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한국성인에서초기황반변성질환과 연관된위험요인연구


스웨덴의집회시위관리정책 ( 특별경찰전술 ) 연구 A Study on the Policing Protest in Sweden : Focused on the Swedish National Special Police Tactics 황규진 * 김학경 ** 성주환 *** 권혜원 **** Ⅰ. 서론 Ⅱ. 스웨덴특별경찰전술 (SPT) 의이론 Ⅲ. 스웨덴특별경찰전술 (SPT) 의실제 Ⅳ. 스웨덴특별경찰전술 (SPT) 의교육 Ⅴ. 결론 Ⅰ. 서론

78 경찰학연구제 12 권제 1 호 ( 통권제 29 호 )

스웨덴의집회시위관리정책 ( 특별경찰전술 ) 연구 79 Ⅱ. 스웨덴특별경찰전술 (SPT) 의이론 1. 특별경찰전술 (SPT) 의태동

80 경찰학연구제 12 권제 1 호 ( 통권제 29 호 ) 2. 특별경찰전술 (SPT) 의이론 가. 진화된사회정체성이론 (Evolved Social Identity Theory: ESIM) 4)

스웨덴의집회시위관리정책 ( 특별경찰전술 ) 연구 81

82 경찰학연구제 12 권제 1 호 ( 통권제 29 호 )

스웨덴의집회시위관리정책 ( 특별경찰전술 ) 연구 83

84 경찰학연구제 12 권제 1 호 ( 통권제 29 호 ) 나. 진화된사회정체성모델 (ESIM) 의구체화

스웨덴의집회시위관리정책 ( 특별경찰전술 ) 연구 85

86 경찰학연구제 12 권제 1 호 ( 통권제 29 호 ) 3. 평가

스웨덴의집회시위관리정책 ( 특별경찰전술 ) 연구 87 Ⅲ. 스웨덴특별경찰전술 (SPT) 의실제 1. 스톡홀름 12.10 일집회참관

88 경찰학연구제 12 권제 1 호 ( 통권제 29 호 )

스웨덴의집회시위관리정책 ( 특별경찰전술 ) 연구 89

90 경찰학연구제 12 권제 1 호 ( 통권제 29 호 )

스웨덴의집회시위관리정책 ( 특별경찰전술 ) 연구 91 2. 대화경찰과정보기능의관계

92 경찰학연구제 12 권제 1 호 ( 통권제 29 호 ) 3. 평가

스웨덴의집회시위관리정책 ( 특별경찰전술 ) 연구 93

94 경찰학연구제 12 권제 1 호 ( 통권제 29 호 ) Ⅳ. 스웨덴특별경찰전술 (SPT) 의교육 1. 경찰교육원 (Police Academy)

스웨덴의집회시위관리정책 ( 특별경찰전술 ) 연구 95 2. Peer Review Research 와 GODIAC Project

96 경찰학연구제 12 권제 1 호 ( 통권제 29 호 ) < SPT 와 Godiac Project 의핵심개념 >

스웨덴의집회시위관리정책 ( 특별경찰전술 ) 연구 97 3. 평가

98 경찰학연구제 12 권제 1 호 ( 통권제 29 호 ) Ⅴ. 결 론

스웨덴의집회시위관리정책 ( 특별경찰전술 ) 연구 99

100 경찰학연구제 12 권제 1 호 ( 통권제 29 호 ) < 스웨덴국가경찰위원회면담자목록 >

스웨덴의집회시위관리정책 ( 특별경찰전술 ) 연구 101 참고문헌

102 경찰학연구제 12 권제 1 호 ( 통권제 29 호 ) A Study on the Policing Protest in Sweden : Focused on the Swedish National Special Police Tactics Hwang, Kyu Jin* Kim, Hak Kyong** Sung, Ju Hwan*** Kwon, Hae Won**** Since 2004, the Swedish National Police Board has developed management strategies for policing situations which are or might become violent and dangerous at major demonstrations and assemblies, through implementing Special Police Tactics. In particular, Dialogue Police Work is located in the center of the Special Police Tactics, which build on dialogue, de-escalation, and non-confrontation respectively. In order to provide practical recommendations for the Korean Police's protest policing, the study empirically tries to look into the real-workings of the Special Police Tactics in Sweden, by conducting participant observation and qualitative interviews. For this, the researchers paid a research visit to Stockholm, Sweden between 8 and 15 December, 2011. 13) The field research in Sweden found out that the modus operandi of the Special Police Tactics is geared towards working preventatively and interacting with supporters on the scene, adopting flexible public order policing strategies. When contacting members of the crowd, they are usually discreet and polite, but clear and firm, when necessary. In addition, it is also discovered that the Special Police Tactics are theoretically based on 'Evolved Social Identity Model', which argues that indiscriminative police use of force may change the disposition of otherwise peaceful crowd participants. This is the reason why the Swedish Police underline that increased understanding among police officers about the social identities and

스웨덴의집회시위관리정책 ( 특별경찰전술 ) 연구 103 goals of different groups can increase understanding about which police can be regarded as provocative, emphasizing the significance of two-way communication through dialogue. In partnership with other European police counter-partners, in August 2010, the Swedish National Police Board also started a three-year EU project, "GODIAC Project: Good practice for dialogue and communication as strategies principles for policing political manifestations in Europe" for further development and exchange of police practice and research. All of these protest policing policies and strategies in Sweden are evidence-based, actively involving commanders, rank-and file police officers, civil organizations, and members of the public. Although Swedish Special Police Tactics(SPT) is progressive and excellent model, we notice it is experimental yet. Moreover, it might not be appropriate for the Korean police which are suffering much more violent protests than Sweden. However, we accept SPT will be useful for the enhancement of Korean police and helpful to build trust between Korean police and citizen. Especially dialogue police is most important concept which is similar to the role of Korean intelligence police. Because the Korean intelligence police have developed the role of facilitating the social conflict resolution, the researchers believe the concept of dialogue police could apply to the role of Korean intelligence police. In addition, the characteristics of recent protests are vagueness of the sponsor or organizers and various groups which gathers and scatters abruptly. Especially Social Network Services such as twitter, facebook based on Smart phone, play an important role in the flash mob such as Occupy Wall Street protests. In Korea, the traditional policy of protest policing is the regulation of the sponsors or organizer of the protests. However, enhancement of SNS has caused the many trouble of traditional protest policing. Therefore, the researchers think Evolved Social Identity Model(ESIM) can be helpful to manage the recent aspects of protests.