkre dəbəl]a. 믿을수없는, 밑을수없을정도의, 엄청난 You're incredible. encroach[enkroútʃ] vi ( 서서히 ) 침입하다, 잠식 [ 침해 ] 하다 discernible [disə ːrptəbəl] a 분리할수있는 "What am I going to do with you?" he groaned in exasperation. "Yesterday I kiss you, and you attack me! Today you pass out on me!" The forest encroached on both sides, leaving the road ahead only discernible for a few meters as it twisted, serpentlike, around the ancient trees. 321 relent[rileńt] vi. ( 바람등이 ) 약해지다, 샹냥스러워지다. primordial [praimɔ ːrdiəl] a. 원시 ( 시대부터 ) 의 ; 최초의 ; The gloom of the forest didn't relent, though, for there were six primordial cedars that shaded an entire acre with their vast sweep of branches. cedar [síːdər] n. 히말라야삼목 obsolete [ɑ bsəlíːt]a. 쓸모없이못쓰게된 The trees held their protecting shadow right up to the walls of the house that rose among them, making obsolete the deep porch that wrapped around the first story. obscurity [əbskju ərəti] n. 어두컴컴함, 어둑한곳 I could hear the river close by, hidden in the obscurity of the forest. chuckle [tʃʌḱl] vi 낄낄웃다, ( 혼자서 ) 기뻐하다 He pulled the end of my ponytail and chuckled. 322 billow [bílou] n. 큰물결, 파도 ingénue [æńdʒənju ː] n. 천진한소녀 ; 천진한소녀역 ( 을맡은여배우 ). Something about her heart-shaped face, her billows of soft, caramel-colored hair, reminded me of the ingé nues of the silent-movie era. 323 tentative [teńtətiv]a. 주저하는, 모호한, 시험적인, 임시의 He raised his hand tentatively. streak [striːk]n. 줄, 선, 줄무늬 ; 광선, 번개 She ran down the stairs, a streak of black hair and white skin, coming to a sudden and graceful stop in front of me. stagger[stæǵəːr]v. 비틀거리다, 망설이다 If Carlisle and Esme had looked cautious before, they now looked staggered. 324 leonine [líːənaìn] a. 사자의 ; 사자와같은 ; 당당한, 용맹한. and then Jasper was there tall and leonine. conventional [kənveńʃənəl] a. 전통적인, 관습적인, 형식적인, 상투적인 "It's nice to meet you all you have a very beautiful home," I added conventionally. 325 persona [pərsoúnə] n. 등장인물, 사람, 인물 (pl. -nae [-niː]) someone outside the "mom" persona I took for granted. preoccupation [priːɑ 선취, 선점, 몰두, 열중 kjəpeíʃən] n. Esme noticed my preoccupation. "Do you play?" she asked, inclining her head toward the piano. incline [inklaín] v. 기울이다, 숙이다, 경사지게하다 reprove [ripru ːv] vt 꾸짖다, 비난하다, 훈계하다 Jasper snickered and Esme gave Edward a reproving look. "I hope you haven't been showing off it's rude," she scolded. smug [smʌg] a 독선적인, 점잔빼는 ; 말쑥한, 멋진. Her face softened at the sound, and they shared a brief look that I didn't understand, though Esme's face seemed almost smug. 326 luxuriant [lʌgʒu əriənt]a. 번성한, 풍부한, 화려한 the room was filled with a composition so complex, so luxuriant profusion [prəfju ːʒən] n. 대랑, 풍부 a of 풍부한, 다량의, 많은. to my surprise I detected the melody of his lullaby weaving through the profusion of notes. purse [pəːrs] v. ( 입따위를 ) 오므리다 ; ( 눈살을 ) 찌푸리다 (up). I pursed my lips skeptically. "Emmett?" 327 incredulous [inkre dʒələs] a 쉽사리믿지않는, 의심많은 "Rosalie is jealous of me?" I asked incredulously. shudder[ʃʌ dəːr] vi ( 공포 추위따위로 ) 떨다 (shiver,tremble) I thought about the reason for that, and shuddered.

Twilight by Stephenie Meyer [43] 328 tyrant [taí-ərənt]n. 폭군, 압제자, 전제군주 I wouldn't want you to think I'm naturally a tyrant." 329 sly [slai] a. 교활한, 비열한, 장난기가있는 hover [hʌ vər] v. 하늘을떠다니다, 맴돌다 poignant [pɔínjənt] a. 매서운, 날카로운, 통렬한 ( 아픔따위 ) "No coffins, no piled skulls in the corners; I don't even think we have cobwebs what a disappointment this must be for you," he continued slyly. The last note hovered poignantly in the silence. broodingly [bruːd]ad. 곰곰생각하며, 생각에잠겨. He lifted his finger, examining the drop of moisture broodingly. verify [veŕəfaì] vt. 증명하다, 입증하다, 검증하다 "Do you want to see the rest of the house?" "No coffins?" I verified, the sarcasm in my voice not entirely masking the slight but genuine anxiety I felt. 330 bewilder [biwíldər] vt. 어리둥절케 [ 당황케 ] 하다 (confuse) I stopped dead at the end of the hall, staring incredulously at the ornament hanging on the wall above my head. Edward chuckled at my bewildered expression. patina [pæ tənə] n. ( 오래된가구등의 ) 고색 ( 古色 ), 푸른녹 its dark patina contrasting with the lighter tone of the wall nostalgia [nɑstæĺdʒiə]n. 향수, 과거에의동경 "Why do you keep this here?" I wondered. Nostalgia. It belonged to Carlisle's father. pulpit [puĺpìt,] n. 설교단 vicarage [víkəridʒ] n. 목사관, 교구목사 vicar의주택 It hung on the wall above the pulpit in the vicarage where he preached. betray [bitreí] v. 배반하다, 비밀을누설하다, 감정을드러내다 I wasn't sure if my face betrayed my shock. 331 composed [kəmpoúzd] a. ( 마음이 ) 가라앉은, 침착한 scrutiny [skru ːtəni]n ( 면밀한 ) 음미, 조사, 자세히보는일 I kept my face composed, aware of his scrutiny as I listened. raid [reid] n. 급습, 불시단속 he placed his obedient son in charge of the raids. coven [kʌ vən] n. 마녀집회 He actually discovered a coven of true vampires that lived hidden in the sewers of the city, only coming out by sewer [sju ːəːr]n. 하수구, 하수도 night to hunt. 332 pitchfork [- fɔ ːrk] 건초용갈퀴 The people gathered their pitchforks and torches. strain [strein]v. 잡아당기다, 긴장하다, 귀를기울이다 I strained to catch the words. mob [mɑb]n. 군중 Carlisle heard him call out in Latin to the others when he caught the scent of the mob. make off with ~ ~ 을갖고도망하다 He killed two men, and made off with a third. fiend [fiːnd] n. 마귀, 악마 He crawled away from the alley while the mob followed the fiend and his victim. chapter 16- Carlisle 335 vibrant [vaíbrənt] a. 떠는, 진동하는, 설레는 Instead of bookshelves, this wall was crowded with framed pictures of all sizes, some in vibrant colors, others monochrome [mɑ 단색 dull monochromes. ńəkroùm]n. spire [spaiəːr]n. 뾰족탑, 원추형 it depicted a miniature city full of steeply slanted roofs, with thin spires atop a few scattered towers. 336 flinch [flintʃ] vi. 주춤 [ 움찔 ] 하다, 겁을내다, I flinched; I hadn't heard him approach. absorb [æbsɔ ːrb]v. 흡수하다, 빨아들이다, 이해하다 It was a strange combination to absorb the everyday concerns of the town doctor stuck in the middle of a discussion of his early days in seventeenth-century London. unsettle [ʌnse tl] v. 어지럽히다, 동요시키다 ; 불안하게하다 It was also unsettling to know that he spoke aloud only for my benefit. craggy [kræǵi] 바위가많은, 울퉁불퉁하고험한, 위엄있는 an empty, shadowed meadow in a forest, with a craggy peak in the distance. 337 impassive [impæśiv]a. 감정이없는, 무감동의, 냉정한, 무감각한 "He jumped from great heights," Edward told me, his voice impassive. repel [ripeĺ] v. 저항하다, 거절하다, 불쾌하게하다 But he was so repelled by himself that he had the strength to try to kill himself with starvation. populace [pɑṕjələs]n. 민중, 대중, 서민, population He strayed as far as he could from the human populace. vile [vail] a. 비열한, 야비한, 나쁜 His strength returned and he realized there was an alternative to being the vile monster he feared. venison [veńəzən] n. 사슴고기, ( 사냥에서잡은 ) 새, 짐승의고기 Had he not eaten venison in his former life?

Twilight by Stephenie Meyer [44] 338 gripe [graip] v. 꽉쥐다, 불평하다, 투덜대다 "Everything is easy for you," I griped. spring [spriŋ]v. 튀다, 도약하다,( 의견등을 ) 갑자기꺼내다 You can't spring something like that on me, and then expect me not to say anything. somber[sɑḿbəːr]a. 어둠침침한, 음침한, 우울한 I wasn't paying attention to my own expression, but something in it made him grow somber. intent [inteńt] a. 집중된, 전념하고있는, 열심인 His hand dropped to his side and he stood very still, his eyes intent on my face. 339 ornate [ɔːrneít] a. 잘꾸민, 화려한 he most colorful of them all, the most ornately framed, and the largest; writhe [raið] v. biblical [bíblikəl] a. penance [peńəns] n. 몸을비틀다, 괴로어하다, 구불구불나아가다 성경의, 성경에서인용한, 성경에관한 참회, 회개, 속죄 The canvas overflowed with bright figures in swirling robes, writhing around long pillars and off marbled balconies. I couldn't tell if it represented Greek mythology, or if the characters floating in the clouds above were meant to be biblical. By night he studied music, science, medicine and found his calling, his penance, in that, in saving human lives. awed [ɔːd] a. 경외심을가지고있는 "By night he studied music, science, medicine and found his calling, his penance, in that, in saving human reverent [re v-ərənt] a 경건한, 공손한 lives." His expression became awed, almost reverent. 340 wraith [reiɵ] n. 유령, 망령 They were much more civilized and educated than the wraiths of the London sewers. sedate [sideít] a. 침착한, 조용한, 진지한 He touched a comparatively sedate quartet of figures painted on the highest balcony, looking down calmly on mayhem [meíhem] n 신채상해, 무차별폭력 the mayhem below them. patron [peítrən] n. 보호자, 후원자 "Aro, Marcus, Caius," he said, indicating the other three, two black-haired, one snowy-white. "Nighttime patrons of the arts." civility [sivíləti] n. ( 형식적인 ) 정중함, 공손함, 예의바름 refinement [rifaínmənt] n. 정제, 세련, 고상, 품위있음, 정밀 He greatly admired their civility, their refinement. 341 aversion[əvə ːrʒən]n 혐오, 반감 they persisted in trying to cure his aversion to 'his natural food source,' avail [əveíl] n. 이익, 효력 to no : 무익하게, 보람도없이. he tried to persuade them, to no avail. companionship [kəmpæńjənʃ 교우관계, 교제 ìp] n. But the companionship he craved evaded him; he couldn't risk familiarity. risk [risk] vt. 위험헤내맡기다, 위험을무릅쓰고하다 epidemic [e pədeḿik]n 유행병, 전염병 When the influenza epidemic hit, he was working nights in a hospital in Chicago. 342 bout [baut] n. 한판승부, 일시적기간, 발작 I had a typical bout of rebellious adolescence. be sold on- 에열중 [ 골똘 ] 해있다, 에반해있다. abstinence [æ bstənəns] n. 절제, 금욕, 금주 resent [rizeńt] vt ~ 에골내다, 원망하다 I wasn't sold on his life of abstinence, and I resented him for curbing my appetite. curb [kəːrb] vt. 재갈을물리다, 구속하다, 억제하다 intrigue [intri ːg] v. ~ 의호기심을자아내다, 음모를꾸미다 "Really?" I was intrigued, rather than frightened. defy [difaí] v. 도전하다, 반항하다. 무시하다 That's why it took me ten years to defy Carlisle. sincerity [sinseŕəti] n 성실, 진실, 진심, 순수함 I could read his perfect sincerity, understand exactly why he lived the way he did. recommit [rìːkəmít] vt 다시범하다, 다시위탁하다 It took me only a few years to return to Carlisle and recommit to his vision. exempt [igzeḿpt] vt. ( 의무따위를 ) 면제하다 I thought I would be exempt from the depression that accompanies a conscience. 343 prodigal [prɑ digəl]n. 방탕아, 낭비자 ( 성서 ) 돌아온탕아 They welcomed me back like the prodigal. 344 acoustics [əku ːstiks] n. 음향효과, 음질, 음향학 "Good acoustics?" I guessed. mind-boggling [maíndbɑ gəli ŋ]a. ( 구어 ) 아주놀라운, 믿어지지않는. I went to look at his mind-boggling music collection.

dissect [diseḱt] v crease [kriːs] vt 해부하다, 분석하다, 자세히조사하다 주름잡히다, 주름잡다 Twilight by Stephenie Meyer [45] as his eyes dissected my expression, his smile faded and his forehead creased. 345 blatant [bleítənt] a. 눈에띄는, 빤한, 소란스러운 He stopped, raising his eyebrows in blatant disbelief. growl [graul] vi pounce [pauns] v. 으르렁거리다, 고함치다, 투덜거리다 달려들다, 갑자기덤벼들다 glare[glɛər] v. 번쩍번쩍빛나다, 노려보다 I backed away from him, glaring. airborne [- bɔ ːrn]a. 공중에떠, 이륙하여 I only found myself suddenly airborne. jostle [dʒɑśl l] v. ( 난폭하게 ) 떠밀다, 찌르다, 부딪히다 I was barely jostled. He growled, a low sound in the back of his throat; his lips curled back over his perfect teeth. mar [mɑːr] vt. 손상시키다, 망쳐놓다 "That you are a very, very terrifying monster," I said, my sarcasm marred a bit by my breathless voice. 346 sinuous [sínjuəs] a. 꾸불꾸불한, 물결모양의 where she folded herself sinuously onto the floor. 347 reckless [reḱlis] a. 분별없는, 무모한, 개의치않는 "Sorry, I don't believe I have enough to spare," he replied, his arms holding me recklessly close. chirp [tʃəːrp] vi. 짹짹울다, ( 새된음성으로 ) 이야기하다 "Of course you should bring Bella," Alice chirped. inconspicuous [iǹkənspiḱjuː əs] a. mock [mɑk] a. solemnity[səleḿnəti]n 두드러지지않는, 눈을끌지않는 가짜의, 거짓의, 흉내낸 장엄, 엄숙, 근엄 Jasper managed to inconspicuously close the door behind them. "It's the American pastime," he said with mock solemnity. chapter 17. THE GAME 348 drizzle[drízl] 이슬비가내리다. 잔물방울로적시다. It was just beginning to drizzle when Edward turned onto my street. interim[ińtərim] 중간의 ; 임시의, 가 ( 假 ), 잠정의. I'd had no doubt that he'd be staying with me while I spent a few interim hours in the real world. weather[we ðəːr] 비바람에맞히다, 풍화 [ 탈색 ] 시키다. mutter[mʌ təːr] 중얼거리다 ; 불평을말하다 harsh[hɑːrʃ] 거친, 사나운, 가혹한 And then I saw the black car, a weathered Ford, parked in Charlie's driveway and heard Edward mutter something unintelligible in a low, harsh voice. impassive[impæśiv] 감정이없는, 무감동의, 냉정한 ; 무감각한. Billy's face was impassive as stone as Edward parked my truck against the curb. mortify[mɔ ːrtəfaì] 억제하다, 극복하다 ; ( 기분을 ) 상하게하다. Jacob stared down, his expression mortified. 349 furious[fju -əriəs] 성난사납게몰아치는, 맹렬한 Edward's low voice was furious. glare[glɛər] 번쩍이는빛, 날카로운눈씨, 눈초리 Edward's black glare made me anxious. bridle[bra dl] 굴레에씌우다, 제어하다 ; ( 을듣고 ) 화내다 I bridled a little at the word child. abruptly [əbrʌṕtli] 갑작스러운, 뜻밖의 ; 퉁명스러운 He looked at me then, his anger abruptly fading. wistful[wístfəl] 탐내는듯한 ; 그리워하는 ; 생각에잠긴 "You don't have to leave," I said wistfully. glum[glʌm] 무뚝뚝한, 음울한 He smiled at my glum expression. 350 crooked[krukid] 마음이비뚤어진, 부정직한, 꼬부라진 He smiled the crooked smile that I loved. flicker[flíkər] 깜박이다, 흔들리다 His eyes flickered back to the porch. lurch[ləːrtʃ] 기울어지다, 비틀거리다 My heart lurched frantically, and I, too, glanced toward the porch. Billy's face was no longer impassive, and frantically[fræńtikəli] 미친듯이, 광란하여 his hands clutched at the armrests of his chair. subdued[səbdju ːd] piercing[píərsiŋ] oblivious[əblíviəs] scrutiny[skru ːtəni] 정복당한, 억제된, 낮아진, 차분해진꿰뚫는, 날카로운, 통찰력있는염두에없는, 잘잊는 ( 면밀한 ) 음미 [ 조사 ], 정사 ( 精査 ); 자세히보는일 Billy said in a subdued tone. His black eyes were piercing. I pretended to be oblivious to his intense scrutiny as I unlocked the door, and waved them in ahead of me.

351 subtle[sʌ tl] 미묘한, 난해한, 희미한, 음흉한, 교묘한 gleam[gliːm] 어렴풋한빛, 번득임 Twilight by Stephenie Meyer [46] "Fishing again?" Billy asked with a subtle gleam in his eye. appraise[əpreíz] 평가하다, 감정하다, 값을매기다 "Jake," he said, still appraising me. morose[məroús] 까다로운, 뚱한, 기분이언짢은 ; 침울한. "Where is it?" Jacob asked, his voice morose. slouch[slautʃ] 축늘어지다 ; 단정치못하게걷다 [ 앉다, 서다 ]. Jacob slouched back out into the rain. shove[ʃʌv] 밀 ( 치 ) 다, 밀어넣다,( 난폭하게 ) 놓다. spin[spin] confront [kənfrʌńt] ( 뱅뱅 ) 돌다, 헛돌다, 질주하다 ~ 에직면하다, 대항하다, 대조하다 I shoved the bag onto the crowded top shelf of the fridge, and spun around to confront him. 352 rumbling[rʌḿbliŋ] 우르르 [ 덜거덕 ] 소리 ( 를내는 ), 불평의소리 He spoke each word carefully in his rumbling voice. curtly[kəːrtli] 짧게, 무뚝뚝하게, 퉁명스럽게 "Yes," I repeated curtly. reservation[re zəːrveíʃ-ən] ( 인디언따위를위한정부의 ) 지정거류지 ; 보류, 예약 "You probably don't know this, but the Cullen family has an unpleasant reputation on the reservation." accede[æksíːd] 동의하다, 응하다 "That's true," he acceded, his eyes guarded. purse[pəːrs] ( 입따위를 ) 오므리다 ; ( 눈살을 ) 찌푸리다 353 shrewd[ʃruːd] 빈틈없는, 재빠른, 기민한, 심술궂은 chink[tʃiŋk] 갈라진틈, 맹점, 약점 He had found the weak chink in my armor. hedge[heʤ] 빠져나갈여지를남겨두다, 애매한대답을하다. "Charlie likes the Cullens a lot," I hedged. evasion[iveíʒən] ( 책임 의무등의 ) 회피, 둘러댐, 핑계 He clearly understood my evasion. compromising[kɑḿprəmaìziŋ / kɔ ] 명예를 [ 평판을 ] 손상시키는, 의심을초래하는 He pursed his thick lips as he considered that. "Maybe." he allowed, but his eyes were shrewd. I wondered if he even understood my confused question as I struggled not to say anything compromising. frown[fraun] 눈살을찌푸리다, 난색을표시하다. He frowned. "What I meant to say was, don't do what you're doing." detach[ditæ tʃ] 떼다, 분리하다 "Hmm," Billy grunted, suddenly detached, spinning his chair around to face his son. 354 irritation[i rəteíʃən] 속타게함, 안달, 초조, 자극 ( 상태 ) I stayed where I was, waiting for the irritation and anxiety to subside. sprint[sprint] ( 단거리를 ) 역주 [ 역조 ( 力漕 )] 하다. The phone rang and I sprinted downstairs to get it. 355 materialize[mətí-əriəlaìz] 실체 [ 물질 ] 화하다 ; ( 소망 계획등을 ) 실현하다 But I knew that if he wanted to talk to me, he'd probably just materialize in my room. gush[gʌʃ] 잘난척하며떠벌리다, 세차게흘러나오다 "It was so much fun!" Jessica gushed. slam[slæm] 탕닫다, 힘차게팽개치다. bang[bæŋ] 탕하고닫히다, 큰소리를내다. tackle[tæḱ-əl] 연장, 도구 The front door slammed and I could hear Charlie banging around under the stairs, putting his tackle away. 356 broach[broutʃ] 말을꺼내다, ( 화제를 ) 끄집어내다 I was wondering desperately how to fulfill my assignment, struggling to think of a way to broach the subject. reverie[re v-əri] 공상, 환상 ; 몽상 ; 백일몽 "What did you do with yourself today?" he asked, snapping me out of my reverie. hollow[hɑĺou / hɔĺ-] 속이빈, 공복의 I tried to keep my voice upbeat, but my stomach was hollow. 357 aneurysm[æńjurìzəm] 동맥류 It appeared that Charlie was having an aneurysm. rant[rænt] 폭언을하다. 호통치다, 고함치다 "He's too old for you," he ranted. disparaging[dispæŕidʒiŋ] 깔보는 ( 듯한 ); 비난하는 ( 듯한 ) He gave me a disparaging look as he chewed. 358 inquisition[iǹkwəzi ʃən] 이단자탄압 ; ( 엄중한 ) 조사, 심문 I hope you're getting the Spanish Inquisition out of your system now. pucker[pʌḱər] 주름살지게하다, 오므리다. His face puckered, and then he finally chuckled. stalk[stɔːk] 성큼성큼 [ 천천히 ] 걷다, 활보하다 The doorbell rang, and Charlie stalked off to answer it. halo[heílou] ( 해, 달의 ) 무리, 후광 Edward stood in the halo of the porch light, looking like a male model in an advertisement for raincoats. grimace[gríməs, grimeís] 얼굴을찡그리다 "Have a seat there, Edward." I grimaced.

Twilight by Stephenie Meyer [47] fluidly[flu ːidli] 우아하고부드럽게 Edward sat down fluidly in the only chair, forcing me to sit next to Chief Swan on the sofa. 360 gauge[geidʒ] 재다, 측정하다, 평가하다 I gauged the distance to the seat and prepared to jump for it. harness[hɑ ːrnis] ( 마차용 ) 마구, 장치, 장비 "It's an off-roading harness." linger[líŋgər] 오래머무르다, 근처를ㅓ성이다 collarbone[kɑĺəboùn] 쇄골 That meant he couldn't see how Edward's hands lingered at my neck, brushed along my collarbones. hyperventilate[haìpərveǹtəleít ] 호흡항진하다, 과환기하다 I gave up trying to help him and focused on not hyperventilating. 361 gloom[gluːm] 어둑어둑함, 암흑, 음침한분위기 I don't know how he found his way in the gloom and downpour, but he somehow found a side road that was downpour[daunpɔ ːr] 억수, 호우 less of a road and more of a mountain path. muse[mjuːz] 명상하다, 깊이생각하다 "Hmmm " he mused as he quickly finished. tamper[tæḿpəːr] 참견하다, 함부로고치다, 변경하다 "It seems I'm going to have to tamper with your memory." 362 gulp[gʌlp] 꿀떡꿀떡마시다, 참다, 삼켜버리다 "Well, um, hitting a tree " I gulped " and dying. And then getting sick." gasp[gæsp, gɑːsp] 헐떡거리다, 숨이차다 ; ( 놀람따위로 ) 숨이막히다 "Trees," I gasped. "Motion sickness." 363 unyielding[ʌnjíːldiŋ] 굽히지 [ 양보하지 ] 않는, 단호한, 고집이센 ; 유연성 [ 탄력 ] 이없는, 단단한, 굳은 Then he took my face in his hands almost roughly, and kissed me in earnest, his unyielding lips moving against mine. twine[twain] 감기게하다, 엮다, 비비꼬다 Instead of keeping safely motionless, my arms reached up to twine tightly around his neck. stagger[stæǵəːr] 비틀거리다, 주저하다 He staggered back, breaking my grip effortlessly. brace[breis] 버티다, 떠받치다, 단단히매다, 죄다, 고정시키다 I leaned over, bracing my hands against my knees for support. indestructible[iǹdistrʌḱtəbl] 파괴할수없는, 불멸의. mumble[mʌḿb-əl] 중얼거리다 "You're indestructible," I mumbled, trying to catch my breath. growl[graul] 으르렁거리다, 성나서말하다, 투덜거리다 "Now let's get out of here before I do something really stupid," he growled. 364 content[kənteńt] 만족하는, 기꺼이 ~ 하는 I contented myself with listening to his breath come and go evenly. stiffly[stifli] 단단하게, 완고하게 stranglehold[stræ ŋglhoùld] 목조르기 ; 자유를 [ 발전을 ] 억누르는 [ 저해하는 ] 것. I stiffly unlocked my stranglehold on his body and slipped to the ground, landing on my backside. huff[hʌf] 분개하여말하다, 고함치다 "Oh!" I huffed as I hit the wet ground. bracken[bræḱ-ən] 고사리 ( 류의숲 ). I brushed the mud and bracken off the back of my jacket. 365 unruly[ʌnru ːli] 감당할수없는, 사나운, 무법한, 제멋대로구는, 제어하기어려운. I'd always interpreted as well-justified frustration frustration at my weakness, my slowness, my unruly human reactions infuriate[infju ərieìt] 격노케하다. He put his hands carefully on both sides of my face. "I infuriate myself," he said gently. 366 fern[fəːrn] 양치류 ( 類 ) drape[dreip] 주름을잡아예쁘게덮다 He led me a few feet through the tall, wet ferns and draping moss, around a massive hemlock tree, and we were there, on the edge of an enormous open field in the lap of the Olympic peaks. hemlock[heḿlɑk / -lɔk] 북아메리카산솔송나무 ( = fiŕ [spruće]); 그재목 outcrop 노출되다, 나타나다. Esme, Emmett, and Rosalie, sitting on a bare outcropping of rock, were the closest to us, maybe a hundred yards away. 367 quiver[kwívər] 떨리다, 흔들리다 My stomach quivered uneasily in response. hurtle[hə ːrtl] 돌진하다, 충돌하다 She hurtled to a fluid stop at our feet. rumble[rʌḿb-əl] 우르르 [ 덜거덕 ] 소리 As soon as she spoke, a deep rumble of thunder shook the forest beyond us gazelle[gəzeĺ] 가젤 ( 아프리카영양의일종 ). she ran like a gazelle. snicker [sníkəːr] 킬킬거리다 He snickered and, after mussing my hair, bounded off after the other two.

Twilight by Stephenie Meyer [48] 368 murmur[mə ːrməːr] 속삭이다, 불평을하다 stun[stʌn] 어리벙벙하게하다, 아찔하게하다. "No," I murmured, stunned, scrambling to understand what lifetime she was remembering. stammer[stæḿəːr] 더듬으며말하다. "Edward just said you f-fell," I stammered. endearment[endíərmənt] 친애 ( 의표시 ); 총애, 애무 ; 사랑스러움, 매력. The endearment sounded very natural on her lips. 369 crease[kriːs] 주름잡히다, 접어금을내다 It will work out, somehow," she said, though her forehead creased with worry. batter[bæ tər] 타자, 연타하다. deceptive[diseṕtiv] 현혹시키는, 거짓의 ; 사기의 ; 믿지못할 ; 실망을주는. "Batter up." Alice stood straight, deceptively motionless. stealth[stelɵ] 몰래하기, 비밀 intimidate[intiḿədeìt] 으르다, 위협하다, 협박하다. Her style seemed to be stealth rather than an intimidating windup. flick[flik] 찰싹치다, 홱움직이다. She held the ball in both hands at her waist, and then, like the strike of a cobra, her right hand flicked out and smack[smæk] 강타하다, 세게부딪치다 the ball smacked into Jasper's hand. hurl[həːrl] 집어던지다, 세게던지다 Jasper hurled the ball back to Alice's waiting hand. 370 crack[kræk] 날카로운소리, 타격 The crack of impact was shattering, thunderous; it echoed off the mountains shattering[ʃæ təːriŋ] 파괴적인 ; 귀청이떨어질것같은 ; 놀라운, 강렬한 meteor[míːtiər, -tiɔ ːr] 유성, 별똥별. 운석 The ball shot like a meteor above the field, flying deep into the surrounding forest. fringe[frindʒ] 가장자리,( 동식물의 ) 터부룩한털 I stared in disbelief as Edward sprang from the fringe of the trees infallible[infæĺəbəl] 결코잘못이없는, 의심할여지없는 ; 확실한 fielding[fíːldiŋ] 야구 수비. trying to avoid Edward's infallible fielding, hit a ground ball toward Carlisle. collide[kəlaíd] 충돌하다, 일치하지않다 boulder[boúldəːr] 둥근돌, 옥석 When they collided, the sound was like the crash of two massive falling boulders. unscathed[ʌnskeíðd] 상처가없는, 다치지않은 ; 상처를입지않은 I jumped up in concern, but they were somehow unscathed. flit[flit] 훨훨날다, 휙지나가다 Rosalie managed to flit around the bases after tagging up on one of Emmett's long flies 371 dainty[deínti] 고상한, 맛좋은 Alice slapped them dainty high fives. razz[ræz] 비난 [ 혹평 ] 하다 ; 냉소하다 ; 들볶다. they razzed each other like any street ballplayers as they took turns with the lead. 372 perspective[pəːrspeḱtiv] 전망, 경치, 투시화법, 원근화법 I can see I had the perspective wrong before contrite[kəntraít, kɑńtrait / kɔńtrait] 죄를깊이뉘우치고있는 ; 회개한 ; 회오의 "They heard us playing, and it changed their path," she said, contrite, as if she felt responsible for whatever had frightened her. scowl[skaul] 얼굴을찌푸리다, 매섭게쏘아보다 "Less than five minutes. They're running they want to play." He scowled. tersely[təːrsli] 간결하게, 생동감있게, 쌀쌀하게 "Three," she answered tersely. scoff[skɔːf, skɑf] 비웃다, 조소하다 "Three!" he scoffed. "Let them come." split[split] 쪼개진, 갈라진, 분리한 deliberate[dilíbərit] 잘생각하다, 숙고하다, 심의하다 For a split second that seemed much longer than it really was, Carlisle deliberated. unperturbed[ʌǹpərtə ːrbd] 흐트러지지않은, 평정을잃지않은, 침착한 Only Emmett seemed unperturbed; the rest stared at Carlisle's face with anxious eyes. 373 flurry[flə ːri, flʌŕi] ( 마음의 ) 동요, 혼란 ; 질풍, 당황, 낭패 All this was said in a flurry of words that lasted only a few seconds. warily[wɛ -ərili] 조심성있게, 주의깊게, 신중하게. sweeping[swíːpiŋ] 일소하는 ; 파죽지세로나가는 The others returned to the field, warily sweeping the dark forest with their sharp eyes. 374 apathy[æṕəɵi] 냉담 ; 무관심, 무감동, 무감각. The seconds ticked by; the game progressed with apathy now.

Twilight by Stephenie Meyer [49] chaper 18. THE HUNT 375 startling[stɑ ːrtliŋ] 놀라운, 깜짝놀라게하는. all I could see of her was that her hair was a startling shade of red. gait[geit] 걷는모양, 걸음걸이 ; 진행 376 crouch[krautʃ] 쭈그림 ; 웅크림. Their walk was catlike, a gait that seemed constantly on the edge of shifting into a crouch. fray[frei] 닳다, 가장자리가너덜너덜해지다, 해지다. The clothes were frayed, though, with wear, and they were barefoot. debris[dəbríː, deíbriː] 부스러기, 파편 ( 의더미 ) the woman's brilliant orange hair was filled with leaves and debris from the woods. urbane[əːrbeín] 예의있는, 점잖은 ; 세련된, 품위있는 Their sharp eyes carefully took in the more polished, urbane stance of Carlisle, who, flanked by Emmett and flank[flæŋk] ~ 의옆에있다, 측면을지키다. Jasper, stepped guardedly forward to meet them. pallor[pæĺər] ( 얼굴의 ) 창백 (paleness) The man in front was easily the most beautiful, his skin olive-toned beneath the typical pallor, his hair a glossy brawn[brɔːn] ( 억센 ) 근육 ; 완력 black. He was of a medium build, hard-muscled, of course, but nothing next to Emmett's brawn. feline[fíːlain] 고양이같은 ; 교활한 (sly); 음험한 (stealthy) Her posture was distinctly feline. unobtrusively[ʌǹəbtru ːsivli] 주제넘지않게, 삼가. The second male hovered unobtrusively behind them vigilant[vídʒələnt] 부단히경계하고있는 ; 방심하지않는, 주의깊은 His eyes, though completely still, somehow seemed the most vigilant. sinister[sínistəːr] 불길한, 재난의, 사악한 Not the gold or black I had come to expect, but a deep burgundy color that was disturbing and sinister. 377 peculiar[pikju ːljər] 독특한, 고유의, 특별한, 기묘한, 별난 I guessed that Jasper was using his peculiar gift to control the situation. 378 genial [ʤíːnjəl, -niəl] 온화한, 기분좋은 ; 다정한 "That sounds very interesting, and welcome." His smile was genial. refrain[rifreín] 그만두다, 삼가다 ; 억제하다 Please don't take offense, but we'd appreciate it if you'd refrain from hunting in this immediate area. inconspicuous[iǹkənspiḱjuː əs] 두드러지지않는 ; 눈을끌지않는 "We have to stay inconspicuous, you understand," Carlisle explained. encroach[enkroútʃ] ( 서서히 ) 침입하다, 잠식하다, 빼았다 We certainly won't encroach on your territory. simultaneously[saìməlteíniəsli, sìm-] 동시에 ; 일제히 Three things seemed to happen simultaneously while Carlisle was speaking. scrutinize[skru ːt-ənaìz] nostril[nɑśtril / nɔś-] flaring[flɛ əriŋ] feral[fíərəl] snarl[snɑːrl] 자세히조사하다, 음미하다 ; 유심히바라보다콧구멍활활타는 ; 번쩍번쩍하는 ; 현란한 ; 불룩한야생의 ; 야생으로돌아간 ; 야성적인, 잔인 [ 흉포 ] 한으르렁거리다 ; 고함치다, 호통치다 My hair ruffled with the light breeze, Edward stiffened, and the second male, James, suddenly whipped his head around, scrutinizing me, his nostrils flaring. Edward bared his teeth, crouching in defense, a feral snarl ripping from his throat. 379 menace[meńəs] 위협하다, 으르다. it was the single most menacing thing I had ever heard rebuff[ribʌ f] 거절, 퇴짜, 자빡댐 ; 저지, 좌절. Carlisle's firm rebuff was directed toward James. ferociously[fəroúʃəsli] 사납게, 잔인하게 Edward snarled even more ferociously, harshly, his lip curling high above his glistening, bared teeth. defuse[di(ː)fju ːz] 의긴장을완화하다. hostility[hɑstiĺəti / hɔs-] 적의, 적개심 When Laurent spoke, his tone was soothing trying to defuse the sudden hostility. 380 aggravation[æ grəveíʃən] 악화시킴, 화남, 짜증 James glanced in disbelief and aggravation at Laurent and exchanged another brief look with Victoria immobility[imoúbiliti] 부동성 ; 부동 [ 의상태 ], 고정, 정지 ( 靜止 ). This whole time I'd been rooted in place, terrified into absolute immobility. trance[træns, trɑːns] 몽환 ( 夢幻 ) 의경지, 황홀 ; 열중 Edward had to grip my elbow and pull sharply to break my trance. sling[sliŋ] 던지다, 팽개치다 ; 걸치다, 차다 Once we were into the trees, Edward slung me over his back without breaking stride. plunge[plʌndʒ] 던져넣다, 뛰어들다, 돌진하다 wraith[reiɵ] 유령, 망령 They plunged through the now-black forest like wraiths. exhilaration[igzìləreíʃən] 기분을돋우어줌 ; 들뜬기분, 유쾌, 상쾌, 흥분. The sense of exhilaration that usually seemed to possess Edward as he ran was completely absent, replaced fury[fju -əri] 격노, 격정, 격심함 by a fury that consumed him and drove him still faster fling[fliŋ] 던지다, 집어넣다 Edward barely slowed as he flung me in the backseat. 381 swerve[swəːrv] 빗나가다, 벗어나다 It roared to life and we swerved backward, spinning around to face the winding road. profanity[prəfæńəti, prou-] 신성을더럽힘, 불경, 모독 but it sounded a lot like a string of profanities. jolt[dʒoult] 덜컹거리다, 난폭하게흔들다, 충격을주다 The jolting trip was much worse this time, and the darkness only made it more frightening.

Twilight by Stephenie Meyer [50] grimly[grimli] 엄격히, 완강히, 무섭게 "Emmett," Edward said grimly. 382 futility[fjuːtíləti] 쓸데없음, 무익 [ 무용 ]( 임 ); 경망한언동 I struggled violently, with total futility. confine[kənfaín] 경계, 한계, 범위, 감금 I'd never heard his voice so loud; it was deafening in the confines of the Jeep. thrash[ɵræʃ] 때리다, 채찍질하다 I thrashed against the harness. 383 coax[kouks] 감언으로설득하다, 어르다, 달래다, 꾀다. "Let's just look at our options for a minute," Alice coaxed. screech[skriːtʃ] 날카로운 [ 새된 ] 소리를내다, 비명을지르다. and then suddenly we screeched to a stop on the shoulder of the highway. blistering[blístəriŋ] 물집이생기게하는 ; 통렬한, 호된 Edward turned on her in fury, his voice a blistering snarl. 384 provoke[prəvoúk] 성나게하다, 유발시키다 "No," Edward growled. Alice glared at him, finally provoked. plead[pliːd] 변호하다, 간청하다 "Listen," I pleaded. "You take me back." insult[ińsʌlt] 모욕, 무례 (to); 모욕행위, 무례한짓 "It's not a bad idea, really." Emmett's surprise was definitely an insult. temple[teḿp-əl] 관자놀이 Edward pressed his fingers to his temples and squeezed his eyes shut. 385 squeal[skwiːl] ( 문 타이어등이 ) 끼익소리를내다. The Jeep rumbled to life, and he spun us around, the tires squealing. rearview mirror ( 자동차의 ) 백미러. He glared at me in the rearview mirror. 386 clench[klentʃ] ( 이를 ) 악물다 "Bella, please just do this my way, just this once," he said between clenched teeth. imbecile[iḿbəsil, -saìl / -si ː] 저능자, 바보, 천치. "Listen, Charlie's not an imbecile," I protested. " 387 persuasive[pərsweísiv] 설득잘하는, 설득력있는, 구변이좋은 I tried to be persuasive. roundabout[raúndəbaùt] 돌아가는, 에움길의 Take a roundabout route, of course, Take a roundabout route, of course, and then Jasper and Alice can go home. diabolical[dɑìəbɑĺik / -bɔ -] 악마의 ; 악마적인 ; 잔인한, 극악무도한 "She's diabolical," Emmett chuckled. 388 scathingly[skeíðiŋli] 가차없이, 통렬하게 "What are you going to do in Phoenix?" he asked her scathingly. 389 guttural[gʌ tərəl] 목구멍의 ; 목구멍에서오는 ; 쉰목소리의 And graceful little Alice pulled back her lips in a horrific grimace and let loose with a guttural snarl that had me cower[kaúər] 움츠러들다, 곱송그리다, 위축되다 cowering against the seat in terror. chapter 19 - GOODBYES 390 ramrad[ræḿrɑ d] 딱딱한 ; 강직한 ; 유연성이없는. All there of them were acutely alert, ramrod straight in their seats, harness [hɑ ːrnis] 장치, 장비 ; 작업설비 Emmett reached over to help me get out of the harness, 391 anguish[æ ŋgwiʃ] 심히괴로워하다 [ 괴롭히다 ]. I would see him again agter tonight was anguishing. slither[slíðəːr] 주르르미끄러지다 ; 미끄러져가다 They slithered soundless into the darkness, instantly disappearing. rove[rouv] ( 정처없이 ) 헤매다, 배회 [ 유랑 ] 하다, 떠돌다 ; 표류하다. eyes always roving through the night sniffle[sníf-əl] ( 코를 ) 킁킁거리다 (snuffle), 코를훌쩍이다 ; 훌쩍이며울다 (snivel) I sniffled. 392 pound[paund] 탕탕치다, 사정없이치다 Charlie was pounding on my door. 393 bewilder[biwíldər] 어리둥절케 [ 당황케 ] 하다 (confuse); ( 고어 ) 현혹시키다 Through he was still bewildered, his grip was firm. electrocute[ileḱtrəkju ːt] 전기의자로처형하다 ; 전기충격으로죽이다, 감전시켜 His hand dropped from my arm like I'd electrocuted. 죽이다. 394 derail[direíl] 계획을틀어지게하다 ; 탈선 [ 일탈 ] 하다. This completely derailed me. shortstop [ 야구 ] 유격수, 유격수의수비위치 The assistant coach of the Sidewinders said they might have a spot for another shortstop. 395 peel out ( 미국속어 ) 타이어자국이날정도의속력으로달려나가다 ; 갑자기가버리다 I gunned the engine and peeled out. 396 whine [hwain] 애처로운소리로울다, 흐느껴울다 ; ( 개따위가 ) 낑낑거리다. The truck's engine whined in protest. 397 wry [rai] 뒤틀린, 비틀어진, 옆으로굽은, 예상이틀린, 왜곡한 His voice was wry. luscious [lʌ ʃəs] 감미로운 ( 맛 향기따위 ); 농후한, ( 여자가 ) 관능적 [ 뇌쇄적, 육감적 ] 인 If you didn't smell so appallingly luscious, he might not have bothered. thwart [ɵwɔːrt] 훼방놓다, 방해하다 ; 좌절시키다, 꺾다 He's not used to being thwarted.

Twilight by Stephenie Meyer [51] 398 shred [ʃred] 끄트러기 (strip), 조각, 파편, 세편. 약간, 소량 (bit), 극히조금 The only way to be sure is to tear him to shreds, 399 alleviate[əlíːvieìt] 경감하다 ; 완화하다, 누그러뜨리다, ( 고통따위를 ) 덜다, encroach[enkroútʃ] ( 서서히 ) 침입하다, 잠식 [ 침해 ] 하다, ( 남의재산 권리등을 ) 침해하다 but they did little to alleviate the blackness of the encroaching forest. ( 개등의 ) 으르렁거리는소리 ; 불복 [ 불만 ] 의소리 ; 고 growl[graul] 함소리 ; I could hear low growls rumble deep in Emmett's throat as he set me down next to Edward. n. 우르르, 덜커덕덜커덕 ; v, 우르르울리다, 덜커덕덜커 rumble[rʌḿb-əl] 덕소리가나다. baleful[beílfəl] 재앙의, 해로운 (evil, harmful); "He's tracking us," Edward announced, glaring balefully at Laurent. quiver[kwívər] 떨리다 (tremble, vibrate); 흔들리다. her lips quivered with the speed of her silent speech 400 coven [kʌ vən, koú] 마녀집회 ; 13인의마녀단. That's why I joined his coven. cringe [krindʒ] 곱송그리다, 움츠리다 Laurent cringed back. intrigue [intri ːg] 음모를꾸미다, 의흥미를 [ 호기심을 ] 자아내다 I'm intrigued by the life you've created here enmity [eńməti] 증오, 적의 ; 불화, 반목. I bear none of you any enmity, but I won't go up against James. unleash [ʌnlíːʃ] 을해방하다 ; ( 매인개를 ) 풀어놓다, 속박을 [ 제어를 ] I'm sorry for what's been unleashed here. 풀다 inconspicuous [iǹkənspiḱjuː 401 əs] 두드러지지않는 ; 눈을끌지않는 ; her hand touched an inconspicuous keypad on the wall flinch [flintʃ] 주춤 [ 움찔 ] 하다, 겁을내다, 꽁무니빼다 I flinched back from the venom in her voice. swinging [swíŋiŋ] 흔들리는 ; 진동하는, ( 속어 ) 당당한, 활발한. Esme was at my side in half a heartbeat, swinging me up easily into her arms 402 yank[jæŋk] 확잡아당기다 (jerk)(at); a) ( 업적부진으로 ) 해임하다, I yanked them on, but I couldn't get my feet out. 쫓아내다, 목자르다 ; 403 streak [striːk] 번개처럼달리다, 질주하다. as the tears streaked noiselessly down my face stalk[stɔːk] 성큼성큼 [ 천천히 ] 걷다, 활보하다 (stride) Rosalie staked out the front door without another glance in my direction 404 entryway ( 건물안으로의 ) 통로, 입구. He stood across the length of the entryway from me being careful. chpter 20- IMPATIENCE 405 bland [blænd] ( 기후가 ) 온화한 (mild),( 말 태도가 ) 온후한, 부드러운 This room was too bland to belong anuwhere bolt [boult] ( 문이 ) 걸쇠로잠기다 ; 볼트로죄어지다. giveaway [gi vəweì] ( 비밀등의 ) 누설, 폭로 ; ( 본의아닌 ) 배반 ; The bedside lamps, bolted to the tables, were a dead giveaway, 406 granite [græńit] 화강암, 쑥돌 ; 견고함 my head had ended up against her granite neck. evade [iveíd] 피하다, 비키다, 면하다, 벗어나다 Sleep had evaded me, strain [strein] 잡아당기다, 긴장시키다, 무리하게사용하다, 혹사하다 my aching eyes strained open even though the night finally ended scrubby [skrʌ bi] 키가작은, 왜소한 ; 관목이우거진, 덤불이많은 ; creosote [krí(ː)əsoùt] ( 화학 ) 크레오소트 ( 목재방부 의료용 ) Phoenix-the palm trees, the scrubby creosote, the haphazard lines of the interesecting freeways haphazard [hæṕhæ zərd] 우연 ( 한일 ), 우연한 ; 되는대로의. swath [swɑɵ] 한번낫질한넓이, 한번낫질한자취 ; 베어낸한구획, the green swaths of golf courses 베어낸자리. splotch [splɑtʃ] 오점, 반점, 얼룩 (stain). turquoise splotches of swimming pools, 408 slant [slænt] 경사, 비탈 ; 사면 The shadow of the palm trees slanted across the freeway. flinch [flintʃ] 주춤 [ 움찔 ] 하다, 겁을내다, 꽁무니빼다 I flinched, thouth his voice was quite soft and unalarming. drape [dreip] 주름을잡아예쁘게덮다 [ 꾸미다 ] my arm draped over Alice's shoulder 409 hoarse [hɔːrs] 목쉰 ; 쉰목소리의 ; 귀에거슬리는 ; My voice was hoarse perch[pəːrtʃ] ( 새가 ) 횃대에앉다 ; ( 사람이 ) 앉다, 자리를차지하다 Alice perched on the arm of the sofa

Twilight by Stephenie Meyer [52] ( 일이 ) 점점분명해지다, ( 생각이 ) 떠오르다 (on, dawn [dɔːn] It began to dawn on me that they were too still. upon). ( 목소리가 ) 떨 ( 리 ) 다, 떠는소리로말 [ 이야기 ] 하다 quaver [kweívər] My voice quavered, and I fought to control it. (out). 410 tenor [teńəːr] 방침, 방향, 경향,( 음악 ) 테너 He might feel the tenor of my emotions 411 fidget [fídʒit] 안절부절못하다, 불안해 [ 싱숭생숭해 ] 하다, 들뜨다 (about); As I fidgeted and paced, they simply grew more still tan [tæn] 탠껍질 (tanbark), 햇볓에탄빛깔, 황갈색. 412 ambush [æḿbuʃ] 숨어서기다리다, 매복하다 ; 매복하여습격하다 wait for him to get close, and then turn and ambush him 413 predator [pre dətər] 약탈자 ; 육식동물. arsenal [ɑ ːrsənəl] 병기고 ; 조병창, 병기 [ 군수 ] 공장 ; As predators, we have a glut of weapons in our physical arsenal. carnivorous [kɑːrnívərəs] 육식 ( 성 ) 의 ; 육식류의. And then, like a carnivorous flower, we are physically attractive to our prey. 414 incapacitate [iǹkəpæśəteìt] 무능력하게하다 ; 못하게하다 ; 부적당하게하다 ; 법 The venom doesn't kell- it's merely incapacitating 률 의자격을빼앗다. frenzy [freńzi] 격앙, 난심 ( 亂心 ), 광포 ; 열광. So you see, to actually bite someone, to taste the blood, it would begin the frenzy. 415 methodical [məɵɑ dikəl] 질서있는, 조직적인 (systematic); 규율바른, 질서정연한 (orderly); 방법론적인 Jasper's voice was calm, methodical, as he questioned her in practiced way. 416 bleak [bliːk] 황폐한, 쓸쓸한. 바람받이의 ; 차가운, 살을에는듯한. Alice's voice was bleak. 419 jut [dʒʌt] 돌출하다 [ 시키다 ], 불룩내밀다 (out; forth; up) I touched the page where the square section jutted out, 420 reverie[re v-əri] 공상, 환상 ; 몽상 ; 백일몽 breaking my reverie 452 recital [risaítl] 암송, 낭독, 음송. they always put me in the back for recitals chapter 21 - Phone Call reverse [rivə ːrs] 거꾸로하다 and I knew I was getting the schedule of my days and nights slowly reversed. stagger [stæ gəːr] 비틀거리다 I rolled till my feet touched the floor and then staggered to the living room. engross [engroús] 빼앗다 They didn't look up when I entered, too engrossed in Alice's work. panel [pæńl] 끼워넣다, 장식하다 The walls were paneled. tan [tæn] 탠껍질, 타닌액 a large tan stone fireplace that was open to both rooms. Uncharacteristically 독특하지않게 Uncharacteristically, Jasper slid closer to me. lethargy [le ɵəːrdʒi] 혼수상태 A deep, heavy fog of lethargy washed over me, and my eyes closed. stifle [staíf-əl] 숨막히게하다 I choked back the dread, the anxiety, tried to stifle it. chapter 22 - Hide and Seek flickered [flíkərd] 깜박이는 His eyes were confused as they flickered swiftly between Alice's face and mine, tranquil [træ ŋkwil] 조용한, 평안한 I felt a tranquil atmosphere settle around me. chapter23 drift[drift] 표류하다, 떠돌다. As I drifted, I dreamed. float[flout] 뜨다 ; 떠 ( 돌아 ) 다니다, 표류하다 (drift) conjure [kɑńdʒər, kʌń up 마법으로불러내다 ; ( 상상으로 ) 만들어내다, 출 Where I floated, under the dark water, I heard the happiest sound my mind could conjure up -as beautiful, 현시키다. ghastly[gæśtli / gɑ ːst 무서운 (horrible), 소름끼치는 as uplifting, as it was ghastly. uplift[ʌplíft] ( 의의기를 ) 앙양하다 ; snarl [snɑː기 ( 개가이빨을드러내고 ) 으르렁거리다 ; furyfju -əri 격노, 격분광포 ( 성 ) It was another snarl; a deeper, wilder roar that rang with fury. slash [slæʃ] 짓이기다, ( 칼따위로 ) 난도질하다 ; 깊숙히베다 깊은상처를입히다 (gash). by a sharp pain slashing my upraised hand

453 454 455 tumult[tju ːmʌlt ( 마음의 ) 산란, 흥분 법석, 소동, 떠들썩함 ; 소음 shy away [ʃai] 겁내다, 꽁무니빼다 (away; off). vicious[víʃəs] 사악한, bass[beis] 음악 베이스, 낮은음 ; growling[graul] 으르렁거리다 ( snap[snæp] 물어뜯다, 잘라먹다 ( keen[kiːn] 날카로운, 예리한 (sharp) Twilight by Stephenie Meyer [53] an awful tumult that my mind shied away from agony[æǵəni] 고통 ( 슬픔 ) 의절정 ; ( 감정의 ) 격발 the angel called, agony in his perfect voice sob[sɑb / sɔb] 흐느껴울다, 흐느끼다. the angel was sobbing tearless, broken sobs weep [wiːp] 눈물을흘리다, 울다, 비탄 [ 슬퍼 ] 하다 The angel shouldn't weep. a vicious bass growling, a shocking snapping sound, and a high keening, suddenly breaking off.. gasp[gæsp, 헐떡거리다, 숨이차다 ; ( 놀람따위로 ) 숨이막히다 I cried out, gasping, breaking through the dark pool. wound [wuːnd, 상처, the head wound isn't deep. howl[haul] give a rage 화가나서악을쓰다 strangle [stræ ŋg-əl 참다 ; 억제 [ 억압 ] 하다 ; a howl of rage strangled on the angel's lips. stab [stæb] 찌르는듯한아픔. I felt a sharp stab in my side. scald [skɔːld] ( 끓는물 김으로 ) 데게하다. overshadow 그늘지게하다, 가리다, 어둡게하다. whimper[hwímpəːr] [ 호소하듯, 처량하게 ] 울다 ; 훌쩍이다, It hurts, I whimpered. There was a new pain, a scalding pain in my hand that was overshadowing everything else. anguish [æ ŋgwiʃ] 심히괴로워하다 [ 괴롭히다 ]. and then, away from me, anguished - Can't you do anything? groan [groun] 신음하며 [ 몹시 ] 괴로워하다 ; Alice? I groaned. flutter[flʌ təːr ( 공포 흥분으로 ) 떨다, 전율하다. my eyes fluttering open appall [əpɔ ːl] be ed at 에찔끔하다 [ 소스라쳐놀라다 ]. Carlisle's voice was no longer calm, it was appalled. bellow[beĺou 고함치다, 으르렁거리다 ; ( 아픔따위로 ) 신음하다. No! I bellowed venom [veńəm 독액 ; ( 고어 ) 독, 독물. suck [sʌk] 빨아내다, out blood 피를빨아내다. See if you can suck the venom back out strain [strein] ) 긴장시키다, Alice's voice qas strained writh[raið] in agony 고민하다, 고통으로몸부림치다. grip[grip] in the of (1) 에게잡혀 [ 속박되어 ]. (2) ( 병에 ) 걸려. flare[flɛər] 확타오르게 [ 불붙게 ] 하다. torture[tɔ ːrtʃəːr 심한고통, 고뇌, 고민. desperate[deśpərit] 필사적인 ; 혈안이된, 열중한 ; I opened them, desperate to find his face. brace[breis] 고정시키다, 죄다, 단단히매다. get me something to brace her leg I writhed in the grip of the fiery torture, the movement making the pin in my leg flare sickeningly. thrash [ɵræʃ] 심하게움직이다, 몸부림치다, 뒹굴다 I screamed and thrashed against the cool hands that held me back. vise [vais] in a 바이스로 을잡다 [ 죄다 ]. Carlisle had my head locked in the vise of his stone arms. numb [nʌm] 감각을잃은, ( 얼어서 ) 곱은 (benumbed), 언 ; 마비된, my writhing calmed as my hand grew more and more numb. The fire was dulling, focusing into an eversmaller dull [dʌl] 둔하게 [ 무디게 ] 하다, 무디어 [ 둔해 ] 지다. point. slip[slip] 에서빠져나가다. consciousness 자각, 의식 ; 알고있음, 알아챔 subside[səbsaíd 잠잠해지다, ( 비바람 소동 격정따위가 ) 진정되다, I felt my consciousness slipping as the pain subsided. 456 seep [siːp] 서서히확산하다 ; ( 생각따위가 ) 침투하다. the other pains dulled by a sleepiness seeping through my body.

Twilight by Stephenie Meyer [54] 456 relief [rilíːf] 안심, 위안 ; Edward's quiet laugh, weak with relief. frown[fraun] 눈살을찌푸려 의감정을나타내다. I frowned; I wanted to sleep. "What?" outrage[aútreìd 난폭, 폭행, 능욕. 3 U 무도함, C 모욕 ; 유린 The outrage in my voice was pitifully frail. feeble [fíːbəl] 연약한, 약한, 힘없는. [SYN.] WEEK. my voice was feeble. haze [heiz] 시력 정신의 ) 몽롱. I added, surprised through the haze in my brain. soothe[suːð] 달래다 (comfort), 위로하다 ; 진정시키다 (calm), Edward soothed me. 진정시키다 (calm) chapter24 impasse [iḿpæs, -- 막다름 ; 막다른골목 (blind alley); 난국, 곤경 (deadlock). 458 glare [glɛər] 번쩍이는빛, 눈부신빛 ; 섬광. the glaring lights blinded me. prop[prɑp / prɔp] 버티다, 에버팀목 ( 木 ) 을대다 (up); 기대놓다 ( uneven[ʌníːvən] 1 평탄하지않은, 울퉁불퉁한. 2 한결같지않은, 균일치않은 ; 질이고르지못한. I was propped up ona hard, uneven bed. 459 exquisite[ikskwízit, 절묘한, 절미한 ( 조망 아름다움등 ); 정묘한, 썩훌륭한 his exquistie face was just inches from mine. gratitude[græ tətju ː 감사, 보은의마음 ; this time with gratifude and elation elation[ileíʃən 의기양양, 득의만면. shush [ʃʌʃ]. 쉬잇하여가라앉히다 [ 제지하다 ]; ( 발언을 ) 억누르다. "Shhhh," he shushed me. rebel[re b-əl 1 모반하다, 배반하다 ; 반항하다 (against); 이반하다 (from). my mind rebelled against me as I tried torecall. torment[tɔ ː그둣 torment 장기간에걸쳐끈덕지게괴롭히다. he whispered, his voice tormented. panic[pæńik] vi., vt. (-ck-) 당황하 ( 게하 ) 다. I panicked. flight [flait] ( 층계의 ) 한번오르기 ; 층 ( 계참 ) 과층 ( 계참 ) 을잇는계단 ; You fell down two flights of staris and through a window. 460 gause[gɔːz] 성기고얇은천, 사 ( 紗 ); 거즈 lifting my gauze-wrapped hand from the bed and holding it gently in his, irrational[iræ ʃənəl 불합리한 ; 이성 [ 분별 ] 이없는 It was still irrational,of course. 461 grim 굳센, 불요불굴의. he agreed in a grim tone, "I wouldn't." wince [wins] 주춤하다, 질리다, 움츠리다. I shuddered,and then winced. instantly[iństəntli 당장에, 즉각, 즉시 (immediately). He was instantly anxious. fierce[fiərs] a 일반적 맹렬한, 격심한 (intense). There was a fierce note of regret in his voice. note 어조, ( 아무의 ) 음성. sheer [ʃiəːr] 순전한, 단순한 (mere), 완전한. A new sound darkened his voice,a tone of sheer hatred. bleakness 황폐한, 쓸쓸한의명사형 The bleakness did not entirely leave his eyes. warp[wɔːrp] ( 목재등을 ) 휘게하다, 뒤틀다, 구부리다. I concentratedon a warped ceiling tile and triedto breathe deeply despite the ache in my ribs. 462 brow 눈썹 (eyebrows). his brows pulled together as he frowned. supervision [su ːpərvíʒən] 관리감독, 지휘, 감시 I was here with parental supervision. insert[insə ːrt 끼워넣다, 끼우다, 삽입하다 ( her inserted virtuously virtuously[və ːrtʃuəs] 고결하게, ) 효력이있는, 효험이있는 ( 약 ) 의부사 he inserted virtuously. muddle [mʌ dl 혼합하다 ; 혼란시키다, 뒤섞어놓다 ( You have a good excuse to be a little muddled about the finer points. flaw [flɔː] 결점, 흠, 결함. There are a few flaws with that story. 463 favricate [fæ brikeì ( 이야기 거짓말따위를 ) 꾸며 [ 만들어 ] 내다 (invent), Alice had a little bit too much fun fabricating evidence. soreness 아픔 ; 분개 ; 원한, 악의 ; 불화. I wasn't so lost to the soreness or the fog of medication that I I didn't respond to his touch.

Twilight by Stephenie Meyer [55] erratically[iræ tik 일정하지않은, 변하기쉬운, 불규칙적인 the beeping of the monitorjumped around erratically speculative[speḱjəleìti v 호기심이어린 ; 사색적인, 명상적인 He chuckled, and a speculative look came into his eye. "Hmm,I wonder " taut[tɔːt] 긴장된 ( 신경따위 ); his lips were taut. solemnlysɑĺəm / sɔĺ 진지한, 엄숙한. he promised solemnly. turquoise[tə ːrkwɔiz] 테키석의, 청초록의 464 RECLINING CHAIR;( 등받이와발판이조절되는 ) 안락 he moved from the hard plastic chair by my side to the turquoise faux-leather recliner at the foot of my bed, recliner 의자. sarcastically 빈정거리는, 비꼬는, 풍자의, 신랄한. I whispered sarcastically 파-tically [-əli] ad. sedate 에진정제를마시게하다 they had to keep you sedated for a while, cringe 움츠리다 ; ( 구어 ) I cringed,and then moaned. "What hurts?" lapse[læps] 모르는사이에빠지다 (into); 465 phony[foúni 가짜의, 엉터리의. He lapsed back into his phony slumber. slumber [slʌḿbəːr 잠, ( 특히 ) 선잠, 겉잠. advantage take of 을이용하다 ; 에편승하다 ; 속이다, ( 여 I took advantage of my mother's momentary distraction to keep the subject fromreturning to my less-thancandid 자 ) 를유혹하다. candid 정직한, 솔직한 (frank); behavior. gush 에대하여과장하여 [ 신이나서 ] 이야기하다. 466 vacantly ly ad. 멍청하게, 멍하니. she gushed while I stared at ther vacantly. trim ( 건물의 ) 내부의목조부 ; ( we found the cutest house,yellow, with white trim, bewilder[biwíldər] 어리둥절케 [ 당황케 ] 하다 (confuse); You want to stay in Forks? She asked, bewildered. inceoncieivable 상상할수없는, 생각조차못할 The idea was inconceivable to her. 467 deliberate 신중히 ; 유유히 ; 일부러. This time very deliberately scrutinize [skru ːt-ənaì 자세히조사하다, 음미하다 ; 유심히바라보다 but her eyes were scrutinizing my face confide ( 비밀따위를 ) 털어놓다 I think so, too, I confided. conceal 숨기다, 비밀로하다. she only poorly concealed the raging curiosity in her voice. authority 권위, 권력, 위신. [SYN.] POWER. since I was eight that she'd come close to trying to sound like a parental authority. 468 soothe[suːð] ( 사람 감정을 ) 달래다 (comfort) I soothed her. swirl[swəːrl] 작은소용돌이 the swirl of painkillers in my brain was making it hard to concentrate even now, unrepentant 회개하지않는 ; 완고한, 고집센. he smiled,unrepentant. " It was a good car, very fast. hyperventilation 환기 ( 換氣 )[ 호흡 ] 항진, 과 ( 過 ) 환기 470 [haìpərveǹtəleíʃ ifsomeone hyperventilates, they begin to breathe very fast in an uncontrollable way,usally because they are very frightened, tired,or excited. as mybreathing became hyperventilation, agony[æǵəni] ( 육체적인 ) 아픔. [SYN.] PAIN. I mumbled,trying to keep the agony out of my voice. 471 stern [stəːrn] 엄숙한 ( 표정따위 ); 준엄한 she gave Edward a stern look, throb[ɵrɑb / ɵrɔb] ( 머리 상처가 ) 욱신욱신쑤시다. My ribs were throbbing. unintelligible 뜻 [ 영문 ] 을알수없는, 분명치않은. He shook his head and muttered something unintelligible. [ʌǹinteĺədʒəbəl refer to [rifə ːr 언급하다, 변죽울리다 ; 인용하다 (to). I wasn't referring to mymost recent near-death experience, rot away[rɑt / rɔt] away 쇠약 [ 쇠퇴 ] 하다. I would be rotting away in the Forks cemetery. 472 haunted [hɔ ːntid, hɑ ːn 고뇌에시달린 He winced at my words,but the haunted look didn't leave his eyes. crumpled[krʌḿpl d [-d] a. ( 쇠뿔따위가 ) 비틀린 ; 구겨진. not seeing you there on the floor crumpled and broken.

473 474 475 choke [tʃouk] ) ( 감정 눈물을 ) 억누르다. 질식시키다, 을숨막히게하다. Twilight by Stephenie Meyer [56] His voice was choked. eternity[itə ːrnəti 영원, 무궁 ; 불사, 불멸 I will carry with me for the rest of eternity warily[wɛ -əri 경계하는, 주의깊은, 신중한 ( Why? He repeated warily.( 신중하게 ) infuriate[infju ərieìt 격노케하다 He was surprised, and infuriated. chisel[tʃízəl] 끌로깎다, 끌로파다 [ 새기다 ] His mouth looked as if it was chiseled from stone. swoop[swuːp] ( 구어 ) 잡아채다, 채어가다 one of them can't always be swooping in and saving the other one. rein [rein] 억제하다 ; 삼가다 : in one's temper 화를억누르다. His expression was smooth, the anger reined in. intently [inteńt ly ad. 열심히, 일사불란하게, 오로지. he stared intently at the edge of the pillowcase. rasp[ræsp, rɑːsp] 쉰 [ 귀에거슬리는 ] 목소리로말하다 My throat rasped and the words weren't as loud as I'd meant them to be. blanch [blæntʃ, ( 공포 추위로 ) 창백하게하다 I blanched. I couldn't help it. vein 정맥 the fire in my veins grimace[gríməs, 얼굴을찡그리다 Edward grimaced again as my words reminded him that I was more informed he had ever intended me to be. 복습 speculative 사색적인, 명상적인 his eyes grew speculative. resilient[rizíljənt, 되튀는 ; 탄력있는 (buoyant); 곧원기를회복하는 And Charlie's resilient, he's used to being on his own. 복습 spasm[spæź-əm 경련, 쥐 ; 발작, 충동 ignoring the spasm of pain it triggered 의방아쇠를당기다, 발사하다 ; 에폭발을일으키 trigger [trígəːr] 게하다 ; ( 일련의사건 반응등을 ) 일으키다, 유발하 475 일련의사건, 반응등을 ) 일으키다, 유발하다 compromise 타협, 화해, 양보. there was no compromise in his face. 476 crease [kriːs] 주름잡 ( 히 ) 다 ; His forehead creased. temples [teḿp-əl 관자놀이 ; 안경다리 ( 의한쪽 pressing his long fingers to his temples snort [snɔ ːrt ) 콧김을뿜다 ; 코방귀뀌다, 코를씨근거리다 ( 경멸 분개등으로 ) I snorted. He opened his eyes in surprise. 씩씩거리며말하다 ; 477 whir[hwəːr] ( 모터따위가 [ 를 ]) 윙돌다 [ 돌리다 ] it was quiet except for the whirring of the machines, 복습 impasse 막다름 ; 막다른골목 (blind alley); 난국, 곤경 (deadlock) Ii's called an impasse. crush ( 사춘기여자가남자에대해 ) 홀딱반함, 홀려제정신을잃음 ; 열중하는 [ 열을올리는 ] 대상 you'll get over it -it's just a crush. crook [kruk] 싫은, 지독한, 부정한, 기분나쁜. he smiled his crooked smile. 478 ( 검 곤봉 채찍등을 ) 휘두르다, 머리위로쳐들다 ; 야 brandish[bræńdiʃ 단스레나타내보이다. the nurse cme in, brandishing a syringe syringe[səríndʒ, 주사기 ; 세척기 ( 洗滌器 ); 관장기 ( brusquely[brʌ skəríː 무뚝뚝함, 매정함. she said brusquely to Edward trickly[tríkli] 똑똑떨어지는, 졸졸흐르는, 드문드문한 I could feel the drowsiness trickling through my bloodstream almost immediately. slur [sləːr] 불분명하게말을하다, 글씨를흘려쓰다. Stay, the word was slurred. 479 stupor[stju ːpəːr] 무감각, 인사불성, 마비 ; 혼수 ; 망연자실, 멍청함 I fought against the stupor weakly bet [bet] 에대하여내기하다 (on, upon). I am betting on Alice. epilogue : an occasion 481 wisp [wisp] n. 작은단, 작은다발. 작은물건, 가느다란것. being very careful of the wisps of silk and chiffon elaborate [ilæ bərit] a. 공들인, 정교한. the flowers he'd just pinned into my elaborately styled curls, and my bulky walking cast. grumpy [grʌḿpi] a 까다로운, 기분이언짢은, 심술궂은. "At what point exactly are you going to tell me what's going on?" I asked grumpily.

Twilight by Stephenie Meyer [57] 482 verify [veŕəfaì] vt 이진실임을증명 [ 입증, 실증, 확증 ] 하다. "I did mention that you looked very nice, didn't I?" I verified. 483 surreal [səríːəl] 초현실적인, 기상천외의. 초현실적인것 [ 분위기 ]. his beauty was absolutely surreal. secure [sikju əːr]a ad. 확실히, 확신하고, 단단히 ; ( 고어 ) 안심하고. as my other foot was still securely encased in plaster. stiletto [stile tou] n 스파이크힐 (= heèl) But the stiletto heel, held on only by satin ribbons, hobble [hɑ bəl] v 절뚝거리며걷다 certainly wasn't going to help me as I tried to hobble around. gripe [graip] v. 꽉 [ 움켜 ] 쥐다, 붙잡다 ; 괴롭히다. 초조하게하다. if Alice is going to treat me like Guinea Pig Barbie when I do," I griped. vicarious [vaikɛ əriəs, vi-] a. 대리의 ; 대리를하는. 대신하는. and asked me not to ruin her vicarious fun. compartmentalize [kəmpɑ ː rtmeńtəlaìz] vt. 구획 [ 부문 ] 으로나누다, 구분하다, 칸을막다. He had compartmentalized my bad experience into two defined reactions. worshipful [wə ːrʃipf-əl] a. 존경할만한, 훌륭한, 존귀한, 믿음이깊은, 경건한. Toward Carlisle he was almost worshipfully grateful. menace [meńəs] n. 협박, 위협, 공갈 ; ( 구어 ) 골칫거리. I knew it well enough to catch the soft edge of menace. inappropriate [inəproupriit] a 부적당한, 온당치않은. I looked again at the inappropriately dress Alice had forced me into. 484 induce [indju ːs] v. 꾀다, 권유하다, 야기하다, 일으키다, 유발하다, I could feel the rage-induced tears starting to fill my eyes. prom [prɑm / prɔm] n. 무도회, 댄스파티. "You're taking me to the prom!" I yelled. mortify [mɔ ːrtəfaì]v 억제하다, 극복하다, 분하게생각하게하다, I was mortified. First, because I'd missed the obvious. brewing [bru ːiŋ] n. 폭풍우의전조 ( 前兆 ). I'd guessed there was some kind of occasion brewing. 485 smudge [smʌdʒ] n. 오점, 얼룩, 더러움. I wiped quickly under my eyes to prevent any smudges. dispel [dispeĺ] 일소하다, 쫓아버리다 ; While I shook my head to dispel the direction my thoughts had taken, 486 delusional 망상 - How Tyler could be so delusional, I couldn't imagine. twinge 극통, 자통, 가시통증 feeling a secret twinge of smugness. forcibly [fɔ ːrsəbli] ad. 1 강제적으로. 2 강력히, 세차게, 힘차게. He couldn't remove me forcibly from the car as he might have if we'd been alone. 487 festoon [festu ːn] vt. 꽃줄로잇다, 꽃줄로꾸미다 (with). and twisted garlands of pastel crepe paper festooning the walls. 489 geometric, rical [ʤìː əme trik], [-əl] a. 기하학 ( 상 ) 의 ; 기하학적도형의. cutout [-áùt] n. 차단 ; 도려내기세공 ; 도려낸그림 ; 삭제부분. massacre [mæśəkəːr]vt. 대량학살하다, 몰살시키다 ; 압도하다. conspiratorial [kənspìrətɔ ː riəl] a. 음모의, 공모의. excruciating [ikskru ːʃieìtiŋ] a. 몹시고통스러운, 참기어려운 ; 몹시괴롭히는 ; 대단한, Alice was striking in a black satin dress with geometric cutouts that bared large triangles of her snowy white skin. "Do you want me to bolt the doors so you can massacre the unsuspecting townfolk?" I whispered conspiratorially. He was clearly uncomforable - excruciatingly so. scathing [skeíðiŋ] a. 냉혹한, 가차없는, 통렬한, 해치는. Edward's voice was scathing. "He wants to chat with you." amiable [eímiəbəl] a. 호감을주는 ; 붙임성있는 ; 상냥한, 온후한, 친절. "Thanks." Jacob said amiably. 490 confection [kənfeḱʃən] n. 과자, 캔디 ; 설탕절임의과일 ; 잼 ; nodding toward a group of girls lined up against the wall like pastel confections. 491 speculation[spe kjəleíʃ-ən]n. 사색, 숙고, 심사, 고찰. 결론, 의견. 추측, 억측. I saw a sophomore in a pink dress eyeing him with timid speculation, 493 terse [təːrs] a. 간결한, 생동감있는 ; 쌀쌀한. 파 ly ad. "Not really," he said tersely. 494 gauzy [gɔ ːzi] a. 사 ( 紗 ) 와같은 ; 얇고가벼운 [ 투명한 ]. visible through the gauzy clouds, and his face glowed pale in the white light. 496 trite [trait] a. 흔해빠진, 진부한, 케케묵은. But I didn't think it would be some trite human thing... 497 mercurial [məːrkju əriəl] a. Mercury 신의 ; 민활한, 잽싼 ; 쾌활한 ; 변덕스러운. But his mercurial mood shifted on me. probe [proub] v. 탐침으로찾다, 시험하다 ; 면밀히조사하다 ; He pursed his lips, and his eyes were probing. 498 tenacity [tənæśəti] n. 고집 ; 끈기 ; 완강, 불굴, 집요 ; 강한기억력 ; He frowned at my tenacity.

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