Picture Book 1 Lesson Plan : Week 1 Day 1 Objectives Main Sentences Words 나누어쓰면좋은것에대해생각해본다. 가지고있는것말하는표현배우기교실에서볼수있는사물이름배우기 I have --. We have --. It's fun to share. crayons, paints, picture, cookies, milk, snack bucket, shovel, castle, share scissors, glue, blocks, doll, toys, rake Materials sharing 관련그림 / 사진자료 교실사물카드 (crayon, paint, colored pencil, scissors, glue, doll, book, blocks, toys) share puzzle 카드 3 세트 Contents 도 입 Greeting - 간단히자기소개를하고인사를나눈후기분을묻고답한다. T : Hello, everyone. Can you guess who I am? S : 영어선생님이요 T : Yes, I am your new English teacher. And my name is (Jenny). What's my name? S : (Jenny)! T : Could you say Hello, (Jenny)? S : Hello, (Jenny). T : I'm so happy to see you. How about you? How are you today? Daily Song 1 : Here I Am - 일상노래 1의노래가사를배우고불러본다. Where is Johnny? Where is Johnny? Here I am. Here I am. How are you today? Very well, thank you. Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you. * 일상노래가사중에 Johnny 부분에는아이들의이름을넣어서불러본다. 본 활 동 Before Reading Prior Knowledge - 그림자료 / 사진자료를보며 sharing 무엇인지, 왜해야하는지, 어떤것을 sharing할수있는지, sharing을하면무엇이좋은지, 하지않았을때는어떻게되는지에대해이야기나눈다.
T: How do they look? Are they happy or upset? S: Happy! T: Why should we share things with friends in kindergarten? S: ---. T: What else can we share with friends in kindergarten? S: ---. T: Is it okay to share ice-cream with friends? Why or why not? What is not good to share? What about germs? What should we do to not share germs with friends? Cover your mouth with your hands when you cough or sneeze. Keep your hands clean.... * sharing 해도되는것과 sharing 해서는안되는것이어떤것이있는지이야기해보아도좋다. Word Preview : crayons, paints, picture, cookies, milk, snack, bucket, shovel, castle - 단어카드를하나씩보여주며학습할단어를소개한다. T: I have some picture cards to show you. ( 크레용그림카드를보여주며 ) What is it? S: ( 크레파스요 ) T: Yes. Crayons. Crayons. Crayons. I have crayons. (crayons 대답을따라서말할수있도록반복해서말한다.) S: Crayons. T: What can you do with crayons? S: (answers) T: I can draw a picture with crayons. ( 실제크레용으로종이에무지개그림을그리며 ) ( 물감그림을보여주며 ) What do I have? S: ( 물감이요.) T: Paints, paints, I have paints. ( 그림그리는흉내내기 ) What can you do with paints? Yes, you can color a picture with paints. ( 다른단어들도같은방법으로소개한다.) Presentation Cover Talk & Picture Walking : Think Aloud - 표지를보며이야기나눈다. ( 동화책을꺼내며 ) I have a book. ( 내용을보여주지않고혼자만재밌게읽는흉내내며 ) It is fun. Do you want to read the book? Okay. Look at the cover. What do you see on the cover? I see a boy and a girl. Are they friends? Where are they? They are on the bed. What are they doing? Yes, they are reading a book together.
How do they look? Do they look happy? Why do you think so? Have you ever read a book with a friend? Do you like to read books with your brothers or sisters? Have you ever read a book with your brothers or sisters? How was it? Was it fun? Let's read the title 'It's fun to share'. What does it mean? Can you guess what it means? - 그림책내지를보며이야기를나눈다. What does the boy have? The boy has a box of crayons. What does the girl have? The girl has a box of paints. What are they doing? They are drawing a picture. What did they draw? The boy and the girl share their crayons and paints and they make a beautiful rainbow picture together. I think it is lovely, isn't it? What does the girl on the left have? She has a tray of cookies. What does the boy on the right have? He has a jug of milk. Do you think they will share what they have? Why or why not? Read Aloud / Think Aloud (Focus on Picture Reading) - 책을보여주며소리내어읽어준다. - 각자가진물건이나오는페이지에서는그림을꼭가리킨다. - 각자가진것을소개하고나서는다음페이지에서무엇을만들지물어보고추측또는기억하면서읽는다. * After Reading - 스토리이해여부에관련된질문을한다. Did you like the story? Why or why not? What did the boy and the girl, who have crayons and paint, make together? Yes, they drew a wonderful picture by sharing their crayons and paints. What did the boy and the girl in the sandpit make? Do you remember what they made a sand castle with? Yes, they made a sand castle with a bucket and a shovel. What else did they share? Song : It s Fun to Share - Picture Book 을보며스토리노래부르기 Practice & Production Game Activity 2 [ Who has it? ] 학습목표 : I have --. 문장과이야기에나왔던단어이름기억하기준비물 : 교실사물 2 장씩 (crayon, paint, colored pencil, scissors, glue, doll, book, blocks, toys) 학습방법 : 1) 단어이름을소개한후단어카드중 4~5 개를아이들에게나누어주며누가가지고있는지잘기억하게한다. 2) 교사가 1 장씩을꺼내어보여주며누가가지고있는지물어보면가지고있는사람의이름을말한다. T: I will give a card to everyone. Remember who has what. I will give you a 'crayon' card. Here is a 'paint' card. Do not show the card to anyone. Do you remember who has what? ( 물감카드를보여주며 ) Who has paint? S: ( 민수요!) T: 민수, do you have paint? Good. 민수 has paint. / Sorry, 민수 doesn't have paint. Try again.
Game Activity 1 [ Jigsaw Puzzle ] 학습목표 : 퍼즐을맞추며 I have --. We have --. It's fun to share. 문장을말해본다. 준비물 : 아래에는필요한물건이 2 개씩있고위에는해당물건으로만들수있는그림이있고 2 조각으로나누어지는 Jigsaw Puzzle 3 세트활동방법 T: ( 주머니에퍼즐조각들을넣어두고 ) I have some picture cards. Look at this card carefully. ( 크레용퍼즐조각을꺼내어보여주며 ) What do I have? T: Yes, crayons. Crayons, crayons. I have crayons. What do I have? Yes, I have crayons. ( 아이들도같이한번따라하게한다 ) I want to draw a (rainbow). I need some more. What do I need? S: (answers- 물감이요 ) T: I need paints. I need your help. Please find me a picture of paints. Who can help me? S: ( 아이가나와서주머니에서물감조각을찾아꺼내게한다 ) T: I have crayons. What do you have? ( 아이가대답을따라할수있도록 ) Paints, paints. I have paints S: Paints, paints. I have paints. T: Now, we can draw a picture ( 교사가먼저크레용조각을붙이면아이가나머지물감조각을붙여서무지개그림을완성한다.) T: ( 아이와손잡고 ) We have a picture. It's fun to share. 나머지퍼즐도같은방식으로진행한다. 변형활동 ) 이야기순서대로진행하여이야기흐름을기억하게할수있다. 6 명에게 6 조각을나누어준후짝을찾아서두명씩이야기순서대로줄을서게한다. 줄을선후각자가지고있는것과함께만들수있는것을 I have --. 문장과 We have --. 문장으로말해본다. 같은방법으로여러번활동을진행한다. 마 무 리 Review & Song - 스토리송을율동과함께부르기 - 타이틀송을부르고끝인사를한다. Round up
Picture Book 1 Lesson Plan : Week 1 Day 2 Objectives Main Sentences Words 나누어쓰면좋은것에대해생각해본다. 가지고있는것말하는표현배우기교실에서볼수있는사물이름배우기 I have --. We have --. It's fun to share. crayons, paints, picture, cookies, milk, snack, bucket, shovel, castle, share scissors, glue, blocks, doll, toys, rake Materials 단어카드 - 크레용, 물감, 쿠키, 우유, 과자, 양동이, 삽, 성, share, picture 그림자료 crayons, paints, picture, cookies, milk, snack, bucket, shovel, castle, share 뿅망치, 목걸이 6 개 Contents 도 입 Greeting - 인사하고날씨나일상대화나누기 It's good to see you again. Do you remember my name? How are you today? I'm so happy. Is it sunny outside? Let's start with the song about the weather. Daily Song 1 : Here I Am - 일상노래 1의노래가사를배우고불러본다. 노래가사중에 Johnny 부분에는아이들의이름을넣어서불러본다. Before Reading Word Review - 책을보여주고그림을보며아이들이가지고있는것과만들것을말하면서단어이름과문장을기억해본다. What is the title? Do you remember? The title is 'It's fun to share.' What does he have? What does she have? What did they make? Presentation 본 활 동 Shared Reading (Focus on Picture Reading) - 앞서학습했던단어를아이들이함께말하도록유도하며동화책소리내어같이읽기 * Song : It s Fun to Share - 율동과함께그림책노래를부른다. Practice & Production Game Activity 1 [ Slap Game ] 학습목표 : 가지고있는물건의이름을말할수있다. 준비물 : 뿅망치, 단어카드 (crayons, paint, shovel, bucket, castle, cookies, milk, etc..) 학습방법 1. 단어를말하며단어카드를하나씩칠판에붙인다. 2. 교사가불러주는단어를듣고해당하는단어카드를뿅망치로친다. T: Listen to what I say and then hit the card that I say with the toy hammer. I have...a shovel.
S: Shovel ( 단어를말하며카드뿅망치로치기 ) T: ( 단어를두개로늘린다 ) I have a bucket and I have a picture. S: A bucket and a picture T: ( 단어개수를늘리고단어를말하는속도를빨리하며 ) I have...a castle, crayons, snack and cookies. S: A castle, snack and cookies Game Activity 2 [ Who has crayons? ] 학습목표 : 가지고있는물건의이름을말할수있다. 준비물 : 부직포목걸이 6 개, 단어카드 (crayons, paints, bucket, cookies, shovel, castle, etc.) 학습방법 1) 카드를붙일수있는부직포목걸이를준비한다. 2) 각각의목걸이에크레용, 물감, 쿠키, 우유, 삽, 양동이그림을붙인다. 3) 아이들에게목걸이를나누어주고그림이보이지않도록걸게한다. 4) 교사는술래가되어누가무엇을가졌는지알아맞힌다. 5) 일부러틀려서아이들이 I have OOO" 을말할기회를많이준다. T: I think... (Jenny) has crayons. Jenny: No! I have paints. T: Then... (Minho) has crayons. Minho: No! I have a bucket. T: Who has crayons? I can't find the person who has crayons. S: I have crayons. 변형 1) 교사가 Who has crayons? (cookies) 하고물으면크레용그림을가진친구가일어서서 I have crayons. (cookies) 대답한다. 변형 2) 그림카드를아이들엉덩이밑에숨겨서찾기놀이를해도좋아한다. 마 무 리 Round up Review & Song - 스토리송을율동과함께부르기 - 타이틀송을부르고끝인사를한다. Did you have fun today? Sing a good-bye song.
3~4회차수업추가활동 Extra Activity 1 [ Magic Plate ] 활동목표 : 가지고있는물건의이름을말할수있다. 준비물 : ( 종이또는가벼운소재의 ) 접시 3개, 여러가지사물그림활동방법 1) 접시세개에카드를붙이고각각어떤그림이있는기억하게한다. 2) 교사가마술사처럼접시세개를마구섞는다. 3) 사물이름을말하면유아가나와서해당그림이있는접시를골라서뒤집어본다. 4) 틀리게고르면한번더고를수있는기회를준다. 5) 몇번진행후에는유아가직접나와서접시를섞어보게할수있다. I will put the pictures on the plates. Each plate has its own picture. Try to remember what plate has what picture. Now I will shuffle the plates. Look at the plates carefully. What plate has a ' shovel' card? Please come up and turn over the plate. 변형 ) 접시를유아 3명에게나누어준후유아 3명이카드가섞듯자리를여러번바꾼후누가어떤카드를가졌는지물어보는활동을할수있다. This time I will give three cards to three of you. Each of you will have one plate with a card on it. Show us the card that you have and say 'I have --.' Now keep switching places quickly. Who has a 'doll' card? Extra Activity 2 [ Make a Castle with Blocks ] 활동목표 : 교실에서볼수있는사물의이름말하기준비물 : 블럭여러개, 단어카드 ( 교실에서볼수있는물건의단어카드여러개 ) 활동방법 1) 두팀으로나눈다음단어카드를제시하여먼저맞춘팀에게블록을여러개준다. 2) 블록을받을때마다 We have blocks." 말하게한다. 3) 블록이어느정도쌓이면두팀의블록양을비교하여적은팀에게 It's fun to share." 하며나누어줄수있도록유도한다. 4) Let's make a castle. 을외치고일정시간내에성을완성하게한다. 5) 완성후에는다같이 We have a castle. Hurray!" 를외친다. I have blocks. What can we make? We can make a castle. Let's make a castle together. Let's find out which team can make a castle the fastest.
Phonics Readers Book 1 Lesson Plan : Week 2 Day 1 Objectives Aa, Bb, Cc 의대, 소문자를인지하고관련단어를배운다. 대표단어의첫소리를인식하여말할수있다. Main Sentences This is an ant. Words ant, apple, bear, ball, cat, candy Materials 알파벳 Aa, Bb, Cc 카드, 컵 3~6 개 알파벳그림카드 - ant, apple, bear, ball, cat, candy 장난감상자, picture book 의소품들 Contents 도 입 Greeting Good morning, everyone! How are you all today? I feel great because the weather is perfect. What about singing the "Weather song"? Are you ready? Here we go! Daily Song 1 : Here I Am - 일상노래 1 의노래를부른다. 노래가사중에 Johnny 부분에는아이들의이름을넣어서불러본다. Review Word Review 1) 교사가가지고있는단어를살짝보여주고무엇을가지고있는지물어보고답하며단어를복습한다. I will give you a peek at my card. Try to figure out what I have. ( 카드를재빨리보여주고다시감춘후 ) What do I have? I will show you one more time. 본 활 동 2) 노래에맞추어단어보이기활동을할수있다. - 그림책노래에맞춰해당물건을가진친구가빨리일어나고앉는진행형태로신나게부르기작은상자에크레용, 물감, 쿠키그림, 빈우유팩, 장난감삽, 양동이를넣어둔다. ( 단어카드를넣어도됨 ) - 동화의순서에맞추어하나씩꺼내며노래를한소절씩부른다. - 실물 ( 장난감이나단어카드 ) 를아이들에게나누어주고노래에맞춰해당하는물건을가진친구가자리에서일어났다가다음가사가진행되기전재빨리앉게한다. T: Look at the box. What's inside the box? Can you guess what I have? S: Crayons T: Crayons, crayons. I have crayons. Do you want to get a crayon? Here you are. ( 아이에게주며 ) Paints, paints, I have paints. ( 상자에서꺼내어아이에게주며 ) Here you are. ( 같은방식으로아이들에게모두나누어준후 ) Who has a crayon? Stand up, please. S: I have crayons. T: Who has a cookie? Please stand up. S: I have cookies. T: Let's sing the story song together.
Picture Book - Oral Reading (Focus on Picture Reading & Chunking) 1) 그림책을소리내어읽는다. 그림과문장의매칭, 문장의의미이해에초점을두고읽는다. 2) 율동과함께 It's Fun to Share 스토리노래를부른다. Before Reading Words Preview (Picture Names & Sound Learning) - 알파벳을보드에붙이고 Aa부터 Zz 또는 Zz부터 Aa순으로노래를불러보며알파벳인지정도를확인한다. Let's sing the alphabet song! Too easy? Okay. I have an idea. Let's sing the alphabet song from z to a. Can you sing the song? Let's sing together. Z Y X W...A Good job! - 각알파벳의대표단어 2 개씩을그림으로보여주고이름을익힌다. 단어를제시한글자를함께제시하여도좋으나사전인지단계에서는글자를강조할필요없다. 그림의이름을아는데초점을둔다. * 카드를만들때앞에는그림만 뒤에는그림과글자가같이있도록하면 다양도로사용하기좋다. Presentation Picture Walking Think Aloud - 표지그림을보며이야기를나눈다. What is this? This is an ant. What color is the ant? What is the ant doing? Is the ant big or small? How many legs does the ant have? - 각페이지의그림에대해이야기나눈다. 글자가아니가그림에초점을맞추어이야기를한다. What is this? This is a big bear. What is the bear doing? The bear is walking. Where is he going? What do you see? I see an ant and an apple. Where is the ant? The ant is on the apple. What is the ant doing? The ant is eating an apple. Letter and Sound Knowledge - 각단어의그림 - 글자 - initial letter 순으로제시하며 beginning sound 를알려주다. 1) 그림제시 ( 고양이그림을보여주며 ) What is it? Yes, it's a cat. 2) 글자제시 (ant 글자를보여주며 ) /c/ /c/ cat. 3) letter 제시 (A글자와 a 글자카드를보여주며 ) Cat starts with the letter Cc and has the letter Aa in the middle. /a/ /a/ Aa. This is big A and this is small a. The letter Aa makes an /a/ sound * 나머지단어 5개도같은방법으로진행한다.
Read Aloud - (Focus on Sounds and Pictures) - 교재를보여주며책을소리내러읽어준다. 책을읽을때는첫소리를계속노출하면서읽는다. This is an ant. /a/ /a/ ant. This is a bear. /b/ /b/ bear. Let s Chant - 파닉스북을보면서문장챈트를따라서부른다. Practice & Production Extra Activity 1 [ Letter Cups ] 활동목표 : 단어이름과알파벳을연결할줄안다. 준비물 : 종이컵 3개, 알파벳그림카드 6~12개활동방법 1) 종이컵 3개에각각 Aa, Bb, Cc를붙인다. 2) 카드를이름을첫소리를강조하며같이말한다. 3) 유아가카드를골라서이름을같이말하고해당알파벳컵에그림을넣도록한다. What is it? Apple. /a/ /a/ apple. What is the beginning sound of apple? That's right. /a/ is the beginning sound of apple. What letter makes /a/ sound? Good. Aa makes /a/ sound. Put the card in the cup. Game Activity 2 [ Find and Say ] 학습목표 : 단어의첫소리를인식하여말할수있다. 준비물 : 단어카드 (ant, apple, bear, ball, cat, candy) 활동방법 1) word chant와단어카드로단어읽기연습을한다. 2) 카드 6장을뒤집어놓고두장을골라첫소리가같은카드를고르면포인트를준다거나하이파이브, 안아주기등의칭찬, 다르면간지럼벌칙을하거나장난스럽게하이파이브하는손을피하기. T: I'll put the cards face down on the table. Choose two cards that begin with the same sound. I will pick two cards first. What are they? /a/ /a/ ant, /b/ /b/ bear. Do they have the same beginning sound? Oh, no. ( 교사가먼저일부러틀린답을골라아이들이틀린답을고를것에대한부담감을덜어주고자기들이잘할수도있다는자신감부여 ) I'll pick another card. /b/ /b/ bear, /b/ /b/ ball. They have the same beginning sound. Hurray. Not, it's your turn to play the game. OR Now, it's your turn to play. 변형 ) 단어 6개를보드에붙이고교사가단어 1개를떼어낸후같은소리로시작하는단어를찾도록한다. What is it? It's an ant. What sound does ant start with? /a/ /a/ ant. Which word begins with the /a/ sound? Round up 마 무 리 Review & Song - 단어카드를이용해그림을보여주면서단어챈트를불러본다. * 율동을하면서단어챈트를한번더불러도좋다. - 타이틀송을부르고끝인사를한다. Good bye. See you next time. See you on (Wednesday).
Phonics Readers Book 1 Lesson Plan : Week 2 Day 2 Objectives Aa, Bb, Cc 의대, 소문자를인지하고관련단어를배운다. 대표단어의첫소리를인식하여말할수있다. Main Sentences This is an ant. Words ant, apple, bear, ball, cat, candy Materials 그림 & 글자카드 - ant, apple, bear, ball, cat, candy 파닉스북문장카드 6 개, 파닉스북내지그림 6 장 문 3 개있는교구, 목걸이 6 개 Contents Greeting - 인사하기 도 입 Daily Song 1 : Here I am 1. 일상노래 1의노래를부른다. 2. 파닉스단어를넣어서노래를불러도좋다. ( 지난시간배운파닉스카드로 ) Where is Cat? Where is Cat? (cat 단어카드를꺼내며 ) Here I am, here I am. How are you today? Very well, thank you. Nice to meet you, nice to meet you. * bear, cat 카드까지한후아이들이름넣어서부르기 Review Picture Book - Oral Reading (Focus on Picture Reading and Chunking) 1) 그림책을보며책을빠르게읽는다. 2) 율동을하며노래를불러도좋다. Word Review 1) 그림이름말하기 -> 글자읽기 -> 첫글자읽기순으로복습한다. 2) 단어챈트부르기 본 활 동 Presentation Echo Chant - 파닉스북을보면서에코문장챈트를따라서부른다. Shared Reading (Focus on Letters) - 글자에가리키면서교사가먼저읽고주요단어는아이들이말하도록유도하면서읽는다. Practice & Production Game Activity 1 [ Sentence Practice ] 활동목표 : 문장을듣고해당그림을고를수있다. 준비물 : 파닉스북내지그림 6개, 문장카드 ( 주요단어는붉은색으로되어있다.) 6장활동방법 1) 파닉스북내지그림 6개를보드에붙이면서문장을같이말한다.
2) 문장카드를보여주고같이읽어본다. 읽을때는공통되는패턴문장은교사와같이읽고주요단어는곧장말하지말고유아들이읽을수있도록유도하면서읽는다. 3) 문장에해당하는그림을고르도록한다. 4) 문장카드읽기가어려울경우교사가문장카드를보여주며읽으면해당하는그림을찾는활동을할수있다. Let's read the sentence together. 'This is an ant.' Which picture matches the sentence? Take out the matching picture and put it next to the sentence. Game Activity 2 [ Open the Door ] 활동목표 : 단어의첫소리를인식하며단어를말할수있다. 준비물 : 문이세개있는문교구, 단어 6개그림을붙일수있는목걸이활동방법 1) 문이세개있는문교구에 apple, ball, candy 밑그림을숨긴다. 2) ant를붙인목걸이 ( 또는 head band) 를가진친구가나와 apple을찾게한다. 3) 세명씩 (apple, bear, car) (ant, ball, candy) 어느정도의간격을두고두줄로세운후서로의짝찾아가서손잡기 I will put the three cards behind the door. Remember where I put those cards. I will give you a necklace which has a card on it. Can you read the card? Ant, /a/ /a/ ant. Can you find the matching card that has the same beginning sound? Where is it? Find the door and open it. What is it? /a/ /a/ apple. Good job. Now let's try again. Who wants to play? * 단어챈트를부르다가챈트가끝나면서로짝을찾는놀이를할수있다. 마 무 리 Round up Review & Song - 파닉스북보면서파닉스에코챈트부르기또는단어챈트부르기 - 타이틀송을부르고끝인사를한다.
3~4회차수업추가활동 Extra Activity 1 [ Big Letters and Small Letters ] 활동목표 : 알파벳 Aa, Bb, Cc의대문자, 소문자를인지할수있다. 준비물 : 종이컵 6개, 알파벳글자카드 6장활동방법 1) 종이컵 6개에각각대문자 A, B, C, 소문자 a, b, c 를붙인다. ( 적어도됨 ) 2) 종이컵한개를고르게한후종이컵의알파벳짝꿍을찾아종이컵포개기 Extra Activity 2 [ Where Is Pom-pom? ] 활동목표 : 알파벳 Aa, Bb, Cc의대문자, 소문자를인지하여말할수있다. 준비물 : 종이컵 6개, 뿅뿅이여러개, 알파벳글자카드 6장활동방법 1) 종이컵을한줄로세워놓은후적당히큰뿅뿅이를던져종이컵에넣는다. 2) 뿅뿅이가들어간종이컵의알파벳이름과소리를말하게한다. Extra Activity 3 [ Clapping Game ] 활동목표 : Sight words를익힐수있다. 준비물 : This, is, a, an 단어카드활동방법 1) Sight word 중한단어를지정하여지정단어를말할때마다손뼉을치게한다. 2) 단어를바꾸어같은방식으로진행하고손뼉대신발을구르게한다거나동작을바꾸어다시진행한다. Listen to the sentences carefully. Clap your hands when I say the word 'this'. Let's practice This(*) is a bear. This (*) is a cat... Game Activity 4 [ Guessing Box ] 학습목표 : 알파벳 Aa, Bb, Cc의대, 소문자를인지하고관련단어를배운다. 준비물 : ( 손넣을수있는정도크기 ) 상자, Aa, Bb, Cc글자카드, 단어카드 (ant, apple, bear, ball, cat, candy) 활동방법 1) 손을집어넣을수있는상자 ( 또는주머니 ) 를준비한다. 2) A, B, C 의단어카드여섯장을하나씩읽으며상자에넣는다. 3) 카드한장을뽑아단어의첫글자만알려주고단어를알아맞히게한다. T: Here is a box. There are A, B and C word cards. Name the card aloud whenever I show it to you. ( 카드를한장씩보여주고읽게한후상자에넣는다.) I will show you how to play the game. ( 카드를한장뽑아아이들은볼수없게가린후 ) I will tell you the beginning letter only. The beginning letter is B. Guess what the word is. S: Bear? T: No. S: Ball? T: Yes! This is a ball. T: Now, I will show you the card. You should say the beginning letter. ( 고양이카드를보여주며 ) What is the beginning letter? S: C T: What sound does is make? S: /c/ T: How about crayons? (Picture book 에나온단어 castle, bucket 도같이해보기 ) S: C ( 같은방식으로몇번더보여준후아이가나와서카드를뽑고첫글자를말하면나머지아이들이단어를알아맞히게한다. 반대로교사가그림을보여주면단어의첫글자를아이들이말하게할수도있다 )
Nonfiction Book 1 Lesson Plan : Week 3 Day 1 Objectives 원생활과수업시간중기본적으로지켜야할매너를배운다. 지시문들을이해하고행동으로옮길수있다. Main Sentences Say good morning. Listen carefully. Tidy up your toys. Line up. Raise your hand. Put your books away. Materials 날씨카드 (sunny, rainy, snowy, windy, cloudy 도준비 ) 규칙관련된그림및사진자료 파닉스북의 ant, bear, cat 그림, 스쿨버스, 또는역할극진행할손인형 2 개 Contents Greeting - 인사하기 도 입 Daily Song 2 : How s the Weather Today? - 일상노래 2를배워서부른다. How s the weather, today? How s the weather, today? Bright shines from the sky. It is sunny today. raindrops / rain / rainy snowflakes / snow / snowy * 날씨관련단어카드를보여주고이름을말해본다. 오늘의날씨를묻고답해본다. Review Picture Book Review - Oral Reading (Focus on Text & Fluency) 1) 그림책보며빠르게읽기 2) 그림책의스토리노래율동과함께부르기 Phonics Readers Review - Oral Reading (Focus on Sound) 1) 파닉스북빠르게읽기 2) 단어챈트율동과함께부르기 본 활 동 Before Reading Prior Knowledge 1) 공동생활에서지켜야될규칙에대해이야기나눈다. What should you do at school to show that you have good manners and are well behaved? What rules do we have to follow at school? 2) 규칙을지키거나규칙을지키지않는그림자료 / 사진자료를보면서어떤느낌이드는지이야기를나누면서 규칙을지키지않으면어떻게되는지규칙을지키면어떤점이좋은지이야기를나눈다. What do you see? What are they doing? Are they getting along with each other? It looks as if they are fighting over toys. Do you like to share things with friends? Do you tidy up the toys after you play?
What is the girl doing? She is helping a friend who has a hard time moving by himself. Do you help your friends a lot? What kinds of good manners should we have when we are playing a game or playing in the playground? Yes, take turns. Follow the rules. Don't push or tease your friends. Why do we have to follow the rules? What will happen if we do not follow the rules? * Dog and Cat at School 책을보면서 규칙에관하여이야기나누기를할수있다. Word Preview 1) 교재에나오는문장을언제하는것인지상황을짧게설명을하며동작이나표정으로소개하기 When we meet friends or someone that you know in the morning, what do we do? ( 손을흔들고 ) Say good morning! When we are waiting for the bus, what do you we do? ( 한손을앞으로내밀고 ) Line up. When the teacher is talking, what do we do? ( 한손을귀에대고 ) Listen carefully. 2) 인형이나그림자료를이용해상황극이나역할극을보여주면서소개할수도있다. * Say good morning 인사시키기 - ant, bear, cat 에게 good morning 인사 T : What do you say in the morning when you meet your friends or teacher? We say " 안녕하세요., " 안녕, 친구야 But they say " Good morning". Let's say good morning to the others ( 파닉스북의개미, 곰, 고양이그림을보여주며 ) Oh, here comes a cat. Why don't you say " Good morning, cat"? S: Good morning, cat ( 같은방식으로곰과개미에게도 Good morning 인사하게한다 ) * Line up ant, bear, cat이질서를지키지않고스쿨버스로마구달려가는상황을연출하여자연스럽게 Line up 배우기 T: ( 다른동물들에게도차례로인사한후 ) The school bus is coming. Get on the bus. (ant, bear, cat이서로먼저타려고달려감 ) Oh, no. Do not run. Do not cut in line. Line up, please. ( 버스그림자료앞에줄을세워서차례차례버스에붙임 ) * Put the books away / Tidy up your toys 유치원에도착하여책읽은후아무곳에나두기, 장난감어지럽히기 T: Here we are. (ant, bear, cat을스쿨버스에서떼어내며유치원도착흉내 ) Cat - I want to read a book. Ant - I want to read the book, too. They want to read the same book. Do you have any good ideas? (share 대답유도 ) S: Share the book. Sharing is fun. ( 교사가원의실제책을한권골라읽는고양이랑개미와같이읽는흉내내다가바닥에아무렇게나두기 ) Bear - I want to play with a ball. Ant, Cat - I want to play with the ball, too. (share 유도 ) S: Share! Sharing is fun Ant, Bear, Cat - Let's share the ball. Sharing is fun. Let's play together.
( 교실의공, 장난감을가지고노는흉내내고바닥에아무렇게나둔다음아이들에게어떻게하면좋을지물어보기 ) T: What a mess! What do they have to do? S: 정리해야해요 T: Put the books away. ( 책정리하는모습을직접보여줌 ) Tidy up your toys. ( 장난감정리하는모습을직접시범보여줌 ) * Listen carefully. / Raise your hand. 도비슷한방법으로진행하되짧게진행하여배울표현을간략하게소개만한다. 너무길게진행하지않도록주의한다. Presentation Cover Talk & Picture Walking - Think Aloud - 표지에대해이야기를나눈다. Who do you see? I see a boy. What is the boy doing? The boy is tidying up the toys. What is this place? It's a kindergarten. - 논픽션북교재사진을보면서사진에대해자세히이야기를나눈다. There is a boy and a teacher. What are they doing? They are greeting each other. What do you think they are saying? What are the children doing? They are waiting to get on the bus. Are they waiting in line? Do you wait in line when you get on the bus? What if we do not wait in line? Have you ever cut in line? How do you feel if someone cuts in line? What are the girls doing? They are raising their hands. When do we raise our hands in class? Yes, when we have a question and want to say something. * 마지막페이지에있는여러가지다른상황에대해이야기를나눈다. Read Aloud - 책을보여주며소리내어읽어준다. Echo Chant - 책을보며문장챈트를따라서부른다. Song - What Do We Do At School? - 교재를보여주면서노래를들려준다. - 동작과함께노래를불러본다. Practice & Production Game Activity 1 [ Listen and Act ] - 상황그림카드를보여주면서해당문장을말하고동작으로표현하기 Say good morning - ( 옆친구, 교사에 good morning 인사하기 ) Line up - ( 두손을앞으로뻗어서줄서는모습 ) * 다치지않도록유의하면서실제로줄서기를할수있다. Listen carefully - ( 귀에손을모으고집중하여듣는동작 ) Raise your hand - ( 손들기 ) Put the books away./ Tidy up the toys. ( 두손으로집어넣는동작 )
Let's make the motions that match with sentences. Listen to what I say and do the action that we made. I will say the sentences then you do the action. 변형 1) 팀을나누어서교사가문장을말하면서팀별로동시에해당동작을하게한다. 느리게했다고빨리했다가를반복하면서말하면동작하기놀이를할수있다. 변형 2) 동작을미리정해놓고교사가동작을보여주면해당문장을말하게한다. 팀을나누어서할수있다. 마 무 리 Round up Review & Song - 율동과함께논픽션노래다시부르기 - 일상노래 3 See you again 부르고끝인사를한다.
Nonfiction Book 1 Lesson Plan : Week 3 Day 2 Objectives 원생활과수업시간중기본적으로지켜야할매너를배운다. 지시문들을이해하고행동으로옮길수있다. Main Sentences Say good morning. Listen carefully. Tidy up your toys. Line up. Raise your hand. Put your books away. Materials 날씨카드, 논픽션북내지그림또는비슷한사진여러개 접이식빨래바구니 2 개, 비교적가볍고부드러운장난감 Contents 도 입 Greeting - 인사하기 Daily Song 2 : How s The Weather Today? - 일상노래 2 부른후날씨를묻고답한다. Review Picture Book - Oral Reading (Focus on Text & Fluency) - 그림책을보며빠르게읽는다. - 스토리송은율동을함께하며불러본다. Picture Readers - Oral Reading (Focus on Letters) - 파닉스북을보며빠르게읽는다. - 파닉스문장챈트를함께불러본다. Nonfiction Book - 논픽션송을율동을함께불러본다. Presentation 본 활 동 Shared Reading - Picture Reading - 사진을통해추측가능하거나아는문장을말하도록유도하면서책을읽는다. Echo Chant - 책을보며문장챈트를따라서말한다. Practice & Production Game Activity 1 [Who Is Doing The Same Action?] 학습목표 : 교재의문장을말하고동작으로표현해본다. 준비물 : 논픽션북내지그림또는비슷한사진 ( 유아인원수대로, 같은그림 / 사진을여러장준비 ) 활동방법 1) 그림또는사진을보면서유아들과함께문장을말하면서동작을정한다. 2) 유아들에게그림 / 사진을나누어주고옆사람에게보여주어서는안된다고이야기한다. 3) 논픽션노래를부른후또는교사의신호후에각자가지고있는카드에있는문장을말하고동작을한다. 4) 돌아다니면서같은동작을하고있는친구끼리팔짱을낀다. 5) 같은동작을하는친구들을만난팀은제자리에빨리앉는다.
* 같은문장을가지팀의아이들이 4명정도되도록구성하면재미있다. I will give you all a card. Do not show the card to your friends. Let's sing a song. When you finish singing, say the sentence with the motion. While you say the sentence and do the motion, find friends who are doing the same motion. If you find all the friends, sit on the carpet. Game Activity [ Put Your Things Away ] 학습목표 : 영어지시문들을이해하고행동으로옮길수있다. 준비물 : 접이식빨래바구니 2개, 비교적부드러운인형여러개활동방법 1) 접이식빨래바구니 2개를적절한장소에놓는다. 2) 교실바닥에봉제인형이나장난감공등던져도비교적덜위험한장난감들을어지럽게늘어놓는다. 3) 장난감을바구니에던져넣기게임을한다. 4) 게임의설명이나진행과정을논픽션북의문장위주로사용한다. T: We are going to play a game. I will tell you how to play the game. Listen carefully. S: Listen carefully. T: Let's make two teams. First, three players from each team come to the front. Then line up. ( 게임할몇명의아이들을나오게하여줄을세운다 ) S: Line up. T: Throw the toys into the basket. Tidy up your toys. S: Tidy up the toys. ( 바구니에장난감을던져넣기 ) 논픽션북 Sticker 활동 - 논픽션북마지막페이지에워크북에있는나오는 Good manners sticker를붙이는활동을한다. - 교사는그림카드를보여준다. - 유아들은그림에해당하는단어를말해보고 sticker를붙인다. - sticker를모두붙이고단어를모두말해본다. 마 무 리 Round up Review & Song - 논픽션송을율동과함께부르기 - 일상노래 3 See you again 배워서부르고끝인사를한다. Have a nice day!
3~4 회차수업추가활동 Extra Activity 1 [ Motion Relay Game ] 학습목표 : 영어지시문들을이해하고상황에맞는문장으로이야기할수있다. 준비물 : nonfiction book 문장그림또는사진활동방법 1) 팀을나누고팀별로몇몇씩앞으로나오게한다. 2) 맨앞의유아에게카드를보여주면카드를본유아는해당그림 / 사진을동작으로표현한다. 3) 다음유아는해당동작을기억해서그대로다음유아에게전달한다. 4) 맨뒤의유아는전달된동작을보고어떤그림 / 사진인지문장으로말한다. I will divide you into two groups. I need four volunteers to play this game. Who wants to play the game? Come up to the front and line up, please. I will show a card to the person who is first in line. The first person will act out what they see in the picture to the next person. Then that person will act out what they have just seen to the person who is next in line and so on until we get to the last person. The last person will guess what the picture is and say the sentence that matches the picture. Extra Activity 2 [ Charade Game ] 학습목표 : 영어지시문들을이해하고상황에맞는문장으로이야기할수있다. 준비물 : nonfiction book 문장그림또는사진, 큰상자또는주머니활동방법 1) 큰주머니 / 상자에그림 / 사진을넣어준다. 2) 유아를한명나오게한후그림 / 사진을보여준다. 3) 유아가그림 / 사진을보고동작을보여주면앉아있는유아들이관련문장을말한다. * 교사가먼저시범을보이고유아들이나와서하게한다. What is it? It is a big bag. In the bag. there are some pictures and photos. Put your hand in and pick a card. Look at the picture carefully and act it out to your friends. In this activity, you are not allowed to talk. You can only act things out. Do you understand? I will show you first. Now you know how to do it, right? Then let's play the game.
Workbook 1 Lesson Plan : Week 4 Day 1 Objectives 그림책, 논픽션북, 파닉스북복습하기 Materials Workbook(with stickers), 색연필 ( 또는연필 ) Contents 도 입 Greeting - Good morning. / Good afternoon. Hello, everyone. How are you? Daily Song 2 : How s the weather today? - 일상노래 2를부른후날씨를묻고답한다. Review - 스토리송은율동을함께하며불러본다. / 그림책을읽는다. - 파닉스문장챈트를함께불러본다. / 파닉스북을읽는다. - 논픽션문장챈트를함께불러본다. / 논픽션북을읽는다. - 논픽션송을율동을함께불러본다. Workbook 본 활 동 Unit 1 < 친구가들고있는물건동그라미치기 > Let's see who has what. What does he have? He has crayons... Can you find the same person on the top? What does she have? She has paints. Can you find the paints? Circle the paints. < 나누어쓰고있는물건동그라미치기 > Look at the pictures. What are they doing? They are eating. What are they eating? They are eating cookies. They shares cookies. Circle the cookies. What are they doing? They are drawing a picture. What are they sharing? Yes, they are sharing crayons.
Unit 2 < 상황에맞는규칙그림찾아붙이기 > What are they doing? They are waiting for the bus to go home. What do you have to do when waiting for the bus? Yes, we have to line up. Put the right sticker on the right. < 사용한물건제자리에놓기스티커활동 > What is it? It is a doll. Where should we put the doll? Find the right place for the doll and put it on. Unit 3 < 같은첫소리단어연결하기 > What is this? /a/ /a/ ant What letter makes the /a/ sound? Aa makes the /a/ sound. Aa is the first letter of the word ant. What starts with the same letter on the bottom? Good. /a/ /a/ apple. Apple starts with Aa too. Match the two pictures and the letter. Draw a line please. < 첫음가가같은단어동그라미하기 > What is it? /a/ /a/ ant. What word starts with the same sound? Review < 바른행동과바르지않는행동찾아서붙이기 > What are the children doing? They are waiting in line to get on the bus. Is it good manners or bad manners to wait in line? What is the boy doing? He is eating vegetables. Do you like to eat vegetables? Where should we put the picture? Yes, eating vegetables is good manners. Hybrid 활동 - Hybrid CD 를이용하여복습하기 Round up 마 무 리 Review & Song - 파닉스단어챈트부르기 - 논픽션송을율동과함께부르기 - 일상노래3 See You Again 부르고헤어지는인사하기
Arts & Crafts 1 Lesson Plan : Week 4 Day 2 Objectives 나만의가방을만들며 Picture book 내용을흥미롭게복습해본다. Main Sentences I have --. We have --. It's fun to share. Words crayons, paints, picture, cookies, milk, snack, bucket, shovel, castle, share Contents 도 입 Greeting - 인사하기 Daily Song 2 : How s The Weather Today? - 일상노래 2를부른후날씨를묻고답한다. Review 본 활 동 - 스토리송을율동과함께하며불러본다. / 그림책을보며읽는다. - 파닉스문장챈트를함께불러본다. / 파닉스북을읽는다. - 논픽션송을율동과함께불러본다. - 논픽션문장챈트를함께불러본다. / 논픽션북을읽는다.
Arts & Crafts 작품소개하기작품명 : Sharing Bag - Picture Book 의그림을붙이면서 share 에대한의미를상기시켜본다. - 만들기전, Picture Book에나왔던주인공들이각자가지고있었던물건들에대해이야기해본다. T: Today we are going to make a 'Sharing Bag' today. I made it to show you. How does it look? It is pretty, huh? It is like a bag that you can hold like this. ( 가방을열어서안에무엇이있는지간단히보여준다.) 재료소개하기 T: Let's check what we have. We have a paper and stickers. Does everyone have a paper and stickers? ( 유아들이모두재료를잘가지고있는확인한다.) 시범보이기 T: I am going to show you how to make the bag. It is easy to make but watch how I make it carefully. ( 스티커를붙이고종이를접어서완성하는과정을간단하게보여준다.) 함께만들기 ( 함께만들기전에봉투에서재료들을꺼내어바로아이들의이름을쓰게하는것이좋다.) T: Now it is time to make your own bag. Are you ready? Watch me carefully and follow my lead. 1) 이름쓰기 Look at the cover paper. Do you see the title and a line? Write your name on the line and on the sticker too. Write your name on it so you can easily find your own sticker on the desk. 2) 스티커붙이기 T: First, what do you see? What does the boy have? S: Crayons. T: Yes, He has crayons. How about the girl? What does she have? S: Paints. T: She has paints. What do they make with crayons and paints? Do you remember? S: Picture T: ( 그링을그리는스티커를보여주며 ) Yes, they make a picture together. ( 종이를위로접은후 ) Fold the paper up along the line, then take out the sticker and put it on the paper. ( 접어서스티커붙이기는것을보여준다.) ( 같은방법으로나머지 2개도진행한다.) 3) 접어서나누고싶은것그리기 T: Now, fold the paper on the right to the left. Then you will see the blank page. Draw something that you want to share with your friends on the paper. Draw whatever you want to share with your friends. 4) 완성하기 T: Fold the left half to the right. It looks like a bag. Hold your bag like this and show me. They all look good. Everyone made a wonderful bag.
작품을이용하여복습하기 (Show and Tell) 각자어떤그림을그렸는지누구와나누어쓰고싶은지발표를하도록한다. T: Now, It is your turn. What do you want to share with your friends? Will you come up and tell us what you want to share and who you want to share with? Hybrid 활동 - Hybrid CD를이용하여복습하기 Round up 마 무 리 Review & Song : - 스토리송을율동과함께부르기 - 논픽션송을율동과함께부르기 - 파닉스단어챈트부르기 - 일상노래3 See You Again 부르고헤어지는인사하기 3~4회차수업추가활동 Extra Activity 1 [ Snack Party ] 학습목표 : Picture book과 phonics readers, nonfiction book에서배웠던내용을즐거운놀이를통해복습해본다. 준비물 : picture book, phonics readers, nonfiction book 단어카드활동방법 1. 미쯔블랙등크기가작은과자를준비한다. 2. 단어카드를제시하여읽을때마다접시에과자를옮겨담는다. 개인별접시아님, 교사대반전체아이의대결로아이들이잘읽으면아이들접시에아이들이못읽는단어는교사가읽고교사접시에과자담기 3. 아이들전체가먹을수있도록개수를조정하여같이나누어먹기 Extra Activity 2 [ Line up ] 학습목표 : Picture book과 phonics readers 그리고 nonfiction book에서배웠던내용을즐거운놀이를통해복습해본다. 준비물 : picture book, phonics book, nonfiction book 단어카드활동방법 1) 교사가말한알파벳순서 ( a, b, c ) 로줄서기 2) picture book과 phonics book의단어카드를나누어준다. 3) 교사가말한단어를가진친구순으로줄서기 I'm going to give you a picture card. Listen and remember what I say Get in a line in the order that I say. Are you ready? Listen carefully. cat- crayons - bear Line up ( 자기가가진카드를확인하고줄서기, 아이들이잘들을수있도록천천히단어를말하고익숙해지면단어를늘려말하기 ) ( 팀을나눈다음스토리송과함께부르다가교사가 stop을외치면재빨리줄만들어서는방법도있다.)